Something pretty darn great about my family.

I’ve been blogging for just under FIVE YEARS NOW.  It is crazy how fast time goes.

Over the last five years I have shared with you a lot about my family.  You’ve seen close to a bajillion photos of our Sunday family dinners.  You’ve seen my dad accompany me on my long runs and his smile that is incredibly contagious.  There have been plenty of posts about me and my sister working out together and eating way too much candy in one sitting.  There have been visits to my brothers houses and the adventures that we take exploring their areas.  You’ve also seen my mom supporting me in every way possible during the good times and the bad times.

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Something I haven’t really told you about over the years has been one of my mom’s biggest trials.  My mom has had hearing loss and worn hearing aids as long as I can remember (having a mom that could read lips was both a good and a bad thing when I was a teenager;).   Even though my mom’s hearing loss has always been a part of my life, it still makes me tear up just thinking about what a difficult thing it has been for her over the years.  The isolation and all of the frustration that goes along with hearing loss—>  She is a strong woman, that I know.

Six years ago my mom’s hearing became so bad that even the most expensive hearing aids didn’t do much.

This is where it gets good:)

My dad, who is an inventor and engineer, decided to devote all of his time to building a hearing aid that could help my mom.  (yep, I still cry thinking about this too because it has been one of the sweetest acts of love I have ever seen)

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Over the last few years some of his inventions made it so that my mom could hear a lot better than we had been used to.  As my mom has used my dad’s hearing aid, it has been amazing to see her hear in situations that she used to miss.  It was crazy to me to have my mom ask me about the fireworks that were going on miles away (WHAT?  You can hear that mom?) or being able to have long conversations when she is not able to lip read.  Meeting her for lunch and her being able to hear every word that we say is so different than anything I have known before.  It has been amazing.

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After years of researching and testing, my dad has released his own hearing aid.   I wanted to share with you guys just in case there are people reading with hearing loss or if you have people in your life too that struggle with this trial.

Hearing aids are ridiculously expensive (thousands of dollars).  My dad wanted to build a hearing aid that almost anyone could afford.  He has made sure his hearing aid included the best technology along with his new inventions.

He created a body worn hearing aid that looks like a small mp3 player.

Brooke loves to hold it while they are reading together so that my mom can hear all of her commentaries throughout the story.

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When my grandpa and great-grandpa were getting older they needed this kind of hearing aid but it was not available.  My dad has wanted to help the people who struggle the most with hearing loss.  It can be so hard on family members when they cannot communicate and they cannot afford the expensive hearing aids.  Now thanks to my dad, they can.

Thank you for being a part of my life and my family’s life.

Sponsored by my obsession with my family.

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That seriously made my heart smile! :)


That is incredible! I work with many kids with hearing loss and it’s always a hardship on the parents affording hearing aids. Also, I can’t believe you’ve been blogging for 5 years! Congrats!


Wow, that is soooo touching! What a guy. Your dad seems like he would do just about anything for you and your family.. and that is so sweet that he devoted so much time to invent something to help make your mom’s life better. RELATIONSHIP GOALS.


That made me tear up a little! What an incredible act of love from your dad to your mom (and the rest of your family!).


This is such a sweet story! Thank you for sharing. So happy for your mom, and what a great example of absolute LOVE!! Your dad is a special man. :)


That is the cutest invention story ever. Your parents are amazing!


What an incredibly awesome post. Will share where I can.


You have the sweetest family ever. Congrats on your dad’s invention and the success it has had with your mom. I hope that this helps out a ton of people!


Your dad!!! That is the sweetest thing that he did for your mom/family and it’s so nice that it will help other people too!


That’s incredible. Thanks for giving my morning such a great start. Your family is amazing!


Thank you for sharing that incredible store with us, and thanks for letting us see inside your amazing family!


So impressive! Very cool story – thank you for sharing :)


This made me tear up. This is so amazing. You’re so lucky to have such a wonderful family. :)


This is the sweetest thing. Thank you for sharing :)


Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.


You are the sweetest!


Amazing story! Your mom is the cutest!


Thanks for sharing such a sweet story! Your parents are amazing :)


Incredible. You have a wonderful family!! What a great story!!


This is incredible and so touching. So nice for your mum and family and such a wonderful thing that your dad’s done for so many people that he’ll probably never meet.


So sweet, I <3 your family.


Crying.. What a beautiful story!


Wow, what an incredible and touching story! I even teared up a few times. It’s really amazing what can be accomplished when we are inspired by love. Thank you so much for sharing!!


What an amazing story. You must be very proud of your father!


Wonderful blog post! How sweet of your dad.


Janae, this hits home for me in so many ways. My mom also suffers from hearing loss and in the past 3 years, needed to get hearing aids to be able to continue to work. It has been devastating for her and it breaks my heart to see her struggle as she does. You’re right, hearing aids are so expensive (and not always effective)!! This is such a touching story ands incredible that your dad was inspired to create such a needed device because of your mom!
I am going to pass this along to my mom so she can check out your dad’s device!
Thanks so much for sharing.


What an incredible and sweet story!


Such an incredible story…thank you for sharing it with us!!!!


Just having a little cry over here – my dad has suffered from hearing loss almost my whole life too, and I feel for him so bad, and know SO WELL the isolation you’re talking about (both him from the world, but also the world/his family from him). It’s tough. So happy for your mama!


I should add – it’s made all the harder by the fact that he’s legally blind these days too. For someone whose biggest passions are books and music, it’s heartbreaking. Really nice to hear a success story!


So awesome!!!!!!!!


Oh my goodness what an amazing story!!!


That is awesome! My brother in law is an engineer too and he likes to come up with different things. But nothing has been as cool as that. At least so far.


So sweet!! This made me cry at work :)


This is amazing!! What a huge act of love to spend years making something so his bride doesn’t have to go without!!! This just made my day!!


This is so amazing. My mom also had bad hearing loss from a terrible accident a couple years ago. I will definitely pass this along to my family <333 Side note: this reminds me of a beautiful Ted Talk I watched last night about a teenager who developed a more effective test for pancreatic cancer. I highly suggest watching if you have a minute! (Thanks again for sharing!)


Oh my gosh, what a great post! I would have never thought that someone could make this kind of thing. What a great story, thank you for sharing. :)


I don’t know if you know this, but I am profoundly deaf. I have a type of congenital progressive hearing loss that deteriorates with every year. This is just heartwarming to see. what a beautiful thing that your father did for not only your mom but tons of other people like me in the deaf community. That’s awesome.


That is soooooo sweet!


What an amazing story! Thank you for sharing!!!


your family never ceases to amaze, their love and dedication to each other is so admirable. Coming from a family that all have some degree of hearing loss and knowing that struggle I personally would like to thank your father. People like him are rare and I know you are aware of that, but now many others can have a better life because of him as well.



Oh wow! What a beautiful story! Your mom certainly does seem like a strong woman!

And I’m sure your dad just set out to help the woman that he loves, but in turn will now be able to help so many more. Incredible!


You have an incredible family!!! Your posts always brighten my day! Thank you for sharing with us!!


Janae, thank you so much for sharing! I’m sending my dad the link asap! He’s struggled with hearing loss for such a long time and isn’t a candidate for any surgeries that could improve it. Traveling isn’t enjoyable for him and he can’t hear while watching movies, either. Thank you! You’re family is wonderful.


What a great story of unconditional love! You and your family are too cute. Im so happy your Mom has a device that can help her hear! I will send this along to my Aunt, her and my late Grandfather both struggled with hearing issues most of their lives.


What a beautiful story Janae. It’s been so nice to follow and share your journey with you.


My heart literally swelled as I read this post.


This is such a beautiful love story! And what a huge service your dad is providing to those who need it! Very cool!




You and your family are so darn sweet!


You are so blessed to have such an amazing father! My mother started loosing her hearing a few years ago. for now her hearing aids are working but I’m booking marking this site for the future! Thank you for sharing your life with us :)


Definitely teared up reading this at work. You have a beautiful family!




This is so sweet…made me cry :)


Janae, that’s such a beautiful and poignant story! How loving of your father to use his talents to help your mom and so many others.


This is so sweet! :)


this really is such a beautiful act of love!


Aww Janae, that is awesome! So happy for your family!


This is a wonderful story! I’m definitely checking it out for my mother-in-law!


Allergies must be coming early because for some reason my eyes are full of tears. Seriously….this is my favorite of all of your blogs. Your family is simply wonderful. Thanks for sharing them and your stories with us.


This is so fantastic! I wish this was available when my grandmother was alive. It would have been the perfect solution to her hearing issues.


How totally awesome! My mom has the same problem. So do I, so does my oldest son. I remember when Jake was about 8 years old he went in to have his hearing tested and the lady came out and told me that he basically reads lips. I know I do too because if I can’t see the person talking, I have a really hard time hearing them. I’ll have to tell my mom about this!


I AM CRYING. Your dad doing that to your mom is such a beautiful act of love! :’) Bless all of you. What an amazing family.


What a sweet, inspiring post! My dad is deaf and has been since he was 3 years old–hearing aids never helped him much so he learned sign language. This is something that would’ve been great for my grandparents!


As someone whose mother also doesn’t hear well (has some of the strongest hearing aids), this truly touches my heart!


Wow that is sch an incredibly touching story Janae! Thank you for sharing it with us and I wish your family all the best! Just shows you can do anything if you put your mind and heart to it!


This totally made me tear up! Thank you for sharing such a lovely story!! :)


OMG this is awesome. I’m tearing up here reading this! What a great story and invention! <3


This post made me tear up at work. What a beautiful love story!


This is beautiful!! As if we all couldn’t love your parents anymore you have to hit us all right in the feels! What a devoted man to his wife and family!


This is beautiful :-)


This makes my heart happy.


What!?! That is AMAZING! He is AMAZING! Every person needs a purpose – how lucky we are that he found his and is willing to share it with the world.

Maybe a Kickstarter/GoFundMe account to help cover the cost for those who will still struggle to afford it?

BIG, HUGE, GINORMOUS thanks and hugs to your dad ; )




Wow!!!! What a wonderful person your dad is. Great post and thank you for sharing




I can’t with this story! It is so beautiful!! What an amazing act of love. Just gonna go cry some more.


Are you kidding me? This is the sweetest story I’ve heard in a long time. Your father is amazing to work so hard to help not only his wife, but others. What an amazing family you have, Janae. Thanks for sharing!


That is really so sweet. My husband, we are both only 31, has one hearing aid right now only because we cannot afford the other. Years of working in loud environments, shooting guns, and genetics haven’t helped him. He wasn’t able to get into the military like all the other men in his family, even just for intelligence which scored amazing at, because his hearing is just so bad! Kudos to your dad and your parents look so sweet!


I’m still crying, this post was so touching. What a guy!


Beautiful Story :)


That is so cool and so sweet on many levels.

I think I must have started reading your blog right away because I’ve been reading it almost that long! (Back when the font colors were out of control!)


You have a beautiful family dear! xoxoxo


What an amazing story! That seriously makes me tear up at the love your dad has for your mom!


I never comment, but I have to say that’s absolutely beautiful. I can’t wait to buy one for my grandma. :)


SO amazing! What a great dad! Thanks for sharing this, Janae.


There is something really awesome about this post – love your Dad more now!!!!!! How sweet!


How wonderful for your Mom, and how extremely sweet (and smart) of your Dad.

I will have to share the link with one of my sisters, her daughter attended Brown Univ this summer, in the bio-tech dept, she too has hearing loss, and is super smart also…. her goal is to create a cocliar(?) implant for kids – imagine she is just a kid herself only a jr in HS

as always thanks for sharing!!


My mom also has hearing loss (I think that’s due to chemotherapy…) and when she finally got hearing aids it was an amazing thing for her and our family. I totally resonate with this post!! She was ashamed for awhile to need hearing aids (as she wasn’t even 50 and felt like it was an ‘old persons’ issue…) and once she saw that it was like glasses and moved forward it has opened up her life! I am so happy for your family too :)


wow this is incredible and you are right, what a deep act of love. i am totally tearing up too. so happy for your mom – what a gift!


Totally tearing up. So special and heartwarming!


How COOL is your dad?! That’s seriously awesome. So cute.


Your dad is truly the ultimate example of a devoted loving husband. That is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard! What a wonderful guy for you, Brooke, and your Mom to have in your lives! I imagine dating can be difficult since you have such a wonderful example in your life! I have a great dad too and always found it difficult to find someone to measure up to his standards. Tell your dad he’s amazing for doing that for your mom and others!


What an awesome story! And I’m tearing up now! Your Dad is amazing!!!!


Your dad is incredible! You are so lucky to have such an amazing dad with an incredible heart. Love truly rules in your family. Thank you for starting my day with such an awesome story.


This is seriously the sweetest story! My daughter has cochlear implants and still struggles in group settings. Would this work with other devices like implants? Another question I would love to ask your mom…what are some suggestions on how to be sensitive to her and others with hearing issues. It gets really frustrating sometimes and it is hard to have patience on both ends! If she is willing, I would love her advice. My daughter is 13 and I would love to be there for her the best way I can. Thanks!!


Hello! Janae asked me to respond to your comment. I am sorry to say that this device will not work with cochlear implants. You use earbuds with this device so the sound goes through the ear. I really feel for your daughter. Hearing loss causes a such a feeling of isolation. Because of this device I can pop it in my ears and hear conversations in group settings etc. but trust me, I know what it is like to hear nothing of a dinner conversation etc. I guess I would say that the people that are my heroes are the people that are the most patient with me. The people that don’t make impatient faces while you are struggling to hear. The people who repeat themselves until you understand and do that with love in their countenance. There is no one that tries harder to be part of a conversation than someone that has hearing loss. Then to not be able to hear after all you try (lip reading, audio wheel of fortune in your mind, hearing aids) is such a disappointment. Tears are privately shed when you feel so rejected and alone. As a mom I know that you are your daughter’s biggest cheerleader and she will love you forever because of the patience that you show. Thank you for asking. The fact that you are so concerned says that you are a wonderful mom.
Linda Anderson
PS. I have even had people “caption” group conversations for me on their Ipads in the past so I can be part of what is going on. It really helped me.


Linda, you an AMAZING woman. Janae has always spoken of how important you are in her life on so many levels and you have raised a beautiful and loving family. I come from a very large family as does my husband and we have many nieces/nephews. We are very much in to FAMILY BEING EVERYTHING IN LIFE!!! To read about the love surrounding your family touches my heart to the core. My Mom was also the Matriarch of our family and we lost her young. Your family is truly blessed and I just felt compelled to comment here to tell you this.


Thank you. I appreciate your comment!


You have no idea how great it is for me to read this! I have hearing loss as well and is progressively moving into the profound area. It does make you feel isolated and it is very difficult in my job to deal with. My hearing aids no longer work. I will be checking this out!!


Oh Jenny. I am truly so sorry about your hearing loss. I can’t even begin to imagine how hard it must be. Please email me if you have any questions etc.


This is beautiful:)


Amazing, Janae. Not only did your dad have the desire to help his wife…but the courage, determination, and brilliance to create a solution! What a heartwarming story and what an accomplishment. Not only did he enhance your mom’s and family’s lives…but think of all the people this is going to have an effect on! And now if you have ever doubted or wondered the purpose to your blog…know that you have just become a vehicle for so many people to explore this option!

My brother was born with 90% occlusion in one ear so i can totally relate to your story.

Awesome job, daddio! And thanks for sharing.


Thank you so much for your comment Caroline. It meant a lot to me!


that is so sweet! And what a great invention – this will change a lot of lives. I have several patients who just can’t afford hearing aids.


This story just made my day. I absolutely love seeing the acts of love and this by far is incredible. Family is so important and I love seeing close knit families, much like my own. :)


That is awesome, Janae! And so cool that he priced it affordably so people could actually afford it.


What a sweet gesture! Your dad is amazing. Thank you for sharing! I’m sure it’ll help so many people out there. :)


Sweetest thing ever!


This is so awesome. I feel like I know your family from reading about them for so many years. I’m so happy that your dad was able to help your mom (and hopefully many other people) in such an incredible way!


This is so wonderful!…sent a shiver through me :’)


This is precious. My mom suffers from hearling loss too, so this makes me smile.


LOVE LOVE LOVE this post and your family. The bond between your parents is obviously amazingly strong and makes me hopeful for the future! :)


I was getting choked up reading see the love u have for your family is amazing and even more beautiful is the love your dad has for your mom! Such a sweet testimony of love and service. Thank u for sharing this. I will share this with anyone I know struggling with hearing loss.


This brought tears to my eyes ;) your family is absolutely amazing


It’s so great that you have such a wonderful family. My mom rides her bike along with me on long runs and I love her company. I told her how your dad drives along with you sometimes too!


I wish I had something really profound to say to this, but all I have it “That is absolutely amazing.” You are so, so lucky to be surrounded by such loving, caring people who have the best interests of others in mind. Amazing.


My husband’s cousin also has a congenital progressive hearing loss that deteriorates with every year (sounds very similar to what the commenter CAT has). I definitely plan to share this post with Bruce to see if he would benefit from this type of hearing aide. Thank you so much for sharing and your dad is awesome-sauce!


I cried reading this family story. You are all nice people.


Amazing!! It is so nice to hear these stories. How wonderful that through your families struggles your father is able to help not only your mother but also many others in need. Simply wonderful! What a blessing!


Now that’s love! Thanks for sharing! That made my day! Stay blessed Momma HRG! And daps to Pappa HRG!


WOW! That is the sweetest thing ever and y’all are so lucky! Much needed good news reading on a sad day….


This is amazing and what a wonderful testament to the love your parents have for each other!!

I am half deaf and read lips for most of my “hearing”. I wasn’t diagnosed with this hearing loss until I was 19. I was lucky in the fact that I got my hearing aids paid for, but unfortunately since I have gone SO long without hearing, the hearing aids were just too overstimulating so I don’t really use them. There are certain situations where they come in handy, but for the most part I read lips. I never knew I did this until I was tested for college aid etc, so its pretty cool to think my sub-conscience has been coping since I was about 6 years old. My parents always knew I would have some degree of hearing loss but not to the extent that I have. So all that to say, thank you for sharing this!!

I’m going to check out your dad’s invention now! Best of luck to your mom!


I love this story! Thank you for sharing!


awww, that’s so darn sweet, not to mention clever. I thought you had pretty cool parents before but this is just amazing. Bless them for sharing it with others!


This is incredible, absolutely incredible! I’m glad you wrote about this, it needs to be brought into awareness! Thanks for sharing :)


That is such a sweet labor of love of your dad!!!! I’m tearing up over here! <3



What a great thing! I have hearing loss myself. Thankfully it is only in one ear, but if anyone is standing on my right side I can’t hear anything they say. Also thankfully my insurance company covered the cost of my $3,000 hearing aid. But the sound isn’t the greatest. I may have to try this in the future.


This is the sweetest thing I have ever read! I have always thought your parents were adorable but this is truly so sweet!!


What a gift…this relationship your parents have. You are truly blessed.


This is amazing! I teach children with hearing loss, so I completely understand the frustrations and challenges that come along with hearing loss. It is so amazing that your Dad did such an incredible thing for her!!

Is her hearing loss progressive? (I’m assuming). Do you know if she has ever considered getting a cochlear implant (If her hearing loss is located in her cochlea/inner ear)?

So amazing! She must be a very strong woman :)


Thank you Janae for sharing this story. I have twin girls that will be 3 in November. One was born with profound bilateral hearing loss (completely deaf) due to a genetic condition. She has cochlear implants and the device has changed her life and ours. I’m so glad that your mom has been able to find something that allows her to access sound! Thank you for sharing! So touching!


Janae, I was so inspired by this post. Thanks for sharing your family experiences with us all. This is incredible!!


This really touched my heart. My mom lost her hearing by age 30 and all my childhood I remember her not being able to hear. She had hearing aids too and it always broke my heart how loud family dinners she had to sit there quietly because she couldn’t hear, same for loud restaurants. The hearing loss is genetic and my three older brothers all have hearing aids, I am guessing I am next….It leads to such isolation and is so hard to watch your mom go through. I completely understand how you must feel. I will share this with my mom!


This post. So sweet!!


That is amazing! So sweet!


This is a beautiful story. This could change so many lives. Think of the possibilities for people around the world. You and your Dad need to go on Shark Tank. The world needs to hear about this product!


this is one of the most touching and heartwarming posts I’ve read lately…that is the definition of selfless and you and your family (your mom especially) are so blessed to have a dad like that!!!


Hi Janae,

This is incredible and such a tribute to their love for each other! It is also incredible for the people who cannot afford hearing aids, or have difficulties with all the small parts that they have to fiddle with around their ears. I have a family member who may be interested. Do you know if there are options for shipping to Canada?

Thank you (and your Dad!)



I’d hearing loss progressive? I have terrible hearing problems and I fear they may be getting worse without hearing aids.


This story brought tears to my eyes. Kudos to your dad for being amazing!


I <3 this and thank you for sharing your family with us.


So lovely! I just think you are great.


What an amazing love story! Thanks so much for sharing!


Omgosh! Thank you!!! Thank you to your dad and you for sharing and your moms bravery. My moms hearing has gotten so bad she’s needed hearing aides and luckily was able to afford but I would love to check these out! I also sub teach and I have to wear a special device for one little girl in class to hear me. Truly amazing to allow others to have access to affordable hearing!


That is so awesome!! I’m an occupational therapist and have patients with hearing loss. What a wonderful and affordable device! I will remember it and share with my patients!!


I am eating my eggs and coffee wiping tears off my cheeks. <3 How sweet is that?! This is why HRG is my favourite all time blog. You are so passionate about your posts and you share your experiences in such a way that pulls us in. :)

It must be absolutely thrilling to see your Mom so happy because of something your Dad invented to help her! Amazing :)


Definitely tugged at my heart strings! Your family is amazing! God bless!


You’re blessed to have such a family….and when your sister ran in flip flop by your side….. this is why I stop by ..there’s love here.

what’s better then to be number 1? Your father is great⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹


That is just amazing! Your dad is very special!! Thank you for sharing this. I will share the link.


That is the most loving and kind thing your Dad did for your Mom. My Grams is extremely hard of hearing, and hers has gotten considerably worse in the last few years as well. She’s asked her audiologist multiple times for ANYTHING that would help. She’s been told nothing will help at this point. I’m wondering if there may be hope for her after all!


Awwww, this is so wonderful! I have a friend who has pretty bad hearing loss. Her hearing aid batteries are so expensive she hasn’t been able to replace them. She’s a wonderful single mom. I just forwarded this post to her. Thanks, Janae’s dad!!!


That is incredibly sweet (not to mention totally badass that your dad has the skills to design a functioning hearing aid). I work in an engineering school and I love when our grads use their talents for good rather than just profit :)


Your parents are both amazing and wonderful people! What a labor of love.


Your mom and dad are two of the most Christlike, generous, giving, and loving people I know. I’m so thankful that I was able to cross paths with them in this life. Give them hugs for me!


I love this concept. What a great guy. My daughter wears a hearing aid and they are SO expensive!

I hope he invents something more hands free and discrete so it works with an active kid life style!

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