My silly foot and our California adventure.

Two airplane trips in less than one day.  Thank goodness for coloring books, movies on the iPad and snacks galore.    

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Brooke knows what’s up when it comes to flying.  As soon as we find our seats she just jumps in, buckles up and waits for somebody to bring her some wing pins and pretzels.  

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We slept at my aunt’s house on Saturday night and then Brooke went off with her dad and I spent time with my aunt, uncle and cousin Sunday morning.  

I ate the best nectarine of my entire life from their Farmer’s Market.  It was so beyond delicious.  Strangely, I experienced sadness while I ate it because I knew I would never have another one this amazing.  My expectations are a little too high now.

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My 15 year old cousin texted me the night before and said he was going to make breakfast.  At his age I was making toast and sometimes ego waffles and he is whipping up amazing homemade mini cinnamon rolls.  

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I went to church for a bit and got together with some of my college bffs.    

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It was then time to head to the airport with the Brookers.  Man, those drop-offs/pick-ups used to be so ridiculously hard for me.  It used to hurt so bad to see my ex.… It took 2 years to get to the neutral feelings I have now.    Time works wonders.  

Brooke and I have a tradition of eating at Chilis in the Oakland airport… aka the only food option in our terminal.  I am always obsessed with being super early to the airport and so there is no way I am stopping anywhere for food on the way to the airport.  Enter in Chilis:)  

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We got back to Utah and hung out in Salt Lake City for a bit before driving back home.   

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Long story short—>  my foot started really bugging me after my hill workout on Thursday.  That night it started to get swollen and my coach told me to do yoga and rest the next day.  It felt a little bit better on Saturday but we decided to play it safe and take another rest day.  Missing a 9 mile run is a much better idea than pushing it and missing a few weeks of running because of injury.  I’m going to have Dr. B look at it this week and I had a few other people look at it over the weekend and attribute the feet problems to my ridiculously tight calves.  I spend most of my stretching/strenghting time on my quads/it band/hips/core and I have neglected my calves.  

This article about giving our calves some extra love came at the right time.

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I am going to try out a few miles today because they are feeling back to normalish but if anything hurts I’ll stop right away.  Time to make sure this doesn’t happen again:

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Setbacks are normal when in marathon training and I’m hoping this is just an itsy bitsy one and that I learned a good lesson about not forgetting to take care of my calves.  I’ll write more about this later today.  


What was the highlight of your weekend?

Do you go to a Farmer’s Market regularly?   Favorite things to get there?

Anything on you that is hurting or super tight right now from running?

Do you enjoy baking or cooking?  Which one do you like to do better?

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I’m sorry about your foot. I hope you heal up quickly! The best part of my weekend was a lot of sleeping and a good long run on Sunday!


I’m so sorry to hear about your foot!
Weekend highlight: quality time with my husband to just be lazy!
We make it to the farmers market about once a month. I wish I went more.
I LOVE baking…mostly because I have a wicked sweet tooth!


Really hope your foot is okay, that’s just a bad feeling overall in the middle of training, not knowing what will happen with it! And I agree, time works wonders with feelings in general. Now learning to be patient is another thing!


We have an awesome Farmers Market that I go to on the weekends quite regularly.

Take care of that foot. I often have hip problems and the minute I slack off, it escalates.


I go to the farmer’s market at least once a month. I love to get peaches and green beans there!

I hope your foot is better soon!! Keep resting so it can get better.


I hope your foot is just a random day of soreness and nothing more! Weekend was pretty uneventful, which is always nice!! I generally like baking more, but I do more cooking. I like working with breads and yeast alot, probably thanks to my grandma. Have a great day!


The highlight of my weekend was on Saturday when the register was down at the froyo place, and I got yogurt for free. :)

My calves get really tight, which contributes to plantar fasciitis, so I have been rolling and stretching them like crazy lately.

I’m not very good at baking or cooking but wish I were!


SO happy you are at a good place with your past now :) Time definitely does do wonders!

I think it’s funny that Chili’s has the same tiled tables at every. single. restaurant. Maybe only I find that amusing…

Prayers your way for a speedy foot recovery! But you know what to do in these cases of emergencies!

Love Farmer’s Markets, mostly for their cantaloupes!


Stretching your calves will save you from so much injury. I learned that the hard way. Shin splints, stress fractures, and some foot/arch injury and almost 10 years later I learned that it’s worth it to stretch!

I love both and I feel like I cook and bake pretty equally. I obviosly spend more time cooking than baking because we try to eat meals before desert.


In 37 and my feet are trashed from running all my life. I’m constantly rolling in a golf ball, rolling with ice water and doing calf stretches on stairs. Never a day goes by without doing those things and I’m convinced running is the culprit. If you find a cure, please let us know!


Best part of my weekend was spending it at the beach!! I do get super tight hamstrings when I’m training so I’m working on stretching every night. Glad your foot is feeling better. Definitely so much better to address the issue now before it gets worse.


I’ve never had a nectarine.

Highlight of my weekend – relaxing by the pool yesterday and starting a new cross-stitch project! I’m a 60 year old woman trapped in a 30 year olds body.


Loved the article about taking care of those calves! Good call on sticking with yoga and rolling and icing over the weekend… I hope your short run today pays off!

Highlight of my weekend was seeing the Blue Angels perform!

I stick with cooking, because when I bake I EAT IT ALL. one sitting. one breath. no sharing. ;)


Hope your foot improves soon — smart to take a few days off though :) My calves are insanely tight — it’s amazing how many issues that can cause. Cannot wait to read more about it once you get that post up….

Our farmer’s market is great but only runs on Saturdays. Highlight of my weekend was my long run Sunday with my husband and then having some coffee time with two BFFs — then a nice dinner out with the hubs.

I enjoy cooking and baking — well to clear that up, I just like to eat !!


I am so sorry about your foot!!! You are doing the right thing by resting it. So great that you have great people around you to give good advice. Wishing you speedy healing!!
Weekend highlight: playing with my kids!!
Love the Farmer’s Market!!
I love to bake and cook, but i think there is a special place in my heart for baking :)
Have an awesome morning!!


Favorite part of the weekend was celebrating four years with my boyfriend!
I love a good farmers market. Aside from the fresh produce, I love the yummy treats I can find!
Hope your foot feels better!!! :)


Take care of that calf, an ounce of prevention…..
The best part of my weekend was hanging out with friends at a firepit BBQ :-)
I am not sure if it is running related but I have been experiencing neck pain. Going back to the doctor today :-(
I am a baker through and through!!


I tend to neglect my calves too, since most of my issues are always around my hips. Whenever I have any sort of foot ache/tightnenss/etc I always find that my calves are tight. I hope your run today goes well and you can be back at it!


So sorry to hear about your foot, hope it gets better real soon!!
-highlights from my weekend was a busy work weekend (makes time go by fast) and spending some time with the family when I got home.
-We have a farmers market, but I don’t go nearly enough.
-my ITBS is bugging me again. But I think its from taking a week off from running and not stretching or rolling the whole time.


I prefer to bake over cook but I do both, I just get more creative with my baking than with meals. Hope your calf feels better real soon :)


I hate to hear that your foot is acting silly! Speedy recovery! My hamstrings are so tight right now, oh my goodness. Like it hurt to do the pigeon stretch!


Oh no, I hope your foot is feeling back to normal soon! Injuries are never fun to have.

I love going to the farmer’s market. I always manage to find delicious stuff there. There’s always all kinds of delicious produce. I have a vendor who I get the most amazing vegetarian curry from.


I’m sorry about your foot! I hope it feela better on your run today!
My feet get super tight on the bottom easily during training.
I love both baking and cooking, and cooking is my favorite!
Highlight of my weekend: ten mile hike yesterday!


I love going to the farmer’s market on Saturday’s. You’re right, they have the best fruit! I’ve had some pain on the top of my foot, so hopefully I can change the lacing on my shoes to help!


I hope you get better soon, and good idea resting to make sure it doesn’t turn into anything worse!

I’m spoiled and have a farmers market near my work every Thursday during lunch, and then on Saturday and Sunday within walking distance of my apartment. I try to go every week, at least to listen to the music!

I lovvvvvvve cooking and baking! For a while I wanted to be a chef, but now I just do it for fun. Every month I try a different country’s cuisine and it’s been a lot of fun! At family events I’m always in charge of dessert, so I’d say it’s evenly split between my love for cooking and baking :)


I’ve been nursing an ankle injury, I’m not sure if it’s actually injured or just overworked at this point. I’ve been trying to do more of my runs on the treadmill, but the time it bugs me the most is usually after my runs. I’ve been trying to do more ankle exercises and stretches to get the tightness out, hopefully before I start my marathon training in September! Hope your foot feels better on your run today!


Time is a healer! For the heart, *and* the foot. <3


My plantar fasciitis always flairs up when my calves are too tight. Text me if you ever want to talk about that.

I hope it’s nothing too serious for you Janae and that you are able to easily get it taken care of!


Sorry to hear about your foot! For whatever it is worth, I had a really sore, bruised and swollen spot on the top of my foot about a month ago, right over the metatarsals and the doctor recommended a week off to see how it went. I was able to walk, bike, swim, etc. that week, but just needed to take some time off from the pounding of running. With a little time off and a lot of icing, I was back to normal in a week. Hopefully you will be back at it in no time at all!


Sorry about the foot, hope it all works out for you. It’s great to see you are in a more positive place with your ex, I can’t even imagine how hard that would be. Plus I’m sure the travel doesn’t make it any easier.


highlight of my weekend was doing a 5K color run with my mom-she recently just lost 86# and this was her first one-I was incredibly emotional.

there’s an amazing farmers market where i live right now. it’s around the capitol square in madison and has the BEST produce and baked goods. knowing that this coming saturday is my last one is quite difficult!


I had some VERY tight calves last year, that led to an achilles strain. stretching is very important!


I hope your foot feels better soon! Sounds like you’re doing all you can to take care if it.
I had a great time at my sister’s bachelorette party Saturday!
I like to cook better than bake probably because I’m not the best at baking; I’m not terrible but definitely am not an expert.
Take care and hope your run goes well today!


Truthfully, I am worried I am dealing with an injury that will end my season…again! The good news is, I caught it early and getting it diagnosed this week. So happy to hear you are listening to your body and love the article on calf care. :)


This weekend was a great one because my brother got married after dating his girlfriend for over 8 years! I’ve been waiting for this weekend FOREVER. I’m so happy your weekends are getting easier with dropping Brooke off. Your one college BFF has the CUTEST dress (the red one). Actually, you all do. Haha!


I had a great weekend! The highlight was either seeing a friend that was in town on Saturday night or a half marathon I ran on Sunday. I missed my PR by 7 SECONDS, but it was about 80+ degrees so I was super happy with how I felt and how I did. And the after party was really fun!

The only thing that’s bugging me right now are my IT bands. They’re not angry yet but they’re a little sore.

And I definitely like cooking more now these days, but I think I prefer eating over both cooking and baking :)

Hope your foot feels better soon!!!


Hope your foot feels better soon!! I have the same issue with my calves too! After my last half in March my Achilles was really painful! I do stair stretches every night – almost!


I know you love your current running shoes! I used to have all sorts of funtional issues until i switched from my asics that i loved to HOKA One lite Stinsons. Life changing :)


I have been struggling with some really stubborn shin splints since January (!!!!). Finally went to a doctor that uses ART and told me the muscles in the bottom of my feet are tight (and painful) and that (in addition to tight calf muscles) are 90% of my problem. Crazy! Gotta take care of our feet. Hang in there lady!


I love your airport tradition! I’m glad you had a fun mini trip!


I am a way better baker than cook. I hope your foot feels better!


I’m so sorry about your foot! Rest up and heal soon! I was starting to get foot/knee pain last last week so I made it a recovery week and spent a lot of time swimming/running easy. It helped a ton to back off and focus on resting!

Highlight of the weekend was finally getting to Yogurtland:) I also tried out the maple donut flavor! Pretty good!


It sounds like Brooke is a pro when it comes to flying. I will definitely need some tips when it comes to flying with a little one as my husband and I travel a lot and have never flown with a child.

The highlight from my weekend was shopping for and decorating the nursery for our little boy. We made huge progress!

Nothing hurting or super tight from running right now…. pregnancy on the other hand…. :)


I’ve had ongoing calf issues for the past month. Nothing too serious – but it has flared up a couple of times and I’ve had to stop running for a week or two. Now, I’m making sure to RICE, stretch and roll.


I always have to be super early to the airport too!! I love baking and cooking, but definitely prefer baking! If I’m stressed, upset or angry I’ll go to the kitchen, start baking and instantly feel much happier :)


My calves are constantly tight. If I don’t foam roll or use my trigger point kit for just a couple of days I’m in trouble! It’s definitely well worth it to take the extra time to take care of them.
The highlight of my weekend was simply spending time with my mom who came to visit. We even did a 5k together!


Highlight: Seeing old friends! Friday night surprise half birthday for high school friend. Saturday night dinner and gossip session with two college friends. Sunday night dinner and HOME MADE CINNAMON ROLLS (!) with post college roommate.

Mmmm… farmer’s market peaches, honey, focaccia bread.

Sidelined with an IT band injury, but I can start running again next on the 21rst.

I can cook, absolutely cannot bake (hence the former roomy made the cinnamon rolls) but I can’t say I really love cooking.


Highlight is my weekend starts tonight! Busy work week for sure!

I just have tired legs from two humid runs. I tried running this am but found the humidity is worse in the morning and my pace was 30 seconds slower than yesterday afternoon! Guess I will stick with hot runs rather than cooler but more humid.

I love to cook and bake, but I feel like I never get to as much as I would like.

I don’t go to farmers markets all that much, but I love to get fresh peaches and apples in season straight from the orchards!


I see Kimmy!!! Yay for friend visits. :)


I hope your foot feels better soon! Way to be smart about training! The highlight of my weekend was going to Freddy’s with my little family, it was super good! I just love doing family stuff :) My knee is actually really bothering me right now and I am super worried about it :( Time to go to the doc I guess!


I’m so happy to hear that your trips with Brooke to see her dad are getting so easy for you. Such a healthy outlook!
Sorry to hear about your foot, but go you for working hard to get it right.


those mini cinnamon rolls!! WHOA.


I don’t enjoy being in the kitchen all that much, but am I working on it. I need to in order to eat healthier.

And, my shoulder has been super tight lately. I hope your foot starts feeling better soon.


I go to the farmer’s market at least once per week. We have one that sets up 3x per week here and then my work hosts one in the parking lot of our building for employees once a week as well. I generally get squash, zucchini, tomatoes and cucumbers on a regular basis. I have also been loving watermelons these past few weeks. Sometimes I get berries (blackberries and blueberries) but they are sold in large containers and I’m always eating a ton or freezing them so they don’t go bad.


The highlight of my weekend was getting our son to actually enjoy a short hike.

Our Farmer’s market is super small so honestly….I don’t go all that much….when I was in college, I went every weekend and LOVED it….I always got peppers, greens and fruit

On July 5th, I ran a technical trail 50k….as I was going downhill, I tripped on some loose rock and tumbled….one of the consequences was a bruised set of ribs which is about the most painful injury EVER and takes FOREVER to “heal”…I was told that I can still run if I can tolerate the pain, which I have been but it sucks a lot


I did the two flights close together twice in the past few weeks. One time my plane was delayed 7 hours too. It was no fun. (Or it was an excuse to buy lots of new books to read, which is fun.) I don’t travel much, so my travels were fun, but I’m so glad to be home!

I hope your foot feels better soon!


Ouch! My calves are always the tightest too and that really freaks me out. Time to give them some more TLC. I love to bake and cook! Baking is a lot more therapeutic for me though.


This weekend was all around perfect, especially my long run with some new running friends and an outdoor Decemberists concert with my hubs!

I love love LOVE going to the farmer’s market, especially for berries. And corn. And my husband buys all the plants. And sometimes there’s fresh homemade popsicles. Basically it’s best if I don’t take too much money.

My knees started bothering me after 13 miles with a few serious hills on Saturday. And my quads are still a little tight. But I love not being as sore as I used to be after a long run. Progress!

I love baking AND cooking, but I think I prefer cooking more.


Love the farmers market! Always nice to get local farm-fresh foods and fresh flowers!


It’s such a relieve to know you also experience setbacks during your marathon training. I hope your foot gets better real soon to its normal and powerful state, just like your feelings ;)


I am also on the injured list because I was not stretching my quads or hips enough. Pulled my abductor muscle while doing hill sprints. I haven’t run since my long run on 7/4. I am going to PT now and biking/rowing. I have a marathon on 10/11, so kinda stressing about losing speed. I want to wait until I am pain-free before trying to run again – hopefully that will be very soon!! Good luck with your foot!!


Oh amber. BUMMER!! I am so sorry. Good luck at the PT and I hope that things get better asap for your upcoming marathon. Please keep me updated and thank you!


Have you ever froze a water bottle of water and used it to roll your foot? I always keep on in my freezer for such times.


I will be now. Thanks Shannon! Great idea!


Wow, what a whirlwind of a trip! I hope your foot gets better really fast :)


get better J!


The injury bug effects all consistent runners. It sucks not to be able to do what you love but your course of action right now is probably the best one. Back in April I ran the NJ Marathon with a damaged Achilles. I ignored the signs earlier in the year. I should have spoken with a physician or something but I just self-analyzed and had a horrible run that day. I have since recovered and I listen to my body a lot more than I used to.


hoping your foot has a speedy recovery! The highlight of my weekend was seeing my girl Taylor Swift. I try to go to the Farmers Market every Saturday but have been really busy on the weekends for the past few -> I am finally not busy this weekend and will be able to go. My favorite things to get are soft pretzels, peonies, freshly squeeze lemonade, & some fresh veggies.

Bakers gonna bake bake bake bake


I have to pay lots of attention to my calves after tearing mine a few times last year. The running kinda has to stop when that happens, so take care of them. I’ve started getting sports massages, and the first one really hurt because of all the scar tissue there. Now I just try and ice bath, foam roll, stretch and wear compression socks. Hopefully it won’t happen again this year…


Highlight was going to the beach and reuniting with my dog after a week’s vacation.

I love the farmers market and always buy too many veggies. ( we use them though). Favorite depends on the season, right now I love the ginormous bouquets of greens.

I enjoy cooking and baking but prefer baking since I don’t bake daily. Cooking happens several times a day…my hip is still recovering and is a bit achy/tight. I stretch a lot.


If you don’t mind me asking, why such a short visit? Just a busy month and trying to sneak it in?

Regardless, I’m so impressed by your neutral attitude with your ex. you are setting an INCREDIBLE example for your daughter. Be proud of that!!!!

Hope Dr. B visit goes well!


Thanks Hillary! He is studying to take a very important test and didn’t have much time for a visit this month. Next month he will have her for much longer. Hope you have a great day!


Gotcha! Gotta love Brooke for being such a rockstar traveller :)


I’m sorry to hear about your foot, I hope you are better soon!

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