3 set running workout for you to try***Heart Rate Training****Sushi wins at life

I pay for my eyelashes.  Brooke’s eyelashes are free.  

It’s totally normal to be a tad bit jealous of your 2 year old’s eyelashes.  

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Yesterday’s workout was a good one.  

My only option for the day was running on the treadmill but luckily my coach put together a fun workout for me to do which made the time fly by.  If you are stuck on the treadmill and bored to death—>  my biggest recommendation to make it more enjoyable is to play around with your speeds and incline.  

I go crazy if I stay at the exact same speed for the entire run on a treadmill.  I need variation to keep me happy on there.  Progression runs are my absolute favorite on the treadmill….  increase your speed with each mile (or half mile or x amount of minutes).  Start your run slow and get faster and faster as you go along and end fast.  Throwing in different speeds will make the treadmill much more entertaining.

The workout yesterday:

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10 miles total (my cool-down was a little bit longer than 20 minutes in order to get the full 10 miles assigned for the day).  7:39 average pace.  

For me on the treadmill I did:

Easy Runs= 8.0 mph

Tempo Run= 9.1 mph

Speed Work = 9.5 mph

Recovery= 7.0 mph

You can find an AWESOME treadmill pace conversion chart HERE!  It goes all the way up to 12.0 mph.

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Because I cannot remember specific workouts for the life of me, my iPad saved the day and told me exactly what to do.  

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When I finished I went over and chatted with Megan for a few minutes as she was doing some crazy intense intervals on the stair climber.  That machine is killer.  PS she  wears her activity band on her shoes instead of her wrist when she does the stair climber so that it will count the steps/climbing.

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I made a running related purchase yesterday that I am pretty excited about.  

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A little bit of why I’ll be using a heart rate monitor from Coach Dave (my coach).  

“When used properly, they can be valuable training aids. But even when used properly, they are subject to certain limitations (HR is effected by heat, humidity, sleep, caffeine etc) and have to be referenced that outside variables can affect heart rate.  

The basic rationale for wearing a heart rate monitor while running is that heart rate is an indicator of exercise intensity. A heart rate monitor, therefore, allows you to monitor and precisely control the intensity of your running. Beginning runners often make the mistake of not sufficiently varying the intensity of their running and experienced runner who don’t use HR may train too hard all of the time…..(sound familiar)   A heart rate monitor can help you monitor this.

To do this, you first need to determine your individual heart rate response to running intensity. Step one is to determine what’s called your lactate threshold heart rate. Lactate threshold is a moderately high running intensity — the highest intensity that can be sustained without significant discomfort. At exercise intensities below the lactate threshold, your breathing is controlled. When you exceed lactate threshold intensity, there is a sudden increase in breathing rate.  Knowing where your LT is allows you to manage your training intensity.”

Some other fun things to let you in on:

-We had a chocolate milk fail yesterday.  

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-Brooke got to hang out with my sis and her kiddos on Tuesday night.  By the way, my sister’s back continues to improve since her surgery!  She is even able to do the elliptical a little bit now which is night and day compared to where she was a few months ago.  

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-While they walked, I got to go out for my favorite combination of foods.  Tuna Tataki (my heaven), sushi, beef teriyaki bowl and an ice cream sundae.  It doesn’t get much better than this in my world.  

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For dinner last night I made cobb salads.  Lettuce, avocado, chicken, bacon, tomatoes, croutons, hard-boiled eggs, bleu cheese and ranch dressing.

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And then we went for a walk.  Summer nights and the sunsets in Utah should never be missed.   PS I have been living in these capris from GapFit as pajamas/lounging around/evening walks.  So comfortable.   

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Are you a sushi person?! Favorite types of rolls?

-I used to work at the sushi restaurant that we went to and the sushi chefs loved to make rolls for me because I would try any and everything.  Sushi is my jam.

What’d you have for dinner last night?

What helps you to beat boredom on the treadmill/elliptical/stair climber?

Who uses a heart rate monitor?  How do you like it?

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Love Brooke’s t-shirt! [Pre-choc milk, that is ;) ].


I’m a vegetarian but I love avocado rolls!
I had chipotle for dinner last night…love their sofritas.
I constantly adjust pace and incline on the treadmill. It also helps to have good music.
My Iwatch has a heart rate monitor and I love the data!


I skipped dinner last night. I was (oddly) not hungry and I was at work anyway so it just worked out that way. That never happens. I’m probably getting sick. Actually the heat usually does me in and zaps my appetite.

I actually do pretty well on the treadmill. I used to hate it and get super bored but I ended up sick from an antibiotic for awhile and couldn’t run outside because I couldn’t get that far from a bathroom for over a month so it was either nothing or treadmill and I just got used to being on it. I actually kind of like it now.


I love sushi! I don’t go out for it nearly enough but when we do our trips to Mexico I totally make up for that. I had leftover brats for dinner (we had a bbq at the lake earlier this week). They were delish. I don’t use a treadmill or elliptical machine but all my runs outside consist of faster intervals w/ recovery run in between. It’s just how I love to run and it does make it go really fast (which is both good and bad)


I’ve been using the HRM for training for a few years. I’m a bit of an analytical geek, okay, a lot of one but anyway, I love it! It’s seriously informative and has really helped me.


Last night for dinner I had Thai chicken curry soup. Even though it was from a can it was pretty good.


I hate fish as it is so I just can’t do sushi.

When I’m on the treadmill I do the same as you. Switching speeds and incline around to make it more interesting. Props to you for doing 10 miles on it, that’s impressive. I can make it about 3 and get too bored. Sometimes it helps if there is a good show on or something though.

Tried to run last night, I was way too dehydrated. I only made it 1.5 miles before I hade to stop at my parents house for a drink. So 3 miles total instead of 5. So the treadmill was a good choice for you! I gotta work on my hydration. How do you do it?!


Aw that chocolate milk incident is super cute even if it might not have been too fun to clean up! I am fully jealous of Brooke’s eyelashes too. And my boyfriends. Why do guys get such great lashes when they don’t even care?! I love sushi and actually had it twice in the last week! Such a treat! :)


HR training last year definitely helped me understand how to vary my pace for my purpose. Love those Cobb salads! Last night I had a kale salad with candied walnuts, apple honey vinaigrette and blackened salmon – out to eat of course – and so delicious!


1) I could bathe in sushi
2) I just flew to FL to visit my grandparents and they had grilled chicken and sweet potatoes waiting for me. That’s true love.

HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY! PS. I bought the shirt and cannot wait for everyone to know I am constantly hungry ;). Go team!!


Love love LOVE sushi! I don’t have it very often, but it’s one of my favorites. Last night I made Mexican food (each month I make a new cuisine and June was Mexican!). It was soo good.

I’m also loving night walks..it feels so amazing and night and we’ve been having great sunsets. I just take my puppy out and walk around for a while. Good way to get my steps in :)


I adore Brooke’s “Be Free & Run Wild” shirt! I want one for myself.

My go-to roll is spicy salmon w/ avocado or sweet potato roll w/ avocado but sometimes I get a special roll. The one that you ordered looked delish!

For dinner I had sweet potato, kale, corn & black bean tacos. But now I want sushi tonight!


I love all different types of rolls so it’s hard for me to pick a favorite. Avocado has to be a standard ingredient, though :)


I LOVE sushi too! Spicy tuna, California, spider roll, anything with the eel sauce. So yummy!
I eat at work with clients 3 nights per week so I get what I get- haha. Last night was deli sandwiches and apples.
I definitely need good music and variation on the treadmill- speed intervals, progression and fartleks are some of my favorites.

Can’t wait to get my shirt!!! :-)


I wrote a whole series on beating the treadmill boredom because it’s so important to learn to like the treadmill! I really changed my opinion on the treadmill over the winter and doing certain speed workouts and playing with the settings really helps to make the time move fast.


1. Smoked turkey wrap…yumm!
2. I usually default to progression runs on the treadmill… Even if I’m not planning on it, I usually get bored!
3. I was actually just looking at that HRM yesterday! I’m torn between the garmin and the polar


I have a Fitbit HR. I had no interest in getting a chest strap because I knew I wouldn’t end up wearing it! I don’t know how accurate this band is in relation to other types, but it’s consistant for me in the information it provides relative to how I was feeling so I’m guessing it’s close in terms of numbers. I usually like to have some kind of target when I’m running so if my target isn’t pace, but say, I want to keep an easy effort for a long period of time I’ll keep an eye on my HR and try to stay under a certain HR number. Works for me:)


I’m lucky that at my gym, they have TVs attached to the machines. So I can get lost in a Law&Order and not even realize that I’ve been speeding up at the dramatic parts.


Hahaha, this is awesome. I’ve definitely done that before – high speed car chases in movies, the hero WON’T KISS the love of his life – it’s like my legs are driving the drama.


Last night I had pulled pork tacos for dinner—my favorite type of taco!
I listen to music to keep myself from getting bored on the treadmill and then either play around with the speed or the incline.


I had toast w/ wowbutter and banana last night for supper.

I find a good playlist and dividing the workout into “oh, 40 minutes? That’s just 5 minutes 8 times…” makes the treadmill a little better.

I love my heart-rate monitor! I do all my running according to my lactate threshold numbers. I’ve been tested twice, and my second round of results blew my first round out of the water (I, uh, started off as a very sedentary person!). It’s been really helpful in building both endurance and speed, so I love it!


I’ve only had Sushi from my college dining hall (It was just okay) and HyVee. I’ve never been to a sushi restaurant, but my sister says we need to go. ASAP. I agree with her.
I had a crockpot thing that my mom throws together: potatoes, green beans, and sausage. It’s tasty and very simple.


Last night for dinner I had a chocolate milk and veggie sub from subway in between workouts. YUMMM.

I use heart rate training and use the Polar v800. Love it.


I think you should make pre-packaged salads and sell them to people like me who drool over pictures of your salads :)


Like her own Blue Apron! Except there’s no cooking because they’re pre-packaged salads… So even easier! ;)


I love sushi! Spicy tuna, rainbow….boston roll…and really anything with shrimp or tempura. Just no eel =)

I had a half of a PB&J for dinner. And i was still hungry…Not stellar.

I always have to do interval training on gym cardio machines. I need to know in 2 minutes I can adjust speed/level etc.


I got tested in May to determine my HR zones and have been HR training ever since. I found it to be really informative and I have noticed improvements in my paces after just 6 weeks of training that way. I decided to go this route since I am training for my first marathon and wanted to avoid doing my long runs too fast! So far, so good!


That cobb salad looks lovely! And I second Kay’s comment about selling pre-packaged salads :)

Dinner last night was peanut butter toast and turkey jerky … It was a long day and sometimes you just need a quick fix!


I love sushi! I could eat all the kinds every day!

I still haven’t gone above 7.3 on the treadmill, even though I can run faster than that on the road. The fast treadmill scares me, lol. It took me forever to go above 6 ;-)


Where did you find Brooke’s shirt? Super cute!


Thank you Katie! It is from Old Navy!!!
I can’t find it in the t-shirt anymore but they do have a tank with the same words:



I love Brooke’s Be Free and Run Wild Shirt! No matter how you get them, you both have pretty eyelashes! :D


I started using a HR monitor when I got hurt. I needed SOMETHING other than pace/miles to indicate my workout intensity. Unfortunately, I got suckered into the whole comparing thing again, so I’ve retired my monitor for a bit ;)

Also, I Googled why a cobb salad is called a cobb salad (because I’ve always wondered, and I guess your pic was the needed push). Sadly, it’s not that interesting. Invented by a guy named Bob Cobb – http://kitchenproject.com/history/CobbSalad.htm

Oh well, the more you know!


Sushi is my favorite thing to go out to eat for. Give me all the sashimi! Last night’s dinner was shrimp, bell peppers and lemon cauliflower rice.


I’m not big on actual sushi, but I love just getting the rice with avocado in the middle. It’s really good!

I’m like you in that I can handle the progressive run on the treadmill. It definitely makes something boring a bit more exciting!

Last night for dinner I had chicken, avocado and BBQ sauce on some naan bread, and it was delicious!


Hi Janae! Yes, big-time sushi lover. I like smoked salmon sashimi (well any kind of sashimi) and rolls with fish on top and inside. The more fish the better. And of course, seaweed salad as a starter.

As far as heart-rate training, I’ve read that about 15 percent of the population have readings out of the ordinary, so it’s good to get a stress test from your doctor to know your actual resting heart-rate to program into your monitor as a baseline.

Happy Wednesday!! :)


I don’t eat fish but I loooove vegetable rolls :) That cobb salad looks awesome… I love the bacon/egg/bleu cheese combo! Last night we grilled chicken an mixed veggies and had sweet potatoes and gelato for dessert. I always switch up the pace on the treadmill but I also watch Netflix/Hulu to avoid getting bored. Watching my favorite shows makes the time fly by!


I had a Blue Apron last night. It was definitely not something I would make on my own time, but I liked it!


Last night for dinner I made a turkey meatloaf with mashed sweet potatoes! And I’m not a fan of sushi, although I wish I was because it seems like everyone I know loves it!
I have the HRM-Run for my Garmin 620 and I love it! I pay more attention to cadence and vertical oscillation than the heart rate, but I do like seeing my training effect.


I do intervals on the treadmill too. It just makes it all go by faster. I am way slower on the treadmill than I am outside. Like, it feels like I’m working WAY harder to maintain a 7 min/mile pace on the treadmill as it does when I’m outside. Like, markedly harder.


I love wearing a HR monitor and I’m starting to use mine more and more, even for strength training, because I can see which moves really blast my HR and double as cardio and strength. Avocado sushi rolls all the way!! :)


Great treadmill workout girl.! great job.
I’ve never tried a HR monitor before..but I’ve heard great things about them. Just like your coach said.! helps control the intensity of your workout :)
We have chocolate milk fails all the time.! haha having a toddler can be messy


I made the most amazing salad last night!!!
Sushi is the BEST. I love trying different rolls.
I haven’t trained on the treadmill much, but I will have to try to vary my paces and incline to make it more fun!
Your dinner last night looked awesome! :)


I would love to do more training with a heart rate monitor but mine gives me a rash. I read several threads that said body glide helped but it didn’t work for me. Anyone have any suggestions? I don’t think it is a friction problem :(


I will write about any recommendations once I get mine and figure out what helps because I sometimes chafe from my sports bra… I’m nervous this is going to be even worse!


I LOVE sushi. I think most people would like it if they took baby steps. There’s definitely a process! I love it plain now but I used to have it smothered in soy sauce. I just like sashimi now, too! So good!!

What was wrong with your sister’s back? I know she was having trouble but was it a disk?


I have been training for Ironman and 1/2 Ironman distance races using mainly HR as my guide for about 18 months now. I was very skeptical at first and felt like it was just going to make me slower. I was very wrong, I’ve PR’d every distance and qualified for the World Championships since going to HR training methods. It can be very frustrating at first and you really have to be patient and let your ego go, but it will pay off big time in the end. I did a blogpost on HR training back in January if anyone wants to check it out (http://www.hollimarie.blogspot.com/2015_01_01_archive.html)


HOLLI!!! Thank you so much for sharing your experience with HR training. HUGE congrats on all of your PRs… you are on fire. Off to read your blog post, thank you soooo much!


Thank you so much for sharing! Fascinating I need to go out and buy a heart rate monitor pronto!! Christina xx


I LOVE sushi, but lately it’s given me the absolute worst stomach aches, so I haven’t had it in about 6 months. It’s devastating.


That pace conversion chart is so handy! I’ll be saving that in my phone for the rare occasion I run on the treadmill


Last night was burgers on the grill, corn on the cob, water melon, and ice cream sundaes. Love summer foods!


I love sushi but I have texture issues with some types, so I haven’t ventured into sashimi territory yet.

It was Taco Tuesday in my house last night. Yum.

Treadmill used to be for all of my runs but now it is only for hills/ intervals (I live in the flattest place ever- not even baby hills for miles and miles). Keeps it interesting to keep the pace changing! Also listen to podcasts or music.

I bought and used a HRM when I fractured my heel during half marathon training last fall. I did heart rate-based workouts on the bike to maintain my fitness since I didn’t have access to a pool deep enough to water-run in. I liked it but it was pretty glitchy (Garmin version paired with my FR220). Haven’t used it for running but I probably should.


I love those capris!


Love me a good Cobb salad!!!

I beat boredom on the treadmill by listening to music, watching a show, or doing speed/incline intervals. Music is key!!!

I started using a HR monitor last year when I was training for triathlons. My coach uses my VO2 Max to gauge efforts and intensities. Now that I am pregnant, I use HR every time I go out for a run to assure that I am not going overboard. I don’t gauge my own HR well, so the monitor is a necessity!


Mmm, all of that food you had looks delicious!


Love, love, love sushi…..I’ve never met a roll that I didn’t like….Well, with the exception of eel – wasn’t a huge fan of that.

I had a giant burrito stuffed with roasted sweet potatoes, eggs and turkey

I’ve never found the key to eliminating boredom on the treadmill. I’ve always found every minute to be absolute torture. Thankfully, I rarely have to utilize ours. On the bike trainer, I usually find a good sports documentary and pedal my way through while being inspired.


I love sushi as well!
I wore a Garmin Heartrate monitor while I was pregnant. It is a great training tool, though even the band chaffed my skin very badly (even though I’m a tiny girl in the bra region with not much to chafe in the chest department). So I haven’t worn it since then.


OMG. I started training by heart rate this past winter and…


It has brought my running to a whole different level. I have never felt more in tune with my body.


Oh man, I LOVE sushi but don’e get to eat it that much!

I try and use a HRM about 80% of the time. It took a little getting used to (I just didn’t like how it felt) but now I hardly notice that it is there and allows me to gauge my intensity a lot better!


I had a take and bake pizza last night that we decorated with mushrooms and pineapple…………it was delicious! And the Triceratops Jurassic Park trading card that came with it was pretty sweet!

I like Philadelphia rolls……..cream cheese and avocado!

I don’t wear a heart rate monitor but maybe I will look into it. On the treadmill I listen to music or look at a big picture of a trail that is hanging in front of my treadmill………..makes me think I am outside.


Have you or your coach heard of BSXinsight? It’s a device that accurately measures your LT without the use of blood tests – which is traditionally how it’s determined. It’s a pretty innovative device that both serious runners/cyclist should consider investing in should they want to make their training more effective.



That. Sushi. Looks. UNREAL. I had, uh, scrambled egg whites and fro yo. Meal of champs.

I had a run coach try to turn me onto heart rate training for the Marine Corps Marathon. It ended up sucking the love out of running for me, so I stuck to training off of mileage!


I don’t eat fish and kind of hate anything “sea”-flavored, however, I do love all the vegetarian sushis I’ve tried over the years! Whenever I go out for Japanese, I always end up with an avocado roll, which may sound boring, but I’m all about the ginger and wasabi. Nothing tops that combo!


I had dinner at Chili’s last night – veggie burger + fries = DELISH :) Your salad looks amazing though!!!


-I’ve never had sushi….
-We ate GF lasagna bites pasta with marinara sauce :)
-Usually when I’m on a TM I change speeds and listen to good music!
-I don’t wear a HR monitor.


Usually I’ll read your posts during lunch. The title with the word sushi intrigued me. That tuna tataki made me hungry and wanting raw fish!… a quick stop to WF, tuna sashimi, $27 dollars later, and now I’m typing to thank you before I submit this post and scarf down this deliciousness!


hahaha that makes me so happy! I hope it was so beyond delicious! Have a great day!


I don’t love sushi, even though I’ve tried really hard to like it. I’m just accepting that it’s not meant to be at this point. :(


My favourite treadmill session is to begin at 6 mph, and increase the speed by 0.1 every 30 seconds. I keep going until I can run no more, but I try to increase my final speed every session. And thanks for the conversion table… I often wonder how fast I’m running in real pace terms… :)


Sushi is my favorite! I like to make veggie sushi at home, I cook some things like mushrooms and then put raw carrots and avocado in them! Vegans eat sushi too :)


I still haven’t found what keeps be from being bored on the treadmill! I still DREAD the treadmill! I can’t really read while running but I definitely watch tv and I try to convince myself to watch the whole show or until I just can’t stand it anymore haha!


That cobb salad look amazing. I think I’ll make one up tonight.

I’ve also been doing a similiar treadmill routine to you. I tend to go a little faster for shorter than your 400m at different pace recommendation… I think ill try that to mix it up.


Usually I’ll read your posts during lunch. The title with the word sushi intrigued me. That tuna tataki made me hungry and wanting raw fish!… a quick stop to WF, tuna sashimi, $27 dollars later, and now I’m typing to thank you before I submit this post and scarf down this deliciousness!

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