I feel really lucky.

10 miles today and 15 on Saturday which will bring my mileage for the week to 40… aka 80% of my normal mileage = I am trying real hard to do this tapering thing right.

I don’t know why but I really don’t mind the treadmill at all.  I actually really enjoyed it this morning.  I am constantly playing around with the speed and distracted with music and my iPad so the time flies by.  I have always had a weird love for the treadmill so it must be that my brain is wired a little different than most humans.  

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After my run Brooke and I did her favorite post-run stretch of balancing on our heads.  It is quite effective.

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Blading adventures once nap time came around with Megan and her sis (Brooke took her nap at my mom’s house… ps this is going to be a long tangent—>  I feel so so lucky that I was able to move to Utah when I got divorced.  I don’t know what I would do without my family and friends that I have known since I was 8 close by.  Staying in California would have been extremely difficult… I love California but this whole ’single mom’ thing would have been a whole lot harder there. The whole thing worked out in the best way possible… lucky.com).

I highly recommend compression socks for roller-blading.

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I also recommend going through the splash pad at the end to cool off.  

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Tortilla base, rice, black beans, chicken, lettuce, pico and guac sounded like a fabulous way to refuel.

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And then my mom and I went to Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory for the best possible way to eat an apple (see… if I still lived in California I wouldn’t be able to meet up with my mom to eat treats with her and that would just be wrong:).  

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Who else has a brain wired to love the treadmill?

What is something that you are feeling thankful for?

-Living in Utah.  

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I really love the treadmill too. None of my running friends (well, lets make that none of my friends, period) understand it. I could pretty happily run there most days. But, I also love getting outdoors for fresh air and nice scenery!

I’m thankful that I’ve never had any serious injuries. Knock on wood. :)


Oh, that’s so cool how they cut the apple up! I’ve never had a candy apple before (GASP) but I bet one dipped in chocolate and nuts would be right up my alley! I need to try it this fall!

I don’t mind the treadmill either! I like watching TV or movies while I’m running (especially long runs). It really makes the time pass by so quickly, plus it’s nice to have a water fountain, bathroom and air conditioning!


I LOVE my treadmill! So glad other folks do too.

I’m thankful for so much! (and my #thankfulthursday post today was 10 things that make me happy)


This is hilarious! Look at your roller blading through the water! lol… so funny! So glad you have your girl friends there close by, that seriously can make or break things. When Ben was gone on deployment, my military girlfriends really got me through it. Without them I would have been a pregnant crazy mess!


You are making roller blading look SO FUN. I’m a little jealous of your day! I’m feeling lucky that it’s almost 5, which means going home, making breakfast for dinner, and then taking a nice long walk in the almost cool weather!


Brinner is the best!! Enjoy!! PS it is easy to make roller blading look so fun because it is amazing!


I always get the side-eye when I say it, but I LOVE running on the treadmill. When I started running, it helped me keep a consistent pace. And, since I often end up running late at night, after work, it let’s me get my run in while decompressing from the day and just zoning out while listening to my music instead of thinking about where I’m headed, whose around me, etc.


I hate the treadmill. But, honestly, I think it is just my treadmill that I hate. I’ve used nicer ones elsewhere and been pleasantly surprised. Mine is getting kind of old and doesn’t keep a steady pace. Plus I think the pacing is off because my easy outside pace feels really hard on my treadmill. Might be time to invest in a new one.


I have this same problem! If I am out of town or at a gym I can run on the treadmill no problem…mine however is a different story!


I’ve really tried, but I just don’t love the treadmill. I’ll only run on one if there’s lightning.
And, I’m so thankful for my supportive husband:)
PS…that apple looks SO good!!!


i love treadmill running!!

you are totally making me want to purchase rollerblades, it lokos like y’all are having a blast! :)


I highly recommend getting a pair. Love hearing from other treadmill lovers:)


I love the treadmill too. No one else does but it is winter 10 months of the year here in Edmonton so I have become accustomed to running on it!

I am lucky to have such an amazing life :)


That apple looks amazing! I’m actually feeling very thankful TO live in California – at least where I am now. I had a hard first half of the year in LA, and now I am thankful every day to be in Berkeley surrounded by amazing friends who love and support me, beautiful running trails, a great job, and San Francisco right next door!


That makes me so happy!! Not that I didn’t love California… It just would have been so hard to be a single mom without so much help from my fam/friends. I LOVE BERKELEY!!! Enjoy that weather for me:)


I just discovered your blog when I was looking for info on running in Thailand…I love it! Can’t wait to read more :)


AHHHH running in Thailand was incredible (minus how hot it was:) ENJOY!!!


I hate the heat, too! I may give up on the running part of the trip and just sit around eating noodles and mango rice and let my muscles go all soft and squishy.


I see nothing wrong with that plan.


I don’t know if I’m on the treadmill often enough to love it, but I really don’t mind it. The longest run I’ve done on the treadmill was 16 miles and I sort of got a kick out of it… especially since there was a blizzard outside.

I’m thankful for the beautiful weather this week! I live south of Boston and it has been simply spectacular.


I love the treadmill. It forces to to be honest. No cheating. Mixing up speeds and inclined is my fave too. Ran 14 on it Tues and 12 today!


Way to go girl… I totally agree–> NO CHEATING:)


I have to be in the mood for the tread but I do occasionally love it! especially when it’s 60 mph winds and blowing snow here in the CO mountains:)

PS Brookers TOMS – dead. I’m dead.


HAHAHA I will tell Brooke that you like them:) Ummmmm 60 mph winds!?!?!


I love treadmill running! I did 95% of my training for my first half-marathon on the treadmill. Most people do not understand my love of treadmill running though, but that is alright. Although I genuinely enjoy running on the treadmill, I have enjoyed pushing myself out of my comfort zone with running outside. :)

I am feeling thank you for my supportive family.


I never minded the treadmill when we lived in Ohio…it was just necessary during the winter months. But since we moved to Texas and I can almost always run outside I find myself dreading the treadmill when it’s lightning and I won’t go out. My kids are older now too so I can go for a run outside instead of picking the treadmill or waiting for my husband to be home, that probably factors in too. When the kiddos are young you do what you have to do to get a run in :-)


You know I’ve never been a treadmill person. I’ve always been an outdoor person. With my injury, the doctor wanted me to start building my mileage gradually. I started on the treadmill thinking it was safer. My doctor actually told me it’s the worst thing for your feet and legs especially if you’re prone to injuries. I never knew that, but it scared the crap out of me!


LOVEEE Rocky Mountain chocolate factory!!! Always get a candy apple as a treat when shopping at the outlets :) you must be so tall on your rollerblades!!


I have to admit I’m very jealous of your close friends and family (and flexible schedule). Even with a spouse, coordinating time to get out on my own can be hard. Also jealous of your easy sleeper, I feel like my almost 2 year old is in a battle with me every time she needs to sleep.

As for grateful, I’m so happy for my family’s health.


I’ve had to run on the treadmill a lot in the last few weeks because it’s been SO hot in SoCal but my record distance is only 6 miles. I just like the feeling of being outside and actually going somewhere! But this week i tried to pretend i was you and used some of your tips to help get through my TM runs :)


I think if I had access to a treadmill it would be my best friend. Hashtag… mom life.

I am thankful for everyday that my friends, family and I are alive and healthy.


Haha I love that you bladed through the splash pad! Perfect way to cool off! ;) Annnd I’m thankful for my little family- love them to pieces.



Yep. Treadmill is my favorite. Especially when I had little kids and had to run after they went to bed and my husband was out of town. Many many midnight treadmill runs. But I have to read on the treadmill. Otherwise, bored bored.


I really wish I loved running on the treadmill like you. I recently started doing sprint interval workouts, hill incline workouts, and a combination of both in order to get me excited for running on the treadmill. Do you have any recommendations?

I am beyond thankful for having a job I love, a loving husband, my two labs, friends that mean the world to me, and the ability to still run after all these years.


Amazing things to be thankful for!!

Hey girl! Maybe these this will help:



I don’t love the treadmill, but I love the bike trainer for some reason. I don’t know what the difference is.

I need to get me some rollerblades! Looks so fun!


I am actually also wired for the treadmill. I love it! I did a ton of my training for my first half on one.


Everyone I know that runs calls it the “dreadmill”, but I actually really like the treadmill. Not all the time, but I like being able to turn on Netflix and catch up on some shows. Plus I can go at my pace, not worry about everyone else’s pace.

I live in Northern California (born and raised) and I love living here. Other than this nasty draught we’re having right now, the weather is usually great. But I can totally understand wanting to be near family and friends when you’re a single mom. I went through a divorce when my oldest daughter was 5 and was lucky to have my single sister living nearby and offered us her two spare rooms. Family is the best!!!


After for swimming for so long, I actually don’t mind he treadmill. Everything seems more exciting. I can catch up on my trashy tv and get a good and evenly paced run in. That being said, I couldn’t do every single run on the treadmill but I don’t mind it.


I really don’t mind the treadmill! I like having my water handy, a place for my phone, the bathroom nearby — it’s so nice!


I am not a huge fan of the treadmill, but it’s nice to have the option :)

There’s so much I am thankful for: a job I love, healthy babies, a supportive husband and family, living close to family, great friends, almost done with my masters…


You girls look so fun on your roller-blades. How many days a week do you take them out for a spin?

I really enjoy the treadmill during the cold, winter months. I typically get into a routine and then I’m all about it for a few months before I switch back to the outdoors and trails.

I am thankful for the beautiful September weather we have been having here in Oregon. It’s still warm and the leaves are just now starting to change – ahhh, the colors of fall. :) Happiness!


I am thankful that my mom’s puppy came out of eye surgery okay and can now see again. She had double cataracts at the young age of 23 months and was blind. Science is amazing!


I should rollerblade through water sprinkles! Ooh!

Be careful with training on the treadmill–it’s easier to run on the treadmill than it is on ground, so make sure even if you’re tapering to get some mileage in on grass!


I love chocolate covered apples. Disney has the best ones but I make them myself and I must say they are real good too… I don’t hate the treadmill as much as I once did and find playing with the speed keeps me busy…I am also forever thankful for the help my parents give me as single mom. I don’t know what I would do without them.


Team Treadmill. Loyal member since 2010.


I love the treadmill! I’ve been kind of forced to use it – since Shanghai pollution index is super high most days, but I love it! Moving to California in 4 months after I have my baby girl – lots of nice places to run there but still pretty sure I will use the treadmill for most of my runs, at least at first!

I am thankful for my little W that’s kicking a ton in my belly right now;-)


Brain definitely not wired for treadmill. But I’ve learned never to say never. I thought I’d NEVER be into yoga and after 4 classes, I just may be hooked. It helped a lot that one of my BFF’s is my private instructor. :)

Thankful for an amazingly supportive, funny, and thoughtful husband.


I love the treadmill! I started running during my daughter’s nap time, so my only option was the treadmill. I still do 90% of my running on it, especially since it has an orthopedic belt and with my nagging hip injury it feels better.

I am thankful for my loving husband and daughter!


I love the treadmill because it keeps my pace, I’m in an air conditioned environment, and I totally can zone out because cars can’t hit me :) How do you read on your iPad while running?! headache.com for this gal.

I am thankful for second chances.


This warms my cold heart. :)


I’m so glad you were able to move back home with your family during the divorce. I think it’s the best place for you and I am so happy that you were able to do that.


I do love my treadmill, and I spend a ton of time on it because I don’t know any runners where I live. I need running buddies!
If anyone in Dickinson ND reads this and wants to run with me, I would love it :)


I love the treadmill when I don’t have any other choice – when it’s icy out and I need to get some miles in. Otherwise, I’m an outdoor + podcast kinda lady!


I love the treadmill in the winter! Right now it’s still too nice for the treadmill, personally, but running in the dark all the time is getting to me… I feel so nocturnal, and creepy!

Something I am thankful for: Having a treadmill this year (and my husband, since he’s the one who got it as my “Christmas present”!). Winter will be so much more enjoyable now that I can run indoors when it’s -20F outside!


I.LOVE.MY.TREADMILL! I got my first treadmill about 18 years ago and have since owned five of them.

Today, I am grateful for my family, my community, and the Internet (which makes so many things possible).


My friend was so so so lucky to be able to come home when she got divorced too. Her baby girl was 6 months old when they split. Eleven years later and we still mention it every once in a while how happy she was and is to be home where the largest support system and normalcy is. Hugs to you!! I’ve loved reading.


If I loved the treadmill my life would be a lot easier (or at least my winters!) and I’m definitely a bit jealous of runners who love it or even don’t mind it :)


I actually love the treadmill. I didn’t use to but now I do. I do think running outside is the best though to get ready for races, but I have my iPad set up and read blogs or play around. Time flies by!


I’m right there with you – I actually prefer my treadmill most days!!! I’ve logged many runs – long and short on my treadmill!!!


I just finished my treadmill workout and it was tough but I’m glad I did it. I have been searching for a way to keep my iPad safe on the treadmill. I have a bad feeling I will knock if off. Wondering if you use anything to keep it secure. I have seen some gadgets but was thinking a huge rubber band would do the trick too. Thoughts?

Also, I’m more of a pork salad kinda girl. And oooo those apples from Rocky Moutnain Chocolate Factory. We used to get them in high school. I could go for one now! What’s your favorite?


love This Janae!!! You are so lucky!


I don’t have a brain wired for the treadmill, but I’m jealous of those who do :) It would make running in bad weather a whoooole lot easier.


You have such an amazing perspective on life. Everyday. You are such an inspiration.


My mom lives 3 hours away and it still feels like way too far to me! You are so blessed to live close to family :)


I am so thankful you and Brooke live close to her cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.


A couple of years ago i pinched my mother in laws treadmill as it was sitting there and havent looked back.i have gone on to buy my own very good one and love it.i suffered with weak core and did my back in when i first run outside but wasnt going to stop running.its a great destresser for me.i do most of my runs on it and never get bored.my dog is my running buddy on outside runs but she is getting old and slows me down.wouldnt be without my treadmill.i live in england so weather isnt great. Glad i found you,you are an inpiration.


I LOVE the treadmill you’re not alone!!


I love the treadmill. It’s convenient. I don’t hurt after I run on it. I can stay home in my living room and watch my kids. .I don’t have to plan ahead for music because I can just prop my note phone on my treadmill and not have to carry or hold it.
I’m so thankful that I moved out of my in laws house finally! Yay! And I’m thankful for my friend for giving me a chance to rent one of the cute apartments she manages. She really did me a big favor on a lot things. Huge blessing!


I am lucky to have both sets of parents nearby because I just started law school and they help keep my pup entertained while I’m not home :)


Love the treadmill!


Oh man… I don’t absolutely hate the treadmill but I’d much rather run outside! It is nice to set a pace though.

I’m so lucky to have a loving family all in my town! Mom, Dad, 3 sets of grandparents, aunts, cousins… I’m incredibly blessed!


Ladies, I just oulled my muscle really bad. looks like groin strain. did you guys have and how to fight it. PLease email me at [email protected]. I am terrified I cant run! Justyna


I go through phases with the treadmill. I love it for doing intervals but longer runs can get boring. I realized that I hate the TV’s in the main cardio room at my gym so if I’m running more than 10 minutes I make sure to go to the “overflow” room with no TV’s.
I’m so thankful for my daughter. She gets more amazing every day.


I love the treadmill too! I actually wrote a post about it recently. I find it’s just easier or more useful sometimes.


Since I’m so new to running, I prefer the treadmill. I hope once I get my endurance up, I might start running outside, but for now, I like having my 10k trainer app going, Spotify or Pandora playing some kind of uplifting running music, and my water bottle in the little holder. I love my gym. <3


I do not share your love of the treadmill! I need scenery to distract me!


I love, love, love, love (x a bunch) the treadmill! I’m really bad at completely zoning out while running and a treadmill allows for that. I tend to run into a lot of things when I’m running outside :/ However, in this fall weather I’ve been craving outside runs!


I don’t mind the treadmill at all! I actually LOVE it for different speed work (intervals , tempo runs, etc). Last week I was traveling so did 7 on it and enjoyed it.

Brooke is SO cute! Reminds me of when my girls were little :)


Just died a little bit over Brooke’s Toms :) I wear heels almost every day to work, but today I’m rocking Toms and my feet are extremely happy.

Funny that you posted this, because I was thinking last night that I have a lot to be thankful for. My fiance and our little fur-family of dogs and a cat, my newish job that is helping me pay for our wedding and get out of some debt, my brothers who are both changing up their lives right now and I’m so happy for them, (and of course the rest of my family,) and the fact that we are all healthy and happy. That’s really the biggest blessing.


I think it’s so great that you have your family and friends so close, and we get to see all of your adventures with them regularly!


I love having a treadmill – it has definitely made it possible for me to train during bad weather (hot and cold) and during the crazy hours I have free to run. Super convenient.

I am thankful for my boyfriend, he has been taking care of dinner all week because I have been working late. Without him it would have been a week of cereal for dinner!


I prefer to run outdoors, but those early morning runs call for the treadmill!

I’m thankful to have such an amazing support system who remind me to be grateful for what I do have everyday; not what I don’t.


Aren’t moms awesome?! My mother flew down to San Antonio after her vacation to help me make the drive up to St. Louis so I wouldn’t have to do it alone. Then she cleaned my new house from top to bottom while I worked and wouldn’t have to do it this weekend before all of my belongings get delivered on Monday.


I love to know exactly where I am at for mileage and have a/c while running, so the treadmill is a friend of mine. I do get bored though! I like to catch up on my TV shows on my iPad while I run (and people watch if I’m at the gym). :)


I am so happy for you! Today I feel thankful for being able to go to medical school and pursue my dream.


Ah Janae! Why aren’t you wearing a helmet rollerblading? Protect your brain!

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