It’s just going to be a hard week but that’s okay.

Birthdays are a huge deal to me and they are especially a huge deal when it is my favorite person’s birthday.  


On Friday Brooke will turn 2 years old but I won’t get to be with my little girl on her birthday.  She leaves today to spend the rest of the week with her dad and it completely breaks my heart that I won’t be able to be with her on her birthday (once again, not because she is with her dad because that relationship is extremely important but just because I will miss her like crazy. I can’t even go into her bedroom when she is gone because it makes me miss her too much).  

I honestly feel like I am pretty much over the divorce and cause for divorce but the pain that comes when saying goodbye to Brooke is still too deep.  I hate the idea of not being with her on such an important day and knowing that over the next 16 years that is going to continue to happen at different times. 


So, this year I am changing Brooke’s birthday in my head to next Monday.  I am going to keep myself busy by running and eating breadsticks (they just sound really good as I am typing this) and try to stay optimistic on her birthday.  BUT, at the same time I am going to take time on Friday to reflect, to feel and to allow myself to process things.  Keeping myself busy and on the go all of the time only works for a little while and eventually all of those feelings explode out at random times.  I am working on slowing down, writing how I feel in my journal and crying when I need to cry.  

We are going to have a crazy awesome week of celebrating when she gets back and I am counting down the minutes until then.  



We definitely had a good night together last night and found our new kitchen table!  Yes, we also had matching hair.  

IMG 6311

We ate what Brooke chose to have for dinner—> Mickey Mouse nuggets and roasted broccoli. 

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And we watched Daniel Tiger and ate popcorn while she had me hold onto her foot.  

IMG 6319

I hope you have a great Tuesday and thanks for listening to me every day as I tell you all of my thoughts:)

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I can only imagine how your heart must feel. Big hug. x


I totally understand why missing Brooke on her birthday would be tough. On the bright side she gets to have two birthdays (twice as much fun!) with everyone that loves and cares about her. Journaling has been great for me, I hope you get as much out of it as I do.


Oh Janae that is tough! I’m so sorry to hear it. I can’t even imagine. Hang in there! That pain must be the worst to deal with out of the whole divorce since it just doesn’t end :(


Thinking of you as you transition in to a new normal.
God Bless!


Thank you so much for keeping this blog going. I found it a few months back and I have enjoyed every one since. You are so honest in your feelings and you have helped me and countless others to make it through our own rough times. I’m from NYC but visiting my parents in Sandy Utah! I’m making them try Cafe Rio! And we are hoping to find the Green Me truck down in Provo today! My thoughts are with you this week.


Reading your blog has given me such inspiration as I have been following it for about a year now. Last week my 5.5 yr relationship ended with my fiancé, and I am completely broken. Seeing how you have been able to bounce back in a year gives me hope because right now I feel like that is an eternity away. Thank you for giving me a much needed distraction every day. I love how much you love your precious daughter!


I went through something very similar years ago, sending you hugs as well and just letting you know, it does get better. It takes time, but I ended up realizing that he just wasn’t the one for me and even though it hurt so badly when it happened, I am so much happier then I ever thought I could be. Focus on you and surround yourself with good friends and junk food ;)


I’m sorry :/ that’s so tough to miss her actual birthday. On the bright side, you will be done with your 21 days no dessert Monday, right? So you can participate in the delicious cake eating! And as a kid I’m sure that will mean quite a bit to her! :)


That quote sums up so many of our lives. I bet you discover in time how to celebrate that birthday of Brooke’s when she is with you.

Half birthdays could become your thing….traditional is overrated.
Big ole ice cream sundaes on her half birthday. Set new traditions.

Have a super week and focus on Monday! You can do hard! Some cool blogger once said that. :)


That should have read you can do hard things! Oops. :)


Hang in there :-(. I’m sure you will have the most amazing birthday planned for her on Monday and she will be super excited to be celebrating her birthday on two days instead of just one. Love you!


Sending positive thoughts your way, Janae! It must be so awesome to have your family close by, plus you have more friends than I have had in my entire life combined! haha Spending time to reflect is so important, but you should let your awesome circle of people distract you a bit too :) Plus …. running. You should definitely enjoy running in the a.m with your friends!


Oh, I’m so sorry! I love that you’re “changing” her birthday though. Brooke is such a lucky little girl to be able to have TWO birthday on her 2nd birthday! Stay strong, mama :) xo


Janae you are so incredibly strong and such a good mom to Brooke. You can do hard things :)


It’s crazy that she’s turning two already! :) I hope your weekend is amazing and just know that this too will get easier with time. You sound like you’re handling it in the healthiest way. Let us know if we can help with goofy stories or anything! :)


Ugh I totally understand how you feel. It isn’t easy when we have to share holidays, especially birthdays but unfortunately it is part of the divorce thing. If it makes you feel any better, it does get easier as they get older. I don’t even know why but I know it happened for me over time. In fact, I stopped following our visitation/holiday schedule and let my son decide where he wants to be for holidays (and his actual birthday). And when he decides he wants to be with his dad let’s say two years in a row for Thanksgiving, I am happy because I know he is happy. Totally focus on planning her birthday for Monday and just in that planning, you will be happy and excited and getting through Friday will only make you a stronger person by Saturday.


Oh boy…I am feeling for you! And it’s so awesome that you realize how important it is to stay in the moment and feel the feelings…the good ones and the yucky ones. And this is a yucky one for sure. But you’ve come so far in a year! You can handle this, one step at a time, with lots of love and support. :)


Jaques Prevert said: “Il faudrait essayer d’être heureux, ne serait-ce que pour donner l’exemple”, it means that we should always try to be happy, even if it’s only for the sake of being a good example. You are a strong girl, no matter where or how you find your strength, your positive attitude is inspirational. So, keep it up, we all count on it. And, like with the running, it always gets easier..


I’m so sorry about Brooke’s birthday, Janae! That really sucks. Right now, my ex and I do all that stuff together–holidays, birthdays, etc. But we still live in the same city, and as of right now, there aren’t significant others in the picture either.

You will be okay. It sucks to miss special days, but I think it’s even more special that you get almost all the other days!


Ugh, that breaks my heart! The good news is, Brooke will be so showered by love for an extra long weekend this year, and I know you’ll blow her Monday birthday out of the water! PS – Brooke’s dinner is my kind of dinner!


Sure, Birthdays and Holidays are special but it’s the other days, the ordinary days, that mean the most. Those are the times when those little moments will happen that she’ll remember the most. Trust me. And hang in there. :)


This really is so true!


You’re such a wonderful mother filled with love!


I can’t even imagine having to say goodbye to my kids like that. :( Kids are so strong and resilient. She’ll be so excited to celebrate with you when she gets back!


Thinking of you!! I love the quote you shared, I feel like it’s true to my life too recently :) You are such an incredible mother and you and Brooke are so lucky to have each other. xo


That must be so hard I am so sorry….but maybe just look at it this way, Brooke gets 2 birthdays! Just changing her birthday to when she is with you is a great idea! It doesn’t make it all better…but it helps and it just means you are doing the very best that you can with the life you have. Brooke will love you dearly for all that you have done to make the best of this situation for her! Just do what you can and trust God for the rest. Hugs :)


So sweet. I feel for you, I truly do. As a new mom, my daughter is only 5 months old but the other night I looked back at her newborn photos…and bawled….like she did as a baby. You always have the right outlook though, even though at times it’s completely difficult…and you’re right, that’s OK! Take one thing at a time…one day at a time!

Happy Birthday to Brooke!!! and those mickey nuggets…YUM!


That must be so hard for you. But I love your plan of celebrating on Monday instead. Even though its not the actual day it can still be just as amazing. I hope that it gets easier for you although I’m sure it will always be difficult.


As someone who grew up with a single mom (and whose parents are divorced), I can reassure you the multiple birthdays was awesome. Maybe you can plan something special on that day that celebrates the mama (and the body!) that gave you that sweet girl. Blessings to you.


:( I’m so sorry you can’t be there with your little girl on her first birthday. I can’t even imagine what you’ll be feeling. I hope that you can keep yourself busy, spend time with your family, and that you have a heckuva birthday celebration on Monday. :) Hugs!


This hurts my heart! But shows how amazing of a mother you are-so nurturing, loving & caring.
It’ll be work it on Monday! Keep journaling. Writing for no one else to see is therapuetic and has helped me get through the toughest of times.


I hope you do something wonderful and awesome just for YOU this week!


I genuinely don’t know how you do it.


I love how you allow yourself to process and feel the emotions. I feel that is the only healthy way to deal with things. And I’m sure over time that Brooke going to her dad’s house will get better :)


Hi janae! I will be thinking of you this week. What a great outlook you have! We’ll be here, ready and waiting for your posts :)


so tough. wishing you lots of good miles this weekend and a very happy birthday celebration on monday!


Your positivity is inspiring!! You will have a great time celebrating on Monday and the rest of Brooke’s birthday month :)!


I’m hurting for you- this is hard. If you feel up to it you could celebrate yourself on Friday because it’s the day you worked so hard to bring her into the world and you became a mama. Don’t know if that will help but I recommend a treat for yourself regardless! Sending hugs.


My heart breaks for you. You are a great mother, you got this!


Brooke is such a gorgeous child and the relationship you have with your daughter is so beautiful! Im so sorry you won’t get to be with her on her 2nd birthday! I think your handling everything like a trooper! Love that she made you hold her foot, so cute the little things they want :) Adorable!


It will be a hard day, but you can do it. We have my stepson 60% of the time and we usually close his door the weekends that he isn’t with us because his empty room reminds us he isn’t with us. Its a hard emotion to process. You are happy for your child and their relationship but you are also sad for you because you want that little person with you all the time.


I do the same thing when my kids are gone for the weekend!


Stay strong lady! You have a whole bunch of people looking out for you and sending lots of love!!


This week will fly by! You’re such a strong mom and Brooke is lucky to have you!


I’m so sorry :( The time will fly by, and before you know it she will be back home again with you, and you can celebrate her Birthday :)


I thought this quote from Mrs. Doubtfire is quite appropriate today:
“In regards to my behavior, I can only plead insanity, because ever since my children were born, the moment I looked at them, I was crazy about them. And once I held them, I was hooked. I’m addicted to my children, sir. I love them with all my heart, and the idea of someone telling me I can’t be with them, I can’t see them every day… it’s like someone saying I can’t have air. I can’t live without air, and I can’t live without them. Listen, I would do anything. I just want to be with them. You know I need that, sir. We have a history. And I just— they mean everything to me, and they need me as much as I need them. So please, don’t take my kids away from me. Thank you.”
You’re a great mom, and you and Brooke are so lucky to have each other! Go get in some nice, long solo miles and enjoy your week!


Yes, this is so timely and so beautiful.




WOW. This nailed it. Thank you so much Angelica for sharing this quote for me, it is exactly how I feel. I really appreciate you!


That stinks, for you. But for Brooke, she doesn’t know the difference, she has 2 birthdays, and they are both special. You have such a big heart, keeping you in my prayers…


Oh Mama, I’m feeling for you. Praying that this time apart passes quickly. So proud of you for taking the time to feel and write and cry.


I’m sorry to hear that she’ll be away for her bday. As usual, your way of handling the situation is the coolest. You are so strong. Monday will be here before you know it. Happy bday Brooke!


Love how you keep a positive outlook on things when they get tough! Do something special for yourself this week!


That stinks. :-( If it makes you feel better, remember lots of people don’t actually celebrate their kids birthdays ON the actual birthday – especially if the b-day is on a weekday you don’t celebrate until the party on the weekend.. Also, Brooke will get two birthdays so I imagine she will be one happy little lady.


This post says a lot about you as a mom. You are a strong woman and can get through anything. Just think of the celebrations you will have on Monday and surround yourself with all things that make you happy until then.


I used to comment like once a year, but all your posts these days just seem to resonate so much with me so I guess I’m becoming one of those girls that always comments :) all I can say is yup. I’m a couple months behind you in the separation process, and my little girl is almost a year older than Brooke. Every holiday, every significant occasion, someone is always going to be sad and upset. I just hate that it’s you this year on Brooke’s birthday (this is also not my year to get my little lovey on her bday). I just tell myself that it’s an arbitrary date and she won’t know that you’re not celebrating on the exactly correct day. Also, I think a birthday is simply about letting someone know that you’re glad they were born and that they’re in your life, and I also think you do a spectacular job of that every single day with your Brooke. Anyway, thinking of you. This week. Hang in there


I wish I could give you a big hug. We can do this:)


You remind me much of how my mother handled her divorce with my father. I couldn’t be more proud of how you love and care for Brooke. You and she have one of the most amazing relationships that will keep her going all through her childhood knowing that her mother did the best she could and is doing the best she can because she has someone who loves and cares for her.
P.S. Running + Food = The ultimate happy. Way to be!


I’m not sure that I’ve ever commented before….but I just adore you! Good luck getting through this weekend.


After a difficult weekend, well, your Monday will be that much sweeter! =]


Not sure if this is helpful but perhaps celebrate a year of excellent parenting on her birthday. But yourself a present (I usually do). Raising a toddler is a tough job (the best job ever, but still hard work). Think of it as an enormous success how gracefully and lovingly you guided and protected her through the hardest year of your life.

Take care.


That’s a cool idea!


You’re a wonderful mother. It’s completely normal to feel this way. A birthday in my mind is when you celebrate it not the day it lands on. At least that’s what I tell myself. I’m usually alone and have no one to celebrate with. My family and friends live far away.


It is said again and again on here, but you handle(d) your divorce and moving on with such grace and, as my dad would say, such a good head on your shoulders. You show such maturity (for someone who thinks Gummy Bears constitutes a suitable breakfast…). ;)
That being said, I’m heartbroken that you have to spend Brooke’s birthday away from her. You have a wonderful attitude about it, though, and the celebration when she gets back will make it all that much sweeter. Stay positive, it is what makes you shine.


Will be thinking of you and hoping the days go by really fast!


Brooke is lucky to have you, Janae. I’m so sorry you won’t get to be with your girl on her special day. I would struggle with that too. When I’ve been upset about not being with my family on holidays, my husband reminds me that it’s not the day on the calendar that matters. What matters is that you celebrate together. Brooke doesn’t know that you won’t be with her on her birthday and I imagine you’ll make next Monday absolutely amazing for her. Big hugs mama, you’re doing a great job with her, keep it up <3


I can’t imagine what you’re feeling and going through, but stay strong, sounds like you have a great plan for this weekend and celebrating extra the following week!


I love love love that quote!! It’s hard when things stray from how you planned but it’s the aftermath and what we do in the moment of change, how we handle ourselves etc., that speaks to who we really are. You are so strong and such a good role model! I definitely do the same thing where I keep myself so busy I don’t have time to feel my feelings and then all of the sudden they just explode out of you and it’s not fair to yourself! I’m definitely going to work on this too, allowing myself to feel even when I’m scared to. Keep your head high, you’re so strong!


Brooke is blessed to have the love of both her parents and their families. I can’t imagine how you feel, but the joy in her face when she comes home will make it all worth while. Hang in there, mama.


I’m so sorry you won’t get to be with Brooke on her birthday, but remember – it’s just a day. Celebrate HER when she gets back and how special she is, because she’s special every single day! And remember, whenever you’re angry or upset or sad – talk to God. Tell him your pain, and pray. It always makes me feel better to get it off my chest


Hugs to you, Janae.


I’m glad you’re taking time to process things. You are exactly right when saying that running around and keeping yourself “busy” only works short term. Acknowledge the pain and work through it, not around it. It gets better from here.


Bless. Big hugsies, friend.


Sweet Janae!

I truly understand where you are coming from. As a “fellow divorce'”, I also would be lost on those weekends and special occassions when my son was with his father. I wanted to tell you that it does get eaiser! Well, there are times when it creeps back up…I cannot lie. In fact, my son who is now 25 years old was included in a picture on facebook just yesterday with his Dad’s family at the dinner table. I have to admit that it took me right back to the days when he was 4yrs old leaving me for the weekend. My son lives 1.5 hours away in the same city as his dad and he doesn’t have a car (he’s my “free spirit”) so I rarely get to see him. Seeing that picture remined me that he will always be my little boy and will always have my heart. I too am glad that he does have a relationship with his Dad. I guess I say all of this simply to let you know that you are not alone. The times that my son was away, I was able to re-discover who I was, what I liked to do, whether or not I wanted to sulk all weekend until his return…these weekends became “mine”. I hope you can find comfort in what I have shared. I will be praying for you. Thank you for being you!!


Hi Janae, I am a daily reader but rare commenter. I just wanted to send best wishes your way. I know that this will be a tough week, and I’m sorry that you are going through this. As a mother to a 1-year old, I can empathize with the feelings that you are having. I hope that this week goes by quickly. I will be thinking of you.


Huge hugs girl. You are so strong!


This is one of the parts of divorce I hate the most. Next year, my son won’t be with me on his birthday at all and that just kills me. We do half birthdays here and that is something he really looks forward too. I’ve had to change Christmas before and that can be tough too, but it really makes me look forward to the years he is with us on those big days. Being busy is the only way to get through….good call.


Writing and crying are so cathartic. You are a wonderful mom and a beautiful person. Brooke is so very lucky! Thank you for sharing your thoughts x


Sending hugs your way. You are really amazing to be able to be so positive and have such an awesome outlook on life – I just want to say that reading your posts always makes my day better.


Oh hun :( I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine how hard it must be for you, but just remember one of the mantras you tell yourself to get through a tough run — you can do hard things :)


Thank you for sharing with us.

Sending you all my love and positive energy during this tough week. Each time I practice my yoga, I will set my intention on you… (and my dear, sweet sister, who just lost her husband 6 weeks ago).


My littles are obsessed with Daniel Tiger too! They keep asking me how much longer until the 18th (the day Daniel Tiger becomes a big brother). What is it with that show and its hold on kids? Not that I’m complaining, it’s a cute show, much better than some of the weirdo kid shows out there.

And now you have me craving breadsticks. :) Good luck this week!


Maybe with your free time on Brooke’s birthday, you can celebrate how the day is a celebration of you, too — the day that you became a Mom! Hang in there!


This makes me sad, as the one who worked so hard to deliver that sweet girl into this world I feel like YOU should be the one to always have her on the day of her birth!! She’ll be back before you know it, keep your chin up. You are a wonderful mom.


I will echo what so many others have said…it is rough. It’s not fair…nobody becomes a parent to “share” their child. You are a positive role model for Brooke…and she is beyond blessed to be surrounded with so many people that love her. I have been there…been through this…it WILL get easier. The change becomes your new normal. Hang in there, mama…and I definitely agree with others…on the day of her birthday, do something for YOU!!! : )


So sorry, that would be SO hard for me too! I’m sure her birthday party when she gets back will be even that much more special and amazing though!


Big hugs!! One thing I did think about when reading this was how glad I am to hear that her dad wants to be a part of her life. I know too many people where one parent (not always the dad!) just doesn’t care enough to be involved. I hope you can enjoy the rest of your week and get a lot accomplished with decorating y’alls apartment!


Janae, the reason why I love reading your blog is because you are so strong and honest with your readers. You’ve shown lots of class during your divorce and Brooke is extremely lucky to have you as her mommy!


I’m always thinking about you Janae and I will be especially this weekend. Those of us that read everyday and take the time to comment really love u! You’ve come such a long way in just a year. You & Brooke will have a wonderful time on Monday. You are an inspiration to so many!


This is so sad to read, but it will get easier in time. I’m only 17 so obviously have not been divorced but my parents are. My dad never gets to see me on my birthdays and I usually always spend Christmas with my dad, so my mum never sees me on Christmas. It’s always a tough situation but you do what you have to do. I’ve began to realise that I can’t make everyone happy at every holiday and that I don’t have any other choice than to move on. My mum and I celebrate our own Christmas a week before the actual one. It’s not the date that is important, it’s spending it with loved ones. Brooke will probably be over the moon that she has two special days! Stay strong :)


you really are an inspiration


Life really is the biggest journey ever. We never know the curve balls coming our way. But we certainly try to make the best of it. You are a true example of this. Brooke is so special and you are so lucky to spend each moment you can with her. Life is fleeting. You are an outstanding mom:)


Oh, that sounds so tough! You’re amazing for allowing yourself the time to grieve <3 Hugs to you!


Here’s to falling into, or continued perfection of the “while Brooke is gone” routine.

When my sister and I can not be with each other on our birthdays we still have dessert in spirit. She went out for mint chocolate chip ice cream for me this year. I do not know if you are on or off of sweets by B’s b-day, but maybe a way to give a shout out to the little lady.


I can’t believe how much she has changed. I follow your blog daily, so I feel like I never noticed until looking at photos from a year ago.

Those mickey mouse nuggets are the cutest!


Too many women in the world get bitter and angry and demolish the relationship with their kids and the fathers. I can only imagine how hard it must be but so proud of your for honoring that relationship. So very important. No matter what happened she will always look at him the way you look at your Daddy. And I love that you get that. Hugs to you on Friday girl ; )


I know exactly how you feel. My daughter is 2.5 y/o and we are going through the same thing with her dad. It’s heartbreaking and really really hard, but it sounds like you have a good plan to handle things. My heart goes out to you… Wish I lived close and when our daughters are away, we could meet up and laugh and cry and you could give me some stellar running advice. :) Hang in there, momma.


Good luck this week, I hope it flies by for you! I can’t imagine not being with my baby boy on his birthday. I’m sure it will get easier soon :)


It’s better to teach your child that it’s not the exact date but the celebration. I’ve celebrated thanksgiving, Christmas and birthdays on alternate days. The most important thing is family. She will never remember and if she grows up thinking it’s no big deal then it won’t be. Birthday day with dad and then another birthday with mom.
It is seriously just social pressure that’s out of control. My job has me working holidays all the time. It doesn’t mean the celebration of Christmas on a different day isn’t special and it’s amazing how much it feels like the actual day.


Stay strong, Mama. You are so amazing with little Brooke – and she knows it. You’re always doing what’s right for her, first and foremost. Easier said than done sometimes.


Military families adjust to celebrating on different days all the time. We’ve had Christmas on different days, Thanksgiving and definitely birthdays. Being with your family is really the best part and this way Brooke gets her birthday twice. I celebrate my birthday for an entire week (secretly the whole month of June is “my birthday).

Cake two different days? never a bad thing. :)


This may be too personal to ask you – but do you ever think, in the future, you may be able to celebrate Brooke’s birthday together with Brooke’s dad? That way she can see both her parents on her birthday – even if her parents are not together?


That is such a great quote! Hugs to you during a hard week! Brooke is still young, but know that she is missing her mama too!


I’m glad you said it because I was going to say it, too – it’s helpful to be busy when you’re sad to keep your mind focused on something else, but it’s also vital that you let yourself really feel your emotions, too <3


Thinking of you. As always, thank you for sharing. I think you’re handling everything really well and have a great attitude about things.


My parents split when I was about Brooke’s age. I loved having double celebrations of stuff like my birthday and Christmas most years. I grew to consider it one of the “perks” of being a child of divorce. I’m really glad you are facilitating Brooke’s relationship with her dad. My mom did that for me, though she was devastated and only 22 when he left. It helped so much. I got to witness, first-hand, the damage that occurs when one parent tries to destroy the other’s relationship with the children. My husband’s ex-wife continues to try to undermine and control still…and it’s been 19 years since their divorce was finalized. Stay strong, girl! You’re doing the right thing :)


Just want to send you a big virtual hug.


I hope Brooke has two wonderful birthday celebrations. The most important thing is the she will feel the birthday love twice… once on her birthday, and once with you on Monday! Hang in there, Mom. You’re incredibly strong!


I think you have a lot of guts and are very courageous. I can’t imagine doing what you do. You are a great Mom. And Brooke gets two birthday celebrations- can’t beat that!


I am so sorry, seriously can only imagine what you’re feeling right now. Big giant hugs for you!


You are a good momma, Jenae, for how you are handling all that comes with a divorce and a child. Just don’t forget you can throw a major hissy fit on your own if necessary this week. I used to literally roll around on the floor and sob and rage, hitting the ground with my fists and feet. And then usually ended up laughing at what an idiot I was being! But it helped. (Is it clear I only did this when my kids were gone? I hope so!)
My point being, do what you need to do to make it through this week.

That quote is so my life. Sometimes still it’s not ok, but those times are few and far between. And that’s ok too.



Sorry, spelled your name right and wrong in that comment! Haha….silly iPad! Yes, I am blaming the iPad.


You sure have the right attitude… A birthday can be celebrated any day! My family is all over the place, so we only celebrate Christmas when everyone can be together. And that’s almost never on the 25th!


You are so brave for opening yourself up so much to all of us.

My heart breaks for you… But not for Brooke, because she will be fine. She has two patents who love her, and respect each others role as parents. All Brooke will ever know is love. It is for YOU that my heart breaks. I just can’t imagine the pain of not spending every moment with her that you would like. Just imagining what you are feeling gives me a knot in my stomach. It’s so good of you to both keep yourself distracted and allow yourself to process all the mix of emotions you will go through.

We’ve all said it, and it’s so true… You are an amazing and inspiring person. Hopefully you have good runs, and good visits with friends until Brooke is back home. Hang in there!!


I think Brooke is so lucky to have such a loving mom!! I sure that the memories of everything that you have done will far out weigh the small amount of things you might have to miss! And i also bet double birthday celebration will just be all the more exciting for her!


I think this might be my first comment, who knows, but I had to say: Janae, you are so wonderful. I’m so sad for you, as we all are, that Brooke will be away on Friday but I’ll be thinking of you and hoping Monday comes quickly so you can have the big celebration!! I don’t have any kids myself, but I am heading for a divorce right now and reading your posts has helped me stay sane and they have proven to be a great reminder and example of TRULY taking the high road. I really admire your optimism and your TACT. And that quote you posted… whoa!! Truer words have never been spoken! Hang in there this week, lady, we are all sending good vibes your way. <3


Thank you so much Eliza! I am truly so sorry that you are going through a divorce right now and if you ever need to talk… Just email me!


Our babies have the same birthday. I mean the exact same. Evan was born August 15, 2012. I cannot believe that they will be 2 in 3 days. I’m sorry you will not be able to be with Brooke on her birthday but you will have a blast next week celebrating with her. You are such an amazing woman and so strong. I just love your blog. I am somewhat a new reader, have been reading your blog for about 6 months now.


I know exactly how you feel hunni, i am in the same boat and it hurts like heck. My daughter is nearly 11 now and you would think i should be used to it :( but instead now what i do around her birthday time when she is not with me, is organise an awesome birthday party for her, go to the cake shop, order the most incredible cake and keep busy and focus on her smile when she is enjoying her party with me and her family, it always turns out a pretty awesome party ;)

Keep busy organising a party, cake a gift and before long she will be celebrating the birthday with you, and no one can take the gift away that you brought her into the world and that is the most important gift of all. We cant change the circumstance but we can change the way we think.

God bless you Janae and Brooke xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


You’ll have a great celebration — even if it isn’t on her actual birthday :) Stay strong!


These kinds of posts definitely hit home for me, as I grew up with divorced parents from about Brooke’s age. I hate to say it this way, but she’s actually lucky that this happened earlier in her life rather than later because she won’t ever have to adjust to a new way of life. All she will remember is always having 2 birthdays, 2 Christmases, 2 Easters, etc. That’s the one benefit children with split up parents get, and I’ll tell you- double gifts and double birthday parties can sure help ease the sting once a year!

You’re doing so great through this whole thing and I’m sure it helps to get all of your emotions out by writing about it. You have a huge community supporting you, and you’ll get through this. I can’t say it gets any easier because I’ve never been the parent in that situation but you’ll get stronger and learn better ways to deal with missing her every year. What’s important is that you have a sweet, adorable daughter who will come back and be excited to see you and celebrate again!


I think it’s so awesome that you two are able to have that kind of amicable divorce and that you know Brooke is in good hands. And birthday parties for 2 year-olds are so much fun!

I understand how you feel about missing out on that time though. I’m trying to relocate from Washington to Arizona and it’s been soooo hard. I don’t want to miss a month of my kids’ lives for them to come here, and I’m so worried that he won’t take care of them. But in the time since our divorce, he has been SO uncooperative and it’s like this is the only choice :( Sometimes I wonder if the courts really are looking for the “best interest of the child.”


Hi VT i agree with you, i have wondered multiple times if they are really looking at the best interests of the child or looking at the parent with the most money :(

Goodluck with your circumstance, i was once in your shoes, very hard. Godbless.



Good thing is she is so young to even know you see her on a different date. Good thing is when she’s older to know you can Skype each other and she will be thrilled for more than one party!


Hi Janae, yours and Brooks bond is so precious and sweet and I was already having a teary morning before I read your know that my heart shed some tears for you..a hard week it may be but it will go by fast…wouldn’t it be fun to stay at your parents all week and just run as much as your allowed and send us pics all week of all your 900 course meals that your amazing mom serves? :) I can speak from Brooke’s end as my parents divorced when I was young and now that I am older and still have a special relationship with my mom, just know that it will mean so much to her when she gets older when she see’s how much you miss her vs. being upset that you have to share the time. Your example of love with integrity has already started and her heart feels it! big hug to you..we can both get thru this hard week…we will just need a different flavor of ice cream each day… :) xx H


Look at it this way: now we she comes back you can have sweets and treats with her! (and you won’t be breaking your sugar-free streak!)


Oh sweet Janae, this post kind of broke my heart. You are so strong and yes it will be a hard day, but just think! When you do celebrate it is going to be AMAZING!!! And Brooke will love getting to celebrate her birthday so much! :)



Geez, Brooke has always been SO cute. I just want to snuggle her!


That’s tough! You guys are going to have so much fun when she gets home that it won’t even matter what day it is. :)

I still hate saying goodbye to my mom, and I’m 29. It’s always tough to leave your best friend.


Sending prayers & love your way. LOTS of prayers & love.


You are such an inspiration for me! I am also divorced and was completely thrown for a loop when my husband came home and said he wanted a divorce. We do not have children so I can not imagine how you feel not being with Brooke on her birthday, but I hope you know that you have people here to support you through this tough week!


I can’t even imagine how difficult this will be for you. But pray for strength and take good care of yourself.


The first holidays/birthdays away are the absolute hardest. But this is exactly why we celebrate birthday weeks. It became less important which parent has the munchkin(s) for that particular day. The “funny” thing now, is that everyone kind of feels sorry for our youngest (in our his/mine/ours family) because she only gets to celebrate one of everything.


You are one of the strongest and positive people that I know. I have always admired your beautiful smile and huge heart. Bless your sweet heart for your amazing attitude and use of the atonement. Your example shines through for all of us to learn from but, especially for your sweet Brooke. Love you and I’d give you a huge hug if I got to see your cute face. If you need some treats, I’d be happy to bring you some. Love you too the moon and back cute girl.


You are so brave and coping so well. i admire your stength and dignity through it all. Chin up and she will be back with you in no time. then you can have an a mazing celebration. Brooke is going to grow up knowing how loved she is and cherished she is. Dont underestimate how amazing you are.


You can get through this. We are all sending you love–don’t forget the blog-world is here for you. Write-it-out.. even if you need to do it in a journal instead of on the digital page.

Also.. this might seem stupid, but I live in an apartment alone and cannot have a dog (due to teaching long hours, I am sure you recall those days!).. therefore, I have a beautiful magenta Beta fish. Betas are male… and usually $4… so I call him my man, and I remind myself (and men that upset me) that a new man is always $4 away! I would definitely encourage you to consider getting a Beta to keep you company while Brooke is away. I know it isn’t an even replacement because nothing can replace Brooke, but studies have shown that watching fish swim for even a few minutes can reduce one’s level of stress. Not to mention, I just think he’s adorable and he responds when I talk to him or give his bowl a hug.

Get yourself a $4 man.


You are going to have such a wonderful time with her when she gets back!! Think of it this way – Brooke will always be (no matter where she is) with someone who loves her, and is so excited to spend time with her. She’ll love that you are being so good with keeping her involved with her dad, even though it’s hard for you. When she grows up she’ll appreciate how civil and kind you are, doing all of this for her. We share 50-50 custody of my 6 year old step-son, and he thrives in both houses. He has multiple birthday celebrations (four sets of grandparents means sooooo many parties and presents, because nobody wants to miss out on the fun), and with big holidays, we work out schedules that work for everybody. We also live a lot closer together than you and Brooke’s dad, so that helps, but the idea is the same – everybody working to get along as best they can, for the good of the kiddo. You’re such a good mama. I hope the time flies by for you, and soon she’ll be flying right back into your arms.


I’m so sorry that you won’t be with your baby girl on her birthday. Makes me sad for you and her.


Love you and proud of how strong you’re being through this.

There’s always a couch in NYC with your name on it. xo


Saying goodbye is hard although it’s gotten easier since it’s about once a week for me and never lasting more than a night or two. Most days I miss him instantly though. So far I haven’t missed any big events. I’m lucky I have a good relationship with his dad and we live about 10 minutes away so it’s ok for us to celebrate his birthday together.

Sending you strength with Brooke is away.


My Grandma always holds my feet, and there is something so calming about it! She said her kids (my mom) wanted their feet rubbed when they were sick. Brooke is learning extra early that it’s extremely calming!

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