I apologize that only the tip of the iceberg (iceberg= my 5 lb salad) made it into the picture.  At least you get to see the cottage cheese and the grapes.

The emails I get from readers thanking me for introducing them to the amazing combination of cottage cheese and grapes warms my heart.  Just knowing that I have shown them the light and changed their life makes it all worth it.  If you haven’t tried cc and grapes together you really need to asap.

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Clearly my mom is the only family member supportive of HRG pictures lately.  Well, my dad was too but the server didn’t get him in the picture.  

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My brother-in-law texted us all to meet for dinner last night.  He has hook-ups all over town and loves to spoil us.  

PS that little boy worships his dad already.

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I had the sampler which included the salad bar, garlic bread and all you can eat pizza that they bring around to your table.  The bbq chicken (below) was the winner.  

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After dinner it was time for the girls to come on over.   

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Once Brooke went to bed we got busy eating desserts because that is just what we do when we get together.   Eat and talk.   

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And then once they left I did my monthly gray hair plucking.  I know that you aren’t supposed to pluck it but I don’t want to color my hair anymore so I have to pluck it.  PS is it normal to have gray hair at the age of 29?  It’s funny because I never had it until about August of 2013 which is right around when I filed for divorce;)  I have a feeling there might be some correlation.  


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Brooke got a present in the mail—>  This cute shirt that Pam sent over from her Etsy Shop (you can get 20% off at her shop using the code hungryrunner)

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I really love baseball t-shirts, especially if they talk about cake on them.

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Just one more photo to add to the flashback pictures from yesterday’s post.  

This was me with my other favorite dog.  

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Time for a short run!!!  


Two foods that you absolutely love to combine?

Cottage cheese lover?  What do you add to your cottage cheese?

Gray hairs?  When did you start to get them?

Brownie or cookie?  If you chose brownie——>  with nuts or without nuts?  

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I wrote a post about seeing grays a couple of weeks ago, mixed feelings about seeing the first couple. I’ve seen 2 so far and got rid of them quickly :) And definitely brownies without nuts. I love adding lots of chocolate chips to brownies though.


I just cannot do cottage cheese! It’s a texture thing. I love to combine annie’s mac and cheese and buffalo chicken. It’s my #1 comfort food!
I’ve heard that red hair doesn’t gray, so I’m hoping I never have to pluck any :P


Hate to break it to you, but it goes white. Fortunately mine was strawberry blonde so it looked highlighted for awhile. Now, ugh…


I used to eat cottage cheese as a kid but I can’t handle it now. My husband always puts it on his salads. And sometimes his pasta or pizza.

I started getting grays around 28-29. I pluck out the front ones but don’t worry about the ones in the back. I wish it was true that if you plucked them, two would grow back in their place! I’d have really thick hair then! :)

Brownie. Always. No nuts.


I love putting mustard on any salad I eat. Have no clue why it’s my absolute favorite especially if the salad has tuna. I think if I had to chose it would be a cookie over a brownie.


I like to dip BBQ chips in cottages cheese – it’s life changing!

I will only eat cottage cheese in the above circumstance.

I dye my hair so often that I’m not sure if I have any grey hairs – but I suspect I do.

Cookies trump brownies any day!


I am definitely one of those HRG readers that now is living life right by eating cc+grapes. Thanks Janae.

I have gotten exactly 1 gray hair in my life, on my 22nd birthday! Hah. Thankfully no more have popped up and it’s been over 5 years since.

Nuts in my brownies. <–sounds weird :)


Cottage cheese and pretzels.

You’ll thank me later.


I’m not a huge fan of cottage cheese, something about the texture. Instead I really like Greek yogurt.
I haven’t seen any grays yet, but I’m only 25 so who knows in a few years.
Cookies, especially if they’re chocolate chip! The puppy chow/ muddy buddies on the right in that photo looks so good.


I love CC!! I like adding pepper to it and eating it plain. I haven’t had it in a really long time, and still haven’t tried your famous concoction.

I started getting grey hairs really young (runs in the family.) I’m 24 and have quite a few (even one white one). I don’t want to start dying my hair yet, so I’m trying to hold off as long as possible!


I love combining Wheat Thins, ketchup and avocado. Carrots and hummus together is really good, too!

I really like cottage cheese, and I eat it with grapes all the time. I’ve been doing that since high school. SO good.

I’m 30 and thankfully don’t have gray hairs yet. I am really dreading that day.

I absolutely choose cookies all the way, preferably sugar cookies!


I love cottage cheese with cut up bananas! So good!

I started noticing gray hairs after having my daughter… so, 34-ish.

Brownies, NO nuts!!! (seriously, the nut-in-dessert-madness has to stop.)


3 words: Biscoff, Bagels and Brownies, that is all.


Biscoff!! Yes! <3


I love cottage cheese with strawberry jam! It’s so good!

I started getting 2-3 grey hairs about 2 years ago when I was 26. I pluck them too because I don’t want to dye my hair!

Chocolate chip cookies!! We’re just finishing a batch over here. :D


I color my hair so much I don’t think I’ll ever know when I start getting grey hairs! Speaking of hair… I’m jealous of Brookes!


I love to combine cream cheese and butter on my bagel

Gray hairs Started in my late 30s. Just a few at the moment. I used to pluck. Now I just leave them. The only time you see them is when my hair is pulled back in a pony.
definitel cookie!


I love cottage cheese and peaches!
I started getting a few grays in my early 30’s.
Brownies…no nuts!


I hate grey hairs since it just a reminder I am getting old. I started maybe about three years ago but they have really grown in quantities this past year. I pluck mine too but this past weekend my brother told me I had a whOle bunch of them in the back of my head. Oh well. I also don’t want to color my hair (yet) because I am actually growing my hair to donate. I am so close!


Sweet potatoes + ketchup.
Almond butter + a giant spoon.
Popcorn + salads.
As a kid…Wendy’s nuggets + frosty.


I love your phone case! One of my favorite combinations is candy corn and peanuts!


I love cottage cheese!! I remember in the dining hall in college they had cottage cheese and apple butter and I would combine the two– soooo good!!


Cereal and banana.
Oatmeal and peanut butter.
Grilled cheese, tomato, avocado.
Egg sandwiches and bw3 wing sauce.


I just got a few gray hairs in the last year or two – and I’m freaking out about it! I am 46. I think blond hair waits a little longer maybe? My problem is that I highlight my hair, and when the highlights are growing out, the only thing I can see is those few grays popping out. Ugggh. And that’s why I’m heading to the salon on Friday for a touch up before Boston!! :)


I have a theory that the darker your hair is, the faster you go grey. Many of my dark-haired friends started going grey in their late 20’s! I’m almost 41 and am fortune to only have one random silver hair that I pluck when I remember, and am dreading the day that I get more. I’ve never dyed my hair and really don’t want to start, since it seems like a lot of upkeep!

My favorite food combo is hands-down peanut butter and apple – I need to have those two things together at least once a day!


I love cottage cheese and apples!


– Almond butter and sweet potatoes are the perfect combo! I learned that one from you too! :)
– Me and cottage cheese have a love/hate relationship. I guess it depends on the day, haha! When I’m in the mood for it, I love using it as a spread for a bagel.
– Ah, isn’t it great to be 17 and not have to worry about gray hairs quite yet? :)
-Brownies win. I’ve honestly never had a brownie with nuts in it though! I think I would like it though. Walnuts have grown on me!


I don’t have any grey hairs yet (I’m 27) and my dad didn’t get any until he was like 40, so I’m hoping I inherited good genes!

My husband (29) has a few though!

I LOVE cottage cheese! I usually eat it by itself, or blended with bananas into a healthy ice cream :)


The picture of your brother in law w/ his boy is precious. I love carrots + peanut butter. I don’t have gray hair (maybe cuz my hair is blonde). My mom was fully gray in her early 20’s though! I love both cookies & brownies so I make this dessert that combines the two — basically you make brownies and then you drop cookie dough in the brownie batter and bake. I’m telling you–it’s the best!


Cookie always.!! Yumm.
And Brooke is too cute. :)

I don’t like cottage cheese. Ehh.
Favorite foods combined though.. hmmm. Strawberries wi th whip cream


I really hope I am like my mother and do not get a gray hair until I’m in my 40s… except I already had eight knee surgeries so it isn’t looking good ;)

Nuts belong in most desserts but not brownies. GIVE ME THE CHOCOLATE + MORE CHOCOLATE.

I loooove stuffing apricots with cottage cheese + cinnamon + drizzle of almond butter. Life changing.


I started getting gray hair when I was 23!!!


I’m so jealous of Brooke’s perfect top knot. :)


French Fries and Hot Fudge from DQ or French Fries and Frosties from Wendy’s. Don’t ask why, but it’s flipping delicious.
I have had one gray hair in my 29.5 years, and that was when I was 10. The school nurse came around to my classroom, checking for lice, and told the teacher that we were all bug free, but that I had a gray hair. Thanks, lady…
Brownie. With nuts. I’m the only one in my family who likes them this way. More for me.


Oh my, the pic of your BIL and nephew are too sweet!

I really love peanut butter and bell pepper.

Cottage cheese and pineapple is pretty delish.

I started getting gray hair when I went back to get my credential and started teacher (coincidence?) when I was 28.


I pluck my grey hairs too. I’ve really only found three and each one has been months apart. Still make me a little panicked about getting older (29 isn’t old!).


the best thing ever: pepperoni and cheeze-its. not healthy at all but oh so delicious :)


I love caramel rice cakes with peanut butter on top. BBQ chicken pizza is my fave kind of pizza. Cottage cheese: yes please! With peaches. Double fudge brownies…with nuts of course (although round these parts I make them without because nobody else likes them with the nuts…the sacrifices I make as a mom). Gray hair? Way too early!! I think it’s part genetics. In my family on my moms side the women tend to get gray hair very early. I color the gray away (the best I can) because if I plucked i’d be bald. :)


Chocolate chip cookies over brownies (never nuts!) but, if the brownie is iced with chocolate fudge frosting, then I choose the brownie over the cookie! Favorite combo – hmm, probably chocolate and peanut butter.


P.S. I love the little (big) bun you always put Brooke’s hair in! I’m a fan of the bu, especially on little girls!


I GOT gray after my divorce too!!


That baby smile is the sweetest!

No gray hairs for me yet, thank goodness! But I’m sure it’s just a matter of time :/

Love that shirt!


*I can’t think of anything I combine…I’m pretty dull. Cottage cheese would not be on the menu, ever.
*Yes grey hairs, I pluck. Started to get them around 26 or so…
(ps that baseball t is adorable!)
*Brownies, no nuts.


My gray hairs started when My boys arrived! Since hen, they just keep coming and coming. I really only notice them when I straighten my hair.
Definitely a brownie girl. I love brownies! I prefer no nuts but I won’t turn down one with nuts.


I love combining peanut butter and bananas. Yum. I hate cottage cheese…it’s mostly a texture thing for me. No grey hairs yet (I shouldn’t say that, now I’ll probably find one tomorrow morning). I prefer brownies as long as they are fudge brownies, not the cakey kind. And they are definitely better with nuts in them. :)


BBQ chicken pizza is the best! It looks like you had a fun time with family!


apple butter and cottage cheese! yum!! sometimes I have them on whole wheat toast..yummy!! I started getting grey hair when I was 30 but I noticed they started coming in hardcore around 40!! refuse to dye them! no brownies just almonds!!


Mmm…a good salad bar salad sounds so good to me right now! I need to find a restaurant around me that has a good one!


Almond butter and Medjool dates!

I am 30 and noticed that I have a white hair. I think I first noticed it a year or two ago. Anyways, it usually hides, but sometimes I can find it when I part my hair a certain way.

I love brownies AND cookies so I can’t choose. I do know that I dont like nuts in my desserts. They are fine separately but I don’t like them mixed in. Ruins my carrot cake experience every time!


I haven’t started getting grey hair yet (I’m 26) but my grandfather’s hair was completely white before he hit 30!
And my favorite combo is definitely avocado and salsa. Pour the salsa in the whole where the avocado pit was and eat with a spoon.


My two favorite foods to combine are nothing exotic, but pretty darn good. I love avocados and bacon. Anything that has those two ingredients in it will be gone before you blink.

I can’t say I’m fond of cottage cheese. There is something about it that just turns me off.

I don’t have gray hairs, and probably never will. My mom is 65 and doesn’t have a gray hair on her head. Hopefully I’ll take after her. Even if I won’t, I color my hair so you’ll never see a gray hair.


I have gray hairs at 28!!! I am grateful though because my gram went totally gray at 30, my mom went totally gray at 40, so I’m hoping I make it to at least 50 :)

My dad is still mostly brown hair and he’s 65, so let’s hope I got those genes.


Cute dog! Name?! You should get one again!

Favorite food combo in the world … Peanut butter on pretzels with a few chocolate chips sprinkled on top (I know … 3 ingredients … But worth it). Stick them in the freezer for a while and they’re even better!


I started sprouting a couple of greys in my early 30s and then it’s just been this last year (I’m 37) where those couple of greys multiplied and had some litters. JERKS.


Brooke should be a little model.. she is too cute for words!!!

Two foods: Peanut butter and banana!!

I’ve actually never eaten cottage cheese. We were having this conversation at my parents’ house last weekend and my mom and fiancé were both totally shocked by this news. Maybe I’ll have to try your combo!!

No gray hairs just yet!


I am a cottage cheese lover, but haven’t had it in forever!! So far…no gray hairs here :) Cookie or brownie!? I think brownie…with nuts! But I’ll take either (with ice cream!)


First, I hate cottage cheese. It has a really weird feel to it in my mouth, and I hate foods with funny textures. However, a coworker of mine introduced me to something you can do with grapes! Wash grapes, but don’t dry them. Instead, roll them in Jello powder (you know…the stuff in the box you make Jello with). I tried it with lime Jello, and the grapes were AMAZING!

As for gray hairs, I have a few that have sprouted up since last year (I’m 26), but nothing major. However, my mom went completely gray by the time she was 27!


lately i’m getting more gray hairs, ARG! i hate it. I have no patience for plucking so I still dye it!

I love cottage cheese…I’ve added grapes to it before and it is pretty yummy. However, lately I really like almonds with it!


That baseball shirt is so cute! You can’t go wrong with anything about cake.

Brownie without nuts.


My coworker went completely prematurely grey in her 20s. She really rocks it though.

I’m torn. If they’re homemade, cookie. If they’re store bought/from a box, brownie.


Fun post today! I wonder if Brooke’s shirt comes in my size… ;)

Okay, let’s see…

Cottage cheese? Nope! Not for me.

No gray hairs yet, luckily.

And, brownie all the way! No nuts please!


Cannot stand cottage cheese, but I wish I could since it’s so good for you.

Luckily, I don’t have any gray hairs yet (knock on wood) but I’ve been noticing an increasing amount on the hubby’s head!

Brownie. Always brownie. No nuts and smashed up into ice cream.


I love cheese and crackers. Or really any carb/cheese combo. Obviously, I’m super healthy.
Love cottage cheese! I usually eat it with peaches though…
No gray hairs yet! But I have so much hair that I don’t think I’d know if I did have any.


I don’t like cottage cheese……..can’t do the lumps!

I like brownies, preferably with no nuts and with vanilla ice cream on top!

I like the combination of laughing cow cheese and apple slices. And also I love pineapple and avocado on a burger…….yum!

I don’t notice any gray hairs yet, thankfully!


I found my first gray hairs at 27. I am now coloring my hair. Yup. I’m there now.


One of my fav combos: veggies in my mac and cheese. Makes me feel like it’s actually healthy.

I do love cottage cheese, I just always put it on a top of salad.

Luckily I’m naturally a super duper blonde so if I have gray hairs popping up (I’m sure I do) I haven’t noticed them yet.

Brownie vs cookie?!? So hard. I think cookie, but I’m pickier about my cookies than I am about my brownies :)


Brooke is just too cute!!!!


I love adding a scoop of peanut butter to my Fiber One cereal. Definitely more fun to eat it that way. :)

I have yet to discover a gray hair. It doesn’t really run in my family and most of my older relatives didn’t start showing any gray until their 70s. Hopefully I can continue that trend.

Brownie, as long as they are really moist, and NO nuts. Nuts completely ruin the texture and experience for me.


I got my first gray at 20 – I guess my grandma started graying early, so she passed that wonderful gene down to me :-( I’m 26 and it’s only getting worse!

Eggs & Sauerkraut is my new favorite combo!

Brownies without nuts – I have an allergy, so triple fudge Ghiradelli brownies are the money maker ;-)

Have a great day! I love your posts.


I found my first gray hair during the flight back from my honeymoon. ( I was… what’s 40 minus 14?) They were pretty random and sporadic until a couple years ago. (Maybe age 38) I never really colored my hair before but now it’s a set 8 week appointment.

Brownies without nuts! I hate it when people hide nuts in desserts!


I got my first gray hair at 24… but I was on a mission in a foreign country, trying to learn a new language, using a bucket to shower and do laundry, etc… AKA the most stressful time of my life so YES I think there is a huge correlation to stress and when those gray suckers show up! Not fun, but you are in good company!


My husband got me hooked on putting French dressing on my cottage cheese.

Gray hairs–I have more than any soon to be 30 year old should have, like too many to just pluck out here or there when I see them. :( Not cool.

Brownies with coconut in them-my mother-in-law made them that way and now it’s weird to eat brownies without it in.


Peanut butter and pretty much almost anything. I loooove peanut butter and almond butter!!

I can’t STAND cottage cheese. The texture, ugh vom. I know it’s healthy and people LOVE it, but I don’t even like seeing it.

Ugh I started getting grey hairs, I’m not sure, but early 20’s for sure. I actually had a dream a couple days ago that I had a lot of grey hairs and my sister (in the dream) was like GROSS WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?! It was traumatizing.

Brownie, or undercooked cookie. and No walnuts or nuts, maybe white chocolate chips or caramel chips…


thanks so much for posting about my Etsy shop!!! I pull out my grey hairs too :)


Sweet potato and peanut butter, definitely!! That combo even beats PB + chocolate for me, which is saying a LOT. I’ve never tried cottage cheese and grapes but I do love it with other fruit so I will for sure be getting on that. I hope you had a great run! I’m off for a 9 mile tempo run, and feeling super nervous.


Late 30’s was when I noticed my first grey hairs and I plucked too.

I do not like cottage cheese….I think it’s the texture.

My favorite food combo is popcorn + shredded cheddar cheese and your bbq chicken pizza looks sooo good! Also I prefer cookies over brownies, and think nuts shouldn’t go in any sweet baked things.

That is a beautiful pic of you and the sheltie! I think a border collie would be an excellent running partner for you and pal for Brooke.


Brooke is just the cutest little thing!! She is so tall and has so much hair for being so little. I love how you put it into that cute messy bun and she looks adorbs in her new baseball t-shirt!


I want to wear Brooke’s shirt in my size!


Chocolate and mint…’cause mint is a food, no? lol

I loooooooooooooooove cottage cheese. So much so that I have to limit how much I buy because no matter the size of the container, I will eat it all in one sitting. I could probably eat it with anything…well, maybe not chocolate and mint. lol

Totally have grey hairs. Have had them for a while (am 36)…but only in the last couple of years did they start to bother me so much that I started having to have my hair coloured…a pain, but better than all that grey! :)

Probably a brownie…but it must be dense (I’m not a fan of cake)…and must NOT contain nuts. They get in the way of the chocolate. lol


Brooke looks exhausted in that photo at the table :) Probably just the moment the camera snapped. Or, it’s been a long day. Ha.

I can’t read any of the comments because the thought of cottage cheese and anything…blergh .

and ketchup and anything…oh man. more blergh.

Super not well. Can’t do it. Also, I don’t usually combine things, I have no imagination. LOL


That picture of your brother-in-law and nephew is seriously adorable!!!


I do have grey hairs – but because my hair is lighter/has other colours going on in there, they are not really noticeable. I haven’t dyed my hair since 2007!

I love cottage cheese – I like to top it with sunflower seeds or cashews! Delicious!

Brownie should have no nuts ;-)


That picture of Brooke in her new t-shirt could be a modeling shot. It’s perfect.

The strangest combination, but one that I love is a peanut butter and dill pickle sandwich. I have converted several people who thought it sounded like the grossest combination into believers.

I love cottage cheese, but I like it with tons of pepper.

I’ve been told that you absolutely DO NOT pluck gray hairs. I’m really old and I don’t have too many (my younger sister started getting them way before I did). I also heard that people with naturally curly hair tend to get them before straight-haired folks. Rather than the real dye — I just use one of those temporary dyes (washes out in 28 shampoos — which for me is practically months) :) They’re really easy and gentle on your hair. You can just pick one the same color as your hair now.

I think I’d have to pick a really good cookie over a brownie. A big soft buttery one. Either peanut butter, or chocolate chip (or a pnut butter, chocolate chip!) or snickerdoodle. Dang. Now I really want a cookie.


Cottage cheese + grapes is definitely one of the greatest combinations. I used to eat it all the time in college and my friends laughed at me, but SO glad to find someone else who understands this obsession. Found my first gray hair when I was 20. I almost cried. Now I find them randomly and immediately pluck them out.


mashed potatoes and Iceberg lettuce!

I don’t eat cottage cheese because I don’t like the texture. I know it’s really good for you so one day maybe I will get over it and eat a bowl!

I just got my first gray hair 1 week ago and I am 28!

Chocolate Chip cookie!


Tahini and Lemon juice for a salad dressing!


I love cheese + ketchup. Grilled cheese dipped in ketchup, mac and cheese dipped in ketchup… so good!


I have to be in the mood for cottage cheese. I buy it in single serve containers because otherwise I get sick of it and it spoils.

I started getting gray hairs in my early 20’s. No kids and no divorce, so I have no excuse! My dad is totally gray/white at 55 but he still has all his hair so I guess that bodes well for me :) I’d rather be gray than bald!

Cookie all the way! The only nuts I like in my baked goods are peanuts.


Peanut butter and chocolate. Duh. Hello muddy buddies.

I am one of the people who can thank you for the cottage cheese and grapes combo. It truly is amazing. Before that, I always put pears or peaches in with CC. Ross dips his chips in it and that grosses me out.

I started seeing grey hair in 8th grade. Fo reals.


Last night was great. As always. I hope your run went or is going well!!


Every time I blow dry my hair I am watching for flashes of gray. I have dark brown hair and all of a sudden catch a silvery piece and whip out the tweezers (which are actually kept on the sink permanently for this reason!) At 34 I am sad that I will probably have to dye my hair one day. But I blame mine on my high stress work all the time news job. The beginning of noticing them correlates to launching our news network here in America 2 years ago ;)


I had gray hair starting at 19, i’m now 32 almost fully gray and have to dye my hair every 4 weeks to keep it away. I have dark hair like you, so of course the roots show like crazy. I did see the new trend for this year is gray hair but i just can’t get on that train. : )

I add kalamata olives to my cottage cheese if i’m craving something at night.


I’m 29 and my hair is going soooooo grey. I have to dye it…if I pluck I’ll be bald. :-( I found EcoColors on amazon and am using that as a cheap and safer way to dye. But MAN it’s sad!


Aww, Brooke’s shirt is SO cute!! I want one in my size!


I love peanut butter and anything.

No gray hair yet but this Boston taper is messing with me…


This is weird but I swear it’s amazing…PB on a Hamburger

I don’t eat cottage cheese that often but when I do, I’m a purist about it.

Brownie – either – I love chocolate!


I had a lot of gray hair in my 20s- I did the plucking thing for a while, did the dying thing for a while, but have just settled with the fact that graying is a natural part of life. I am tired to paying money to have it dyed or spending time to pluck them all out :) Plus, what’s worse than gray hair in my book? No hair.


I love combining eggs with mashed avocado on toast. I’ve been eating that several times a week for years now – so good!
cookie vs. brownie just depends on what I’m in the mood for – both are good. But ideally for brownies they’re slightly undercooked and with nuts are better ;)


I can’t believe that you pluck those hairs. Ouch!


cottage cheese+chopped apples+cinnamon=amazing!

ezekial sesame bread toasted+Sunbutter+unsweetened coconut+chia seeds=my daily breakfast….yum!

I’m a gray hair plucker too!


Oh and cottage cheese+chopped cucumber+curry=savory!


If I plucked my grays I’d be bald, true story. I started going gray in my early 20’s. So did my mom.

I like strawberries on my almond butter toast. It’s better than jam.

Hmm, really have to choose between a brownie and a cookie? I like brownies when they’re fudgy not cakelike so in that case I’d go for the cookie. If the cookie is a packaged one I pass on that and go for the brownie.


I just turned 31 and I have just started plucking gray hairs with my tweezers too. WHAT?!?!? I don’t know how to deal with this. And it was like they happed over night but they were longer so apprently I have just been denying it! Good Luck. Let’s just hope they don’t grow back.


Ok, this is weird, but I love to heat up a yam and mix it with plain greek yogurt, chocolate chips, and maple syrup. It’s a nutrition packed, mushy bowl of yum. I LOVE cottage cheese and don’t add anything to it, but will sometimes use it on bagels instead of cream cheese. My husband puts pepper on it, which makes me gag. I don’t have any grey hairs, but I’m also a natural blonde, so I probably won’t… ever? And, I’ll take either brownie or cookie… no nuts but with ice cream, please. Happy taper, Janae!


I will never eat cottage cheese, gross.

Brownie with a big glass of milk, no nuts.

I started getting gray hair when I was 19. The only reason I remember that is because I was getting my hair done for my first community college beauty pageant and the hairdresser said, “ooh girl you too young to be getting gray hair already.” So yeah, there’s that.


I’m about to turn 29 and have found a few sporadic grays in my hair too! My mom didn’t find any gray hair until she turned 40, so I thought I would be in the clear for awhile! But nope! I definitely pluck mine when I see them too!


I’ve had grey hair since I was 18 if it makes you feel any better :( it’s hereditary and that’s when my mom’s went gray as well. I have to color it about every 6 weeks, or I have a whole bunch (way too many to pluck – though I used to be able to get away with that!) which I don’t like. I’m so short that I feel like everyone is looking at it even though that likely isn’t the case. I get so self-conscious about it!!!


Cottage cheese and peanut butter. People think I’m weird, but it’s relish. :)

Oh, and two foods I like combining are …. hummus on an omelet. It’s yum.

I’m blond but I have one black hair cause i’m 1/4 Japanese. :D


You’ve opened my eyes to cottage cheese & grapes, and cottage cheese on salads. So thank you! Haha :)


His smile makes me feel like I want it to never end. I love him so much.


Peanut butter and apples, or peanut butter and pretzels, or peanut butter and chocolate chips…or peanut butter by itself…

I like cottage cheese with fruit, though I still haven’t tried grapes. with it.

I have 3 white hairs that showed up when I was about 25 – they are promptly removed when I notice them.

Cookie. There are so many more options than brownies. :)


I used to eat cottage cheese with tomatoes, salt and pepper. Kinda like CC + grapes..you just have to try it to believe its good! I used to go to a restaurant that made a warm pasta salad with grilled veggies and cottage cheese and it was oddly delicious.

I can combine peanut butter with almost anything…jelly (of course), pumpkin butter, honey, ice cream, pudding, chocolate chips, fruit, yogurt.
I also mix hummus with Dijon mustard and use it as a salad dressing or a spread for sandwiches.

I think choosing between brownies and cookies would be like choosing which child I love more! Impossible! But definitely no nuts in either.

And I used to get ONE gray hair when I was in grad school that I would pluck out…(stress?)


I don’t have grey hair yet, but I’m only 24 so give me a few more years ;) I love cottage cheese but have never tried mixing it with grapes. I’ll have to try it out. And no nuts in my brownies. I think it ruins them ha


Two foods that you absolutely love to combine? Pretzels and anything sweet

Cottage cheese lover? What do you add to your cottage cheese? Yes, strawberries. Pineapple.

Gray hairs? When did you start to get them? 19!!!! Started out with just a few, after having my youngest (who has health issues) I have a TON.

Brownie or cookie? If you chose brownie——> with nuts or without nuts? Cookie.


salted peanuts in my cottage cheese are my fav


I am holding up the caboose on the comments – it’s spring break and things have been crazy busy!!

A few gray hairs started coming at 25, it’s genetic – my Dad is the same!

Food combos – hummus with any veggie. Cottage Cheese and strawberries!

Brownie or cookie? I love both!!! I would say brownie without nuts :)


Thanks to you…I now love combining sweet potatoes and BBQ sauce (GENIUS!) . I was never a huge fan of sweet potatoes until now! I have been telling everyone I know.

I love cottage cheese with pineapple, fresh or canned…doesn’t matter. Also love it with honeydew melon and cantaloupe when they’re in season. Best breakfast/snack ever.

Gray hairs never appeared for me until I turned 40 (I just turned 43). I really hate the ones that pop up around the hairline every 2-3 weeks or so. I am now an expert at mixing my own hair color from stuff I get at Sally’s Beauty Supply since I have to touch those hairs up so often.

Brownies or cookies? Can I have one of each? Brownies without nuts for me.


For some reason I love popcorn and lemon aid! I guess that’s not two foods, buts it’s an odd combo :)
Brownies and cookies are both always welcome in gluten free format to my plate, I can’t choose!


I got my first gray when I was 21. I’m 33 now and have to color my roots every 8 weeks. Boo.


Aww Brooke looks so cute in that shirt!


I started getting greys in my 20s. Now I’m 34 and they’re really coming on strong. I’m still plucking away. Trying to avoid coloring as long as I can. I’ve never colored my hair!


23 + grey hair = me. I did turned to the occasional highlights to mask them a bit at one point and stopped coloring it all to avoid the dreaded “skunk stripe” that will come with the grey roots once I really started going grey. Now at 32 my grey temples are my trademark ;-)


cottage chees and salsa…try it; really awesome!
brownies, NO NO NO nuts.
gray hair in my eyebrows ?! so far…


cheese ha

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