No more excuses and my Adrenaline GTS 15 review.

Brooke came home today and the first three things that she did were (in extremely particular order):

-She grabbed her blanket and put it up to her face while saying, ‘my pink blankie is soooooo soft.’

-She gave me a hug and told me she missed me.

-She saw the medal from my race this last weekend, put it on and ran around (while only swinging her left arm) the house.

I can’t even explain how good it feels to have her back home but I am very happy that she always has such a good weekend with her dad too!  I think we are doing this whole split parenting thing the best that we can.  

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Earlier in the day I did a 7 mile recovery run (8:34 pace) and some planking.  I decided that taking Brooke straight to go paint was much more important than taking a shower and she agreed.   My hair was just a tad big.  

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She really got into it and we are now the proud owners of a horse painted every color of the rainbow.  Now I want Skittles.

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No more excuses for going out to eat—>  we hit up Costco for our necessities.  Sweet potatoes, avocado, chicken breasts, skinny pop, salad, broccoli, turkey burgers, bananas and bread.  

Is it strange that a household with one adult and one 2 year old shop in bulk?  Probably.  But we always manage to plow through everything.  

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I have always wanted a pair of all black running shoes.  They just look so sleek to me and I always covet a pair when I see them on other runners.  I have loved the Adrenalines in the past and so when the Adrenaline GTS 15s came out in all black I knew I wanted to try them out for of all of their new improvements and also because I really love their look. 

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The Adrenaline GTS 15s offer a lot more cushioning and support than I am used to in my PureFlows but that is why I love them so much for my recovery and easy runs.  When I feel like my feet need a little bit more shoe and comfort than these are what I go for.  

These are perfect for the runner that has flat to medium arches and moderate pronation (when your foot rolls inward and your arch flattens a bit with each time your foot hits the ground).  The Progressive Diagonal Rollbar gives these shoes some added control which I definitely feel as I run in them, my feet stay put and prevent any over pronation.  

They weigh in at 9.2 oz with a drop from heel to toe of 12mm.  

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The midsole of these are made with BioMoGo DNA which takes cushioning to the next level and forms or adapts to exactly what your foot needs according to your weight/pace/gait.   Something that I really love about this type of cushioning that Brooks offers is that it gives you ‘twice as much energy return for more pep in your step.’ 

Along with the BioMoGo DNA there is a crash pad on these shoes to help create a ‘seamless heel-to-toe transition for you.’

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They have been great so far for me on the road and the treadmill.  I have yet to try them for any type of speedwork because I prefer to get my speedwork done in shoes that are a little bit more flexible and lighter but for the rest of my runs they have kept my feet happy.

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The upper portion of the shoe is made with materials that help to keep your feet cooler and dryer throughout your run!  I personally think that these will do pretty well on the trails. They offer a lot of balance and support that will help to navigate over the rocks and uneven terrain.  


And this week I talk about what we do as runners that seem a little strange to non-runners.   HERE!

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What things do you do as a runner that your non-runner friends and family find strange!?!

Who else is doing the whole split parenting thing? 

Your staples at Costco?

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We buy berries in huge packages and Parmesan cheese. My husband goes thru it like crazy! It’s always so nice to see people who are doing split parenting well, I know several people who struggle a lot with it. Love the adrenalines!


I’m so glad Brooke’s home and I love the black Adrenalines!!
My friends and family think it’s so bizarre to go to bed by 10 on a Friday night.
Costco staples: quinoa, paper goods, and they have the big jars of Nuttzo right now!!


I haven’t had a chance yet to read your review on your race yesterday, I’m going to hop to it now! Welcome back Brooke!


Yay for Brooke being back!! :)

I used to run in the adrenalines and then the pure project but now I wear Saucony Triumphs and I’m in LOVE. :) Brooks will always be one of my favorite companies though.

I really, really, really need to do better about grocery shopping and eating at home more. I’m the WORST. Eating out is just so much easier (and tastier).


I think the fact that I run in general is weird to my friends and family :)


Valid point!


Yes!! I agree, my friends and family wonder why I run long distances when I have a car LOL So glad Brooke is back home!!! :)


Mine find it strange as well. One of my friends once said…”so you pay money to run 13.1 miles on a course that any other day you could run for free?” :)


Every year (when I’m not injured) I run my favorite half marathon on my birthday. It’s always on my birthday and in Phoenix. My friends think I’m crazy, but it’s what I love. Hopefully I’ll get to do it again soon.


Even my kids notice now how quickly we go through food! I used to run in the adrenaline 13s and had an all black pair that was worn for my first marathon and bq, so they will always have a place in my heart! Is actually love to try the 15s, perhaps for my next pair.


We carry the Adrenaline GTS in all black too and I like the look of them. I wouldn’t run in them though because they are so stable and I’m a neutral girl all the way. I will admit they do look good though. I think the mostly black glycerin look awesome personally.


Ahhh love Costco!!! I buy those sea salt dark chocolate almonds and the chocolate pretzel thins. They also have the best (dodoni) feta. Love it. Ohh and I love the alpine valley omega 3 multigrain bread for grilled cheese. and of course the baked goods. Those rolls they make are awesome and I actually even used their sheet cakes as my wedding cake (and got a lot of “that was the best wedding cake I’ve eve had” too!) I could spend all day in Costco.


So many Costco staples, I love that place. Chocolate chips, toilet paper, vanilla, spices, broccoli, ground meat, lettuce, fruit, and a ton of other small things.
They also make fantastic camisoles that are 2/$12. I’ve basically gotten rid of all my other ones.


I’m with Caitlin. My family doesn’t get what running does for me, and they SURE don’t understand my need to get up at 4am to get a good run in before work. However, I think THEY are crazy for not running, so it all evens out!


Things my non – running friends find strange…that I am willing to forgo a late night to get up at the crack of dawn to run long. Also that I will pay money to seemingly torture myself (i.e. race fees for ultras :). No Costco membership – but my favorite at Costco are the tubs of giant sour keys (I send my sis and bro in law to get them for me).


Welcome back, Brooke! She is just so cute!
Lots of my friends and family find it just weird how I like to run longer distances and would rather run a half or full marathon anytime rather than a 5K!


Turkey burgers sound good! Actually, your entire cart looks good! :)


The all black 15s look great! I’ve still got a stockpile of the 14s I bought on sale last year, but I’ll eventually make my way to the 15s. The Adrenalines are my shoe of choice! :)

I think my family and friends think it’s crazy that I get up so early to run on the weekends or on race days, and that I would even WANT to run any distance over 1 mile! haha


I’ve started buying frozen blueberries in a huge package (and my household is just me!) because I go through them so quickly. I put them in my oatmeal, my yogurt, everything!


I buy the huge blueberry packages too and it is just me eating them too:) SO GOOD! Have an awesome day Molly!


I love the Adrenalines. They are my shoe soul mates since 2009. I like the all black, but I prefer super bright colors. I’m mad that the all green Adrenaline is in Mens and they just have all pink and purple for girls. Ew.

On Mondays when my co-workers asked me what I did over the weekend, I usually just say ‘nothing much’. I learned a long time ago that running 13 miles or spending hours on my bike trainer is not a normal response.
I also see no issues with snot rockets and don’t even bat an eye when using a port-o-potty.


I live in all black and could only find the 14’s in the hot pink.

You should see my family every SINGLE time I head out the door for a run. They just look at my feet and shake their heads.
I KNOW. I get it! I feel out of place, too! But it’s my only choice!
I am so buying the black ones.


I totally thing you are doing an AWESOME job at split parenting– Brooke is clearly happy and thriving :)


I love the all black look!! I don’t have to do split parenting, but I admire all of those couples who do and who are able to work things out :) I shop at Sams Club, but I like getting water, chicken breasts, and broccoli in bulk :)


awe Brooke is so adorable. haha I love her Blankie obsession. and nahhh your a marathoner, you need big bulk food drom costco ;)

haha. I totally agree about the non runner thing.. I’m already planning a long run for my birthday also. My co workers all think I’m crazy because I go on runs before work. ha but as a mom, that’s the only time I have to go. PLus I really love the mornings

Have a great day with your little one :)


That is so cute! I think you are doing the split parenting thing very well.
I would say most of my friends cannot understand how early I get up to workout. But first thing in the day is right in my wheel house. My staples = oatmeal, produce, almond milk, yogurt, eggs, stevia. We are a house of 2 and always shop in bulk. Getting it done :)


Thank you Susan! Get to know that their are other households of two shopping bulk! Have an incredible day!


I have become so obsessed with numbers since I started running. Splits, bib numbers, I don’t care if I am slow, I still always like to see parallels like finishing two half marathons with almost the exact same finish time.

I also love doing crazy things like going for a 10 mile run while waiting for the car to be repaired at the mechanic. Lol.

My boyfriend has kids do he and his ex split parenting. They do a great job. I am very impressed. :)


Costco must have = tampons. Can I say that on this blog??

All my non-runner friends think I am nuts for spending extra $$ on Oiselle running shorts but then pinching a penny in every other area!!!


Those Adrenaline shoes look amazing- sounds like they are actually developing reactive type shoes. Wonder where it will all end.


I am with you on the split parenting thing! It’s not what I would have wanted but I think we are doing the very best we possibly can. I try to put myself in my son’s shoes and think about how I would have felt as a kid which helped me big time during the adjustment to divorce period.


Hmmm, I’ve never wanted Brooks shoes before but black on black on black may be swaying me!


I love the Adrenaline GTS! They’ve been what I’ve been wearing for years. They’re really good if you have bad knees, like I do.


I love what you wrote on women’s running! The part about getting grumpy when we have to sleep in and miss a run made me laugh, so true! :) My dad said to me the other day: but you ran yesterday, do you really need to run every day? I was like um dad, YES! I do have about two rest days every week but you better believe I am going to run every day apart from that! :) I’m glad Brooke is back, she is adorable and it definitely sounds like you guys are nailing the split parenting.


UGH. I hate that all of these bigger, cushy shoes are now making a comeback! They’re totally fine for other runners, but it makes me nervous that my my Pure Flows are not long for this world! I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I overpronate and have worn the brooks Arenalines for years. I love them!

Costco staples: eggs, la croix, Brussels sprouts, milk, organic ground beef, salmon and free cheesecake samples.


Is it strange that I live along and manage to need to go to Costco weekly?
You just can’t beat bulk lettuce, carrots, turkey burgers, and jerky!


I am BEGGING you to take videos of little Brooke. Please, please, pretty pretty please.


I run and do Crossfit- people think it’s weird that I get up early to do both of those things. Or that I do them at all!

And my husband and I shop in bulk at our local Sam’s Club, and it’s just the two of us! We usually just get veggies and some fruits there so as to not get too crazy ;) Our fridge/freezer is already too full with wild game that we’re trying to use up!


My every-other-week Costco list: 6 gallons milk, 4 loaves of bread, bagels, spinach, broccoli, bell peppers, cuties, tomatoes, 2 boxes cereal, and eggs. Once a month I add in: cheese, yogurt, fruit snacks, chicken, cucumbers, tortillas and frozen berries. (And in the in-between weeks – during regular grocery shopping – I buy 3 more gallons of milk…but I have two teenage boys, a 17 month old, and my own bottomless pit to feed.)


Costco staples = salsa, paper towels, soup, cereal and chips….we don’t go that often!

People don’t know why us runners talk about poop so much :-D


Yay for Brooke being back :).

My husband thinks I’m crazy for getting up before dawn to run in the cold/heat/rain/snow and my coworkers really think I’m crazy for running during my lunch break. :)

So, I’ve never been to Costco…


My running friends and I tend to get together to do active things if not running. Yoga or pilates. Our weekends spent at races. It’s awesome.

Costco has the best staples! We eat a lot of eggs! Frozen cooked chicken and sirloin burgers. Almond milk. Ziplocks……I could go on and on!


Good for you Janae on the co-parenting thing. I know it’s hard, but it’s so good for Brooke. I always admire parents who take the high road in this department. Personally when I divorced I never wanted to see or talk to my ex again. But I wanted my son to have a relationship with his dad so I just sucked it up :)


Wake up earlier on the weekends to beat the heat, yes this is strange to others, especially my husband! “Babe, whyyyyy” is what I always hear, ha! And recently I’ve been taking his advice and not gunna lie… sleeping in is kind of awesome. My body may need it, no? :)

Glad to hear these weekends away from Brooke are getting a little better. You ARE doing things really well, don’t let your mind tell you otherwise! xoxo


Costo – sugar snap peas (2 of the 2 pound bags per week…it’s ridiculous.), black bean burgers, chicken patties with kale, chicago popcorn, cherry tomatoes and spring mix. Most of this stuff lasts us a week and a half to 2 weeks though….


Going to bed early on Friday nights (to prepare for the Saturday long run!), buying socks pretty much anytime and everytime I see them on sale (you can never have too many), voluntarily going out in the snow to exercise, foam rolling – the list is endless! I think most people just find it weird that I run for pleasure at all…


I have the Brooks Glycerin in black and love them. I feel like it’s a great color for winter running. :) You wear them well!

I think the strangest thing I do when it comes to being a runner is schedule my days and weekends around long runs. If I have a long run on the schedule I will skimp out on social events the night before, wake up early, and run regardless of the conditions. I once did a 20-miler when it was 1*F.

Costco staples → popcorn kernels, manchego cheese, gum, veggies, Dungeness crab, and coconut oil


Cool all black shoes!!


I shop at Costco and it’s just me and my husband…I eat a lot of produce!


I think some family members might think the money for races and Lulu running clothes is insane!

I buy everything at Costco – all the veggies (we are Vegan so eat a TON of veggies), fruit, frozen fruit, hummus, skinny pop, pretzel thins, nuts, raisins, craisins, almond milk, toilet paper, paper towel – pretty much everything!

I think you are doing a great job with the split parenting :) Brooke always looks happy!


Oh gosh! I just love Costco! It makes me so happy. :) Our Costco staples are protein powder, natural peanut butter, sweet potatoes, greek yogurt, and bananas. And no there is nothing weird about you buying in bulk for just you two! I do it every week, if not more.

My non-running friends find it so strange that I, well…run. To them, running is something you do when you are being chased. Pfft!


I did the split parenting thing for a while before my ex husband passed away. It’s hard at first but it’s so important to remember that your child needs to know both parents to really know who they are and that it is ok for them to love both parents. My husband and his ex coparent but not in a good way and its so hard to watch!


These are my MOST favourite questions you’ve ever asked!
1) Tally up my weekly mileage so that it ends in a zero (ie. 50, 60, 70 weekly miles)
2) Yes, we do the split parenting thing. It sucks, but Jason and I have known each other forever and have a decent relationship which makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE. I have the kids Mon-Fri (their schools are close by) and he takes them on weekends.
3) Coffee beans, cheese, toilet paper, paper towel, ground beef, chicken breasts, peanut butter.


I love black running shoes too! I actually love any kind of dark gray/black/green combo, but I can never find them in women’s shoes. I got so mad the last time that I needed shoes bc all the womens colors were some variation of hot pink or orange and I hated all of them. I wanted to buy the men’s shoes since they actually had colors that I liked!


I think my friends think its strange when I run a 20 miler during vacation :)

Love the black shoes!! I was totally wearing these (not in black) and then I had a gait analysis done and I have to wear neutral shoes. I now wear the Brooks Ghost 7

So glad your Brooke is back!!

Costco – Oatmeal, milk, bread, pretzels, paper towels, toilet paper!


So glad Brooke is back with you! She is getting so old. Those Adrenalines look so cool.

My parents found it strange that I wanted to go for a run during our hike in Briones Regional Park in Martinez on Saturday! I couldn’t help it, so gorgeous.

Costco staples: the pesto (SOO good, get it if you never have, my all time fave), hummus, frozen salmon, huge block of Tillamook cheddar (my husband would die without Tillamook).


Getting up earlier at the weekends than during the week to fit in my run is definitely something that non-runner friends don’t get haha.


I ALWAYS run on my birthday- it’s my favourite thing to do so anyway and it’s MY birthday so everyone should do what I say ha. The other thing people find weird is in the summer when the weather is amazing (rare in the UK…) and everyone wants to go to the park or pub garden to chill out and drink beer whereas I just want to enjoy the sun out running. I mean sometimes it means running eventually ends up in a pub garden but it is totally not my first thought! Oh and packing trainers first when you go on holiday.


The best thing to do is to be sure Brooke knows she is loved. You are doing a great job.


I have never been in Costco. It is on my list of things to do but I never make it. Most of my non running peeps ignore almost all things running I say! Apparently they just don’t get it!


My birthday is next Saturday and I have a long run planned as well! 13 miles in the morning, followed by a hike in the Livermore Hills with my husband and my girls and lunch (with champagne) at a cute restaurant downtown. The perfect day!


I have yet to try the Adrenalines, but everyone says I would love them. I’ll have to get on that (or get them on me!)
My husband thinks it is very strange how nervous I get before races. He usually says something like, “You do this all the time, it’s just running”. It actually helps put it in perspective for me!
We don’t have Costco, but at Sams we always get a giant parmesan cheese and peanut butter. The rest I can do little by little :)


I’ve recently been using the Transcends since I developed plantar fasciitis and I really like the cush factor.
My non-runner friends think I’m crazy for getting up so early to run before work.
Staples at Costco are: avocados, greens, almond milk, and eggs.


Up until last year, I ran exclusively in my Adrenalines – I even did all of my races in them! But then my coach suggested I try the Pure Cadence for speedwork and races. Aside from the Pure Cadence being a little too narrow for my wide feet, I *love* them. I swear they make me faster, even if it’s all in my head. ;) Now I wear the Adrenalines for my long runs, and the Ravennas for easy runs (I bought the Ravennas to try and while they’re fine, I think I prefer the Adrenalines so I doubt I’d buy them again once I wear them out).

As for Costco, whenever I go, I always buy embarrassing amounts of hummus and TRY to avoid the giant party sized chip section…


I cannot get over how much Brooke looks like Curly in that first picture! #twinsies

Now I want skittles, too.


My staples at Costco (when I actually have the opportunity to go there) are the huge bags of almonds for almond milk making, organic figs (the BEST and my newest obsession), and a recently-discovered bulk pack of wild-caught tuna cans.


I wear Adrenalines & love them. Don’t have the 15’s yet though. My non running friends think it’s strange that I run!!


haha, those three things that brooke did when she came home. So cute!! I love everything at Costco… I don’t have a membership though so I have to force my mom to take me :) This week we’re going and I’m getting allergy medicine… I didn’t realize how much cheaper it is to buy a massive jar of allergy med at Costco rather than CVS! gahh!


I love the black Adrenaline’s and I can’t wait to buy a pair. I showed my husband and he immediately thought I had just bought a new pair so I didn’t need them.
Um. No. Those are the wrong kind. These are my favorite running shoes and I need to get rid of the hot pink. For my own sanity.
I told him I am buying them immediately and I deserve them. Good thing he didn’t argue. Ha.

You ARE parenting right. Good job, Janae. The payoff is amazing.

And I don’t have a Costco membership. Am I off the island?


I realize this is a personal question, I’m just curious of what your shared custody situation is, as well as how you handle the drop off / pick up of Brooke. Do you have to see her dad or are you able to go about without having to see him?


OH, I am dying for a Costco run, but we usually just get meats-chicken breast, grass fed ground beef and beef strips, and lettuce.
I WANT to get all the veggies, fruit, eggs etc but I don’t think my husband and I can get through it all before it starts to go bad?
I need to give it a shot soon!


Oh happy day when your child comes home! I am split parenting with my ex (sounds like my marriage exploded in much the same way as your’s), but he lives locally so we alternate weekdays and weekends. We have a great co-parenting relationship now, even though the divorce was ugly at times.

I am training for my second half marathon and it is so hard to find time to run between work and mommy hood! I can’t wait for spring, it’s been frigid here in New England.

When I had a membership to Costco I always bought wine (they have an awesome selection) and paper towels and toilet paper :).


I WISH we had a Costco in our town; there is a rumor that we may be getting one…but not soon enough! I do visit the one by my cousin’s house (she lives in a suburb of Minneapolis), and just take it all in! We bought coconut oil from there, which was an amazing deal! I know my cousin loves a chicken sausage they sell!


Not washing my hair after sweating during a run- I only tell my runner friends this because everyone else would never come near me again. I’ve also noticed that all my runner friends and I have no problem talking about “stomach issues,” whereas non-runners get all weirded out ;)

Costco staples- milk (for the BF) and almond milk for me, onions, sweet potatoes, ground turkey, kale, squash. Don’t feel bad, it’s only 2 of us living together and somehow we buy most of these things every week from Costco :)


I really had to do a double take with Brooke in the first photo…she looks a lot like Curly!


I’ve been wearing the Adrenalines for the last couple years and I really like them. I plan on ordering my next pair this week and originally I was going to get the purple/orange pair buuut now I may get the all black. Haha we shall see!

I think I should utilize my Costo membership for more than just gas :-)


Welcome back Brooke! I love the new black shoes!


I did the same thing on my birthday. I went for a run! It was SO great! I just wanted those happy endorphins!

Those black shoes are pretty sleek!

We usually just buy turkey burgers, chicken tenders, and the big bag of frozen fruit for smoothies!


People read this fluff because you’re hot. I mean, I was googling Brooks Adrenaline 15s and was like “oh she’s cute..” Otherwise a whole lot of athletic yuppie filler. Hot though. And as we all know, that’s all that maters.

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