A giveaway–> My favorite winter running accessories!

As runners we are all pretty hardcore and keep up with our running even when it is freezing outside.  Time to make sure you have the right accessories to keep you warm while you are out on the roads and trails!

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My favorite thing about the Adapt Glove II is the detachable LED flashlight on the right glove.  The light is super easy to turn on and off and it sure helps you to stay safe when running in the dark.  It is also easy to slide off the water-resistant mitten top for when you need to use your fingers.  The gloves are also touchscreen-compatible!

I have used these for runs when it is anywhere between 28-40 degrees out and they have kept my hands extremely happy and warm.  

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The Utopia Thermal Headband is ridiculously soft, stays put and I always love an oversized headband. 

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The PureProject Warmer is my favorite out of everything!  It can be used as a scarf, skirt or hood!  I have been using it as a scarf for my early morning runs.  Throw it on, use the drawcord to make it so that no cold air can sneak in, throw your coat on and go run!  I have a feeling this is especially going to save me on those morning when it is snowing while I am running.

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The Race Day Armwarmers are perfect for those days that start out cold but then warm up.  It is so nice to have the option to roll the armwarmers down or to take them off while you are running as it gets warmer out. Super soft and super light.



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One lucky reader will win all four—> The Utopia Thermal Headband, Adapt Glove II, PureProject Warmer and the Race Day Armwarmers!

To enter:

1.  Leave a comment telling me anything your heart desires.

For extra entries:

Post about this giveaway on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or all three and leave a separate comment on this post for each one telling me that you did!

Giveaway ends on 12/16!!!

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I really need a headband, I only have a toque and it can get annoying with ponytails and sometimes it’s too hot.


I need those mittens. That is all.


Everything looks great- especially that headband!


The mittens! The mittens! The mittens! Thank youuuuuuuuuu


The mittens look awesome!


I commented and posted on facebook/twitter


I’d LOVE the mittens!!! My darling boyfriend decided he needed to wear mine to work on his car- his CAR! Naturally he ripped them. Men. . . lol


Awesome gear! Thank you for modeling it.


I need those mittens for cold runs!!!


My heart desires sunshine!! It’s been so cold this week (I live in the south, I’m weak!!). I love the holidays but goodness!


Awesome gear! Thank you for modeling it!


I would love the PureProject Warmer for cold winter runs!!


Can’t wait to make those Hot Cocoa cookies when my daughter gets home from college!


Cold hands while running are the worst! Merry Christmas!!


Those gloves are awesome!


I have been oogling those Adapt Gloves on Brooks website. I just did a run in 30F degree weather and my fingers would have really enjoyed those awesome gloves!


Not sure if the giveaway is international, but just in case…My heart desires to spend Christmas with my family in the countryside, cozying up in front of the fireplace playing games and drinking hot cocoa.


I would love to have some arm warmers, and those are such a cute color!


Scarf AND skirt? So fun! Love them all – running year-round in Chicago, I really have an appreciation for cold weather gear!


I want to win something!!!!


Need lots of winter gear where I live! Thanks!


Ok, I’ll be honest, I live in Texas and have finally decided this year I wasn’t going to let the early darkness keep me from running. So those running accessories would be PERFECT for our “winter”!


What an awesome giveaway!! Here’s hoping I win, but if not….Merry Christmas!


I would love to have those winter accessories! It is cold in Central PA!


would love the mittens because of Buffalo winters!


With all those accessories I might even be able to keep up running outside throughout the cold Minnesota winters!!


All of the winter gear looks awesome, but those gloves! I don’t think I would ever take them off.


Friday Frazzled Randomness: I just ate a TON of almonds at my desk at work and now I need a nap. :) Would love any/all of those winter running items, however! I loathe the cold and thus rely too much on my trusty treadmill (Milly Paine is her name….. ) in the winter!


I’m smitten with those mittens — they’re as cute as kittens!!


Ps this is a different Kim from above. You can call me DJ Kimmy D


Awesome giveaway. I had my first run in below freezing temps this week so I really need to start gearing up for cold weather running!


Happy Holidays!! Love this giveaway!


Love those gloves!


Merry Almost Christmas! Loving the traditions you are creating! You inspire me for when I have my own kids! :)


Those gloves are amazing!


happy holidays! i love your blog – i look forward to reading it every day.


I am in the middle of the daily get-the-kids-ready-for-school routine, which always includes a fight over eating breakfast because in a perfect world my kid wouldn’t eat until 9am but at that point they need their brains to be focused on division, not on how hungry they are. Anyway, this makes my mornings super fun. But the good news is, as soon as they get out the door I’m out for a rainy 10 miler. Can’t wait!


I want that pure project warmer around my neck. right now.


I live in MN enough said…..I could use all of the winter gear :)


Ohhh great giveaway! I need a winter headband.


Your positive attitude makes me smile each morning! Happy Christmas to you and Brooke!


Minnesota has some of the toughest winters, yet I still run races in the winter…”frozen feet”..”polar dash”…you get the hint :).


Looks like everything I need for winter running in MN!


the headband looks perfect! That is one of my biggest winter running obsticles; i can never find something to keep my ears warm (but not too warm!) that stays put!!


All of the gear is awesome, but especially the arm warmers. In my first marathon (Detroit in the Fall) I wore arm warmers for the first time and I LOVED them. But they were my boyfriends, so they didn’t fit as well… I would love to have a new pair to try!!


I could use some good gloves as my fingers freeze while running!


I live and run in Colorado, so I could really use all of this! Thank you!!!


Have a great weekend!


Love those gloves!


love those gloves, and the headband!!!

and you!!!


Brooke is adorable! I am really loving all the gear and hopefully I win!


I would LOVE those gloves!!


I love reading your blog! And wish we lived closer so we could be friends! I have a tough time wanting to run outside when it’s cold, which always make me resort to the treadmill and that’s a bummer since winter lasts a long time in Michigan :( But these accessories would make a great excuse for me to get my bum out in the colder temps!


Happy Holidays!


Ooo I’ve been looking for a pair of warmer running gloves!


I love love love that headband!!


Of course i can live (and run) without it, but those arm warmers……..!


I think the headband would be my favorite – my ears always get so cold (but my head gets too hot in hats/beanies)


Love your favorites! All extremely functional and cute as well!


Love the blog! You are my source of inspiration for when I don’t want to drag my butt out of bed for my morning runs.


The only thing I took from this post is how fit you are. I wish my stomach was half as flat as yours.

And of course, I would love to win the giveaway. :)

Have a great weekend, Janae!


That headband looks fabulous, and those gloves would never get lost – they are too bright and awesome! Thanks for running the giveaway!!


I need those mittens with the lights! So cool!


Those gloves/mittens are on my Christmas list! Need to start feeling my hands when I run in the winter:)


My ears must be covered. I hate cold air blowing in them.


Cool (er……….warm?!) giveaway! I would love to try those mittens, my hands get cold so easily and I have yet to find ones that keep me warm!!


such cool things!! makes me feel awkward about the 99 cents gloves I wear from target :)


The mittens would be awesome! LOVE that they have a light :)


I live in San Diego and will be going to Idaho after Christmas. I will NEED this stuff!


It was 32 degrees last night and I went for the most gorgeous run and looked at Christmas lights. As the nights get colder I should probably bundle up a little more…and those mittens with the light would be a real life saver!


i would like to say…woohoo it’s Friday!


tweeted it!


Facebooked about it! Love all the stuff. Arm warmers would be good – right now it’s 25 at night here and 65 in the day time so layering is necessary :)


The whole ensemble would help in my new desert locale – it’s strangely freezing overnight and for early AM runs!


This gear would be so fantastic for my Maine winters!


That PureProject Warmer is exactly what I have been looking for. All of these items look so cozy.

P.S. I love reading your blog but it took me awhile to build up the courage to comment!


They all look extremely comfortable.


I wish I looked as cute as you in cold weather running gear. By the end of my run, my hair is a hot mess, my nose is bright red and running, and my face is red as an apple! Haha maybe someday:)


I just linked to this giveaway on FB!

“I’m entering the HRG winter running drawing – check it out to enter!”


I desire ALL THE THINGS! This is my first Idaho winter running season and dang – it’s cold. I need help staying warm. Please.


I love all of those items! I’m a big baby when it comes to running in the cold, so if cute accessories help me get out, all the better!!


I need to suck it up and start running in the cold! You are a champ


I think those mittens would complete my life.


My heart desires right now is for winter break! I am doing a long term sub in second grade and am ready for a break!


I would love to win all of these things as I run outside all winter long and really don’t like being cold!


Happy Christmas time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I’m a full time nursing student mother of four and live in the Midwest. Due to foot surgery and pregnancy, then nephew being diagnosed with stage four brain cancer running was put on the back burner. I just started get back into it (after running halfs before all this) this past summer and I’m bummed with cold weather. It’s hard to get motivated to get out and go, but with the perfect accessories like these it would make it a whole lot easier. :-)


These would all be amazing for MN winters! It is the first winter I have been braving it outside – so far, so good! Our Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day was 0 degrees, felt like -23 with windchill – warm weather gear is a MUST! Although wow the laundry pile sure grows QUICKLY when you wear 13 layers every morning!!! :)


You read my mind. I need to get outside and run more and this post just motivated me to do so!


It is freezing in NY over the winter. I could definitely use all of these warm weather items.


I love the scarf/skirt/hood! I really like anything that is multi-purpose.

AND you have a great blog! I love reading it, and it is so encouraging… Keep it up :)


My heart desires all of those things. Seriously.


The scarf would be awesome to have so I wouldn’t have an excuse not to run outside in the cold!


Oooh, that scarf with a drawstring looks like SUCH a good idea for winter runs!


Everything looks so awesome, especially the mittens. Hope I win! :)


All these would help me take my winter running to the extreme!!!!


That hood/scarf/skirt thingymabobber …. I live in Maine…Need I say more?


Oh PS….Instragramed the heck out of this post


This was super helpful for me, I’m about to start training for my 3rd half marathon and I’ve never trained for one in this cold weather!!


Oh my goodness those mittens look so warm!! I so need those seeing as my nickname has become “icicle fingers.” Haha.


This weekend I’m going to NYC. In need of warm running things pronto for that!


And I posted this giveaway to my mama running group page!


Really need new gloves, so this would be perfect!


YESS! I love running, but hate being cold which makes it SO hard to keep up motivation in the winter!


I seriously need some arm warmers!


I am in the middle of studying for my last year of law school finals! HOLLA :]


Love this! Would be a great gift for a friend just getting into running. :)


I’m going to the movies tonight! I shouldn’t be that excited but it has been forever since my husband and I have gone to a show. Mostly I’m excited about the popcorn :)


What a great giveaway! I need all of these!


My heart desires to win this giveaway!!


My heart desires to be able to run a 13.1 again!


I would LOVE that headband and mittens!!! Merry Christmas!


Mittens! I love mittens and my hands are always cold and turn blue. Please help me protect my blue fingers! :). Headband is cute, too

It is supposed to hit 50 this weekend (DC area) and I might be able to run without cold winter gear for once.


somehow, these accessories make the idea of running outside in the dark cold more appealing, so I think that I need them :)


Gah! Love those mittens! And your modeling of the arm warmers–such a natural ;)


Loving those mittens! And of course the headband! :)


Those gloves are awesome! Loving the light on the side! I also love reading your holiday traditions! Hope you and Brooke have a very Merry Christmas!!


All of these would make life outside in the cold better!


I am digging the headband and scarf!


Love the gloves! When my fingers get cold, they go numb (Raynauds Syndrome) and it’s super hard to warm them back up. The mitten/wind protector part sounds like it might keep the fingers toasty!


Hi HRG!! This will be my 1st winter as a winter runner as a prep for a spring marathon. So I really don’t have any of these items, but similar items are all currently on my Santa wishlist. Please please pick me so I don’t have to depend on Santa!! This would be the best early Christmas present :)



My MIL is coming to live with my husband and two young boys, and I homeschool, and the house is a mess, and I am losing my computer
room, aka my escape room. Help me!!


I want cold-running accessories :)


Love the mittens.

Anything? I just bought eggnog to put in my hot chocolate.


The gloves would be awesome since I have been running a lot in the dark!


I’ve been using $2 socks as arm warmers, which works great but definitely not as cute as the Brooks ones! Would love to add this to my winter work out clothes wardrobe so I can get my half marathon PR in January! <3


Love the mittens…blue fingers be gone!


The mittens are perfect for me! I have been looking for mitten and I always run in the dark!


I tweeted about the giveaway.


Well, my 3 year-old doesn’t quite understand the advent calendar. He ran off with his while I was on the phone and polished off the remaining days…..luckily there weren’t quite 12 in there because somehow a few other days of chocolate went missing last week!


i realllly need a good pair of gloves my hands get cold so easily when i run in the winter!


I hate running in gloves for some reason it drives me crazy but those mittens look awesome I wonder if I would like that!


such cute running accessories!!


This would be such a great Christmas gift!!!


I’ll take all three!


I’m having lasagna for lunch!


I so want the mittens!!


Love the gloves and that scarf!!! Winter and I don’t get along so this would be great!


I need mittens like that! My fingers always get cold, but I’ve read that when you have them smashed together in mittens, they keep each other warm :)


I absolutely love your blog!
Last winter was our first on the East Coast and it was COLD! My husband is in the Marine Corps and we(myself, husband and 3 little girls)moved from Hawaii and were not prepared for this cold weather! I totally slacked on my running last winter, got into a slump, gained 15lbs and felt terrible. Thankfully I snapped myself back into shape and completed the Marine Corps Marathon this year and have still kept up with my running. I even ran for the first time while it snowed yesterday!
I would LOVE to have these great items to help keep up my running this winter!


So cute!! I am always cold, so I could use any or all of these!


I would love those mittens!


Great giveaway!


I love running in the cold but don’t have enough winter running accessories! These items look great! Have a great weekend :)


Love them all!! We’ve had some cold runs on the East Coast!!


It’s rare to see the sun on my runs these days… those lights on the gloves are brilliant (pun intended)!!


I love, love them all!

I am bummed lately due to a lingering ache since my half marathon 3 weeks ago. I believe it is ITB and at the 2 mile mark it hurts every time. I have a marathon in Feb and I am getting concerned…..


I want it all! :) Happy Friday too. :)


My little heart desires the gloves and the scarf. gloves specifically because I have cold hands to begin with….and running outside amplifies that!


I could really use those arm warmers. Last time I washed mine one of them fell apart. :(


Hmmm anything my heart desires…I’m about to make Trader Joe’s drinking chocolate! Aka hot chocolate that is thicker than molasses. GET AT ME! :)

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