Friday Favorites and my marathon shoes have arrived!!!

Time for some of my Friday Favorites!

-Baby kisses.  My sister, brother-in-law and nephew surprised me yesterday afternoon by stopping by just to say hi.  Talk about an afternoon pick-me-up.  

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-In exactly one week from today I will be at the Boston Marathon EXPO!!!!!!!!!  

-When Brooke puts her face up against a window and just stands there for awhile staring at me.

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-Crepe bars at my good friend’s house.  Whenever she makes these for her family she always invites us over too because she knows how much I love them.  

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-Savory crepes with a garlic sauce (I’ll get the recipe from her!!!), ham, spinach and cheese. 

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-Dessert crepes from heaven.  One with lemon pudding, blueberries and whipped cream and one with Nutella, strawberries, bananas and whipped cream.  

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-Tulips… my sis and I came across these beauties on Thursday.

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-Finding out that this is starting on Monday.  Serial took over my life when I was listening to it back in January, I can’t wait for more.   

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-Some weeks are kind of lame but when Ms. Independent asks me to carry her and puts her head on my collarbone while telling me she loves me… it magically makes everything absolutely better.  

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-That Carolyn is a recent convert to the amazingness of bbq sauce on sweet potatoes:

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-My two favorite instagram finds:

*** Me too:

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-Change the word ‘shower’ to ‘wash my hair’ and this is so me:

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-Finding a restaurant that has chocolate mint brownies for you to SAMPLE as you order.  Brilliant. 

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-The most exciting part of my life lately—>  My marathon shoes arrived in the mail.  The beautiful PureFlow 4s!!! Time to get a few miles in on them and then pack them in the suitcase to lace up on April 20th to run for a few hours.  

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What are your favorite shoes to wear for a race?

How many times a week do you typically wash your hair lately?

Favorite thing about your Friday?

Who listened to Serial?  Who is excited for it to start up on Monday again?

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I have worn Asics Nimbus since 2006. I love them.

I usually wash my hair 4-5 times per week. Just depends on the week.

Favorite thing about Friday…um, that it’s Friday! Best day of the week! I can’t believe Boston is in a little over a week!? I’m so excited for you!


Exciting feeling to have THE shoes for the race! I always break new ones in about 2 weeks before a marathon. I’m a daily washer because I have fine hair but wish I could do less without feeling greasy.


I’m still trying to figure out which shoes I am wearing for Boston. Giving a pair a test run again today. They aren’t new, just not sure which are my favorites! Is Brooke and Mom going to Boston with you?
Friday is my day off, so I enjoy running and getting some errands done.


I love the pink-blue color of the Pure Flow 4s! I like to race in my PureFlow 3 shoes—no achy feet!
I wash my hair probably four times a week. It’s too much hassle to do so anymore frequently.
Friday favorite: my husband and I going to see my family one more time before our big move from Indiana to Washington!
Happy Friday!


Boston shoes: Saucony Kinvara!
I know it’s too often but I wash my hair daily. I have to after running.
Fave Friday: I have a dinner date with my husband tonight since tomorrow is a taper long run. :)
I am pumped for the serial to return!!!


-My favorite shoes to race in are my New Balance trainers!!
-I wash my hair every day. Obviously it’s much easier for me :)
-Best thing about Friday: my morning run!! It’s my time to forget about all of my stress and just enjoy myself!

Happy Friday!!!!!!


I’m dying for more Serial! I typically wash my hair 4-5 times per week :) my favorite thing about today is that at 5:00 PM I’m free until Monday morning! Woohoo!


I was obsessed with Serial- perfect listening for long runs to zone out! Can’t wait to start listening again on Monday- thanks for sharing!

I have been known to Dry Shampoo after the gym a lot… I probs wash my hair 2-3 times a week! IMO the better your shampoo/conditioner, the less often you have to wash it!


the fact that it is Friday is great enough!

I was JUST thinking about how its been a while since my last crepe… need to fix that.

I wash my hair 5-6x a week. Def give my scalp one night off at least. But my hair isn’t too pretty when it’s not clean. I can’t pull it off like some gals!

Love your new kicks! So excited for you!!


For the past few years, I’ve run in Brooks PureFlow’s for races and mostly always.

I wash my every every 3 days.

Favorite thing about Friday….I love EVERYTHING about Friday!

Have a great weekend.


I have a pair of Brooks Ravenna ready for Boston with about 40 miles on them.


I only wash my hair about 3x a week. It’s SO FREAKING LONG now it takes forever, and I wash it right after cardio so the next day I’m doing strength and not sweating as much. It works for me!


*I usually run/race in Pearl Izumi’s but I recently got ON running shoes with cloud technology, they are literally like running on clouds :) I’m obsessed!
*I have to wash my hair everyday. And as I was getting into the shower this morning I almost just sprayed it with dry shampoo and moved on with my day but knew I’d regret it in about an hour when it looks horrible. lol
*Friday is another day off and another day with my little girl. She has preschool and I’ll grocery shop, nothing overly exciting today :)
*I’ve never listened to Serial


i love asics cumulus!
I have naturally curly hair so I only wash once a week but condition daily.
I’m leaving in a few minutes for a road trip with the boyfriend. We are headed to Baltimore and DC. Wanted to see the cherry blossom trees in peak for once in my life and I just might get my wish!


I run with the Brooks PureFlow 3s now and plan to upgrade to the 4s later this month … please post a review!

I wash my hair on Sunday afternoons after my long run, Tuesday night and Friday morning.

Favorite thing about my Friday (so far): Leftover pizza for breakfast!

I listened to Serial, but to me, the best part about it was Sarah Koenig. If she’s not the voice of this version, I probably won’t be as obsessed with it. I will give it a chance, though.


You just made my entire WEEK with the serial news! I keep opening the app just hoping that a new episode will be up. I’m so excited! I’m leaving for Europe in 2 weeks so I might have to wait to listen to the new episodes till then :)

I’ve been loving the PureFlow 3’s (thanks for the recommendation). They’re so comfortable and lightweight! I’m obsessed!


I have to wash my hair every single day. It gets super gross if I don’t!
How many miles do you try to put on your shoes before running a race? I’m always afraid to get new shoes before a race…


I am SO excited for the new podcast. Looking forward to hearing the story from a different perspective.

I loved listening to Serial during long runs – it literally made the miles fly by!!!


I have really thick, coarse hair, so I can get away with washing it once a week. It looks just as good as if I had washed it the day before.

My favorite thing about Friday is that my husband Daniel is coming home. He’s been gone almost a week and I miss him so much!

I never listened to Serial, but I must start to see what the fuss is about!

Love your shoes! So excited for you!


OK, I am excited for Serial…but I was kind of hoping they would start a new case and have the same reader…I think part of why I loved it was the reader was so good…it might be hard to get used to a new one!
I love your pink flower top by the way!!!!!


Oh I thought you were going to run in the lobster ones. Haha. Both shoes look super nice.!!
Tulips are so pretty.! Glad it’s spring.
And my favorite thing about Fridays is how much of a good mood everyone is in :) I work Saturday so not really my “friday”


Oh my gosh, those are such beauties. I am on my LAST pair of Pureflow 2s (of the 7 that I own #runnerproblems), so I need new ones soon!

Friday fave: this buzzfeed post:


I am totally excited for the new serial! I hope it’s good; it has a lot to live up to :) Also I loooove restaurants that have samples when you order… so fun!!


My Boston shoes will be Hoka Cliftons- love them!
I have to wash my hair everyday, even if I don’t run I have a smelly horse job and my hair hangs on to barn smells hahaha…
I’m so pumped that it’s Friday! I’ll be spending the weekend getting last minute things taken care of pre marathon week :-) Maybe see you at the expo next Friday!


I am going on like four days without washing my hair right now!! I always go at least 2-3 because of the nature of my hair but the weather has been RAINY and HUMID all week so it just wasn’t worth any extra effort to wash and fix it (it takes forever to dry, even blow drying). The best part is that I get the most compliments on my hair the longer I go…no idea why I bother at all ;) Dry shampoo and great smelling hair products are life savers! My husband actually told me this morning how awesome my hair smells LOL

On a totally different topic, I am not usually that into marathons but I watched the documentary “Run for your Life” (story of Frank Lebow, who started the NYC marathon) and it was SO good. He was kind of an unusual person LOL but it was awesome to see how road running has developed over the last 30 years and how the NYC marathon grew. I know you are doing BOSTON next week but it still got me so pumped up for you and the other runners!! I will be praying you stay injury free and just have an amazing race :-D


I CANNOT go more than one day without washing my hair… Unless I braid it the second day. GREASE ball McGee over here!!! It’s so bad.

The smell of babies is intoxicating! (sounds so weird, but so true)


I am STOKED for Serial’s return! I agree, it completely took over my life back in the fall!

My hair gets washed maybe 3x a week. Meh.


I have been wearing Mizuno Wave Sayonara 2s for races lately, but I still have 3 pairs of PureFlow 2s that I run in all the time.

I wash my hair pretty much every day. It gets super gross if I don’t.

I’m just excited that it’s friday! I have a fun trail race this weekend that I’m really looking forward to.

I loved Serial, it was completely addicting! I will have to check out the new one!


SO EXCITED ABOUT SERIAL!!! I hadn’t heard about that until I just read it here.

I love when the flowers start to bloom!! Those tulips are beautiful


Someone posted in my Facebook feed that Serial was coming out with the next part and I thought of you and how much you love it. And as for the hair… I have such a huge mop on my head that to have a shower and actually wash it takes foreverrrrrr, so I put it off for as long as possible. Probably twice a week? Yeah. But I shower twice a day.


I wash my hair twice a week and just use dry shampoo as needed between washings. According to my hair stylist this is the right way to do it.

Anyone who thinks they need to wash their hair more frequently: you have to train your hair to wash it less often. When you shampoo you hair it strips away the natural oils on your scalp, and then your body says, “oh hey there’s no oil left I better produce more.” The more frequently you wash your hair the more oil your scalp will produce. If you can get through a week of dirty hair, your body will start to learn that it doesn’t need to produce as much oil. Then your hair will be less greasy and you won’t need to wash it as frequently.


Love bbq sauce on sweet potatoes (with avocado!)…Fave race running shoes – Adidas Energy Boosts….I wash my hair two times a week, sometimes three but usually just two!


I am excited for Serial again! There is just way to many unanswered questions. I’ve been transitioning to Brooks. Used to be all about Mizuno but needed more cushion. So far no complaints.


Hi Daisy! I saw that you’re transitioning TO Brooks FROM Mizuno. I have always run in Brooks, but want something else to switch off once in awhile. I’m looking into the Mizuno Wave Riders…what are your thoughts? Thanks :)


I used to run in the wave riders and really loved them. I think you should be fine but highly recommend getting fitted at a local running store. They’ll usually do it for free. Good luck!


ahhh cannot wait for more Serial!! I go as long as possible without washing my hair. Dry shampoo has been my BEST friend!


Am I the only one who saw that picture and heard her mother’s voice screaming, “I JUST WASHED THAT WINDOW DON’T GET FINGERPRINTS ALL OVER IT!”? Yes? Okay.


Even when it’s just for training, I love getting new shoes. I got my Brooks Adrenalines in February and I was very happy. I wore ASICS for years but switched to Brooks when I was upset with ASICS.


What makes a shoe a “Marathon shoe”? Anything special or is it just because you’re wearing them for the marathon and not your usual shoes…?


SERIAL! SERIAL- now what the heck am I going to do waiting for it till MONDAY!

Loving the new shoes- do you always get a new pair close to a race or is it the same kind just a new set?


I am SOO beyond excited about Serial. I felt like a lot of things were left in the air and I need closure. Personally, I think he is innocent.

Those brownies would probably lead to skip dinner altogether and head straight to dessert. YUM!

I am all about running in my Brooks Glycerin. They fit my running style and gait well. I will be curious to see if pregnancy changes my gate at all, as I have heard that some women have had to switch shoes because of the changes to their bodies? Any experiences with this?

Favorite thing about my Friday… it’s Friday, it’s warm and sunny, and I have a full day to play!


Those crepes look delicious!

I shower everyday. Both my jobs are pretty active, so I need to stay fresh and clean!


I love running in Mizuno Wave Riders.. and I’m one of those weirdos who loves the new ones every year.

I wash my hair 2-3 times a week. Half the reason I’ve let my hair get long is so I can get away with this :)

It’s Friday…. and I’m heading to Moab!

Good luck with Boston!!


Have you tried the pureconnects? I love the Pure flows and have run 2 marathons in them, but have been running workouts and shorter races in the pureconnects lately, and I love them. I’m giving them serious consideration for Boston. It may be a last minute decision…


Crepes for dinner and dessert, now that’s a genius idea! Yay for the weekend! I’m heading off to teach a BODYATTACK class right now and plan to go out for sushi tonight. A very good day! :)


I love all of this too! Especially Brooke’s face and your nephew! He’s getting so big!


I wash my hair now 2 to 3x a week and my husband is absolutely disgusted. He washes his 1 to 2x a day. His hair is about 1/2 inch long and uses both shampoo and conditioner on that hair. My girls are 1x a week, their swim days. Hubby is unaware that not all of their showers involve hair washing. As for the sweet potatoes and BBQ. You have created a fan in me and my family just stares. I make it with a spinach, kale, loads of other veggies and a whole sweet potatoe. I made these veggie burgers that my kids completely rejected. They are surprisingly good in that salad. I am trying to cut down on my sugary cravings that I got from the stress of moving in Oct. BBQ sauce somehow helps!!


hah i wash my hair about 4 days a week (i try as much as possible to go every other to every 3rd day, but my workouts leave me dripping most of the time)

Can’t wait to get a pair of the new pureflows!! so pretty!


I am running Boston in New Balance Zante.

I wash my hair once a week. I have the driest hair ever and it literally does not need anything more than that. And because fast showers = life.


I have been eating roasted broccoli with grilled chicken over a sweet potato (all from Costco, of course) drizzled with barbecue sauce every day this week for dinner. My husband last night said “Thank you HRG, for making my wife eat something besides salads every day.” Last night, I also threw in asparagus spears with it – delish!


My husband and I had our first real date at a crepe restaurant, so crepes are always near to my heart! True story: After our entrees, we were too full for dessert, but my now-husband said, “Well, I’m full, but dessert here is so good we just have to get it anyway,” and I thought, “Hmm. He just might be the one for me.”
So exciting to get your race shoes! I like racing in my Kinvaras, although I’ve done some shorter distances in the Mizuno Musha (sadly, now discontinued). Most of my PRs, though, are in Kinvaras.


Crepe nights are the best! That looks delicious!


You can run in brand new shoes when your marathon is a week away? I always figured that I would have to get my new shoes at the beginning of my training so that I had time to acclimate to them and I didn’t end up with any surprises.

I recently switched from Brooks to Asics, but after running in them a couple times I keep getting shin splints. The Asics are a little more minimalist than I am used to and I thought I would adapt, but that doesnt seem to be the case. I am going to take them back and see about switching back to Brooks which is good bc I felt like a traitor anyway haha.


I’ve been washing my hair about 3x a week. I realized last week that my husband thought I was still washing it daily. WIN!
Favorite thing about my Friday? Pizza tonight!!
Second favorite thing about my Friday? Finding out that Serial is starting again!


Right now I’m wearing my New Balance Glow 1400 (they glow in the dark!!) which are racing-flats that can withstand a little more pounding than traditional racing flats.

I wash my hair everyday. I don’t think I could function if I didn’t! LOL

Today…is the day before my birthday!!!


I’m ashamed to say that the hair-washing struggle isn’t unique to being single, much to my husband’s chagrin. It’s such a hassle!

I run in Saucony Kinvaras. I was a Mizuno girl for years, but made the switch 3 or 4 years ago and never looked back.


And now I want crepes! And mint brownies! ;)

Those tulips are so beautiful! One of the many things I miss about spring in Utah (the random snow is NOT one of those things ;))…


My distance shoes of choice are Mizuno Wave Inspires!


I love my Brooks pure cadences so much that I’ve convinced 3 other people to try on Brooks shoes and find a model they like lol I should be a spokesperson. Now they’ve all converted and don’t have feet issues.
Today last day of my kids spring break boo!
Gonna be 63 at beach which is cold for me but kids don’t mind as long as they can play football and run around. So beach it is.


Those savory crepes look amazing!

I’m super excited for Serial. I kinda wish she’d go with a new story this time, but I am interested to hear what else she has on this one.


Those shoes are gorgeous! I miss wearing Brooks. I used to wear them but something about me feet didn’t agree with them. My podiatrist had me switch to Mizunos. I’m at home wearing them! They’re my favorite. But Brooks will always have my heart even if I can’t wear them anymore.


The crepes look so yummy as do the Brownies!! I Love love love tulips. They are my favorite flower. I recently switched to the Newton Kismet from Brooks Pure Connect 2 (which was my favorite. The 3’s did not fit me at all) and Pure Flow 3, which were so problematic that I ended up with an IT band trouble. I switched about a week and a half before my first half marathon. I knew it was not great to switch that close to the race but I felt it was either switch shoes or not do it at all. I adapted well to the Newtons and love them. The only downside for me is the arch support. I wish they had higher arches like Brooks. For some reason, I thought you were a Newton girl in past posts but maybe I was wrong. I want to try the Newton Distance shoes next as I have heard so many good things about them.


Now you have me thinking I should wear my new shoes for my half marathon in 9 days. My “old” shoes have 130 miles on them, which is a little less than half dead in my book. Held up great for a 13 mile run last week. Hmmmm

I am very excited about the new Serial but I haven’t finished the current season.

I’m loyal to Mizuno. Right now I wear the Wave Inspire 10 but I get fitted every so often to see if I need less support since that seems to be my trend. I’m hoping someday I can wear the Wave Riders but right now I need the support of the Inspires.


I wear Brooks Adrenaline or Asics Gel Kayano for most runs of any distance. I’m about to break in my new Adrenalines with the Kaleidoscope pattern this weekend!

I wash my hair every day or my head itches and I feel greasy and want to stab somebody.

I loved Serial and can’t wait for more!

Best thing about this Friday?!?! Last day of work before a week vacation! And while you’re headed to Boston, this Florida girl is headed to…SALT LAKE CITY! My sister and I are meeting up for the Salt Lake City Half. She’s coming from Virginia. We decided to take a race-cation together! We come in on Wednesday. We are staying at the Marriott City Center. Anyone reading this have any suggestions for a couple of pretty, flattish, easy ~5-6 milers we can do mid week?

I can’t wait to get away from this 90 degree weather for 5 days!


I don’t know if you’ve seen it yet, but I thought you may enjoy this video in prep for Boston :)


I’m in love with Nike Flyknit Frees. I’ve transitioned back to minimal and it’s been so wonderful – these shoes are incredibly flexible and I feel like I am flying. I love Inov-8’s for trail.

I wash my hair about twice during the week. I run before work so I have to wake up extra early on the days that I wash it because it’s so long and takes forever to blow dry.

It’s going to be in the 60’s here….I started the morning with an hour road ride, running on lunch break and doing a hike after work – all my outdoor favorites packed in between periods of pretending to work!

I LOVED Serial. I listen to the podcasts while I ran….it was like a treat for the run. I was actually adding additional runs into my schedule just to listen hahah! I’ve heard this podcast will be more bias, though…


I recently tried Mizuno shoes and ran my last marathon in them. They were okay, but I just love my brooks more. I switched back and am in feet heaven!

Was obsessed with serial. I got so many people to listen to it! Can’t wait for this new podcast to start!


Love that beautiful baby boy, how precious! You are a lucky Auntie, my nephew is 4.5 years old now and is really tall for his age so he seems like hes around 6 years of crazy energy.

Thank you Thank you Thank you for the Serial info! I was late to the game but totally obsessed with that podcast. I cant wait until Monday :)


Yay for getting your marathon shoes!!! I still need to try BBQ sauce on sweet potatoes :) It sounds so good!!!


I have the Brooks Ghost 7, but the Pure Flows look awesome!! I may have to try them also :)
Wash hair about 4 times a week!
It’s Friday and I am so happy about that!!!
I need to binge listen to Serial!!
I can’t believe you are going to be at the expo in one week!! Woo hoo!!!


To go with that picture of Brook, if you have her smush her face like that, and take a close up pic, then put as the background on your phone, it looks like she is stuck in your phone…

Worth a try!


I love Brooke’s Christmas jammies. We have that same pair! We still sing Jingle Bells and Rudolph every night at bedtime. :)

My all-time favorite shoes to wear running are Brooks – Glycerine. LOVE!

Hair washing – so far twice this week. I normally wash my hair 3 to 4 times a week.

Happy Friday!


I am so excited about Serial resuming! Yippee!

I love Pureflows for racing especially since I discovered the best way to tie them for my footsies. I only wash my hair once a week cuz I be a baller like that. My favorite thing about my Friday so far is that it is a gorgeous day and I am sipping on the best breve.

Random babble: I chopped off 12 inches of my hair last night. Eek. It was invigorating though. I was proud of myself for not getting emotional about my hair, too (yep, puttin’ my big girl pants on).


I just have to say that I FINALLY made your smores bars last They are delicious, thank you! So excited for you and Boston! :)


Love the photo of Brooke at door pressing her face. Kids are so unintentionally hilarious/sweet.

How many times a week do you typically wash your hair lately?
4-5 times. The pic of “The hardest thing about being single is finding a reason to shower” is too funny. Also is one of the hardest things when injured and not able to workout. A shower? Without having done some serious sweating? Strange!

Favorite thing about your Friday? This cup of shredded carrots, jicama, and cucumber with salt and chile pequin I’m munching on. Also made it to the next step in my Mexican work visa process. Poco a poco.


I generally run in Nike’s they fit my oddly shaped feet. I have also run in Brooks but my plantar fasciitis tends to flare in those.

I have dry curly hair so I wash it 2 times a week. If I’m very sweaty after a run I might rinse and condition it.

From yesterday’s post: I love Madam Secretary, it’s really well done.


If you change that quote about being single to, “The hardest thing about being a mom is finding the energy to shower” then I am right there with you today. ;) Rockin’ shoes. Happy weekend!

How many times a week do you typically wash your hair lately? 2-3

Favorite thing about your Friday? Lunch with my brother, we do it every Friday we can.

Who listened to Serial? Who is excited for it to start up on Monday again? Not I. Don’t know what that is. ?


Yay for marathon shoes!!! I haven’t tried the 4s yet but I plan to soon. I’m not a fan of black shoes but I think I’m going to seek out the purple and see what they feel like! Do you like them more than the 3s? I have to say that even though I like the 3s-the 2s were my absolute fave’s. I’ve had a hard time letting go and still have a few pairs that I’m rotating through!!


My favorite shoes are the Asics Gel Kayano’s, they feel like fluffy pillows! I wash my hair typically 3-4 times per week. I don’t really have a set number of how many times, I just wash it when it feels greasy or if I got especially sweaty while working out. Here in Arizona it is getting very hot already so during the summer I start washing my hair more often. My favorite thing about Friday is that it is simply Friday which means the weekend is here!!! Woohoo! I have never listened to Serial but know that it has a cult following.


Eeek! I have the same shoes and I LOVE them! Brooks really are amazing.


Those tulips looks gorgeous!


” My marathon shoes arrived in the mail. The beautiful PureFlow 4s!!! Time to get a few miles in on them and then pack them in the suitcase to lace up on April 20th to run for a few hours. ” –> yes, just a couple =)


When you are in Boston for the marathon you need to take a trip to Kane’s Handcrafted Donuts, you will not be disappointed!!


I wash my hair twice per week. It’s really dry at the ends so I use dry shampoo on the roots.


I wash my hair Tuesdays and Thursdays after hard workouts, and then usually both days of the weekend.
Funny story: I lack almost all motivation to shower (not just wash my hair, but shower at all) when there is no running in my life. After my last marathon I had two weeks off scheduled and (after the first post-marathon shower of course) it took me 5 days to finally take one again…gross.


If you ever come to the capital region of NY, you have to try “Ravenous!” It is a clean “hole in the wall” place with THE BEST savory and sweet crepes! Plus their “pomme frites” (aka french fries) ARE THE BEST IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD! And the dipping sauces to dip them in… oh my goodness, I am drooling! Can’t wait to hear about Boston! That is soooooooo exciting! :) :)


Love your new shoes! I wash my hair every day…wahhhh. I some times dry shampoo when I’m feeling lazy on the weekends but still want to look halfway decent.


My favorite shoes: Mizuno Wave rider!!! Only because I wore them in my last half marathon and PR’D!!!!! Of course it was all in the shoes! Couldn’t have been the training ;)

I wash my hair about 3 times a week…..thanks to the awesome DOVE dry shampoo! Best hair product ever!! And affordable too!!! LOVE IT!


Oh man! I’m soo excited for Serial! Monday is by b-day (32…holy crap!), so I’m 99% sure I will be asking for a slice of Asphalt Pie to eat listening to the new podcast in my pajamas, while the mister does bathtime and bedtime duty. Yep, I’m pretty cool in my old age, haha!

Your shoes! Love! Seriously!

I wash my hair like every 4-5 days :/ Should I have admitted that…?


I too am obsessed with the chicken/BBQ/sweet potatoes–yum!

My favorite shoes are also pure flows or pure cadence–envying your new ones!!

I have to was my hair daily bc it is super short and I sweat during my daily workout and soak my hair! Florida–it’s hot here! It’s ok tho bc it’s super easy to do and quick to dry!

Favorite thing about Friday–no work so I have time to run long AND go to the gym for several classes! Also today was payday so I ordered some stuff from Oiselle–yay!


I wash my hair 7-10 times per week. Every morning (my curls don’t look right after being slept on). And possibly twice in one day if I attend late day Bikram yoga or Zumba.


I wash my hair about 5 times a week I’d say. Sometimes I wash it every day, and sometimes I’ll go up to 2 days. I wish mine stayed nice longer than that though!

I love that flowery pink shirt you’re wearing – it’s super cute! Where is it from?


I’m a Mizuno girl but those shoes are pretty! I am literally counting down the hours until Monday. I can not wait for the new podcast! I could run for hours and hours listening to Serial!


Holy bejeezus….omg, SERIAL is back!!! Seriously pumped for Monday….my long run podcast for sure…literally so excited I’m dancing.


What are your favorite shoes to wear for a race?
Half-marathons: Hoka Bondi, if running a 5k/10k then I like the New Balance 890’s

How many times a week do you typically wash your hair lately?
Every other day is the minimum. I have tried to wash it less, but then I get a greasy/smelly/itchy hot mess on my head.

Favorite thing about your Friday?
I GOT A SHOUT OUT FROM JANAE ON TODAY’S BLOG! WOOT!!! I am the recent sweet potato & BBQ sauce convert. This seriously made my day, other than the fact that actually got a great run in this morning cause my legs finally decided to move when I told them to.

Who listened to Serial? Who is excited for it to start up on Monday again?
Meeeee! It got me through some tough training runs this winter. Can’t wait to see what’s in store!


Happy weekend! Hope it’s wonderful and relaxing.

I don’t usually comment, but I think I have something that’s too important to share. If you love sweet potatoes with BBQ sauce, you need to try sweet potatoes with nut butter, stat! See I’m a nurse a I said stat to its important to your health that you try this combo


My favorite racing shoes are Saucony Fastwitch. I only wash my hair twice a week – Thursday and Sunday. :)


Favorite thing about Friday….tomorrow is Saturday :) I love the shoes! I’m not sure what’s cuter though, the shoes or the sweet little feet that made it into the photo with them! I wash my hair every other day or so. It’s just a lot of extra work. I’ve never heard of Serial. Until now.


That baby is too cute!!!! And your ham crepe looks amazing!


Hello – I tried the sweet potatoes last week with bbq sauce and I loved it!!! Thanks for the idea :)
Favorite thing about my friday: I finished my 3rd treatment of chemo today and my friend went with me and made me laugh a lot! 3 more to go! I WILL be out there running again soon ;)
Washing my hair – I love to skip it and throw a hat on! Washing your hair is over rated :)
Good luck in Boston!! I’m excited to read your post afterwards!!


I love walking into a restaurant and seeing they have food to sample before you order. It makes me so happy!


I love my Brooks Ghost 7!

And, I have to wash my hair daily; I envy those of you that can go a couple days (or even just one) in between washes and nobody notice! Mine just gets greasy…

I just started listening to podcasts. Now that I know Serial is starting up again, I’ll have to add it to my list.


Your shoes look great, BUT the little baby feet photo-bomb really make the picture a gem!


Okay so the quote about being single and showering definitely made me laugh…so true! A question for you though – new shoes before a marathon?! I understand the idea, in that what you’ve been training in probably have a gazillion miles on them by now. But I feel like I’d be scared to try out new shoes, because I’ve found that even the same brand/model always fit a bit differently? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, and the timing of when you order new shoes for the race? I’m guessing they’re the same ones you’ve been training in? Many thanks and best of luck – I’ll be at one of the water stations helping and cheering :)


HEY Caroline! I will write about my new shoes for the marathon on Monday!!!


PS can’t wait to see you at the water stations:)


thank you! And let’s be real, you’ll be going so fast I won’t even see you fly by!! I hope you’re weekend of rest did wonders and you’ll be all set to go come Marathon Monday :)


I’m a loyal Mizuno wearer. :)
I wash my hair about three times a week. I have crazy dry, curly hair, so I don’t wash it much!
The favorite thing about my Friday was getting able to see my brother on National Sibling Day.
Serial is the best. I listen to it on the drive to and from visiting my family (4 hours one way!). I made an exception to listen to it on my 18 miler on the treadmill. :)


Janae! You HAVE to try “Savory & Sweet” on Center in Orem! OMG!! it is SO good!

I wash my hair at least twice a week. I know, I know… there’s a reason I don’t wash it very often. I dye my hair blonde, and feel that it does better and doesn’t get more damaged with less washing.


What’s the name of the new podcast?!


that quote about showering/washing hair, story of my life! made me smile. twice a week wash if I’m lucky :)


My favorite shoes are the Asics Gel Kayano’s
I am excited for Serial. I’ll have to add it to my list.

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