Just a few words per picture.

Candice came to my gym to run side by side on the treadmills with me.  I wish we could do this multiple times a week.  Yes, I am talking as I am taking the picture.  

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Trick-or treating at the mall.  

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Cinnabon was giving out samples.  The best treat of the day.

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Stopped to refuel.

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Then we went to my parents’ neighborhood so we could trick-or-treat where I did as a kid.

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The weather was perfect.  

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I feel like I ran a marathon because we trick-or-treated for 4.5 hours (stopped and talked at people’s houses but STILL… we were going non-stop for a long time).  

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Ended the Halloween night at my Grandma’s house with Mr. Blue.

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And Milky Ways:

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How was your night?  Did you go trick-or-treating?

What is your run this weekend?  

Any GU fans?  Favorite flavors?

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You trick or treated for 4.5 HOURS?! Crazy. Ours only goes for 2! I’m abou to head off for my first run in 2 weeks! Although it’s 30 degrees right now so I’m gonna be cooold!


I cannot you believe you guys trick or treated for that long! How much candy did you get? You should show a picture of the haul. It just be massive. Brooke is too cute in her little mini outfit.


I was in NYC last night but there were alot of people dressed up and roaming the streets!

Long run is the NYC marathon. I was diagnosed with drop foot a couple days ago so we will see if I can finish it, I have to at least start!

GU bothers my stomach anymore. I used to love jet blackberry though. So good!

Love Brooke’s costume, she’s adorable! (And yes, you should get all the Reese’s!)


We ran out of candy at our house! Pretty sure we are shunned from the neighborhood. We used to always go trick or treating at my grandparents too!


Love Brooke’s costume! Adorable. My “long” run this weekend will be about a fifteen minute run/walk-still recovering from last weekend’s marathon :)


Hahaha children definitely owe candy to their mamas!!!


I was bummed I couldn’t trick or treat with my goddaughter or nephew. But happy to be back home. Going to enjoy every second I have with family this weekend.


So fun you were able to trick or treat with your daughter around your parents neighborhood. We stayed home and handed out candy! One for the trick or treaters and one for us :) I love seeing all of the different costumes kids come up with.

This weekend I’m planning on 6 miles!


While I’m not doing long runs now we have sold a ton of salted caramel Gus as well as the new root beer. My favorite has always been cliff chocolate cherry.

I worked all day yesterday but we find have a bunch of trick or treaters that came! Working at a running store we should have given them GU versus candy LOL.


I did go trick or treating, but because it was raining and. because I live in a neighborhood without a lot of holiday spirit, Halloween wasn’t as fun as the other years. That being said, I wouldnt eat the candy I got anyway so I don’t even need that many!


Hhahha love that quote! I was just telling my dad about the Jimmy Kimmel halloween trick! He said it was cruel, I read him that quote! I did not know shopping malls did that, but I was at the mall last night, good idea! Especially as it was so nasty out! Gonna have a VERY cold run today, especially when we are not used to it!


That’s awesome that you guys trick or treated for 4.5 hours :) I’m like Leigha – our neighborhood goes for 2 hours. Brooke was a really stinking cute Minnie :D


Salted watermelon is my very favorite! I can definitely feel my energy levels rising when I take it!

Happy Halloween Janae and Brooke!


My son is only 21 months old so he lasted about 40 min ha ha ha but we had fun. Off to do my 7 mile run .


I tried the strawberry-banana flavor during my half last weekend. Turns out I can’t run and open a Gu… 1/8 made it to my mouth the rest on my face/bod. So I think it did help me run faster because I wanted to get to the finish to change clothes ;)

Way to “run a marathon” last night … looks like you all had fun!


Hey Janae!

Long-time reader, first-time poster! I just had to share this video with you in case you haven’t seen it – it’s pretty amazing: http://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/381933/the-joy-of-running-in-a-beautiful-place/


We had so much fun last night! Perfect weather, gorgeous sunset, my kids running from house to house! It was the best Halloween yet!
I just got an email about a new race…the Jordan River Marathon. I want to do it next year!!


Just ran 15 miles in the rain! Wasn’t too windy yet but it was certainly picking up…My son went trick or treating with his friends but brought it all home for me!


My kids trick or treated for only about an hour before they were tired and ready to play at their friend’s house. Relieved Halloween is over, as much fun as it can be :)


Scary movie last night! Was great……..too cold all of a sudden though…….postponed the run until today, although there is a chance for snow flurries! Crazy for Tennessee! A huge international rowing competition called Head of the Hooch is going on today…….but they have already delayed the start bc of cold and wind! Folks are here from all over the US and other countries, too!

Today is probably 5 or 6 miles, and tomorrow is going to be 10 miles! I love gu, but only chocolate and salted caramel……….the others taste like fruity poop. For real.

Have a great weekend!


So so many kids came to my parents house last night. So fun seeing them in costumes and everyone gets a little spooked because my parents go all out (think ghouls on zip lines). It was a blast. Later I went to a friend’s for a costume party. Pretty proud of myself because I went to the dollar store to try and throw together a last minute costume but of course they had nothing. In the game section, however, they had kids boxing gloves, so I painted on a black eye, put some medical tape on my nose and got to wear spandex and sneakers all night! WIN!

I’m a GU fan but root beer looks terrible. Vanilla, Espresso and SALTED CARAMEL (of course)


Brooke is too cute!! I definitely think you deserve a lot of her candies ;) I’m visiting my dad in Chicago at the moment and running along the lake has been absolutely gorgeous beats my local park back home in England ;)


WOW! I wish I had that weather here in Wisconsin! It was freezing outside. My run consisted of 7 consecutive hours of waitressing on a CRAZY Halloween night!

I would love to try that GU! I have only had a select few, and I do prefer them when I am racing, and during my long runs.


This is the first year I can remember where I didn’t do anything for Halloween..I’ve been battling a cold and going nonstop lately so I decided to stay in and be fresh for my run today instead. I’m about to go meet a couple of awesome women for a 12 mile trail run in Wildcat Canyon! Then another 12 miler tomorrow…back-to-backs for ultra training, kind of brutal but the race is soon and then it’s time for the holidays aka blissful rest!


My kids decided on their own they had enough candy! It was totally bizarre. They did not get enough for me!


My night was nice, we just passed out candy to the trick or treaters in our neighborhood. I thought we were going to run out of candy, but it survived the rush.

I did 6.5 miles in the rain this morning and I will do another 6.5 tomorrow to finish off a 4-day marathon challenge I signed up for.

I like GU a lot, I’m big on Salted Watermelon right now.


I have no idea how you all made it 4.5 hours! My kids pooped out at 1.5! They made out like little bandits though!

I am taking a hiatus from running, but I think we’ll be running 5 on Sunday before church.

Peanut butter and salted caramel are pretty awesome!


No trick or treating for me in SF, but I did go to happy hour, so it wasn’t all bad! Happy Saturday:)


I stayed in last night and we ended up getting zero trick or treaters!! I was kind of disappointed but we live on the second floor and I guess the kids didn’t feel like walking up the stairs. Now we have an entire bowl of candy in our apartment…
I did 22 miles this morning! My final long run for the philadelphia marathon. The weather was rainy and windy and I’m glad its over!!


i love peanut butter and vanilla gus but ONLY on a long run. they are so tasty at mile 10 plus but so gross if you just ate one sitting around (in my opinion!). vanilla tastes like frosting.


Last night my BF and I saw St Vincent. It was a great movie!
This morning I ran the New York road runners dash to the finish line 5k. I almost missed it due to traffic but I got there just in the nick of time! And I set a PR. I’m really thrilled. It was so crowded that I spent lots of the race running side to side and weaving around people. Oh and it was raining and 45 degrees!


We’ve been out running Lookout Mountain all morning…gorgeous trails!
The new Caramel Macchiato Gu rocks!!


Looks like you had an exhausting, but fun day! My Halloween consisted of eating candy and falling asleep on the sofa before 10. The upstairs neighbor gives out candy so I don’t have to. :)

I have an eight mile run on the schedule for today and spin tomorrow morning.

Is that root beer flavor for real? I may have to try. I have been off Gu for a while since it doesn’t agree With me (I live island boost!), but I may have to try this flavor!


My husband and I do not have kids, so we did not go trick-or-treating. We handed out massive amounts of candy. I even started writing down the things kids say because they were so funny. We had a couple kids that decided to come inside and make themselves at home. So fun!

Favorite GU? Salted Caramel.


No trick-or-treating this year (our son is only 9 months) but we did go to a party!

My run this weekend is 6 miles, I’m hoping to go on the Bonneville Shoreline trail!

I like Clif Shot Gels more than Gu now. Better texture! But I do like the peanut butter Gu. The best Clif shot flavors are chocolate and mocha.


My long run this weekend is a half marathon on Sunday! So just 3 easy miles today :) I love tapering!


Yikes that’s a long time to trick or treat! I cut my kids off at some point because, really, I don’t want that much candy in this house! I think we will find a way to trade some of the crap in for a new toy or book or something. I’m not a crazy health nut or anything but I do try to limit sugar on some level…just some toxic, addictive, stuff! But we did have fun and we all overloaded on the candy. Now they are waking up with a sugar hangover and I’m plotting about how we can convince them that their brains are better off NOT consuming the entire large pillowcase of candy. I think today’s run will be an hour of trails.


My long run this weekend is a 12 miler before I taper for my half! We didn’t trick or treat, but we spent the evening at our friends’ house and helped them hand out candy. Best part about yesterday is my group at work won $500 in a costume contest! :)

Brooke is a lucky little girl to have you take her trick or treating for so long!!!


I am pacing the Morgan Hill Marathon tomorrow! It’ll be beautiful and scenic :)
Love Brooke’s costume!


we did go trick r treating, I have wind burn on my face, the wind gust were in the 60s and the temps were in the 30s. After 2 hours I was DONE


I kept telling everyone that I wish I could borrow someone’s kid (in a totally not creepy way haha) so I could go trick-or-treating! I’m not sure if people actually trick-or-treat here in Manhattan but still…I want the candy!

I ran today and saw the NYC Marathon finish line being set up for tomorrow!! Speaking of the NYC Marathon, I absolutely cannot wait to spectate it tomorrow (and be extraordinarily jealous of everyone running it).


I’m doing a 20/21 miler tomorrow morning! I don’t use GU, but I really like clif shot. Mocha and chocolate are my favorites. If you chill them (or its really cold out), they kind of taste like chocolate sauce straight out of the fridge.


One house gave away big boxes of sour patch kids to all the trick or treaters! I’m eating them right now. ;)

Awesome GU flavor! I’ve never seen that kind. Salted Carmel is the best flavor.

22 miles today. My legs were tired from yesterday’s hard run.

Brooke is so cute!


We should have come to your house:) GREAT JOB ON YOUR RUN!


Love vanilla gu! I’m running the silver falls half marathon tomorrow! There will be a race review posted on my blog this week! http://Www.runningyourbody.wordpress.com


I have a friend running the half too. I’m really excited to read the recap and hear about his experience too. Sounds like an incredible race, I miss living in Oregon!


Angela, that’s awesome! I’ll let you know how it goes, fingers crossed for good weather, you know how Oregon can be!


Ran the final 18 miles of the Honolulu Marathon course this morning! 6 weeks from tomorrow is the race!
I use Hammer Gel (similar to Gu) favorite flavors are orange, raspberry and vanilla. I tried peanut butter this morning and it was like eating a spoonful of actual peanut butter – a bit too thick for my taste.


I used to love trick-or-treating at the mall!


We took our three sons trick or treating. We were out for about 3 hours and they got enough sweets to last the entire year! It seems like from Halloween – Easter, our candy bucket is constantly being replenished.

I don’t have any major running plans – just going based on how I feel. I’m still recovering from my races and I am not yet feeling 100%. I got 6.5 miles in this morning and the plan is to do another short run followed by some core work.

Not a huge GU fan anymore but I used to love the Jet Blackberry. I can only stomach them right before a race.


No trick or treating for me as I don’t have any kids but I did hand out candy. We were expecting a lot of kids because we live in a neighborhood near schools and with lots of kids. We had maybe 30. It was really cold hre in Iowa so a lot of kids probably didn’t want to be out long. Now what the heck to do with the $30 worth of candy my husband bought…
No long runs yet, still on my 2 week post marathon break. I start again Monday which is a good thing because I’m starting to get antsy.
Love vanilla Gu!


I have tried Gels many times but they dont do anything for my speed or run, i think it works like a placebo but dont know.

Brooke looks very adorable in her outfit. We dont celebrate it, i am a christian and against the history side to it, but i dont condone others doing it, just not me and my family.


It sounds like you had a great night! I miss the fun of trick-or-treating as a kid. I love the salted carmel flavored Gu the best! YUM! I just ran a half marathon this morning, and am sitting down now to type up my race recap (up tomorrow!).


Trick or treating for over four hours is intense! You and Brooke are serious troopers!
I’ve never tried gu’s but as I’m pushing into longer distances, I’m going to have to try some out soon!


janae i must know where your top is from!!! so cute!!! (white/gray one with the lacey crochet pattern)


No trick-or-treating for us … and we didn’t get any trick-or-treaters either!

I had a GREAT run this morning. I ran 10km which is my longest run in about 3 months thanks to my knee injury. It felt fabulous. And reminded me that all the rehab work is going to be SO worth it when I can get back to running properly.

I like a salted caramel Gu :)


GREAT, amazing spin class today! Hip flexor issues messing with my running mileage.
NYC Marathon tomorrow! Spectating only… my son is running his second marathon. Hoping for a 2:42, but this head wind may mess with that. He’s a skinny tall dude. :(
Thanks for your constantly upbeat blog!


So glad you and Brook had a great time trick or treating! She looked absolutely adorable.

I had no idea they made a root beer GU! I have to try it. I actually really like GU and Roctane. I’v never had any problems taking them.
My favorite flavors are plain old Vanilla, Chocolate Peanut butter, and salted caramel but honestly I’ll eat any flavor if I need it.

Just a easy 8 tomorrow. Still recovering from my 50k. :)


That is a lot of trick or treating. We had multiple trick or treats this year so it feels like we have been trick or treating for a week. Love her costume!


Brooke’s costume is adorable! Sounds like you guys did a lot of trick or treating so I bet you got a lot of Reese’s and milky ways!


My Halloween was spent… ON A FREAKIN’ PLANE! All four of us flew back from Virginia back to California. The boys were sock monkeys and YES, they wore their costumes on the plane ride!!! Five hours of serious monkey business :)


Salted caramel Gu til the end of time <3


Harlow is 19 months old now, so although she can’t really eat candy, yet, we were going to take her around and show off her cuteness, but it was low 40’s, CRAZY wind, and drizzle, so we stayed home and handed out candy to all 15 of the trick-or-treaters we got… Halloween fail… Next year!!!


When you have kids, halloween isn’t complete without trick or treating ;)

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