Made Her Year and Boston Marathon Training Week #11

The usual Sunday Shenanigans went down over here.  I was beyond excited when my friend (with the best hair on the planet) showed up to church in the same skirt (in red) as me.  

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Brooke received an orange at church and I am pretty sure it made her year.  After church we both took a long Sunday nap and then got to work on dinner!

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The family all came over to celebrate the greatest woman’s birthday.  I don’t know what I would do without my mom.  I wish you could all meet her because you would love her.

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My mom loves tacos so I put together the ultimate taco bar.  Feeding people is on my top 10 list of favorite things to do.  

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Gotta love it when your taco/burrito is so big that you have to eat half of the fillings first before it is possible to wrap the tortilla around everything inside.  

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I will have to say that the stars of the show were these two beauties from Costco.  

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Also, the Grand Parisian salad kit from Costco, it is one of our staples.  Basically, I would die if Costco ever went out of business.  

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We did the presents thing and then dug into the apple pie and carrot cake cupcakes (my mom’s two favorites).  Curly (her hair was straight yesterday) was in awe of the pie  that weighs 8 lbs.  

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After the family left (and I cleaned the kitchen because it isn’t possible for me to do anything else if the kitchen is dirty) we went over to a mini St. Patrick’s Day party and ate marshmallow popcorn with green m&ms in it.  

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5 more weeks until Boston.  It is crunch time.  Time to zone in on some good mileage, speed, LOTS of injury prevention stuff (foam rolling, stretching, strength, core) and putting myself to bed early.  Before I know it it will be taper time and then race day.  I. cannot. wait.  

Last week’s workouts:

Monday: 10 treadmill miles @ 8:34 average pace.  

Tuesday:  11 miles at the good ol’ track.  12 x 800m repeats.  Average of 3:00 for the 800s.  Almost quit a million times but I’m glad I didn’t because finishing gave me a confidence boost for Boston.

Wednesday:  9 treadmill miles @ 8:07 average pace.

Thursday:  Taught some spin and then ran 8 treadmill miles @ 7:41 pace on very tired legs.  

Friday:  OFF

Saturday:  Long run—>  17 miles total.  4 mile warm-up, 8 miles tempo (6:50 average pace), 5 mile cool-down.  

Sunday:  OFF

55 miles total!  28 outside and 27 inside:)  First week in a long time that I have had more outside miles than inside miles.  


How many miles did you get in last week?  How many inside?  How many outside?

What are FIVE of your absolute must staples when you go grocery shopping?

How many days/weeks/months until your next race?

What was the best part of your weekend?

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Happy birthday to your mom! The tacos look amazing!
5 grocery staples 1)butter lettuce 2)Applegate Naturals chicken strips 3)Greek yogurt 4)Yasso Greek yogurt bars 5)Honeycrisp apples


I have a 10k this Saturday so not too many days left :) All my miles were outside last week finally! Grocery store staples are bananas, sweet potatoes, potatoes, plantains, and grassfed ground beef, oh I could go on. My kids expect at least 4 types of fruit in the fridge at all times :)


Fresh fruit, fresh veggies (whatever is in season), peanut butter, eggs and milk. I think they end up on my grocery list every week.

May 2 is my next race. Coming fast!

Best part of my weekend was sleeping in and the 70 degree weather!

Your taco bar for your moms birthday looks amazing!


I haven’t added all of last week’s miles but it was in the upper 70’s. Most were outside!
Grocery: lemons, strawberries, mâché rosettes, yogurt pretzels, vegan chocolate chip cookies
Next race: Boston!!!!
Weekend highlight: it was sunny and 70 degrees on Sunday!


I am going to email this post around to my family when it gets near my bday as a hint that I think a taco bar is the great gift ever! :)

Your Boston training is going so well! Can you believe it’s almost coming to an end?! After following along with LA this weekend, I have marathon fever and can’t wait to follow along with everyone running Boston!


You always have the best style Janae! For me I love the JCrew look. I think I told you that I read an article that if you are paying full price for JCrew you are probably doing it wrong. There is always a coupon or deal to that place. I’m glad you had such a good weekend. I was busy with work all weekend but it wasn’t bad.


Busy weekend for you and Brooke. Looks like you gys spent it the best way though, with family. I spent my weekend with my family also :) it was nice. I visited my parents.

Roughly 62 days until my next race.!! Haha I just counted really fast


That is such a cute skirt Janae! Where is it from? I’ve been looking for a striped skirt and that one might be the one :)

I have a 5k in 3 weeks, but that’s just part of my training plan for my next half, which is in June.

Best part of my weekend was going to this cute little tea house in my neighborhood with my best friend and mom. It was so fun and relaxing !


Yes! I second that, where is the skirt from? I love both of the colors!


I had such a great weekend, I can’t even name a best part! It was awesome.

5 Staples: bread, milk, bananas, Amy’s mac-n-cheese, & yogurt. (And cheese… so much cheese…)


Hope your Mom had a great birthday! This weekend we finally bought a patio dining set and BBQ. Perfect for spending summer evenings in Alabama out on our back porch!


Looks like you had a great week of training! Yay for more outside miles! Last week was a cutback week and I did 39 miles, 31 of which were outside!
4 weeks until my next race, St. louis Go! half marathon—time for some peak workouts and a few more long runs before the taper!
My five grocery staples are bananas, sweet potatoes, fresh seasonal veggies, oats, and a whole chicken to roast.


The best part of my weekend was that I RAN MY FIRST MARATHON!….but lost my fuel at the starting line before the race even began. So I ran it without fuel…but then remembered YOU ran your first race without fuel (I think?!?!) so it CAN be done…and I finished strong :).

How long do people wait after a marathon to run again?!?! Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


Only 14 miles last week. My next half is May 31 but I have a few shorter races before then. The BIG one (my first full) is Nov 1st in NYC!!!! Ahhh!

Yogurt, apples, bananas, bread, peanut butter

Taking my little guy to play with a train set and pick up a new book and seeing my new house


That is the biggest pie I’ve ever seen. Holy wow! Best part of my weekend was taking a long, peaceful walk yesterday otherwise I was running all over town for errands. Wish I had an errand fairy!


I had more outside than inside mileage last week, too. It thrilled me to no end to have that happen! :) Spring is really on its way…although we got a few inches AGAIN last night!

Great job on your runs…I miss my track so much. Its just not the same doing speedwork on the treadmill.


I think I got in 15 miles, but every single step was glorious.


25 miles last week – only 4 of them inside!

Our grocery staples are apples, bananas, peanut butter, baby spinach, and gatorade. We wouldn’t make it through the week without those 5 things!

I have a 10K coming up in 6 days, a 10 miles in 3 weeks, and a half marathon in 6 weeks. Lots of racing this spring and I love it :)


Looks like your mum had a great bday, that taco bar is so impressive! Haha I love Carly’s face at the pie too :) no running for me at the moment because of my sprained ankle, but I am weirdly ok with it as I have been doing lots of yoga! I am confused by how ok with it I am,but I am rolling with it! :)


I want that pie! I haven’t had pie in so long. But I did have a ice-cream yesterday and a brownie the day before. So I think I’m doing ok ;) haha


I am in my last week before my first marathon but I’ve come down with a stomach bug:( Any tips for me?! I worry I won’t be building up enough carbs and fluids for race day!


I’ve got little races planned here and there, but my eye is really focused on the Diva’s Half Marathon in September. Before then I have the Peachtree Road Race where I run with 60,000 of my friends from all over the world. It is incredible.

I am always terrified to cook for others. I worry it won’t be good enough, and I will feel let down. I am trying Blue Apron like you suggested, so maybe we will have some skills with that!


I just ran the nyc half yesterday. My runners knee is almost healed. I had only gone up to 4 miles pain free before yesterday but I managed to run almost all 13 miles. 25 min slower than my pr but basically with no training and a knee that wasn’t 100 percent. Crazy! I have another half in 2 weeks and the nj marathon on 4/26 but I think I will have to drop back to the half. Can’t be undertrained for a full. :(
It was a great weekend because of the half yesterday. My body reminded me even injured it is strong like bull :)


is that the Costco apple pie? BEST EVER!


I love that picture of your whole fam with your nephew holding his little brother! so cute :) I don’t have a costco membership anymore but you talking about all these awesome costco things makes me want to get one again! :)


34.38 miles last week! All of them outside! My next race is a 5k on May 9th (8 weeks away? maybe?). I am hoping to get a new PR and have starting doing a bunch of 5k specific training.

I love your striped skirt, very cute!


Five staples for me include bananas, peanut butter, oatmeal, plain greek yogurt, and ice cream :) The best part of my weekend was watching one and a half seasons of Orange is the New Black. So raunchy, but so good.


Happy birthday to your mom! My mom’s bday is today. :) The best part of my weekend was absolutely getting to spend time with her yesterday. The two of us also went on a froyo date on Friday, and I LOVED every second of it.

My five staples when grocery shopping are: Wheat Thins, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, baby carrots, Gatorade and Thomas bagels.

I think I might race next month! I have not raced since July because of a TERRIBLE case of plantar fasciitis, but I’ve been getting a lot of treatment on it and feeling stronger every day. Fingers crossed!!


No mileage last week. I am still trying to get my silly foot healthy.

5 staples: hummus, pita chips, hazelnut powdered creamer, almond milk, and bell peppers.

Best part of my weekend was spending time with the fam and the hubs winning our local amazing race!


I’m currently in grad school in Boston to become a Nurse Practitioner and was lucky enough to be on school break last week! I took advantage of the break and flew to San Diego to enjoy the HEAT AND SUN… needless to say, it was amazing and I was able to run all my runs outside. Talk about a reality check when I ran back in Boston early this morning in the 25 degree, icy streets!

Like you Janae, my next race is in 5 weeks… BOSTON!!! It’s also my first Boston and second marathon (I ran my first last year in Providence), and I’m beyond excited/nervous. One more training run (my 22 miler) to go in two weeks and then onto my taper! I also just received my bib (#9288) and corral number– wave 2, corral 2. Anyone else put in that corral???



5 things I buy every single week –> Brussels sprouts, avocado, sweet potatoes, berries (can’t wait to start buying fresh all the time instead of always frozen!) and apples..I would add peanut butter to this list but since I buy it in bulk, I am never without at least 6 jars on reserve lol.


Your skirt is so cute! I always pick up apples, salad, green beans, chicken and sparkling water.


Must staples when I go shopping: eggs, almond milk, greek yogurt, bananas, and another type of fruit. Everything else I get changes through the weeks, but these are staples no matter what time of year it is!


Love those skirts! Where are they from?


Taco bar = the best! Food is my love language.


That taco bar looks amazing!


Apples, bananas, ice cream, yogurt and peanut butter :)!!! You had a great week of training!!!! Winning 1st female in my 5k was the best part of my weekend! :)


This post made me want a taco salad big time! I might have to take a lunch break trip to Qdoba today…

Only 11.5 miles last week, but all outside which is a big win! I’m ready to ramp up.
My next race is April 26. It definitely won’t be my best work, but it’s my first race after baby, a long winter, and broken ribs, so I’m grateful to be running at all!


That taco bar looks epic!! I’m so jealous! Would you say for shorter race distances, it’s more important to get speed work in or longer miles on the long run? With three kids, getting workouts in is tough. So sometimes the long runs are cut short. Maybe try the tempo long run you did? That’s a great idea.


I had such a great quiet weekend. The best part was all the family snuggles on the couch with the kiddo and the dog piled up on me.
Grocery staples: peanut butter, yogurt, chocolate chips, coffee, eggs. Funny, I eat the 1st 3 mixed together almost every day:-)


Boston baby! That’s next on my race calendar, and I too cannot wait! I ran around 50 miles last week (not sure yet, haven’t recorded my runs yet) and two runs were outside, so I think that could be half of them (a first in a long time!)
We go to Sam’s Club every week for big bags of salad, orange juice, chicken, milk and beer. Beer is always a post-run celebration favorite around my house :)


I have five more weeks until my race as well!! I will be running in the Salt Lake City Marathon.


awesome week of running! i also MUST clean the kitchen at the end of the night. i feel like a wild party animal if i leave a dirty dish in the sink until the morning ;)


Your taco bar looks awesomely good! How did you make the rice as it looks delicious?


Best part of my weekend was the LA Marathon!!
Miles were all on bike and pool running!
Next race: Ragnar in Napa in October! I haven’t scheduled anything till then and will be so ready to have fun! )
Groceries: Blueberries, granola, organic kale, Ezekiel bread, bananas, broccoli
Happy Birthday to your Mom!!!!


70 miles last week with about 30 of them on the treadmill. Your run on Wednesday must have been tough after doing that beastly track workout on Tuesday! You’re my hero.


Ummmm 70 miles!?!? You are my hero!


I moved to San Diego yesterday. It was super sad to leave my home and my husband behind. We have to do long distance marriage until we sell the house. So it was a bittersweet move. Fingers crossed we sell the house quickly! Great job on your training. My next race is Memorial Day Weekend. I’ll be running SD Rock n Roll.


It’s so difficult to choose 5 staples!
I’d say eggs, spinach, onion, cilantro, tomato!


FIRST! Where is the skirt from? Love it!

Last week, I got in a whopping TWO treadmill miles and a few on the elliptical. I’ve been fighting a cold for two weeks, so I took it easy last week.

I must get avocados, bananas, tortillas, tortillas chips and eggs!

My next race is the BAA 5k – two days before the marathon. :)

The best part of my weekend was having dinner with my friend before going to see Cinderella.


Best part of my weekend was finding out that we are having a boy!!! My mom and step-dad put together a really cute gender reveal event on Saturday and we spent the entire weekend celebrating. Beyond excited.

I am currently training for a half marathon,n which will take place at the end of April. I will be 5 months preggo by then, so we’ll see how it goes. ☺

Groceries = Yogurt, Bananas, Apples, Cereal, and something sweet (always)


Your taco bar looks awesome! I always pack my tortilla with too much filling…it truly is a struggle. ;)

5 grocery store staples: oatmeal, peanut butter, eggs, bananas, spinach.

Can’t believe Boston is coming up so quick! Getting stoked for you!


My 5 staples are: luna bars (post workout yummy), spinach, apples (no matter the season) Chips and salsa (this counts as one because they need to be together) and peanut butter :)

I got 8+ miles in, 5 were outside on the rail trail with minimal ITB pain :) Hooray!!

I have just less than 6 months until my first 50k ultra :)

Best part of the weekend was family time and getting my daughter a beta fish, which she is over the moon for, LOL !


Have you seen this yet? It would make my day to see that happen in s gym


That is amazing! And it was even to my favorite song. Thanks for sharing… we should learn how to do this!


How many miles did you get in last week? How many inside? How many outside?
Good question! 3 hours of running, all outside.

What are FIVE of your absolute must staples when you go grocery shopping?
Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Almonds, and Bulgarian yogurt

How many days/weeks/months until your next race?
41 days till a 10K
62 days till a half marathon
237 days till the Athens Marathon

What was the best part of your weekend?
Making a pie for Pi Day!


My next race is March 29 so a little under two weeks. Just a 5k though so not too strenuous. Five staples from the grocery store: strawberries, bananas, wheat thins crackers, milk and ground beef.


I love the matching skirts! You two are adorable! Though I have to say that picture of Brooke is definitely up there with the cuteness as well. Curly staring at the pie made me laugh out loud. She is hilarious!

I got in 10 miles I think- I’m a steady 2-3 mile a day kind of girl. :) I would love to bump that up at some point though!

The best part of my weekend was seeing my dad! He had a work meeting down here and stopped by to have dinner with me. It was just the perfect reminder of home and exactly what I needed.

Have a lovely Monday, Janae!


I’m pretty sure if someone gave me an orange at church, I’d think it was pretty cool too! Haha free food.


That Costco salsa is my jam…

5 grocery staples: Fresh fruits and veggies, almond milk, ice cream, pretzels, and rotisserie chicken :)


How many miles did you get in last week? How many inside? How many outside?- I ran 11 miles; all of them inside because my running trails are all still covered with snow.

What are FIVE of your absolute must staples when you go grocery shopping?- I must have 1) peanut butter 2) snap peas 3) veggie chips 4) ice cream 5) granola bars.

How many days/weeks/months until your next race?- I have 47 days before my 5k. :]

What was the best part of your weekend?- The boyfriend and I made a lot of progress on the renovations upstairs. Drywall work in the bed room done and ceiling tiles in place! :]


The taco bar… genius! I’m doing this for the next party I’m hosting!

You are a machine on your weekly total! 55 miles in 5 runs! That’s insane! Especially because you’re doing really hard workouts throughout the week, not just relaxing jogs! You’re my hero!


I put in nowheres NEAR the miles you do…but I had about 15 miles last week. 11 outside, 4 inside.

5 staples – BANANA’S!!!!…then any other produce to fill up the cart. :)

Next race is Sunday. Half-marathon. First half of the year. Hills, hills, hills!!! I will either be going up…or down. There is not any flat. :/ I signed up for this about 6 months ago because I had heard it was a pretty good challenge. As it is getting closer, I am getting a little nervous because hills seem to be kicking my butt lately! Definitely not going for a PR on this one…would just love to see a finish time close to what my other half’s have been.

Weekend – seeing my niece (~20 months old), step-brother & his wife who were in town for the day (yesterday).


Omg that taco bar is perfection! And I love your skirt! I can’t wait for St. Patrick’s Day!


26 days until Paris Marathon! GIMME ALL THE FOREIGN CARBS.


I NEED that mango salsa! And that is one impressive taco bar.


Costco is the best! My favorite salsa is the mild fresh salsa from Harris Teeter. It tasted like you just made a salsa from scratch in your kitchen. The only downside is that it has to be refrigerated and it expires sooner than jarred salsa…. but it’s so delicious!


I am incredibly jealous of how you live so close to your family! I love it! And I didn’t do any outdoor workouts last week — in fact they all took place in the gym. My grocery staples? Greek yogurt, bananas, milk, pasta and trail mix! Hope your Mom had a lovely celebration!! Good work!


Fun question! 5 must-haves: fresh fruits & veggies (cheating and counting them as one), cottage cheese, hummus, greek yogurt, almond butter!


56 treadmill miles last week! Including 21 on Saturday. Hoping for no more LRs on the treadmill! My next race is a half marathon and than BOSTON!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wahooo!! Dang girl, 21 on the treadmill! Way to go. You are going to rock Boston!


Almost 13 miles last week. All inside on the treadmill. I was planning on outside on Saturday but the wind was very strong so I ended up on the treadmill. Today is super sunny and 70’s so I’m gonna try to get outside again later today! 5 staples from the grocery store….Chobani greek yogurt (usually a tub of 0% for our love of smoothies), nuts, Nature Valley granola bars, string cheese, popcorn and eggs. The best part of our weekend, first always church, and my friend doing her 1st 5k!


38 miles last week. All outside.

FIVE musts are greek yogurt, sweet potatoes, bananas, hummus and PB.

47 days till my next race, my first ultra.

Best part of my weekend was spending time with my friend who I had not seen for a year!!!


The Parisean salad is a tradition! Every time I go to Costco I get it (2 if there is more then 2 kids eating). We have it that night, a lot of times with the roasted chicken!! Yum!

60 days until my first marathon in Ogden. Yikes!


Where are those skirts from?? Soooo cute!!


Hey Jacqui! They are from J. Crew! I bought mine about a year ago. I hope you are having a wonderful day!


That taco bar looks amazing! Happy birthday to your sweet mama!!! :)



We live off costco as well, always hit up the fruits and veggies then eggs and cereal. I love their chicken cups with a half avocado on top for lunch.

I had to miss a 5k this weekend due to the cold that won’t end. I wasn’t too broken up about it after getting up the morning of and realizing it was below 0, brr!

My running has been pretty low key lately due to ice and lack of motivation, but i just got the new training journal BELIEVE and I’m excited to start filling it in!


Best part of the weekend: I’m almost 8 weeks postpartum and I got a night out with friends! What a treat!!


You are KILLING your Boston training! It will be here before you know it!


I’m not currently training for a race, so I ran 28 miles this week. 3 of those were on the treadmill and 25 of them were outside. It was glorious!

I also LOVE cooking for others! Happy birthday to your mom!!


I’m in awe of that pie. 8 lbs?!?! Holy moly!

Today is still considered my weekend and the weather is amazing today! I plan on getting outside for some nice sunny trail miles :)


over the weekend i went to my friend’s very first 5k race! she’s been training up for months and getting in shape and it’s been really inspiring to be a part of!

i sadly caught some sort of nasty bug so in case you ever wondered what it looks like when all the runners leave and you stay behind…it’s horribly depressing. good news is that they had a potato bar afterwards so yay!

i must always always have PBJ sandwich makin’s in the house!


My next race is May 3…I can’t wait…partly because it’ll mean that winter is over and the snow will (should) be gone!!

I was struck down (seriously) with the flu 2 weeks ago, so last week was all about continuing to get healthy and easing back into training so was a relatively low mileage week…hoping to get back up to 40ish this week! :)


Happy birthday to your mom! Looks like you put together quite the spread!


The best part of the weekend was that we had 60 degree days.. and we haven’t seen 70 degrees in Chicago since October 27th. I went hiking for 2.5 hours.

Also.. grocery-store staples: radishes, frozen strawberries, and popcorn… plus tons of frozen stirfry vegetables.


My Grocery Staples: Bananas, milk, peanut butter, frozen chicken breasts and oatmeal!

Awesome week of training! That taco bar is BEAUTIFUL! Best part of my weekend: running 4 miles with my husband and my son in the jogging stroller. My next “race” I’m training for is the birth of our second baby – only 81 days left?!?!?


I haven’t been consistently running since the fall since I don’t fare venture outside here in Chicago in winter. I just got back into running outside and found out that I cut 45 seconds off my mile time! I started teaching and taking HIIT classes, so I attribute my new found speed to that. I am beyond excited! That will help out my next half which is in May.

The best thing(s) about this weekend were finding out I’m faster than I was and completing my grad class at a local studio. Now I am legit!


I’m almost half ashamed to say this, but I got in 10 MILES!!! :-D I did 3 other days of ‘other workouts’ such as strength workouts. :)

Staples in our house would be bananas, apples, yogurt (we eat A LOT OF yogurt), lettuce, peanut butter, and maybe … cheese? We’re definitely not dairy free here. :-P


Hi there,

Six weeks until the Prague marathon. Training going ok-ish! Managed 46 miles last week.
Mother’s Day in Ireland on Sunday so best thing was my gift of sushi and a bottle of perfume.
Happy St Patricks day for tomorrow.


Happy birthday to your mom! That Wholly Guacamole stuff is awesome, and that pie looks amazing.
I got in 40 miles last week, with only three on the ‘mill. Not bad. My staples are almond milk, eggs, greek yogurt, yams, and frozen spinach. My next race is this weekend — a 15K to prep for Boston! And, the best part of my weekend was last night. Yesterday was my dad’s birthday and my family went to the Outback Steakhouse (his choice) to celebrate. I love hanging with my fam — they are hilarious!


Grocery staples are fruit (bananas weekly and rotate between berries depending on what is on sale. This week: blueberries for $1.77!), salad fixings, bread of some type

I got to run on the Brooklyn Bridge this weekend and around the World Trade Center memorial. It was cold but worth it.

I am counting down to a 10-miler on May 3rd, but I have my first 4-miler since having my twins next Sunday! I’m so excited to do my first race before my babies turn one! No time goal, just finish! :)


Thanks for the injury prevention reminder. I am getting SO excited for Boston!!!

And you have left me with a craving for tacos…


27 miles – more than 1/2 were outside. It finally stopped snowing. (but it poured on Saturday).

Favorite part of the weekend was hanging out with the hubby but I still can’t believe I ran those 18 miles. (and the deep dish chocolate chip pie was a hit).

5 staples: chicken breast, salad, almond or sunflower seed butter, veggies, berries.


I wanna come for TACOS!


Happy birthday to your mom!! And your plate looks delish–just how I like mine-stuffed & overflowing!! ;)


Less than 2 weeks to my next race!

My 5 staples are kombucha, cheese, justin’s honey peanut butter, yogurt and Ezekiel English muffins


That taco bar looks amazing!

I love your bag in the first picture! Where is it from?


my friend will be at Boston, she did awesome last year. I was shocked by Curly’s straight hair. I love her curls.


Happy Birthday to your mom! I’m super jealous of your taco bar and your giant pie!

I ran 32 miles last week, 9 outside, the rest in. I’m looking forward to when I can reverse those numbers! :)

Grocery store musts: coffee, milk, broccoli, english muffins, bag o salad.

Less than two weeks until my next half! So soon!

The best part of my weekend was helping put together swag bags for a local race :)


I have heard that mango salsa is amazing. We had tacos for dinner tonight but they weren’t nearly as impressive as yours!

My five staples are 21 bananas, cucumbers, eggs, greek yogurt and almond milk. I can’t believe we go through so many bananas!


Happy birthday to your mom. Your taco spread looks delicious!

I love Costco’s mango peach salsa and Wholly guacamole, too! I also love the cranberry and kale salad.


Happy birthday, HRG mama!! Looks like you guys had a fun bash filled with yummy food! I already celebrated Pi Day but after looking at that pie I think it is time for a follow-up celebration.


Only 5 weeks – crazy how fast time goes. I’m so jealous – Boston is my dream! Good luck with the last few weeks!

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