Sentence per picture for your Christmas Eve!

Paige and I ended up getting each other the same thing for Christmas—>  how does that even happen!?!

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Getting in every last ounce of Christmas cheer possible.  

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A gift from a neighbor:  everything that you need on Christmas morning (batteries for toys, extra tape and some chocolate;)

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My sister called and told me to come over for pizza and I was at her door approximately 4 minutes later.

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A billion fluffy cookies produced to deliver to the neighbors.  

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A very efficient mode of transportation for Christmas caroling!

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Loved my brother’s latest Facebook status. 

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Looks like we have a Curly Jr. on our hands lately:

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What is your sentence for today!?!

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Looks like you guys are having an awesome time :) My sentence is Get all the presents wrapped!!


I’m excited for Christmas Eve mass, my Christmas Eve run and to finally give out the gifts I got for people!

My best friend and I gave each other the same gift one year, then a few weeks ago for my birthday, same best friend and my husband both game me the same gift. Maybe we need to spend less time together??

That’s a pretty brilliant gift idea, everyone always needs tape and batteries at some point on Christmas. And Chocolate is a necessity any day.

Merry Christmas!


I seriously cannot believe how old Brooke is getting! She is like a young girl now! Today I’m working at the running store and then traveling back to my parents house for a week or so. I think it will be fun :-)


What great fun! Seriously looks like you guys have enjoyed ever single day this month leading up to Christmas. Love that! My sentence today is run a zillion last minute errands.


Next year I’ll have more time to do things like neighbor gifts. I am already looking forward to next year. Merry Christmas!


The Christmas morning kit is such a great idea! It’s a total bummer when you open something you’re super excited about and realized you don’t have batteries for it!

Merry Christmas Eve! I hope you have a great one!

Today is my first day off of work and I’ll be off until Jan 5th so I am excited about getting to run anytime I want! <–my exciting sentence :)


Hi!! What cookie recipe did you use? They look nice and chunky! :)


Hey Hayley!! It is this recipe:

Mine usually turn out more flat than my sister’s do but they are AMAZING!


Deliver lot and lost of cookies to the Detroit fire houses!


My son and I are eating our way through Disney World!


Baking gingerbread men with my mum today and then watching Home Alone, perfect Christmas Eve! Merry Christmas, I hope you have a wonderful day :)


Your neighbor’s Christmas gift is clever!


Brooke is so pretty! It’s been so fun watching her grown. She’s about 6 months older than my daughter and it’s fun to see the things that she’s up to!


Merry Christmas Eve! My sentence for the day is I’m going to need a nap before church, not during church!


Thankful for an amazing year filled with the gifts of love and support. Cheating with a sentence #2: merry Christmas to you and Brooke.


That reminds me I need pizza and I need to get our neighbors some baked goods stat! I’ve been avoiding the Christmas baking to avoid the extra lbs. :) I’m so in hibernation mode. What a brilliant neighbor you have bringing you tape and batteries!! Merry Christmas!! xo, Jessica


Merry Christmas Janae and Brooke! We are flying to Florida to spend Christmas with my parents!


Fun to see Brooke! Christmas in Texas is not too much diff from Christmas in Utah!


Food, family time and more food.


My sentence: I’m so excited to have Christmas Eve dinner with my Grandparents!
First, I have to finish delivering our Christmas cookies to friends:)


Make all of the cookies all day!!!


My sentence is: crossing my fingers for no delays for my flight from Detroit to Baltimore!!
Happy Christmas eve!!


Jesus is the reason for the season :)


I cam’t believe it’s Christmas eve already ! I want those chocolate chip cookies.


Those cookies look delicious! My sentence for the day: Get me out of work and on the road to see my family!!! (seriously, it’s Christmas Eve…no one is doing anything productive anyway;)


Cheesecake Factory! :) already thinking about what to order…


I don’t want my Trip home to end! Time for one last run then to soak up the day with family!!.

Brooke’s hair is adorable!!


I am going to donate blood before church and family time!


Must get through the birthday before the stockings :)


also…love the last minute present. The batteries, chocolate and tape. That is really smart.


I’m going to actually cross train today – weird, right? :) Hope you guys are having a great Christmas Eve!


At least I put on pants today before 6 PM. Merry Christmas!




Enjoy every moment!


I’m about to leave for a rainy run, which I’ll need before being cooped up in the house with lots of relatives, today (relatives that I LOVE of course, but it’s a full house :)


The pizza looks delicious! I hope you and Brooke have a great Christmas!


I can’t get over Brooke! She’s getting SO cute!! Where is that pizza from?! It looks so yummy. I hope you have the best Christmas!! You deserve it so much!


It’s the little moments. I asked my daughter what her favorite holiday tradition was and it was something little, something I never even thought about as a tradition.


What is that cookie recipe?! They look so good.

It totally sucks that I have to be at work today.


Hey Erika!! Here is the recipe:

I am so sorry that you had to work today!


Just wanted to share the book I’m reading and loving. One thousand gifts by Ann Voskamp, it’s beautifully written. I know your faith means a lot to you as well so I thought you would enjoy it. Your happiness book made me think of sharing this one with you. Your blog brings me such joy, you seem like such a dedicated mom (and awesome runner!) Hope you and Brooke have an amazing Christmas!


1. So what did you guys get each other?!
2. Your neighbor is a genious!
3. It took you 4 whole minutes to show up for pizza?! You can beat that time next time. I know it.
4. I wanna be your neighbor.
5. Is Brooke’s hair really that naturally curly?! SO pretty!


A Christmas Eve run with the best Christmas music, always my favorite Christmas moment.


Sister visits are the best. Especially when food is involved. This I know from experience. ;)


Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!


Merry Christmas Eve to you and Brooke.!!! Looks like you’re starting it off great.


Merry Christmas Janae!!


I am all about the toppings for pizza.

Oh gosh, that looks amazing!


I am at work today for Christmas eve but trying to enjoy it with my work family. Meery Christmas!


She looks exactly like Curly!
Working today and tomorrow. Missing my family but excited to deliver some Christmas babies. What a great way to remember the birth of Christ.


Merry Christmas, Janae and Brooke!

My sentence: Today’s to do list: run, laundry, clean, make our traditional family coffee cake for Christmas morning, make traditional family Christmas Eve dinner- Pork Pie, go see Christmas lights and watch lots of Christmas movies with my family!


Sounds like a perfect day!


I started my morning off right by baking gingerbread snaps for the Boss Man. So happy Christmas is finally here! Happy Christmas Eve, everyone!


What did you get each other??
Brookes hair is incredible! Love that gift from your neighbor, genius!


That pizza looks amazing.


Happy Birthday Jesus! :)


Curly Jr. for sure…..Thank You Jesus for everything…family time is where its at….and the smell of salmon chowder is in the air. (What a run on sentence??? Oh well!) ;-)


My sentence: This morning I had the best run because you and Candice are my favorite. HaveAVeryMerryChristmasILoveYouAndWillMissYouButHaveSoMuchFun

When you write it like that ^^it doesn’t count as a sentence, do I still stuck to the 1 sentence rule:)


My sentence is: Merry Christmas everyone!! :)


My sentence for today is: Christmas is one day early!!


Today I realized intervals are all about teaching the body how to find a rhythm, coordination between all involved systems. (I couldn’t find a rhythm and my pace was all over the place) :D


I have had people who have never met and live all over the U.S. give me the same gift or a variation of the same pattern in a gift such as a crystal cake stand, crystal candle sticks, crystal platter, and crystal fruit bowl all in the same rose pattern. All four gifts were from friends who do not know each other and I never even knew this crystal series existed. Everyone just said they thought it looked like me. This has happened to me dozens of times since I was a kid. Maybe I am too predictable.


My Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone got cut off. I hope everyone has a great 2015.


Merry Christmas everyone and a healthy and happy new year to you all. Im in Australia so Christmas is today :) off to a massive European lunch and come home weighing a tonne and feeling all the most satisfied. May we remember the sacrifice that Jesus did for us and how much he loves us all. Godbless xxxxxx


I would also LOVE your cookie recipe! Mine are always flat, and I dream about making fluffy cookies like yours! What’s your secret? :)


For some reason when my sister makes these they turn out bigger and fluffier… either way they are amazing!


How has little missy grown up so much lately…she is looking like Curly for sure!!!

Merry Christmas to you Janae


Hi just wanted to know if you respond to most people here as I find you don’t. Any way merry Christmas from Norway


Hi Elsa, dont worry she is prob just busy, maybe too much for her to respond to , i noticed the same thing though and now i just dont write anything. Merry Christmas to you too all the way to beautiful Norway.


Hi Elsa and Tammy, sorry but i had to reply to this. You have got to understand that this is a site to me where i am inspired to be better at what i do, running and i must tell you that since i have discovered this Janae has been the best inspiration for me, she is an amazing person who went through an awful time not to long ago but she still does the best she can to respond, doesnt matter if it isnt to everyone(gee wizz i know i wouldnt be able to keep up with responding to everyone) she is a mum too. Maybe email her, trust me she is a beautiful, sweet lady. Godbless


Haha I love that “Essentials” gift – such a great idea!


Sounds like you have some good relationships with your neighbors!


I made the chocolate chip cookies, and they are AWESOME! THank you for directing me to the recipe!!!! Happy New Year—am pretty new to your blog but LOVE it! :)

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