Race Day Anxiety and NAILED IT

4 miles this morning (I am sorry you have to see that callus on my hand..).  

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For this marathon I am not really experiencing race day anxiety because I don’t really care about my time. I have had a short training cycle due to taking off time this summer from running/cardio so I know I haven’t had enough time to build both my speed and endurance.  I will be able to finish (unless the heat kills me.. if it does, you are all in my will) so I don’t feel any pressure/anxiety.  My face did completely break out so maybe I am stressed out about the race but I don’t feel stressed!?!  

If I was going to try to race it= I would have a lot of anxiety right now.  When that happens I just try to keep my mind occupied with other things.  I also love going through my training journal to remind myself of the awesome training runs I have done that prove I am ready for the race.  A little anxiety is kind of good for ya too and maybe it will give you some adrenaline to go run hard:)  More posts/articles about race day anxiety HERE, HERE and HERE!

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This morning I did have my normal race week ‘holy cow, I am tired just running 4 miles… how in the world will I run 26.2 in just a few days’ thing.  But then I reminded myself that I ALWAYS feel that way at some point the week of the race (tapering plays games with my mind) and I always end up finishing the race.  


We went over to my sister’s house to say goodbye because we won’t see her for a week.  Yes, that is going to be very hard on both of us to go that long.

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And then we went to go find a good visor for the race… none of them felt right though… still on the hunt.  

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Brooke was more into the hats.

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 I cut out a lot of my normal veggies the few days before a race so instead of just putting a bunch of food on top of spinach for lunch, I just put it (chicken, sweet potato and TJ’s peanut dressing) on top of a tortilla instead.

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Thank you Old Navy.  They were selling their minnie shirts for $4… we are all set for Disney (we are driving the rest of the way to California after the marathon).

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Nailed it last night.  I will go for another 102% of sleep tonight so that I am well rested for race day.  The night before the night before the race is when your sleep is especially important!

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And now it is time to watch an episode of Gilmore Girls with my jug of water until Brooke wakes up (PS she decided she doesn’t need naps very often anymore so I am taking full advantage of her taking one today).


How often do you get race day anxiety?  For every race?  Never?  Just when you are trying to go fast?

What races have you traveled to?

-This one is about 3.5 hours away.

How many nights a week do you usually get a good night sleep?

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If I have a time goal, I have some race day anxiety. If I don’t have a time goal, I don’t feel anxious.

I’ve done marathons in 22 states now and I’ve also run the marathon in Athens, Greece.

I usually sleep pretty well most nights. When I work my second job in the evenings I get to bed much later than I’d like, so I don’t get enough sleep those nights!

Good luck with your race and have a safe trip!! Hope you find a hat/visor that works for ya!


Oh! And I am SO excited Gilmore Girls is streaming on Netflix now! That is what I will be spending my weekend doing…and probably what my extra time will be spent doing when I start my taper in 2 weeks!


I always get running anxiety because I pressure myself to time and getting faster and faster.


I traveled for the Hershey Park Half Marathon almost two years ago. It was so awesome and totally worth the ride to run and eat chocolate! In two weeks I will drive for the Runner’s World Half and Festival to run the Hat Trick. I think it’s like 2 and a half hours away? Don’t even know lol


Omg, I’m so excited that Gilmore Girls is on netflix now!
Sounds like you’re staying strong during your taper – it’s always a tough time.
I’m normally able to get a good nights sleep 4 days a week mainly because I have some frightfully early mornings! Thank goodness for coffee!


What app is that..it tracks your sleep? So cool-I want!!!!! Good luck this weekend–and in Disneyland!


yes! i’m curious, too! are you using a fitbit/ jawbone? i’ve been tempted… so healthy to track sleep and make it important!


Yes! It is jawbone and I am loving it! It is motivating me to get more sleep:)


Hey Angie! Thank you! It is the up app that connects with my Jawbone! I love it!


What kind of app/gadget tracks your sleeping like that?! That is so cool!

I usually sleep well because I’m so tired from waking up at 5am:)


Hey! It is the up app that works with my Jawbone! I love it and it is motivating me to sleep more:)


Thanks Janae! Awesome job on your marathon yesterday!!


Ohhhhh my gosh good luck good luck!! I’m sp proud of you already!

I’m nervous for both my marathon, and a half I have this Sunday—eeeeek!!!!!


How cool! What is that app or thing or whatever that tracks your sleep?!

Good luck to you and have to a safe trip to the race and to Disney.

I guess I need to try watching Gilmore Girls. I’ve heard from so many that its awesome.


Hey Becky! It is the up app that connects with my jawbone! So cool!


What is this peanut sauce and why have I not yet tried it?

My last race was 6 hours away. I think I get more anxiety about which race outfit(s) to pack when traveling than anything else. I brought 4 options for my race a few weeks ago. Yes, problems, I have them.


Good luck this weekend!!! You’ll be amazing!!
What app do you use to track your sleep?


Hey Kelly! Thank you! I use the UP app that connects with my Jawbone. It is awesome and it motivates me to sleep more:)


Brooke is going to have a blast a Disneyland. I had so much fun when I went in grade 1.


I know others have asked – but what app do you use to track your sleep?


Hey! It is the up app that I use with my jawbone!


Thanks – I have a FitBit one…but I hate wearing any sort of “jewelry” while I sleep. I may have to suck it up and give it a try :)


The Gilmore Girls… now available on Netflix!! I forgot how much I love that show. I am four episodes into the first season. Good times.

I hope you find a visor. :)


I travel a lot to races! Traveling from GA to TX this month for an Ironman. What do you use to track your sleep?! I want one!


I always always always question myself right up until the finish line. I always remind myself though of the many times that I have finished and that I will finish this race too. You should be more worried about a good visor!


I don’t race, but my friend ran a marathon last year on 4 runs/wk after her longest run was 13 miles and did a 3:18, so with your base and years if training, you will be just fine!! :) when people are impressed by my running 20 miles or whatever, I always tell them that it was impressive the first time, but once you’ve done it, your mind and body know you can go the distance!


I have traveled across the country for races. From Seattle to Washington DC, Boston, NYC and next week to Chicago. I also ran the Vancouver, BC Marathon. I love turning a race into short vacation.


I was just watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix while I did some speed work! I love that show!

I pretty much always get race day anxiety. There are too many “what ifs” that pop into my head, and I am always hoping to do well!

I pretty much always sleep pretty well, though not always for long enough! I actually slept really late today, it was a nice change! :)


I get race day anxiety when I know someone else, who is comparable in pace to me, running. Gosh I don’t want them to beat me……there I said it.

No worries, speed demon, we can run together. :) wait for me at the finish line with a doughnut??


For the Portland Marathon this weekend I am traveling two time zones — from eastern to pacific! This is the longest I’ve ever traveled for a race although I really want to do an international marathon someday!

I know that you are going to have an amazing day at your marathon! I can’t wait to see your instagrams/tweets to inspire me for my marathon on Sunday! :)


I ALWAYS get race anxiety. It’s not even about the distance. I just feel that pressure to finish that you don’t have when you’re out on a training run and can just quit if things don’t feel right without any shame.

I live in a rural community in North Idaho so race opportunities are minimal. I’ve had to travel at least 45 minutes to every race (except one). The longest distance has been 10 hours. I’ll usually look up races in locations where we want to travel and then we use it as a little vacation. For instance, my husband and I have been wanting to travel back to Canada for quite some time so I found a marathon in Victoria BC next weekend…so we’re taking time off and doing a road trip!

Sleep?!? What is that? I have three dogs – all of whom battle for a sweet spot on our bed regardless of what that means for their human parents. One of our dogs has turned into a giant lion and literally spreads out on top of our heads, smothering us while we sleep.

Good luck on your race! You’re super fast – I have no doubt that you’ll get a time that you’re more than satisfied with. Just have fun. BTW, love Old Navy; their kids’ clearance has saved me more times than I can count when it comes to school shopping.


I don’t generally get more than 6 hours of sleep at night, but that’s normal for me with a 8 month old :) I have only ever raced where I have lived, so not more than half an hour. I am so excited for you girl! Good Luck!!!


I am interested in this sleep app as well. What is it? Thanks!


We all wanna know about that sleep app. :)


Sleep is bad news for me. I think on most nights it’s about 6-7 hours and that the max really. I get up at 5am to run and try to be in bed by 10 but most nights I’m not asleep until at least 10:30. I guess I feel okay with it for now, but, I think after my nov marathon I’m going to have to start sleeping until 6:30 for a while.

So true that every taper I wonder how I’ll run the 26.2 if 4 seems hard!


Goals or no goals, there is NOTHING fun about experiencing anxiety so I am so glad you are so relaxed! And who knows, I’ve found the less I am expecting of myself in races, the happier I run, and every time that has happened, I’ve PRd!

P.S. as I type this, I am experiencing my first Which Which thanks to you (I always thought it was unappealing until I saw your pictures)…OMG my new favorite!


I traveled from Washington state to Florida for the Disney World half marathon in January! Traveling for races is a little stressful to make sure to remember to pack everything but it was so fun to run through Disney!


Good luck this weekend!! I am watching Gilmore Girls too! Netflix just added!


Ah! Are you doing Disney right after your marathon?!???
I want to run the Disney World marathon someday…but my husband keeps saying not a good idea. You wouldn’t want to walk around before and you will be dead after…I see what he’s saying…but, I still wanna do it :)


I usually get at least a little bit of race anxiety but it really depends on how much pressure i am putting on myself for the race.
I have gone to a few races that were far away but the farthest was the Houston Marathon! (I live in Maryland). We ran the marathon before flying to Hawaii for our honeymoon. I think I prefer local races, though. The Baltimore Marathon is right outside my door and its so much less stressful to not worry about packing/traveling/parking etc!


I’ve never traveled for a race, but I’d love to plan a vacation around a half. I think it would make the event so much more exciting, and you’d get to reward yourself afterwards rather than go right back to work/school/regular life.


I’ve traveled for several races. Pittsburgh, Hoover Dam, New Orleans have been my furthest (from N. California). I’m heading to W. Virginia in a month. I’d love to do something on another continent.

My BFF is getting married in a year or two and she is planning her wedding to be in a cool destination and will involve at least a half marathon. (And we’ve already decided on a Marathon relay for her bachelorette party).

I don’t get much anxiety before a race. More so when I’m trying to PR, but still nothing intense (I figure there’s always the next race).

Stay relaxed and have a great time! Can’t wait to hear the recap (and see the Disney pics!)


I traveled from Ohio to SC for my first half marathon. I was supposed to run it with a friend who lives there but she got injured before the race. We still had a great time tho!

Gilmore Girls is now on Netflix!!! ❤️


I travelled to Chicago for my first half (Zooma Chicago in August). I was born in Chicago so it was worth the trip. I am always a little anxious before a race. Especially when it’s my first time for that race type (first 5K; first 10K; first half etc). Sleep varies for me. Tonight I’m going to try really hard to catch up on it. Good Luck on your marathon! and have a safe trip to, at, and from Disney!


Best wishes for your race! I love my Headsweats running visor–ordered it from Amazon. Tell me more about your sleep app! I’ve also been meaning to ask if you could share your favorite crockpot “recipes”–the simpler, the better, as I’m going back to teaching soon. Thanks!


I get race anxiety for throat globs but not for road races really. I used to get really bad anxiety when I swam to the point I couldn’t eat. But then I learned to channel it as excited nervous energy instead of anxious nervous. Made a huge difference!

Have you looked at hea sweats visors? They are amazing. I have several of them and they are my fvorite especially for tris but the have sweat band material on the inside and keep the sweat out of your eyes really well!


I am pretty much a factory for nerves come race week. I woke up this morning with a lot of anticipation and excitement for the Portland Marathon on Sunday. The nerves are definitely starting to kick in.

Last year I traveled 6 hours for the Seattle Marathon. Most of the races I do are within 3 hours drive time. Sleep comes easy for me… at least 7 hours a night, 8 on the weekends! I hope I can get some good, quality sleep tonight and tomorrow, because I know I will be a ball of adrenaline on Saturday night.


I usually only get race jitters the day of the race ;)

I’ve traveled to a different state to run a 1/2 marathon with my BFF. It was awesome!!

I probably sleep well at least 5 nights a week.

Good luck this weekend!!!!


I always get anxiety about a week before a race unless it’s a fun race. Then it’s just the night before. The farthest I went to a race was across the US. I live in CA and the race was the Rock n Roll Nashville. Have a great race!


Only for a marathon that I’ve been training for a long time do I get anxiety. All shorter ones are cool since I know I’ll have plenty more half marathons and stuff in the near future.


I enjoyed your post today. Just remember to wear the best running shoes. you can find them at http://www.bestrunningshoesforwomen.com.


I tend to only get super nervous the night before/ morning of a race. Its a good thing most races are in the morning because I would die if I had to wait all day to start. Good luck!!!


I always get anxiety the night before a race and never sleep well that night!

I probably only get a couple nights a week of a full 8 hours of sleep. I need to work on that…


Despite running 3 half marathons, I’ve gotten race anxiety before each one. I barely slept the night before my first one and struggled through the night before #2 and #3. My first marathon is in ~1 week and I’ll be spending the final night in a hotel…probably being wide awake in fear and a state of panic. Ahh when does this go away?!?


OH I found Gilmore Girls on Netflix last night, I watched two episodes


I always get a few pre-race jitters, but true nerves only set in when I’m chasing a certain finish time.
I love traveling for races! It’s such a fun way to see a new city.
I do my best sleep well every night, but there always a few nights a week that don’t go as planned.


What sleep app is that??


I bought that dressing because of you (and because it has the word peanut and butter in it) but i have yet to use it. What is wrong with me?? What salad combo is best woth it?

I am actually pretty dang bummed i wont be there to cheer you on Saturday. Serious fomo.

The day your kid gives up the nap is a bittersweet day. Nice, because you dont have to plan your day around nap times, but craptastic cause sometimes that nap/separate time is very much needed for the both of you.

I only get nervous if i have a goal. When i did the uv half the year you transferred your bib to me was glorious. No nerves. Just running a beautiful course for fun. (Thanks again)

And i feel like you posting you got 8hrs of sleep is just like rubbing it in my face. How rude ;)


HEADSWEATS visor! There’s nothing better, I love it and stays put but not too tight. GOOD LUCK!


Not full-blown anxiety, but I always feel pre-race nerves or jitters. And tapering totally messes with my head, too. Every little twinge or quasi-ache makes me question my ability to complete the race. Keep up with the good sleep! You’ll rock the race :)


I used to get race anxiety really bad because I’m a new runner but after 3 years of running I’m now doing the same races over again and am familiar with the courses. I’m not as nervous. But if it’s a small local race I always want to place in my age range and get really nervous the day of. Last half I couldn’t sleep only because my daughter was snoring so loud in our hotel room lol


Hi! Just curious…why do you cut out the veggies right before a race? I’m always trying to analyze how my nutrition effects my running and haven’t heard this strategy before. I’m guessing it’s for digestive purposes…?


I’ve traveled to most of my races- Falmouth Marathon (Cape Cod), Boston, Hartford Marathon, Denver Marathon, and some halfs including Canyonlands. My next race is in France (but I live in Germany now)! I always get nervous during the last week of the taper, because I’ll feel exhausted on very short runs- any idea why that happens?


Like language barriers and cultural barriers, system platform barriers are setting out to fade away quickly.
Video chatting allows you to see facial expressions and physically see each other and
your surroundings. Ever see NFL players beat their chest like a gorilla after they just made
a good play.


This past weekend my family and I traveled 11 hours to Chattanooga Tennessee for my 1st full Ironman!!! We drove from Florida, but it wasn’t that bad as we rented a mini van with TVs to keep my 6 and 7 year old boys happy. The best visors in the WORLD are made by coeur sports! Honestly- call kebby the owner and have them overnight you one! I wore them all throughout my training and also my race this past weeken….good luck! You’re gonna kill this race! (I felt the same way last Friday when I did a tiny shake out run…like there was no way I could do a full ironman and I finished in 12:55!)


I always have some sort of anxiety but it isn’t too bad. I can usually push past it pretty easy until I am at the starting line then I have to talk myself into running it!
I almost always have to travel for a race of any good size! I live in such a small town there are not many races held locally!!


GOOD LUCK AT YOUR MARATHON!!!! I will be thinking of you all morning :)


You are going to do so awesome this weekend!! I break out for no reason, too. Rude.

Gilmore Girls brings me BACK oh man. Between my mom and I, we share all the seasons and every now and then I’ll watch an episode or five. Love them. I did a tour in L.A. last year and got to see “Stars Hollow” … I was basically taking pictures of grass and buildings but didn’t care! :)

I ran a 10k last night, and a few people had on HeadSweats (?) visors … they looked stretchy and PERFECT. I’m on the hunt, I’ll let you know if I find them :)


my marathon in on sunday and my face broke out TOO..like I’m 14 all over again.


I am doing my first half marathon on 26th Oct and I am torn between setting myself a goal time and just going out there to enjoy the race. I am a very goal-oriented person and I plan ahead a lot to ensure things go well but I am learning with races/running sometimes you just have to go with the flow. Recently for a few runs I’ve switched the screens on my Garmin so that I am not pace-obsessed. I am working to convince myself that I should run based on how I feel that day. It’s a work in progress.


HeadSweats visors are THE BESTTTTTTT!!! I never run without one :) Good luck!


I second this!! They are super comfy and wick the sweat away like crazy. I pretty much want one in every colour.


I watched the first episode of GG last night too. I AM SO HAPPY ITS ON NETFLIX NOW!!!



I <3 Gilmore Girls!!


A good nights sleep? You’re cute ;)

I’m up at 4:30 each morning to pack lunches & get to work by 6, and both of my daughters crawl into bed with us in the middle of the night, AND our dog usually sleeps in bed with us… so no, not usually great sleep, but I wouldn’t call it bad sleep. I’m looking forward to consistently good sleep at some point in the future… Hopefully :)


Yay Jawbone buddy! I love seeing my results each day in my app haha.


I have seven children (sleep? what sleep?) and my 4 yr old daughter is the resident Minnie Mouse freak….LOVE her for it, too! I love Minnie!


You are going to kill it!
Brooke in that visor is too stinkin cute!


Hey Janae…I love that sleep app. Can you share what it is??? I haven’t seen it before. Thanks!


I ALWAYS get anxious before any race… Even silly, fun ones!

I went to Disney for the Wine and Dine half marathon last year!

I try to get a good night’s sleep every night… but usually it’s about 4 nights a week… If I am dragging on an “off” day, I may take a nap to help!


An outstanding share! I have just forwarded this onto a friend who was
conducting a little homework on this. And he actually bought me dinner due to the fact that I found it for him…
lol. So allow me to reword this…. Thank YOU for the meal!!
But yeah, thanx for spending some time to talk about this issue here
on your web site.

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