Some blogging fun facts and a chocolate cream pie recipe!

I get a lot of emails about blogging stuff so I thought I would share a little more about it all and how I like to blog.  You can also check out this post about blogging if you want—>  How I started The Hungry Runner Girl and tips to start your own blog.  

So here are some answers to some common questions that I get!

-What’s your blogging schedule like?

Currently, I write 11 posts a week.  Usually I do 2 posts per day on Mon-Thurs and 1 post per day on Fri-Sun.  Over time I have tried a bunch of different combos (I even did THREE POSTS PER DAY, EVERY DAY for a year… a little too much) and this is what I have found to work the best for me.  

Because blogging is my income—> I also have to treat it like a job and set hours each day.  When I first wake up in the morning, I check comments, emails and reply to some emails.  Throughout the day I think about content and take pictures of whatever we are doing and then sit down and write a post, work on emails and side projects from 1-4 p.m. (Brooke’s nap).  My afternoon post usually goes up at 3 p.m. (Utah time).  Once Brooke wakes up we go go go and then I write my second post once she goes to bed at night and schedule it to go up at 6 a.m. the next day.  Usually from about 9-11 p.m. I write a post and work on my Women’s Running weekly article or other random things.  If I decide to go out at night or have people come over after Brooke goes to bed then I am usually writing my post at midnight (hence even more grammatical errors than normal on those posts:)    

-What are your costs?

I spend $500ish per month for hosting fees and for when I need my tech guy to fix things.  I am currently working on a redesign (yeah, I haven’t changed it once in over four years) and so if I ever finish that up it should be fun.

-What do you do about the negativity?  

I just don’t read it.  I know who I really am and the truth of my life so why would I care what a random internet person thinks they know about me?  If I get negative comments on my blog, I just delete them.  My blog is my space and I try to keep it a happy and a positive filled website and part of keeping it that way is by monitoring the comments section.  There are plenty of other places for people to go if they want to write something negative and my blog is not one of those places.  Constructive criticism= I keep up (thank goodness for the people that told me to not use a different color for every single sentence like I used to do in the old days:)

-What apps/blogging stuff do you use?

To make movies—>  iMovie on my MacBook

To blog—>  MarsEdit (super easy to use).

Pictures—>  my phone and if a picture actually looks somewhat decent on here it is because I am using my Nikon D7000 or Canon S110.


Web hosting—>  HostGator

How in the world do you make $ doing a blog?

-I had no idea going into blogging that there was a possibility to make money.  I am beyond grateful that I have been able to turn what I love to do into a job.  So, how do I make money from blogging—>  Those fun little ads placed on the sides (I use Glam Media and Google Adsense), sponsored posts, sponsors that will pay for races or to wear their brand etc, affiliate links (mainly through Amazon) and freelance writing work.

Let me know if you have any other questions about blogging.  I would love to answer them!


Toby is the best.   She just ran her first 50k and she is so incredibly nice.  She invited me and Brooke for dinner last night!

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From the first time I met her… In 2012 at the Dogtown 1/2 Marathon. 


Salad bars.  Doesn’t get any better.  

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And a pie that you simply must try asap!

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Chocolate Cream Pie

1 small instant pudding

1 cup milk

1 8oz cream cheese

1 pint whip cream (NO cool whip)

Ghirardelli milk chocolate chips

1 cooked pie crust

Mix pudding and milk together

In separate bowl, beat cream cheese until smooth.

In separate bowl, whip cream until soft peaks are formed.

Stir cream cheese and pudding together.  Fold in whip cream.  Fold in chocolate chips.  Put mixture into cooked pie crust.  Let chill 1 hour before serving.  

To finish things off—>  a picture of Brooke and her obsession with mailbox flags.  

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Bloggers reading-  how often do you post?  Do you have a schedule for your blogging?

Favorite pie in honor of Thanksgiving in two days!

-Chocolate, banana or coconut cream.

What app on your phone do you use the most?!

Are you running inside or outside today?

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Great info for so many new and new-ish bloggers! Blogging definitely is a ton of work and you are one busy girl! Curious to see how you balance it when Brooke is older and not napping. I have 3 kids and the youngest is in school during the morning so I use that time to blog, but the rest of the day is filled up with a bunch of kids activities. I’d love to work more on it but it’s seriously so tough. You’re a great inspiration to many bloggers :)

Favorite pie is pumpkin or apple, can’t decide! Can’t wait for Thanksgiving!


Your salad bars always look amazing and I’m inviting myself over for dinner. K thanks. :)

I love pumpkin pie. But I also just like sugar in general so I don’t turn down any pie that’s in front of me. ;)


I wish I could blog late at night! I try to work on blogs at night but my mind just turns into mush after work. I definitely write my best content in the morning.

Favorite pie is definitely apple (with ice cream, obviously :)


Love reading this! I’m starting to make some money from my blog after a year and a half.. it’s amazing to have a benefit from something I’m going to do anyway! I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what kind of blog I want to have. I’m leaning towards a recipe blog, but it’s hard to write as many posts when all you post is recipes. I just don’t know if people want to read about my daily life.. lol!

If I run today it will be in the foot of snow we got last night.. it’s a snow day today!


I only post roughly twice a week. Im a phd student so thats all I manage. I also have no set days (I probably should :-P) and only schedule posts that are set to a specific time and I have written in advance (for example I have completed and scheduled my runners xmas gift guide for Dec!).

I like banoffee pie. My SOs mum always makes it on Boxing Day :)

I use instagram and twitter a lot, but also LiveMocha to learn German on the way to work.

Outside running!


please share recipe for bannaoffee pie!


Thanks for sharing Janae! I can’t imagine how many questions you get about blogging. It’s pretty cool that you get paid to blog and still enjoy it. I don’t think very many successful bloggers go into blogging wanting to make money. If you get into that mentality you’ll never be successful (in my opinion…but what do I know?)


I try to post about three days a week. I have two other jobs, so that makes it hard to spend the amount of time I’d like to spend on the blog. I try to post Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, but some weeks that gets thrown up in the air and whenever I can get the post up is when it goes up!

Favorite pie = cherry. My mom makes the best cherry pie from fresh cherries from my grandmas tree. So good!

I was wearing the exact same sweatshirt that Toby has on last night! It’s so comfy!


I am impressed with your blogging abilities and your ability to support yourself through it. I tried that once, and was not so successful. The blog I write on now would feel weird if I got paid to do (not that I earned much from my last one). I’ve learned I enjoy my hobbies more when they stay hobbies.

Most of thanksgiving is so heavy, so I like lemon marangie or key lime. Delicious.


I love that you do salad bars at home! If I’m making a salad at home I just throw everything into one bowl as I’ll pulling it out of the fridge. Totally uncreative and not fun at all…. but I also rarely eat salads at home. I have a weird thing about lettuce from my own fridge. I know, I’m crazy.

For Thanksgiving I love chocolate pudding pie and pecan pie! Mmm can’t wait!


I loved when you did 3 posts a day! I was on bed rest with my twin pregnancy and it made my day and helped me pass the time. Your blog helped me through!!
We totally get the mailbox flag obsession over here…ours has to pulled out and put back by each kid. Multiple times a day:)
Pie is the best! I have pie on my bday instead of cake. Pear pie is actually my fave!


I ran inside today!

I like to post at least 1-2 two times per day M-F, on the weekends I usually post once on either Saturday or Sunday depending on how much homework I have to do and how much help my grandma needs on the weekends.


I post 4-5 times a week as I try to make each post educational/informative so it takes a lot of time to write them up!


Great advice/tips/tricks for blogging! I’m still quite the newbie to all of this, though I am working to grow my blog for January when I stop working and become a stay at home mom (ah!) for a little bit of extra income, but I know it takes a lot of work…I’ll get there! :)
Favorite pie: Pecan probably…but I’m much more of a cheesecake kind of girl :) or cookies…
I’m all over Instagram and Facebook…I should probably reign that in a little bit…
And if I run anything today, it will be outside…very short distance (like 400m) as a warm up for CrossFit. At 31 weeks prego, running is just not super comfortable anymore.


Thanks for sharing Janae! I usually post once daily but this fall I’ve found that really life is requiring more of my time, so posts are not as regular.

That pie. Just yes.


How interesting! Blogging appeals to me because it seems like a great way to document everyday and be able to remember those little moments you otherwise would forget. I seriously doubt anyone would want to read about my life though. Boring!

Im hoping to run outside today because it’s in the 40s and that seems warm now!


I love this post!

I started blogging, about a year and a half ago, and try to post 3-4 times a week. As a single mom, sometimes it’s hard to find time but, just like running, I love it and make time!

Pumpkin Pie!!

I’m running inside after my little guy goes to bed tonight ;)


How do you deal with privacy concerns with such a huge readership, especially now that you have Brooke? I used to have a blog (albeit with 50 or so visitors per month, so not on your scale) but really pulled back when I gave some thought to posting so often about my son.

I love seeing pictures of yours and Brooke’s adventures but do you ever wonder if you share too much? I can’t help but think bloggers kids deserve more privacy and should get the same sort of protections and rights available to child actors.


Hey Danielle! Great questions! I think as Brooke gets older and older I will stop posting as much about her. I tend to over share my life too easily (I do it just naturally) and so it is something that I need to really think about as far as Brooke goes. Thanks for bringing this up. As far as security goes–> I take extra security measures (that I don’t blog about) including ONLY having me, my mom, sister and my best friend watch her. I hope you are having a great day and I really appreciate your comment!


Thank you for this.


Thanks so much for sharing!

I try to post 3x a week, sometimes more if I have time, and sometimes less if I’m sick or we are busier. Seems to work well!

My favorite pie is my great-grandmother’s recipe for pumpkin pie! My Mom is making it on Thanksgiving so I am counting down the days ’til I can eat it…all of it! :D

The most-used app on my phone is probably Instagram. Love it!


I post every day! I usually try and write them the night before and schedule them for 6am but on the weekends I tend to write them in the morning after my workout, around 10am. :) I am really looking to progress with my blog and make it self-hosted and include ads but I don’t know if I’m ready! :P

Thanks for all of your insights and tips!


I’m pretty new to consistent blogging. I try to post once a day, but miss some here and there. I’m still on a free wordpress blog, so I just use the wordpress app. I have started using Canva to make some collages and whatnot.

My favorite pie is one I invented – Apple Bananas Foster Pie. It’s store bought pie crust with a layer of sliced bananas on the bottom in a spiced rum sauce, then your standard apple and spices to fill up the rest. I should post the recipe sometime! I’ve tweaked it over the years to keep it from being too runny.


Favorite pie – apple crumb or a chocolately fudge pie…I ran outside today in a tank top which is not normal when two days ago I needed a bunch of layers! I can’t keep up with the weather…I blog on average 6 days a week (1 post per day).


Salad bar… Good idea!

I blog, but more just for me than anything/anyone else. I blog anywhere from 2X’s a week to once every 10 days or so.

My fav pie is either blueberry cream cheese, lemon cream cream cheese, or pumpkin.

I probably use my IG app the most. I did kickboxing this morning, with a few sprints outside in between rounds.


Thanks for your blog info.
I keep saying I want to try Mars edit. Still using WordPress via web browser.
I have two other jobs so blogging isn’t as frequent. But I try to keep it to 3-5 posts per week spaced out every other day or two.
I don’t have a huge readership so replying to almost every comment is cake. Lol. But I do have loyal readers who come daily. I love that. I don’t make any money currently. Mostly because I don’t think I would get much from ads at this point. And I use this more as a hobby. But someday i would like to at least be able to cover some of the hosting costs and such.
I ran 3.25 miles outside this morning. It’s 60 degrees in NYC today and tomorrow we are supposed to get a snowstorm. Nuts.


Thanks for the insights into your blogging! Two posts a day is impressive!

I just started my blog a few months ago and don’t really have a schedule. I’m about to 2-3 posts a week now haha.

My favorite pie is banana cream – my MIL’s is amazing!!!


I don’t really have any kind of schedule for my blog. I tend to write posts once a day Mon-Fri, but only if I have content. I was writing Monday Training recaps for the week, but since I’m done marathon training, I don’t have much to write about :-) My life is fairly boring, so sometimes content is hard to come by. That and I can’t/don’t blog about my job – so there is 8 hours of my day gone….

I used Twitter the most!

I will probably go outside to run today – if I get back from America in time (have to pick up a package).

Come on now – CHOCOLATE


Thanks for the blogging tips. I’ve been starting to look at ways for my blog to make enough money to at least pay for it’s own hosting;-)
My favorite pie is All. Of. Them. I just realized yesterday that going to my inlaws for Thanksgiving instead of my folks means no pie for breakfast:-(
I may make an extra just to have for Thanksgiving morning.


I post usually 5-6 times a week. I’m playing with whether it’s better for me to post in the morning or evening, but I usually write a little bit at night, and a little in the morning. I found that it’s really good for me to step away from the post and come back with fresh eyes!

My favorite app is VSCO for editing pics!

I’m running outside this evening after work!


Thanks for the tips. I’m always curious how people who blog for a living organize their day and make their money. I need to try Mars Edit, I think I’ve written that down a hundred times to try and never have yet. Today will be the day!


I post 5 days per week in the mornings, Monday through Friday, and I use the weekends to come up with new post ideas.
I love SO MANY PIES– banana cream, apple, key lime, lemon meringue, chocolate cream, and ice cream pie are some of my favorites.


Thanks for the info for new bloggers, that really helps as we start our own blog!

Also that pie looks incredible and I cannot wait to give that a shot for Thanksgiving this year!!


Thanks for the awesome info! I’m kind of new to the blogging world but I usually post about once a week on my days off. I think it would be cool to do posts once a day but I’m not quite there yet. It’s hard for me to think of topics to post about.

I’ll probably run outside today!


Casey, I just checked out your blog and wasn’t able to leave a comment :( Anyways, I LOVE how you made Hershey’s bed…I’m gonna give it a try for my two dogs…walker hound and a weimaraner :)


Hey Randi! Thanks for the reply. Sorry you weren’t able to comment on my blog. I think you should be able to now though, I just had to fix some settings.
That’s awesome that you’re going to try to make the dog bed! I love it because you can choose any fabric you want and if you make multiple covers for the bed you can change the look once in a while without buying a new bed. Also, it’s super easy to make! Thanks again.


My blog is just a baby, but I do spend about an hour a day working on it. I’ve been trying to get to one post a day, but doesn’t happen everyday :)
Pumpkin Pie! (but I do love banana creme almost as much)
I use Instagram the most, followed closely by Map My Run
Running outside! I’m growing to like these cold weather runs!


Great info about how you started your blog!!

I loooove coconut cream pie!! YUM!! I never get it though since I’m like the only person I know who likes it!

Tonight I’m going to a yoga class and then going to do a little run.


Depending on when in the year it is, I publish 5-6 posts a week. I’m trying to figure out how to make some $$ doing it though!


Turtle pumpkin pie! My mouth waters just thinking about it. Can’t wait for Thanksgiving!!


Great post! I always appreciate your authenticity and positivity every day. I don’t really have a posting schedule, but I think I might try setting one up just to keep myself accountable. I struggle with topics every day, though. I only try to post when I have something to say, a funny story, or things I’m really interested in. Forcing it is the worst. Keep up the awesome blogging :D


Good for you Janae on not reading/giving attention to the negativity- life’s too short for that ish! I’m amazed at how cruel internet people can be to bloggers in the comments, things they would never say to their face but feel comfortable to type it out. It’s sad!
No running today, but yesterday it was 75 and beautiful here in Atlanta- the city rejoiced and it seemed like everyone was out to take advantage of the amazing weather.


I LOVE French Silk Pie…..but, if I have the choice I would totally choose Coconut Cream…yum!


Keep up the great work on the blogging! You’re doing awesome, my friend. Thanks for sharing your tidbits of info too! I blog once per day and nothing on Friday/Saturday. I’ve tried a lot of different schedules too, and this is what I’ve found works best for me. I try to do most of my work in the morning before Hunter wakes up, during his nap time, and some finishing touches at night before I go to bed if necessary.

Favorite pie –> pecan or French silk! But really…I’ll eat almost any pie. I love my desserts!


I am still fairly new to the blogging world, but have started blogging more and more over time. Blogging is currently a hobby for me, and a way to meet and connect with other people with similar interests. I think it’s great that you are able to make a comfortable income blogging – that would be a dream job for a lot of people.

I don’t have a set schedule as to when I post, but am getting better at managing my blog time. I feel like I discover more and more every day. I really do love my little blog, and expressing myself and my passions.

It is supposed to be 58 degrees here today so I am running outside today! Woohoo.


Great post! :-)

I write whenever I feel like it. My blog is more of ‘my outlet’, not an income source. I do like to promote races in exchange for an entry or a giveaway, but I don’t make any $$ at it. Sometimes I write daily, sometimes I don’t write for several days.

Today I am headed to our fitness center to get in a good strength training workout. Also going to pick up my packet for my Turkey Trot so I’m excited about that~ one of my favorite races of the year!

Not a big pie fan (I’d rather have cake)- but if I did have pie, I’d choose coconut cream. I’m obsessed with everything coconut.


I really like how you addressed the “negativity” factor. I have stumbled upon some of those forums, and people can be incredibly cruel and judgmental about people that they truly know nothing about, or only know what is revealed to them through a blog. It always upsets me to see how freely some of these people just rip others apart, and I always feel bad for the bloggers who are at the receiving end of such blind hatred in some cases. I cannot imagine anyone wanting to document every single aspect of their day, and really there are some things that should not be shared, nor should you be expected to share them, and I find it sad that people pick apart every single little detail missed/gap in the story, etc. I absolutely love your blog, and I love how you try to keep it positive, personable, and upbeat. Thank you for sharing your story with us :) I hope you have a very happy thanksgiving with your family, and even though you will not be with Brooke this year, I hope you still find peace and joy in your day!


I have to Cassie, and not that it really matters, but Janae you have a lot of fans even on some of the negative sites. I think it is because of your positive attitude and openness to answer constructive criticism. I can understand why some posters see it as an outlet to certain bloggers that don’t really understand constructive criticism. I don’t really have anywhere I am going with this except to tell Janae that she is loved by even some of the strong blog critics. I think that says a lot. And some people will find anything to critique because the internet allows them to hide behind a screen.


Thank you so sooooo much Cassie and Brooke. You guys brightened my day!


Most used app: Safari
Favourite pie: pumpkin, no question! Unless it’s my mom’s apple pie…that is amazing too!


I just started blogging a few months ago, so I’m still really random. Some days (like yesterday) I’ll post three, other days one or two, and never on the weekend, because I just don’t have time. It is just a fun outlet/escape from my boring 8-5 desk job.

On my phone I use my Facebook and WordPress apps the most. FB for, well, everything, and WP to download my camera shots for when I am at an actual computer and want to blog. Also my Word Search app, since I’m a total nerd and love them.


I LOVE the tips!!! I don’t have a schedule and unless i become big time and as cool as you i cant see it happening! :)

I have a question: how did you become a Brooks Ambassador? I am also a fellow Brooks obsessor—that is pretty much a dream job!!!


I post every Monday (Training/Sports Psychology), Wednesday (Sports Nutrition) and Friday (race/product reviews).

This was an awesome post. Thanks for sharing. :)


Great post! I blog once a day 6x a week and that’s enough for me! haha


Definitely running outdoors…enjoying my last couple of weeks to run outdoors in beautiful weather before I leave California! I wanted to go for a trail run on my lunch break today but we got an email at the end of the day yesterday about a mountain lion sighting on the trails behind the lab so I think I’ll steer clear.


I admire that you’re making a living out of blogging and blogging so any times a day! Don’t you ever get writers block? I have a question: how do you gain a following?


As a new blogger this is so interesting!
I post once a day. I write it at night and post around 6am the next day.
Thanksgiving pie: Pumpkin!
I ran outside with a big group of friends and we had breakfast after!!!


I didn’t know you could use other blogging software. I just use WordPress and it’s super slow. Would love to find another software that is more friendly. I will definitely be checking out this one.


I try to blog every day. Celiac and migraine land sometimes shoot me down and I skip but I’m usually anxious to get it going the next day.

I love your blog and I’m glad you’re doing two a days. The three…I don’t know how you did that. I loved it, but that would make me crazy for sure.

this is my year of learning to cook pie gluten free.
Because it’s all about the pie. I think Banana sounds amazing. I love pumpkin. My kids need chocolate. Who doesn’t?
I need recipes for individual pies….do they make those?


I hope to be in your shoes one day and make a living blogging. Don’t you ever get writers block, posting so many times a day? I post only twice a week (and I’m skipping today because I’m just too busy to do it) and struggle to find time to do so. Maybe it a because you have the entire day to sit down and write since you have an at-home job. I have a question: how did you gain such a following? :)


Hey Linda! You are doing awesome with your blog!!! As long as I have pictures to post, it is pretty easy for me to write! I gained a following through blogging very consistently, commenting on other blogs and runner’s world forums, and writing guest posts for other bloggers! It took a good amount of time and work but you can totally do it Linda!


Thank you si much! Coming from someone like you that comments means a lot to me. Hopefully I’ll make it there and I can totally see how pictures can prompt some text. :)


That is amazing – what a great accomplishment! You should be proud of yourself :)


I try to blog 6 days a week, 7 if I can.

Favorite pie is apple – hands down.

I’m running inside. The weather isn’t actually bad, but when I’m running alone, I usually prefer the convenience of my treadmill.


Apple pie for the win!

I thought you would enjoy this: the most popular Thanksgiving Recipes Googled in every state. Funeral potatoes for Utah. Some of the other states are pretty interesting too. What is frog eye salad?


my favorite pies are sweet potato, pumpkin, and pecan.. and I will definitely be having all 3! :)


I go through blogging “spurts” where I post one a day every day for a while…then I will post like once a week for a month! My readers are mainly family, and I definitely don’t make money off it, so it’s really just a hobby for me. :)

I love chocolate pecan pie for Thanksgiving! But key lime pie will always be my favorite.

I probably use Instagram most on my phone.

Are you running inside or outside today?


Love how you’re also a savvy business woman willing to share your tips on success. You’re blog is so supportive which reflects who you are and I’m sure that’s why you’re so successful. Love how you delete negative comments…no one needs that in their head. I always tell my kids “all things positive” when they talk to eachother.
Favorite pie: pumpkin!


Good info…but $500 a month? That figure was quite surprising. I would expect $500 a year. This is not a criticism. Just an eye opener. I’m so NOT a blogger. Tried it and I failed. Funny where life (and an education) takes us, huh?


Crazy right!?!? With over 1 million page views per month it takes quite a lot to keep the blog up and running fast! I hope you are having a great day!


I just started blogging (only been doing it for about 2 months) and right now I’m trying to maintain between 3-4 times a week. Between balancing training, a full time job and everything else, that’s about all I can handle at the moment. I really do it just for myself though. I missed writing and it gives me an opportunity to talk about running all the time to someone other then my poor boyfriend. ;)


I should be more diligent like you but I basically just post when I can. I make money off my blog but not enough to make it a living… (yet). ;)

I am also surprised by the $500/month of hosting fees! wow. I guess that’s what happens when you become a big famous blogger. :) I think it is so awesome that you’ve been able to turn this into a career. We all just love you – so don’t ever stop!


I typically post once a day but some days I just don’t get around to it so i try not to word about it too much since its not a source of income for me. It can get really time consuming and I love how I have found so many great blogs to read, but reading them all and commenting and replying to comments on my blog can really take a lot of time!
I think that lately the app I use most on my phone is instagram.


pumpkin has always been my fave, however we just moved to oregon and I have discovered the marionberry! AHH-Mazing! also running inside will be happening tonight, its not too terribly cold just windy, dark and raining by the time i get home… BOO!


I love love love your blog. I’m a new-ish runner and a new-ish blogger. My son has muscular dystrophy, so I blog as a sort of therapy (and I know you have at times blogged for the same reason). If you ever Hava a minute, check out mine! It’s not professional, but it helps me so much. I hope that one day it will help other parents in a similar situation.


Thanks for the insight into your blogging life. I like to use Frame Swagg to make collages on-the-go. Have a great day! :)


Thank you for writing about your blogging process! I so enjoy reading your blog and look forward to it everyday. Not just because I enjoy your writing style and running related topics, but also because it inspires me to blog more. I would love to blog full time for pay, may I ask how you go about getting sponsors? My blog is about delicious home cooking, gardening, fitness and peaceful living. I am a full time elementary school teacher, a yoga teacher in training, and someone who likes to run for fun. Should I approach companies whose products I like? What is your advice on the first steps toward getting paid to write a blog?


Hey Melissa! Honestly, getting my page views up is what got me a lot of my sponsors! As soon as I started gaining more followers on Facebook, Twitter and my blog… sponsors and companies started contacting me. They want to see numbers and once they do, they start reaching out! You can also definitely reach out to companies too! I have also done that for a few that I really wanted to work with. Can’t wait to check out your blog!!


Thanks so much for responding! You made my day! I really appreciate your advice and will work on increasing page views. I have a long way to go, but knowing where to start is key. I would be delighted to have you check out my blog and am open to constructive criticism. Keep running and keep blogging, you have been a great role model for me in many ways! :)


Love this post! These tips are always so helpful to me. Thanks!

I post every day Monday – Friday (once a day) and sometimes on the weekends.

My favorite pie is probably apple! Gotta have ice cream with it though.

I use Instagram on my phone the most.

I am in the beautiful Bay Area for Thanksgiving this week so I am running OUTSIDE!!


I love Toby. Best pacer I have ever had even if it was only a mile worth. :-)


I love your comments on negativity. We need to always have that attitude about negative people – and not just those online. Pecan pie for me – but I limit myself to twice a year (Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners) since it’s not exactly healthy. But my recipe is so wonderful, it’s totally worth it. :)


I need a slice of your pecan pie:) Sounds amazing. I hope you are having a fabulous day Lisa!


Thanks for the tips! I’m rather new at blogging (3 months now), and I post once a day, Monday thru Saturday.
Apple pie is my all-time favorite pie!
I ran inside today—yesterday’s freezing rain/snow mix left ice patches on the ground.


At first glance I thought Brooke had taken up rock climbing!

My blogging took a backseat early last year when we moved part time to Hawaii. I made it private because our house in California was empty a lot and I didn’t want some unknown stalker to know that! I use to post about 5 times a week, now I’m doing good to post 3 times.

Favorite pie = pumpkin! I’m having my first dessert in 2 weeks on Thanksgiving! Then back to no desserts until after the Honolulu Marathon in 12/14.

Trail run outside – it was about 55. Saw a bunch of cattle. What do you call a selfie with cattle? A calfie! (These are the thoughts that keep me entertained while running solo.)


Ahh! I loved this – so cool to hear how you do this!

I only started my blog back in March and have found it helps with motivation for training and to actually SEE the world around me since I’m ALWAYS thinking about taking pictures to post and help describe what I’m talking about.

So good that you’re able to take that attitude about any negativity that comes your way – you’re doing it right!! And that’s why we love your blog so much!


I usually try to blog 3-4 times a week. I’m still a student and I’m young so blogging just isn’t always my main focus, it’s more of a hobby that I really love. I just don’t have the time to post every day, I definitely admire you for posting twice a day, it must be a lot of work!

Omg, that’s amazing to run 50k, good job to your friend!! I probably use the Instagram and Pinterest app most when I’m walking to school or at lunch!


My favorite thing, besides that you’re just cool, about your blog is that I always know there’s going to be something new. I give up on blogs very quickly if it’s not updated very often. I dream of having enough witty and interesting things to say to have a blog. Instead I’ll live vicariously through the few blogs I follow.

I wish I could say I’m running indoors OR outdoors today, but if I don’t get it done first thing in the morning I just don’t get it done, and this morning I had a dentist appointment early, so I’ll try again tomorrow.

I like your attitude on negativity. You need a negativity app, that scans comments and auto deletes them so you never have to see it.

I wish it weren’t true, but Facebook is my most used app, second is Pandora.

Chocolate cream pie! Yes please!


I love all three of those flavors but banana cream pie is my fave. Running inside today because it’s a freezing 68* outside. #arizonagirl My most used app is Instagram, but to blog I use the blogger app. I haven’t posted regularly lately but am going to shoot for two times per week at least. I’m working full time now and life to three school age kids and an almost dental student husband is CRAZY BUSY. xo, Jess


Thank you so much for this post. I am new to blogging and still have so many questions. I love it though. I find so much enjoyment in blogging. I have a Mac too so seeing what other Mac users use is so helpful.


There is point when I tried to blog daily but unfortunately I cannot keep up!


Thanks for sharing your blogging schedule! I usually post twice a week. It’s about all I can manage at this point and, really, I can’t always think of stuff to write about more often! I love your style of writing because it’s random, yet really interesting. Clearly it works because you have so many regular readers!

My favorite pie… PUMPKIN! Can’t wait to have some this week :) Happy early Thanksgiving to you and Brooke!


I post daily-Monday through Friday. If something comes up on the weekend that is super cool or fun, then I will randomly post.

Chess pie is my favorite.


No joke: I think you and I have ESP(add an ‘N’ and say “DUH-NUH-NUH!”, if you wanna be silly like Harry and I whenever we have a similar idea or thought). I was just considering e-mailing you and asking a few…several…kind of many…questions regarding the biz behind the blog. I appreciate you offering up so much information!


I love your blog so much. I always get new tips and it keeps me informed on what is going on in the running world, so thanks for sharing!!! Your commitment to running has inspired me for years now. Please keep it up and know your voice inspires many :) Happy Thanksgiving. Also that pie looks amazing.


Thank you so so much Meg! I really appreciate your sweet comment! I hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving!


Love this info! I love blogging, and try to blog around 3 to 4 times per week :) You were one of the first blogs I started reading and still one of my favorites!


How does working with a “tech person” work? Do they work on design? How do you find someone? Do they manage it in any sort of way? What is the FIRST STEP someone should take in order for their blog to start making money?

Thank you girl! I enjoying your blog so much and have learned so much from you. I love your life! :)


Hey Becky!!! He is a good friend from California:) He puts up ads and helps when anything goes down. He also helps with my other accounts to make sure they are all working well. First step—> Gain a readership! Companies look at numbers and page views so getting those up = companies will be excited to work with you! Thanks so much Becky and I hope you are having a fabulous day!


I just started a blog after reading everyone’s for so long so I really enjoyed reading how you go about yours. Since I’m new at this, I usually post once a day but sometimes, I skip a day. It doesn’t really matter since I do it just for fun. :)


Thanks for the great information! Blogger newbies love this type of article. I saw it come up on my email and couldn’t wait to get home to read it. I post once a week and that’s plenty for me. Maybe more later when I become a more fluent writer. Right now, I’m just enjoying my family, my friends and my running. And I hope to enjoy some pumpkin pie in a couple of days with TONS OF WHIP CREAM! :)


Thanks for all the great blog tips Janae! So sweet of you to share! I am a terribly inconsistent poster but I am trying to do better!


A million thanks Janae, I really really needed to read this today! Thank you for your insight, positivism, and amazing spirit. Thank you for your honesty with your readers, and good sense of humor.
My blog schedule is 2-3 posts per week. I work full time as a physical therapist, write my blog, and freelance on the side approximately 5 hours per week. I love writing, and I love reading your blog. I can’t believe anyone could write something negative about you ever!
As for the pie: Gluten free PUMPKIN!!!!! I love it :)


How did you grow your blog into what it is today? I started my blog in July and am working on growing my audience currently. I spread the word about my posts on various Facebook pages, through linkups and other blogger collaborations but am always looking for more tips. Also, how do you always come up with fresh content to post? I currently post once a day and sometimes struggle to have something worthwhile to post each day.


Thanks for the blogging tips! I have started my own blog and struggled with keeping up a schedule (I can work on a post for HOURS — trying to train myself to JUST POST THE THING ALREADY!, haha)

I’ve been following you for a while now, and have only commented here and there, but I have to tell you, you are so inspiring! I found your blog when I was training for my first race, and have kept up with your story ever since. Thanks for always sharing your ride with us!


I used to blog every day and read and comment on other blogs. It definitely helps when you’re trying to build readership. I think we started around the same time, and your blog was one of the first I read. But I burned out and started a different blog and now only blog whenever…which is almost never. lol Banana cream is my pie of choice but I haven’t found a recipe I can eat nowadays :( We commute really far in the morning so my traffic apps are my most-used…waze is my usual go-to. And I haven’t run outside lately though our weather was fantastic all last week, but I did row outside!


Instagram! Do you ever feel like your life isn’t really authentic? Have you ever had a day or two when you weren’t thinking about a post or posing for a picture. I stopped blogging regularly because it was controlling my thoughts and actions. I was becoming a stranger to myself. Props to you for making a good living off of it,. I’d really like to see more authentic posts about how you really feel about things. That would keep me interested rather than seeing a lot of the same day in and day out. Mix it up!


I normally post twice a day, once with my own post and then Lunchtime Links where I just post links that I like – usually food/recipes! haha

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