This week’s workout playlist and my issue with strength training.

Welp, that was a tiring 8 miles on the treadmill.  Here is my issue with strength training: I love it (well, pump classes.. not so much on my own) but I do not love how sore it leaves me the next day.  It just means that the day after I strength train I am going to be pretty tired and sore when I run.  I guess the more I do it the less sore I will be right?  And I am really banking on the fact that all of this strength work will help me be super speedy at Boston.   

The reason I mainly run on the treadmill—>  I have access to a treadmill where I get to watch Brooke play while I run and I love it.  It is a bit of a drive from where I live but it is so worth it to me to be able to get in my run and still watch Brooke.  I may have to jump off the treadmill a few times during the run to get her something or give her snacks but as a single mom—>  you gotta do what you gotta do to still be able to run.  

Brooke insists on going into the bathroom for their foamy soap afterwards.  


The next thing on the schedule was a trip to Thanksgiving Point with Nicole.  And this was the best selfie I could manage of the 5 of us.

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Brooke was quite fond of the wind machine.

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Just the normal chicken/avocado/feta salad with yogurt and nuts and my current favorite salad dressing.

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Afterwards my sister-in-law, her little girl and my mom came over for pumpkin bread that I made at 11 pm last night.  I had a sudden urge to bake really late at night so I did and I am glad that others could benefit from my craziness.  

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And just as I was writing this, Lindsey (an incredible wedding/family pics/nature/everything photographer) knocked on the door and delivered some gingerbread mummies. 

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This week’s spin playlist (I am so beyond obsessed with XO by Beyonce):

Secrets by Mary Lambert

Fancy by Iggy Azalea

Get Low by Lil Jon

I Don’t Care by Fall Out Boy

Trumpets by Jason Derulo

Turbulence by Laidback Luke

Maps by Maroon 5

The Monster by Eminem ft Rihanna

This Is How We Do by Katy Perry

Miss Jackson by Panic! At the Disco

XO by Beyonce

Counting Stars by One Republic

Sandstorm by Darude

The Chain by Ingrid Michaelson (cool-down)


What songs are you loving to work out to lately?

Moms reading—>  when/how do you fit your running/working out in?

Working peeps—>  when/how do you fit your running/working out in?

Gingerbread—>  yay or nay?


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Flaws by Bastille and I Lived by One Republic!

I love being sore from strength workouts, but you are so right- it’s near impossible to run the next day! Any day I’m really sore, I take things to my yoga mat or the pool


I haven’t heard the Flaws song… time to go check it out! Good call on going to the pool or yoga!


Gingerbread – definite yay! Love that it is the time of year for it!

I usually run on the treadmill after work. If I can get it in before work, all the better, but I usually opt for sleep! It helps to have a treadmill and elliptical at home, so if I have to jump off for whatever reason, I can.

Loving Kongos – Come With Me Now. So catchy!

I love Brooke’s face in the wind machine! That’s how windy it was in KS yesterday! (Though my face did not look like that in the wind!)


So awesome that you have a treadmill and elliptical at home! I am going to have to look that song up, thanks!


It’s so nice when I’m not feeling motivated to get out of the house for a workout! I have no excuses when I have them at home!


Loving “All I Do Is Win” by DJ Khaled


I LOVE THAT SONG!! Thank you for reminding me of that one… I will be adding that! Hope you are having an awesome day Jennifer!


I feel you on strength training! I really want to implement it, because I know it’s SOOOO good for me, but am I willing to do that if it means being sore for the one workout I actually enjoy?! Ugh, I just don’t know.

I usually work between 8-10 hours a day, and it’s TOUGH to squeeze a run in. Right now I”m taking advantage of the decent weather and just doing it right after work, but it still is a bummer because it sets my evenings back, and I get HUNGRY early! :)

I typically listen to podcasts when I run, just because they help me zone out, but a song I’m loving for every day is Meghan Trainor Lips are Movin! So so fun!


I like to workout in the evening after work. I have a weight set in my basement next to my daughter’s play area, so I pump some iron while she plays. As for running, she either joins me in the stroller (during the summer when daylight stickes around a bit longer) or hangs out at the table at the gym while I run on the treadmill (now, as it gets colder and darker earlier).

As for music, I’m a big fan of the Reggaeton station on Pandora. I have no clue what they are saying as it is all in Spanish, but the beats and rhythm really keep me moving!


I used to run around the house while my kids napped inside just to get a workout in. It was tough, but sometimes you do what you gotta do! I have to admit, I’m kind of glad those days are over!


The Cool Kids – Echosmith
Anything by Zion I
Black Widow – Iggy Azalea
The survival of the fittest song by Eminem.


I’m sure you will get somewhere with strength training–I mean, look how for you came with running! I am sure that in the beginning running is just as hard as the beginning of strength training.

I Do love waking up sore though, it’s quite motivating.


I wake up at 4 a.m. so that I can get my workout in prior to work!
I love ginersnaps, or any kind of ginger type sweet treat!


Liberation by Harold van Lennep.
One Day (Vandaag) by Bakermat.

I workout in the evening, but now in my fifth year of teaching high school, it has been catching up with me.. and I don’t always feel like working-out. Which is sad.


I want to take my kids to that new museum so bad! Brooke is adorable, as usual!

Working out right now, well, it’s not as often as I’d like but I’m trying to be content with it. I need to enjoy this season of life!

Yes to gingerbread! In fact, I make gingerbread waffles and gingerbread oatmeal.


I love that you are so dedicated to working out, even now that you are a single mom! It is very inspiring. I struggle to work out sometimes with my 9 month old son. Although I do feel like a single mom sometimes since my husband works such long hours!

Favorite song to work out to lately: Shake it Off by Taylor Swift

Since my son still isn’t walking and does fine in the stroller for less than 1 hour, I take him on all of my runs. Strength/cross training I do at home while he naps or plays on his own.


My currently loving playlist songs are Rollercoaster by Bleachers and I Lived (Arty Remix) by One Republic.


I am a working mom (single parent to boot)…when I can, I have been trying to get up ~5:15am for 30 minutes of yoga or strength traning (Jillian Michaels). Other than that, my workouts are between end of work and picking up my child. I work until 4…I try to pick my son up by about 5:30. I can be home and changed by about 4:20ish. I like to keep my workouts M-F so I can have the weekends open for time with my son…and whatever else life may throw at us. I have moments of feeling selfish for taking the time for me, but I know what running / working out does for me mentally, so I think being a little selfish really makes me a better person & mom. I am so much happier after a workout!


You go girl! You are amazing and I completely agree with you… in order to be better parents we have to take care of ourselves too!


Are you driving to S.F. to run where you can see Brooke? Curious because I know there is a gym here that you can see the kids while you work out. :)


No but do they have one there too! That is awesome!


I usually go to the gym before work – it took awhile to get into a morning habit, but now I’m really glad to have free evenings, and it helps start the day out on a great note.

If I’m sore after strength training, I usually see it as a sign that I’ve had a successful, challenging workout and that my body could use a rest for the day. Or I do low-impact work that lets those muscles rest a bit and works the other parts of my body.


I love gingerbread, especially gingerbread cake with lemon sauce!


Working mom here – to get a workout in before I have to get up at 4:45am and be out the door by 5 and back home and in the shower by 6:15. The dark road and I are friends :)
It sucks, but trying to do it after work rarely happens, plus I hate cutting into the family time in the evenings.

Gingerbread+icing = so good.


Way to go Mindy! I hope you know how amazing you are!


I have the exact problem with strength training. I have been really trying to focus on 3 days of Body Pump or a core class, and I have had to decrease my mileage because I just can’t handle it all. I’m hoping it’s for the best in the long run and makes me stronger and more efficient. :)


I’m loving the song “heads will roll”- I’m planning to put it on my next barre playlist!


I love gingerbread! And molasses cookies….I bake them every Christmas.

I either get up super early to run with friends (5am) before my kids are up and my husband leaves for work, or I use the treadmill at home. I also have to hop off sometimes to take my 3 yr old to the bathroom, or get him a snack, etc. Just curious – what happened to the Boston treadmill you had? I thought that was a perfect option for you cause you could work out at home?

I love feeling sore after doing weights, makes me feel like I really worked out! It does go away if you keep doing it regularly. But anytime I try some new variations I usually feel sore again.


It is in storage until I move into a bigger place (hopefully next August). I miss it dearly! Now I am craving molasses cookies! Love the early morning runs with friends!


Oh yes, the one bummer about treadmills is how much space they take up!! Your treadmill always looked so nice to me!


Love that pic of Brooke in the wind machine! So adorable.

Boathouse yogurt-based dressings are my favorite. I have about 5 flavors (doesn’t seem like the right word, but I can’t think of what else it would be right now, so I’m going with it) in my refrigerator.

I’m not a single mom, but I have never wanted to miss out on too much time with the kids, so I tend to do every thing at the butt crack of dawn and just try to be back before the household stirs.

Gingerbread? But, of course! (especially one as cute as the mummy!)


Way to go Doni getting out there so early! Which one of the dressings/flavors;) is your favorite!?!


Thanks! I’ve also found if I don’t get my workouts first thing, it’ll never happen. The day just takes on a life of its own. I’m always so impressed with folks that workout at other times of the day.

On the Boathouse dressings — my favorite is rather “situational”. Ranch for taco-type salads, Caesar for…well, Caesar salad, Thousand Island for seafood salads, Blue Cheese whenever there’s bacon involved, and their Raspberry Vinaigrette for salads with fruit and nuts. Am I missing any? :)


Situational—> I really like the way you think! PS now I am craving a salad with bacon and bleu cheese!


Working mom here – you can usually find me running at 5 a.m. and I try to go to yoga classes twice a week during my lunch. I’m loving Greater by MercyMe and Be Okay by Oh Honey.


That is awesome that you fit in yoga during your lunch break too! Way to go girl! Going to check out those songs right now… thank you Gena!


It has gotten easier to run/workout as my son got older. He leaves for school pretty early now that he is in middle school so I am able to run when the bus comes. It wasn’t easy though until recently! I used to take him with me to Lifetime (when I belonged) to get the workouts in and always have my long run scheduled when he is with his dad/not home.


I get up early and run or go to the gym before the kids even wake up. My husband is more than happy to let me do this! I prefer to run early anyway and that way I can blog and do errands in the morning when everyone is at school. It didn’t always go so smoothly but I’m in a groove now. The jogging stroller was totally necessary when they were babies, and I also did a stroller bootcamp with friends.


Gingerbread mummies are a great idea!

What happened to the Boston Marathon treadmill you won?


I’m loving your spin playlist! I teach a hot power yoga class so I will definitely be using some of these for my classes.


420a wake up calls to meet friends for our 5a runs while the babe and hubs sleep. Totally worth it.


WOW!! Way to go Christy!


Gingerbread is SO good!

I hate the sore part of strength training too, it really puts a damper on my run the next day.


I always run in the morning before work! If I want to do a yoga or strength class I do that after work, but most days I don’t have the time or energy to run after work so its become a habit to do it in the morning. It’s also my favorite part of the day so I wake up excited to run almost every day!


Nay on the gingerbread cookies but sometimes any sugar is better than no sugar! :) that was very sweet of her to bring you a mummy cookie though!


I am in LOVE with Bolthouse dressings. Try the Salsa Ranch!!! I think it’s even better than the Classic Ranch!


Fritz and the Tantrums- The Walker
Muse- Surivial (my all time favorite workout song!)
Matisyahu- Live Like a Warrior
Fall Out Boy- Centuries

Love love these songs!!


I have to get my runs in after work…and before I lay down or else it’s so hard to get up!! For music, Right now I’m actually stuck on throwin’ it back to the 90s haha! Some olldddd Mariah Carey and Boys 2 Men what whattttt :P
Gingerbread yes. Always.


5 am runs and workout for me. My “me” time is during my training (5-6:30am). Doesn’t cut into family/son time. I teach bootcamp in the evening so not an option to train later. Just get er’ done!


No kids, just work. Woke up at 4:30 this morning to run 11 miles before getting into work by 8:30. By that point I’m always extra grateful to be sitting down with tea or coffee at my desk and finally relaxing!


Ah! I teach spin too and “miss jackson” has been on my list the past few classes :)


Strength training always leaves me sore too. Normally I think it’s a good feeling because it reminds me I have strong muscles but when it combines with the harder phase of running / training I feel like I am sore all the time. To combat this I throw in a couple sessions of body weight only stuff for legs and normal weight for upper body. The body weight stuff still gives me a workout but provides a nice stretch too and makes me legs feel a lot better (I think about it like a cut back week in running).

As for songs I am liking Take Me To Church by Hozier, Five Hours by Deorro, and Express Yourself by Diplo.


Ooh! The mummy was adorable :)


My kids are older now (pre-teens and teens) but it is still tough to find the time . I now work full time (used to be a stay at home Mom when the kids were little), and go in super early, so I am usually racing home from work to get a run in before going to one of the kids sporting events or extra curricular activities. I would much prefer running in the morning, but with work that isn’t possible. It is nice on Saturday mornings to be able to get up and go out for an early morning run while the kids and hubs sleep in, since they are older. I guess as Moms who love to run you are always figuring ways out to get it in.


Loved that last sentence… soooo true!


Have you tried the Opa Greek ranch? I’m not usually a fan of yogurt based dressing but that one is great! I needed this post today. I’m a mom to two toddlers and in a slump with workouts…I need to get up earlier in the mornings to do it but I’ve been slacking! I’ve always been curious how your sister does it with 3 kids and one on the way (guest post!!) Even you inspire me with your early mornings so thank you!!


That is an excellent idea! I will ask her about it! I totally need to try that ranch. Thank you so much. You’ve got this Megan!!


Lately I have been loving the song “I Lived” by OneRepublic. So inspiring!!!


I work from home so I am super lucky in that I can fit in a workout anytime!! It doesn’t help me, though… haha. it’s still a struggle sometimes to motivate myself to workout!


I’m not a Mum, so I have some more flexibility about working out times. I get up early and hit the gym by about 5am to get my workout done before work. Sometimes I can still make myself exercise after work, but it’s just best if I get it done before the day potentially gets crazy. On weekends I take my time, but I like to make sure that I can join my husband and our dog for a morning walk as well.


I am a single Momma and work outside the house, the only chance I get is at 4 am or with him and he so much faster than me with our running friends. I am currently on the injured list and heading to my pcp on Thursday


Mom reading: I totally agree that treadmills are definitely the best when young kids are around. Usually my workout happens when the baby’s asleep. Sometimes that means I have to get up early. Love Saturdays when my husband can hold the wakeful baby and I can sleep in and still exercise.

Yay for gingerbread! But your pumpkin bread also looks divine. I probably would have finished off the pan for breakfast the next morning.


Racing too much hurts my strength training, because I never want to lift weights the week of a race just for the reason you describe. Right now I’m trying to do a week of strength.


My runs are all over the map when I can squeeze them in. My hubs leaves early for work so sometimes after I take my eldest to school I’ll hop on treadmill while my little one rides her bike and plays on driveway where I can see her. Or after my husband gets home before dinner depends on my sons sports practices. Gets tricky with 3 kids and them having their activities but somehow it all works out and I love all of us having our various interests. And sometimes I go running with my 9 year old it’s so fun.


Sadly, I have had to convert to the power of the morning workout before I go to work. Life just gets too busy in the evenings. :( I alternate cardio at the gym, and strength videos at home (Jillian Michaels and Tone It Up).


I COMPLETELY feel you with strength training. Whenever I do a Butts and Guts class (or something of the sort) I’m always SUPPPPERRR sore afterwards. I feel like even if I do the classes regularly, I will always be sore for a day or two after, and can feel a major lag in my running.


I always figured you were running on your treadmill at home when you were hitting the treadmill..I guessi never thought of the fact that you didn’t take it with you! (Is it weird that i was wondering where you put it?) If i was a mom I WOuld want the same as you! Being able to watch Brooke while you run is huge!

I adore gingerbread!


Hi Janae,

I love, love, love that Bolthouse Ranch! It is my favorite right now as well! I am always a flavored balsamic vinegar girl, but I bought this several months ago and am hooked! I first got the blue cheese one which is so good too, but once I bought the ranch, that became my favorite (and I’m not even a ranch dressing person!)!



That pumpkin bread…yum!! I need some!


My 26 year old brother singing “Fancy” by Iggy A. is by far one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. Good song…


Latch by disclosure featuring Sam Smith is the song that I AM OBSESSED WITH lately.

Every time I hear it, I want to get my run on.

Also gingerbread is a definite YAY! But let’s talk about the actual bread–not the gingerbread cookies. That stuff is AHMAZING. Craving it hard right now.


I’m kind of in love with the new T. Swift album. The hubs and I work out at 4am at a boot camp. If we’re training for a run, then we’ll run after work with the kids as they ride their bikes or hit up our treadmill. It was almost easier when the hubs didn’t work out too, but I would much rather be healthy together.


Love Bolthouse Farms Yogurt Dressings! My grocery store stopped carrying them for a few months and I had to tweet at them to get them back. Haha!


I’m a working mom as well so I am FINALLY (after 14 years of running) enjoying running in the morning. Although I’m a wimp with the winter temps (yes, even in the south), I really love the runner’s high I get that lasts the WHOLE work day, plus it makes me feel SO accomplished knocking out a run first thing in the day. On days that I need some more sleep or a little more rest, I will use the gym at my work during my lunch break, or I’ll end my work day a little early and hit the gym before I head home. We have 4 TMs, 1 elliptical, 2 spin bikes and weights. Plus we have showers and the whole nine yards so I don’t have to leave my building at all. It really is a nice perk.


I’m a working mom so I run at 4:00 am to be able to get it done, shower, pack lunches, take to school and be at work by 8:15am. With my girls in competition dance, I’m always shuffling them back and forth to the studio after work so mornings are my only option. Long runs on Saturday start super early as well so I can take my ice bath, shower and have the whole day with the family…plus I always bring home donuts for them after longs runs so they like that (me too).


I go to CrossFit on my lunch break 3-4 days a week. It’s my ‘me’ time. It makes my lunch take an hour and a half (so I have to stay an extra 30 minutes those days) but it is 100% worth it. I feel so much better when I go and, usually, at lunch time I’ve already experience something frustrating so it’s nice to have that outlet :)
And those gingerbread mummies look AMAZING right now. I <3 gingerbread. I heart ginger in general, actually. I am married to one, hah!


We pay more for the fancy fitness center that has kids programs, otherwise I’d never get to work out. After work and homework we go to the gym. I get to sign my daughter into one of 3 different programs while I work out. That way we both get our exercise:-)


Is your Boston treadmill still at your parents’ house?

You are awesome to always fit in a good workout, even though it’s not easy; I’m sure it’s good for both you and Brooke (a healthy mama is a happy mama).


That pumpkin great looks amazing!!
I’m loving the new Fergie song “L.A. Love” & Ed Sheeran “Don’t”!!
As a working mom.. mornings are the absolute best time to run. I also love to do some Piyo or stretching at night as well.
Advocare has an amazing product called Nighttime Recovery that does miracle work while you sleep!


The pic of Brooke enjoying the wind machine is just so funny, made my day! Your mom is so cute and I think Brooke looks a lot like her.

I do my running in the morning before I go to work and I think your playlists are just awesome!


Yum, those fall treats look delicious!


Ok so I like running, but I cannot keep the mentality up when it’s on a treadmill especially if it’s what you do for 8 miles. What do you do to actually keep your mentality in the zone to actually run that long while staying in place?


Thanks for sharing your playlist!

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