The next glute exercise (video) and the craziest things happen when…

You’d think that while Brooke is away I would want to sleep in but nope… I love the 6 a.m. pump classes too much to miss out. After pump I did the stair climber for 20 minutes because for some strange reason I thought that would be a good idea after a million squats and lunges at pump.  

While the girls ran I jumped on their treadmills in the middle to talk to them.

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And all of that greenage goes into my one smoothie.  

My whole day just feels better when I start with one of these beauties for breakfast.   It helps to satisfy my sweets cravings (because of the fruit) and it gives me a ton of energy so I don’t even think about needing caffeine later on.  The craziest things happen when you actually put good food into your body;)

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Saw Dr. Bennett (people keep asking for his number so I will just include it in each post that I talk about going in to see him —> 801-513-1078) and we worked on the muscle behind my knees today, the popliteus.  

We did performance muscle reactivation (working on where the muscle connects to the bone rather than just the muscle body) to continue to make my muscles work properly.  This will make it so that I am not longer overcompensating with the wrong muscles/joints when I run and then getting injured every other day (okay, a little dramatic but I have had a ton of injuries over the years).  

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This week’s exercise—>  One legged squat thrusters.  My form isn’t great in the video because this was my first time trying it.  Give me a few weeks and I am sure my knee won’t pop-in as I am trying to come up like it does in the video.  I also need to squat a little more rather than hinging so much at the hip in order to touch my toes:)

Do 10 of the one-legged squats on each leg and repeat 3 times!

My mom and salad = a good afternoon.  I had to take some things back to Ikea and then go to a store in SLC to look for bedding and so my mom joined me.  

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While we were up north we had to restock me and Brooke’s addiction—> almond butter (it is turning into an expensive addiction but neither of us are at a point where we want to stop so we won’t).  They had these chips for samples and I fell in love.  So good.

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Tell me a random fact about yourself (I am really looking forward to reading these ones:)!!!

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I was in a coma for 10 days when I was 5 (actually turned 5 while in the coma.)


Oh my! What for??


I have a very rare disease (that is actually what killed George Washington!) I wrote a blog post up about it. I can still remember what it felt like as there were times I would come in and out of it but my body was entirely paralyzed. Worst feeling ever!


that is a serious green smoothie! here’s a random fact: someone (ahem) reassembled our blender but dropped the rubber gasket inside so when i dumped ingredients in i blended the rubber piece with the smoothie. awesome.


Hi. I love your face. See you in a few days!


Ooh I love anything sweet potato-related.

Hmm random fact about myself… One time I was on the cover of the Life section of the LA Times with Oprah. That’s the most random thing I can think of.


Random Fact: Just assembled an IKEA couch all alone and I’m feeling pretty proud of myself!


I’m doing squat thrusters right now, too! It’s incredibly hard post-surgery: but for me the hard part is extending and flexing the hurt hip. Actually using the hurt hip (standing on it) is not as hard!


I had a traumatic brain injury when I was in a car accident as a teenager. I was in a coma for 2 months!


Wow! Just wow!


Random fact: I worked as a dog groomer one summer in college!

PS those sweet potato chips are my favorites. Best combo = those with TJ’s Habanero Lime salsa (its only a little bit spicy I swear, not as bad as it sounds!)


Here’s a random fact about me: I am a lefty but can write better with my right hand than most right-handed people in the world….I play sports as a righty except in baseball where I catch lefty (not that I participate in sports other than running lol).


Today is International Left-Handers Day!


Today is National Lefthanded day, actually, Meredith! I am a lefty. Random fact = I NEVER ran with music for the first 30 years as a runner. Just started at 49 years old. LOVE it. I know you miss Brooke, but enjoy your quiet time! You will want it back when she returns. :)


Those chips look delicious, I’m a sucker for free samples!

Random fact… I almost moved to NYC. About 10 years ago, my girlfriends and I decided we should sublet a place in Manhattan. We all love the city and wanted an adventure. Then, one of us (I think it was probably me) got a boyfriend and we had to squash that dream. So now, I’m constantly thinking about how I can plan a trip to NYC. Seriously, I LOVE that city! Besides, White Rock, it’s my happy place. If I had all the money in the world I would buy a place so I could go visit as often as possible (hotels are crazy expensive in Manhattan!)


I love dr Bennett!! He is a miracle worker!!


Twenty years ago I got fired as a flight attendant after 2 weeks for a bad attitude.

Everyone is better off :)


Ha ha ha. I love this one!


I LOL’d at this. :) Thank you!


Sweet potato chips!!! Yum! But kale chips is better :)


Those chips from TJ’s are sooooo good!!! I have not had them in awhile…might need to pick them up next time!


Those chips look sooooo good, I wonder if they sell them anywhere here!

Random fact about me: I get this weird tingle in my left hand whenever I’m just about to fall asleep. I only ever get that specific feeling just before I fall asleep and even if I’ve been lying awake tossing and turning and I feel suuuuper awake if I get that tingly feeling I know within a minute I’ll be asleep and I always am. It’s happened my whole life and it’s actually pretty useful! :)


this is the coolest random fact!


Green smoothies are life-changing! Noms.

My party trick is that I can pour anything. Sounds weird. But like I can pour something into a small opening from very high up. Its much more entertaining than it sounds. :)


What else do you put in your morning smoothie? Looks good!


Random fact – I cry about random, happy things. We just went to Harry Potter World and I cried when I went to Honeydukes because the Fizzing Whizbees tasted like Hogwarts. Also, this fact makes my life as a labor and delivery nurse pretty entertaining for other nurses as I’m usually in tears at the deliveries.


My little guy always drinks our smoothies and the juice we juice. Doesn’t it make you feel so happy as a parent that they enjoy and want to eat things like that? I’m always a little nervous about the kids getting enough fruits and vegetables and this really helps. The only downside? If they drop the cup (or in my case decide to flig it across the kitchen) you will be finding spots of green smoothie on the walls for days!


I had Bacterial meningitis in 2012 and spent a month in the icu. A simple surgery was not so simple.


Hi…Your mom is the sweetest, I think I might adopt her :)

Random fact: I love peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches on white bread :)


This sounds like a pregnancy sandwich! Haha


Yes! Love the 1-leg squat thruster/skater squat-ish exercise. I have most of my clients do a variation of that during our initial assessment to check for knee valgus :)


When the movie Speed came out, I watched it 47 times in one month. I could say every word, but I just paused at the cuss words. :-) LOL


Too funny!


My mom taught me to whistle when I was 6 months old. She tells me people would always stop and stare at me while were out because it was so strange to see a tiny baby whistling away!
I have been tasered.
I am left handed. 2 out of 4 kids in our family were left handed. 2 out of 4 of my sisters kids are left handed. 1 of my twins is left handed. Lefties unite!
There’s some randomness for ya!!


I may be purchasing those chips in the near future! I often end up buying the Trader Joe’s samples.


Random fact: My favorite color is purple. You can probably give me anything purple and I will love it!
I really like the video! please share more :)


These random facts are awesome!!

Random facts: When I’m in bed, I have to be facing “out”….doesn’t matter what side I’m on, but I don’t like turning toward the center of the bed.
Also, I have always wanted to be a mascot that dresses up in a giant fuzzy costume and entertains people. Being completely goofy, rousing up a crowd, and busting some crazy dance moves would be totally fun (in my mind!).


Random Fact: I don’t get tired of watching my favorite chick flicks (Bride Wars and The Devil Wears Prada) over and over!


Random fact: I am eating coconut butter right now, studying for the MCAT and my boyfriend is taking the DAT tomorrow!


Random fact: I hate bananas…and avocados. The horror!!


I am constantly jealous that I don’t live in Utah with a Green Me at my disposal! It all just looks so yummy. Random fact about me? I just did a plank for like the first time in at least six months and 60 seconds felt like an eternity. I need to get this core back in shape!


The chips look delicious! Random fact… I hate chocolate! :)


Sooo random facts you say..
I’m terrified of balloons. I don’t mind being in air ballon but these small one which kids get at McDonald’s or anywhere else it seems to me are freaking me out.

I never ever in my whole life ordered pasta dish in restaurant and while living on my own for six seven years i never even purchased packet of pasta, actually pasta of any form or kind never crossed my treeshold. I don’t like pasta. Structure of it, taste of it everything it’s just wrong. I don’t mind to eat it when someone cooks it for me or while I’m visiting someone and that’s only thing on offer cause I’m too nice or polite or not picky dunno ;) so I’m gonna eat lasagne or pasticho in my friends house but I never cook it myself for myself and what I simple can not eat its cold pasta salad with fresh vegetable. I think I would handle coldish kind of pasta with broccoli corn but that dish with tomatoes cucumbers yogurt mayo etc just makes my toes curl ;) I can’t even look at it when cruising buffets ;) it’s just soo wrong!! Funny fact: when my friend gave birth to her baby girl I came over few times with baked goods, fresh bread and milk so they don’t have to leave the house- I offered to cook for them anything they wanted…every time they asked for pasta- I made once lasagne and twice some random kind of pasta and they are still raving about it. 3 years later they still say it has been the best pasta they ever had. Weird and strange ;)
Have a nice day Hun!


Another great exercise to add to the repertoire!

Random fact: I got my finger stuck in an elevator door when I was 3.

Second random (running related) tidbit: I have a doctors appointment for my hip tomorrow morning. Wish me luck! (I’m praying I won’t need an MRI because he thinks it’s a stress fracture or anything serious…) I’m nervous :/


Great exercise I need to add to my routine!
Random fact: I can wiggle my nose!


I love green smoothies!!! Wish I had a Green Me here!

Random fact: I have driven 12+ hours by myself, without stopping for the night, 10 + times in 2 1/2 years. I have done two cross country road trips with my best friend. One took 3 weeks the other took 3 months and was the vacation of a life time!


Random Fact: My head is really small and I buy the smallest visors possible yet I still have to cut them and re-sew them so I can get the velcro to attach in the back.

Couple that with my ginormous ears and I’m a walking side show….

Hey Ripley’s, call me!


Random fact: my two front teeth are my weak link. I chipped them multiple times, had root canals, and ultimately destroyed them in a freak womens choir accident in college where I face planted on a grand piano. They are both not my real teeth now!

I probably need to be doing exercises like you are since I know I have imbalances and I known my knees go inward with one leg squats. Good info!


Random Fact: I’m scared of frogs.


Random fact: I did a road trip from Alaska to New York with my boyfriend last year. We went all over the place, visiting family and seeing the sights. We were on the road for 32 days.


I won a treading water contest as a fundraiser for my summer swim team. I was either 9 and treaded water for 11 hours, or 11 and treaded water for 9 hours – can’t remember – but either way, I won one Sunkist towel that I still have!


I can walk on my hands!


Random Fact: I am left handed so for some reason I always feel like I am driving on the wrong side of the road. I know not all left handed people have this problem, so maybe I’m just crazy ha!


What else did you add to that blender full of spinach? I have a vitamix too but am too scared to put that much spinach in!!


Thx again for sharing your strength exercises. Random fact about me: My sister and I share a birthday, but we are three years apart.


Random Fact: I use my kitchen rolling pin as a foam roller post-run.


Thanks for sharing, Amy… I thought I was the only one who did this!! :)


Those sweet potato chips look amazing! I’ll have to make a trip to my TJ’s. And thanks for reminding me that I need to make more green smoothies. Random fact about me: I have a PhD in Biology.


Seriously trader joes almond butter totally has my heart. I loaded all three of my small kids (5,3, 10 months) into the car and drive down to restock my almond butter b/c I was having such withdrawals. I hate taking all of my kids shopping so this was a big deal for me. :)


Random fact: I ate my first burger while on vacation in San Diego last week. What’s all the fuss about in n out burger? Not for me !


Totally random fact: I once fell over and grazed my knee but two days later, I woke up and it was infected and I had a hole in my knee. I could actually see the bone, I thought it was super cool at 10 but my mum did not!!

That smoothie looks good, I bet it feels really good getting all those greens! I love Ikea, I haven’t been in forever :(


Random fact: there’s a cow in a small town in Kenya named after me. :)


Random fact:I know the alphabet backwards. My dad tried to reach me one evening, and I woke up the next morning knowing it perfectly – I think my brain never shut down that night.


Random fact: I won’t fly in helicopters cause my dad is a pilot.


My youngest has mosaic Down syndrome.


Random fact: I’ve never eaten a big mac

Random fact #2: i like green olives in my ice cream.


I’m getting jealous of your smoothies – might have to start drinking some!

Random fact: One time when I was in high school, I was on the flag team. A girl ran by our practice and I accidentally hit her in the face and broke her nose.


Me + newborn = I read this post at 4:33 am. Hopefully I’ll get a nap later on today. :)


Rando fact: I have to keep my nails painted… I feel like I have man hands without it:(


Random….I lost 157 pounds 14 yrs. ago..from 319 to 162 and managed to keep it off.A size 32 women’s to a missy 10.. :)


Random fact: I play the violin


Sweet potato chips yum!


Your mom is the flippin cutest!

Random fact pour moi: My favorite snack at the moment is raw cabbage topped with crunchy peanut butter. I know. It’s the crunch that get’s me!


random fact #1: 2 years ago i donated my right kidney to a total stranger.

random fact #2: 6 months ago my dear friend’s 7 month old son received a liver transplant from a living donor.

everyone is thriving. karma.


This is my favorite, so lovely


I got to sing on stage with John Denver when I was 12 I think.


Ohhhhhh baby those chips look DANGEROUS! I could not buy those simply for the fact that they would be gone in a few hours. Something about me? I created FitGirl Clothing, a clothing line to empower females to love their muscles and curves and to not be ashamed of them! :)


Love seeing that Great Lakes Gelatin up there for your smoothie!! That will help a ton with inflammation.


I love sweet potato chips!

Random fact: My husband and I will celebrate our 5 year anniversary next Friday. I haven’t gotten him a thing and still have no clue what to get him.


Random fact: I just came back to work after vacation and realize that I am so fortunate to have a job I don’t dread going back to!


I sneeze a million times in a row. (Well, not a million, but my record is 26, and my average is 13.)


my chiro made me start doing those single leg thrusters but on a bosu ball… it’s soooo hard!


I’m claustrophobic and paranoid about getting stuck somewhere, so anytime I go into a stairwell I have to check both sides of the door to make sure I’ll be able to get out when it closes behind me. Now my husband checks too!


I just bought those chips last week. I had them with the TJ pineapple salsa and the Kroger mango salsa.

Random fact: I broke my elbow when I was 19 (now I am 26) while showing my grandmother that I could actually skateboard (I was getting good and had been skateboarding for about a year and a half). As soon as I stepped on my brother’s skateboard it slipped out from under me and I fractured my radial head. I blamed my grandma for a while as a joke. They couldn’t put my arm in a cast, so I was told I had to go to physical therapy until it healed. I haven’t gone near a skateboard since.


I am leaving my job today, iv been here 3 1/2 years. Its a bitter sweet goodbye.


Random Fact: I worked as a character in Disney World while I was in college :)


Random fact: I love black olives…which I know is your fav…just kidding :)

Another one: Heading to Charleston this weekend for one of my best friend’s bachelorette party so it should be a great time! Lots of beach time yay!


Weird fact: I was born a whole month AFTER my due date.

I do an exercise sequence (yoga flow, actually) similar to the single-leg squat thruster as a warm-up before my morning runs.


Random fact……………..I have a pretty good ability to remember words to songs……….Only songs I like, of course, but any Disney song or country song (even if I have not heard it in years) it just comes back to me!


random fact: I am trying gluten free right now and LOVING how I feel!


Yes the sweet potato tortilla chips are SO good! Thanks for reminding me about them haha.


I’m following along with the glute series – and I’ll definitely be doing these because the muscle behind my knee is a teeny bit strained right now, so once it heals I really need to strengthen it!


Random fact: My ears are uneven. It’s noticeable when I wear glasses and long earrings. Also, I’m 4’10” tall. I should ride in a car seat :)

Great question! I loved reading these, hope you did too!


I’m 40 years old & a HUGE Snoop Dogg fan……much to my husband’s chagrin.


I managed to break 4 arms by the between the ages of 7-10 (2 were at the same time)!!! I bet people thought my parents were abusive but it’s all on me.
I have to admit I’m still skeptical of the green smoothie…..It’s hard to imagine a spinach taste in a smoothie, salad yes!


I’m an almond butter addict too! I’ve had two spoonfuls today already.

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