Glad I got that run out of the way.

Welp, that was a struggle.  I just could not get into a groove yesterday on my long run.  I have this very complicated theory that if you have a really bad/hard/doesn’t feel pleasant run right before your marathon then you are actually just getting the bad run out of the way so that you can have an incredible run on race day.  Let us all cross our fingers and toes that this theory is correct.  

Smiling because I finished alive.  16 @ 8:09 average. 

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The scenery was incredible (like usual).  This canyon of ours…

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I did feel good during two sections of the 16 miles—>  For the portion where we ran on the dirt and for the last mile (I hustled because I knew Brooke would be waking up soon and finished with a 7:20 mile and it felt pretty good).  

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First ones to the Noah Ark Splash pad yesterday morning.  This may be our last splash pad experience of 2014.  

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My alarm went off in the 4 o’clock a.m. hour to meet the girls for our long run and so when Brooke took a nap yesterday afternoon I decided that I probably should too.

You know you had a good nap when you wake up with some sweet nap head.  

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Candice and I hit up the park for a few hours and one of my oldest and dearest friends came and met us.  

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My high school reunion was this weekend and so the girls were all in town.  I didn’t go to the actual reunion but I did get to see some of my favorites for a few minutes. 

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I took one food picture yesterday.  Long Run Day = Donut Day.  The two go hand in hand.

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(not injury hurt though:)


3 things that you are doing today?!

Anyone agree with my bad run before a marathon theory?

Naps—>  Yay or nay?  Perfect nap length for you?

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Yes, definitely get the bad one out of the way. But I’ve never run a marathon (yet)…just going on other experiences :) Can I ask how old you are Janae? Seems like you have years to really go far/improve!


Your bad run theory seems legit! Got everything crossed, including my eyes, for ya ;)

1. church 2. uncle’s 65th bday party 3. netflix

All the YES to naps!! I typically set an alarm for 45 mins from when I lay down … sometimes it takes me a while to fall asleep but even if I get only 15 mins of good shut-eye, I’m good to go! Have a great Sunday, Janae! ps Brooke has the cutest swim suits!


I think we all have those runs we just can’t get the groove for. I truly think they believe they make us stronger though. If everything felt great, we would all be elite right? I’ve always had some terrible runs before my best races so I hope that is what you have felt. Ha! Have a great rest of your weekend Janae!


I’m hoping you are RIGHT bc I just had a less
Than stellar 22 mile long run yesterday!!

I don’t even like donuts and that looks AWESOME to me right now!!!

Three things: recovery run, family fun day, eating ALL THE FOOD!!!


I totally agree with the “bad run” theory. Happened to me right before I had a huge PR in the half marathon.

Today I am going to do my long run, go to work and eat lots of candy corn.

Naps happen almost everyday for me. I love napping on the couch though, not in bed.


Janae, you live in a beautiful area to run! I live in Holland, very flat….
Good for cycling, i did that this morning!
No naps for me anymore.


Hey congrats on the long run! Sending you positive thought for your upcoming race!


Running the Ohio State 4 miler race that ends on the 50 yard line of Ohio Stadium, eating, cleaning (it’s Sunday – boo).

I absolutely agree! You got the bad out of the way – you’re good to go now!

Yay for naps! 45 minutes – Any longer and I’m a zombie for the rest of the day.


I am a big nay for naps! Not that I wouldn’t love a nap every now and then, but when I take I can NEVER fall asleep that night. I just lay there wishing I had not taken that nap :)
That 5k is insane!!! SO amazing!!!!


1. 20 mile long run 2. ice bath 3. food, TV and couch

YES! I completely agree with that theory! I always have a terrible long run 2ish weeks before a race. Without fail it happens. Then the race goes fine. I count on a really bad long run!

Naps. Oh, heck yes. It doesn’t happen as often as I’d like though! If I can’t sleep for 90 minutes, then 15-20 is about right to wake me up again.

Have a great Sunday with your family! :)


getting your bad run out of the way before a race sounds like a pretty logical theory to me ;)
I try not to take naps during the day (they make me feel so unproductive!). I’m all about the coffee!


You just made my day with your theory! My 22 miler yesterday didn’t feel nearly as good as my 20 (HOT and I ran too much this week because I needed it emotionally). I know hard long runs are good, but I was hoping it would build up my confidence a little more since it was the last one before Chicago. But now the bad is outta the way! And running after a nice taper will make the marathon feel so good.

I wish my hair looked half as good as yours after a nap :)


That splash pad looks adorbs! I ran 12 miles on Friday and I’m so happy it is over. Lots of walking was needed.


I am drinking tea right now as I mentally prepare for a semi long run, going to church afterwards, and trying out a new recipe. I love naps but I always seem to nap longer than I should so I feel groggy.


Bad runs don’t bother me because I have never had back to back bad runs. If my memory serves me right, I’ve never read on the blog of you having two in a row. You are good!

Jog , shop, football.


I agree with your bad run theory in general! I feel anytime I have a bad one, the next one normally feels great. It’s worth the struggle!
I LOVE NAPS. I will fall asleep in the middle of the graduate study room at school if I need one enough. I just need 20 minutes to refresh and move on with my day.


I hope your bad marathon run theory is correct! I ran a 5K this morning in 89% humidity and was ready to die at the end – so hot and sweaty! I did pull off a small PR though! Whoop! I can’t believe there is only two weeks until the marathon – yours and mine!!!!


Great post.


Holly cow that time is incredible! I don’t do well with naps. I’m usually better off going to bed earlier. I get up early everyday so if I take a nap I tend to want to stay up later which is a recipe for disaster the next day.


Noooo last day of splash pad?! Summer is really over!
Today I am icing my foot as much as I possibly can and sticking to biking. 2 wks out from fall marathon and I hurt my left foot, will find out Tuesday if it is a stress fracture. Trying to stay positive, cross your fingers it ISN’T a fracture! Any advice for coping with injury??? :(


Oh Maria! I will be praying that you don’t have a stress fracture… I am so so sorry! This post may help:


thanks Janae!!! Can’t wait to hear how you KILL it at st george!!


I ran this morning (#1), then I have to head into work (#2), and then I have work to do for the online class I teach (#3)…the list goes on but I’ll stop at 3 ;)

Sorry you had a bad run but I really hope your theory is true though so that your marathon run is great!


Went for a walk with my two boys, cooking roasted veg/pesto pasta with romano cheese, heading out for an interval run. Also washed and put my bedsheets out on the clothesline on this awesome windy fall day :)


Ohhh man naps are the best!!

Still debating on a run this morning or yoga (body probably wants yoga, everything else wants to run!), likely doing some laundry, and there is a small chance I’m going car shopping today. We’ll see how much of that actually gets done! :)


Yep, definitely bang on there with your theory, love it!

I looooove naps but I love them TOO much and so they always end up being too long of naps and so I can’t sleep that night after. I need to get better at nap timing!

Three things to do today:
1. Emails
2. Clean my kitchen
3. Rest and recover from my long run!


I miss running in Utah, Provo canyon especially! Now that I’m in Louisiana I mainly run on base with my husband and don’t know when I’ll run hills or in a canyon next. Also thanks to you I don’t ever want to switch from running in pure flow 2’s and I actually recently blogged about them!

Anyways, my question is where you get your phone case? It looks cute ms since you have Brooke it’s bound to be stable and durable enough to keep it from achieving a cracked screen? And phone case recommendations? Thank you Janae! :)


3 Things I’m Doing Today: pilates to stretch out after my long run, painting my nails, and going on a slow, relaxing walk! I love recovery day!


I try not to take naps because then I can’t sleep at night, but if I’m super tired than only an hour seems to give me energy. I’m going to the movies and out to dinner with my mum today! I would love running where you live, there is literally no where nice to run where I live, I’m very jealous :)


Sorry you had a hard run! But yes now it’s over and all the other runs can be good :)
Today I’ve got the Ogden Temple Dedication, hanging out with my mom and then a family get together for my grandparents’ 5 1st wedding anniversary. Can’t wait!


My 3 things – I made pancakes for breakfast, doing laundry (boo!), and going for a run (yay!)

I totally think your bad run theory is right – makes perfect sense to me! :)

I pretty much can’t nap. I just lay there and think, “Am I asleep yet?” It’s lame, because I think napping some days would be awesome.


Waking up at four am is crazy. When do yiu go to bed? I could use some motivation like you to get up early and run LSD(long slow distance, not saging you’re slow in any way! You’re actually speedy–7:20 is my pace PER KILOMETER).


I completely agree with you – there is always a bad run or two plus (at least in my case) a bad workout during the training cycle. If my training is ‘to perfect’ I worry about the race :). Hope you had a wonderful nap – my long run day is never complete without one.

Have a great rest of the weekend.


I just bought that same swim suit for my littlest girl for next summer. I’m so glad to see it is just as cute on! Also, all the splash pads by my house turned off after Labor guys are lucky!
Yes on naps and yes to getting that bad run out of the way!!!


I agree with your bad run theory! I had the worst long run of my life before my last marathon and then at the race I finally hit my long goal of breaking 4 hours in the marathon! I hope my next really terrible long run helps me qualify for Boston :D


I’m going to the fair, reading some of a book I started and prepping for a new week. So excited for the first two but not so much on the last one. I could definitely use another day in my weekend for sure!

I love naps but don’t usually have a chance to take them much anymore, which is sad. I think an hour is a good amount of time but I like to sometimes just let my body wake me up.


I think getting the bad run out of the way helps, too. And usually even though my bad runs feel awful to me, the time is not really bad……….I may feel sluggish and slow but that is usually not the case. (And I don’t ever think I could run as fast as you…………I am usually around 9 minute miles and I am ok with that!)

I can’t do naps………… just makes me more tired afterwards!

Three things………….running in the gorgeous weather, probably watching some friends and full house on dvd tonight, and eating some yummers chips and salsa (Newman’s own pineapple salsa……………mmmmmmmm!)


Haha I love your nap head! Im totally there with you!


I really hope you are right girl… I had an awful 16 miler myself yesterday. It was one of these long runs when you start counting the miles from mile 0.1 and you just feel awful all around… It messed up with my head so much.
PS I’m so jealous you can nap after a long run. I just can’t, although I’m always exhausted after it.


I am believing in that theory- I ran the new RWhalf course yesterday and it was awful. I sure hope race day is better!!!! I have to force myself to do hill workouts :)
Today is the usual Sunday- strength training, cleaning, and prepping for the week.


Your long run pace is faster than my 10k pace lol yay for naps anytime I can! Your bed head I wish was my regular hair lol
Breakfast burritos then church then Costco. I get to sub my boys first grade class tomorrow:)


I hope your theory is true because I also had a terrible run yesterday! 13.1 at 9:09 pace. But half of it was 800 feet of elevation GAIN so I guess I kindof have an excuse?

I love a good nap sometimes. Occasionally it just makes me feel worse but most of the time I feel better. I think 1 hour tops is the best nap time. Any more and I get groggy.


If that theory applies to the last race before a goal marathon I’ll take it! Had a crappy half experience this morning mainly due to weather but also getting over a cold. No races on the calendar until Nov marathon. I’ve had the opposite experience of a good last run and a bad marathon so who knows :)


I had a great 8 mile run this morning in some “cool” weather which was a great start to my Sunday. Now I’m getting ready to meet a friend for pedicures and then having my family over for dinner.

I usually take a nap every few weekends, those are the best. I’m just one of those people that can ALWAYS sleep, no matter how much I slept the night before, I just love sleep!

Totally agree with your theory. We’ve got to have the bad runs to be able to really appreciate the good ones!


The ideal nap is 1 hour. Ahh.
3 Things:
Meal Prep


Naps hold my life together. Sounds crazy I know. I usually only need an hour.

Things I’m doing today:
-watching football.


Your bad run theory couldn’t have come at a better time! Just finished a 21 mile run..and UGH…it was ugly and hard but I got it done. Marathon is in 3 weeks and I’m gunning for my first BQ! So if today was my bad run…I guess I’ll be in Boston in 2016, riggghht???


You WILL be in Boston 2016!!! This theory is so true and you are going to rock your marathon. Way to get through the 21 miles today!


You are 100% correct on bad run theory, so you are going to kill your marathon


Thank you so much Lindsey!


I am totally agreeing with your theory here. My long run yesterday was kinda tough too and I don’t think I ever found my groove yet don’t know that I can say what was wrong at all. And when I finished I wondered why it seemed so bad but I think that is always the case.


Yay! I am so glad that your run is out of the way! And that quote at the end of your post is so true! I try to remind myself that during my runs that are difficult.


3 things = church, Costco, and football!

<3 naps!! Especially on Sunday after church and lunch!


I agree with your bad run theory – it’s been true for me with running and also with college tennis… Those bad workouts before race day make me nervous, but in the end I tend to have a much better go on race day!

Three Things: Waffles + Church + Nap

The toddler is down for his nap now and I took a 20-minute power nap, too. I feel like a new person!


Yay to the nap! Had an early nap today. Why? Because I could.

I have a feeling you are going to love this St. George marathon. You’ve seemed so zen-like this training cycle. So go enjoy your race–you’ve earned it!


I have the same theory about those long runs while you are training and I sure hope it holds true for Chicago because training for me this time around has been really rough – usually I run a lot of 8-11 milers during the week plus my long runs on the weekend which really gets me used to logging the longer miles but I have a new job which doesn’t give me the freedom I used to have so it has been really tough. It’s either that or it is always tough and horrible but you just kinda forget about the pain when you get that medal and run home to sign up for another one ;) GOOD LUCK – I am sure you will rock your marathon.


3 things I did today…
1. Set an new pr in the Philly half marathon (by 7 minutes)
2. Watched Deena Kastor break world records in the same race (ok, I was running it so didn’t see, but watched the medal ceremony and cried with her)
3. Ate a cheesesteak to celebrate, then napped… 1 hour is perfect


Yes to naps! 15 minutes is perfect.
Yes, to getting out the tough runs in practice–we only come out stronger!


I thought that whole “bad run before a marathon” thing was scientific fact. Let’s just go with that.

Today I’m recovering from Ragnar Napa…that can equal three things ;-). Since I can’t run yet I was the designated driver for Van 1. It was so fun but I’m exhausted…and I didn’t even run! lol


I’m so not a napper :( I wish I was, but I just can’t do it — I end up feeling worse after!


I completely agree with your theory. Last year my last long run before taper (24 miles) before chicago was AWFUL. I couldn’t finish it. Got 18 in, felt horrible. Slept for hours then forced myself out in the evening to finish for mental sake. It was just a really terrible and hard day. I was devastated. But 3 weeks later had the race of my life in Chicago and came away with a 17 minute PR and a nice shiny BQ. You got it out of the way. Clear sailing now! :)


I think bad runs are necessary in a training cycle. There is also a belief that getting a flat tire on a bike is good luck before a bike or triathlon race. I say, if it mentally helps, I’m all for it.

This morning I did a 16 mile run and am now watching football with my husband, getting ready to start prepping dinner. Pretty simple Sunday. YES to naps –> 20 minutes with a 5min cushion (just in case I want a little more).


I finishes the rrca course today…woo hoo!
I almost always have a bad run before racing. It’s part of the taper tantrum.
I wish I could take naps, but I’m the worst at resting during the day. If the suns up, I’m up.


I almost always nap on long run day!


I totally agree with that philosophy re: bad run… and it’s came true a LOT in my past marathon training cycles. :)


Your theory is correct.

Today-rock climbing, watching football, planning Disney trip, grading papers, more football.

That 5K time is amazing. Someone ran that half marathon in about an hour last year, I thought that was fast too.


Your theory makes sense-like a bad dress rehearsal means a great show!

Today was a shorter run (my second half is on Saturday!), laundry, football, and a long walk with the puppy.

And I have to say no to naps. They always sound like a good idea but then I wake up groggy and have a headache for the rest of the day.


LOVE your bad run theory and I’m adopting it if you don’t mind :) I had a craptastic run today (luckily only 8 miles today) AND a donut as well. I’m vegan but this place by my house actually makes a tofu donut (sounds gross I know but is actually really good). My husband and I usually get one for our long run reward!

The way the donut and Brooke are angled it looks like the donut is bigger then she is!


Your bad run theory is soooo true! During every single taper I’ve had a bad long run and it always caused doubts. You should have told me your theory earlier so i wouldn’t have stressed! :) really, though, those bad runs were no indication of the marathon performance. I think my body hates tapering.

You will rock you race and I’m so excited for you! How many days???

P.s. I ran a tough half today and forced myself to “think like Janae” and not let the mind games win!


Saw these and thought of you!


My food reward on long run days = pizza! Since I usually work at the pizza place on weekends I get free dibs on anything I want to make :) Last night we took a pizza dough and topped it with peanut butter, chocolate, marshmellow fluff, and marshmellows and it might have been the best thing I ever ate. Sososo good! I saw Lawi on instagram the other night! Crazy.


I agree with the bad run theory, too! Better to have a bad run in training than a bad race :)


I wish I could nap!


I totally agree with your theory about “getting the bad run out of the way” before a big goal race. With the exception of one time that I was REALLY undertrained for a super hilly course, this has always been the pattern for me! I have some terrible run that shatters my confidence but then my race day run feels solid.


I TOTALLY agree with your bad run theory. I’ve had it happen that way at least 3 times.


I think the bad run theory goes the other way too. I had the best run of my life before my last half marathon. Ran the half in the heat, didn’t drink enough water and ruptured a ligament in my foot and haven’t been able to run since for a couple of years :( I bike now instead….love it too!!


What a fun reunion!

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