It is amazing how LONG a minute can feel when you are sprinting up a hill.

But first, 9 things we’ve been up to lately:

-Sushi last night because we are hooked.  

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-Thai Lettuce Wraps to start.  

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-Did I ever tell you my wasabi story?  When I worked at this restaurant as a waitress (I told you, I worked at a lot of restaurants) I was dared to eat a little ball of wasabi all by itself…. money was involved and my rent check was due the next day.  So I ate it.  I still to this day cannot come near it after that experience.  I dare you to never eat it.  

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-After dinner we split a chocolate chip cookie from Sodalicious.  I saved the best bite for last.  

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-Summer night walks are my absolute favorites.  

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-On Tuesday night Brooke danced around in the rain.

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-And we watched some fireworks and sparklers.  

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-Brooke had a birthday party to attend yesterday afternoon. 

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-She couldn’t waste her time with utensils and just went in for the cake head first.  

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Yesterday’s treadmill workout was a hill workout:

20 minutes of easy running

5 sets of below:

90 seconds at 6% grade at steady state pace then

1 minute at 0% grade at recovery jog pace then

1 minute at 7% grade at steady state pace then

2 minutes at 0% grade at recovery jog pace

20 minutes of easy running

For me:

Easy running= 8:00 pace

Steady State= 6:55 pace

Recovery= 8:30 pace


What my heart rate looked like throughout the run.  You can see exactly where the intervals and recoveries are.  My heart rate peaked at about 175 during the last one.  These were TOUGH! I was dying by the end of each one but hopefully with more incline training I will get better and better at these.  I gotta get used to running fast uphill because the St. George Marathon has some pretty intense hills along the course.  

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What my course route looks like when I use my garmin on the treadmill:  

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Three things that you’ve been up to lately?

How often do you run hills?  Do you ever do hill sprints?  Do you play around with the incline when you are running on the treadmill?

Favorite type of cookie?  

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I love dancing in the rain, Brooke has it right!


Love the cake picture of Brooke!
Potbelly’s has the best oatmeal chocolate chip cookie!!


I’d say my favorite is a classic chocolate chip cookie but as long as it is homemade I’m not picky (just no nuts please!).

I play with the incline a bit in the treadmill but probably less than I should. I always put it at different percentages but then just leave it alone usually.

Dancing in the rain is the best part of summer!


Nuts in chocolate chip cookies are just wrong!


I agree with both of you. Nuts have no place in cookies.


One of my daughters would happily eat every cupcake face first, it’s kind of cute :) Love your pink nail color btw in the cookie picture! I don’t do hill sprints but 1-2 times per week run routes with steep hills where it’s just a struggle to get up. Hills are tough but I actually prefer them over speedwork.


That treadmill workout looks “fun”! I will have to try that out the next time I can’t get to hills outside. :)

My parents flew into town last night and I can’t wait to spend the week with them. :)


Three things I’ve been up to lately: started my new career yesterday (LOVE it!), reading more, spending more time with people I care about.

I like to do hills once a week or every two weeks. I love doing hills loops–I don’t know if I could do them on a treadmill. I typically don’t mess with the incline much when I’m on it.

Hands down, sugar cookies. :)


I run hills often, but it’s not really on purpose, one of Mt favorite routes has 3 good sized hills. I die on the third one. Lol
Chocolate chip cookies all the way.!! I may have had 4 yesterday. Oops


Chocolate chip FTW. I also save the most chocolate dense bite for last!

I used to run hills about once every 1-2 weeks. Definitely wish I ran them more as I always hated them!


That’s the best bite in my opinion too. When I was in elementary school, our cafeteria served the best chocolate chip cookies that were pretty crispy around the edges and then gooey and under baked in the middle. I swear EVERY KID ate them in a circle, slowly making their way to the perfect center bite for last!


I try to run hills at least once a week on the treadmill. It’s a love/hate workout for sure!
Peanut butter chocolate chip cookies are my favorite! I have a recipe for them that is incredible, and now I want to bake a batch.


Three things: race recovery, unpacking, slow fun runs with friends!
Tn is super hilly so we do lots of hill repeats and sprints.
Fave cookie: chewy white chocolate macadamia nut!


This past weekend was my birthday and I took a trip to Philadelphia and NYC. It was amazing and we went to two baseball games. So much fun! I also got to run my first race in Central Park.

I live in a VERY hilly area in Pittsburgh (my neighborhood is called Squirrel Hill..very appropriate name) so I end up running hills every run. I’m in a running club that does a “hump day hills” workout once a month on Wednesdays. It’s tough!


You know if it wasn’t for being the whole adult thing (read: boring), I would TOTALLY eat cake like Brooke. TOTALLY. nom nom nom


Favorite cookie: Monster cookie from Targets little cafe. Those things are delicious and evil at the same time.


Those cookies!! Yay for it almost being 4th of July!!!


I definitely don’t do enough hill running and I can feel it during a race. I only have long, slow inclines around my house. I need to find some good hills for repeats.


We live in an hoa complex that happens to have a lot of hills down into the parking lots. So we take advantage of that and do hill sprints up and down them. It’s more fun that doing them on the treadmill and it’s still a killer work out.

Chocolate chip is the best kind of cookie. And my and my moms recipe is the best of the chocolate chip cookie recipes.


No bakes! Three things: watermelon, pedicures and new sunglasses.


The routes around my home have some hills but not enough! Certainly not as many or as large as the hills are in Utah! Can I also just say I am always so amazed at your beautiful pictures from evening walks or runs around the canyon– Utah looks breathtaking!

Favorite cookie: oatmeal raisin. Oatmeal is good for youlol!!


I live in a hilly neighborhood so wether I wanted to or not all my runs have hills! Already feeling a difference in my training! :)


Sounds like a great workout! I don’t usually run on a treadmill, but I would love to try this outside if I could find some good hills to use! Favorite kind of cookie is definitely chocolate chip!


Three things………

Hating my crutches
Binge watching TV
And my Rehab exercises!!!!!

Any cookie with chocolate!!!!! Or PB!!! Or nuts!!


How much longer do you have your crutches? I’m so sorry Lisa!


2 more long weeks!!!!! But, this is my second hip surgery and after this I should be able to run again!! Prob 4 months till running, but I’ll be ready. It’s been a Loooooong year. I did get diagnosed early compared to others!!


3 things:

Obsessing with my training plan
Discovering easy recipes

I do hills on Wednesday, just a hilly route. That’s all.

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies!!


That Garmin photo is great at the end! Lately I have been up to working, training and sleep! I live the exciting life! I love peanut butter cookies!


BAHAHA THAT COURSE MAP. I bet it’s so spastic when you hit “play.”

I tend to do hill workouts only outside and speed workouts only on treadmills. I should probably switch that up a bit in the future.


I have to really go out of my way to find a “hill” around here, so I do hill training on the treadmill. And I don’t do enough!
I’ve never used my Garmin on my treadmill, that run looks pretty odd! I do have a HR strap for the treadmill so I just use that. It’s always interesting to get the HR data, although I’m not quite sure what to do with mine yet :)


I’m getting sushi tonight and I’m SO excited. Pretty nerdy, but my boyfriend and I keep a sushi log of all the sushi we eat in Boston (and pretty much everywhere) and we rate them all so we can hopefully one day find the very best one. We’ve been to the place we’re going tonight before, but the spicy tuna is one of the best we’ve had so I’m really looking forward to it!

Happy Happy 4th of July! Hope you guys have a great weekend!


Do you find that your garmin is totally “off” on pace when you run indoors? Mine usually thinks I’m running slower than I really am. It stinks but I wear it anyway b/c I like the heart rate data. :)

I like to run hills once a week. I do lots of uphill intervals. Love these so much, and they really get the heart pumping! And yes even when I’m not doing a hill workout, I play around with the incline – feels good on the legs/hips.

I don’t like cookies… said no one ever! :)


Sushi nights are the best nights! My favorite cookie is an original chocolate chip straight from the oven :) And the bigger the better!


I love walking at night in the summer. You’re exhausted from the day and the air is still warm, but without the sunshine it’s JUST perfect!

My favorite cookie -> Plain ‘ole chocolate chip with walnuts (I know… NUTS!). Or a walnut date ball. SO good.

You can give me all the wasabi!


I did some major hills when I lived in Cincy. Every run as a struggle and sometimes we would throw in sprints up them.
Favorite cookie = thin mint Girl Scout cookies


Every single route of mine around here has a hill unless I drive and park my van down by the trails and run along the dyke. I do that sometimes when my legs feel trashed and need a break. I’m actually worried about injuring myself on hill repeats so I’ve never done them. It just feels wrong to keep running hard up such a steep incline. I’m sure I’d be fine, but I’d rather just hit the hills naturally.


I live on giant hills as far as the eye can see, this I do hills several times per week! I can feel sympathy nausea just thinking about eating a ball of wasabi!


Funny you should ask – I have my hill workout all set for tonight! I am trying to mentally prepare so this is perfect. :)


Wow! That looks brutal! I try to do hills once a week. I’m running some pretty intense trail races this fall, so I want to get used to running up!

Chocolate chip cookies. Hands down.


Just when I think Brooke can’t possibly get any cuter you post more pictures and my heart explodes.


I think chocolate chip cookies are my favorite, though I like the chewy ones, but the crunchy ones.


Soft oatmeal raisin cookies straight from the oven. Yum.

Close second is Thin Mint cookies from the Girl Scouts.

Flat, flatter, flattest – the closest hills are west of Denver and I live in Kansas.


uhmmmm your nail polish color is THE BEST. I am so jealous


3 things: planning for this weekend’s festivities!!!!!!!!!!!!
trying to chose my next fall half marathon
changing up my training
OMG… I just started doing rolling hill workouts on the mill last week and they are BRUTAL! I have a love hate relationship with them.
Favorite cookie hands down is Safeway’s M&M cookie. There has to be crack in them. I’ll scrounge up every last penny just so I can get one.


I ate a huge bite of wasabi once in a dark restaurant thinking it was ginger and now I’ll never eat it again either. White chocolate macadamia cookies are the best!


I just adore that picture of Brooke! Look at those cute chipmunk cheeks and cake eating abilities!!
I also love that garmin map!

I’m pet sitting two high-energy cattle dogs and we went a lovely and hilly 5 mile run this morning! I live in Austin, TX and there are lots of rolling hills- so I get in hills on most of my runs.

Chocolate Chip all the way.


My house is surrounded by hills so I run hills every time I run on my local roads. Sometimes I walk up the hills to get to a nice flat trail though. Weird thing about me- I can’t run on an incline on the treadmill. For some weird reason even the smallest incline makes me feel like I’m gonna fall off.


Where I live, no hills exist. Not that I would run them anyway.

Favorite cookie… any/all cookie dough possible.


I’m going to have to agree with you about your favorite cookie:)


I started changing the incline on the treadmill throughout my runs lately, and it definitely adds to the workout. Love it!


I kinda love wasabi…but I cannot imagine doing what you did!! lol

One of my team practices is hills…we have this 1 mile loop with really gorgeous scenery…that we never appreciate because that 1 mile is nothing but hills. And it’s horrible. In that awesome way. You dread the workout EVERY SINGLE WEEK, but you love it once it’s done!! We usually do a 5k warm-up (not on this loop lol) and then 3-5 loops with 3 min rest in between…then 5k cool-down.


Intervals this morning – 6 x 2 minutes w/ 1 minute recovery. My 1st interval was my fastest and my last interval was my second fastest – happy I finished strong even though I wanted to die at least 6 times. Why is a 2 minute interval forever and a 1 minute interval is so short?

It’s super hilly where I live, I have to carefully map out my route if I want something semi flat.


haha seriously!! The speedy interval feels like a lifetime and the recoveries whiz by. Great job on your workout this morning Kathy!


I NEED to be doing more hill repeats on the treadmill. We live in a fairly flat place and I just had a RATHER HUMBLING experience on a very hilly half marathon. It was not pretty and made me realize that my body is not trained for hills! I like your workout – may actually do it today.


My subdivision has hills all over so I hit them up regularly. If I really want to push it there are large ones I run too. Great practice!
Three things- finished work for a long weekend yesterday, spending today relaxing and feeling happy!
I am a classic chocolate chip cookie girl (no nuts) and come to think of it, it has been a long time since I had one, I will need to change this!


This week: beach time, pool time, stories at bedtime in the backyard
Lots and lots of hills around here. There is this amazing 1 mile hill straight up that I love to tackle.
Cookie: Chocolate chip!!


I swear Brooker’s is looking bigger and bigger everyday! She’s growing so fast!!!


Your wasabi story reminded me…. When I was in high school I worked at a wings place and we had an “insanity wing” on the menu. It was a single wing and if you ate it you got your picture on the wall because it was THAT HOT. A few of my customers paid be $50 to eat it and I was a broke waitress so of course I did it. I was so sick I had to leave work early…. the pain was probably very similar to your wasabi pain! But that $50 made it totally worth it!


I am the worst about running on hills, I just hate them :( I definitely need to stop being such a wimp about them though ha! Brooke is seriously so cute! I love the cake picture!


That last picture made me laugh – I’ve always wondered what would happen if I wore my garmin while running on the treadmill haha


3 things:
1. Packing for a 10 day trip to NYC!!
2. My daughter just turned 2. Tantrum 2s are for reals!
3. My sister and her family have been living with me for the last 4wks while her house is being built. It’s been crazy with 3 kids and 4 adults but I’m sad to see them leave.

I have found the older I’ve gotten the more I’ve embraced hills. The group of girls I run with hate when I map a course b/c they know it’s always a hilly run!


I want to go down that water slide! And Brooke’s face in her cake is awesome!

So I ran a very painful race on Weds and have decided that along with stretching, foam rolling massage and physio, I am going to have to take a few weeks off running…very sad :(

Choc chip cookies for me.


I love running hills! I feel so accomplished when I get to the top. Chocolate chip cookies are my all time favorite but shortbread cookies are a close second.


7 hour road trip to Seattle for a baby shower and the 4th of July
Wogging, because I’m getting so big
Playing lots of games

Favorite type of cookie would be chocolate chocolate (as much chocolate as possible) and soft/gooey.

Looks like Brooke is loving life!


Hills are my running nemesis! Gah! My favorite cookie is oatmeal raisin. Because I’m boring like that.


Working. Eating. Running. (My life in a nutshell)

Where I live, you cannot run one mile in any direction without meeting an incline of some sort. The average road run lately has at least 300 feet of elevation gain…I try to work at least one long climb into EVERY run.

Love me some peanut butter no-bake cookies. Grasshopper cookies are second.


Ha! Funny to see what happened to your watch on the treadmill. I wondered what that would do!

I love hill workouts BUT … I need to do them all on the treadmill. We have no hills in the area I live.

Cookies. I love chocolate chip!


I love the cake photo of Brooke, and your nail polish color!


Favorite cookie is the sugar cookie with frosting from swig!! Love it!


What a fun, happy post! I love hill workouts. Nothing is better than passing someone in a race while going up a hill. That kind of hard work pays off!!


I love oatmeal raisin cookies and OMG I can’t stop laughing at that picture of your Garmin! Hahaha


we need a code word so that you can warn me what I’m about to read and the pictures you’re posting. I cannot be tempted to run over to WF for sushi! And those cookies!!!! ah…


UGH! that sushi looks so good. I’ve actually only had it once in my life. Lately I have been u[ to packing for home, traveling and dying in a random heat wave that is coming through europe. I actually rarely even run in general. Maybe once every three weeks if I’m lucky. I want to run more but traveling and living abroad has been hard.
Fave cookie has to be subways white macadamia nut, hands down!


I save the best bite of everything for last. It’s the only way to eat things!

I love your Garmin map on a treadmill; that cracked me up.


The picture from your walk looks beautiful. Almost as beautiful as the sushi pictures.. I’ve started to make one of my weekly runs have lots of hills on the route. I’m not sprinting up them, but trying to stay at a steady pace and pay attention to my form. Oh, and I love your Garmin Route… :)


I don’t intend to sound harsh, but as a long time reader I find it really frustrating when you vague blog about “we,” as if we are already privy to the relationship you are in. I know you want to shield your dates/relationships from your blog, at least for the moment, and might seem trivial to make such a big deal over words, but it would be a lot less disingenuous if you just said “my date and I.”


Maybe it’s just the lighting, but Brooke looks like she’s got a bit of muscle definition in her arms. Go Girl!

Hill workouts are killer, but I always feel more fierce and capable when I’ve done ’em.

I really love wasabi. In small doses.


I love how your garmin spazzed out during your treadmill run. LOL


I ate a ball of wasabi once……didn’t know what it was and had a very distressing coughing/crying fit in the food court where I worked. It was something else! I hired a running coach for the first time a few weeks ago. He has me doing hill sprints which I never did before. Always keep up on repeats though.
My favorite tyrpe of cookie is a ginger cookie. It bakes up chewy on the inside and crisp on the outside and has a ton of ginger in it. And it gets smasked with a fork and sprinkled with sugar before it gets baked if it wasn’t already perfect enough!


Three things I’ve been up to lately: busy at work, playing with my new computer, and laying out the finishing touches on my next training cycle (starts next week!).


Chocolate chip or chocolate chunk cookies are my favorite all the way!!! Yum!


hey! i think i have commented this before, but i am dying to know the name/color of the nail polish you are wearing!!

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