Let’s talk hair and some good reminders!

It is starting to get quite cold outside so make sure to check out my 10 tips for Running in the Winter on the Brooks Blog

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I do have one reason that I am really excited that it is starting to get really cold—>  this Target peacoat that I bought Brooke a few months ago is ready to be used.  

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I think she likes it too.

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Last night we went and celebrated Addie’s birthday. 

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And then on the way home I stopped at my neighbor’s house and watched a little bit of this… (NAME THAT MOVIE!)

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While Brooke got unlimited piggy back rides. 

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I am trying to drink more water and I am also trying to eat less sugar (oh Halloween…) so I ended my night reading with popcorn (instead of my normal chocolate) and water.  

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I feel awkward about tutorials but I had a reader email me about doing one for hair.  I am not even remotely a hair specialist/I have no idea what I am talking about and I consider washing it an accomplishment but here you go:


Instyler (I need a new one… mine has seen its day), shampoo and conditioner, hairspray, lift extreme, anti-snap (leave-in treatment).


Loved these two great reminders that I saw on Instagram:

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What are some of your favorite hair products? What shampoo/conditioner do you love?   

How often do you wash your hair?

-Every 3 days or so lately.  

Favorite chick flicks?

What is the best part of your Wednesday?

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I am very basic with my hair and a flatiron is my only styling tool, but you’re hair really does always seem to look great so you are definitely qualified to give advice! I am an every day washer because it just feels better that way.


LOVE that quote at the end. My favorite little quote: “Life is too short to be anything but happy.” I typically wash my hair twice a week.. people think I’m disgusting, I don’t see a problem with it ;)


I pretty much wash my hair every day but sometimes on a rest day I won’t but to me is just feels greasy all day! And I always wear my hair up so I never worry about products… I just buy whatever shampoo/conditioner is on sale:)
Best part of my Wednesday is that it was 55 degrees for my run this morning! It was a nice change from the cold weather over the weekend!


I can go two days without washing unless I run. If I run I wash my hair regardless. And I usually let it air dry because I don’t have the patience to blow dry it and my only other styling tool is a flat iron. I mix up my shampoo and conditioner based on what smells good when I go to the store.

Best part of my Wednesday, sleeping in my own bed again! NYC was great, but its good to be home!

Brooke’s pea coat is awesome! So cute!


I need to take the time to do my hair more. I just hate drying it.


I use head and shoulders and whatever conditioner that is mid-range in price on sale. I don’t like most of the cheaper shampoo/conditioners as they just don’t work for me. I wash my hair every other day – otherwise so greasy! I did try Neutrogena Clean Shampoo at my hotel this weekend and loved it – need to find that shampoo!


I wash my hair 3x per week. Usually more in the summer months when runs are sweatier, but I also can get away with wearing it up in the summer more. In the winter I have to blow it dry because it takes so long to dry and I get cold, so I try to wash it less because that is more damage every time I wash!

Hopefully the best part of my Wednesday will be a walking break at work or an evening run…I have been AWFUL about getting up early to run this week. I need to get in your mindset about the cold- I do always feel better. The lighter mornings should help waking up, too!


I have been putting getting my hair done lately. I want to dye it soon but I’m using it as a motivator to actually get things checked off my to do list. Lol.

I normally run on the treadmill if the weather is too icy, it’s just not worth it to me to run outdoors in the ice/hail/sleet.


You are just the cutest Janae! If everyone who loves you came over to do hair, there wouldn’t have a house big enough! Thanks for being a bright spot of my day each day :) We refer to you (in our Brownsburg, IN runner girls group) as our Utah cousin, we run have coffee laugh and often share things from your blog. We may take you up on a Utah run someday just to share froyo! :) Happy Wednesday!


Summer, I just moved near Brownsburg and would love to meet some runners in the area! Do you meet regularly for runs?


I love Aveda Curly Line.
I run daily, so I wash my hair daily. I know it’s too often, but it gets sweaty:(
Check Flick: You’ve Got Mail and Under The Tuscan Sun
Wednesday: I’m having crepes and coffee with my hubs before my run!


writing for brooks huh!? VERY impressive! I am stocking up on my winter running posts :) Need to get them out soon though! Your tips are great, and I am interested to see how my 80 miles a week get on in Lexington, I have heard we get a lot of ice here, that may make things rather tricky! I think UK has an indoor track though, good idea!

I never had an indoor track in college, so I always forget about it, but we may have to use it this year….I am meant to be doing some speed work :)


When I was younger I used to wash my hair every single day, but ever since I got into my late 20s I guess everything is falling apart! Now if I wash my hair every day it gets really dry so I wash about every other day. I do use a dry shampoo in between! I also used to have good moisture in my skin and now that dries out too! If the research didn’t show that you peak in running in your 30s/40s I would refuse to leave my 20s! :)


You are adorable! Great video, and that InStyler looks awesome.
I don’t use much in the way of hair products because I’m super lazy, but if I do use something, it’s usually a heat spray when I straighten my hair. I wash my hair when I can no longer get away with wearing it in a ponytail (so you knoooowwww that’s a long time between washes!)
Favourite chick flicks are definitely Love Actually and It’s Complicated! Or really, anything with Nora Ephron behind it, now that I think of it.
The best part of my Wednesday is also my worst! Leaving today for a trip to see one of my best friends, but I’ll be away from my two little guys for four days.


I LOVE sleepless in Seattle! Deff one of my favorite chick flicks…. good choice :-) I wash my hair every 2-3 days. I live in Florida and sweat a ton, but I think its good for it! (gross? Maybe)


Sleepless in Seattle! One of my top 3 favorites! “You don’t want to be in love. You want to be in love in a movie!” :)
I dreamed last night that I effortlessly ran 8 miles. I think it means I need to start trying to run again. I’ve been scared of re-injuring my foot.
Happy Wednesday!


I have been really struggling with the sugar thing lately too – I thought after Halloween it would be easier to cut it out, but now there is just so much leftover Halloween candy at work and all of my friends’ houses, and Christmas candy is already being peddled at every store…I feel like I don’t stand a chance! I have been teetering on the edge of a full-blown cold and I know I need to eat better but I just want to eat Snickers.


I think the best thing about being injured and not running is now I never have to wash my hair. Well…maybe once every other day. More like once every week. But who’s counting..


SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE! Seriously – one of the greatest movies of all time. It was my mom’s favorite so I grew up watching it on repeat and still can’t get enough of it! That movie, You’ve Got Mail, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, all some of my faves!

I have to wash my hair after every run, which for me is 3-5 days a week. I wish I didn’t have to but I get SO sweaty, that dry shampoo doesn’t really cut it.


Videos are my fave!!! She got it in the 70’s and big Utah hair? Bahaha!
I wash my hair about every other day. And if I don’t? Greaseball!!! I over seeing the instyler in action. I use a chi straightener but it has a short in the cord so it’s a huge pain.
My favorite chick flicks are also teen movies: never been kissed, 10 things I hate about you and any pretty much any other one you can think of!


Chick flick–easy A is a great one. Made me laugh until I fell off the couch!


Wednesday is SOUP GROUP at my office so that is definitely going to be the best part of the day! Soup and fresh bread + not having to pack a lunch = nothing better!!!


Soup group sounds amazing! I wish my work did that. Oh wait, I don’t have a job, just a baby :) I guess I can do it on my own!


Washing my hair every 2-3 days has made it so much healthier! And saves me a ton of time. Love that as a new mom!


I usually only wash my hair every three or four day. I love CHI
Hair products!

Chick flicks– pitch perfect, 27 dresses and a lot like love!

Best part off day so far (it’s only 6;45) is sleeping in!
No run this morning as I have run club tonight :)


I absolutely love the last quote :) I wash my hair 3 times per week and I like it that way so it doesn’t get damaged. I have actually been using The Honest Company shampoo and conditioner lately and love them! In excited to watch the hair tutorial when my baby wakes up and I can actually play it with sound ha!


Washing your hair less is actually better for it – 3 times a week is ideal, even if you run. It takes some “training” of your scalp but after awhile it quits producing too much oil.

It’s gratitude Wednesday! Every Wednesday all of my Herbalife friends post something on Facebook they are grateful for. Therefore, Wednesdays are the best Facebook days!


My fav hair product is Tresseme (sp?) dry shampoo, it helps me stretch out my washings to every other day. I have super thick hair that can get greasy. Ick.

Favorite chick flicks: PS I Love You and Beaches

Best part of my Wed is going to be meeting up with the girls for dinner for a bday celebration!


that peacoat is adorable — i wish target made it in my size!


Brooke’s coat is adorable! So stylish ;)


I wash my hair every 4 days but I condition it daily. I use Matrix Biolage. As I get older my hair is getting thinner….it makes me crazy.


Loved reading the Brooks Blog this morning and realizing it was you! Made my morning :)
I’m still working on my favorite shamp/cond. My hair doesn’t seem to like any of them. But I love Morroccan Oil styling oil because it smoothes everything down.
I tend to wash my hair every other day. Mostly because that’s what I have time for :)
All time favorite chick flick is Cinderella Story with Hilary Duff. Just makes me happy. Favorite adult chick flick: Bridesmaids.
Best part of my Wednesday is the hair cut/color I’m doing later! Going to try a little different and see if I like it.


I need tips on how to not wash your hair after you run because mine usually looks like I just jumped out of the pool, so I don’t have a choice.


Me too! I don’t understand all these runners that say they don’t wash their hair every day. Are they just getting it wet in the shower and not washing it? Dry shampoo is great, but it only works if I don’t get my hair wet and after a run I’m like you- just out of a pool. So how are you all doing it?


Sleepless in Seattle! It was on TV the other day, so I had to watch it too :) My favorite chick flick, though, is still probably When Harry Met Sally.


I wash every other day except in the summer, then it is everyday. I love Redken’s CAT, it is kind of like anti-snap but in a clear spray that works on wet or dry hair, and I personally find more effective.
After Wednesday there are only 2 more work days!!!!


I aim to wash my hair twice a week but sometimes it ends up more depending upon the amount of sweating that takes place from running lol…I love Beaches and my childhood favorites like The Parent Trap and Troop Beverly Hills. My friends and I still love those movies!


Where are you from, Mars?
Worse! Beverly Hills!

I love that line since Tory Spelling says it! Ha! I quote that movie all the time and usually no one gets it/has seen it. Like anytime someone says the word patches, I always think ‘Patches. We don’t need no stinkin patches’ or I sing the ‘cookie time’ song when it is Girl Scout season. Clearly people are missing out and/or I need a life ;)


Love that movie and just bought for my 9 year old for her bday and now she loves it:)


Ugh I barley do my hair. It’s part curly, part straight and super thick. I try yo wash it every 2-3 days. It’s too much work otherwise for every day and it actually looks better from the overnight oils.


Sleepless in Seattle!!!!! LOOOVE that movie! Favorite chick flicks: A Lot Like Love, Runaway Bride, It’s Complicated, Pride & Prejudice.. Anything with Julia Roberts, Meg Ryan or Diane Keaton.

Awesome product to help blow dry thick hair that takes forever to dry >>> Oro Fluido beauty elixir. Cuts dry time like crazy, defrizzes and smells unbelievable! Sample size lasts me forever.


I use alterna red clover shampoo and their caviar conditioner. LOVE IT. I wash my hair about twice a week, but I’m all in for #NoShampooNovember


I wash my hair every 3-4 days… when it gets too greasy to hide with curls or a ponytail… gross, I know. Sorry. :)

Under the Tuscan Sun. I love how she’s such a strong, independent woman who ends up with exactly what she wanted in life, but in a different way.

This Wednesday my favorite part was that I got up early enough to make a Starbucks run before work today!


Sleepless in Seattle!!!!!!!!!!!


I wash my hair every day with normal shampoo and conditioner. That’s the extent of my hair products. I’m the most basic person when it comes to my hair.
Favorite chick flicks: The Devil Wears Prada, 27 Dresses, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days- I could go on forever!
Best part of my Wednesday: Going to see my parents and my dogs!


This is the tutorial I have been waiting for. I actually bought an Instyler last week when my flat iron died and I am not so patiently waiting for it to get here. I have serious hair envy (I love your hair) and since you won’t come do my hair for me every morning…errr late afternoon.. (rude!) this is the next best thing! I wash my hair every 5 days. Last week I may have gone 7. Yikes.

I have no idea what movie that is and I am not a huge chick flick person. In fact, my sisters won’t allow me to watch them with them anymore. Apparently my mocking of them while they try to watch is not appreciated. Pffft.


Brooke’s pea coat… I die! So stinkin’ cute.

I’ve never even seen or heard of those InStyler things – very cool! I wash my hair every 3-4 days. I hate doing my hair, so I try to make it last as long as possible. ;)


Hooray! “Sleepless in Seattle”! And now I wanna watch it. That and “When Harry Met Sally” are perfect fall *into* winter movies.

I think I wash my hair about three times a week. I’m blonde, so it starts to look dirty on day two…and that’s when the over-sized headband comes out. :D

I went to my very first equipment Pilates class this morning! EEEEH My run this evening should be hilarious.


I wash my hair every two or three days. When I do two-a-days I tend to need it washed sooner! Fav hair product would be TIGI’s Rockaholic Dry Shampoo. It’s expensive so I stock up once a year when Ulta has their sale!

Chick flicks would have to be: You’ve Got Mail, Best Friend’s Wedding, The Proposal

So far, the best part of my day was a run in 50 degrees with a light shower. Love that it wasn’t cold this morning and I could run in a tank top!
But the day’s still young. I have CF this afternoon, then family time later:)


Thanks for the hair tutorial! You’re so cute!


Ohhh, I just LOVE that you shared that Instagram thing! So true, so sweet, so appropriate for re-setting our perspectives! Have a great one Janae!


I wash my hair anywhere from 1-3 times a week. It’s curly, so anything more than that and it dries out.

As for products, I love the head & shoulders, especially in winter when my scalp dries out, and Herbal Essence mousse – people always ask me what I’m wearing that smells so good.


I wash my hair about every three days – my goal each week is to only wash it one work day a week (I only work 4 days). It is a mess of semi naturally curly that needs to be straightened/flat ironed every time it’s washed and takes FOREVER (40min). After a sweaty run I just blow dry the sweaty roots and touch it up with a flat iron – sweat residue gives it body ;)

Favorite Shampoo/Conditioner is the knock off Biolage stuff from Sally’s.

Best part of my Wednesday so far, is that it’s Wednesday!! Only one more day of work for the week!


I only shampoo my hair once a week, but I rinse and condition between washes. I use divacurl products. Curly girls unite! (Seriously, Anyone who has curly hair you HAVE to read the curly girl handbook. It will change your life.)

I have a bad attitude about running in the cold. I hate it, but once I get out there I run so fast in the cold so then I love it. I’m a little fickle.


With naturally curly hair I take my product seriously lol.
I use a deep conditioner by a company called Mixed Chicks
Best stuff ever!
I use frizz ease hair serum, l’anza leave in conditioner and paul Mitchell sculpting glaze (liquid)

I shampoo only once a week or after a long sweaty run to get salt out since I’m a salty sweater and salt isn’t good for your hair.

I popped into my dentist office because my crown wasn’t feeling right and my timing was perfect so he saw me right away! Woo hoo!


I love that last quote! And Brooks coat is so cute! I want an adult version! haha


My best part of this wednesday is my secretary bringing in donuts for our boss’s birthday! I love my maple donuts! :)


I use Moroccanoil shampoo, conditioner, and treatment on my hair and LOVE it. I usually wash my hair three times a week, but it depends on a number of factors including whether I swim, how much I run, etc.

My favorite chick flick is Sweet Home Alabama. Reese is one of my favorites.

Today I have an eleven-mile run on my schedule and the temperatures are perfect. Looking forward to running under blue sky!


Hi…I just had to tell you that there is a girl model on the Janie and Jack website for kids clothes that looks so much like Brooke to me from her pictures. Janieandjack.com. She’s in red pants with gold shoes and her hair is up like Brooke’s often is.

Anywho…I read your blog every day because you just seem like such a positive, fun, inspirational person. I used to run half marathons…since I’ve had kids I tend to just run for fun, in a pretty non-schedule, when the mood strikes kind of way.

Also, I’ve never posted to someone’s blog, and I’ve never made an internet friend. But, I just had to tell you about the Janie and Jack model (BTW, their clothes are ADORABLE but expensive in my opinion). Maybe you won’t see the resemblance though, since I don’t know what Brooke looks like in person.

Ok, enjoy the rest of your day.


I love Dove shampoo and Conditioner from Costco. I use a dry shampoo and I can actually go an entire week without washing my hair. I just slowly trained it to go longer and longer.
Chick Flick – Love Actually. Because I love…LOVE!


I’m definitely on the ~ 3 (sometimes more!) day train. It will be “time” to wash my hair, but then I’m not doing anything important that day, or I’m working out the next day and want to “save” washing my hair for that magnificent post-run shower. Ridiculous mind games, I know. ;)


The best thing about my Wednesday is that tomorrow in my Friday at work and then I am off for three days!


Sleepless in Seattle!!

LOVE chick-flicks, my faves are “While you were sleeping” and “Catch and Release”….

Best part of today is going to be making muffins to send with my daughter to preschool tomorrow for her 5th (!!!!) birthday! :)


I wash my hair about every other day. Sometimes I’ll go up to 3 days. My hair would not be happy if I washed it daily. I like trying new things, so I use whatever has caught my fancy when I’m running low.

I don’t know if they’re really considered chick flicks, but Love Actually, 4 Weddings & a Funeral, When Harry Met Sally. But as far as a 10-tissue alarm movie: Terms of Endearment, Secret Life of Bees, Fault in our Stars…


I wash my hair pretty much every other day or so. I’m an evening gym-goer so I shower and wash my hair before bed. I’ve found that if I put a bunch of cream gel and spray gel in it then put it in a messy bun before bed by morning my curls are pretty good to go. Downside: my coworkers can tell the days I washed my hair ’cause those are pretty much the only days I wear it down.


Loved the hair tutorial!


I use Aussie Moist shampoo most of the time. I wash my hair pretty much every day. I will sometimes skip a day if I don’t work out, but otherwise it just feels greasy.

Chick flicks: Ever After, Love Actually, Because I said So…there are so many!

The best part of my Wednesday is that we have an offer in on a house! We’re anxious to hear back from the seller!


Fist things first. I am SO jealous you get to post on the Brooks blog! So so awesome. Great post. Also your hair tutorial is awesome. I wish I had the curling iron. It’s every lazy girl’s dream.

I have to be honest: I am not a huge beauty person. I don’t have a favorite shampoo or hair product. I don’t even USE hair product. Call me crazy. I don’t buy expensive makeups or anything either, just the cheapest stuff from the store. I have been wanting to get more into it though. I wash my hair every day with the cheapest family sized shampoo/conditioner I can find, then I (sometimes) blow dry, more often air dry. And that’s it! Man, I should give a hair tutorial.

My favorite chick flick is Dan In Real Life. Does that count as a chick flick? Well anyway I love Steve Carrell and I think that movie is so adorable.

Best part of my Wednesday: it is that much closer to FRIDAY and I will be flying home to SF with my husband and son for the weekend!


I really liked Dan in Real Life too!


I’m loving John Freida’s root awakening shampoo right now! It’s awesome! I got it at CVS in a sample when I went out of town and just bought the full size. Redken smooth lock products are great too, they really help my hair in humid climates! I also wash my hair every other day, or less often….haha. It helps save money on conditioner (I have long hair) and has done wonders for my hair health!


I am always on the hunt for good shampoo / conditioner! I usually get whatever is on sale at Target… but that’s prob not the best method hahaah


Sleepless in SEATTLE! One of my all time favorites.

We just got a Café Rio here in our town. I am curious to know what you order? I have been once and I was a little overwhelmed.


I love Brooke’s jacket – She has the cutest clothes. I wash my hair twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays. My hair gets so dry if I wash it too often.

The closest I get to watching a chicken flick is usually romantic comedies. I recently watched What to Expect when You’re Expecting and I really liked it!


Dry shampoo is my favorite, so I can get away with twice-a-week washings. Well, at least I think I can get away with it. Some days are better than others, especially with all the sweating I do. Cute video!


Hahaha, I love the end of your video, “Come over, and I’ll do it for you if you want…” Love the winter running tips too :)


Your hair always looks AMAZING. And seriously, Brooke in that peacoat — ridiculous! l love it!


I shampoo my hair every 2-3 days and condition it ever 1-2 days. It always feels better when I skip the shampoo for a few days, even though I’m worried the sweat in my hair isn’t coming out with just the conditioner and it’s causing my acne….I know you can relate haha doesn’t it suck having adult acne? Never in a million years did I think I’d still be having it at 23! Grrrr! Can’t wait to read how proactive works for you by the way. Tangent about acne over haha. I love Brooke’s coat! She’s too cute :)


I used to LOVE Biolage and Paul Mitchell Tea Tree products but….as my kids get older, I find myself gravitating to whatever is the cheapest and will do the job. I have super long, thick hair so I go through more shampoo / condition in one use than most people do in a week. I wash my hair about every other day. Drying it takes over 15 minutes so it’s a chore that I like to avoid.

Best part of my Wednesday (so far) was running the 3.54 miles to work this morning and seeing a deer cross the trail and run into the forest. I love deer and it’s always a treat to be inches from them.

Love the winter tips especially the part about adjusting expectations. My pace is always much, much slower when I run in the dark or in certain weather conditions.


It’s official – Brooke is more stylish than me!

I’m kind of jealous how quickly your hair goes to vavavoom! It takes me 30 mins to curl my hair but the end result is always worth it!


I wash my hair every 2-3 days, depending on what I’m doing. I definitely wash it in the summer more than the winter. Chick flicks–love them, but especially excited that it’s almost Christmas season so I can watch Love Actually. :)


Brooke looks adorable her coat! Thank you for the tutorial, you are too cute and what gorgeous hair, I love the volume!


Love the peacoat! Target has super cute clothing!
My favs are DivaCurl and Curls Rock… I have curly hair and wash every other day. I am nurse so I must decon myself after a working shift so sometimes its daily, depends on what I get into… lol
My best part of my Wednesday is coming home to my family, home and dogs… We were in Florida for Miami Dolphins game and hung out in the Keys until last night.. It was so beautiful! Hated to leave but of course glad to be home.. Home Sweet Home.


I have really really thick hair, so I hate washing it but it just seems to getting greasy easily (that may be because I’m still a teenager;) but I usually wash it every 2-3 days. It really comes down to if I have time, if not I’ll use some dry shampoo and put it in a bun.

My favourite types of movies are chick flicks, I’m way too obsessed with them so it’s hard to pick a favourite. One that I love and can watch over and over again is Something Borrowed! Plus the books were awesome too!!


OMG Brooke is soooo adorable in that peacoat! She looks so happy in those pictures.

All my favorite hair products are from Drybar. Have you used any of those? They just get me. :)

I wash my hair like every day. Terrible, I know- but I can’t NOT wash it after I run or exercise.

I will always love Clueless… it never gets old.

My favorite thing about Wednesday will be a run after work and dinner with my boyfriend :)


Aveda Everything. Light rather than gooey/clingy products, smells like a daily hair spa, and a good company/social/environmental ethic I can support. Faves and Must Haves are Phomollient: so my hair has some organization. Dry Remedy: great for winter – a couple drops of this miracle oil calms the locks down and smells amazing. Fits in your hand/gym/yoga bag for emergencies.

I would estimate washing my hair 2-3 times a week. See Dry Remedy as my rescue when it’s been a few days.

Fave chick flick is Princess Bride (now I have to watch it!). your Sleepless in Seattle is pretty good too. I remember seeing it in the theater with my girlfriends and the whole theater was a bawling mess!

Best part of my Wednesday is my espresso, warm sweater + flip flops with a cat on my lap while I work. And the fact I don’t HAVE to wash my hair…


I am the worst hair styler ever but I’m going to try your tricks for volume! I have curly/wavy hair and the curls get weighed down by the end of the day. Trying the hairspray roots + blow-dry for 3 seconds today!

I wash my hair whenever I shower so it’s like daily. My hair doesn’t really need it everyday… I should find a shower cap or something!

Best part of my Wednesday: an early morning 5k on the treadmill and a grocery trip + Panera with my husband and son! We just bought my son his first potty chair… I’m scared to start potty training!!!


I use Loreal Sulfate Free Shampoo and Conditioner and then I use Mixed Chicks leave-in Conditioner. I love Mixed Chicks, I have naturally curly/frizzy hair and it completely tames my curls/frizz.

Thanks for the tutorial Janae! Your hair always looks great and I have often wondered what you do to get it to look that way. I have a instyler and I’m gonna try to add wave to my hair with it. So far I have only used it to straighten my hair.

I have been doing bikram yoga pretty regularly for the past couple of months and I’m addicted. The only time I wash my hair is after yoga because it’s gross and smelly after class. The number of times I wash my hair per week is based on how often I go to yoga, usually about 5 times per week.

Favorite chick flicks, Bridesmaids, Hope Floats, America’s Sweethearts, French Kiss, My Best Friends Wedding, Miss Congeniality, When Harry Met Sally…….


I love Brooke in that peacoat – she is so cute!!!
I wash my hair every day – short hair is easier to just wash!!! Plus I sweat a lot when I run so I feel gross if I don’t wash it.
I’m totally blank on the movie even though I know I’ve seen it!


Thanks for the hair tutorial! I love watching these because I’m totally not able to figure these things out on my own. Lately I’ve been using a curling iron to get the same type of wave effect, but I also have an in-styler. Do you notice the in styler damages your hair quicker? I stopped using it for awhile because I felt like it kept breaking a lot of my hair but I’m interested in giving it a try again to get the wavy-look! Maybe I was just doing something wrong??


I am a fellow runner with long hair, and I find with wearing my hair up in a pony tail with a headband while running, combined with sweating or the outdoor elements, I have a hard time not washing my hair daily. How do you get by with washing your hair every 3 days with running daily? What do you do with your sweaty ponytail after a run?


I wash my hair most every day because, ta – da, when I run, my hair is a mess. I like Rusk Shampoo, and Aveda. Favorite chick flick: The Notebook. Wed – promoting our club race on social media – laptop beside my cozy fire place with a hot cup of tea

Also, love the inspirations – and to be reminded that what is within us carries a lot of weight!


Okay so I just love you! And I love the video! And I now have an In-Styler on my list to Santa!


I love Rusk’s Keratin Shampoo and Conditioner. Really helps sooth all my frizziness!!
I wash my hair every day – when I’m working out. If I’m not working out that day, I’ll usually push it to the next day. I can usually go 2 days – with the help of dry shampoo :)

I haven’t reached the best part of my Wednesday yet. Hopefully it’ll be later tonight. Tonight’s spin class is 90’s themed. I’m hoping for a lot of boy bands on the playlist ;-)




You are the cutest! Thanks for doing the tutorial! Ive always wondered how you got your hair like that all the time because it is FAB! :)


PS- where are your gorgeous rings from??


I LOVED that tutorial! And you are seriously so darn cute! I usually wash my hair every 3rd day too, even though I probably should wash it every day haha, but I’m so lazzzzzzzy!

Ps. That pea coat – er mah gawsh… can’t even handle it.


It’s a 10 Shampoo and Conditioner is AMAZING! Chick Flick: Father of the Bride 1 & 2! Brooke’s Pea Coat is so adorable. I love Target!


Thanks for the hair video, your hair is awesome! I know this wouldn’t be a problem for some people but my hair is so straight and refuses to curl, haha.


I use RPR hair products … when I can afford them! I try to by the big bottles of shampoo / conditioner when they are on sale, and then they last for ages.

I wash my hair every second day.

I can’t remember the last time I watched a true chick flick! The closest is probably the Bodyguard. When I was younger I loved Clueless :P


Thanks for the tutorial. I purchased an instyler after my flat iron melted. Since then I have been trying for the life of me to figure out how to curl my hair with it. I am going to practice.


Ugh jealous- I have to wash my hair every day otherwise it looks gross!!


I wash my hair either every day or every other day – I have medium brown hair with blond (from the sun) highlights so it looks greasy really quickly.
Favorite chick flick: The Lucky One! My fave <3 Of course, Zac isn't too bad to look at either ;)


OMG, this video is adorable. And now I want an InStyler because I cannot operate a curling iron to save my soul.


The best part of my Wednesday is that it’s my day of with my baby! And I’ll be going to a restorative yoga class tonight after he goes to bed :) great ideas on winter running janae! Check out my blog for other clothing and safety ideas!
Have a great day!


OMG! Thanks for doing this! Your hair always looks so pretty! I’m buying an InStyler now because it looks way less challenging to use than a curling iron! Maybe I’d actually curl my hair if I had one!


I’m loving Naked shampoo and conditioner at the minute! Sulfates and parabens are bad for curls.
I only wash my hair every second day (every third if I can get away with it! ;) ).


You are too cute, that hair video was great.


You have great hair! Mine is very straight and I just got bangs cut. I wash my hair probably 5 times a week – not every day but I can’t skip more then one day. I like Aveda products but am not totally loyal to them because they are $$$!

We got rid of ALL of our Halloween candy on November 1st. My daughter had a horse show and we took all of it there for the kids. They definitely can use the calories more then I can!


“Cus I live in Utah and we all have big hair here, I guess.” YOU ARE THE CUTEST EVER! I lost it when you said that, you are just too funny, Janae!


I have to wash my hair everyday otherwise I end up breaking out! I tried going for 2-3 days without washing and it was fine for a while, but I just couldn’t stick with it.


Brooke in that jacket <3 <3 Made my day! Such a sweet girl!!
& Janae, you are just beautiful!! Thanks for the hair tips, I'm currently in search of a new hair wand- or maybe now I'll check out the InStyler. :)


I wash my hair every other day or two. It depends how sweaty I get on my runs.

I loved your video and hair. I have hair envy. I have never tried hairspray before attempting to curl. I have to give it a try.


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something new I will use for my further requirements.

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