Coughing after a hard run and Boston training week #14!!

Easter 2015 was a success.  

We spent a lot of time with family, did all of our Easter traditions and like usual… I ate so many chocolate bunnies that I will be sick of the cheap chocolate taste for at least 3 months.  

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We attempted to recreate Brooke’s first Easter photo.  This pink dress has been in my life ever since the 10th grade (ummm… 13 years ago).  I am not even exaggerating about this one, you can even ask my mom.  Turns out that American Eagle makes some pretty durable dresses.  


The first thing Brooke asked me when I got her from her room Sunday morning was if the Easter bunny came.  He sure did.

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She also scored big time with all of her Easter egg hunting.

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And for dinner we had the classic ham dinner so I will show you my lunch instead.  Hard-boiled eggs, avocado, feta, nuts and Trader Joe’s Thai Peanut dressing.  Stonyfield Greek Chia blueberry yogurt and warm whole-wheat tortillas on the side.

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Dessert though.  My mom must have seen on my blog the other day that I really wanted to try Costco’s chocolate coconut cream pie.  What dreams are made of.

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Topic of the day—>  coughing after a hard run or race.  It is the strangest thing because during hard workouts or races my breathing feels fine (well, labored because I am working hard but not anything irregular) and then the second I stop running, I cough like crazy.  The coughing lasts for a good 1-3 minutes.   I always forget that it happens until I finish my next hard run and boom… I can’t stop coughing again and my airways feel like they tighten a bit.  This never happens to me after easy runs or when I am on a treadmill but anytime I am really pushing it outside it always does.  

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I definitely think that the temperature change plays a role in this coughing for me along with allergies.  I wanted to hear from you guys if others have this happen to them!  

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Week #14 of training!  Almost there!!!!

Monday:  Off

Tuesday:  12 x 800m—>  2:58 for each 800m.  12 miles total with warm-up, cool-down and .25 recoveries in between each 800.  

Wednesday:  9 recovery miles @ 8:20 pace.

Thursday:  Taught some spin + 7 miles @ 8:20 pace.

Friday:  7 miles @ 7:34 pace.

Saturday: 14.7 miles.  2 mile warm-up, 10 miles @ 6:52 pace, 2.7 mile cool-down.  Ridiculously hard, ready to taper.

Sunday:  Off

49.7 miles total.


Do you ever have symptoms of exercise-induced asthma after a hard run?  How often does it happen?

How was your Easter?  Best thing that you ate yesterday?

What was your best run last week?

What is something you are looking forward to?

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I’ve also got some clothes in the closet lingering around since high school!

Best thing I ate yesterday = huge Greek salad + a Cadbury cream egg!


I have coughing fits after tough runs sometimes. Never lasts long and almost never happens during a run. Glad to know it isn’t just me!

Easter was great! Best thing I had, probably green bean casserole because I was craving salt after my run and the raspberry tart and oreo pie were pretty great too!

Best run was probably a 9 miler last Monday. After a few days off and out of town, it was nice to get back into running and it was just a really great run!

Looking forward to watching the Boston Marathon! I took off work to watch!


Haha! I took off work to watch too – people think I’m crazy…glad I’m not the only one :)


Definitely not! I usually have it on the TV and live streaming on the computer at the same time!


I haven’t had the coughing issue, but sounds like allergies for sure.
Easter was awesome! We had rack of lamb, garlic mashed potatoes, asparagus and I made a carrot cake from scratch!
Looking forward to my surgery on the 16th – yay!!
Boston is almost here!!! :)


I’ve never had coughing but often after a long run my voice goes down an octave and I swear I sound like a man! I don’t get it!


I sometimes can’t breathe, but that’s because I ran too hard!!!
I gave up desserts for Lent so I was SUPER excited to eat a ton of desserts!!!
Best run last week: mile repeats on the track
Looking forward to: BOSTON!


same here with Lent and desserts/sweets…Reese’s eggs never tasted SO good!


Brooke’s Easter dress is adorable! She’s getting so big!!


Awe loove Brookes dress.!! Looks like a lovely easter for both of you :)
Best thing I ate yesterday was my brothers homemade apple pie. Yumm
and interesting. . I’ve never experienced coughing after a hard run.. I didn’t know that was something.


I do sometimes cough…not a lot all at once like that, but for a little while after I will have a bit of a cough.
My best run last week was my 1/2 marathon :)
2 weeks till Boston!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I haven’t had a coughing issue, but my dog does when we run. Sorry to compare you to a dog, but the symptoms are the same. After she exerts herself on our runs, she goes into a coughing fit that lasts for a couple of minutes and then she is done. I just get allergies, especially in Georgia with all of the pollen.

I’m looking forward to spring break this week. I’m off of school, and I can run and strength train all my body can handle! Yipee!


I’ve had exercise-induced asthma from time to time, usually after hard outdoor runs in early spring. Allergies are no fun! But once I get use to the allergies, I don’t get it for the rest of the seasons.

Best thing I ate yesterday was Greek yogurt cheesecake with homemade graham crackers in the crust. So good!


I don’t get running induced coughing but I do get running induced sneezing sometimes. I think it has to do with allergies because it only happens to me during certain times of the year.


When I used to sprint 400s – I would basically would spend 10 minutes spitting and coughing after the race. Happened last week after my 5k race too

I ate too much chocolate last night


-That’s weird! I usually never have exercise induced coughing. But, I do have to work on controlling my breathing during hard workouts. Sometimes I sound like a dying cat.
-Easter was amazing! The best thing I ate was homemade baked beans :) Everything about dinner was great, I went back for seconds and thirds (and maybe fourths, I was hungry!)
-Best run last week: My ten miler! I ran it faster than my last one and felt great!
-something I’m looking forward to: Rock n Roll San Diego. I heard it’s tough and has some hills, but I can’t wait to go out and enjoy the experience. San Diego is my dream home, I will be applying to SDSU in the fall! Fingers crossed!!

I’m glad you had a good Easter! Happy Monday! :)


That picture of Brooke looking for Easter eggs is too cute!

I actually didn’t run at all last week because I was really sick :(

I take an inhaler for my exercise induced asthma, so I don’t really notice any coughing after a long run (or short run for that matter). My husband does get the coughs after long runs though.


I’ve never had the cough from a road run/race, although when pollen is high it sometimes feels like someone is sitting on my chest.

However, there is something that I’ve experienced and a lot of track people affectionately refer to as “track hack”. The upper part of the airway and back of your throat becomes irritated and coughing starts, after my first indoor mile race I coughed for two solid days . Not fun :( And it does happen at times racing on the outdoor track. Making sure I drink plenty before the workout/race does help.

Best thing I ate yesterday was a combo of sweet potatoes and salad.


How cute is little Brooke on Easter morning?! Adorable.
I don’t get the coughing but after workouts I really have to blow my nose–like a lot.

Best run last week was Saturday. Just nice and perfect. Today was great, too!

Best thing I ate yesterday was steak. I actually had steak 3 days in a row but it still was my favorite thing to eat yesterday.

Looking forward to the weekend–we always plan a lot of fun stuff so starting Monday the countdown is on!!


I’ve never had that coughing issue when I’m outside, but when I run inside on the treadmill I notice myself coughing more than usual.

My best run was definitely my tempo, because it was encouraging and made me feel like I’m getting stronger. Plantar fasciitis has done a number on my life.

The best thing I ate was my traditional Sunday froyo, of course. I’m not kidding when I say this is the best froyo place EVER.

I’m looking forward to my trip to Portland this weekend! I’ve never been and am going to a writers conference, so I’m super excited about that! Have a great Monday!!


I have exercise induced asthma.. I take an inhaler before exercise, but it flares up and I get coughing fits after longs runs in the cold, cross country skiing (in the cold) and when I’m sick. It never happens in the middle of a workout, which is the hallmark of EIA. I’ll keep coughing in 1 minute fits until I take my inhaler – worth talking to your doctor about!


Easter was great but I was super sick and almost passed out at the dinner table a few times. Not very much fun. I made lemon cookies with a raspberry glaze and it was amazing!!

I had my first race of my training cycle yesterday (a 5K) and it was amazing! I hit all my goal paces and felt terrific. I don’t get a coughing fit after hard workouts, but I do start to feel nauseous for some reason. No fun.

I’m going to Europe in 2 weeks and I’m SOOOO EXCITED!!! After we get back it’s time to start wedding planning :) Life is good!


I cough like that too! It’s the worst! I dread finishing up hard workouts in the cooler temps because of that reason. Our Easter was fantastic. Believe it or not, I didn’t eat any candy! It’s a sin, I know. My favorite thing I did eat were cheesy potatoes with bacon. Mmm!


Easter was great! I missed the brunch with all the goodies and holiday favorites, but enjoyed a GF pizza when I got home, not the whole thing…that would be crazy…plus I’d never admit it ;)
No running last week. This week I’m on a mission! :)
I am looking forward to my 6 yr wedding anniversary and a night away with my husband that will include a Tigers Game!! Eat ’em up Tigers!! :)


My best run was on Easter with my son – spending one on one time with him, but also because I got to wear capris for the first time this year! Woohoo! I was starting to wonder if I would really be wearing a skirt at Boston, but now that looks like more of a possibility.
Coughing is not an issue for me after a race… shaking, and having blue lips is my issue!!


Cinnamon bread for Easter breakfast.
Favorite run was Saturday, no Garmin, just time, ran for 75 glorious minutes.


The best thing I ate was a three-layer carrot cake I made (humble, I know) and my best run was an unexpectedly great short, quick run last night!

Boston is getting so close!!!


I’m looking forward to going to Munich this Friday! Except I have no idea what to pack. Going from Arizona to Germany’s kind of a big change. Eek!


My Easter started off great when I picked up a dozen cupcakes from my local bakery. Lemon Meringue = delicious… as well as hummingbird, double chocolate, pb cup. Somehow I managed to try them all ;)

I have the same American Eagle dresses from high school, too! And jeans! I always loved their clothing line.


Coughing after a run is so common it has a name! “Track hack.” It usually happens to those who do short hard efforts (a poster above mentioned the 400, I get it with the mile… so did my dad). It happens because you go anaerobic.


Brooke looks so adorable in those pictures! I love the pigtails!
I have never had the coughing thing happen, but sometimes after a hard run I will get a really bad headache. It goes away pretty quickly once I drink some water and eat something.


Your girls’ braids are so adorable. She really is growing up.
My Easter was so perfect. I met my boyfriends dad and his fiancée and just felt happy. Oh and I threw down 16 miles Easter morning wearing my bunny ears. And the boyfriend had an egg sandwich and coffee waiting for me at 16.04 miles. How perfect was that?
Best thing I ate was my rum cake I made for yesterday. The glaze is made out of rum butter and sugar. So good :)


Easter was AWESOME. The best thing I ate was mashed cauliflower covered in cheese and peanut butter pie. Holy YUM!


I’ve never had the coughing thing after a hard run but I actually have it when I eat freezies or really cheap chocolate. Anyone else get that? It’s weird. But anyway, you had SUCH a great running week. Enjoy your taper time!


I always cough after hard or cold runs! It’s the strangest thing.

Your daughter is so cute! My best run was a race on Saturday, which primed me for lots of Easter chocolate over the weekend :) We had really nice steaks for Easter dinner, which was pretty great because I almost never eat red meat.


I have allergy induced asthma, and sometimes it seems the only time I don’t cough is when I exercise! I do notice my coughing gets worse with a temperature change. That and when I ride the CTA buses here in Chicago – embarrassing!
Easter was quiet – I went to visit my Dad and we had brunch (my favorite meal).
I am looking forward to finding out if I got a slot in the Chicago marathon. I did the lottery and we don’t find out until later this month. If I get in, it will be my first ever.


I think I made myself sick of peanut butter eggs yesterday. Not really though. I just ate them all so there are none left :)


I had a pretty bad cold two weeks ago and I keep thinking I’m over it until I finish running and have a major coughing attack… It doesn’t happen very often though. Looks like you had a great week of running!

Best thing I ate yesterday – Easter ham!!

Best run – 9.5 miles on Easter. Holiday runs = empty trails :)


I only have coughing spells after a cold run. And then it will hit me randomly throughout the morning, just a few coughs at a time.

My best run was the 13.1 on Saturday:) Was only planning a 10, but I just went for it. Only the 2nd time I’ve done that distance and I am so excited for the progres I’ve made.

I’m looking forward to my San Diego trip at the end of the month!! Yay!


That’s funny – the coughing happened to me just this weekend after a race. I figured it was due to running through a ton of pollen.


I definitely cough after long or hard workouts.. and the cough typically lasts on and off for a few hours after. I always wondered if it was something I should worry about! <- joke, I worry about everything anyway :)

We had a very traditional Easter dinner of quesadillas. And of course, some Reese eggs!



You have helped me tremendously! I always cough after a hard run – I thought it was because I am older (49) and not a super experienced runner (only 3 years seriously running). Glad to know maybe I’m a little normal! :)

My kids were not able to come home for Easter, so I was a bit sad about that. (I still make them baskets!) I had a beautiful omlette with Maryland lump crabmeat. SO delicious!

My “best” run was actually my hardest – I came home from visiting my daughter out of state and completed 12 treadmill miles late in the day. I was proud that I got through it!

I am looking for ward to my daughter’s final performance at her conservatory before graduating from music school. All of the family will be there!!!!!

Have a great day!!!


Do you ever have symptoms of exercise-induced asthma after a hard run? How often does it happen?
I do cough after a long or hard run and I never associated it with asthma because I don’t have asthma, but I suppose I could have EIA. It seems to happen more in the winter so I agree with the temperature change comment.

How was your Easter? Best thing that you ate yesterday?
My Easter was great! Great family time and great food. I can’t even just pick one food!

What was your best run last week?
13 mile long run on Saturday – I was sore all day Saturday and Sunday but it felt good during the run.

What is something you are looking forward to?
Being done with school, switching to day shift at my job and running my half on 4/19.


I cough when I run hard outside in the cold weather. It’s more like a weeze for an hour or so. I’m looking forward to the SLC half marathon on 4/18! Can’t wait to run a new race and hoping for nice weather.


I definitely cough for awhile after runs, especially if they were difficult (i.e. a race), or in the extreme cold. Easter was great! We had some awesome ham, baked potatoes, corn, and apple pie. :) I’m looking forward to the end of the semester so I’m done with classes and can focus on research! :)


I have short coughing episodes after running and have noticed it happens when I move from outdoor running environment then indoors. Lasts a minute or so. Best wishes for Boston, you’ll do fantastic!


I definitely used to have the exercise induced asthma stuff, had an inhaler and everything. Definitely a lot better now, though I’m in a much drier state!

Easter was great, very relaxing. I went on a long hike with the boyfriend and then ate avocado/hard boiled egg mashed up on some toast. it was so damn good.

i did NOT run last week because I was still in my lazy mode…. and I’m looking forward to 50 miler training which starts TODAY!


My asthma acts up a bit after some runs too, more so in the Spring with my allergies but also when it’s colder out. I usually have to take my puffer (ventolin) to get it to go away though, otherwise it can hang on all day. Lately it has happened maybe twice a month?

Best run last week? My long run on Saturday! It was the same distance as the previous week, but hilly instead of flat. It was encouraging because I could feel the positive impact of the hill repeats I’ve been doing midweek. A lot of the hills on the long run were tough, but I conquered them instead of them conquering me!


I cough nearly every time I run. My doctor said I have exercise induced asthma but I kind of blew the idea off as the inhaler never seems to help…that being said…after I run if I take the inhaler it DOES seem to help a bit as the coughing lessens and doesn’t last as long.

Full disclosure, I live in Denver. Land of the most amazing mountains, most amazing sunshine, most people exercising, and most pollution in our little valley. Sigh. So…there you have it. We’re not as great as we think we are…sssh. don’t tell.


I started dealing with EIA my senior year of high school. For a while I kept an inhaler prescription filled, but I hated how if I used it before the run I was guaranteed to need it after as well. I did not want to become dependent on it so I quit using it. For me, I only cough after my workout in the winter time. That is also when it is harder for me to breathe………….cold air almost hurts to breathe in but the warmer air in summer is fine. I guess everyone is different, but I have found that even if it takes me 2 miles at the start of my run to have my breathing controlled, I am much better off than if I use an inhaler and become dependent on it.


I typically cough a lot after a run if it’s pretty cold outside for it. Something about that temperature, pretty much anything below 45 degrees, makes my lungs extra exhausted.
Glad you had a great Easter!


Easter looks like so much fun, I would love to get an Easter basket filled with all of that chocolate!


UM WHEN DID BROOKE TURN TWENTY?! Make it stop! Haha, Such a sweet Easter!

Love your running shorts! I inhaled about a million Reese’s eggs yesterday so I’m in need of a good run!


Your Mom is the best! And it’s so cute that they did errands alongside your run path this weekend too. I don’t think I’ve had any exercise asthma, thank goodness. And I ate a ton of delicious food this weekend — perhaps the highlight was some glorious pieces of carrot cake yesterday! Happy Monday!


ugggh the run-cough is terrible! helpful to read about it so thank you!

best thing i ate yesterday was crock pot BBQ chicken and girl scout cookies mmmmm

i totally still have a black dress from 8th grade. whaaat?!


I have been dealing with EIC this week. I had a terrible cold that kept me sidelined for most of the week, and it has been on the cold and windy side during my runs. I’ll do fine throughout the run, then when I get inside it’s constant coughing!
I also get this cough when I have a really cold drink like a slurpee or something. Weird!

I had a good 7-mile long run where the entire time I was saying to myself, “‘i’m so nervous about my 10 mile race in a month, it’s going to be terrible…” and all of these negative thoughts (because it’s hard to train when you have year-old twins and you work full time). When I finished the run I felt great and wondered why I was getting myself so worried about this race! I felt pretty silly. :)


I used to cough super bad in the winters in Utah after my runs, now that I’m living in Minnesota (where it gets a lot colder!!) I never have a problem. I seriously think the dryness combined with the higher elevation is why I got coughs so bad. Minnesota is much more humid and it is lower elevation and so I think it is just a lot easier on my lungs. I have nothing scientific to back this but that’s my theory!


Looks like the Easter bunny was pretty good to Brooke.

My Easter was laid back but pretty good. Every once in awhile you need a holiday that isn’t jam packed.


I don’t cough but I do suffer from EIR, (Exercise Induced Rhinitis). Basically my nose runs faster than Meb at Boston and that is darn fast!

It typically only happens after a long, hard run and always after after a marathon or a half but never on runs 8 miles or shorter. It happens at all times of the year and it lasts for the whole day and I wake up the next morning and I’m fine. Besides the itchiness and constant sneezing the worst side effect is a really bad headache that tends to happen about 1 out of every 4 times.

My doctor says it has to do with the environment because like you, I never have problems on shorter runs or on the treadmill.

It could be worse, I met a girl at a half marathon who throws up after every run of 10 miles or more! I don’t think I could handle that…


It looks like you’re racing that BMW!

My best run last week was around the hilly farmlands of Pennsylvania. I was traveling for work, and the change of scenery was so refreshing!


I have clothes from high school still, too! I also regularly wear a sweater from 7th grade :) Best thing I ate yesterday was homemade coconut banana cream pie. Yumm!


Definitely have had this cough after a run. And lately my nose too! The second I start running its a faucet (maybe TMI). I am going to blame spring allergies?

Crazy inspiring mileage- congrats!

p.s. Utah weather is blowing my mind. I am so confused. (new england native here!)


I have year-round allergies and experience exercise-induced asthma every time I run or have any other kind of hard cardio workout. It doesn’t matter if it’s inside or outside, but it’s a lot worse during the winter (I really can’t run outside if it’s below freezing – it just gets too bad). This has since developed into full-blown asthma and I have attacks at other times as well but exercise always triggers it. I’d recommend talking to your doctor about getting an albuterol inhaler – they can be used after the run to help you breathe better when a coughing fit starts, or before a run that would typically give you problems as preventive medicine.


I’ve got exercise induced asthma. I never used to know what was wrong with me. I don’t wheeze, I just cough. The inhaler is a life saver!

Best run- 10 x 800s. It started out reluctant and wound up amazing.

I’m looking forward to Wisconsin v. Duke tonight. Go Badgers!


I can’t deal with Brooke in that Easter Basket picture.
Can. Not. Deal.
First of all she looks SO precious but also? She looks 16! How did that happen??


I have cold induced asthma, so I cough and wheeze when it’s really cold outside. I’m lucky that after I warm up, it goes away.

The best thing I had yesterday were my Easter fillet Mignon and the cannoli we had for dessert! Yum!


Haha, I still have American Eagle and A&F clothes from high school too!
Brooke -and her Easter basket= pure bliss!!!


Yes! I was diagnosed with EI asthma when I was a kid and swam. Some pools had so many chemicals I just couldn’t stop coughing in them. I never use an inhaler anymore, but some days in Mexico City (where air quality isn’t the greatest) are definitely tough. I’m stoked that my next race is at sea level in clear, clean air :D I probably have symptoms now once every couple months.

Best thing I ate on easter: flautas. Sorting out how to make these healthy now!

Best run: 10x1000meters at about 4:15 (with a best of 4:08) I felt good about it. It was my first run back at altitude.

Looking forward to running tonight, and tea with my Spanish exchange partner tomorrow, my mom’s visit to Mexico in 1.5 weeks!


Brooke’s Easter dress is adorable!


yesterday i had the most delicious rainbow sprinkle donut!


Looks like an awesome Easter! I have a couple things from when I was in high school and you’re definitely right about those A&E and Abercrombie clothes hanging in there.

It has just started warming up here and I went running yesterday and then coughed like a crazy person when I was done. You’re right it always seems fine and then when I’m done w a run my breathing is much shallower bc if I breathe too deeply I start coughing. Weird.


I have a couple of friends that have to carry inhalers because of exercise induced asthma. I don’t think it’s uncommon but some of the coughing attacks can be scary. I’m super paranoid when I run with them and always make sure they have their inhalers.


Thankfully NO ONE in our house has any kind of allergies. Best thing I ate yesterday…if I HAD to pick just ONE thing (otherwise I would say EVERYTHING!) it would definitely be the coconut cream pie. My father-in-law and I are the only ones that like it (score! more for us!) so we enjoyed it together….half for me…half for him. Seriously. Best run was Saturday, just because it was outside. Something I’m looking forward to: someday running in the JFK 50 miler. I guess you could say it’s at the top of my bucket list right now! lol Looks like your Easter was great!


It totally looks as if you’re outrunning that Beeemur’… =)


I cough hard after a hard outdoor workout. I’ve always wondered if its exercise induced asthma like someone wrote above.


I have definitely had this coughing happen to me before, and I hate it! I actually never really stopped to think what it was from, but that makes total sense. Easter was awesome because my little girl was able to pull everything out of her little basket this year and examine in (AKA try to put everything in her mouth ha)! I love that pink dress! Too bad they don’t still make it ha! The best thing I ate yesterday was a loaded bake potato and beef sausage with BBQ sauce! So good :)


After super hard cycling races/efforts I cough on and off for the afternoon. We call it the post-race hack. Super attractive ;)


The best part about this was that your mom reads your blog. She seems like such a sweetie. Hi, HRG Mom!

Do you ever have symptoms of exercise-induced asthma after a hard run? How often does it happen?
**YES, I do get this from time to time. Not too much, but if it’s a prolonged hard effort, I cough after. I am FINE during the run, which is so weird to me, then afterwards I cannot stop it.

How was your Easter? Best thing that you ate yesterday?
**Most amazing Easter in recent memory. Everything about Jesus’ Resurrection makes me happy. Happy and emotional. A crybaby at church, no lie. I need to invest in some waterproof mascara because I am a MESS after service. Ate fried chicken, read a book while my son played with the neighbor’s kids outside, and ate too much chocolate.

What was your best run last week?
**4 miles good effort on very little sleep. I wasn’t even going to run, I was telling myself I would just walk. But I drank a little diet soda and felt awesome. I love when the runs surprise me.

What is something you are looking forward to?
**We just booked our vacation – Florida in May. We’ll be taking the kids to the same beach that we were married on, and it worked out that it will be on our anniversary weekend. Vacations were not in our budget the past few years so I am so excited and grateful.


I have exercise-induced asthma and find that weather plays a big role in how much I cough during/after a run. :(


I hate the run related cough! I also have EIA so any run, even at a slow pace, is hard work for my lungs. But I do find that the cough is worse in cooler temps and during our high pollen season.


I remember running in cold weather WAY back in jr. high and my throat would hurt a lot from breathing in all the cold air. That doesn’t happen anymore (maybe I’m a more efficient runner?) but this winter I noticed that I was ok DURING the run, but immediately after a really chilly run, I would cough quite a bit.


The cough happens to me quite often, and just recently my thought was, “why do I feel like I have asthma after I run?” Glad I read this. This saved me a trip to my doc explaining that I now have asthma:)

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