10 things from yesterday.

1.  I actually don’t think it is possible for her to be any cuter and she walks better in heels than I do. 

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2.  One amazing part about being a parent—>  I get to charge 85% mom tax on all of the candy that Brooke gets from Halloween.  Those Milky Ways are all mine.

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3.  Taught some spin yesterday and wore the tank that I wore for the St. George Marathon.  I realized that I only had ONE tiny gatorade stain from the race.  I usually end up with at least 10 gatorade stains all over my shirt per race.  Improvements left and right.  

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4.  I have been craving sandwiches like crazy lately and a turkey burger/ranch/romaine one hit the spot. 

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5.  Two slices of bread is never enough and so I had this snack later.

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6.  I have no idea how this fruit snack got in my back pocket and how long it has been there… Brooke.  

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7.  The energizer bunny.  

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8.  Watching the Usain Bolt: The Fastest Man Alive documentary while eating Reese’s Pumpkins is a great idea.  Nothing like eating candy while watching the most intense workouts ever.  

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9.  Sara sent me a picture of what she wants for her next birthday (with her name, not Hunter;)  I like the way she thinks.  A lot.  

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10.  I am giving you a try.  You better work.  

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What are your Halloween plans?!?

Anyone try proactiv?  Thoughts?

Favorite/best Halloween costume that you have seen?

Documentary watchers—>  what are your favorites?

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Oh my goodness she’s adorable. My daughter walks better in heels than Mr too, even my heels! She’s going to be Belle tonight.


Someone I know had a bad reaction to proactive but I’ve heard it’s normally pretty good. My skin has been pretty awful lately. I need to go back to the dermatologist soon.

Brooke is so cute and that is the absolute perfect outfit. I’m glad you had such a good day with her.


I don’t get to hand out candy.. I have to work tonight! But I do get to make pizzas all night :) I’m being a cat today! Last night we went through old halloween pictures… I think we laughed for 10 minutes straight!

I don’t watch a ton of documentaries but I want to watch Food Inc soon. I just started reading Eat & Run and it’s amazing!


Cutest Minnie ever!! :)


Halloween plans: pass out candy to the few kids we’ll actually get {45 degrees and rain with the threat of snow here today} then head over to a friend’s Halloween party.

I’ve tried Proactiv in the past and it didn’t really work for me. I have more of a pore issue than an acne issue, though. I did like the Repairing Lotion a lot.

Brooke is adorable in her costume! Enjoy every minute of her at this age…it really does go by fast. I speak from experience: my “baby girl” just turned 16.


I tried proactive 10 years ago and it made my skin worse! Red and dry and skin became inflamed. Wasn’t for me but I’ve heard some people love it!

Minnie Mouse is so classic for little girls! We have a school party, parade and trick or treating today :)


Brooke is so cute. I’m feeling sad since my daughter is away at college (first year away from home) and she loves Halloween. I haven’t seen any costumes yet. We get over 300 kids that come by trick or treating so I’m sure I’ll see a lot tonight. I hope you both have a great day.


Awwww Brooke is so cute!!!
I’m going to a 1930s themed party tonight! :)
I tried proactive and it didn’t work for me, but I know it works for some people. Now I’m using something from the same company called Unblemish. So far it’s working better.


That Bolt documentary is so good!

I also recently a non-running documentary called “hey I know that voice” about voice actors and it was really good too.


Proactive worked for me but it ruins fabric! Use old wash clothes that you don’t mind being stained!


Yep. Agreed. My towels all have spots on them. Like bleach spots. My kids like it but I switched to all white towels after I figured it out.


I have to chime in here, too…left almost orange patches on my sage green washcloths and hand towels….I’m sad at how long it took me to figure that out! Lol


Yes! Orange spots! Me too. Took me forever to figure out.


So adorable!!!

Favorite Halloween candy…Reese’s and Twix.

I’ve used Proactive on and off for years. I feel like it works for a while and then doesn’t work well at times. I just went the prescription route…


The documentary on Burt from Burt’s Bees is awesome.


Oh proactiv!! I used that skin care line for 4 years and while it always worked – my skin was tight/dry, super sensitive and basically with the harsh acids in proactiv you’re giving your skin a chemical burn over time. Once I realized why my skin hurt so much I switched to a super sensitive/gentle skin care system from clique – I would highly highly recommend that next if proactiv isn’t your jam!



I love documentaries and haven’t watched one in quite some time! I need to get on Netflix and find a good one. I have never tried ProActiv but with how my face looks right now, I’m debating it!


Proactiv was constantly bleaching my sheets and clothes plus it wasn’t working great. I love the Clear Start line from Ulta!


My mom and sissy use it and they love Proactive!! :) Good luck with it!

SHe is actually the cutest Minnie I have ever seen!

I personally cannot wait for candy day to be over. I mean Halloween, whoops. I seriously want all the candy in my house GONE so i WILL STOP EATING IT ALL!!!!! Biggest mistake was buying my candy early….why in the world did i do that?!?!


I used Proactive when it was fairly new – I didn’t see super good results but then again I wasn’t exactly a regular user (kept forgetting!). But definitely try it and see what happens!

The bonus is that now acne treatments are super cheap, when 5 or so years ago they were uber expensive. I just got some where one was $10 for a year’s supply and one was $35 for probably about the same!


I tried proactiv in college for a hot minute. Worst decision ever. It literally peeled a layer of skin off my face after using it a few days. I was red and sore for days after. That stuff is intense! I would recommend going to a dermatologist before trying proactiv. One thing I liked to use when I was younger was oxy pads at night. Also I would recommend trying clinique. Not necessarily the acne stuff but the normal wash toner and lotion. You might be surprised with what it can do!

There’s a documentary on netflix about ballet dancers you have to watch. I think it’s called “en pointe” or something. You will love it. I did ballet for years and pears growing up and these dancers are inspiring.


i have had a really hard time with my skin (post partum hormonal changes and new mom stress plus lack of sleep took a toll). I found an $8 bottle of Palmer’s Skin Therapy Oil for Face (it has 10 essential oils plus retinol) at Ulta and it has worked! I put it on at night and in morning under my spf and foundation. I cleanse my face with a nubby silicone pad I found at Sephora and a ph neutral face wash. I spot treat with tea tree oil I got at Trader Joe’s. It isn’t perfect skin but I feel it looks good.


I’ve never tried proactiv, but in college I went to a dermatologist and got differin and benzaclyn (and both come in generic)- they worked so well. I still keep a tube of differin for random breakouts.

Your daughter is so cute! I miss handing out candy- no trick-or-treaters in Germany, but I did see a carved pumpkin on my run this morning :) I’m going to celebrate with some candy tonight!


FYI- proactive bleached out my towels and pillowcases so use old ones while using this product. Brooke is so sweet in her Minnie costume! Enjoy your Halloween with her!


I had a terrible reaction to proactiv. My face swelled up, itchy, red, miserable! Iwould not come close to the stuff again. It started off working great and over time it would be itchy…just make sure to heed any early warning sign of a reaction. Alao, if you google proactiv allergy or something along those lines you will see it is fairly common!


Use white towels when drying off your face! That stuff knows how to stain. And absolutely nothing works on my face, but then again I never follow the regimen 100%. So yeah it’s my own lazy fault probably ;)

Did you eat the gummy?….


Proactive works for me at first but then my skin gets used to it. I am getting a lot of “sweat” acne lately…super small zits but all near my upper lip and chin! Gross! I blame running!

I am handing out candy at my friend’s house tonight since I live in a condo and no one comes to my door:)

Brooke is adorable!


I must admit – Brooke’s Minnie costume is much cuter than the infant minnie costume I have for my little girl!!! :) She is adorable!


I can definitely sympathize with you and your face problems (though you can never tell in your pictures!). I am 31 with two kids and still have regular break-outs. Recently I have found something that works (not perfectly but better than anything else!) … I use this face wash twice a day with my clarisonic – http://www.amazon.com/Nanocleanse-Natural-Clear-Great-Become/dp/B004GEXU5S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1414759040&sr=8-1&keywords=nanocleanse and then I use the target brand of the clearasil acne clearing cream at night and sometimes twice a day (it’s 10% benzoyl peroxide). I hope you find something that works for you!


Can we all just give a big boo to adult acne? Sigh. The things that work on my acne give me horrible dry skin that makes me look old and wrinkly and things that make my skin look young aggravate the acne. It’s a rough life.

Brooke’s costume is just adorable! Oh my goodness! What a sweetheart!


proactiv stained my bedding and pillow cases.


I love documentaries! My faves are Queen of Versailles, Food Inc, Supersize Me, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, and Blackfish! There are so many awesome ones to watch on Netflix!


Proactive made my face worse too. I broke out so bad I actually still have some acne scars from it. I wanted it to work so badly too and also do know some people that it worked for so maybe you will be lucky! I have never had great skin, but after I had my kids I started getting hormonal acne. I currently use Cetaphil daily cleanser and an oil free moisturizer and it works great. Seems the gentler the better for me. Good luck!
P.s. Finding things your kids put places is one of my favorite things! I have found cheese cubes in trailer hitches, cheerios in my herb saver, and yesterday after I finished a laundry wash my machine was full of corn kernels(from feeding deer). lol always makes me laugh and makes my day happier :)


awwww brooke’s costume! So cute! and please tell me you ate that fruit snack from your pocket… I would! ha!!


Brooke looks so cute in her costume! I was obsessed with Minnie Mouse when I was younger. I saved my costume from Halloween and played dress up as Minnie Mouse throughout my childhood. Love that donut birthday idea!


I tried Proactiv on two separate occasions when I was younger, and it destroyed my face both times. At first I thought I saw some improvements, but after a couple of weeks my face was even worse than before. That being said, I heard some people say they swear by it, so I guess it depends on the person.

Aaaaaand I can’t even handle Brooke’s cuteness <3


Brooke is adorable in that costume, I rarely wear heels anymore (realized it was aggravating my Achilles) so she could probably outdo me in them as well.

I’ll be curious how the proactive works. I used it as a teen with some results- partly because I think I was just bad about being consistent. Being 27 and struggling with Acne still is a pain- still looking for something that works good.


Be careful with Proactiv if you have sensitive skin! It made my red and itchy after only one day. Maybe start with just the facewash and use that for a week, and then add in either the toner or mosturizer or something to give your face some time to adjust? Good luck!! And Happy Halloween! :)


Brooke is so cute!
And Proactiv is great stuff!


We are having a decorating competition at work (think fog machine..we’re going all out!), a pot luck lunch and a ping ping tournament against an office down the hall.
Then tonight we’re having a HUGE party at our house. Should be a good time!


Yes–Proactive does work for me. I’m using the Proactive Plus now, which I actually think is working better and it doesn’t seem to stain/bleach fabric quite as bad. I’ve been using it since January and have not had any “surprise, you have a monster zit!” mornings since then. Worth it.


Brooke is the prettiest little girl. Good luck with Proactiv. My skin probs are back again for some reason and I sympathize!


My brother got great results from Proactive. The new one out by them is called X-Out. I guess it is a one step process, instead of a 4 step. Another mom was telling me her teenagers have had great results using it, and it easier to use. That is the one I am going to be buying for my 13 year old son. Tried Proactive with him, with no luck. I think there are just to many steps for him to be consistent in using it. Trying to find a kiosk that sells it is another thing!! Closing at malls left and right. :/


I never broke out as a teenager, only in my 2o’s. I tried everything. Proactive didn’t work for me. Before my 30th birthday I decided it was time to see a dermatologist. She prescribed tretinoin. It has completely changed my skin. It’s gentle and works. I sweat a lot, run in hats and never break out anymore! I don’t think that I will ever stop using it.


Haha I always eat dark chocolate or ice cream when I read Runner’s World and Running Times! It just seems appropriate :) W


Last night was Trick or Treat in our town so tonight we’ll be eating candy and watching Nightmare Before Christmas as a family.


I used to eat ice cream while watching the Biggest Loser. Haha


Heading to the mountains to do some trail running!
I used proactive in high school and worked really well.
Costume: little boy with red hair had baguettes tied onto him. He was the gingerbread man!


Ugh. I tried proactiv (I’m going with the theory that it’s all our working out that makes our skin grumpy). So here’s what I have to say about proactiv–

1) If your skin is like mine, it will get very dry when you first use proactiv. You’ll adjust but at first only use the #3 every other day and find a good oil free lotion (I use cetaphil oil free)

2) It may make you sunburn more easily (which can be especially relevant for us runners out in the sun, yes even in the winter)

3) For me it ~kinda worked but not really. Sadly.

—Halloween plans: my mom is OBSESSED WITH HALLOWEEN! We have spent the last three days decorating her entire house (which was pretty funny considering she has a torn meniscus and I have been slowly regaining thigh strength after my marathon on sunday–putting the lights on the porch EUUF). We carve pumpkins and put up ghosts and mummies on ziplines. Kids talk about it for weeks leading up to it and we can’t ever seem to buy ENOUGH candy! After, my friend is having a halloween party and I’m planning to dress up as a deer. BTW, Brooke looks adorable. Are you dressing up? Giving out candy?


Brooke is so stinking cute in that little costume!!! Okay SO, I don’t know how bad your Acne is, because you are beautiful in all of your pictures, but I struggled BIG time with Acne too in my mid-20s. I tried EVERYTHING….clarisonic, proactive, retinolA from the dermatologist, a cleaner diet…you name it, I tried it. The ONLY thing that ended up working for my was accutane. I was totally against taking it because of all the named side effects, but I ended up not having any of them (thankfully) and am SO happy that I took it. I have had 2 zits in the past 2 years!! :)


Hi, I love your blog I’ve never said anything on it or have my own blog, I just thought I’d say that my face was pretty bad and I tried everything I started using proactive on my face and it worked so well but I will say the only down part of it was that I had stopped using it for a while and my face started breaking out again but once I started back up it was all gone, give it some time to start working it took about 3 or 4 weeks till my face started getting better I’ve been using it for about 8 years now, I hope it works for you have a great day :D and Happy Halloween!


No Halloween plans for me…taking it easy and giving out candy to the few trick or treaters we might get, and resting up for my long run tomorrow! I’ll save any candy I’m gonna eat for after the run is over:)


Love the Minnie mouse costume! I was Minnie when I was little too! I would wear that costume now if I were going to a costume party!


Yesterday on tv I saw a cool costume idea. Pig in a blanket. Basically wear pink, put on pig ears and nose and wrap yourself in a blanket! I’m doing that next year. Today I am working so no dressing up :(


First of all, Brooke is so cute. I could die. Secondly, was your marathon tank from The Gap? Happy Halloween! :)


Adorable photo of the two of you!
Eating whilst watching people working out definitely counts as exercise ;)


I have never tried pro active and I hope it works for you!!! I’m almost 33 and still struggle with acne. Sometimes I wonder if it’s because I sweat so much while running. Recently I picked up the clinique acne line and have seen huge improvements!!!! I hope you find what works for you!!! You are such a beautiful girl. But I totally understand your struggle when it comes to clear skin. Good luck!!


I liked pro active but it was leaving bleach spots on my towels, clothes etc that I stopped using it.



Ask your doctor about topical aczone cream. It’s a prescription you’d need from a doctor. It worked wonders for my skin. Didn’t dry it out at all either like every other product did.


Ahh, I had no idea that was on Netflix, I need to watch it ASAP!

JEALOUS of the mom tax you get to implement!

Hubs and I are going to a party, but it’ll be a miracle if we make it until midnight. Really – a real miracle. We’ve got a fundraising 5k in the morning that we are running with friends (will be more of a jog/walk since I’ve got a 16 mile run on Sunday).


Proactive is the only thing that works for me. I’d say my skin looks pretty similar to yours, and it makes a quick difference. It’s pricey, but worth it. I tried everything, and even took a break because I thought my skin was over its issues, but it went right back to being crazy – quickly. Can’t wait to be over this stage in life :)


The website acne.org sells some benzoyl peroxide cream very similar to the Proactiv repairing treatment in a much larger size for less $$. If the Proactiv works for you, I would check out their site. There is so much confusing info and what works for some doesn’t work for everyone. I’m still trying to figure out what works for my extremely oily skin. I’ve actually had good luck with some products from Kiehl’s…their midnight recovery serum somehow seems to work on some stubborn bumps I was getting on my neck and sides of face. Their rare earth cleanser and masque also seem to help. Good luck!


The acne.org products changed my boyfriends life! It’s amazing and super super gentle!


I love her costume! I hope it is warmer there than here for trick-r-treating. We already had snow this morning and it is to be about 35 with 45 mph winds and rain/snow mix.


Kids are dressing up as superheroes and daddy will take them trick or treating while this preggo momma stays home to pass out candy, or just eat it all! Brooke looks so cute in her Minnie costume.
You should try nerium ad…amazing stuff and all natural, so none of those harsh chemicals that proactiv has. suzreay.nerium.com


Like others have said, Proactiv bleaches everything! Not only towels and pillowcases, but also my eyebrows! I’m a brunette and had a blonde patch in my eyebrow from it!


I had this happen too. I have very dark hair but my eyebrows were bleached blond! I found I broke out in my eyebrow region on proactive, so you’d think using more product there would help, but it just bleached it more – especially when I ran outside in the sun! So uncool.


My mom sells Mary Kay and has for almost 20 years now. I started using their version of Proactiv because between birthing babies and running, my face was a mess. It cleared up my face within a week! I LOVE IT! And it’s easy on my sensitive skin. I know I sound like an infomercial, but it really is awesome!


Happy Halloween! I am going to watch a scary movie with the fiance tonight! One of the coolest costumes would have to be one my mom made for my little brother years ago. He very specifically wanted to be Captain Hook being eaten by the Crocodile………she did it………a great outfit all made without a pattern! He was captain hook to the waist, then the top and bottom jaws of the croc were pinned to his front and back, and his legs were the croc’s front legs, and the rest of the croc dragged the ground behind him! My sister even wore it as a hand me down one year!

I like nature and history documentaries (like ones about museums and stuff).

And proactiv works, but if and when you want to cancel they are a pain in the rear. I canceled my subscription and out of nowhere was charged for it a year later! I told them I had canceled and never recieved any product anyway, but it was a huge month long hassle to get the charge taken off my card!


Brooke’s costume is so cute! When I was little my mom sewed Disney princess costumes for me – my favorite was a Little Mermaid one complete with a tail. This year my husband and I dressing our puggle up as Dobby from Harry Potter.

I love documentaries! My favorite is the Spirit of the Marathon. I used to love the History Channel but their documentaries aren’t as good as they used to be.



I just went to my esthecian the other day and she told me Proactive is one of the brands that actually uses a chemical (I can’t remember which one it is) that increases oil production on your face after X amount of uses, hence triggering people to buy more proactive.

She set me onto a natural brand you can buy at Whole Foods. Andalou Naturals has a 5 step clarifying packet on sale for $15 now! I swear by it! Made my skin feel and look amazing!


omg BROOKE! That is the cutest thing ever


Brooke looks adorable dressed up as Minnie Mouse. Have fun trick-or-treating this evening. Unfortunately, it is raining and cold here today – poor kiddos! I eat candy and fro-yo when watching the Biggest Loser, so I know how you feel watching Usain Bolt while eating Reese’s.

One of my favorite documentaries is The Greatest Animal Migration. After going to Africa this past year, I am fascinated with the animals, people, and migrations.


I love Proactiv!! It works WONDERS for me (especially the new formula). But just word to the wise, you do have to use it frequently. As soon as you stop, I tend to break out within a few days. Which I know annoys some people, but for me – I was breaking out when I wasn’t using it, so who cares if I have to use it forever, but my skin stays clear? Also, it totally does stain EVERYTHING! So when I’m washing my face in the sink in the mornings (I shower at night), I make sure whatever shirt I’m wearing I don’t care about, since I’ve accidentally ruined a few shirts that way. I also use paper towels to dry my face now afterwards. Helpful hint :)


Proactiv does not work :( It makes your skin dependent on it. The best option for acne is to see a dermatologist.


All your food pictures recently have me wondering why I ever moved away from California and it’s abundance of Squaw bread!!! You just can’t find it in MA and it’s my absolutely favorite kind of bread (barely edging out sourdough… ha)!


Besides the candy, I’m like the grinch if Halloween. I’ve never liked this holiday. Probably because my birthday is two days later and I always had Hallowern birthday parties. It was just overkill. I always resented the holiday for hyjacking my birthday.


I completely understand how you feel. My birthday is tomorrow and I feel the same way about Halloween. It’s my least favorite holiday and it’s my husband’s favorite holiday. LOL.


Ah Brooke is so cute as Minnie Mouse! I love the spider dog costume (have you seen the videos–so hilarious!). I love documentaries. The most recent one I watched was Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream. Very interesting! Have a Happy Halloween!


Awww, Brooke looks so sweet! I love the Minnie costume! :) Happy Halloween!!! (My favorite holiday!)


That pic of you and Brooke is so adorable. She is so cute!!

I used to use Proactiv and it worked for me for a while, maybe a year, but then it was like my skin got immune to it and decided to be icky again. And then the benzoyl peroxide started irritating my skin. One day I woke up and my whole face was puffy and blotchy from it! Be careful with it around fabrics too, the benzoyl peroxide will bleach fabrics, like towels, pillowcases, and the neckline of your favorite shirts :(


Ohhhhh my, Brookers!!! She is the absolute cutest. :) Have so much fun with her today. This mom thing is the best, isn’t it?!

I’m giving Proactiv a try as we speak too! I just started it like three days ago, so I’m about as intrigued as you are. ;) I’ll be curious to hear how it works for you!


Hi Janae!
I’m 32 and have had trouble with my skin for ages. Not bad acne by any means, but always a pimple here and there. So annoying! I used Proactiv for a while in my twenties and it didn’t really get rid of my acne, but it did make my face feel softer. My sister got me onto this stuff. She has a degree in cosmetology and took a class on this product. It’s called Avene Clearance Gel (face wash) and Avene Clearance EXPERT. I have to tell you–my sister said that it could take 4 weeks to see any difference because cells take that much time to regenerate, but man, I saw a difference right away. My skin has never been better. She told me my skin looks radiant, and that has NEVER been the case. I am also a runner so I get my sweat on regularly and since using this product (a month) I have had 2 very small pimples. I got the product at Shoppers Drug Mart, but that might just be in Canada. I am sure that you could get the product at a drug store in Utah. It isn’t super cheap, but not super expensive either and it is the best $50 I ever spent.
Good luck from one adult acne hater to another ;)


Because I’m sure you need one more opinion. Proactive doesn’t really work. You need medication from a dr. From experience…there are two issues…one, go on birth control so your hormones are level or two, go on antibiotics from a dermatologist. Really, acne is an inside out condition. Food for thought.


I don’t usually comment but am a long time lurker! My son had cystic acne and we tried ProActiv but it did nothing for him. I’m not even sure if it helped any. I have combination skin and have noticed that as I get older my skin is freaking out! I have been using Isagenix products for about 6 months and have been loving the results. Just wanted to give my two cents. Happy Hallowe’en!


such cute pics! i carved a pumpkin last night and tonight my bf is making dinner in return for me watching a scary film with him!


My friends and I are having a movie night! Watching completely non-Halloween related movies…lol.

I cannot sit through any movie, documentary or otherwise. About 33 minutes in I am scrolling through Instagram and dying of boredom.


We plan on staying home and shoving loads of sugar at cute kids :)
I used Proactiv for a while. It worked really well for me, but I found it kind of expensive. It also would stain my towels, so watch out! That kind of freaked me out thinking about what that meant for my skin, so I’ve since stopped using it. But it works!
Happy Halloween!


Proactiv is so harsh! If you’re skin is like mine, I get little bumps from working out. I am pretty sure it’s a fungal/yeast (gross) thing because fungus/yeast likes warm environments, and when you work out and sweat its the perfect environment for it to blow up! Anyways, I struggled with it and tried everything and I can honestly tell you that oil cleansing along with essential oils saved my face. The oil cleansing method is explained here (this is where I first learned about it): http://www.organicolivia.com/2014/02/why-i-havent-washed-my-face-with-soap.html

Then I just rub some rosehip oil mixed with lavender and tea tree. Honestly, nature is the way to go!!!

Best of luck, girl.


What a cute Minnie costume!! Happy Halloween!


Definitely take it easy with the Proactiv until your face gets used to it. It worked for me, but I found it very harsh and the fact that it appeared to bleach some of my face cloths made me leery about it. What’s it doing to my face if it can change the colour of a face cloth?
I’m finally living in a house after being in an apartment for the last three years so I am happy to be able to hand out candy tonight!


What a cute Minnie Mouse!

If ProActiv doesn’t work, give Simon France a try. My skin was horrible until I started to use that a few years ago. Now, I won’ use anything else!


**Simone France, not Simon France… whoops!


brooke’s costume is adorbs! well, she’s adorbs in general so i’m really not surprised! happy halloween to you and yours!

ps. i really miss the white chocolate reese’s peanut butter cups. those were my jam! i can only hope they bring them back one day!


I used ProActiv for 3 years and it worked great! It seriously made all the difference. Then it just stopped :( But 3 years is pretty dang good! I don’t remember it staining my towels/clothes. Just make sure that it is dry and has absorbed into your skin before you let anything touch your face. And be sure to wash you hands well after using it.


I’m visiting whole foods today for a little treat with no spooky ingredients. :)


Brookery looks absolutely adorable! I get to go trick or treating with my goddaughter. She has no idea so I am excited to surprise her. :)


Haha meant to type Brooke!


I totally want to watch that documentary! As for the proactiv… yes it worked for me! It didn’t clear my breakouts up 100% but it did help a ton. However, it will really dry your face out and make it super sensitive (or at least it did for me), so be super careful of that :)


Brook looks so cute! Good luck with the Proactiv – I tried it back in highschool and it made me look like I had chemical burns all over my face. I would rather just deal with the acne. That said, they may have changed their formula in the last 10 years.


Be careful! Proactive will bleach out your towels!!!!! EeeeK!


I am 40 and started using proactive last year. It WORKS!!! I love it. It makes your skin very dry so I don’t use all 3 as suggested each day. I alternate.


Great shoes!


My skin at 29 is worse than it ever was as a teenager. Adult acne is NOT the business. I tried Proactiv back in 2006 I think it was, and it wrecked my skin (I have sensitive skin). I know they’ve reformulated it but I’m so scared to give it another try!


What kind of bread do you use? It’s delicious!


I used Proactive for a while, but only had moderate success and it made my skin really sensitive so I finally quit using it. I never had acne till I turned 25, I’m now 44 and have only figure it out for me in the last few months. Acne on your chin is generally associated with hormones. Acne elsewhere can be a lot of things, but the skin is one of the places that will show that your digestion might be off. I gave up dairy (yes, that includes ice
cream), started drinking lemon water (for detox) and started using doTerra teatree oil on my face -my face is totally clear for the first time in 20 years.


Oh my goodness! Those little high heels – cuteness overload! She is a doll!


I have tried it all too, for acne. Including two rounds of Acutane. And Proactive is the only thing that keeps it in check! I know it doesn’t work for everyone. But I have seen great results…and I hope you do too!


I’ve tried Proactive in the past and it has never worked that well. Right now I use Cetaphil Acne Foam Wash, Epiduo at night, and Clindamycin in the morning, (both prescription but work really well!) and it has really cleared up my skin, especially the persky hormonal breakouts. Hope the Proactive works for you, but if not, definitely worth talking to a derm about the above regimen.


Proactiv didn’t work for me, but clindamycin works wonders! Not even a hint of breakouts anymore! It’s prescription, but my regular doctor prescribed it and insurance covers it.


I love all of Brooke’s outfits, they are so cute!


Brooke is the cutest Minnie Mouse I’ve ever seen!!

I have not used proactiv. If you prefer a more natural treatment, I use Nessa’s Naturals Sweet Cheeks Facial Sugah Scrub in Lemon Myrtle.

I have PCOS and have a constant battle with acne and using this has helped my face a lot. She also has a Miss Behave Treatment Powder that works well when you feel a zit coming on. She is a CNHP and knows her stuff!


Brooke looks so adorable in her Halloween costume and with her hair in those little buns! OMG!

Also, can you let us know what you think about Proactive? I’ve been thinking about giving it a shot. I have a Clarisonic, but it doesn’t seem to be doing the trick alone.


Brooke looks adorable on her Minnie costume! I am not dressing up but my daughter is going as a kitten. I tried proactiv and it did nothing for me. The only product I have tried (and i have tried a lot! ) that really helps my skin is Benzac 10 and you need a prescription for it. I hope the proactiv works for you!


We are heading to our friends Halloween party like we do every year. The kids dress up and trick or treat, but the adults are just there to eat and drink!

I love so many documentaries it’s hard to name a favorite. I will have to check out this one.

Janae, it does not look like you need ProActiv at all! I notice nothing….
Good luck with it. Some of the above comments are down right scary.


I love Brooke’s Minnie costume – she is so adorable!

My son and I went to Pop-in & Playtime this morning and he wore his “Little Builder” costume :) I’m handing out candy tonight but I’m guessing it will be a mostly solo effort as my husband is gone and little man goes to bed at 7:30~8-ish.

I hope the Proactive works for you! I used it when I was in highschool and it seemed to work well. My skin is going haywire again with this pregnancy and I should probably be trying Proactive again!


Please oh please tell me ’bout them shoes! I love them!


Proactive completely dried up my skin. Not a good fit for me.


My favorite Documentary is on Netflix and it is called Hungry for Change it was really well done and it really made me take a step back and start to look at what I was eating.


Have you ever tried rodan and fields other line? It’s much nicer and is such a great product – you would LOVE unblemish! Let me know if I can send you some samples. [email protected]


I was having horrible hormonal acne after going off birth control 8 months ago. I recently started using tamanu oil and it is amazing! Not only does it heal acne but it also helps the scars/dark spots fade faster. I recommend it if the proactiv doesn’t work for you. :)


Proactive didn’t work for me (just made my skin super dry), but I know a lot of people who had success with it! Hope it works for you!



Happy Halloween! I’m just going to take it easy with pup and watch a scary movie or two! I love Halloween, but my husband is working late this year so we don’t really have the opportunity to get dressed up.


I haven’t tried proactive, but I’ve been using origins for years and it’s been great!


No Halloween plans. Childless and single at 36 doesn’t lend itself to this holiday :)

I loved that Usain Bolt documentary. It gave me a lot of respect for the work he puts in. Food Inc was eye opening. Loved Spirit of the Marathon and the Johnny Carson documentary.

Proactiv works for my sister. It doesn’t look like you need anything special for your skin but I hope it provides relief for you.


You and your little lady are so cute! Happy Halloween to you both:) Oh and I used Proactiv in college, and it worked great.


Reese’s pumpkins are SO amazing!!!


You’ve heard a lot of skin cleaning ideas but one that I didn’t see mentioned which has been my golden ticket is regular facials. It took about 2 sessions but after the 3rd I was completely sold. Clears out my pores and saves me from breakouts. She also suggested a great product. Fingers crossed you can find someone great and afforadable in your area. Worth every penny! (BTW I always thought you had great skin by your pictures!)


If I were Sara, I’d go with Hunter. That’s two extra donuts!!


I’ve used Proactiv before, and it totally works as long as your skin type needs it. Turns out, over time my skin changed and it was actually not great for it. Good luck!


1. Brooke. Omigosh, seriously, she’s adorable!
2. PLEASE share how Proactiv works for you!!


I tried proactiv and it didn’t work for me. I switch between cliqiune foaming face wash and aveeno. The biggest thing that cleared up my skin was eliminating dairy from my diet. It is incredibility hard because I love ice cream and greek yogurt! Within two days of eating dairy I am broken out, and it takes a week of not eating dairy to clear back up again.


Brooke as Minnie=sooooo absolutely adorable! Proactiv, yes the formula you show is the only one that works wonders for me. Tried the new formula and it didn’t work for me.


I used ProActiv when I was in high school when I thought I had acne (which one pimple does not count as acne) and my skin got too used to the products so when I did have a bad case, I had to use ProActiv’s secret line of products that are for the most severe cases. It literally peeled my skin off. I hated it!


you should go to a dermatologist and get on minocycline or doxycycline. That stuff is the bomb! It keeps your face so clear no matter what! (It’s not acutane, just an antibiotic) at Walmart it’s only a $4 prescription. I only take it one to two times a month because I have been on it a little while now. Worth looking into though. Happy halloween! You and Brook are adorable!


Brooke is SO cute!

We don’t really have plans for Halloween. Just handing out candy to trick-or-treaters and watching Modern Family.

There was a pretty cute Mickey Mouse at the door earlier. I might be biased because he’s our neighbor and he’s 2. :)


Oh acne. I went from HORRIBLE skin from about 10-24, then had decent skin on proactiv for a few years and then my skin rebounded and broke out like never before for 2 years. Proactiv was okay for me, but I got a lot of cyst acne, which was extremely painful and they lasted a very long time (sometimes a month!). I did the derm stuff and everything they gave me made my skin worse even though I’d use it for months on months. My skin is also extremely sensitive so it would be red and raw from some of the prescription products.

I now use the Clinique acne line (the benzoyl peroxide treatment only at night) + Alba Botanica’s Acnedote scrub as a wash in the morning + Clinque’s dramatically different lotion (even though I have oily skin, this helps immensely!) + Clinique’s Almost Powder foundation and that’s it – nothing else or my skin freaks out! My skin’s not perfect, but looks great almost all the time. Good luck finding something that works for you. It’s such a struggle and, for me, was definitely something that made me feel very self conscious. I’ll echo other people’s warnings with Proactiv and bleaching of fabrics! It will bleach anything and everything no matter how long you have had it on your face!


Whoops – sorry that was so long!


Skin care almost always comes down to Diet. Dairy, wheat and sugar are the culprits for most. Try an elimination diet. It’s not what you put on your body – it’s what you put in it.


2 words–RETIN-A! it works wonders!


I use St. Ives Green Tea Scrub and love it! Its an exfoliant and I actually use it every morning and night – I know I’m not supposed to… but I rarely break out now!

Happy Halloween!


I used Proactiv for years several years ago. It works but your skin gets addicted….so you can’t stop using it or if you do have a back up plan


Once I accidentally bought a gentle, non-acne fighting cleanser and my skin got SO MUCH BETTER. I think I was using too many harsh products when it just wanted a little love. Be kind to your skin


Brooke is just super cute as Minnie Mouse!!! Love!

I’ve never tried proactive, I figure it would dry me out big time as my skin is already dry. But I have an interesting skin anecdote. About a year ago my nose started turning bright red and would get really hot. It kept happening and I didn’t think much of it. Then tiny pimples formed all over my nose….and chin. The skin looked inflamed and acne treatments made it feel like I had set my skin on fire! I had a feeling that it wasn’t acne. (But it really really looked like acne) So I started reading up on rosacea and went to the doctor. My doctor took one look at it and said “That’s rosacea.” They prescribed me an antibiotic gel. After about two weeks all the pimples had finally healed and my skin was back to normal. So now I’m just trying to figure out what my triggers are.


I tried Proactiv..I almost think it made my skin worse! It may work for you but also be careful because it bleaches EVERYTHING. I would go to a dermatologist, you’d be surprised that your skin is clearer the more gentle you are with it. I used to constantly be using exfoliators and strong creams and now I use a mild soap and spot treat pimples and it’s soooo much better. Also, I hate to say it, but I stopped eating peanut butter and my skin is SO much clearer.

Brooke is adorable! I hope she paid her taxes right away :-)


I can totally relate to watching fitness related documentaries while eating sweets!


I am trying the Unblemish Regimen from Rodan & Fields (same makers of Proactive). I really like it! Good Luck! I wish acne were a think that didn’t exist in this world!

No plans this Halloween. Been traveling all week for work so I am just happy to be home! Loving your 85% MOM TAX! Good idea! hahah!


I am allergic to sulfur…which I knew before buying Proactiv. HOWEVER, I did not know that sulfur was an ingredient in their products. Needless to say, eyes swollen shut for days until it wore off.

That is all.


Have you tried the caramel apple milky ways?! They are delicious!!!


I might’ve just died a little from the cuteness that is Brooke in her costume!

I used to use Proactive all the time for years and it really helped my skin. I ran out last year and decided to stop using it to see how my skin does without it, but I think you’re gonna be impressed with the results. Keep us posted! Acne in our late twenties sucks (trust me, I know from experience)


Proactiv makes my skin way too dried out and fragile, which always leads to worse acne in the the end. There is a skin care line that doesn’t have the recognition but works SOOOOOOOOOO much better, called Exposed Skin Care, and it seriously works so well. It’s the first and only time I’ve had a skin care line work for me. And it’s not too expensive either. You should definitely try it.


That is such an adorable picture of the two of you. Really want to get around to watching Food Inc. but have had the time to watch much of anything lately. Crazy Sexy Cancer is a good one that I saw a few years ago.


Let me know if proactiv works. My skin has been a war zone lately


PROACTIVE DOES NOT WORK. We tried IT ALL for my daughter years ago-she has bad acne reg and cystic-and the medical miracle? It is a prescription for an antibiotic called Minocyclen-it works wonders like in a week there is big improvements – Don’t spend any more money or bother with gimiicks-acne is a bacteria go to your doc and ask for it.


Proactiv did not work for me during my teen years. And they wouldn’t give me a refund :(


I used proactive in high school. I remember it worked really well for me, but my sister did not have such luck with it it dried her up and she had an allergic reaction to it so i think it can go both ways. I hope it works for you, skin can be the most frustrating thing in the world when it comes to breakouts!


I used Proactiv for over a decade. I am in my early 30’s and several months ago noticed that my skin looked a lot more aged than it should and I switched to philosophy products. Absolutely love them. My skin has never been more clear or healthy. Ever. It’s given me my glow back. You should stop in a Sephora and get some philosophy samples. Pricey, but a little goes a long way. And there isn’t a lot of garbage (chemicals etc) in them.


Usain Bolt! I’m jamaican too and people think I should be able to run fast when I say I run. Too bad I don’t have that natural talent

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