A great day to be in the mountains and TUESDAY TANGENTS!

It had been way too long since my last trail run…

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My coach scheduled in 5 miles at an 8:00 average pace (I ended up with a 7:59 average pace because I am weird like that and try to end just a tiny bit faster than what he tells me to do) and so it was the perfect day to get off the roads for 40 minutes.  

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It was pretty hot out by the time I started but the run was just what the doctor ordered.  I have done this same trail almost a million times and today I had my fastest first mile…   

The first mile has a lot of climbing (391 ft which leaves my legs feeling like jello by the end) and usually I finish in the 10:xx range.  Looks like training is paying off.  


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Quick question—> Moms with multiple children… how do you ever get your children to school on time?  I just have one and I feel frantic all morning on school days but that is probably because I am ridiculous.  

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Tuesday Tangents—>  Something I have been doing since the good ol’ blog days (2010) of a different color for each sentence and paragraphs upon paragraphs about Swedish Fish…

for example:

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I seemed to be able to get rid of the multi-colored sentenced posts now but I just can’t let go of them for the daily questions at the end of the post.  Some things are just too hard to let go.  


-Somehow her shadow is catching up to me way too fast.  I swear just last month the top of her head barely made it to my knees.  

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-We had some delicious corn on the cob Sunday night with the family and Brooke sported my Runner’s World Half shirt.  That was a fun weekend… a 5k and 10k on Saturday and then a 1/2 marathon on Sunday.  It was a lot of running around Pennsylvania.  That is for sure.

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-Ever had Fry Sauce?  It is Utah’s favorite dipping sauce.  It is delicious and I was tempted to buy a gallon of it at Costco the other day.

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-Families that play Minesweeper together stay together.

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-I am incredibly proud of my new record of 7.03 seconds.  This week I aim for a solid 6.4 second finish.  Shooting for the stars.

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-Don’t ask why my legs are so dirty but anyways… this is to show you the bruising that occurs after I get scraped.  It sure hurts during but it has been helping my calf like you wouldn’t believe.  

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-Who knew that just a few dollars could buy so much happiness.  The best treat ever for your lips:

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-I had a rootbeer float the other night and it brought back a flood of memories—>  It reminded me of my older brothers, 4th of July weekends, our pool that we had growing up and then as I dropped half of it on my lap it reminded me of how clumsy I have been since birth.  

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Do you have any games on your phone that you love to play?

Any foods/drinks/sauces that your state is famous for?

What was your run today?!?

Share your Tuesday Tangents with us please:)

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I love Moxie–it’s a word game that is kind of addicting.

My state is famous for BLUE BELL ice cream, and it’s finally back!!!! We are also well-known for Dr. Pepper in Texas. :)

I had mile repeats followed by 800s today–eeek! I was so glad when it was finished. By the way, please don’t even stop having colorful questions–I love the variety of colors at the end!!


When I just want something to do when I don’t want to think, I play Bejeweled Blitz. I like it. That’s about the only game I play on my phone.

12 x 400 today. I’m kind of excited for it!

I’m addicted to chapstick. I have it everywhere and it is my impulse purchase at any store.


Such a tough but endorphin filled workout you have up ahead of you:) GO ROCK IT SARAH!


I’m not sure what Washington is famous for, but where I grew up (St. Louis) was famous for toasted ravioli and gooey butter cake.
I did 6 hilly and easy miles this morning in the rain. I love running in light rain so it was a good run!
Brooke’s top knot in the photo of her eating corn is adorable!


I have 3 kids; 16, 10 and 5 and it is hard getting them all ready and out the door. My husband helps a lot and I know I couldn’t do it without him but I am still a stressball from wake up time to the moment I am alone in my car with them all at school. AHHHHHHHH.


Good to know I am not the only stressball haha! BUT THREE… good thing your husband is so helpful!


Those aren’t brooks! Trying something new? Saw the sauconys from last night post!


I was sent a few pairs of Sauconys awhile back and so I have been using them for cross training (bootcamp and at the gym in the above picture) so that I can save my running shoes (Brooks) for running:)


Beavertails and poutine are all the rage here in Ottawa – although Poutine is more like a Quebec thing.

I play solitare on my phone – that is it!


I just had an easy run today. It’s always nice to have a relaxing recovery run. NJ is known for our fresh produce (We are all the Garden State after all). Since I live near Philadelphia, there is of course the Philly Cheese steaks.


Minesweeper just brought back so many memories! That was such an addicting but hard game! haha

I’ve never had fry sauce but I’d like to try it. Is it mayo and ketchup mixed together? Just basing that combo off of the color!


I’m addicted to Candy Crush. All the Crushes, actually, and Farm Hero Saga. Basically I’m addicted to wasting my life away.

Oregon is famous for beer. And coffee. And Tillamook ALL THE DAIRY.

Today’s run is going to be an easy three miler that will hopefully not make my hip hurt like an old lady and will leave me feeling fantastic about running again after a so-so race this last weekend.


Words & Solitaire

Blistex in the green tube is my must-have. I have tubes of it stashed everywhere!

No road running today but I ran in the pool for 50 minutes. It’s definitely not the same as a regular run but I’ve enjoyed it while recovering from plantar fasciitis. I probably never would have seriously considered it if I hadn’t read about it in your blog. So thanks!!!


Well now I need some Blistex in the green tube:)

I am so glad that you are getting in the pool as you recover. Such a good workout and while it isn’t as fun as running… it gets the job done:)


I am not a gamer on my phone or computer, I just like Instagram a lot!

Now that I am a New Yorker, I can say Buffalo sauce!

Today is the first day I’ve worked out since Saturday (I’ve been having calf problems too! really tight calf muscles) and I took it easy with a bike ride. Hopefully I can do an easy run tomorrow and a tempo on Thursday. Marathon day (hopefully a BQ) is next Saturday, ah!!


What’s the ideal temperature and weather for you to run in?


My absolute favorite is upper 40s:)


Tn is famous for Jack Daniels, Goo Goo Candies, and southern cooking!
Today’s workout: 400m repeats on the track
Tuesday Tangent: I’m selling CHOOSE JOY shirts on my site with 100% of the profits going to St Jude Children’s Research Hospital!!!!!


Just a 3 mile run today.
We are famous for cheese and beer.


I always rush around to get my kids to school on time. When I’ve got it together, I just make sure everything is put out in advance either night before or early morning. Backpacks, clothes, breakfast all set out and it seems to go smoother.


Preparation the night before is vital to being on time whether you have one or ten kids ( I only have two and one on the way) but I have learned!! Pack the backpacks and the lunches, lay out the clothes… It is the only way to remain timely and sane ;)


Okay Patti, you’ve convinced me… I need to get things ready the night before. THANK YOU!!!


Massachusetts is famous for clam chowder, baked beans, and Boston Cream Pie… Lots of goodies!
My run today was 3 X 2 mile repeats, 800 recoveries, with a mile warmup and cool down, totaling 10 miles!
I try to avoid games on my phone because they are so distracting :/


KILLER RUN today Rachel… I have a pretty similar run tomorrow that I am nervous about:) So… I think I am going to have to come visit you for clam chowder… that stuff is the best.


Sounds like you might be following the Hanson’s Marathon Method?? That is what was on my workout calendar for today …. :)


Yep same here. Hansons. I’m training for Chicago so a tough week this week 60+ miles.


Super random, but what are Swedish fish eggs (in the photo)? I’ve never heard of them! Do they still exist?


Yeah…I thought I knew everything about candy but this is a new one on me, too. do they taste just like Swedish Fish?


Don’t get rid of the questions ever! I think they are fun. I have two kids but only one in school and today was her first day. We were on time. So, fingers crossed that will be a regular thing.

I’m hoping to get a speed work out in tonight if time permits. We are switching fridges tonight because ours broke 3 days ago and things are getting really bad.


Omg you can play minesweeper on the phone?? I used to be obsessed with that game and would play it all the time on the computer. Now I know what I’m doing with my afternoon.


I live in North Carolina so I guess we are famous for BBQ sauce :)


I use bbq sauce about 3 times a day so I am pretty sure I need to make a trip out to North Carolina soon!


No runs for me today but I am looking forward to tomorrows run. Haven’t decided if it’s going to be sprints or hills. :)


I used to live in Massachusetts and I feel like Dunkin Donut iced coffee is the state staple.
Now I live in DC, but I still haven’t figured out what the district is famous for.


LOVE that Chapstick! I think it’s my favorite Burts flavor! Flavor?? Scent? Whatever! It smells like summer! If you haven’t tried the grapefruit that’s good too! And the vanilla bean is what I currently have. I’m addicted.

Jealous of your trail run it looks gorgeous out there!


My Tuesday tangent: I’m getting ready to go on a big trip to Disney World in just a week! It’s hard to think about anything else. Also, Minesweeper is great! I remember playing it a ton when I was a kid.


I only have one 1 15 month old and just getting him ready to go out for a day is stressful.. and that’s without a time that we “have” to be out of the house! Also, I need to try that chapstick!! ‘m not a huge Burt’s Bees fan, but that one looks awesome.


I play Plants vs Zombies 2 on my phone – it’s the only game I have on there though!

My run today was an easy 5 miles. It would have been easier if I actually started when I planned on, instead it was a little hot and humid for my taste! Bring on the fall weather!

I need to go find that lip balm now…and a root beer float.


Workout of the day -> 1 hour freestyle swim with kick board work every 500 meters. 1 hours lifting back & triceps.

Tuesday Tangent -> I have had 3 fractures in two years all due to gluten intolerance that took doctors FOREVER to figure out.


I play solitaire when I am in the subway and have no internet access. And words with friends all other times :)


On your bruising pic, is that dirt on the inside of your leg? I get that on both of my legs, worse on one. I never notice myself kicking my own legs when I run, or not sure if it is from just kicking up dirt. Glad to see I’m not the only one :)


You are not alone. After long runs my entire legs are dirty haha!


10 miles on the high desert trail today. Much better in the early morning than in the heat of the day!!
I have worked HARD to get a better school morning routine for my three. It is working so far this year! The key is to strategize and brief the kids on what is expected of them. Then again, I don’t have any preschoolers. My youngest is 8 so they are all more independent.


I love Burts Bee’s chap stick, only kind I’ll use!! :)
-Mi is famous for coney dogs, cherries, apples and Fago pop and made rite chips
-3 mile easy run before work.
-Today was open house for Kindergarten, I felt like the teacher was making a lot of eye contact with me while talking to the students/parents because she can tell I am on edge! LOL


I don’t have any games on my phone, except for maybe one or two I keep on there for my boyfriend. Yeah, sometimes when I wanna shop I shut him up with a game. ;)

I had a 35 minute tempo run today and felt GREAT!!!


Janae!! Liberty Market in Gilbert, AZ has a special going on right now: ROOTBEER FLOAT PIE!! It is simply amazing!!


I am not a mom but I am a dad that gets the kids out to school everyday. My wife took a fellowship in Atlanta. We are from New Jersey so now I work from home. Mornings are hectic. I have two kids with two different schools. I have to wake them, dress them (hope they didn’t wet the bed) feed them (hope they eat quickly), pack lunches, ensure homework is in backpacks and then brave the traffic tomato it on time. It sucks but I usually get there on time… because I am anal retentive.
Today’s run was sort of a shake out from a 3 day 28 mile beat down to reach my monthly goal. 4 miles easy 10 minute pace.
I never play games on my phone but my son downloaded some Sonic game that he is obsessed with.


Today was 4 rainy miles, much different than your weather, but we need the rain. And Jewel Mania, like a knock off bejeweled with annoying/soothing music. The best.


Steps to better mornings
1) You say you are ridiculous, what do you mean? First identify why you say that, then better advice can be given
2) Lay out everything possible the night before. I used to spend frantic mornings looking for the elusive lost flip flop, my keys, etc, etc. Make it a checklist the night before and do it every night
3) get yourself and Brooke up ten minutes earlier. For years I struggled with “but my kids need their sleep!!!” (I have 3 daughters) I promise those ten minutes make it SO much more relaxed. You will get to enjoy the morning with her and send her off on a positive note rather than “aaahhh! we barely made it! mom was a little crazy today!!”
The nightly checklist and ten minute earlier wake up call and changed.our.lives.


Loved hearing all of your Tuesday tangents :)

Not sure what New York state is known for, but I know my city Buffalo is pretty well known for their chicken wings! So much so that there is a festival celebrating them this weekend! Gotta love it!

Getting excited for a nice 4 miler tomorrow!


i bought that lip balm the other day and love it!!


I’m all about Candy Crush. It’s so addicting. And I’m beyond excited because my new sneakers came in the mail today which means I will officially start breaking in my NYCM shoes next week!


Omg Swedish Fish!! I LOVE Swedish Fish!


Hatch Green Chile. This time of the year it’s being roasted on every corner and smells so good!

Rest day.


My tips for getting my kids to school on time isn’t very special or exciting…I prepare ;) I get they bags ready the night before, I make lunches the night before, get their clothes ready the night before and I make sure to get myself up 1 HOUR before they do in the morning so that I am ready to hit the ground running.


Does fry sauce have mayonnaise in it? I never tried it after 4 years in Idaho bc I HATE mayonnaise. with a passion.

Tennessee is famous for a lot………Nashville has Goo Goo candies, Chattanooga has Moon pies and Double Cola, and there is also whiskey, moonshine, and some of the best barbeque you have ever had. Plus probably a lot more I am forgetting. Also, Chattanooga was the first place Coca Cola was bottled commercially. Now we have a Coca cola bottling facility right next door to a Doctor Pepper bottling facility and directly across the street from a Pepsi bottling facility! Talk about competition! Every time I run I pass those places, and I fantasize about what I want to drink after my run!!


And I have nature box now and I love the big island pineapple and the watermelon stars……….so good!


I play a game called “1010!” on my phone when I need a mental break.
South Dakota is known for something called “Chislic”, which is basically cubed up beef (Or lamb or venison, but ew), served as an appetizer, often with ranch dressing.
I have three kids and this is the first (and last) year that they are all in the same school (K, 2, 5). It’s always stressful to get out on time. The only things that help us is getting them in the habit of waking up ridiculously early (which sucks on weekends) and convincing them we have to be in the car 5 minutes earlier than we really do.


They’re called “engagement questions” and I miss the days when you did them in rainbow :)


Aww, Brooke’s hair is too cute! I haven’t played Minesweeper in so long!

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