10 reasons to be excited for winter running!

Daylight Savings has kind of thrown our schedule off a little bit.  I had to wake Brooke up at 6 pm from her nap yesterday.

She was real happy about it.

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Real happy.  

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My brother-in-law took us all to dinner to celebrate my niece’s bday.  

Salad bars make me smile.

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Steamed broccoli, homemade whole wheat noodles and red sauce for the second course.  

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The kids even got to make a dessert cookie pizza that they took home with them.  

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I have spent about 16% of my day on Legos lately.  Brooke is really into them and this was one of our creations from last night.  

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As we were walking to our house after dinner I was freezing and I started thinking about how much I am dreading running in the freezing temps.  Boston is in April and so that means that there are going to be many cold runs in my future (along with many hours on the treadmill).  

The best thing to do to stop complaining about being cold—>  come up with a list of the BEST parts of winter running.  


1.  While you are running you forget that your fingers and toes have been numb for an hour because you are distracted by the beautiful freshly fallen snow all around you.  

2.  All of your winter running means that you get to eat way more holiday cookies than the average person.  

3.  Running on the snow and ice is great core work.  To prevent slipping/sliding/falling you have to engage your core a ton to keep you upright.   

4.  Treadmill dates.  When it gets REALLY cold just use the treadmill and set up a date with your running friends.  You can run side by side and everyone can go whatever pace they want and do whatever workout they want and you can still run next to your buddy.

5.  If you live in states like Florida, Arizona or Texas this is the only time of year that you don’t melt when you run outside.  I am probably just going to have to go stay with my brother in Arizona for a few weeks this winter.

6.  Running tights—>  They keep you warm and looking good when you are running and then also as leggings for the rest of the day (okay, maybe I am the only one that does this).

7.  We all know that chocolate milk is a great recovery drink after a hard run—>  stopping at 7-11 after your run for a huge cup of hot chocolate (and marshmallows) is pretty much just as beneficial for your recovery.

8.  Ice baths are soooo much easier to do in the winter than the summer.  Just go sit in a river because there is probably ice floating around in it or you can just grab a few bowls of snow from outside to throw into your bath tub.  Easy cheesy.   

9.  People think you are extra hard core when they see you running out in the snow.  

10.  Not only does it make you look tough, it actually makes you tough.  Running in extreme conditions and not in your ideal situations will make all of those spring races feel like a cake walk.  


What are your favorite parts about winter running?

What are your weekend plans?

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I’m dreading winter running so much… but once it’s here I forget what summer running is! There was snow on the ground here today!

Those whole wheat noodles look AMAZING. I want to try making pasta so bad!

This weekend I’m running in a zombie run and making homemade pizza with youth group. It will be a fun one!


I love winter running! The gear, how it feels to be out in the cold fresh air, how pretty it can be with the snow, and pretty much all that you said! I used to like that people thought it was badass to run in the cold but now I honestly just love it for how it feels.


I love winter running!! It feels so much easier than humid southern running. Our winters are nothing like yours.
Weekend plans: 20 mile run with friends and a chili cook off!


My favorite parts are definitely the awesome scenery and the extra holiday cookies. And hot chocolate. And being able to curl up with a good book/movie after because you know you deserve to! See, tons of reasons to love cold weather running!

Weekend plans are to finish putting in hardwood floors so I don’t have to keep living in a construction zone that is currently my house!

Love that photo of Brooke. Cracks me up! There are many, many photos like that of me growing up!


I have made it one of my goals in life to run with you at some point. weird? maybe ;) oh well! your list of reasons to like winter running made me smile :)


Winter running is my absolute favorite, the air is crisp, the surroundings are quiet and peaceful with the extra fluffy padding, the running attire is super cute and the coffee at Starbucks afterwards is that much more sweet ;)


While I am mostly dreading winter running there are definitely some good things about it! It will be nice to not have to worry about humidity. Some winter runs are great- its the wind and ice that get to me! And I hate the treadmill so i try to avoid it at all costs!


That snow is beautiful! I WISH we would get a little bit of it here in Florida. Unfortunately here in South Florida we pretty much melt all year long except for maybe like 5 or 6 days!

This weekend I am running a half marathon! Last year this race was my very first half marathon! :)


I don’t mind running in the winter unless it’s really icy outside! It’s beautiful
with the snow and I don’t overheat like in the summer.

I’m off today to relax and have a me day then heading out of
Town to cheer on a coworker in her first fitness competition!!!


I love running when snow is falling. I feel like a little kid. I like to make snow angels when I am done and that is sort of like an ice bath.

I also appreciate my post run hot showers more!

I agree with the hard core comment too.

I’m running my final half marathon of the year tomorrow. No goals other than to finish and have a nice lunch after with friends. :)


My favorite part of winter running was not sweating a terrible amount. That being said, I don’t miss running in upstate NY during the winter. The treadmill got really old really fast. One positive though is being able to run with people of various paces on the treadmill!


I am also training for Boston. I am running for the American Liver Foundation, and we had our first meeting last night. So exciting!!! I live in Massachusetts so I feel you on the winter training, but two things…
Winter training definitely makes us tougher not just physically but mentally! And yes yes yes to more holiday goodies please :)
I am running the chilly half marathon in Newton on Sunday. And side note, your hair looks beautiful in pic! Have a lovely weekend…


I LOVE winter running. I think my favorite piece of gear are my under armor gloves with a key pocket. But they don’t have the fancy touchscreen finger tips. PT says I can start again mid-late December and I can’t wait!

Also, you should open you’re own salad restaurant, because I don’t know anyone who can make a salad look that good. Yum.


Was this a salad bar BUFFET? Plate looks loaded with good stuff.


I wish we had snow like that in NC! You would probably laugh at our “cold temps”. I think running in colder temps here is nice because it’s easier to breathe and I don’t get as hot.


I live on the lake in MI, so you basically can’t even walk outside, let alone run outside! We get so much lake effect snow that it can be two feet, easy. Plus, on the lake, sometimes it makes it much colder than a little bit inland, so outside is not an option (for a wuss like me). :)

This is the first weekend in a while that I don’t have something going on, so I’m excited to just relax and maybe go shopping!


Since I live in Florida, it’s obviously the fact that I don’t melt when I run…but honestly, we still melt a little. Waking up to anything below 50 is a rare as finding a albino alligator in your backyard. (I was gonna say albino peacock but we have tons of those, hehe).


Another good reason : all runs in the snow are easy on legs so less chance of getting injured.


I love your post about winter running … it is funny how crazy people think you are when you run in the snow. Nothing beats being the first person to make foot prints in the snow during an early morning run! My favorite way to recuperate after a chilly run … stand in the shower and use ALL the hot water! :)


Running in the snow freaks me out, but I live in Michigan so I better figure it out! ha!


My motivation for winter running is FOOD! So much yummy holiday food!


I’m feeling pretty happy to be living in Berkeley this year so I can run right through the winter without having to deal with all the nasty stuff. I remember it being so icy last year in Boston already even by Thanksgiving.

I’m going to LA this weekend for a wedding!


Your hair is getting SO SO LONG! SO pretty.

Even though our Texas winters are near as pretty as Utah winters, it’s a huge relief from the insane heat that we have to deal with 80% of the year! I love how I pick up speed a little bit during the winter, and I also love holiday races! Turkey trots and jingle bell runs are such a blast!

Happy Friday!


Just been to the doctors and I’ve pulled my lower back :( Majorly upset since I can’t do any running for at least 3 weeks if not longer and I was just starting to train for a 10k!! I know it could be worse and I’m going to try and be patient so I can heal properly but I already miss running!! This will be my first winter as a runner, so I’m nervous for all the ice and snow!

Aha Brooke looks so cute in that second picture, she really has the grumpy face perfected!!


I mean, I think it’s pretty clear from those legos that Brooke is going to be an engineer.

My winter running routine: “Nope, not gunna do it today. Okay, fine, yes I’ll run. Complains. Freezes. Runs. So happy. Endorphins. Eats all the cookies. Cuddles by fire. Repeat next morning.”


I haven’t done any outdoor winter running in years. Your list made me decide that I’m going to give it another shot this year.
This weekend is pretty low key. I’m kinda excited that the birthday party my daughter is going to is at our fitness center, which means I can get my workout in while she’s at the party:-)


I’ve never actually done winter running (I’m a treadmill wimp), but this year I’m going to change that!
Mom and Gma are here for the weekend so we are doing a bunch of touristy stuff and spending time together. Gotta love family time :)


That second picture of Brooke made me laugh. :-P
My favorite part about winter running is coming inside after a long cold run and snuggling up in a blanket with hot chocolate and a warm dog sleeping on you. The best way to recover after a cold run in my opinion. :-)


We have our childbirth class weekend.
Chris promised we could go out for blizzards after. I will be ordering a large.

Winter running: The warm shower, and hot chocolate refuel.


Last winter (in Maine) ruined winter running for me forever! I have never seen such bad, cold conditions….
Hopefully this year is a little nicer, I have no desire to spend another marathon training cycle mostly on the treadmill. NOOOOO!!!!!


Ha! I’m in Flagstaff, Arizona—7,000ft. We get snow and sub-freezing temps! I’m actually headed down to Phoenix this weekend and SO excited to run in 80 degree weather! It’s been in the 30s every morning when I run for the past 3 weeks! Thanks for this list. I’m training for a marathon at the end of February and I am dreaaaading the long, cold runs! This made me laugh and gave me some things to look forward to! Happy weekend!


I live winter training because that means no 115 degree weather training. My winter in A definitely is not as cold as yours though!


I can handle the cold weather with my layers but the ice patches I could do without! It definitely makes us look and feel tough being out there though. I am hoping it’s not as brutal as last winter but either way, I am preparing myself mentally for dealing with it.


AHHHH!!!! I am a little bit obsessed with houndstooth so seeing Brooke’s coat made me really, really happy.


I like how hardcore you feel at the end – it beats any other run!


Fav part of winter running is that I live in So Cali and it rarely gets below freezing here. We might have like a week in January. Thank goodness!! I’m such a wimp.

Plans for the weekend: cheering the BFF’s along as they do a 10K/1/2 marathon in Catalina.


My favorite parts are feeling like a tough cookie when I’m done, and then eating cookies if I feel like when I am done. ;)

Weekend plans – I’m running the Madison Marathon in Madison, WI – should be a chilly one, so this post comes at a perfect time for me! Happy weekend to you!


My favorite part of winter running is how good a hot shower feels! I live off Lake Michigan so it gets really snowy and freezing here in winter. Winter running is also an extra incentive for a spring half or full, because once it starts warming up even a bit and the ground is free from snow I just want to run outside all day!

Weekend plans: running my first half marathon and then going out for pizza and beer with my husband!


Seriously, there is NOTHING that beats hot chocolate after a freezing cold run. I’m from Alberta, I can testify to this!! I also love feeling equal parts completely insane and total rockstar.


Haha great list! I need to add one – running among beautifully decorated houses for the holidays and seeing the pretty Christmas lights shining onto the white snow….stunning.


my favorite part about winter running is the clean, crisp air. and i’m running the rock n roll half in savannah tomorrow!


I loved your list, especially number 9 lol.
I’ve actually never run in the winter!! Running is something I’ve just recently picked up this past summer. I’m gearing myself up to try to be tough and get out there in the snow and cold and dark to get it done. I think I will! Running is become a passion, I feel grumpy when I don’t get to run for a few days. I need to invest in a treadmill or a place that has one – just for those days where it’s not doable to get out there and run. Maybe Santa will bring me one this year!

No plans this weekend. Relax “off” day tomorrow. Yoga and running on Sunday :)


WINTER! UGH. I’ll be honest though, once I get out there (as long as it’s not icy) it’s a lot easier for me to run in the cold than it is in the hot. But getting my butt out the door when it’s frigid and damp and dark….that’s another story. I might be needing a little cottage in Arizona (my Bf’s parents live there maybe they’ll put me up?) for the next few months.

This weekend I’m excited to start putting races on my calendar. I’m thinking Spring will be my season to dominate some half-marathons.


Looks like a great birthday meal!


I love #2 on your list! Haha

My favorite is running in the rain (we don’t get snow here). I’m sure it’s not as hardcore as snow running, but it still makes me feel like a badass!

Weekend plans….taking a road trip to visit family about 3 hours away. My kids are off school Monday and Tuesday so it seemed like a good time to go.


Favorite Parts of Winter Running: Seeing the Christmas lights, easier to breathe, and getting snuggly warm afterwards.

Weekend Plans: Shopping tonight with my kids, 20 miler in the morning and just might put up Christmas decorations….I know, I know…it’s a bit early but I can’t wait any longer. I LOVE Christmas!!


I love that winter running makes me look like a total badass ;) And that the trails are much less crowded!

This weekend I have a run with my usual group and a barn party at our friend’s house! :)


I love running in the winter during snowstorms, or early in the morning after a snowstorm! Its so quiet and pretty, and fun to make fresh footprints.

I’m moving soon, so spending most of the weekend packing and painting, as well as dinner and brunch with friends, and an easy 14 miler :)


I actually love running during the winter months, just because I enjoy the change of scenery and don’t mind layering up for the cold temperatures. Plus, it does help me to reunite with the treadmill after months apart.

Weekend plans… beers with my girlfriends tonight, a morning run with a new girl’s running group, football, 17 mile run on Sunday, and more football.


Atlanta winters are typically pretty mild. Don’t hate me but the coldest temp I’ve ever run in was about 27F. See what I mean? Last year I only had 2 runs where I had to play a little hopscotch to avoid ice patches. Give me 40 degrees over 80 degrees any day!!


I am thinking most of my winter running is going to take place indoors. It just gets way too cold and ice here. I don’t think the jogging stroller will handle all the snow very well either!


I’m a big baby! I rarely do outside winter running. Maybe I will toughen up this year and try it out. Until then, I stick to inside workouts and try to do all of my strength training for the year in the winter. :)


#6—you’re not the only one. I live in running tights during the winter.

My favorite part of winter running is that I live in California and don’t have to do much winter running. :) I took a trip to Salt Lake last winter and got a few miles in though; I really did enjoy the beautiful snow capped mountain views.


100% agree on the running tights.


ok, i didn’t know brooke could be cuter but her ‘angry’ face is to die for!!! She’s so precious!


I love winter running because it makes me feel so fast!

I’m headed to time out for women in Portland this weekend! My first tofw event, I hope it’s good!


I run so much faster in the winter, so even though it stinks to start off (and sometimes stay) freezing the whole run, I enjoy that I can run further and finish quicker! I also love wearing the head gear and long, comfy tops. AND you don’t have to wash your hair as much since you don’t sweat as much! The darkness all the time does stink though :(


Ha! I love your list! I went for a run this morning and it was about 30 degrees–I was already feeling whiny about the cold temps. I do actually enjoy chilly runs because I feel like I can go faster for longer, and I don’t get so sweaty, which is nice. Weekend plans include seeing Interstellar in IMAX…I don’t know how excited I am about it, but my husband is super pumped, ha. :)


You also don’t sweat as much! ;) And I’m all for looking tougher than I am… ha!

The bummer for me is that I’m a klutz. Also known as let’s slip every 3 feet… But also good practice!


Phew, winter running scares me but I am definitely going to try it this year! I want to be able to stay in shape for spring races. I may have to utilize the treadmill more… boring.

Weekend plans: Flying home to SF for my brother-in-law’s mission homecoming! Weekends are the best.


Oooohh I hate winter running too! I live in Chicago, so it gets pretty bad here. The ice on the ground is the scariest part and is the reason I tend to stick with treadmill running in the winter.


I LOVE winter running! I love the crisp air and not getting so sweaty! And you’re definitely not alone in the wearing tights as leggings the rest of the day – less laundry and super comfy!!


I love her angry face!

I’ve been wearing my running leggings to work a couple days a week. Sometimes I run to work in them and then find a way to dress them up after I get there. I’ll also wear them on days where I want to run immediately after work or during lunch. It’s just so convenient.

I love running in fresh snow. It makes me feel like a child all over again. Also, it’s way easier moderating your temperature in the cold than in the heat.

I have back-to-back long runs planned for the weekend. Hoping to get in a bike ride if the weather holds out. Other than that….lots of lazing around with the fam


I love this list! I however am a big baby and almost always go for the treadmill in the winter! I need to toughen up a bit ha ;)


Brooke has a cute grumpy face. But I’m sure you already knew that.

The best thing about winter in California is watching it on TV :) I do own a pair of tights and have been known to break them out on the rare morning that the temps drop into the 30’s. (Probably just jinxed myself into the coldest winter on record here).


Is it better to run on a trail or on a road during the winter? I’m always afraid to run on either so I usually stick with the indoor track or treadmill! :(


While I’m not looking forward to winter, this made me really look forward to running through a snowy winter for the first time! I’m actually really worried about ice, but I’ve got yak-trak type things for that! I will definitely just be sitting out in the snow for my ice bath once my long runs get longer!


Legos rock!
I can’t even imagine running in the cold. Seriously, I would slip on ice every time, haha!


bahahaha I think I look just like Brooke when someone wakes me up from a nap :)


Brooke’s face is priceless! My 6-yr old niece is an extreme Lego Artist. Gives me an excuse to play with them (and tinkertoys).

I love the unbelievable, on-of-a-kind peacefulness of winter running. And colorful leg warmers. And an occasional post-run treat of heart and toe-warming hot rum.

Love the treadmill date idea!

Happy training.


I’m one of those lucky winter runners in Texas! Last year I freaked out over 20 degree temps, but reading your blog has really helped me appreciate the winter running conditions here! Today it was finally in the 50’s and it felt amazing. Happy Weekend! :)


Love winter running! My favorite race is the end of May so it is required for me. Plus I always say you can put more clothes on but it’s only appropriate to take so much off…..no matter how hot and humid it gets here.
It definitely makes you stronger and it is so beautiful running in freshly falling snow. Not much planned for the weekend. Heading to town with a friend(nearest mall is almost an hour away!!) to start some Christmas shopping while the dads and bigger kids go to a movie. Oh, and a run! Can’t have a whole weekend without one :)


Love your list!! It’s getting me motivated to continue running, even on the “bad” weather days! :)



I don’t have any favourite parts about winter running. My asthma makes it very difficult to enjoy. As do the freezing temperatures. In fact, I just got a gym membership to avoid it.


I live in southern Louisiana so winter running is my favorite! There’s a short span of time from November to March where I can go for a run without sweat dripping from my nose. I cherish the 30-40 degree runs!


Brooke looks waaaay cute when she’s grumpy :)


I hate all running. No weather is good enough. I love reading your blog though! It’s the only thing I like about running lol!


you are right about running tights! I feel the same! Another great thing: cute vests and jackets :) this weekend I’m going to get in some speed work and entertain my college friend coming to visit!!!


I’m so excited for winter weather – here in SoCal, it’s basically still summer. It’s 85 degrees out today. When the temps finally relent I’m excited to see what my legs can do for winter races! But then, we don’t have snow… running in snow is impressive!


Way to stay positive, Janae! That’s why we love you so much!


I L-O-V-E winter running in San Diego! HAHA! It’s finally cooler and more bearable. Love it!

I also love having treadmill dates — I need to remember to do that more often!


I love winter running and just got into snowshoe racing last year! It was a great way to gain fitness over the winter. Also totally guilty of running tights turned leggings all day!


I’ve never done very cold winter running! But my weekend will consist of teaching a bunch of group fitness and having some wine. Cheers!


I love running in the cold..it’s when I feel I do the best. Then as a treat I’ll sip on some hot chocolate.


I know you love to take ice baths in the river but that just sounds soooooooo cold to me! EEEEKKKK!

I’m working a gala tomorrow that I’m on the committee for. Needless to say it’s going to be a long and stressful day!


I want to move to Hawaii…and try running there instead of here in the cold and ice.


I want to move to Maui, I am not a fan of slipping and sliding


I’m running in my second half marathon on Sunday! Very excited :) I’m in FL so this time of year is amazing for running.


Hey! I was wondering if you use some type of belt/fanny pack for running. I was looking agh SpiBelts or Flipbelts and wanted to hear your input!


Good point about a treadmill date! Now I can run “alongside” my speedy friends ;)

Thanks for the FL shout-out. I’m so happy to run and not melt now. I’m still piecing myself back together. Olaf. Sorry for that tangent.


I live in Northern Australia where it is never cold and we have an endless Summer. I ran my first two marathons in September and taking it easy through our hottest months by doing some swimming training. I’ve never even seen snow! I can’t imagine what it would be like run in extreme cold weather conditions :)


Yak Trax made a huge difference in my running last winter. It was so nice to not fall on my butt in the snow and ice. Plus it felt like even more of an adventure!


Hey don’t forget if you are a morning runner, you get to run in the light again for a while. I was looking forward to that for a few weeks. Winter running is definitely nice when you dont melt too. I love that one… accept when the wind cuts through you like a hot knife through butter… except this is not hot! lol

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