Why I am so beyond stoked to run Boston in 4 weeks.

I have been asking myself why I am so overly excited to run Boston this year?!  A few of the reasons include—>  It has always been on my bucket list, I am beyond excited to be a part of something so big, I can’t wait to see the area via my running shoes,  I have worked hard to qualify and it means a lot as a runner to be part of this event… The 119th Boston Marathon!

I think the number one reason I am more excited than ever to run this race has to do with what happened four years ago.  Four years ago I was also very excited to run the Boston Marathon.  My siblings got together to purchase my plane tickets (I was on a teacher’s salary supporting my husband at the time through school and didn’t have a dime to my name), I was registered, I was training like crazy, I set some big goals for myself and I was all ready to go and race.  The only problem was that I was in a pretty unhealthy place in life.  

At the time I didn’t know it but now looking back I realize that I was controlling my food/exercise to the extreme to cope through some pretty tough stuff that I put back in my subconscious and refused to think about.  I didn’t have a period for awhile because I was so underweight.  I was running away from so many problems that I just wasn’t taking care of myself.  I thought that thinness would equal love but it just didn’t.  I ended up with two femoral stress fractures (man, those hurt) just a few weeks before the race and I was devastated.  

It was an extremely hard time for me not only because I was missing out on my dream race and in a lot of pain but also because I couldn’t use running to cope with what was going on and I started feeling and realizing things.  I am glad it all happened the way it did (now I am… back then I wasn’t) because after getting a bone scan during this time and finding out I had Osteopenia, I realized it was time to change my health both mentally and physically (ps I got my bones back to normal after gaining weight, muscle and increasing my body fat % about 8 months later and pregnant at about the same time too and I have continued to be at a healthy weight and cycle).  

I guess to summarize it, that was just a hard time of life for me and I guess that is why I am so excited about Boston in just 28 days.  

Four years later and I am excited to get to the Boston startling line to celebrate.  To celebrate that I am there, that I am healthy.  That my life took a dramatic turn for the best after a few years of really struggling.  That I run now because I love it. That I have been able to share my training/racing/life with you guys.  To celebrate that my Brookers is an amazing little human and that she brings a ridiculous amount of happiness into my life.  

I am just overly excited to spend 26.2 miles, from Hopkinton to Boylston St, celebrating the changes that have come along the way over the last 4 years.


Just a few highlights from my Sunday!!!

Little girls in dresses.  They just melt my heart.

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After church we set up a huge cereal bar for everyone.  I brought the chocolate milk and Golden Grahams.  

Cereal, such a wonderful thing.

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Almond butter and banana toast.  Always a highlight. 

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When I got to my mom’s house she had a bag of chocolate covered cinnamon bears waiting for me.  

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And the fluffy rolls that she made for dinner stole the show.

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Boston Training Week #12!!!!!

Monday:  10 total.  5 trail miles @ 9:05 average pace and 5 treadmill miles @ 8:34 average pace.

Tuesday:  10 miles @ 6:56 average.  10 pick-ups @ about a 5:48 pace.

Wednesday:  10 miles @ 8:21 average pace.

Thursday:  9 miles @ 7:06 average pace. Wave tempo.  Two mile warm-up and then 5 x .5 @ 6:30 pace followed by .5 @ 7:03 pace.  Two mile cool-down.

Friday:  OFF

Saturday:  16 outside @ 7:39 average pace!

Sunday:  OFF

55 total miles


Who will be running Boston this year?  Do you know what wave you are in?  Can you believe it is so soon?

Best thing that you ate this last weekend?

Tell me about any good workouts that you had last week!

Favorite toast toppings?

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Boston definitely snuck up on me! I can’t believe how quickly training has gone.
Best food: I had a strawberry crepe with peanut butter banana sauce…incredible!
I had a great 20 miler last week.
Toast toppings: avocado when I want savory or cinnamon/sugar when I want sweet


awesome story! so excited for you to head to boston. beware of coming DOWN heartbreak hill — that was the toughest part for me! the uphill is easy :)


I think certain races are more meaningful to people than other. It sounds like you are truly ready to accomplish a great fear and I could not be more excited for you Janae. For everything you’ve posted it sounds like your training is going extemely well too, which is one of the most important parts!


Boston is definitely on my bucket list too!!

Best thing I ate this weekend was a whoopie pie – 2 pieces of chocolate frosted cake with peanut butter icing in between.

I actually ran for the first time last week since 1/31, so it was definitely one of my best workouts!


I have to add that I can’t wait to hear ALL about Boston!


I won’t be running Boston this year but I took off work so I could watch the race at home! I have a race two weeks after Boston and that has snuck up on me too!

Boston is special, you will love it!


I love that you took a day off of work to watch the race. :)


I know I will just be obsessively checking my phone for race results, so I may as well just watch it from the comfort of my own home, right?! :)


Your cereal collection is making me tres jealous!

I didn’t know you were a teacher before, so cute!


I cannot wait to read about your Boston race! Start celebrating at the start line!


I’m so excited for you to run Boston! I’m going to be watching the race online (Boston is my all-time favorite sports event) and keeping a lookout for you! :)
Best workout: 9 mile tempo run at perfect race day splits. Great confidence builder for my upcoming half!
Best thing I ate this week: bean burgers on homemade whole wheat buns and topped with avocado. So good!
Peanut butter is my favorite toast topping.


I’m so glad you are healthy now, Janae! I think many of us runners, male and female, have had times where running became an unhealthy coping strategy, I know I certainly have! It really feels good to find that healthy place where running eases stress yet doesn’t replace therapy or whatever else we REALLY need. Very excited for you to run Boston!


The best thing I ate last week was froyo at YogurtZone, as usual for my Sunday routine.

I was SO excited for one of my workouts last week! I have been dealing with plantar fasciitis for more than a year and a half now, and I am just starting to be able to run faster speeds again. (I haven’t raced since July.) I have been avoiding my Garmin, but I put it on Saturday, knowing I wanted to get in at least one solid tempo mile. And I did and hit the pace I wanted! I know it sounds kind of wimpy, but it’s a baby step in the right direction and encouraging to know I haven’t completely lost all of my speed.

I absolutely LOVE toast with a smeared banana on it. It sounds gross to some people, but it’s so good! My sister and I got the idea when we were watching Gilmore Girls when we were in high school. Every once in a while I will add peanut butter, as well, but it’s perfectly tasty without it, too!


Hi Janae! I am not running Boston but I am volunteering at the finish line, so I can’t wait to hand you and all the other amazing runners bagels!


I am working towards BQing for the 2017 race! Not quite there yet but it is on my bucket list as well and I know I will be able to BQ next year if I keep working hard! Good luck to you!!!!!!

The best thing I ate this past weekend was a spicy salmon roll! I looove sushi!

I had an awesome hill workout on Thursday. 7 miles + 6 hill repeats up this tough hill that is the beginning of mile 15 of the race I am running in May (Vermont City Marathon! which is beautiful and you should check out.. I loved it so much last year I needed to do it again this year!!) Felt really good afterwards!

Favorite toast topping is either PB + banana or avocado smash!

Hope you have another good week of training :)


Aww janae so happy for you. Thank you for sharing.
I had some delicious stuffed salmon Saturday night with fresh cooked potato chips (Portuguese restaurant!)


– You’re gonna have a great time in Boston! (both in the race and just in general :) )

– Sausage & banana pepper mini pizzas on Saturday were amazing, followed by strawberry shortcake.

– I loved my Saturday workout, in a gym I was visiting. Glorious new equipment, shiny and clean…and I got to run AND do a strength workout, while somebody else watched my kiddos.

– Favourite toast topping is definitely avocado, with a little salt & pepper. Or my husband’s ex-wife’s freezer jam, it’s the bomb.


Wow Janae, starting off my Monday with some waterworks. I’m so happy for you that you’re in a healthier and happier point in your life. I started reading your blog when you first announced you were getting divorced and you’ve grown so much and I couldn’t be happier for you! Seeing you so excited for this race is like the peak of the past few years that I’ve been reading. I can’t wait to see how amazing you do, and I hope you enjoy every mile!!


I’m so excited to be running Boston for the first time this year!!! I live in Boston and after this long, snowy, ridiculous winter of running, can’t WAIT for the warm weather to come.

I’ll be in Wave 2, Corral 2!


True story: I read this post while listening to the “Rudy” soundtrack, a combination that made me tear up — super happy tears!:) I just can’t wait to see what you do out there!

Also?! Holy Seinfeld Cereal collection, Batman!


Wow! I started reading your blog about four years ago this time and remember that situation well. I remember thinking how awesome your attitude was even though it was such a huge disappointment. I honestly had no idea back then that you were struggling in your relationship with the ex, that aspect just blows my mind and I feel awful that you had to deal with those problems for so long. At least now you are truly on to bigger and better things :-D I can’t wait to see how Boston goes for you!!


I am running Boston and am in Wave 2, Corral 1. SO SO SO excited!


So excited for your race! My cousin is also running it!

The best thing I ate this weekend was Chick-fil-a! Polynesian sauce is my jam!

Favorite toast toppings = butter and strawberry jam. It’s the best!


My husband has run Boston 5 times. There are two other times that he was registered, but due to unforeseen circumstances, we were unable to go. Sometimes life throws curveballs. Both times that we didn’t go, I was probably more upset than he was. I had watched him train like crazy, only to have to stay home. During both of those cases, he said, “Boston is always there.” ….and he was right! There is always another chance; another race to be run…and when you’re ready and the stars perfectly align, “Boston is always there!”

I hope you have a wonderful race!!!!


I am running Boston this year for the 2nd time. My first Boston was in 2013, 2 years ago I was 5 1/2 month pregnant and crossed the finish line just 10 minutes before the bombings. It was a bittersweet day to run my first Boston with my daughter but ending in such tragedy.
I’m excited to go back this year with an energy and big time goal, my daughter instead waiting for me at home so I can really put in the work!
I’m in corral 2, wave 3. Would love to know if you’ll have any meet ups that weekend, you’re fantastic and would love to say hey!


Awe Janae, I am do happy for you.!!! That is so awesome. I’m so glad and inspired that you are healthy, happy, and strong.!! you’re going to do so great in Boston :)
What an amazing experience it’s going to be.

A cereal bar sounds amazing. Haha.


Isn’t it crazy how things happen for a reason?

Brooke’s little dress is soo cute! And mm I’ve been on such a cereal kick lately! So good!


I am so happy for you! This training cycle went so well and you’re going to get to the starting line really strong physically and it sounds like emotionally too. If I were you this sounds like the kind of race I would cry happy tears from beginning to end! So excited and happy for you!


You are going to love Boston, I am so excited for you!!! I live on the route and I have watched it almost every year for the past 30 years! My husband, father, and sister have all run it multiple times and there is just nothing like it. I can’t wait to do it myself someday!!


You MUST have a Broadway Bowl at SoundBites in Somerville while you’re in Boston. It has your name alllllll over it! The best place ever for giant breakfasts.


I am running Boston this year and I am super excited! I am in wave3 corral to this year and I can’t stop thinking about race day! Good luck to you Janae!!!!


I can’t believe it’s just 4 weeks away! It’ll be my first Boston too (3rd marathon ever). I’m wave 1, corral 8!


I’m so happy for you that you are in such a great place! Thanks for the reminder that tough times are only temporary.


Your story is why I love Boston so much!! So many runners with so many different stories, but all feel such gratitude to be running this event! Everyone single one of those runners that will be toeing the line in Hopkinton on April 20th will have put in so many miles, sweat and tears to be there. I’m working really hard at getting that qualifying time to be there in 2016 but in the meantime, I’ll be volunteering on Marathon Monday at the start line and am beyond excited to be a part of this event – even if I’m not running it.
I know you’ll enjoy every.single.step of this race…and probably through some tears of joy ;-)


Running should definitely be fun! Boston is amazing- you’ll love every step of it!

My best workout last week was the canyonlands half. I didn’t push my pace at all, just relaxed and enjoyed the scenery.

Almond butter with jam or banana is my favorite toast topping, followed by avocado with sriracha.


Can’t wait to see you run…I’ve either spectated or volunteered at Boston every year for the past 9 years and it’s literally one of my favorite days of the year! The city is electric and I love it <3


Your story is so inspiring and I’m so glad you shared that with us all! I’m so excited for you – you totally deserve this!!

And oh my, that little dress on Brooke is THE cutest!!!


I’m so excited for you Janae. I know you’re going to kill it at Boston. Also – I can’t believe that I have been reading your blog for more than 4 years now!!!


Great post Janae – I love your blog! I live in Boston and I’m not sure where I’ll be watching this year on Marathon Monday (likely either around mile 23 or at the finish line) and I’ll be looking for you! Coming from those of us who experienced the marathon bombings in real life (thankfully wasn’t at the finish line two years ago, but it was still terrifying), the marathon means so much to us too and I respect how much time and commitment you have put into this race! If I happen to be able to catch you zipping by on my Canon I’ll be sure to send a pic your way :)


I’ll be there! Gate 2 Corral 6!! So excited :)

My best workout last week was surprisingly in speed day! First 10k under 40 minutes!!

Does skittles count as a food!? Hahaha :)


I made overloaded (gf) mac and cheese with sour cream and cheese all over it.

I like the fig spread from Whole Foods on my toast.


This is a sobering piece to read this morning. It made me think about my own running, and how I sometimes use it a little toooo much as my outlet. I don’t use it to control calories/weight etc, but to control my anxiety levels and I need to realize that sometimes my anxiety exceeds my body’s ability to run for that long and that I should probably just find something else to help me cope or I too will end up with a couple of stress fractures! Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing this bit of you. It helps a lot of people, and I’m thankful that you have left that all behind you.


Isn’t the clarity amazing on the other side?

5 glorious miles of my favorite loop last week. Felt effortless.

Toast: butter, jam and a slice of cheese.


Brooke’s dress is the best ever. I would wear that if it were my size, no joke. (Nothing creepy about a 38 year old woman wearing a child’s dress, right?)

Best thing I ate last week: well, yesterday was our wedding anniversary (13 years!) and we had big plans to go out. But then our 6 year old was throwing up all day and that’s just not the kind of thing you can put a teenaged babysitter through (another example of a time where I wish we lived close to family!). Anyway, we put the kids to bed early and my husband surprised me with a late dinner of takeout chinese food. And we watched silly tv and laughed together. Ended up being a pretty good anniversary anyway.

Best workout last week was a killer hill workout that I did with a good friend on Saturday morning. It was ridiculously tough but also a blast because I was with a friend.

This week I’m running my first ever 20 miler! My first marathon is 48 days away.


Wow, 13 years! Happy anniversary!


This is such a great post and I love that you are at a better place. I have been there too…in that place where you just aren’t taking care of yourself the way that you should…and it is hard to look back on that time. Having 2 daughters I often ask myself why did I do that, why did I place so much value on something that has so little value (weight) and what can I do to make sure my girls don’t do that? It is a hard question!
I am really wanting to do Boston after reading all these posts about people getting ready for the race!!!! It is going to be awesome. your training is going great. I love the workout you did Thursday and am totally going to try to add that one into my schedule!
I had a hard week of training but it went great. I did 3×2 mile repeats on Thursday…hard but got it done :)


Toast toppings: Nut butter with bananas and honey is always a winner for me.


You and Brooke seriously have the best hair. What’s your secret?!

I’m training for my 4th marathon and am very hopeful for a BQ this year!! Fingers crossed!


Your story sounds exactly like me. Two stress fractures in one year and missing periods for five years. The strange thing is my OB told me it was normal along with an endocronologist who told me in just a mystery. What’s wrong with doctors? They shouldn’t be telling patients these things. I’m glad to hear you’re on much healthier place. What things did you change or do to get there?


Great post! Love Brooke’s dress :)


Boston is a victory lap for my sister and me and both of us qualified last year. We are so excited and will have many family members cheering for us including our mother, brother, my husband, our daughter and her boyfriend and some aunts and uncles. I can’t wait to storm Heartbreak Hill and enjoy every moment. Only 28 days!


Not running Boston this year but got to run it last year (as my first marathon!). I’ll be cheering for everyone just before one of your final turns onto Hereford. Boston’s been my home since 2012 and Marathon Monday is the best day of the year here! So happy to here you’re healthy and excited to run! Be prepared for one of the greatest races in the world.


Boston is such a great city too! I work right by the finish line, and everyday I walk past it with the goal of one day crossing the finish line! Good luck, and enjoy every second of it! You deserve it!


Thank you for being so open and sharing your story… you are beautiful inside and out and you are going to kill it at Boston this year!!! Brooke is absolutely adorable. She looks like an American Girl doll..

Best thing I ate – Krispy Kreme Blueberry Crullers after my 10k Saturday
Set a new PR at my 10K on Saturday!!
Toast toppings – I am with you… peanut or almond butter with bananas always hits the spot!!


Your testament to Boston is fantastic — I’m very happy for you and I know it’ll be a great race for you!

Best thing I ate last weekend: definitely lemon poppyseed pancakes from Mimi’s. Such a delicious treat on a rainy Sunday morning!


I am excited for you to run Boston, especially for how far you have come since the last time you were supposed to run this marathon :) —- favorite toast toppings #1 peanut butter #2 chickpeas mashed with avocado —-best thing I ate all weekend? Cold Stone Creamery sundae in a giant chocolate dipped waffle bowl. The best.


You’ve had a tough journey, for sure, but I’m so impressed with all that you have accomplished! I’ve followed your blog through my own journey of recovery, right from the beginning. This is my first time commenting, but I related so much to what you went through that I just wanted to thank you for sharing. Have an awesome Monday, and an amazing 4 weeks before before Boston!!


I am so so excited for you to go to Boston. And I can’t believe how GROWN UP Brooke looks in that dress! Make it stop!


I won’t be running, I still need to shave 11 minutes off my PR to qualify! Hopefully I’ll be running next year now that I’m moving to the east coast :)

Best thing I ate this weekend was CHIPOTLE. Barbacoa salad all the way.

I had to AMAZING workouts this weekend! 1. My husband ran with me and my son in the stroller! He has never run with us before. So fun. 2. Perfect sunset trail run on Saturday night on Bonneville Shoreline about City Creek.


You’ll rock it! One of the things I do miss about Boston is Patriots Day. During high school, I had spring break that week so we could all watch the race, in college I knew people who were running it, but for my first job, I had to work that day :( I still have to work that day since I’m now in Texas, but I can pull up the broadcast on my computer and follow the runners.


Good luck at Boston! it’s on my bucket list too but it’ll take awhile for me to get there. I had an awesome leg workout last week but I was sore for a few days! Oh and the best thing I ate was a sub at the basketball game!


Good Luck in Boston! I live in MA and have watched my brother run it a couple of times. I know you will nail it.
What a great post – you’ve come such a long way.


Too funny – because my name is Kristine too and I could have written the same exact post – grew up at the start line and watched my brother run it a couple times too! :) haha. I had to ask myself if I wrote that post!


too funny! Small world :)


I’m not usually a breakfast person, but the best thing I ate this weekend was an omelet filled with ham and cheese! However, I would have loved to get my hands on some of those fluffy rolls your mom made! Wow, they look good!!


I will be running my first Boston. Soooo excited too! Time has really flown by. One more hard week of training, then taper time. It’s really going to be such a party because I know a lot of people that are running and I’m so honored to be among them. I’m glad you got your chance to run again – let’s all avoid last minute injuries!!


Thank you so much for sharing your story. Four years ago I was also in a very unhealthy place in my life and then I discovered running, which in turn has given me so much, and has brought wonderful, supportive, real friends into my life. I am in hopes to qualify for Boston one day. I am training for the Sugarloaf marathon in Maine in May at this time. I am in the process of reading your blog from the beginning and you are truly an inspiration to me, thanks again.


I have recently come across your blog and I must say it is the reason that I have been able to get to a healthy state and continue my love for running. I want to thank you for sharing your stories with us and help us all overcome certain hardships in our lives. Your blog has saved me as well as many others I am sure. Good luck in Boston!


Thanks for this post! Hopefully I will see you in Boston. I am planning to run with Rachelle, if she doesn’t leave me in the dust. Thank you so much for your inspiring story. Makes me reflect on the setbacks I’ve had in my life. Now I just want the food you posted.


Thank you for being so candid about your journey. You are definitely STRONG, and I know you will ROCK Boston next month!!!!


As you know, I’ve been a longtime reader/follower of yours and just wanted to chime in that I’m BEYOND excited for you to finally run Boston this year. You’ve gone through such a journey for the past few years and it makes me (and i’m sure most of your readers) so happy to see the place that you are in now.

You rock girlfriend! <3


I ran Boston in ’07 and ’08…it is an experience like no other so I am SUPER stoked for you to experience…but even more excited for you to finish it give the journey you took to get there – awesome job, girl!!!

Our track workout last week was 6×800 and I averaged 3:01 for them…two weeks after having the worst flu ever, I was pretty stoked with those times!!!


I cannot wait to hear your Boston adventures. Every minute is going to be meaningful in its own way. You have a ton a people cheering for you across the country.

I’ll take favorite toast toppings for $1000, Alex.

What is strawberry preserves?


It is so inspiring that you turned things around and got healthy! I am so happy you have completely avoided any injury so you can realize your dream of running Boston! Way to go Janae! Keep it up.


It’s so great to hear that you’ve come so far in your running, life and self acceptance. What a beautiful thing! I wish you the best of luck in your last four weeks of training — you’re going to have an awesome race! :) My weekend was great. Went to a Warriors basketball game, ate a lot of food and did some group fitness. Happy Monday, J!


Good Luck at Boston! You will do great. Your little girl is so cute, so I have to ask. Where did you buy her dress?? I need it for my little girl ha ha =)


HEY!!! Thank you! I got it at Carter’s about a year ago. It was on sale so I couldn’t pass it up:)


Boston is THE dream for me. I’ve set up a ton of mini goals like a 1:45 half marathon so that I never get discouraged from getting there! I’m so excited for you to finally experience what you have been dreaming about for so long! :)


It sounds like you’ve come a long way. It’s always kind of cool to look back and see how much you’ve grown and changed.

The best thing I ate this weekend were potato skins. It was my first time making them, but they turned out delicious.


Love that you’re in a much better place now. So excited for you to run Boston! You are going to be amazing!!!



YOU are just so beautiful. An inspiration to all. I’ve always believed in you Janae and watching (technically reading) about you has always been a highlight to my day. Even when you reflect on the hard times you had, (although you always seems so cheery and upbeat and interesting), you’re still amazing.

I believe in you!


Congrats on another opportunity! I just qualified and am hoping to run in 2016!


Sounds like Boston will be quite the celebration for you! I am thinking about doing my first marathon this Fall and I’m super nervous about it!

I had a great crossfit class this weekend then two runs in the sunny warm AK spring!

Toast with pb and banana is the best!


Hey Janae, I only know you through the blog but I am so glad you are much happier in your life now! Have the greatest time ever in Boston!!! (p.s. when you find a man who truly loves you, he’ll love you no matter how you look. That guy is definitely out there for you.)


I am so glad you are in a better place now! You will rock Boston!

My first marathon this weekend was a success! But, man, running a marathon is HARD! I will be taking a break before planning to run another one…:) Miles 15-25 were mentally and physically very tough!


What a difference a couple years can make?! I am excited to read about how Boston goes for you this year. Awesome training week! I love the idea of a cereal bar!


What an inspiring and open post about why the Boston marathon this time around means so much to you!


I’m so, so glad you’re in a better place in your life now. I wish nothing but the absolute best for you in the Boston Marathon.


I’m not running Boston this year, but will be out on the course cheering like crazy! I think I’m going to be around mile 15 in Wellesley… if I see you/recognize you, you will hear me!

I made homemade doughnuts this weekend and OH. MY. GOODNESS.


I’m so excited to hear about your experience at Boston. I qualified twice this year and will hopefully be running there in 2016!!! Reading about others’ experiences always motivates me.

This weekend I did my longest run since finding out I am pregnant. Doing a half marathon at 15wks felt good – I still have it in me! ☺

Best thing I ate this weekend = a maple bar. The donut cravings are real.


Chocolate covered cinnamon bears are the BEST!!! I am so excited to see you run Boston too! You deserve an amazing race!


I LOVED reading this, thank you! I’m also one that believes everything happens for a reason and makes us stronger. I am so excited for you in Boston, I’ve never qualified but went to cheer on a friend once, the energy coming from the runners and all the people is intoxicating! I know you will be crying happy tears at the finish!


Thanks for sharing your story- I am sure this is an emotional time getting geared up for your race and really being in a better place (mentally and physically) this time around. Best of luck to you! Can’t wait to hear your race report. :)

I haven’t gotten to the marathon distance yet but I do plan to one day… and to BQ would definitely be on my bucket list once I cross that first finish line.

Best thing I ate was crawfish- my brother-in-law does a great boil and yesterday was his first of the season. YUM!

Good workout – I ran/walked a 5k with my sister-in-law and my daughters (3 and 7), and all the other kids did the 1 mile run, so my girls automatically got 1st and 2nd in their age group. The looks on their faces were priceless. I was so proud of them for sticking it out through the 5k.

Toast needs peanut butter. Crunchy. Or Nuttzo.


What a wonderful story, you are going to rock Boston! My goal this year is to qualify! It is my dream to run Boston! Can’t wait to hear all the details of the race!
Favorite toast topping is almond butter all the way! I am obsessed with it!
Favorite thing I ate this weekend was froyo!


Great post!! I think everyone can relate in one way or another and you are such a great role model for being positive even when it seems like your life is crumbling into pieces. Good luck in Boston!


You’ve come so far! You deserve Boston! The.best.race.ever! I’m running the Boston 5k Saturday and the hubs will be running his 8th Boston. The race holds a special place in our hearts. He proposed to me at the finish line when we both did the race in 2011. This year we go back with our 21mo old.


You are truly an inspiration!

I stumbled upon your blog early last year when I was training for my first marathon. I honestly don’t think I would have made it through my training without you. And, for that I want to thank you!

Boston is definitely on my bucket list! I have a lot of work to do, but I know with drive and passion I can achieve.

Super great post today! :)


Those rolls look fantastic!

I find your story so inspiring, and you are so brave for sharing. Sometimes it is so hard to see the top of the mountain from the valley, but looking back, you realize the strength is took to climb above your lowest point.


I’m running Boston and this will be my first time! I’m in Wave 3, corral 2 and I can’t believe it’s only 28 days away — I did a double take when I read that in your post! Best thing I ate this weekend was peanut butter pie — so good!


Thanks for sharing! About 5 years ago was the worst time in my life as I was at the peak of my addiction and about to go to jail for it. Like you said, at the time I thought it was the worst thing ever, but if none of it had happened then I wouldn’t be who I am today and I wouldn’t even have my blog or all the wonderful opportunities that I have had since. I know you’ll rock Boston!

Also, that cereal bar looks amazing.


what an amazing journey to the start line. wishing you an incredible race.


What a great post Janae. Honest and inspirational. Really rooting for you this year at Boston!


Omgosh can I come to your families house for Sunday dinner just once? Puhlease?


Such a good post, Janae! YOU GOT THIS! Also, wow, those rolls your mom made look amazinggg!!


Thanks for sharing! I can definitely relate to the whole skinnier = more loved thing….going through a bit of that myself.

It’s my goal to BQ this year, I was sooo close at my last race.

My best workout was a 12 miler on trails, my funnest workout was ZUMBA. White girl can’t dance. But I try.


Little girls in dresses. So cute.


So happy for you Janae! I am also running my first Boston! It’s been on my Bucket List for a while and took me about 2 years to shave off all that time, but I’m continually in awe of what our bodies can do. I’m in wave 3, corral 3. Brookers is such a babe! Love that dress!


I’ve got Boston on the brain which is how I stumbled across your blog. It’s a phenomenal race and I feel so lucky to get to run it again this year. Hearing about what you’ve overcome since you were last scheduled to race Boston four years ago is pretty inspiring! Good luck in four weeks! It will be here before you know it so make sure you soak it all in :)


So glad you got your health back on track, thanks for sharing.

I have a groin pull and I’m trying not to freak out. I’ve had one 18 miler and my marathon is the week after Boston. On the other hand I have been running pretty steadily for the past 1.5 years. I had an excellent upper body workout. My abs are talking to me today!

Best thing was pizza. I’m wheat free and it’s hard to find a good pizza. This was delicious with San Marzano tomatoes and fresh mozzarella. I added sauteed mushrooms, onions and broccoli. (because who doesn’t pile their pizza with veggies)?


Remember me? You virtually cheered on my first half in 2011. Well, I took the full marathon plunge March 2014 and qualified for this year’s Boston too. I’m excited. I have cheered at mile 25 for years when I lived in New England, and now I’ll be on the course. And, I am just as pumped to be cheering on the Red Sox at Fenway on Sunday.


Favorite toast toppings? Nut butter with bananas for sure. Maybe even add marshmallow cream, cause sugar.

Now I am craving chocolate covered cinnamon bears. Thanks.

That picture of Brooke is like beyond gorgeous. She is seriously so beautiful. Just like her mama.

I can’t believe Boston is only 4 weeks away! Almost taper time! Craziness! Can i fold away into your bag so I can come cheer you on? Think about it. I think it will work.


Oh my gosh. Wow – just wow. The tears are flowing down my cheeks…
What a story and thank you for sharing it with us.
I am just so, so happy for you!!! You are going to run such an amazing race and I am going to be cheering for you!!!!!
Life has so many ups and downs and you seem to handle them with such a cheerful and graceful heart.
Brooke is so adorable in her Sunday dress!! Love your Mom! Love the cereal bar…
Have a fantastic Monday! xx


I forgot to answer the questions!

Boston: I was supposed to be there – but, this injury…

Had a amazing HUGE burger and fries this weekend!!

Best workout: killer pool run yesterday.

Toast: a tiny bit of butter and jam or almond butter


I’m so excited for you to run Boston!!! Can’t wait to hear how it goes!

Brooke’s little dress is so precious. Love dresses! The best thing I ate this weekend was my husband’s sourdough waffles… SO GOOD. Waffles rock anyways and the sourdough made them even more awesome. Even the toddler ate a whole waffle – that’s rare for our picky eater!

This morning I ran a 3-miler on the treadmill and it was the best workout as of this week (also my first workout of the week… haha). I’m 29 weeks pregnant now and feeling good!


You should be so proud of yourself for coming such a long way, mentally and physically.

Who will be running Boston this year? Do you know what wave you are in? Can you believe it is so soon?
**Not me, but one day I hope to be a spectator there. I don’t want to run a marathon but I do make awesome race signs.

Best thing that you ate this last weekend?
**Movie popcorn with butter. That was today but I’m counting it.

Tell me about any good workouts that you had last week!
**I got to the gym SO late yesterday, I had 20 minutes ’til they closed, so I ran faster than I am used to for those 20 minutes. I felt SO strong after! It was good for my “am I a real runner?” thoughts and self-esteem.

Favorite toast toppings?
**Real French butter, sometimes melted chocolate.


p.s. to add – Little boys in bow ties are the equivalent to little girls in dresses. So cute!


This post made me smile big time. :)))))))))))


Wave 2, Corral 8 :) Can’t wait! I’m so happy you’re in a better place. Thinking of Boston as a celebration is perfect — that’s exactly what it is. You’re gonna have so much fun!


I’ll be at the starting line in Hopkinton too! Wave 3, corral 1.
It is an UNBELIEVABLE race. The support along the ENTIRE 26.2 miles is phenomenal. You are gonna rock it, girl!
I cannot believe it is less than a month away!

Try this on toast: cream cheese, arugula, tomato, a slice of Comte cheese (Costco sells it) and salt and pepper.


Thank you for sharing your story! You are amazing :) I am so excited for you :)


wow, just wow. Thank you for sharing such honest feelings about Boston, and running in general. I may have got a little teary eyed…

Favorite toast topping-a bit of butter, natural PB, a bit of muesli, sliced banana, and a drizzle of maple syrup to keep the muesli from falling to the ground.

Not doing Boston, in fact I’ve never gone into a marathon with that goal. My brother has run it a zillion times and my mom a half a zillion (I trained with her for her last one. She was 60)

My favorite workout, besides my crazy ballet class with my teenage daughter, was a 20 mile mostly trail run. It was super fun! Oh, and I took my youngest on a mtn bike ride to scout out some trails for the cross country team then went out for ice cream and coffee.

Have a great week awesome mama!


I really look forward to reading your blog everyday. It is so refreshing to read something written by someone who displays so much gratefulness and positivity:)


Good luck and have fun! Running Boston was one of the best experiences of my life!


I will be cheering you on at the Boston Marathon as much as I will be cheering on Shalane Flanagan!!!! You will rock it!!! AND, THE EXCITEMENT OF SIMPLY RUNNING BOSTON!!!! WOOHoo!!!! GOOD LUCK!


I can’t wait to hear about your race! I’ll be cheering for you!
Also, Brooke’s bun and dress are adorable :)
Karen @karenlovestorun


I LOVE this post!!! It is so jolly with a great perspective and we are rooting for you Janae!!! So excited for you that you will be able to fulfill this dream. Keep being an inspiration to us all!


What a great post!!! I stumbled upon your blog about 2 1/2 years ago after running an unplanned 10 miler. I was searching for “things to eat after running 10 miles,” and your blog popped up during my search. You inspired me to run my first half just two short months after that search as well as my first marathon this past October. I haven’t looked back since :)

You will be super great in Boston. I’m so excited to read all about how it goes :)


I ran 9 miles on Friday and it was lovely :) It made me really excited for my first half marathon in 2 weeks!


Aw, poor thing. What a tough time for you! I remember reading when you had the stress fractures, and I had no idea you were under so much additional stress. I’m so relieved that things have improved, despite all the pain you had to go through initially.


Ok, so I just have to say… this post REALLY annoys me because of the danged cereal boxes! Aug, I can’t STAND it when the nutrition facts are facing out!


I haven’t run Boston, but I went with last year when my husband ran it. OMG. Boston is just the happiest place on earth during marathon weekend. I would 100% go back just to experience it again even without knowing a runner. Such a fun time. So many happy people just celebrating life, running and a day off work :) I will 100% run Boston in my lifetime (even if by charity, but hopefully not). Can’t wait to read your recaps!


I am so happy to hear how healthy and happy you are this time around. I am super excited for you..it’s every runner’s dream to run Boston.


Janae, you are amazing. Thank you for your honesty, and for sharing both your wonderful times, and your times of growth. You and your cinnamon bears!! Too cute!


Hindsight is 20/20, as they say (: Glad you recognize that you’re in a better place now. You will kick butt in Boston. I still can’t run it because of what happened a few years ago, since I was there with my family andddd yeah…but I’m working on it! Not to mention since when did Brooke get all of her teeth? Wasn’t she just born????


Hi Janae,

I am so happy for you and your training cycle seems to be going great!

I live in Boston and I was wondering if you were going to have any sort of meet up, if so I would love to come!


“I thought that thinness would equal love but it just didn’t”– That is so true. It’s crazy how many of us have thought that equation would work. So glad that you have a different, healthy mindset now.

Good luck at Boston! I’ll be rooting for you!

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