My new favorite IT Band stretch and hanging out inside of a tunnel.

The yoga class that I went to yesterday taught me my new favorite IT Band stretch.  

My IT Bands get pretty tight regularly (especially when I am running a lot of hills and when I am doing speedwork).  I have to stay on top of stretching and rolling them out to prevent them from getting too tight and this stretch will be added to my daily routine.  It feels really good.   Cross your legs and line your knees up on top of each other and reach forward with your hands while hinging at the hips.  After you stretch out with your right knee on top, switch it up so that your left knee is on top.

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I was super excited because when I walked into the yoga class I realized that one of my favorite running friends was the instructor.  She is an incredible teacher and I will be a frequent attendee now. 

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Afterwards I had a special lunch date.  We hadn’t had time to catch up one-on-one for a long time so it was nice to finally talk non-stop for 45 minutes straight.  

PS Brooke loves salsa.  Is that normal for a 2 year old to love salsa?

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Right outside of the restaurant was a splash pad so Brooke got to run around for a bit in the sunshine before heading home.  

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My Friday night consisted of:

-an ice cream cone appetizer for the 50 minute drive south.

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-dutch oven dining.

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-a tunnel with beach chairs.

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-with a movie screen inside.  

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Have a fabulous Saturday and I will see you SOON!

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A movie inside a tunnel seems epic! Have a great weekend.


I’m glad you enjoyed your yoga!

Have fun!


How did you ever get a movie screen in a tunnel? Very cool! I’ve never seen that before. By the way, I loved salsa as a kid too. My Mom says I could never get enough of it. Now I love anything super spicy and hot. Happy Saturday!


One, that stretch. Thanks for sharing, I have a horribly mean it band! Also I feel like you do the coolest things!! A movie screen in a cave?!?!?!?


I was going to comment the SAME THING! Always the coolest activities :)


Lol, seriously the coolest things! And she always seems to eat at the best places!!


Movies in a tunnel sounds like an awesome way to spend a Friday night! I love that stretch, it is one of my favorites also!


Where was your lunch date? Cafe Rio?? I loooovvveee that place!


my yoga class last night taught me a new fave way to stretch, too! twinsies. pretty much the same position you are in, but laying down on your back and pulling your ankles towards you. I also accomplished the baby grasshopper pose. just doing really great things in my life right now ;)

watching a movie in a cave just landed a spot on my bucket list, thanks!


What was in the Dutch oven?? So curious :)
Have a great weekend!


The tunnel thing looks pretty cool! And that ice cream cone warmup is kind of genius. :)


Loveeee that stretch!! Yoga is slowly but surely becoming a constant in my workout rotation…such a different challenge! Have a great weekend!


That stretch looks amazing! I am definitely adding it to my post run stretching! Thanks a bunch!
Have a great weekend, looks like it’s off to a good start!! :)


That’s a great hip stretch for runners. Yoga has so much to offer all those runner hot spots!


I love that stretch!!
It looks like such a fun Friday night. Have a great weekend!


What. ? A TV screen inside. Haha that is pretty awesome. That’d be a fun way to watch a movie :)


That looks like such a fun night! Dutch oven cooking is a favorite of mine. It’s all so yummy.

My 2 (almost) year old loves salsa too. She will just suck it off the chip and dip it in again if I let her.


Thanks for the great stretch! I will definitely need to use this!
It looks like you’re having such great weather there! Hoping summer shows up for good here in WI soon!

Have a great weekend :-)


Holy cow that looks fun! What movie were you watching In a tunnel!?
Also, I love your throw pillows :)


That’s got the be the coolest way to see a movie!! And your salad looks delicious as always. Now I’m craving guac and salsa…


Watching a movie in a tunnel? This is the first time I have heard of anything like that! I’m so curious to hear more…

IT band stretches are the best. My IT band is always the first thing to flare up when running.


What a good stretch! I’ve only done that one a few times and may have to add it into the cool-down for the couple of Orangetheory Fitness classes I’m teaching this morning. Thanks for the inspiration! Happy Saturday! :)


Watching a movie in a tunnel looks so fun!
Have a great weekend!


I will have to try that stretch- my IT band had been acting up!


OKAY, I want to move to Utah just because of all the fun events that go on there. A movie in a tunnel??? SOLD. My IT band used to be awful — then someone suggested arnica flora gel and i swear by it. my ITB never came back again. Have a wonderful Sat.


That is the smallest, saddest ice cream cone I have ever seen. #why #iamstartingtoquestioneverythingiknowaboutyou


I’ve been into flowers lately. Are the flowers in the first picture real and if not, where did you find them as well as the vase? So pretty! Love the pillows as well!
Enjoy your weekend! :)


Now I want to know what movie you’d pick to watch in a tunnel.


That movie set up is sweet!!


haha nothing wrong with a 2 year old who loves salsa! I’ve been addicted since about that age, and my dad and I totally bond over our love of salsa!


OMG that looks amazing! and 100 times better than watching a movie on a crowded rooftop in NYC (don’t get me wrong, that’s still cool, but the crowds make it slightly less enjoyable).


The movie in the tunnel looks really cool but I am deathly afraid of tunnels and I would be paranoid the entire time the thing is going to cave in while watching the movie, lol. I have weird fears in life. And I think Brooke just has a very well developed palate, who doesn’t love salsa?! ;)


Seriously?! Every time you post an adventure I want to be friends with you and your friends. Haha! Utah has the coolest stuff. Maybe if I light a tree-scented candle and sit in my family room on a lawn chair with a s’more made on the gas stove I’ll get the same ambience……….. :P


Ah! That’s right! That stretch is amazing! I can’t believe I forgot it!

And, what a fun way to spend a Friday night!


Whaaaaat? A tunnel + movie + campfire-esque dinner? That sounds like the perfect date! Haha way better than the weird stuff they’ve been doing on Bachelorette this season…and ummm clearly I need to get out more if reality TV is my first comparison :p

Just had a great SWEATAYYY leg+back workout out the gym and going to get tons of writing done today. Have a great weekend!


That tunnel looks crazy cool!! Have a fabulous weekend!


Thanks for the IT band stretch! Nothing has worked for me so I am anxious to give that a try. A tunnel movie, how cool is that!


Watching a movie inside of a tunnel sounds like the coolest thing ever!


Where is your hat from? It’s awesome!


I will definitely be giving that yoga pose a try tonight! I foam roll religiously to be sure my IT bands don’t get too tight!

In Anchorage Alaska through next Friday! Excited to be here! Hopefully throw in a run or two! But a lot of hiking! :)


What a fun way to spend a Friday night!!
Will have to try that stretch!
Happy Saturday!!


A tunnel movie theater???!!! That’s so much cooler than a drive in!!


Cow face pose! It’s my favorite for two reasons–1, it feels great, and 2, it’s called cow face pose!


I know that stretch well and need to do it! Thank you!

I’m with the others and must know.. what movie did you watch in the cave?


Love that pose/stretch!!
And oh wow!! Movie in a cave?! How fun!


I tried that stretch and it felt good on my tight hips. How long do you hold your stretches for? I tend to rush through stretching.


That is too cool! A movie inside a tunnel? So fun!


I am always looking for new IT band stretches. Thanks for sharing! I love your hat. Is that the new Lululemon hat?


I love your cave movies! So fancy.


Whoa the tunnel movie sounds so cool!


WHAT?!?! That looks like the absolute best thing ever! I bet you had an absolute blast!!!


A movie in a tunnel looks so much fun! It’s totally normal for a 2 year old to love salsa! My daughter can’t get enough of it when we’re at a Mexican restaurant :-)


I have said it before, and I have to say it again, I love your friends, so creative and adventurous.

Also, Brooke would probably eat anything she can dip into. My son went through a phase, he still loves salsa too, he prefers medium heat.

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