VISUALIZE your success and rewind over the last 36ish hours.

We have a routine.  I run on the treadmill and brooke plays around (she is an extremely cautious kiddo and never comes near the treadmill) and when I finish, I pull out the emergency stop (so there is no chance the treadmill will start) and she jumps on with me.  She hangs from the rails for a few minutes and then she takes little, quick steps up and down the treadmill.  It is quite the party.

I love to take Fridays off from exercise and so Thursdays are usually pretty full——>  yesterday I taught a spin class (we threw in a bunch of squats half-way through class) followed by 8 miles @ 7:41 average pace.  My legs were pretty tired after spin so those 8 miles were tough but they are done and today they will get some good recovery in before the long run on Saturday!

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Let’s rewind back to Wednesday night for a second.  Brooke and I had a date together at one of our favorites, Wild Zucchini.  She gets her idea of heaven (a bowl of noodles with butter) and I get my 4 lbs of toppings with a few pieces of lettuce.  

She is laughing in this picture because I did a Minnie Mouse impersonation.  I’m not sure if she was laughing so hard because I actually sounded like Minnie or because she thinks I am ridiculous.  Probably a healthy mixture of both.

(From my Instagram)

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My favorite date:

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We then played a bit in an arcade (because that is just what we do). 

Just kickin’ back in her new kicks and enjoying the ride.  

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I have to share this picture with you.  Niki took this adorable picture of my sister’s new little man and it melted my heart.

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The other day I asked you for your current mantras and wanted to share some of them from the comments:

“Just do the work!”  –Sarah

“I am the master of my fate.”  –Laura

“This too, shall pass.”  –Amanda

“You can!!!!” –Jessica

“Be tenacious.” –Stacey

“You GET to do this.” -Britnee 

“Nobody owns today.  Take it.”  -Brynne

“You can do this.” -Tonya

“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” -Caroline

“C’mon!!!!” –Becky (gotta love short and simple:) 

“Focus, work hard and never, ever give up!” –Natalie

Mantras are huge for my mental game.  Rachelle (she is incredibly speedy and the most supportive/encouraging human you will ever meet) reminded me the other day of another important thing I should be doing—>  I need to be VISUALIZING great things happening at Boston.  

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I am a huge believer in self-fulfilling prophesies.  You think you are going to fail?  Yeah, then you probably will.  You think you will be strong and rock your next workout?  Most likely you will.  Our expectations of ourselves become our realities more often than not.  

Our bodies and our minds are so ridiculously connected (the proof lies in the placebo effect and psychosomatic illnesses).  Use your mind to visualize your success and with some good ol’ fashioned hard work, you will hit those goals!  

*So, if you see me sitting at the local froyo shop staring off into space, just know that I am sitting there having some epic running visualizations.  


What things do you do to help your running mental game out?

What are you most looking forward to this weekend?

What day(s) do you usually take off from exercise?

-Always Sunday and most of the time on Fridays.

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Long runs on the treadmill have made me so much tougher!
Weekend: race team photo shoot, long run with my CMM training group, and hopefully some downtime with my husband!
I don’t typically take a day off, but Sunday’s and Monday’s are definitely easy recovery days.


Hey janae! I’ve been a long time reader and Comme the all the time. My blog name has changed over the years. I just started a YouTube channel and it’s all about good food and I also do diys and kid stuff. I think being a mother you would like it. I hope you check it out!


I’m also a big believer in self fulfilling prophecies as I’ve seen them over and over again. I always tell myself that if I really want something I WILL make it happen. If I don’t want it that badly or if I hesitate, it just doesn’t work.


Thanks for the shout out on my mantra!

My days off just depend on my work schedule. I have a second job so when I have to work there it throws off my workouts. Usually I take off Friday or Saturday and again on Monday.

Weekend: Our local college women’s basketball team is ranked nationally so they are hosting their tournament game so that’s where we will be tonight! Go Lady Tigers (Fort Hays State University!)

I run on the treadmill alot, so if I can handle 20 miles there, I can stay mentally tough, but its also about just reminding yourself that you’re stronger than you realize some days also.

Have a great weekend!


Thank you for the link up! I completely agree with you that running is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. If I tell myself I can do it, I can, but if I think it’s too hard, it is.
I’m so looking forward to a weekend full of warm weather and sunshine! Sunday is the LA Marathon and I’m super excited about Sara Hall’s debut, so my husband and I are going to Saturday night church and spending Sunday streaming the race.
I always take Sundays off, and sometimes Saturdays (I run long on Fridays).


I love visualizations! And I also just love listening to my favorite song over and over (whatever that song is at the moment). Hearing it gets me pumped up and makes me want to run strong.


Brooke’s smile is just too gorgeous, what a sweet little girl :)
I am am big fan of visualising my success and telling myself that I can do it! I also love to look back on things that I have overcome that have been harder and tell myself that if I can do that I can do anything!
Great post Janae! :)


Ps thanks so much for the link up, I might have been pretty darn excited when I saw that :) there is a lot to be said for just two words when my brain is shutting down from running! :)


During a hard long run, I try to think of all the people who CAN’T run or all the other MUCH harder things you have to deal with in life. It puts it all into perspective:)

I for sure always take Friday’s off and then either Monday OR Wednesday depending on my schedule that week.

I am looking forward to a friend’s engagement party and bridal shower this weekend! It is also my LAST taper weekend before my marathon!


I love that Brooke is such a supportive training partner…and a lovely date!

Mantras are BIG and I defibtiely use them to get through speed work. I often call on your “I can do hard things.”


I’m also a big believer in visualizing your success and that being a self-fulfilling prophecy. I’m studying psychology and in a Cognitive/Brain class we talked a lot about that. I also read about it a lot leading up to my first marathon, Chicago 2014. I spent so much time and so many of my runs visualizing my success and having a wonderful marathon. I visualized what it would look like when I got to the start, what I would wear, how I would elbow up to the front of the start line, etc. I think that the visualization and confidence that it gave me contributed HUGELY to my wonderful race and success there. The brain is so strong!


I love to workout on the weekends because my weekdays get so busy. I can always find a hour on Saturday and Sunday. That being said, this weekend I’m looking forward to working out!


Oh my gosh, that photo! I love it!

To help my mental game, I run a lot of long runs at the mileage I usually find most difficult. So, during a marathon, I tend to struggle in the mid-teen miles and then rebound later, so in training I do a lot of runs that are 15-18. That way, I go into race day knowing I can handle the tough stuff.


Whenever I’m mentally down when it comes to running, I think about how horrible I would feel if I couldn’t run due to injury. I have been so lucky as far as staying physically healthy, that I tell myself how ungrateful I am being when I dread a run. That usually helps me a ton.
I also like to focus on how awesome I’ll feel afterward.


When I have days that I don’t feel like running, I turn to Pinterest and search for motivational running quotes/images/stories. Usually after just a few minutes, I’m able to pull myself out of my mental funk and lace up. During a run, I usually daydream about the future and crossing the finish line of a marathon. It keeps me moving forward!

My off days are Thursday and Sunday and I look forward to them every week :)


It feels like this is the first weekend in a long time that we havent’ had plans. I’m looking forward to taking it easy, doing some cooking, watching TV, going to the gym… I need a quiet weekend!

I generally take one weekend day off from exercise. Thursdays I work late so most of the time I take Thursdays off.

I missed the mantra post so I’ll share mine now “Just fake it. Pretend you can.” Sometimes it works.


Love all the positiveness.!! And omg that sad baby face is soo adorable. Gets me every time.

I always build myself up before a race, visualize, tell myself I’m going to Pr, just get pumped for it really. And I like to take Sundays or Saturdays off, but it doesn’t always work out that way.

Have a great Friday :)


How cute is that picture?! Love those little baby faces…And I love giant salads that contain more toppings than lettuce! Just like I like my sundaes – heavy on toppings, lighter on the ice cream lol.


That picture of Brooke laughing is hands down the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. She is so adorable/gorgeous.

I generally have a decent walk to get to my run (if I’m going to the gym) so I spend that time imagining me crossing the finish line of my next marathon, and sometimes it actually makes me giddy with excitement. I also wear a bracelet with “Give it your all” engraved on the inside (so no one knows it’s there but me) and another with the Boston marathon finish line coordinates engraved on it, not only to honor the past times I ran the marathon (the first was the year of the bombing) but to remind me I’m working toward that BQ.

I have my 18 miler this weekend and I’m going with my boyfriend to run it with our Team in Training group! I’m not part of the Team this year, but my boyfriend coaches the Boston Marathon team so he’s letting me tag along so I can see old friends and get my mileage in for the Rhode Island marathon!

I usually take Sunday off. Sometimes another random day if something comes up!
Have a WONDERFUL long run and a great weekend!


Those mantras clearly made an impression. I had them on my brain today, too. Sorry I borrowed. :(

Brooke and those shoes…so dear. Really. and I’m not sure when she got so big. It amazes me every day.


Your nephew is the CUTEST. I really like “Pain is temporary” because in the moment, sometimes running feels pretty uncomfortable…but as long as it’s not injury-pain, it’ll be over soon! And a PR is worth some uncomfortableness :)


Pain is temporary but quitting is forever!!!


I agree with everyone else that she has gotten big so quickly! She’s adorable of course and I could not be happier for you.

I don’t have any big plans this weekend, I’m just trying to make it through the next few weeks.


Yes to the mantras! I actually had to take a few minutes to remember what mine was before my injury. I got it now. It was “enjoy the ride.” Running is a ride right?


I usually take of the day before my long run (Friday or Saturday), and sometimes the day after, but I like to cross train the day after if it was an easier run.

I’m excited for my long run this weekend, and for spending time outside!


I am leaving for Spain on Saturday! Woo, so excited! :)


Is Big Cottonwood Canyon where you run sometimes? It’s one of Runner’s World’s top 10 places to run!


YES!!! Thank you so much for sharing this article with me. It really is one of the most beautiful places that I have ever ran. Hope you are having a great day Jessie!


That sports psychology comment was EXACTLY what I needed. Thank you so much for sharing.

And you and the Brookers are literally the cutest.


Well, when I’m racing a marathon and it starts to hurt and I feel like quitting, I remind myself that if I quit right then that it would hurt anyway. It would hurt walking it in, it would hurt for a few days after and so I decide that it’s better that I just run it in as I had planned to do. If it’s going to hurt? Make it count.


I love this!!


I like to add races in to my training schedule to help my mental game. More experience/confidence in my training/practice fueling = better goal race!

This weekend I’m looking forward to warm weather and long walks in the park with my pup!

Sunday’s are usually my off days. Hope you have a great rest day :) You deserve it!


When I was a pitcher in high school, my pitching coach always told me if I focus on the point where I wanted my pitch to go I would give away whether it was a drop, rise, screwball, etc. So instead, he told me to visualize myself in the balls prospective taking the journey from my palm to the catcher’s mitt. It’s amazing how our minds work.


I’ve just started running for time (not to just finish the distance) and really like to visualize my race on training runs. Especially tough workouts. Then, when I race I remember those darn Yasso 800’s that nearly killed me one day and if I can finish those I can finish this in my desired time!

I usually take off Friday as well.

This weekend the weather is supposed to be GORGEOUS here so I’m really hoping to get over my sickness so I can get in a run!


I try and envision how I will feel after the run to help me get through the tough spots.

I am taking my kiddos to run (I’m walking still) a 5K. I expect at least the older two to beat me. And then we’ll hang out in the jumpy houses and probably go and get samples from Costco = a perfect day!

I almost always take off on Sunday and sometimes Friday.


“I GET to do this” — wow! That one resonated with me!


Hope’s baptism.


Haha when the running gets tough and my mind isn’t in it, I’ll start counting the songs: ‘Just one more song Aubrey’ over and over again until I get to my distance!

This weekend I’m looking forward to renovations and running my miles.

My rest days are always Fridays. I’m exhausted from working 45+ hours a week on top of runs the other 6 days of the week and I just need a night to chill out!


I just wrote a post about a lyric i heard in a song: Giving up is not an option.
It really resonated with me =)
I usually take off Monday and Wednesday. I run Tues, Thurs, Sat and Sun and Fridays are a cross training day.
I’m “running” the NYC Half on Sunday! I put running in quotes because i will have to walk most of it. Planning on walking the first 9 and then running the last 4 since right now with my runner’s knee 4 miles seems to be my max. You see? Giving up is not an option. =)


To help my mental game I visualize myself crossing the finish line or reaching my goal time, and I envision how good it will feel to sit down and drink a smoothie.

I am so stoked this weekend about my 10k run. As I continue to recover from my back surgery, I keep challenging myself to new race lengths, and this is my first 10k since my operation. So I’ve got my outfit picked, I’ve got my pre-race meal ready in my mind, and I’ve got my goal set. Bring it!


I usually AIM for Fridays to be my off-day, but it usually ends up being Wednesday or Thursday when I get roped into something for work.
That pouty look is so adorable!!! Your nephew is so tiny :)


I just started blogging about my marathon training journey and discovered your blog. I am OBSESSED! :)

I take Mondays and Fridays off completely and do long runs on Saturdays. Last night I made sure to push extra hard since I knew I could rest today. I’m looking forward to my 8 mile run on Saturday!


If I’m having a tough time out there on the roads (or on the ratmill) I just remind myself that I will feel so good if I just “get ‘er done” and that if I don’t, I will regret it.

I take Wednesdays off. I do an EASY recovery run the day after my long run.

I am looking forward to getting chores done (ok, not looking forward to doing them, but having them done!), hanging out with some girlfriends aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, a very overdue hair appointment!! :)))


I’ve definitely taken a hit mentally with my ITBS but once I found someone who could help loosen up my leg, I started making progress. Very slowly, but I’m having fun again.


I love all the mantras!! Thank you so much for the shout out!! :)

I usually take Fridays off, esp during a marathon training cycle, but today I am working out because I took yesterday off! With 3 kiddos I have to be flexible :)

Before a race, I totally go into mental mode. I don’t talk a lot to anyone and just tell myself that there are going to be hard patches in the race, but remember all the hard training I did. Remember all the sacrifices made to get my training done. Look back at my training journal and tell myself you are a bad mother runner!!
You can DO it.
I love this post!!!! Racing so, so mental!

Looking forward to cheering my girlfriends on at the LA Marathon on Sunday!
Have a great weekend! :)


Oh my goodness, I’m dying over the photos of Brookers cracking up and your sweet nephew!! Both are so adorable. :)

Loving all the mantras from your readers! I’m going to use a few of them in my fitness classes. It’s always good to have a few new ones up my sleeve. ;) Thanks for sharing!


Visualizing is SO true! I had a dream the night before my big xc race that I did really well and then next morning I WON!

Also, Brooke is just precious in the laughing pic. You two are the cutest!


The pics of Brooke laughing and your little nephew just made by day!!


I think about my recovery meal during my long runs! I have a 12 miler on the schedule tomorrow and it’s my first time having a running partner since I started running longer distances 5 years ago. Do you wear headphones/listen to music while running with a partner or just rely on conversation?


I graduate from my intern program at a local studio and will be teaching my graduation class. I get to develop the workout and playlist and take people through 60 min of leg and butt tabatas bc they are my favorite! I am also baking healthy and delicious cookies to bribe people to sign up :)

I usually take Thurs and one of the weekend days off for resting. This morning I got a run in along the lake here in Chicago and it was glorious!



I havea half on Sunday and have the same coach as you….she sees me hitting an awesome new goal, and I have been working on visualizing myself hitting it!!!!

xo happy Friday!


I’m a little late to the mantra game, but mine is:

“These are your legs, these are your lungs, this is your body and this is your run.”

I hit a wall a few weeks ago when training for a half marathon – it was two weeks before the race and I was doing the full 13.1 and I could see my apartment building less than a mile away, but I could not get my legs to keep moving! I breathed deeply and thought of what I needed to get to the end and I came up with this mantra, now I repeat it whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed!

This weekend I am most looking forward to a 10k race and brunch for St. Patrick’s Day on Sunday! I always take off Tuesdays because I have a class that night so I’m unable to make it to a workout between work and class anyway.


I usually take Tuesdays on the weeks I work and Thursday on the weeks I’m off, and usually Sundays.
I am looking forward to spending time with my family (hubs and daughter) with some bowling planned LoL little kids bowling :) and seeing my husbands Grandmother for her 80th Birthday! :)


Aw, best little date ever!

I seriously considered a minor in sports psych. I’m obsessed with it!


I love the visualization idea. I definitely need to do that more, especially if it’s over a bowl of froyo!

I take either Saturday or Sunday off. Monday is an easy day of stretching and strength.


I cannot get enough of you and Brooke and your little life together. And I LOVE that mantra and the visualization ideas. I really need to use those. Thank you, J! :) Happy Friday! Enjoy your rest day!


I’ll be spending the weekend moving into my new house! Not really looking forward to the process, but I AM looking forward to the end result!

Oh, and that sweet baby face…too much to handle!


I am NOT attending my high school reunion this weekend; Instead, I am driving 4 hours up north again this weekend to attend another baby shower for a friend and see my people. I say another because I was just up there last weekend.

I can’t believe it’s been ten years since high school so I will be reveling in the fact that I am now old.


I always listen/watch the video for AVICII “Speed”.. because it is super catchy and the video (the BURN promo version) has dancing racers.

I have to go to a baby shower.. I have to be honest, I am not looking forward to it. Maybe I will leave early..

This week I took off Wednesday and Thursday because I was fatigued due to teaching.


I missed the mantras sharing day! My favorite mantra is “There will come a day when you can not do this. Today is not that day.” I just feel like it holds true in running and everyday life. It makes me remember how lucky we are to have the capability to run and do what we do in our everyday lives, something that I know I take for granted.

The pic of your nephew is absolutely adorable. It should be entered in a baby photo contest:)


I’m looking forward to Sunday when I jump on a plane and escape this Ottawa winter for a few days!


This is a great post. Im going to bookmark it to remind myself that I Can Do Hard Things! (when I need reminding).


That picture of your nephew!!!! I die! Why do they have to get bigger?


Yes yes yes!

I’m racing with my mom tomorrow. She MAJORLY doubts herself even though she has been running for YEARS! I encourage her and get to a point where I say cut the crap and stop setting herself up to fail. She Responds best to tough love sometimes :)


Wait, just a bowl of noodles topped with melted butter? (Sounds like my kind of meal, by the way!)


You and Brooke’s dates always look so fun!


I listen to uplifting music and tell myself “I can do this!” or “I can do all things through Christ!” It motivates me :) Saturday will be cleaning day…fun….and getting school lessons ready for schooling next week and Sunday is church and we try to rest from everything or get together with other friends. I love Brook’s laughing! Reminds me of my kids when the just bust up laughing!


For my running mental game, I run through pain because I tell myself it will only make me stronger. And then with longer runs I tell myself “anyone can run for X many miles or X more minutes” :)


Im looking forward to my long run tomorrow morning before it gets hot and then watching the LA Marathon on Sunday morning. Saturday mornings I do a few miles with some running friends in their late 60s and 70s. I’m in my 50s now and they are my inspiration. I love listening to their running/races stories. I told one of them the other day that I needed some inspirational saying that morning because I just wasn’t feeling it and he said “just pick em up and put em down” now whenever I’m feeling weak or not into my run I say to myself “Just pick em up and put em down!” and I get over myself.


I totally just geeked out that you posted my quote!! Just wait until I see you at Athlete’s Village — I’ll probably ask for you to sign my arm or something nerdy like that ;)
As far as my mental game, I’m really big on rewards. Not gonna lie, it’s usually food rewards (hellooooo, pancakes!), but it could also be a freebie afternoon spent on the couch watching America’s Next Top Model as long as I finish my long run type thing.
I am working all weekend, but Sunday is my dad’s birthday, so I’m looking forward to going out with him to celebrate.
I work odd hours, mostly 12 hour nights, so I almost always take off the day following my final night shift, no matter what day that falls on. I come home in the morning, take a nap, eat everything I can get my hands on, and veg out the rest of the day. It’s lovely!


I usually take Saturday and Sundays off so I can focus on time with my kiddos.

Sometimes a short and very easy run sneaks in because the kids like to run with me now!


Love those mantras! This weekend I am excited to go see the new Cinderella!!! :)


Saturdays and Wednesdays are my days off. However, I try to do my Sunday run stealth-like because I hate to be gone running when my family is home. So I do all of my running in the early AM or on my days off work usually.
I am looking forward to relaxing this weekend, and doing my taxes :) (refund I hope!)


Hey that’s me! Thanks for the link :)

I have been running without music lately, partially as a mental workout, and partially because there are a few races that don’t allow headphones coming up and I need to get used to it.

This weekend I’m looking forward to sleeping and relaxing with my guy and our pooch. It’s been a busy week!

I usually take Mondays and Fridays off from working out, but it depends on my training plan/how close I am to race day.


Ahh nephew!!! Love love!!!
Brooke is too cute with her laugh! You can almost hear through the photo lol
I do believe in the power of your mind and filling with all things good and true. And the power of words. Speaking truth.


I’m looking forward to a shopping date with my mom this weekend.

To get through long runs/hard workouts, I just tell myself “you go this”!

And, I am totally digging Brooke’s new shoes! :)


Someone said to me that running is 80% per cent mental and 20% physical and you know what? it is spot on. There are mornings and everyone has these, where i get up at 5.30am and think, Nah i cant do this today, i am too tired or why do i do this? and then i jump on the treadmill and barely do 5kms, i had already talked my body out of continuing, not good and i regret it for the entire days. Whereas if i get out of body and not think about it, like a habit, put my joggers on, get ready, hop on the treadmill or run out, i just do it, with out thinking and just keep reminding myself that i put on my joggers and clothes on because i want to run and i will feel great, yes i wish i felt like this every run, but i am trying :)

This weekend we are celebrating my youngest daughters birthday by having a huge My Little Pony cake and My Little Pony style party. Have an awesome weekend and enjoy your little one, they grow soooooooooooooooooo fast.


I’m attending to the Barcelona Marathon! As a spectator, hope to run in Barcelona next year!! If not, I’ll try to do the Rome Marathon. I’m focusing this year into mountain half marathons, the marathon is a goal for next year.

My rest day is always Friday, so Saturdays and Sundays is time to reach a summit or ride the moutain bike. :)


I definitely believe in the power of the mental game. Before every long run I imagine myself finishing and being able to share my experience with my family and boyfriend. The excitement – and disappointment if I don’t finish – helps me get out of the door. Then, during the run, I focus on specific mile markers. I may run 6 miles to a specific marker I know and then start my watch over and focus on the next 6 and so on. For some reason, focusing on these little runs and forgetting the fact that I am about to run 22 miles makes the journey a lot more enjoyable. I think you can train your brain to do nearly anything once you are in solid physical shape.

This weekend is the Philadelphia St. Patty’s Day! YAY!

As for rest days, I usually take off every Wednesday (because law school prevents me from running that day) and then whatever day lands before my long run that week, which is usually Thursday. I used to run 6 out of 7 days a week, but I kept injuring myself! Now, I focus on 5 days running and 1 day cross-training or foam rolling.


Your blog has inspired me in so many ways. I am running more miles now than I have ever thought possible! Thanks for your posts, I love them! Also where did you get that cardigan in one of you pictures on this post? It has like a white trim? I’m in love with it!
Thanks again!


That is the sweetest picture of your sisters’ little man! How adorable!

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