Sentence Per Picture.

-Girlfriend has some serious trampoline skills and gymnastics is starting very soon (gymnastics was the bribe that actually got potty training rolling).  

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-Quiet time was a little too quiet so when I went in to check on her she was snoozing on the ground with her blanket and pillow that she must have taken out of her crib (she loves her crib, doesn’t try to climb out and I don’t have to worry about her roaming the apartment in the middle of the night…  we will get the big girl bed very soon though).  

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-She snoozed and I ate dinner while reading my current book that I am absolutely loving.  

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-Because starting to carb load a few days before your 22 miler is very important in my rule book.  

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Our version of Happy Hour.

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-This blanket has already seen the world and she still tells me daily that her ‘pink blankie is so so so soft.’    

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-It has been a rough few days in these parts, some big changes and if you recall I do not like changes, but Brooke keeps me sane and so does running and my family and dessert.   

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-She kills it with the hugs.  

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-My marathon is exactly one month from today, that is really soon.  

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-To celebrate the one month mark, I read over my St. George Marathon Recap from last year…  Veyo, I can’t wait to eat you for breakfast.  

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-I tried a slice of this Reese’s S’mores Pizza (from Malawi’s) the other day and yeah, it is just as amazing as it sounds.  

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-Reading about THIS workout of the week (2 x 6 miles) made me sweat just thinking about—> my 2 x 3 mile workout yesterday almost ate me alive. 

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What is your sentence for the day?!

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I’m about to have breakfast with my Thursday morning run group!!!
S’mores pizza for the win!!!


Brooke will love gymnastics! Sentence for today is crossing fingers the second day of school goes as well as the first did :)


I have a nighttime run planned for today because of Chicago’s blistering heat and humidity!


September so far has been hotter than the rest of the summer. Bring on fall! (Technically that’s two sentences!).

S’mores pizza is always a winner! Yum!


My sentence: I want this baby out of me.


When is your due date?!


Monday! Labor day :)


Sentence for the day: Things are really tough right now, but the challenges are making me tougher.


Two months until my marathon. So I have two fingers up. Lol.


My sentence: Just do you, the world will adjust.


I like that sentence a lot. Thanks Flower:)


So simple but fantastic :)


Flower, show Janae your donut Halloween costume you posted… ??


Holy cow that 2 x 6 mile workout sounds like serious business!

My sentence for the day is “I can’t wait for the 3 day weekend!” I’m counting down and very very ready for it to get started. I have a down week this week so I just have to get in 10 miles and then I can party (and by party I mean lay on the couch and enjoy some Hulu)!


Sentence for the day is “COME AT ME, WEEKEND!” I’m just a little excited for three days off, and tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful, warm weather (it’s been grey and foggy lately), so I’m excited for Friday too.

Have a great day! :)


I saw that workout also and was seriously tempted to try it – next training cycle, maybe?
Sentence for the day: My birthday is tomorrow, so I’m hoping today goes by quickly!


My half is a month from today :) My sentence – I want to try that Reeses pizza and that 2 x 6 mile workout sounds crazy hard to me right now.


Sorry to hear about the big changes…I can kind of imagine what you are referring to and Taylor Swift songs are a big help in that area!! And you just so happen to be going to her concert soon! :-D (I went in June in Pittsburgh and it was awesomeee)

That Reese’s pizza thing sounds legit AMAZING.


I think you nailed it about T Swift songs… perfect timing ha! I’ll ship you one of those pizzas, it was incredible!


I’m sorry you’re having a hard week! That s’mores pizza looks pretty incredible! How you feel better soon!


I can’t believe your race is only a month away! Time sure did fly recently. Crazy! My sentence for the day would have to have something to do with the US Open..That’s all I’ve been thinking about and watching lately! Love tennis :)


My sentence: Four day weekend starts this afternoon :) Yikes that workout sounds killer.


My sentence-Bring on the long weekend!
One month will go by fast. You’re going to kill that race!


My sentence = Get it done! I have so much work to do today in order to enjoy my friend visiting for the weekend!


Surprise naps at quiet time are the best! Where are you going to put her in to gymnastics? I think that’s a great bribe.


It’s my last work day of the week, so my sentence is “looking forward to a 4 day weekend!”. S’mores pizza looks so awesome!


I’m sorry about your rough few days, big changes upset me too. :(


Thanks Jade:) I really appreciate that!!!


Hopefully you’re life smooths out soon. Rough patches give me an upset stomach!


Oh goodness, Brooke is too cute!! I can’t believe she doesn’t try to escape – my 15 month old does!!!


She is just so darn cute. I would love to try that desert pizza. I have the biggest sweet tooth of anyone. Pizza+dessert=heaven.

I’m sorry to hear about your life changes Janae. If there is anything I can do, don’t hesitate to let me know!


I love your idea of happy hour!


Hope things smooth out! That pizza looks amazing.


Dessert pizza is the bomb. So is breakfast pizza. So is regular pizza. …that’s three sentences proving just how much I love pizza!


sending hugs…I hope whatever changes are coming your way you embrace so they can make you better/stronger (if that is even possible)


Just :)


Sentence for today: Tired Thursday = tired run later today. ?


My sentence for today is: Tomorrow is my last day of summer break!
My 2.67 year ok has been going to orientation (since Wednesday) for the 3-4 year old class at school, and he starts full-time Monday, then I start my new full-time job Tuesday. I’ve had half of July and all of August off with him (and the same last summer, and 7.5 weeks when he was born), and have enjoyed every minute of it. Already starting to strategize on how I can get August off of work next year too (his school is closed for August).

You have such a great support network of family and friends, and with the Brooker’s hugs, I know you will adapt quickly! She is the best medicine!


Sentence for the day: New Mexico, here I come!!!!!


Have a blast Monica! My sis used to live in New Mexico and I loved going to visit her:) Enjoy the long weekend!


3 days of running in a row and ready for day 4 today! #makinghabits


Froyo is my idea of happy hour too.

Sentence of the day -> Go Flirty!


My sentence: “It’s Thursday…almost the LONG weekend!!”

That is all. Have a great day. :)


My sentence is – thank you sports massage, go away sore shins.

That is my sort of happy hour too!


YAY for a sports massage and I hope your shins get better asap!

Come to our next happy hour please… it is always a good time!


I’m sorry you’ve had some bad changes lately!

That Reese’s pizza looks amazing


Your idea of happy hour = my idea of happy hour


Come to our next one please:)


Reeses pizza? Everything just sort of stopped for me there….

Sentence of the day? I am SO EXCITED to have finally moved to my apartment.


Sorry about your rough few days :( I understand, we lost our furry baby (our dog) a few weeks ago and it has been rough. She was over 17 years old and even when you think you are prepared, it is still hard. The first week, I did not feel like running at all.
It takes time but things will get better. I am glad you have the support of your family and friends as well as cute little Brookers who always keeps things interesting.

Your happy hour is my kind of happy hour!! Yum!! My sentence for the day, “Maybe some pumpkin coffee would help me today.”


Mary. I am truly so sorry about the loss of your dog. That breaks my heart. Growing up when we had dogs they were always a part of our family. It is so hard to lose them. I believe in dog heaven though, that is for sure:) I hope that you continue to keep feeling better and that you get some pumpkin coffee asap!


Thank you!! You are so kind!! :)


YAY-I am excited for you that you have only one month left! You can do it :) I love your froyo shot too.

If you need motivation.. and if you haven’t already heard it: check out “Every chance we get we run” by David Guetta (feat. Alesso)


No one is developmentally delayed because they were in their crib past 3. No one goes to jail for murder and when they are standing on trial say, ‘Well it all started when I was 3 and my mom hadn’t put me in a toddler bed’. So if someone is giving you crap, send them my way. If she hasn’t tried to climb out and is content in there, who the crap cares?!

Now on to more important things like that pizza. You show me a picture of a Reese’s pizza and you say it is good and leave it at that? I thought we were friends? I either need to go with you there and have one (yes, I want an entire dessert pizza all to myself) or you need to actually explain such pictures. Was it a pizza crust? Was it a sugar cookie crust? Was it thin? What was the sauce? What were the toppings? I must recreate this.


I agree. Also when my kids started crawling out my life ended. Two times so far. It was a nightmare. Keep her in there as long as she wants!!!! Basically at this point *I* want to crawl in a crib and sleep… Hang in there!


Reese’s S’mores pizza?!! Looks like heaven!!


Sentence for the day: Preparing to explain change to my kiddo is even harder on me than change itself. And change is hard enough.


“This too shall pass…………” <——- It's so true! Disappointment and hardships are always always always temporary. I tend to get stuck in the mindset that what is now, is what will always be, when I'm bummed about something. And I have to remind myself, nothing is permanent in this world!


So so so true Diana. Just what I needed to be reminded of. Thank you so so much!


Mmm froyo!


I can’t agree that the S’mores pizza looks amazing (GASP!!), but the other pizza looks great!!
Hoping things are getting easier for you.


2 weeks until my first post injury half marathon!!


Have you ever tried Slab Pizza by BYU? It is so good, I LOVE it! That yummy pizza made me think of it :)


My sentence of the day: I am calling to set up my appointment to cut my hair and donate to Pantene Beautiful Lengths in memory of my beautiful niece who passed from Lymphoma.


My sentence: I just passed my last licensing exam!!!


My sentence: “Tomorrow is a new day, with no mistakes in it.”
My mantra – stolen from Anne of Green Gables.

Chin up girl!


I am so sad for you! I hope things work out! I am so not a fan of change and it is so hard for me to accept it!

You have Brookie and she is a light!!!! I know she makes you so happy!


My sentence of the day is “I can do hard things”. Actually, it is the sentence of the month for me – the Chicago marathon is looming out there, and I go from panic to excited and everywhere in between.
Sorry to hear about your rough patch – someone else already mentioned”this too shall pass” and she is so right. My aunt used to say that to me, and I remember it still, even though she has been gone a long time – it is still such good advice. Sometimes things happen to make room for much better things in the future!


Advice from a mother of two. Do not take Brooke out of her crib until she just does not fit.:) (Because she does not try to get out.)

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