10 things since we last caught up…

I am blown away by all of your amazing comments yesterday.  Thank you.  

I feel like it has been a bit since we last caught up so I thought I would fill you in on some of the recent highlights.

1.  I spent some time washing zucchini, peppers, tomatoes (I was tempted to eat half of them) and cucumbers at a welfare farm in the area.  

And now I want a garden even more than I did before.  Maybe my sister will rent out a portion of hers to me.  I’ll ask her.

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2.  Wednesday morning’s run hurt.  My coach wrote it as a ‘moderate’ workout but it felt like an ‘extra hard, it might make me want to pass out’ workout.  I probably wasn’t super recovered from Monday’s speed workout yet and it was hot and some days just don’t feel great at all—>  but, you gotta do ‘em anyways if you want the final results that you want.  

.5 @ 8:50 pace, 5 @ 7:13, 3 @ 6:22, .5 @ 8:40

9 miles total and about a 2 minute break during those last 3 fast ones for a stop light.  I thanked the heavens that I had to wait to cross.  I needed a break.  

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3.  I read over How To Adjust Your Workouts For An Off-Day and I felt better about the whole thing.  

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4- What you see may seem like an ordinary calf but…

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In reality it is a calf with approximately 400 knots and scar tissue that needs to disappear.  Dr.  Bennett saved the day again and worked on it (including ASTYM ((scraping) which made me sweat bullets because my calves were so messed up).  

Much much much better now.   

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5- On the way back I grabbed a donut for Brookers because she has been rocking potty training.

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And then I spoke too soon;)

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6-  We hydrated well on the rain.

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7- I saw a friend wearing this hat and I had to make it my own because I didn’t want to covet her forever.  

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8- Megan brought THESE cookies to a get-together.  They take s’mores to the next level.  

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9-  We ate large amounts of peaches.  

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10- A Wednesday night walk (run for Brookie) in the canyon.

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What’s been going on in your world since we last caught up? 

Any areas that are super sore for you because of running?  

-Calves.  calves.  calves.  

Who has a garden (don’t worry.. I won’t come steal from you)?  What things do you grow in your garden?

What is your workout today?!

-4 miles easy.  Ready for an easy run. 

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My left calf is evil…..

I don’t really have a garden – just some plants scattered around. I’m not really into gardening


I used to have an epic herb garden. Probably 13-15 different varieties. Then I moved and had to leave them all behind. I never used them anyway, but it was great to have on hand in case I ever wanted to!


Calves for me too and today is my x-training day (yesterday was my speed work with my training group) so a barre class it will be.


Calves are definitely my danger zone and the trigger to my plantar fascia issues. I try to get a deep tissue massage once a month to keep them loose.

My neighbor has a garden and she gives us fresh produce occasionally. There is nothing like home grown veggies!


I desperately want a garden but I have a black thumb. For now I have to rely on the farmers market.


We don’t have a garden but our neighbors are farmers. Every now and then I will come home from work to find our back bench loaded with fresh produce! Best neighbors EVER!


That sounds like such a tough workout! Yesterday my running group did hill repeats..a total of 12 at a hard effort so my calves and glutes are so sore today. Usually my hamstrings give me the biggest trouble during training though! Today’s run is an easy 5 miles :)


My run today was 9 miles and it was awesome :) No humidity and I felt great!


I have the smallest garden ever on my balcony. I have one tomato plant and herbs. I ran 7 easy miles yesterday. That was a major accomplishment considering it’s hard to get out the door lately with two crazy dogs.


I just had an off day this morning! Everything should have been fine but I just wasn’t feeling it!


I wonder if scraping could work for a IT band injury? That’s what is causing me the most pain right now… I’ve been stretching and foam rolling for 3 weeks and it is slowly getting better, but it might be worth a try!


My hip flexors and calves are the tightest spots for me. I have a love/hate relationship with ASTYM as well!

I would love to garden, but I will kill everything. I keep trying though! :)


I had a root canal yesterday and had a bad headache this morning but still managed to get my tempo run done. I think running sometimes helps cure pains–I feel a lot better now!

My hips always get pretty tight, and I have to get them worked on pretty regularly. But I hear ya on the calves, too!


I woke up this morning feeling like my quads need an extra rolling session!

That chart is really interesting. The last two months we’ve had a heat index between 100-105 almost every day! I wonder what a 6% reduction in performance equates to … I’ll have to figure out the math when I am more awake :)

The good news is that on race day in Chicago the heat index will be much much better (fingers crossed)!


My quads and glutes always feel extra knotted. I need to get a denser foam roller because mine doesn’t give the pressure I need. Today’s run is 12 miles with 9 at marathon pace.


-I am forever paying attention to my Left knee, It’s where I have the most ITBS pain from. Also my feet, I’ve had 2 stress fractures in the last 2 years. And my left foot is a little achy.
-My mom has a garden and my family and I reap the benefits of her hard work. They have everything a traditional garden had: cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, peppers, snap peas, corn, ext… :) I made 3 loafs of zucchini bread yesterday!
-Workout: 7 miles on the TM. I’m still on task to hit my goal of 25 miles this week :)


OMG those cookies. What a good idea!

Had an easy 6 1/2 mile run-date this morning!


How did you mentally push through this workout when you found it so tough and draining? What did you concentrate on or think of?


Sore areas from running: My right hip!

I don’t have a garden but I want one SO badly! My uncle brings over about a dozen tomatoes and cucumbers a week from his garden and they are amazing!

Workout today: 11 mile tempo and it was tough!


My hamstrings are tight from hills! Thankfully I have a massage this afternoon.
Workout: 6 miles. I’m running a trail race this weekend.


Oddly, both my knee caps have been hurting a bit after my runs lately. No sure what that’s about…
Its been an off week with having a stomach bug but starting to feel back to myself.
Got 5 easy miles in this morning.
I love that hat too!


My calves and arches are always so tight when marathon training. Today was a cross training day – so SoulCycle in the morning, and getting ready for my long run tomorrow!!


Which are better – these s’mores cookies or your brothers s’more bars? Love the bars!!!


Tough call… the s’mores bars are a little bit heavier and more rich than the cookies. The cookies are good if you want something lighter. The s’more bars are still my favorite but both rock. Tough life question:)


Where you live looks so so so beautiful. Mega-jealous. Definitely a mountain girl at heart.

Best news ever–>MY FOOT IS FINALLY FEELING BETTER. Definitely not run-ready yet but yesterday was the best it’s felt since the accident. Today is feelin’ like it could be a repeat too! Feeling very hopeful.

Workout for today–>BodyPump this morning. Huge mistake. I went last night too and I don’t think I’ll be able to lift my arms above my head like ever again. Might do some elliptical tonight too :)

Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me that I’ll be back to running soon!!!


My left calf has put me out of running for two weeks :(. It’s very messed up.
That hat is gorgeous!


I really want a garden, but my yard has so many trees lining it that nothing would get the right amount of sun, which bums me out.


My whole left leg is evil! I had my left IT band scraped this spring, and I cried while he was doing it. It was horrible, but it did help. My left calf has some issues also, which spread down into my Achilles. It’s just a mess, I need a new leg :) :)

I love that lulu hat! I have their app on my phone, which is HORRIBLE because it’s like one click shopping and I’ve spent way too much without even blinking!


How often do you do astym? It’s really hard to find PT’s to go do it in Phoenix and the ones I have found do not do it often. I don’t want someone doing it on me who doesn’t do it regularly.


You are the most patient mom! I always felt so bad because when my oldest would be doing so well and then all the sudden have huge accidents I’d lose it. I would try to be really nice and calm obviously but some days it was one after bother and I was so frustrated. So good job for being so calm and still giving brook her donut!

We don’t really have a garden because we have a tiny back yard, but I love garden tomatoes. So we have a little spot to grow those. If you don’t have an area for a nice garden, some things are great to grow in pots! If you have questions about that I can try to help. I’ve done a few pot gardens but usually not many.


Brooke just has the best hair and hair accessories. She is such a beautiful girl!
My IT Band is causing me a bit of pain today, but hopefully nothing a little more foam rolling can’t fix:)
Today I also have a 4 mile easy run. So excited, it is going to feel amazing!
Have a great day:)


My left hamstring is sore, other than that I’m feeling pretty good! I squeezed in 3 miles this morning and will probably do 2-3 more at lunch because it’s so gorgeous out!


Even without a backyard you could grow lots of stuff. Container gardens are great for people with limited space. There are all sorts of pins on pinterest for it. (full disclosure: I don’t grow anything, but I really like the idea of it). :)


Wow… those cookies!

We have a garden-lots of tomatoes, a couple different kinds of hot peppers, lots of basil, thyme and the hubs just planted some cool weather stuff (hello Swiss Chard and Kale!) Luckily, we also get zucchini, beans, eggplant and cucumbers from my mom.

And lately, my left foot has not felt bueno… maybe time for new shoes?


My hamstrings are super tight from running and a bootcamp earlier this week. Today’s workout- body pump!


Whoa, that workout yesterday was no joke. I think I would have passed out at that stoplight. Or pooped my pants.


Biggest thing in my world is moving (again) and recovering from my 120 mile race!

Today’s workout is an 8 KM tempo run. Fingers crossed for no rain!


This is my first year with a garden. Planted watermelon, zuchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers and basil. Next year I think I’ll just stick with tomatoes and cucumbers because that’s what turned out the best and we love to eat them! Still waiting for the watermelon to get big. It takes a lot of patience!
7 miles done on the treadmill this morning. It’s getting too dark for me to run outside now. Boo on that!


First off I love the idea of a welfare garden (if it is what I think it is). Fresh fruits and veggies can be tricky when you’re on a tight budget and using food stamps.

I bookmarked that cookie recipe before even writing this comment. Priorities people!

Yesterday was a crazy strength workout finished off with sprints. (Which I managed to do for twice the distance required. Because algebra.) Thus I made sure to wear leggings to work so I can stretch as needed all day. It’s got me glad today’s my rest day!


I honestly can’t tell you guys apart in that smore cookie photo. Which one of you is that?


hahaha we get that a lot:) Megan is the one in the picture! Hope you are having a great day Molly!


Aww man- based on that chart I should never be running at 100% the heat index is always above 80 here. Brooke’s hair looks so pretty in the pic of her eating the peach. I’m a little jealous! :)


My hip is still not quite right. I’m seeing a chiropractor now b/c I want to avoid the platelets shot my sports doc recommended.

I’m growing cucumbers, figs and herbs. Next year I want to do tomatoes and lettuce too.

Today is a short easy run and strength training.


I had my calves worked on this morning plus my shins too- it hurt a lot but I know it’ll be worth it. I also tried to take a selfie after and it felt creepy on the massage table!


My hips are super tight. I had a 5 miler at race pace today and I rocked it.
I started my garden with my kids this year and we are doing a salsa garden…lots of tomatoes and peppers. The tomatoes are amazing but the peppers are needing some help. We threw in some strawberries and other vegetables but we couldn’t wait to make our own fresh salsa!


My left shin has been bothering me so I’ve been trying to take it easy on the running since I have a half to run next weekend!


Let’s see…. what doesn’t hurt on a run would be a shorter list. ;) lately, it’s been my knees, but nothing horrible. I just ice when I’m done.

I am going for a lunchtime run, then spin after work!

I totally bought that hat in the pink :)


AHHHH I want the pink one too… are you loving it? I hope you had a great run and enjoy spin later on!


my hips are usually my go to sore spot. Oh, and my shoulders! because of the rods in my spine, my shoulders end up taking the brunt of the soreness. nothing a tennis ball/boyfriend can’t fix!

no garden here. I wish, but no space! though we do have a lemon/lime tree outside of our apt that we can use. that’s pretty awesome.


No run for me today……..I did a 16 miler on Tuesday evening and yesterday and today are recovery days. My knee was a little cranky from mile 13-16 on that run but was fine the second I stopped. Runners knee I assume. That is the only thing that bothers me, and it doesn’t happen often so I guess I am lucky! That 16 miler was my longest run this year so that probably had a lot to do with it.

I don’t have a garden but I wish I did!


My garden goes from 8-noon on Tuesdays (aka the farmer’s market). I have total garden envy!

Yep, the calves, always the calves. Rolling them on a baseball seems to help.

Beautiful pic of the light in the canyon!


HAHAH I love your garden;) Good call on the baseball… I will get that out right now! Thanks Michelle!


My hips always get really tight…and sitting all day at work just makes them so much worse! I think I need to visit my chiro soon to get a tune up.


Corn, tomatoes, and beans are the main things in our garden right now. I need a peach tree!! I’ve been doing that 30 day squat challenge you posted about a while ago. Wow, it totally gets my quads as well. Thanks for the suggestion! I’ve been working full-time on a super fun project: setting my 30-year-old brother up on 31 blind dates in 31 days. I’m not sure who’s having more fun with this, him or me!


No garden here, although we do have a random corn stalk growing among all the flowers in our backyard. Next year my husband really wants to grow some herbs – they definitely add up when you buy them at the store!

My workout today involves chores and cleaning. Our son will be arriving any day now, so my activity level is pretty low. I’m hoping to go on a walk/run tomorrow morning – even at 37+ weeks pregnant, I still have this huge urge to run!


My dad has a garden and is a mile up the road. I get corn, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers and basil. :)
Slacking on my run today. Just hoping to get my 10,000 steps in.


Whoa! Those cookies do look good!

I have speedwork on the schedule for today. And I am so looking forward to it. ;)

My calves and hips have been feeling a bit tight the past couple days.

And, I do not have a garden, mostly because I don’t have the patience to garden.


Ummmm I make those smore cookie bars all the time. They are one of my favorites. I feel like Megan and I truly are kindred spirits.

Freaking potty training. I wish there was a boot camp you could send kids to for it. I would pay $$$ for it. Evan wasn’t bad, but Annabelle….oh Annabelle. #guntoheademoji #canyouhashtagemojis? #iambasicallymacguyver


Thank you for always leaving the most hilarious comments for the past 4+ years that always make me smile so big!


My troublesome spot has been the right glute/piriformis. Those cookies like AMAZING – I could eat about 5 of those right now. Love the hat but I should probably curb my hat purchases, as I’ve already bought 3 this summer!


We saw at a fair expo people who come out and build planter gardens for you. I’m considering. Altho Cali in a bad drought so for now I take veggies from my parents garden.
6 mile very hot 81 degree super slow run here. The hotter the slower I am. As of now I have zero training plan and run when I can but I need to get it in gear with 2 fall halfs coming up.


Whenever I run my IT band acts up. Probably due to calf and hip issues. Its hard for me to pinpoint.

My FIL has a garden and he grows rows upon rows of grapes. They make their own wine and everything. They also have tomatoes, basil, squash. I love eating at their house!

I’m going to the gym for a 20 mile cycle bike ride in a few minutes!


I have been having some knee issues lately so my workout today was walking the mall and the stairs up to my apartment ;) Your dad’s invention is the coolest by the way! So amazing! :)


Those donuts look delicious!


I race something called Cyclocross…so a mix of cycling and running (in sometimes epic conditions). Just getting ready to start the season, so (funny enough) my shoulder and forearm are sore from practicing running up flights of stairs while carrying my bike :)


My IT band has been horrible lately! I need to keep working it out.

Today’s workout was 5 miles of intervals.

We don’t have a garden but used to live by a church that would leave us fresh veggies from their garden. I miss it :(


My lower back, hips, and piriformis are TIGHT and messed up right now. I definitely need to work on it!


My hips are always my sore spots… and if I ignore them, everything else suffers. We have a HUGE garden on our postage stamp sized lawn. I shouldn’t even take credit for it because it’s my husband’s creation, but I help ;) We have billions of tomatoes of every different kind, so if you or any of your readers are ever in upstate, NY this summer, stop by so we can unload… er, gift you with some!!


Love the hat. Did you get it in black? Looks like they only have red/orange left, but might have to buy it anyway.


my hips have been killing me lately, but I havent been using my foam roller like i should be…same on me i know :) getting muscles massaged out hurts so bad but feels so good when your done!


Daily yoga mostly keeps me from getting sore spots. Yoga is such a great compliment for my running!


Oof, I hope your calf is feeling better ASAP!

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