The holidays sure can be tough.

The main squeeze left late last night so we did our gift exchange yesterday.     

Brooke scored a giant Minnie Mouse and some tickets to Disney on Ice so I think she is officially the happiest kid on the planet now.  

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Our tradition for yesterday was delivering our Sub for Santa gifts! 

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And because it was rainy, getting back in pajamas for a bit with slippers and soup was pretty much necessary.

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We had our normal Sunday night dinner.

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And like usual, my brother-in-law piled salad on top of everything on his plate.   Growing up his family would put salad on top of EVERYTHING—> even on top of things like pancakes!?!

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I’m not a huge fan of Oreos plain but dip them in chocolate and sprinkles and I am quite happy.

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I wanted to share this article with you!  Tis’ the season for a little bit more treadmill running than usual because of the weather.  

I thought the part about overcoming air resistance was really interesting.  In order to account for the normal air resistance that we have outside, we should set our treadmills on these inclines according to our paces to make up for it!

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I have been thinking a lot about how different this holiday season has already been compared to last year.  

Christmas last year was about 4.5 months after I filed for divorce and it was during a very stressful time as far as lawyers/divorce agreements etc go. I was in complete survival mode.  I was going through all of the motions and putting on a big smile to make sure Brooke had a great Christmas but… man, I was really struggling inside.

Whether there is a death in the family, you are feeling homesick, there is a divorce, sickness, financial issues are happening, your kids are gone or a million other different things going on—> the holidays really can be a hard time.  I just hope that anyone struggling during this holiday season knows they aren’t alone.  Sure, most of the time the holidays can be a really great time with family and friends but if it isn’t for you this year, I hope it all works out in the best way possible.  I hope that next year (and every year after that) just get better and better for you.  As far as divorce goes for me, I know that each holiday season is just going to get better and better!  Just get through that first year of holidays/anniversaries and you are home free;) 

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PS a friend sent this mug to us and I am pretty sure I will never use another cup to drink out of from this point forward.

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 What is left on your to-do list before Christmas?

Oreos—> big fan, not your favorite or do you mainly like them when they are combined with something else?

Parents—>  what did your kiddo(s) ask for from Santa this year?

What is your absolute favorite holiday?

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I still have to make some Christmas Cookies this week. I work tonight, tomorrow my family has Christmas, then we go to the in-laws on Thursday, so there’s not alot of time for it! I still have a few Christmas movies on my list to watch as well. I’m going to play it by ear and get thru whatever I’m able to without getting too stressed!

I’m 100% with you, Oreos on their own are average, dipped in chocolate, pretty delightful!

I love your reminder for those going thru tough times. We all have those times and each year it gets better and easier to see the light at the end.


Thanks for that reminder Janae. Some of us are going through tough times aka two stress fractures in one year and need to emotional support to get through it. Thanks for being the inspiration you are!


Salad on pancakes?!! I hope “salad” is a code word for syrup in that sentence! :D

You are really right about that first holiday. Last year was the first Christmas after my stepfather died and I know it was SUPER hard for my mom. This year I can tell that she is in a much better place emotionally, which makes me happy. I am glad that you are having a better Christmas this year too!

Only thing left on my to do list is to wrap gifts and make sure to get in my miles amid all the other activity going on!


I appreciate your comments on tough holidays- last year a week before Thanksgiving my then husband and I decided things weren’t going to work out. We were already separated so the next step was divorce and that Thanksgiving and Christmas were just painful. I didn’t even want to get the decorations down. This year is wonderful because I can actually enjoy all the different parts of Christmas and being with my loved ones and my new fiance:). My Grandmother passed this year and it will be our first Christmas without her but we have many wonderful memories and I know she’ll be happy we’re all together. Merry Christmas!


I am so so happy that this year is so great and you are with your NEW fiancé!!! I am so excited for you.
I am so sorry about your Grandma. Thinking about you!


My son asked for a rapunzel doll, but we already have 2! My daughter asked for Taylor Swift tickets (not getting them though) and my other daughter asked for a barbie. The barbie is the only one actually happening! We are Jewish so that is my excuse why they don’t get exactly what they ask for. Hanukkah spoils them by the time Christmas comes :)


I need to bake a couple of Christmas cookie, and a loaf of cinnamon bread.
And have this baby!


You are so strong Janae – look how far you’ve come. I hope this Christmas is absolutely wonderful!!

I’m not a huge Oreo fan but the Reese’s Oreos are to die for!!!


4th of July is my very favorite holidaY!!!
I think you are doing GREAT! Thanks for your words of wisdom and kindness :) you are the best :) Happy holidays, Janae and Brooke!


Been there, yep. The holiday’s are rough that first year. Sophia’s asking for a Yorkie and roller skates. :) She’s not getting the puppy…we have a dog and will be moving back east soon so we can’t get one at this point. Oreo’s are good…I’ve been known to eat a full sleeve a time or two. That’s probably why I NEVER buy them. The mint ones are amazing. Glad you have a new love in your life…sorry he can’t be around at Christmas. XO, Jess


Awe I’m glad you are having a good time though. Lately soup has been a necessity for me too (or honestly anything warm right now).


So happy that your Christmas is much happier this year! And yet to get better each year :) . Have a lovely, blessed time!


I’m glad you will be having a more cheerful Christmas this year :-)

I love all the Oreos – whole, plain, flavoured, crushed, covered – doesn’t matter!

I don’t think Max has fully figured out Christmas. He would be happy with more Lego or trains though – oh and a twin sized bed!


I forgot how much I loved oreos until I scarfed some down at the finish-line aid station at my recent ultra! Food of the gods, I’m convinced.

Left on my to-do list? Travel to my mom’s in NY today, get some cards and wrap a couple of things, and finally bake some cookies!


This is a very good reminder. My sweet sister just lost her husband about 6 months ago and were it not for her 10 year old, I think she would just want to sleep right through to about mid January. I am thankful my family and her dear friends are there to support her. But I keep telling her “it’s OK to want this to be over”.

Favorite holiday will probably be T Day–its just so much about family & food (and football). Plus that is the day we put up our tree so it feels like it really kicks off hte holiday season. I do LOVE Christmas, but am also partial to Valentine’s Day as I have a birthday on the 15th and my husband and I have a tradition to travel to a warm/sunny place to celebrate. I mean, what’s not to love about that?!?


Sadness. I cannot imagine the pain. I agree, it’s okay to want this to be over. Peace and love to her and her son.


Having lost my husband at a very young age please tell your sister it will get easier. But it’s not just the first year that is the hardest. Believe it or not the second and third year was just as hard for me. I am 41 and now 14 years since his passing and I am able to look back and actually be grateful for my tragic experience. It made me a little less selfish and a lot more spiritual.


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, Sally. This has been such a life lesson for all of us. We never saw this coming and although I don’t feel like we took life for granted before, we are a little more aware of how truly precious it is. Each day is a gift…


I’m not a huge oreo fan, but when they are mixed into ice cream, I can’t resist.
I think Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday. I love being with my family, with out the added stress of shopping for gifts!


I love Oreos! But not double stuff. :(
I so agree with you about the first holidays without your loved ones.
When my hubby died I felt so isolated during Christmas. I didn’t have any where to go and didn’t buy a tree and tried hard to muddle through.
I vividly remember the eve. I bought fried rice from the Chinese take out and drove around in my car looking at Christmas lights on the big houses at the top of the hill by my house. I cried my eyes out. Honestly it was the perfect place for me that night. Cathartic. I worked at grieving but I got through it. And now, 14 years later I am in love again to a wonderful man. And Thursday we will celebrate our first Christmas together. A new tradition. I’m optimistic and happy. And I can remember my husband so happily even thouhh I miss him dearly.


You sound like an incredibly strong and amazing woman!


I wish we could “like” comments. My life would be so much easier. Commenting to tell them is fine but then I want to say something to ten different comments.

So happy for you and your fiance.


Thank you for your kind words. :)


You inspire many to show how life can really be happy again after such a tragedy. Bless you, Sally!


Sally, you are incredible. Thank you for sharing your story with us.


I’m finished with my shopping!! Now, I need to wrap a few more gifts:)
Today, I’m making fudge:)
I like Oreos when they baked into something.
Whatever holiday we’re currently celebrating feels like my favorite!


Mmmm… I need to make a pot of your chili. It’s my favorite! I’m baking cookies today and going dress shopping for my cousin’s wedding!

You are so strong and such a role model for me!! I hope you have the best Christmas!


i agree with you 100%! You are amazing and strong and I always appreciate your honesty! My holidays are tough for a different reason- I’ve been in recovery from an eating disorder for about a year and a half and this time of year is full of travel, different schedules, and triggers. I love all the fun of it but it’s hard when there’s a cloud of the hard things! Thankful for the support systems we have to help us!


Oreos dipped in white chocolate are irresistible!!


That treadmill chart is super helpful. I was never sure if I should be using incline or not and will probably be doing alot of treadmill running in the next couple of months.
That mug is amazing, hope it makes you happy every day you drink out of it.


Oreos are ONLY good when they are double stuffed and the chocolate dipped variety ;) Hehe! And I hear ya on how tough the holidays can be. We’re a 2 day drive or a $1,000 plane ticket away from family this year so we are staying in Florida. We decided it was best to do our visits after the holidays but it will be a little weird to be without family. Sometimes you just have to make the best of a situation and know things will get better :) Merry Christmas lady!


So true! I feel like this is the first Christmas since my kids father passed away that we are semi normal! Last year was the 3rd Christmas but since he passed dec 7th it was still like the first year ( I barely remember the first Christmas). This was the first year I was excited to out the tree up and get everything ready! The first year or so is always the toughest (especially wih custidy arrangements, etc)
My kids didn’t ask for much so they got everything they deserved lol! Why is it when they ask for very little you feel the need to get them a lot?


Oh wow, Sarah… you have been through so much. I am so glad that this year is already off to a much better start.
Your kids sound pretty darn amazing!


I have to make some Christmas cookies (we ate the first batch) to bring to Christmas dessert at my boyfriend’s aunt’s house.

If we have Oreos in the house, I will eat them, but I almost never buy them.

Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday – I love the traditions, the lights, the tree, the treats – all of it! :)


It’s great to hear that this year is going so much better for you. :)
Love, love, love oreos. I will admit oreo truffles are pretty awesome too. Just pinterest them – super easy to make.
Left to do – a scrap book for dad. Bring on the paper mess!


It hurts my heart a little bit that you don’t love Oreos, I am obsessed with them! They are definitely my favorite store bought cookie!

Christmas and 4th of July are my favorite holidays!

Left to do? NOTHING. Hallelujah!


I do not like Oreos, if I am going to have a cookie its going to be a big soft cookie :). The only thing that I have left to do for Christmas is to wrap all the presents, which is happening today!


I love Oreos, but I love them best dunked in milk, with peanut butter, or dipped in white chocolate. ;)

I adore that mug you got from a friend! How cute.

You’re amazing, Janae. You’ve overcome so much … you deserve to have an incredible Christmas this year. I think it’s awesome you addressed that holidays can be tough too. I think that can often be forgotten. xo


Oreos are best in Cookies N’ Cream ice cream for sure!!


I am almost ready for Christmas, just have a bit more baking to do.

Not a fan of oreo’s except for the Candy Corn Oreo’s which they denied me of this year.

Christmas is my favorite holiday by far. It’s also my son’s birthday so we start the day with “Merry Birthmas” and then we have Christmas and a birthday party for the entire day. It’s epic.


My parents’ church had a service called Blue Christmas this past weekend. It cut out all the holly-jolly songs and just stuck with the more serious carols and the actual message. I didn’t attend, but I thought it was such a nice idea for someone who just doesn’t want to stomach all the sugar and fluff that comes with the season, but obviously still wants to celebrate in their own way.

I loooove Oreos. Always have. I’m also obsessed with trying all the new flavors even though most of them are really awful. A local dairy in my area came out with Birthday Cake flavored milk and we made milkshakes with it, cookies and cream ice cream and birthday cake oreos. Omg. Another one of those would be my last meal on earth.


I love the idea of a Blue Christmas. Such a good idea!
I need to send you some Oreos:)


Oreos = split the cookie, lick the cream, eat the 2 chocolate cookies. BOOM – 1 cookie just turned into three ;).

I’m starting to renew my love for the treadmill with these winter months. Treadmill games in full force over here.


You are quite right about how the first year post-divorce is the hardest, although sometimes stuff can come at me out of nowhere and for me it’s been 4 years. I was in the bathroom getting ready and I had a flashback to our first Christmas apart where my ex was over Christmas morning (we still get along, though we don’t do Christmases together anymore) and while we watched our kids open gifts, he just started to cry. And out of all the years I had known him (about 20 years at that point) I had only seen him cry once. And my heart broke again, like it always does from time to time. Another layer gets peeled back and the inside needs to heal yet again before it inevitably gets exposed once more. But you’re right… we are NOT alone. And that’s what will help us all get through this crazy life. Merry Christmas you guys! xo


You are so so right… there are definitely waves of sadness that continue to hit at random times. You are doing an amazing job Suzy and I hope this Christmas is a good one for you!


Way to be positive and send out such love to others!

My parents roll into town for the week today, so I’ve got to do some cleaning and grocery shopping to get ready!

I’m not a real fan of Oreos either. Give me something homemade! :)


Christmas is my all-time favorite holiday! I still need to clean and pack before we leave for my parents, and then when we get there I need to wrap gifts! My husband and I were so slow on ordering gifts that we shipped everything straight to my parents.


I’m glad the holidays are getting easier to you so you can truly enjoy them with Brooke!
Before Christmas I still have to finish shopping for my main squeeze and finish up on wrapping. However oreos are my fave! I love them as long as they are double stuffed.


Thanks for the great reminder that the holidays are tough for a lot of people!

I love that Brooke got a giant Mickey Mouse and tickets to Disney on ice. So fun!!!

I’m not a huge fan of plain Oreos, but I love them mixed into things, like cookies ‘n’ cream, or an Oreo pie crust :)


Thanks for the encouragement…. I just lost my mom… Its been rough this Holiday season …. Running was helping a lot but now I feel like I’ve fallen off the wagon. Gotta get back on and get my motivation goin… Doin the New Orleans Rock N Roll Half in January so I def dont’ need to take too much time off haha!… Merry Christmas!
-Kara :)


Oh Kara,
I am truly so so sorry about your loss. I can’t even imagine. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Let me know how the RNR New Orleans half goes. You’ve got this!


Thank y’all so much for being so sweet!… I will be keeping y’all in my prayers too!… Merry Christmas to everyone!


Hi Kara,

I am so sorry to hear that. I just lost my mom, too. She died December 8. I have been running, but feeling so sluggish and unmotivated. I am glad you have a race to do. I think I will sign up for one, too! Merry Christmas!!



Maureen, i can only imagine what you are feeling, i am so sorry. My mum just lost her mum and we were all so close to our Nana, so we feel the pain. I send you hugs, you are in my prayers. God bless you Maureen.xxxxx


I am sooooo sorry for your loss Kara, it must be awful :( You are in my prayers and i am sending you heartfelt hugs. God bless you xxxxxxxxxxxx


Hi Janae
I can’t understand the salad on top of everything – but Oreos? oh yes! :)
This is the first Christmas since my ex-husband left and I’m going to be busy with a parkrun in the morning – I will be the Run Director and am totally looking forward to it.
It will be strange to be on my own when I get back home but I am ok with that.
Wishing you and yours a very happy and merry Christmas Janae.
Have a very happy and merry Christmas everyone xx


I wish I could give you a bug hug right now. I hope the very best for you and if you ever need to email chat with someone… I am your woman:) Have the best time possible at the park run. Thinking about you!


I don’t like oreo’s either… but I LOVE TJ’s Joe Joe’s??? A crazy world we live in. Merry Christmas to you!


I actually really have to agree with you about the Joe Joe’s!!!!


Yes, I’m in my second Christmas post-divorce with 6 kids! This year I helped decorate the tree and ordered cards, but haven’t sent them. I don’t have my kids for Christmas this year which will be hard, but I did get them back 4 of their dad’s days because he had to work, so we’re just doing Christmas one day early.

I’m sure I would love Oreos, but can’t go there. I may run 70 miles a week, but I’m in my 40s now and how a food leaves me feeling and looking matters more than taste at this point!

My kids are good sports. They understand I can’t manage too many specific requests with 6 kids. My 13 yr old daughter got red Doc Martens and my 11 yr old daughter wanted a gray Patagonia half-zip. I was bad and bought more electronic devices for the younger 3. Just what we needed! Now everyone has their own DS and tablet!


6 kids! Wow! You are doing an incredible job Celee… and 70 miles per week. You are doing amazing!


I pretty much just have to get stocking stuff. I can’t buy the candy early or I have to buy it twice (’cause I’ll eat it).

We always had oreos in the house growing up so they’re kinda eh for me. Covered in chocolate is a whole other story though.

Girlie asked for an American Girl doll (Julie, the hippie chick). I think it might happen;-)


I don’t like Oreos. Just not a fan of them. I am still not ready for Christmas. I gave worked the last 4 days and still have so much time.


We’ve had a rough year so I’m not as holly jolly as usual but I do love Christmas. The Blue Christmas service is particularly helpful when you’ve lost someone.

I still have to make fudge, cook on Christmas Eve and make one more dessert. (I’ve made 4 different types of cookies. I may be crazy). I love homemade cookies, not so much the boxed including oreos.

I don’t love running the treadmill but I patted mine the other day and thanked it for getting me through when weather was gross. (It made running on it easier. I guess gratitude really does help with most things).


Boy does this strike a cord. Christmas is so very painful for me. Haven’t had a happy Christmas in probably 8 or 9 years. My reasons are deep and personal and family related. I just put my head down and try to get through it. Each year I pray for it to be better. Maybe next year. :) But so very happy that your string of ‘not the best of Christmases’ ended at one. Merry Christmas Janae and Brooke!


I am truly so sorry about what you are going through now and for the past 9 years. That breaks my heart. Thinking about you and praying for the best for you. Let me know if I can do anything!


You’re so sweet for writing this post for those who are struggling this holiday season. I’m doing well but it’s so nice to keep others in your thoughts and prayers.


I love that you and Brooke by children who won’t get much without help from others. We starting taking our daughter shopping for gifts for others when she was small like Brooke. Today, as a young adult, she does this with joy every year and this year even choose from a grandparent tree. Proud of how you have made lemonade out of a tough situation. Brooke is lucky to have such a wonderful loving mom.


I love Oreos in any form, but my favorite are the mini Oreos dipped in almond bark and then sprinkles on top! YUMMMM! My mom always makes them at Christmas, and I eat them all! Christmas is cool, but Easter is my absolute favorite holiday :)


Ha buying Christmas presents is on my to do list. Whoops.

I do not like oreos one bit. I have tried over the years but they just dont do it for me. Love that mug it is so cute!


salad on pancakes?! WHAT ON EARTH? Also, you are doing an absolutely amazing job making the holidays special for Brooke. I hope she reads these posts when she’s older so she can remember all the awesome stuff you two did together! :)


Oreos MUST be dipped in milk ;)


Ok, so this made me tear up a bit. I have been reading your blog for some time, and always pull inspiration from you! But this year Christmas is a tough one, just lots of personal stuff that makes it hard to be cheery. But I am still excited to see family, and enjoy the time spent with them, even if things are not exactly the best.

Merry Christmas :)


Allison! I am truly so so sorry about what you are dealing with right now. I hope that things just get better and better for you. Hugs from me and the Brookers and if you come to Utah I am taking you for froyo!


My favorite way to eat oreos is on top of fro-yo!
I don’t have much left on my to-do list before Christmas since my traveling has already begun- now its just time to enjoy the holidays!!
That mug is so amazing!


That mug is amazing!! I’m happy that your Christmas is happier this year!! I think each year will get better and better. Brooke is one lucky girl to have such a caring mom!


I’d totally put salad on pancakes! I do blend greens in the batter sometimes!
That mug is adorable! XOXOXOXOXO


I’m 36 weeks pregnant right now so all of my Christmas shopping has been done, just in case she decides to gift us with her presence early! :)


AHHHH you are so so close!! I am so excited for you!


All time favorite holiday is Christmas :) spending all the time with family and all the decorations!! P.S. I love Oreos with milk (don’t hate me but I hate them when they are fried)


you are such a great mom :) wishing you and brooke lots of joy and happiness during the holidays <3


Thank you so much April! The same to you too!


Love that pic of Brooke eating, her smile is just too cute.

And this Christmas has been one of the most stressful. It isn’t as bad as going through a divorce or anything like that, but what you said is very true, and big appreciate. Any time I have thought about Christmas has just made me want to cry.

I loove Oreos. I love them so much I don’t buy them because I know I can go through a whole bag by myself.


I still have to wrap! I’ll get on that after work tonight! My brother took trader joes jojos with peppermint filling and covered them in chocolate AND sprinkles!


My favorite part of reading blogs is the comments. This particular one seems to have definitely touched a few people.

I hope everyone finds their own path to get through the holidays with as much or as little joy as required. It’s a really beautiful time to remember and try to focus on your family. The ones that don’t make you crazy. And the memories. The ones that make you feel good.

I can’t eat Oreos because I’m allergic to chocolate and I’m Celiac but my kids love Oreos so much I bought my son stock in Nabisco. I was buying way too much to not get something back. ;)


Hm…I think my favorite holiday would have to be Thanksgiving because of all the food! And because of all the food I always feel like I need to ramp up my workouts a ton, so I end up coming out of the holidays a little more fit than I came into them!


Definitely appreciate the reminder Janae! I did a cross-country move 2 months ago and won’t be going home for Christmas. I don’t have any family out here, so this year Christmas is a little bit sad for me. I will be making the best of it though, and I hope you have an amazing holiday season!

And that mug is adorable – super thoughtful of your friend!


Merry Christmas my dear.

And I dislike Oreos unless they are dipped in peanut butter. Then they are like crack.


Love all your traditions! You really do the holidays in style:)


Oreo BLIZZARD. Duh. But I can’t eat them anymore so you’ll have to have one in my honor :) I’m glad you’re in an “easier” place this year. I still have a bunch of stuff on my to-do list…decorate our INSANELY tall tree (no idea how I’m going to do it…totally overwhelmed), start Christmas shopping (nothing like procrastination), I think I’m bailing on sending out cards… One of my kids has asked for Legos, one wants a phone, one wants jeans, one wants the entire toy section at Target… How are we defining “holiday”? Does my birthday count? lol


I think Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. There’s family and delicious food, but there’s not as much pressure as at Christmas time. Fall is also my favorite season.


I kid you not when I say i want to spend my Christmas with you; my family isnt celebrating and I feel kinda lonely and your family looks nice and warm.


Come on over Linda!! The more the merrier!


Oreos on their own, oreos covered in chocolate, oreos in ice cream, really oreos any way-I am a fan!

What’s left to do? Um, everything. My boyfriend and I went Christmas shopping yesterday. I told him I would pick up the last few things and wrap everything while he was at work. I spent the morning watching Netflix in bed. Oops…


I like double stuff oreos, but the ones with holiday colored cream are best……, orange, yellow, and blue……..they come out seasonally and have fun pictures on them! I drop them in my cup of milk and eat them with a spoon! Like oreo cereal!!

I am ready for Christmas, but I have 12 days until my wedding and there are a few things to do for it, still!

And my favorite holiday is Halloween! Candy and a reason to dress up in full 80’s clothes?! Sold.


GreaT perspective janae! That soup looks awesome! My favorite holiday is 4th of July. I love summer, there is no pressure to buy gifts, looks great, or fulfill expectations. Just hotdogs, chips and salsa, fun games, and fireworks!


Still to do on my Christmas list is to wrap some presents, and maybe try to squeeze in some Christmas baking. But I’m pretty much sorted!

I’m not a huge Oreo fan – but give me a Tim Tam any day!

I don’t really have a favourite holiday, but any reason to spend time with family and friends (preferably away from work!) is a good one in my book.


I feel like we still have TONS to do. Stressing out just thinking about it….My in-laws just keep coming up with more last minute plans – like adults exchanging presents which we have NEVER done before (and this was decided two days ago).

I don’t mind the occasional Oreo but in general cookies are not a huge deal for me. I do make a killer cookies and crème fudge with them that I can never stop stealing pieces of.

Our kids are beyond the toy stage, which makes shopping terribly expensive and difficult. They always want the newest electronics – this will be the first year where under the tree is going to look awfully minimal but we’ve spent way more than usual.


I still have to buy chocolate candy for my kids’ Christmas stockings. I did have a good supply about a week ago and then….something happened to it all.

Breyer’s Oreo ice cream is my favorite way to eat Oreos. Mmmmm.

The kids asked for an indoor trampoline. Yeah, not going to happen.

Favorite holiday is either Independence Day or Easter. Both celebrate awesome things.

I’ve loved reading about your daily Christmas traditions with your little. You’ve inspired me to take more time to do fun things with my kids.


Thanks for the word of encouragement. This is the first Christmas for my family to go through a pretty tough sickness. It is rough, for sure, but it puts a new perspective on being thankful and enjoying your moments together.


I still have to finish a present for my dad and my niece. Then I have to wrap them. I am actually feeling a lot better about them than I was this morning! Christmas and July 4th are my favorite holiday.

That mug is so cute!


You don’t like Oreos??? haha


Janae you are such an inspiration to so many out there, your strength is so admirable. I know that you have your hard days like i am right now but we try to make sense of things and we find things to get by. My eldest is away with her dad for half the school Christmas holidays and i can tell you that it sucks real bad :(, i am remarried and have another daughter, who is my eldest’s half sister and she also misses her sister like crazy, but we try to do things we love to do, like go to the movies, bake(lots) and play with her ‘My little ponies’ together and wait patiently until my eldest comes home and then we celebrate (bigtime). Thanks for the treadmill information, im the rare few who doesnt mind the treadmill :)

At the moment i have just baked salted caramel pretzels Yummmmo, pity your so far away i wouldve dropped off a batch to you. Hugs and Kisses and God bless xxxxxx


I got all of my Christmas shopping, wrapping, and sending done early this year. Whew!! I was disappointed in myself for not sending out Christmas cards to family and friends this year, as I received card after card of pictures of friends and family, but will put that high on my list for next year. Christmas is my favorite holiday for so many reasons – I love the spirit and celebration of life!

Oreos → I only like the crème filling.


This year Christmas feels so weird and different. Maybe because I chose to simplify my life? For whatever reason this christmas season has been so hard. :( so thank you for your kind words!! :)

Oreos are one of my favorites!! I really liked the marshmallow ones they had a few months ago. Wish they would bring those back!!


I have to go out this evening and finish shopping for my Mom, otherwise I am all done!

I ate Oreos as a kid, but haven’t had them in SO long. Your pics are tempting me to try them again :)

I love Christmas a lot, but I also really love 4th of July!!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

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