I really think you need to check this out and how to celebrate the weekend correctly.

8 slow miles Friday morning!  I am really taking this whole ‘off season’ thing seriously because I turned down going on a long run this morning with my running buddies.  I know.  I just keep reminding myself that once Boston training comes around and I feel really fresh, I will be happy I toned down my weekly mileage and speed right now.  

I thought a lot about this quote on my run.  I’m working on changing some things (like all humans are:) and I love focusing on this:

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I don’t know a lot of people that put sweet potatoes ((with their skin (and a scrambled egg with cheese that is hiding under the lettuce) into their salad but it floats my boat.  

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Thanksgiving Point with Brookers and while we were there we ran into one of my favorites (known her since 8th grade).  Loved being able to catch up with her.  

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Lots of errands, emails and a nap later… 

Behind the scenes of an instagrammer taking pics of her food.  

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Across the street from where we were having dinner is Brooke’s favorite cookie place so naturally we had to split a sugar cookie.  We have to celebrate the weekend correctly!

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And the way we have been spending many of our nights.  The Lego Movie characters would be proud.  

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Something I REALLY think you need to check out:

 21 Ridiculously Hot Products That Every Ridiculously Cold Person Will Want.

I need every item on this list, especially these two:

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And how did I just now start following TJ’s on instagram?  Every photo makes me drool.  Brilliant combination.

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Enjoy every second of your Saturday and fill me in on the details of what you are up to today!!!

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I need that towel warmer!! I suffer from eternal coldness during the winter. Right now I’m eating oatmeal + a green smoothie and for the rest of the day – NOTHING! That never happens! Well, church later, but that’s it! It feels so weird not going on a long run!


I love that quote up top! I’ve been thinking a lot about what the focus of my life is in actuality and what I portray the focus of my life to be. I don’t care so much about what others in general think, but if the only things my kids had to remember me by was my blog or my Facebook page what would if say about me? I’ve been working hard to “focus on the new” and building something so that if that was all they had they would truly know what was in my heart.


I love what you said about your kids remembering you based on your posts. Really puts it into perspective!


Oh my goodness, I want that towel warmer! I wonder if you could stick blankets and PJs in there also.
I just started following Trader Joe’s on IG also. One just opened up near me and I’m pumping myself up to go for my first time tomorrow! I’m way too excited about it. I’m just hoping I don’t buy everything there :)


Heated slippers!? Heck yes! I usually keep a heating pad around so I can put my feet on it while I’m watching TV. Having cold feet is the worst!

I’ve always peeled the skin from sweet potatoes, I feel like I need to try it now!

I can’t follow TJs on instagram. We don’t have one near us and it will just make me more sad to see all the delicious things that are unavailable to me!

Have a great weekend!


I’ve been putting sweet potatoes with their skins on my salads since college!! Delicious!! One of my favorites :)


I think I would stick my clothes in the towel warmer…I have heated ski boots–WONDERFUL, heated car seat–love it (want it in my living room)… Stay warm!


A towel warmer sounds incredible! I think I need that for my shower today. Still pretty cold from 10 miles and avoiding the shower!


I’m thinking I need to make the trek downtown to go to TJ’s. That does look like an amazing combo.
Busy day today: cleaning our church, playing piano at a funeral, then the Utah Football game. It’s 6 am and already all I want to do is nap.
Have a great weekend!


Great post, and great quotation, thanks !
But, yeah, a guy named Socrates once said that, but he was not the old greek philosopher : see http://quoteinvestigator.com/2013/05/28/socrates-energy/


Did not want a traditional baby shower, so just having a gathering with all my woman friends. Can I beam you here somehow?


Brooke’s cookie is the size of her head!
Sweet potatoes and goat cheese are one of my favorite combos ever. Try it!
Yes to the towel warmer! My husband throws towels in the dryer for a minute or two for my kids right before they get out of the bath. They love it!


That looks fabulous. I’m craving a cookie now ha.

I think it’s important to keep the off season super casual. Nice job and enjoy it before Boston :-)


Ahh great quote! Change is all about embracing the “new”!

Karen @karenlovestorun


I love sweet potatoes in my salads! Eat it all of the time.


I need every item on that warm stuff list! In always freezing which is hilarious since I live in the desert.


Good for you for skipping the long run! Enjoy your off-season!

It looks like you guys had a fun day :) We’re heading off to Gymboree soon, then a play date, the nap and off to my brother’s house for lots of cousin play time and pizza.

Have a great weekend!


I’m drooling over that TJ photo!! I wish they would just come to Canada already!!

I love that quote too– it’s so true!

I’m off to race in -21 weather (brrrrr) so Happy Saturday!!


A long run this morning and hen lots of family celebrations for my BIL!!


Now I want to got to TJ’s even though it’s a bit out of my way. Hmm, what delightful TJ’s item needs to go on my grocery list?


I am working out, then we have a baptism, bday party and soccer game! Going to be fun!


Today I am going to watch a lot of football and tomorrow I will go see my niece in a production of Pinocchio.


I’m on a lovely weekend getaway in cape may nj. Currently walking the dog and then I’m going to do a 3 mile run on the bike path. And I made fresh cornbread. Woot!!


Have you been feeling tired recently? I admire that even on your easy runs you’re still going as far as 8 miles! That’s like, a hard run for me.


HOLY CRAP! Tj’s insta! Have did I never know?!
Their marketing scheme is working on me. Making my list for later today!

Also that cookie looks out of control good.

Today in DC it’s brrrr. I’m going to wait for the afternoon for my FIRST LONG RUN SINCE THE MARATHON. And by long I mean like 8-10 miles? I’m also going to FINALLY get some races up on the calendar today! WHOOO!


Is it wrong to get really excited about going to Costco and Trader Joe’s? BECAUSE I DON’T WANNA BE RIGHT.

Also, that towel warmer already has a spot in my bathroom. Oh yes.


We’re taking the kids to Legoland today! Totally excited!!

But first, I’m off to hit the hotel treadmill and preemptively burn some calories ;)

Have a great Saturday!!


I have a space heater, and will often put my clothes in the morning or pjs at night in front of it for a bit to make them nice and cozy!


Lots of relaxing for me! Gave myself a day of rest, and enjoying every hour. Plans include working on my blog, organizing my office and just doing what makes me most happy!


Driving up to Disneyland (from San Diego) to run the Avengers Half Marathon tomorrow! :D So excited!


I do think it’s a little bit weird that you eat the sweet potato skin, but I have no place to judge since I ate a cookie for breakfast. Sometimes we have to do things that are a little bit weird to make life worth living :D hahaha!


21 miles with friends and it was SO COLD!!!
Tonight we’re attending a ST Jude fundraiser:)


Brooke with that cookie! Too cute!

That salad sounds fabulous! Have a great weekend!


This morning I’m about to rock your sister’s arm workout, then grocery shopping without the kids (seriously like a vacation that way) and then lots and lots of playing in the snow with the kiddies. They are beyond freaking out over this white stuff. Give me a ring next time you head up to Thanksgiving Point and we’ll join you!


I love sweet potatoes in salad!

I had an easy 10 miler this morning, and am now painting my apartment. I’m hoping to bake some banana bread later, too!


I need all of those things to help me stay warm!! I was soo cold after my run this morning and just wanted to stay in the hot shower all day.
I love putting sweet potatoes in my salads! Over the weekend I usually chop up a sweet potato and roast it and then use it throughout the week in salads and other lunches.


I ran 6.5 chilly miles this morning with my running group, and I’m babysitting tonight. The rest of my weekend remains plan-less.


I think you can put a sweet potato with anything! I often eat mine with runny eggs. And as far as Saturday is concerned: I’m about to go teach a BODYATTACK class! Hope you have a good one:)


When I first started reading your blog and saw sweet potatoes in your salad I was so relieved someone else is as “different” as I am. :) Pretty much every day for lunch I reheat any meat and veggie and potato leftovers for dinner, throw it over spinach or mixed greens, drizzle some dressing and call it a salad. It looks like a hot mess but I love it. For my Saturday: my husband is away so I took my three kids and 5 month old puppy to the park for a run/walk. I’m so proud because my 10 year old and 8 year old ran 3 miles together (with breaks) with the dog while my 6 year old and I walk/jogged. Now the puppy is finally tired so we can relax and do our other activities without him driving us nuts!


I think that a salad with sweet potatoes sounds perfect! I am going to try it soon. I finished as the first female in a 5k today. Pretty happy about that! I am taking it easy before my Boston training begins, it will be a long cold winter of running but Boston is worth it!


Hi Janae!

It sounds look and Brooke are having a great Saturday so far!

This morning I ran a half marathon and got a 30 min PR! 2:22:40. I’m not super speedy but this is my first half after having my son 2.5 yrs ago which was a rough pregnancy leading to a month of hospital bed rest and my son spending a month in the NICU. SO this race says a lot and meant a great deal to me :-)

The rest of the day I’m vegging :D


HOLY COW RANDI!!! That is seriously so so awesome… 30 minute pr! And after all that you have been through. You are amazing!


I got to watch the Richmond Marathon today! It was so fun…I think watching a marathon is more fun than running one:) It was cold (below 30 at the start), but great fun!


I adore sweet potatoes on anything and everything! I actually love adding roasted sweet potato cubes onto my salads, so delicious!

Happy Saturday :)


Great inspirational foody photos! And love the tribute to the glory of Saturday.

My Saturday has begun with two shots of beautiful espresso enjoyed while sitting on my couch with two purring cats, talking to my good friend in faraway Idaho…snow is trying to manifest. Bowl of warming oatmeal with my husband. A hike above the lake in the crispy sunshiney day. Tonight, we will sip wine while making bacon jam to can up for Christmas presents. And now I need to ensure sweet potato ends up in our dinner. Yummy.


I love that quote!

My kids loved lego! I remember having to clear a path through them in order to safely walk through the living room!

The Cookie and Cocoa swirl looks so good!

Working today for a bit then off to Vegas for the marathon!


I have that towel warmer and it’s a GAMECHANGER.


we have electric heat, so it is extremely expensive. We keep our heat at 64 during the day when home and 56 at night and when not home. So when I hope into the shower in the morning it feels amazing when I get out…not so amazing.


Got through my 20 miler with this mantra: “Nobody said it was gonna be easy!”
I took my ice bath in our spa because it was 63 degrees, stayed in until it was heated to 97! Those jets are the best massage!


Way to go Kathy!! YOU ARE AWESOME!



Great read now that the cold has officially seem hit!!!


WOW, thanks so so much Michelle!


I want that towel warmer like nobody’s business.


I watch a LOT of HGTV and one thing I’d have in my dream house is a heated bathroom floor!! But a towel warmer would come in handy too ;)


Started my day at 5am to drive to first half marathon race! Started at 8 at a chilly 25 degrees! Very happy with 2:02!!
Spent the rest of the day with family and now that I’m home bed is calling my name!


so fun seeing you!! Next time Mickey D’s for some playplace action!


I NEED that towel warmer!! I never want to get out of the shower in the winter because I know I’ll freeze!


I Co-hosted a Dr Seuss themed baby shower. It turned out great! I am beyond excited for my frinds twins to arrive :)


I ran 16 miles this morning. I had intended on 22 but ankle pain squashed that plan (think it’s due to some new shoes that I’ve been wearing that are a bit too narrow with my heavier socks). The hubs and I then took our pup out for a 4.5 mile walk. It’s sold cold here and my muscle just ACHE. Kicking up my feet the rest of the night and watching horrible TV


Eee so glad I found your blog! We both have cute daughters and like to run and eat so I feel like we should be blog friends now ;)


I ran my first half this morning and beat my goal time by 10 minutes! Officially hooked!


I saw that list too! I totally want the toast-shaped hand warmers haha


We got each of our moms those towel warmers for Christmas one year. I have no idea if they actually use them. (They’d be great for heating up your clothes or pajamas before you put them on too).


I eat an identical salad all the time! sweet potatoes with eggs in salad FTW!

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