Finally cooperating and an update on how my mom is doing!

Josse and I are back in action together.  I am beyond happy that her ankle has finally decided to cooperate and let us enjoy some time each week out on the trails together.  5 miles @ an 8:24 pace filled with lots of talking and laughing.  

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While we were out we stumbled upon this gorgeous waterfall that I have never seen before.  Utah has my heart.  

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After I picked up Brooke from school we took my mom for lunch.  A number of you have asked about how she is doing since her stroke… well, they just recently found the cause of the stroke.  She has a hole in her heart which is what allowed the clot through, causing the stroke.  She is not able to get the surgery to fix it because she is allergic to the materials used but they are doing other methods to help prevent this from ever happening again.  So, keep the prayers coming.  She is one incredible human being and I’m grateful I get to see her at least 5 days a week (I am never cutting that umbilical cord).

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Fast forward a bit and I went with my nieces, nephew and Brooke to see Hotel Translavania 2.  

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My nephew informed me that it is cool to wear mini ponytails in jr. high.  

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Cousin love.  

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We stopped by my mom’s house after and I had a Halloween present from Brooks waiting for me.  

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I put them on right away and I’m sure I’ll be wearing them daily until Halloween (don’t worry mom, I’ll wash them).

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Brinner was on the menu and we had German Pancakes with powdered sugar and syrup.  Simple and it hit the spot.

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PS Brooke has some tricks to share with you today.

PPS I have been listening to Adele’s new song on repeat…  It gives me goosebumps.  I can’t stop listening.  Literally.  


Who was the last person you went running with?

The next movie I want to see is The Intern—>  who has seen it?  Thoughts?

Who is running a Halloween themed race this weekend?

Favorite Halloween candy?

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I’m so happy to hear your Mom is doing well! Have you heard the Adelle / Lyonel Richie mashup? It’s funny!


Love the mini ponytail, haha!

All the best to your mom – you’re so blessed to have each other!


All the best to your mom and family! I haven’t run with anyone since my running partner moved over the summer! No halloween race but I am wearing orange for the marathon this Sunday :)


I almost always run alone, introverts unite! ;)

Favorite halloween candy, ALL the halloween candy.

Glad your Mom is doing better.


I’m glad your mom is doing so much better and they are able to work with her to correct the problem!

I loved the Intern! It was really cute. I went with my husband and parents and we all liked it!

Favorite Halloween candy is Butterfingers. I almost never have them outside of Halloween!


I thought The Intern was great! Definitely worth seeing in the theaters:)

I love Almond Joy and any kind of M&M’s! :)


So glad you’re back with your running buddy! I moved away from my best running friend a few months ago and I definitely miss her companionship. The miles always just fly by when you run with someone fun! Love those socks from Brooks! I didn’t know they had a sock club. Definitely checking it out.


I usually run with my friend Kiet on Sundays–he’s the last person I ran with. I mostly only get to run with people on weekends, so weekdays are solo.

I love giant Jolly Ranchers and Dots for Halloween candy!! :) And I’m definitely wearing my Halloween socks today (along with my costume) to work today for our Halloween party!


Wow I have to tell you my husband had the exact same situation with his heart having a tiny hole he was born with & he never knew about… He had a stroke at 21! I am told much of the population has this and doesn’t know, how scary!! I’m so glad your mom is doing well and knows the underlying reason, I will keep her in my prayers!


Shoutout to: Corrie, Tracy, Shyla, and Dave for running with me this morning!
I’m running NYC this weekend!!
Fave Halloween candy: Candy corn!


That waterfall is beautiful. Utah is pretty neat. I was a little unsure when I first moved here, but every time I go on a bike ride, I fall in love with it a little more.

The last person I ran with was my dad. He’ll probably also be the next person I run with… I should probably make some friends! :/


Ohhh I really want to see The Intern too, it looks so cute!

I really wanted to run a Halloween themed race this year but somehow I totally missed the local one. I forgot to mark my calendar and thought it was this coming weekend but it was last weekend! Oops!


I am going running this morning with Cocoa. I heard The Intern is good but I havent seen it. My favorite Halloween candy is candy corn!! It has to be a certain kind though, not too waxy and more sugary :)


Obsessed with Adele’s song. Totally obsessed. I listened to it on repeat while I was getting ready for work yesterday and it played in my head ALLLLLLL day. =) I love when kids get super excited about little things they figure out how to do!


Went running with my husband this morning! Luckily he 1) is a runner and 2) is willing to go out for a run at 5:45 am in the rain with me. ha.


I ran intervals on the treadmill last night with my good friend. The Intern is great! You will love it- funny and touching! Also, NEW ADELE = INCREDIBLE! Like you I have been listening on repeat since Friday.


I am such a sucker for festive socks! Happy to hear your mom is going well. I worked with CVA patients in my last job and they have a special place in my heart- I’ll continue praying for her and that she NEVER has another!

My last social run was on the trails with two guys from my run group… they talked about engineering the whole time. Ha, I need girlier runs.


Favorite Halloween candy is Russell Stover Chocolate Marshmallow Pumpkins! But only the Russell Stover brand, none of this knock off nonsense ;-) (I also enjoy their Chocolate/Marshmallow Santas, Hearts, and Eggs) so it’s my favorite ALL holiday candy!


I want those socks!! How does one sign up for the Brooks sock of the month club?


Prayers and good vibes to your moms! LOVE those socks!!


I am so happy Brooke gets to be near her cousins and your mom! She is a lucky girl!


Keeping your mom in my prayers! Favorite Halloween candy is peanut butter M&Ms.


Cool socks.
I love that pic of Brooke at your mom’s side. These pics give me so much joy and I can’t wait to have a daughter and have her love my mom like that.
And those pics of all the cousin love…
You are truly blessed, Janae. Enjoy it!


Prayers for your mom!!


I want to see the intern. Hootenannies (German pancakes) are delicious. I should probably make some soon.


I’m really glad to hear both of you are doing well and ready to run. You deserve that! I’m also really glad your mom is doing well. This is such a positive post today. :-)


I just went to see Hotel Transylvania 2. It was pretty funny! That is so great you get to see your Mom so often, and the rest of your family too!
I ran with a friend who is training for her first half marathon. It’s fun to help a new runner out!


So happy to hear your mom is doing better and they are finding ways to help her. I have never been to Utah but your pictures make it sound amazing, who would have thought!


Love the new Adele song…can’t wait until the whole album comes out! My favorite Halloween candy is probably Reese’s Pumpkins. I also like about 5 pieces of candy corn before I’ve had enough for the year–my husband loves it though. :)


Glad mom is doing well!

Potentially running a Halloween half on Saturday but the weather is supposed to be awful which is making me avoid registering until the last minute possible. Hoping things clear up!

Favorite Halloween candy: Give me all the Sour Patch Kids … And I kind of weirdly love Dots too.


I want to love the new song from Adele but I am not addicted to it just yet. Love the socks from Brooks! Favorite Halloween candy used to be muskateers, then it was take5 bars. Over the years I find myself excited for the double bubble gum because I never see it during the year!


Those socks are AWESOME! Is there really such a thing as the sock of the month club with Brooks now?????


My continued prayers for your mom!
Love the new Adele song too!
I ran with some Oiselle teammates last.
Favorite Halloween candy is mini Twix!
Adorable video of Brooke :-)


So glad they’ve got your mom’s health issue figured out and finding a way to not let it happen again. :)
-I would love to see the Intern I heard it’s good! I think I have a day date coming up on Sunday before I lose my husband to the woods for the month of November!! :( That might be the movie we see.
-My husband, daughter and I are doing a 5k walk for st. jude on Halloween. My daughter will be dressed as pinkie pie! :)


I just saw the Intern last night and it was seriously one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. HIGHLY recommend.


((On the Raybans giveaway I said I was going to reply and post more often to help keep myself inspired to run…so here I am!))

Glad to hear your mom is doing well!

How can we sign up for the sock of the month club? Is it something non-sponsored runners can do? It would be such fun!

I run a lot by myself, with my dog, and with my 5 year old in a jogging stroller in dirt/sand. My previous running partner insists we only “jog” and that does something negative to me. But, there is a mom at dance, who is a good runner. Well, I think she’s good, way better than me, and I’m intimidated to run with her. She ran yesterday while our girls danced and I chickened out and ran two miles alone while my daughter had soccer later in the day. Thursday is another dance day. Maybe I will email her and see if she wants to run on Thursday. :-)

See^^^^…that is some inspiration coming from your blog. Gotta just get out there and try something new, and be positive about it!


For a moment, I thought you’d written the next film you wanted to see was the InternSHIP – the film with Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. I almost fell off my chair in my haste to reply, advising you not to watch it under any circumstances.

Then I realised that’s not in the cinema anymore; it can’t hurt people now. (Except idiots like me, who watch it on Netflix. It’s perhaps the worst film I’ve ever seen and could be re-titled “Ways in Which Google Loves Itself”).

My Halloween is going to be mostly food and drink based :)


Once in a while I get to run with my friend Lora, and we’re running 16 miles together on Saturday. We’re dressing up like Hawaiian girls! I’m even wearing a coconut bra (over my shirt).


LOOOVE the Adele song. I listened to it while driving to work this morning (after dropping the boys off so I could turn it up super loud!!) I was blessed to get to run with a friend on Sunday morning. She moved a few states away recently, and I missed our runs! I’m doing a 5k on Saturday and I’m still trying to decide what to dress up as!


You see the most beautiful scenery on your runs! Glad to hear the positive progress report on your mother. Continued prayers for her.

I’m running a 5k on Saturday. It’s called the Ninja Run for Dean Turner, a little boy who’s battling leukemia. Halloween and Ninja costumes are definitely encouraged!!


So sorry to hear about your mom :( What an amazing and inspiring woman! Thank you for keeping us updated and I’ll keep her in my prayers!

I ran a Halloween themed race last weekend, so now I’m resting until the Turkey Trot!


Last person I ran with was myself. Lol. But Sunday I’ll be running with 50,000+ strangers at the NYC marathon. Lol.

Reese’s is always my fave candy.
Prayers for your mom. Hoping they can keep the heart happy. And yes, Adele!!!


The last person I went running with is actually a girl I met through my blog. She just moved to town and found my blog while searching for running routes. She reached out and we connected on Monday for a run. Pretty awesome!

I really want to see The Martian. I’ve heard nothing but great things.

My husband turned the outside of our house into a Halloween wonderland… it’s going to be quite the scene for trick-or-treaters. We are giving away full size candy bars. ☺


All my prayers are going to you, your momma, and the rest of your family. I will be doing everything on my end to support your family through this difficult time, and I am so sorry that such a sweet lady as your mom has to endure this.

On a happier note, I went and saw Hotel Transylvania 2, and I loved it! Keep the Brooke videos coming, I cannot get enough of her cuteness. Thank you for introducing me to Adelle’s song, I hadn’t listened to it yet, but I love it!


I’m right there with you on the Adele repeat!!! I’m obsessed with that song!!


German pancakes!!!!!!!! I’ve literally never met anyone else who has even heard of them, let alone eat them. We call them big pancakes around my house – I guess that’s what my dad called them when we were little and it stuck. I never even knew they were called German pancakes until a couple years ago :)
So glad to see your mom smiling :) :) and what a relief for you all that there’s a diagnosis and plan of action.


That is hilarious…………..just 5 minutes before I started reading your post I messaged my friends that I can’t stop listening to Hello. Glad I’m not the only one:)


I’m glad you know the cause of your moms stroke to hopefully have it not happen again, so scary. Yay for the run. I got in a fast (for me) run last night and it felt awesome. I always traded candy with my brothers after trick or treating and my favorites were chocolate chocolate and more chocolate and they loved the sour stuff so it worked well. Miss those days!


So happy about your Mom! I will continue to pray for all of you.

Good luck to the NYC Marathoners!


So glad to hear your mom is doing better!

I’m considering a 5K on Halloween with my toddler in the jogging stroller! I just need to find a Minnie costume I can run in to go with his Mickey costume. I also need to gather some treats and the tablet to keep him occupied :) He usually makes it about 10 mins in the stroller at this point – let’s hope I can get him to stay happy for 3.1 miles!


Big hugs to your mom. And I love Brooke’s tricks!

I LOVE that song from Adele, the sound of her voice is haunting… deeply emotional.

I have an excellent pumpkin costume and am trying to find a Halloween themed race around here :)


love how much you love your family and that special mother/daughter bond is obviously a theme running throughout your family life. i’m just as close with my mom and we speak every day, so i’m envious you get to see yours 5 days a week. love the Halloween themed running gear! i can’t wait to dress up this wknd. i didn’t see The Intern, and the last person i ran with was my friend Sarah when she jumped into my marathon for a couple of miles a few weeks ago. love that!


Sock of the month club?? What a great idea! Speaking of washing socks, this is a great book to read with Brooke:


I’m right there with you, I’ve listened to that Adele song more times than I can count. I can’t wait until the album is released!


Ah! How can we be a part of the Sock of the Month club? Too cool!
My last run was with my hubby. We’re doing the Savannah marathon in 10 days…it’s getting so close. No Halloween race for us, but an easy 8 miles is on the calendar for Saturday morning.


Praying for your mama! She’s lucky to have such a supportive fam.<3

Last person I ran with was my little sister and her friend (I was doing a recovery run, but they kept up such a good pace! little rockstars for sure.).

Adele's song is pure magic. I went from "hey life is fine this is great" to "WHYYYY DID I CALL IT OFF?" and curled up on the floor crying soft tears.

…ok, kidding about the curled up part…and the tears…but it did make me question past relationships/life choices/my emotional stability haha. But that's why we love Adele!


Sending positive thoughts to your mom <3

I seriously listened to Adelle's new song 20x this morning. It is so good! Can't wait to hear the rest of the album. I also love how she is so talented and her music touches so many people, but she doesn't have to show skin or show up in the news to get her name out there. She is a great example to young girls :)


My brother, who is in his 30’s, had the same stroke situation happen to him! It is so scary! They were exploring a lot of different diseases and each one seemed worse than the one before. Turns out, he had a hole in his heart, too. In fact, we learned that 1 in 4 people do! Anyway, he ended up having the procedure to fix it, but my uncle controls his ( hereditary??) with cholesterol medicine and blood thinners and feels great. I’m so happy that your mom is feeling better!


favorite halloween candy is the reeses pumpkin of course :)


German pancakes = delicious!! My oma would make them for me all the time, and I am glad I learned her secrets before she passed. My boys and I could not ever go without!
I have plans for my first run back after my 6 week break – the date is marked in my calendar. I do however have plans for swimming next week, and some sprint tri’s have been scheduled :)


Glad that your mom is doing well – will keep her in my prayers! Your pictures of Utah always make me so jealous – I need to visit soon…

Last run was with my students, but I usually run my friend Jon…we’ve been running together for four, possibly even five years. When I lived on the west coast, I’d visit him while I was home just so we could go on a run together. :)


The last person I went running with was my BFF during a 10k and that makes me realize it’s been too long since I’ve run with anyone! Gotta get on that.

Fave Halloween Candy – Candy Corn.


I wish I had friends around to run with! I’m always looking for someone to run with but no one wants to do a group outing.


Can’t wait for Adele’s new album!


Hi I think your mom is such a trooper for all she has gone through. I think it is so great your family is so close, a lot of us did not have that. It is so nice to see how much you love spending time with Brooke and how you miss her . That was how I was with my kids. So many parents act like their kids are a burden and can not wait to spend time away from them.
Even though I am not a runner I enjoy your blog.


Your trail runs always look like the best ever, it seems such a gorgeous place to run.. Glad to hear your Mom is doing well, and love the socks :)


Oh my, your nephew’s ponytail. If I had a nickel for every thing my friends and I did in junior high that we thought was cool… May Silly Bandz rest in peace.

I’ve actually never run with someone else… I’ve always kind of viewed it as “me time”. But my brother has recently started getting into running, so maybe he and I will do it together sometime.

When it comes to Halloween candy, I think I’m one of the twelve people in the world who actually don’t really like Snickers. Twix is where it’s at.


Mom’s are the best!!! I am so glad your mom is doing better :) And Brooke’s tricks are probably the cutest things I have ever seen!


It’s great to hear that your mom is doing well after that scare.

I’m running in a Halloween 5K on Saturday afternoon at 4 PM. I’m not thrilled that it’s an afternoon race because it’s going to interfere with college football, plus I never know how my stomach is going to act on an afternoon run. Oh well, it should be fun since I’m running it with lots for friends.


Those socks are sweet! How do you get into the sock club?


The last running companion I had was my dog. Does that count?

I haven’t seen the Intern yet, but it looks really cute.

I love all fruity candy. though I do have a soft spot for candy corn.


I went running with one of my best friends this evening! She and I have been running together a year now – and we did her first marathon together last April!!

THE INTERN IS AMAAAAZING. Hands down..has to be one of my top 10 favorites! Not even joking. It’s sweet and funny and you’ll love it. Promise.

No Halloween races for me this weekend, but I am running a 5k. It’s a fundraiser for a company called ZERO. They want to end prostate cancer.

Oh geez..favorite candy. I mean, I’ll probably have to go with tiny m&ms. That’s what makes me think of Halloween when I was a kid. Where did tiny m&ms go anyway?


Holy moly I don’t even usually like Adele yet this heart gives me the best goose bumps EVER


this heart? **I meant song!** Clearly I was sending good thoughts to your mama when I was typing and it came out in print. Prayers to your mom.


Speaking of Halloween and running, I’d love to have a zombie chase me so I can run faster.


I had a stroke when I was 20 years old due to having a hole in my heart (right after finishing a treadmill run – it’s certainly a scary experience!). I had surgery to “patch” it, but I’m glad your mom found out about the issue and can manage it. Well wishes to her!


yay for running buddies!! yay for surprise waterfalls!! i need to get to utah stat and get some amazing runs in! so glad they found out what was going on with your mom and are working on preventative measures. you need her around for years and years to come for sure!

Reply i love Hello with all my heart…praying day and night for your mum…. couldn’t run this morning cuhz it rained…dang it


Glad your mom is recovering.

I just saw Goosebumps with my brothers and my husband…………it was great! The gnomes and dummy Slappy still creep me out though!

I love snickers and swedish fish and sour patch kids!


Curly’s hair is so long now! Does she have a new nickname as a result?


I’m in love with the new Adele song and can’t wait for her new album!

So glad to hear your mom is improving :-)


I’m glad your mom has been able to get some answers/is feeling better!

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