19. Brooke’s first hike. Alumni.

Things started bright (actually, it was really dark) and early in the canyon.  It was THIRTY SIX degrees when I started my long run.  I had all sorts of flashbacks to winter training for those first few miles until I was out of the canyon and in the sunshine.  

I wore gloves and arm sleeves for the first time of the season.  I love arm sleeves because they keep me super warm when I need them and as soon as I get too hot they are easy to take off.  The first seven miles were done on a pretty carless road.  My dad lights up the road with his headlights and hands me water/gatorade and gu along the way.  It works out quite nicely.  

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Fall is making an appearance!     

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A short stop for more gatorade and then my dad headed home while I did 8 miles at tempo pace.  Those tempo miles definitely did not feel how I was hoping they would (they were tough and I was hoping to feel a bit more comfortable because I have a lot of tempo ((well, I am shooting for around a 6:48 average pace at the marathon)) miles to do on race day:)  With some good old fashion tapering over the next few weeks, that pace will feel a lot better because I will be well rested.  

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It is odd how much joy it brings me to come so close to what my coach tells me to do.  First 10 were a bit under 7:30 and the last 8 were at a 6:33 average.  

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I miscalculated the distance just a bit and ended my 18 about a mile away from my car.  I did a cool-down mile (so 19 miles total) and when I ended this was just hanging out right next to my car.  

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The afternoon consisted of two very great activities. 

1- 101 Dalmatian watching in bed.

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2- Brooke’s first ever hike.  We started on the bike trail and then took a side dirt trail.  

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I was amazed at how well she climbed up the hills.  Looks like I have a future trail runner buddy.

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This is going to be our thing until it snows. 

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The evening looked like this:

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Went back to the good ol’ LaVell Edwards Stadium for some BYU football watching.  

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My date for the evening.  Always a good time together.

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I have a rest day from running today.  It is also a pancake/church/family/nap/my mom’s lasagna/french bread day.  

Enjoy your day!!!

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It sounds like you’re going to have an awesome Sunday…ENJOY!


Great run! Enjoy your Sunday, it sounds like a great day to me!


Incredible run! And I’m a little jealous of the arm sleeves and gloves. I can’t wait to run in cooler weather.


I think your Dad is pretty awesome for driving along with you and bonus you get cool pictures too! Enjoy your Sunday!


What a great run, congrats! Enjoy your Sunday :)


Great long run! You are having an awesome training cycle!!!!


Jealous of your cooler temps! We are still pretty warm and humid here. I am not ready for a freezing winter but a cool morning for running would be awesome.


That weather sounds amazing! I was shocked to see its 59 degrees here this morning, which is way cooler than its been. But today is a rest day so I didn’t’ get to run in it! Planning to get outside for walk though to enjoy the weather!
Great job with that run!


Great job with your run! Brooke looks so happy on her hike – and the photos are beautiful! Enjoy your Sunday!


You are waking up to some cold mornings already! I watched that football game last night and WOW what an ending. It looked as though the stadium was shaking the crowd was going so wild. Very cool! Enjoy your rest day!


I am not excited about the cold coming. I really hate running in the cold. I am excited for fall and for cooler weather, just not winter and cold.


You’re looking so strong, girl! Is this taper time now?

Enjoy your rest day and P.S: I bought my first pair of pure cadences yesterday and I cannot wait until I’m able to run again and take them for a spin!! :-D


Thanks Annie! Yes… mileage is going down but still a little bit of speed! AHHHH Let me know what you think of the pure cadences!!! Hope you get to run in them ASAP:)


Great job with the training run! If you’re interested in another fall marathon (another year!), I would highly recommend Big Cottonwood Canyon. It was an amazing race yesterday and your pictures remind me of the gorgeous scenery we saw during most of the race. It was my first (and hopefully not last!) time running in Utah, as I’m from the east coast. I loved every minute of the race- well except miles 20-23! Good luck in St. George and thanks for being an inspiration to all of us runners! :)


JANE!!! Huge congrats on your race yesterday! I really think I want to do it next year, I have ran most of the course and it is breathtaking. Come back to Utah and run more… would love to go to froyo too! Recover well from your MARATHON!!!!!


Great job on your run!


Brooke is so stinking cute. Have fun and enjoy the day!!!


Great job on your long run! Have a wonderful Sunday!


Your blog makes me want to move to Utah…those mountain views are amazing! I would want to run those trails everyday!


Question! Other than “in your dad’s car” (which would be super awesome but doesn’t happen for me :) where do you put your arm sleeves when you take them off? Just curious and looking for suggestions!


Hey Jess!! I end up just carrying them. They usually roll up pretty small so it isn’t a big hassle. I have also hid them before (behind a tree, in bushes etc) and come back for them later:) I have friends that will just buy super cheap long socks, cut off the toes and use those as arm warmers. That way they can just toss them during the race and not worry about it!


Thanks! :-)


Just finished my long run and it was beautiful out! 55 when I left but heated up a bit…then cooled down on my mile walk home. I’m so excited for fall races :) College football is always a good time..I have to get back to some games at Penn State soon! Have a great rest day!


Dang, girl! You’re pace is almost half of mine! Keep kicking butt and race day will feel like a breeze :)


Nice run — you look so strong, girl!! Also, where you live is so ugly, how can you stand running there? ;)
Happy Sunday!


Awesome long run!! Your Dad is the best! That weather is amazing for running :)
Have an amazing Sunday!!!!


Wow! What an awesome run! You are truly an inspiration!

That trail you guys hiked on looks so pretty. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


It was 68 when I left for my run yesterday, I am not ready for 36 yet! Congrats on nailing your run.


Nice run! I’m a BSU alum and watched the game on TV. So does that make us rivals now? LOL, BYU played a good game last night though so gotta give them that!


hahahaha we are totally rivals;) Bring it Sheena….

Okay, really I don’t care that much about sports ha but I was happy that they won! Hope you are having an awesome day!


Wow – you are ready for a fast one in 3 weeks! I love that you take your readers along for the ride. I’ve thought of starting a blog before about the running journey but wondered if it would seem too narcissistic for whatever for lack of a better word as I’m not fast or elite. But you just portray a true authentic Passion for running – a Joy that it brings to your life. And a determination to hit goals and make even bigger ones. Those are life lessons that are great to share.


Thank you so much Jenni! If you are thinking about it you should totally start one. The running/blogger/reader community is amazing and I have learned so much from others! I would love to read yours:)


That was an AWESOME game!! You had great seats!
I think the Coke at the end of your run is a sign!!?


Great job on your 18 miles – amazing pace!


I am jealous of your scenery! The fall colors and mountains man, awesome way to distract from the run. Your so lucky your dad rides along behind you my husband hates getting up early it’s like pulling teeth. Good job on your pace your a total rock star!


I am planning on working out at home, seeing as it is 90 degrees outside right now, and about 20 degrees hotter in the mountains!! I moved to SoCal because I hate winter but…. This summer has been killing me and continues to be miserable! Hopefully it cools down soon, because I have been spending a lot of time looking at houses and schools in New England, and I never thought I’d move back there hahaha


Amazing Run! I can only dream of my legs moving that fast!


The canyon is beautiful and your training is looking really strong so you can take a lot of confidence from that into the main event!
Hiking is just the start- just wait until Brooke gets bitten by the running bug and you will have a training partner for life :) xx


If I ever have to run 18mi on my own I would want to run it just as fast. How do you run that many miles by yourself?! Fast I suppose! Great job. Now it’s enjoy the taper!

Bless your awesome dad for keeping you company in the dark!

Your little Brooke is growing up to be such a beauty.


Your family and friends are so sweet it warms my heart:) hope you had a great Sunday, Janae!! Much deserved!!


Love that your dad drives alongside you for your long runs! I keep trying to get my dad to do that, but so far, no luck. I’ll keep trying, though! ;)


I was at that game too. It was awesome! Go Cougars! And we ate at Shoga beforehand and really liked it so thanks for the suggestion!


You are welcome! I am so glad you like it…that place was the best!


You’re so lucky that you have so many beautiful places around you to run and hike! I wish I had places like that too.


Uh oh haven’t heard mention of “the guy” lately :(
You’re dad is the best!!!


That was such a good game! I took my little girl and we had a blast!! :) I am so excited for Fall in Utah because it is SO gorgeous! :)

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