Silentish Saturday.

Lots of stretching going down in our neck of the woods.  THREE WEEKS FROM TODAY IS THE MARATHON!!!  Funny how races just kind of sneak up on ya.  

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We play doggies a lot.  

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I love my mom’s pantry.  It is always fully stocked with snacks.  

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My left IT Band and calves were super tight so Josse did her massaging and scraping and they are all good to go now for 18 miles today.  

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 Scootering around like she owns the place.  

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Hanging out on the curb while we wait for my sister to come pick us up.

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They took us to an amazing event—>  They had 15 food trucks there and it was all free.  

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The french toast truck and 

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the acai bowls were my favorites.  I went back for another one of these because free acai bowls don’t just happen everyday… 

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The absolute best part of the day—>  I ran into my FAVORITE teacher from high school.  I think I had her for three different subjects one year.  It was so good to catch up and introduce her to Brooke.   Yes, she has found the fountain of youth and she never ages.  

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Brooke was all about the bounce house slides

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and rolling around in a hamster ball.  

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An early bedtime for both of us because running 18 miles feels a heck of a lot better when I actually sleep.  

Photo on 9 11 15 at 7 53 PM


How are you spending your Saturday?

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You guys are so cute! I love seeing Brooke’s personality come out more and more.

Today is strength training day for legs and spin class. Then much needed massage and groceries.


2 hours of work, then packet picket for an in the middle of training for a fast half, half. lol. we’ll see how these legs do tomorrow!


Brooke is so stinking cute. I love free food, that looks like it was a lot of fun. I really need to go and get a massage because I just never do. Good luck on your 18 miles today I am sure you will crush it.


Free food?! And it looks delish! Good luck on your last super long run before your race!

Easy run for me today and my xc team has a meet! Then off to Ventura to support our BFF as he completes his first marathon!


That acai bowl looks amazing! I’m going to body pump in a little bit and then spending the day down by the Charles river with friends because it’s finally wonderful weather in boston! Good luck on your run today! Looking forward to hearing about it tomorrow !


Love food trucks! Good luck on your 18 miler. I am headed out soon for a 9 or 10 mile long run, then meeting a friend for brunch later this afternoon!


Thank you Natalie!! I hope you had a great run and that brunch was delicious!


Where did you get free food from the food trucks!? That would be a dream come true.


It was a company party… we got to go because of my bro-in-laws job!


My husband and I are headed back to NJ today, after a week in Aruba .. boo!!! I am excited to see my Shih Tzu though! :-)


We’ve got a friend’s party tonight so today will be gym, meal plan, grocery shopping. I don’t want to sound like a pessimist but it’s possible that the best part of my Saturday already happened- we had a massive family snuggle fest this morning?


My parents’ pantry is always fully stocked, too. Its a danger zone in there. I come over, mutter hi, pet the dog, and eat all the foods. I’m a gem of a daughter ;)

Hope your 18 miler is going as well as one can! haha, I cannot imagine running that many miles at one time!


Well I will spend the day trapped inside since our state is ON FIRE and ash is covering our city , UGH, please pray for rain.
I always had a snack drawer which I removed in an effort to be healthier and my girls acted like I had cut off their arms, LOL First spot they would hit when coming to my home. Scraping sounds really brutal, not sure I would trust anyone to do that. Have a great day! BTW Brooke is too quickly losing her “baby/toddler” roundness and becoming quite a young lady. I am sure all the running, scootering and jumping is turning her in to quite the athlete.


I love watching Brooke grow up on your blog! She is such a cutie. I’ve never had an acai bowl but yours always look so good.
Today my grandparents are in town. My town in upstate NY is having re-enactments and a parade for a Battle of Plattsburgh (War of 1812) celebration!


I love going to my parents’ house for the same reason – they always have the best snacks! :)

I’m about to go pick up my race packet for my marathon tomorrow! FYI the Lehigh Valley marathon (which is what I’m running tomorrow) has the third fastest course in the country if you’re ever looking for an east coast marathon!! ;)


Planning to do a long (for this newbie!) 5-mile run in the rain, then a bit of work. Just dropped my daughters off to go to Baltimore for am Orioles game with their youth group.


Way to go Sheryl on your five mile in the rain!


Today we head to Bozeman. Tomorrow I’m running my first marathon so today is packet pickup and course preview. I’m super excited and nervous too. But it’s going to be an awesome weekend. Hope your run is great!


Free. Food. Trucks. I’m dying inside from jealousy. Is this for your Brother in Laws work? If so, let me know if me becoming a sister wife is an option. #IWillWifeForFood


I kept thinking that Ross would be in HEAVEN at the food truck thing. I first need a husband before you get two;)


Finished my 20 miler and now there will be a lot of eating! That food truck deal sounds pretty good to me right now. And 3 weeks, holy cow that’s close!


Free food trucks all in one spot = amazing! Long run done and now heading to a humane society event with my pup and mom. Should be fun! Hope your long run went well! Happy Saturday :-)


What a fun day!! I need some free food trucks!

I was just going to say that teacher was 18 years old as a high school teacher???!!! She looks the same age as you!!


Brooke is so cute on her scooter. Hope you guys have a good weekend!


That food truck event would be right up my alley! It is quite chilly today so I think I’ll clean my apartment and go to Target (best idea or worst idea?).


Whoa! Free acai bowls?! Sign me up!

I am not very happy with all the rain forecasted for this weekend. It has already ruined my Saturday morning plans, and is not looking good for the rest. I now have to decide if I want to take the chance and get in my 9 miles outside, or do them on the treadmill.


Can’t believe your marathon is in 3 weeks!!! The time flew by!
I am running this weekend (I just love saying that!), going to my daughter’s preschool picnic and hanging out with the fam. Pretty perfect :)


Free food trucks? I would have stayed there open to close!

My niece is getting married tonight. I still need to buy a wedding gift, but I’m currently waiting for my youngest daughter to call me to pick her up from a slumber party.


Does the scraping leave you sore at all? I’ve never done it and am curious about if it would be helpful for some tightness/knots in my quad. Good luck with your long run tomorrow!
This weekend I’m running a 10k and eating cereal to prepare. :)


The first few times that I did it… it left me pretty sore but my body has gotten used to it now so I don’t really notice anymore! GOOD LUCK at your 10k and enjoy that cereal!


Um … Where in the world did you find this food truck event with free everything?!

Knocked out 20 miles this morning in a torrential downpour. Always fun. Off to friend’s lake house and looking forward to escaping the city!


WAY TO GO ON 20 in crazy rain. Amazing. Enjoy the lake house, sounds incredible!


I know you’ve said it before, but where did you get that dress?


Hey Megan! I got my dresses here:


I hope you had a great 18 miler! I did 15 this morning, which was the longest run of my training so far. It started raining towards the end which felt really good!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


FREE Food trucks?! That’s amazing. I love food trucks and of course free is always a plus. I ran a 10k race this morning to kick my butt into gear. I am half marathon training and supposed to be up to 9 miles this weekend but with some leg issues in the beginning of training I am a bit behind :( Hope your run went well!


Um, I want free food trucks. and free food! I mean, my boyfriend did just make me breakfast, so that didn’t involve any work from me…. but french toast?! acai bowls?? i want!!

my saturday involves working. it’s supposed to involve a 22 mile run but it is seriously way too hot for me. i just cant. its 86 right now already, supposed to be in the 100’s. no. just…. no.


I am obsessed with acai bowls!
Saturday plans: I had an awesome 19 miler, went to the Greek festival for lunch, and I’m driving to see my Gran for her birthday!


I don’t do anything on Saturdays so I am giving myself a mani/pedi (can’t find a place in Orlando to do my nails – all the ones I have tried are awful) and then trying out Dragonfly for some sushi tonight. 14 miles tomorrow . . . :)


Sounds like the perfect Saturday! You are going to rock your 14 tomorrow!


I can’t believe you ran into Mrs. Peay! My favorite teacher from high school too! Such a small world sometimes.


HEY BRANDY!!! Seriously… she was the best ever. I just want to hang out with her all of the time ha!


I am so jealous that I was no with you at the food truck roundup! YUM! Today I went to gym, and now I am chilling at home with my little girl and we will go to BYU football game tonight to watch them win! ;) Wahoo!


Free food truck food sounds like an absolute dream. That along with a hamster ball = an incredible day, haha!
Today is a BBQ and lots of celebrating my friend’s birthday! This includes lots of cake of course.
Happy 18 miles:)


Free Food Trucks!? What!! That sounds amazing! Today I spent my morning running errands, now I’m watching football and about to head out on my run!


Just finished 18 miles myself! My marathon is in November! Going to see Social Distortion in concert tonight.


I want to roll around in a hamster ball!!

Working today and 1/2 marathon tomorrow.


15 miles for hubby and I today. Our marathon day is October 25 so we have a few more long runs. free food is always good.


Hope you had a great run! My long run this morning was terrific, as was the rest of the day. The weekend is going too fast!


Saturday was my longest distance yet (!!) I was going to run in a hometown half, but instead of spending the money I ran my own half, all 13.1 miles!! And it rained on me three times which would be okay but it was 42* in Mi this morning….burr… :)


Free food trucks sound amazing!

My first full is in 4 weeks. I don’t even want to think about it.

My Saturday has been a kind a blah run, watching football, and getting ready for a half that I’m running tomorrow morning.


My first full is in four weeks and I’m injured (again!) and super nervous about it. I remember once you did a lot of pool running because you had to take time off of running. What else did you do to prepare? I’m in physical therapy, I’m trying acupuncture, I got a steroid shot, I’m on anti-inflammatory meds (the list goes on). I’m concerned I wont be able to complete the distance :(


That is horrible you are injured! It looks like you are doing everything you can to be back to running again. I hope you get better (not injured) soon!


Thanks Tedi! :) I’m hoping so too…trying to stay mentally ready so I can get through Chicago even if my legs won’t be as conditioned as I would like them to be.


I had to go to a bridal shower today, but now I only have college football on my agenda for the rest of the evening. :)

I’ve never had an acai bowl, but I think I need to try one!!


Your teacher looks like she’s your age! Seriously! :O


Was supposed to run 11 miles, but only ended up running just under 8. But it left me room for going on a hike later today. So that pretty much equaled 11 miles. ?


I love food trucks! French toast truck? Where do I find this?

I’m spending my Saturday adjusting to life as a new mom and getting to know my baby boy! He is a week old <3


free food truck, what is this awesomeness!!!!! I did 6 miles today good luck with your 18 miles!!! My left side is always the side to get messed up, how strange is that.


My gosh every crazy runner or active needs acupuncture to help with recovery and take it to next level. I have been an acupuncturist for 13 years and I am still blown away by athlete patients. They are beating people two age groups below like crazy!


Ooh free food trucks, yum!

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