And just like that, all of my rollerblading skills from the 4th grade have returned after a little bit of practice this morning on the sidewalk next to my apartment.  I’ll be doing triple axels in no time.  

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The purple wheels make me love them just that much more.  I think that rollerblading up the canyon is going to make my glutes super strong = these are going to make me speedy and injury free:)  Best cross-training ever.

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Brooke and I had a playdate after I did a quick elliptical workout at the gym.  Heaven forbid I shower and wear real people clothes before 5 pm.

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Brilliant kid idea:  shower curtain from the dollar store and washable dry erase markers.  The kids loved it.

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We also booked our tickets for a girls trip for the weekend that Brooke will be with her dad in October… Allegiant flights were only $60 each way to California and we are staying with our college friends!!! The group of girls I will be with love donuts just as much as I do.  It is going to be a real good time.   

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Salad bar leftovers made my heart and stomach very happy.  PS peach slices in peach greek yogurt is recommended.

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Brooke has been wearing her high heels all over the apartment today and I really think that we all need some light up running shoes asap.  

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I’ll be doing 20 miles tomorrow morning for my St. George Marathon training (THIRTY SIX DAYS)!   I mentioned the other day that my feet were feeling really tight.  These sponge bob golfballs (freeze them!) have been helping loosen them out so much.  Mini foam rollers for your feet!  I am noticing a huge difference already and I just roll them out when I am sitting down at the computer.  

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20 miles sounds scary.  I am already preparing myself to stay in the mile I am doing rather than think about how I have x amount of miles left to run when I am out there.  I’ll also be splitting up the miles between the treadmill, with friends on the trails and on the roads by myself (once it gets light out).  I also am going to be trying something new out—>  chocolate covered cinnamon bears for fuel starting at mile 4.  


SHARE A RUNNING TIP THAT YOU HAVE!! Could be anything from your tips about fueling to stretching to how you work on your mental game!  

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I like Trash TV while on the TM and you are sooo right…stay in the moment (don’t think of how many more…)! Also, frozen water bottles rolled under your feet work wonders too.

Love the coloring idea, I’m going to try that!


Good call on the frozen water bottles! I am going to have to try that!


I use golf balls for my feet quite a bit, but have never put them in the freezer before!

Sometimes my insoles feel like they are getting really hot while I run, so I rub a bar of soap (Ivory) directly on the insole and it takes all the heat away. I don’t know why it happens (why they get hot) or why it works (the soap), but its awesome!

Good luck with the 20 miler! :)


Crazy! So happy that you found something that works so well for you!


Running Tip: To get through a really, really long run you need either a fantastic playlist that will keep you pumped (the right song coming on just when you need it – can’t be beat!) or a great audio book or podcast that will keep you entertained. Or all of the above! You never know what mood you’ll be in and it’s nice to be able to switch to whatever you need that day. That’s what works for me!


I need to get some good audio books to listen to! THANKS ALYSSA!! I hope you are having a great day!


I break up my run… If I have to run 12 miles it’s just 3 miles 4 times. It helps me get out of my head!

Good luck tomorrow!! You got this :)


I am so going to try the frozen golf ball thing! I keep getting horrible charlie horses in my feet whenever I point my toes… I its from being an ex-gymnast and not pointing my toes 24/7 anymore, my feet just don’t want to be normal I guess haha


Brooke is just SO fancy! My best running tip, find an awesome route that you can really enjoy when you’re going for those long runs! And bring your favorite running buddy – essential for survival! :)


Wow high heels already!? :)
My feet have been tight lately too and I’ve been using a lax ball but frozen golf balls are a great idea! Have a great run tomorrow!


I don’t run with music because I like to use the time to think and reflect. Its also a great time to talk to myself and yes, I answer back too. Running my 3 rd Marathon Saturday in Pocatello! During races I always run with a pace group. Its a good time to meet other runners.


Wear knee pads and elbow pads just in case!


i do the same Diane.!! I have never really liked running with music. but on 12+ milers I make it a treat, so i get to listen to a super pump up song once I start losing motivation. and than it helps get me through.


It really helps me to run my long runs with friends and training groups. Even if someone only needs a few miles for their training, it helps so much to have their company.


Ok, this shower curtain and dry erase markers…brilliant!! My kids are too old for that now but I should have thought of this back a few years! Running tips…hmmm. When running long I just do a lot of visualizing and trying to feel my pace. I also try to practice gratitude and think of something new for each mile and then challenge myself to really think deeply about each thing (one thing at a time) for each mile. It’s actually harder than it sounds to focus on one thing for 7 to 8ish minutes at a time without having your mind wander to the next thing. At the end of your 20 miles you will have been mindful of at least 20 things you are grateful for. If you want it to last a mile, you have to think of things worth thinking of for that long.


Very awesome idea. If everyone did bait more of this, it would be a happier world. Great tip.


I love that. I took a list of 26 things to pray for on my last marathon and chose one thing to pray for each mile :)
It’s hard to complain about the run with a heart filled with gratitude!!


The frozen golf ball idea is genius. I am definitely going to have to try that this eve. I really don’t get foot cramps from running, but I get them a lot while swimming.

When I am out doing a long run I always build little milestones into my route. That way, I don’t focus on the entire run but on the little distances from point A to point B to point C and so on. Little milestones reap big rewards in the long run. :)


Love the rollerblading and the shower curtain and dry erase markers is genius… As an adult, even I would enjoy that!
Mentally breaking up your run/a great playlist/ having a mantra to repeat when the going gets tough always works for me


Good luck with your 20 miler!!! I did my first for this marathon last Sunday and it wasn’t nearly as bad as I feared. 20 sunny trail miles go quickly. :) I’ve been really loving Power Bar gel blasts for fuel on the run lately….mostly because they taste like candy!

Tip: I keep my foam roller and yoga mat laid out in my living room, along with heating pad close by. That way when I am binge watching the Mindy Project or PLL I am more likely to use them!


My mother-in-law is training to be a yoga instructor and she told me to roll my feet with tennis balls. Sounds like you are on the right track! Here are some other poses she told me to do to stretch out:

Also I saw this today and thought of you immediately. Mizuno did a cool research project to see what would happen if everybody ran, check it out!


That’s such a brilliant idea for your feet! Where did you find the little balls?


Those roller blades are pretty awesome. I think I would fall on my face if I tried to skate again!


Good Luck tomorrow! I’m sure it will go well!


I have to say that the only thing that helps my plantar fasciitis is wearing a night splint. I highly recommend it.

Running tip: use the treadmill to get used to long runs. Running on the road for x number of long miles can seem overwhelming. When trying to build up mileage, I focused on time not distance. I set the treadmill for a certain time (100 minutes was my big hurdle) and covered the rest of the display. I focused on ticking off the minutes and fell in love with running all over again.


Mmmm. I am jealous of those left overs. I had a peach today too. I cut it up, dusted it with cinnamon, a little bit of brown sugar, a sprinkling of oats and chopped pecans and a couple of spoonfuls of cottage cheese. Sounds weird, but it sooo good. It is my (somewhat) healthier version of peach cobbler.

Using chocolate covered cinnamon bears as fuel could be your best idea yet. I need to know how that goes. I can’t wait until my miles and speed are up and we can run together! Where is the countdown/ap on my phone for that??!


I used to LOVE rollerblading, and I’ve been thinking for months now that I should start again for cross training. You almost have me convinced to go get myself a new pair of rollerblades (a couple years ago I FINALLY got rid of the pair I used back in the 90s).


I always break my long runs into multiple 5ks or loops so I can access my car as my own personal aid stop. It helps mentally knowing I have a towel to wipe my brow or a banana to eat if I need as I plug away at the miles.


Good luck on your long run! You are going to rock it!!!


The shower curtain is such a great idea. Brooke’s light up shoes are adorable.

Good luck with your long run.


For long runs I like to run on a route that is broken up into segments by trying new streets, etc. I love listening to podcasts on long runs too (Trail Runner Nation has some good ones…)


I LOVE my foot rubz!!!! It is this little green spiky ball thing for your foot and not very expensive…only like $5!
Long runs scare me to death :)! I like audiobooks for them or podcasts and I just try to stay in the mile and relax. It helps me mentally to break it up into 4 or 5 mile groups and think about how great I will feel when I am done :)


I’ve been having troubling falling to sleep lately because it seems my mind becomes flooded with every little thing I’m anxious or worried about in life right then. I tell myself that instead of worrying about it at night, the next morning on my run I give myself 1 mile to think about each concern and then I have to leave it on the trail. Next mile, I work out the next thing that seems to be bothering me. Running = therapy times a thousand.


I would love in my tank, yoga pants and flip flops everyday if I could. I don’t even like buying real clothes as much either. Love those little heals on Brooke. Super cute!


Well I don’t have many running tips, because I’m still a super newbie at it, BUT I have to say, you have made me want to dust off my roller blades!! ;)



My feet have been bothering me lately too — I need to try frozen golf balls!


Where did you get Brooke’s horse shirt? I have a daughter who takes horseback riding lessons and she would LOVE that!


You have to get it! It is from gap!


rollerblading sounds dangerous


Girls trip to California?! If you’re nearby we need to hug :)


Those golfballs look like something I should try-I am a 3rd grade teacher and my feet have been killing me this week!good luck with your run, you’ll do great! Just think of the apple fritter/delicious smoothie/ insert other delicious treat here that you will eat at the end!
ps…are you still working with your running coach? Just curious!


Wait. You mean workout clothes aren’t real people clothes?! Dang. I need to go shopping… haha


Wrist guards!! An absolute necessity rollerblading. I know from experience :( Should have worn a helmet too. Yes, it looks dorky, but in a split second everything can change.


woah brooke has some fabulous shoes!


Chocolate covered cinnamon bears as running fuel? Jaenae you are a genius.


Good luck on your 20 miler! YOU GOT THIS!


I’m running 20 on Saturday and I’m an anxious mess. Wish we could run them together! Except you’d collapse from running so slowly…or just start circling around me. Have a fabulous run!

I met a little Brookers look alike at the pool yesterday. She was a darling. We kept saying bye to each other and waving as she went down the slide…over and over and over again. She had a cute pink bathing suit JUST like B.


Girl trip? Is it near San Luis Obispo? Run the City to the Sea half!


Don’t worry, I too find myself unshowered and not in real people’s clothes before 5 pm daily. Love that idea for the kids…need to get a shower curtain for my little one ASAP!


Cinnamon chocolate bears sound like the best running snack ever. I do have a hard time chewing while I run, though, so I’ve been sticking mostly to gels for fuel. I like Honey Stingers the best, but I did get a free box of GU, so you know. Work with what you’ve got sometimes :) Love those golf balls! I used to freeze tennis balls for the same thing, but I bet the golf ball takes it to a whole new level.


Hmmmm my favorite running tip is having something good to listen to, to keep my mind off the running! HA! I am addicted to podcasts & audiobooks right now- they might be a little boring if you’re used to music but I really like it!


I big puffy heart LOVE Allegiant! So nice to get a flight for cheap! Have a great day!!


You’ll probably be gone by the time you read this… but my favorite tip for a long run is to dedicate each mile to someone/something!


I mentally divide the mileage into smaller groups :) I <3 running with other people and listening to new music. I've also be known to make phone calls during a long/tough run.


I recover with an ice bath thanks to your many posts and I absolutely love it! My calves are never sore after an ice bath :)


Heck yes for chocolate covered cinnamon bears bears ON the run! Good luck you’ll do great! And you are rocking those roller blades!! Xoxo


I would love to roller blade for cross training – hello, Christmas list :) The shower curtain idea was excellent – was that Pinterest, or just you being creative? :)


I used to love rollerblading but my feet started getting really numb to the point of pain after a while. Does this happen to you? They tingle all over and it hurts to walk!


I want to start rollerblading too. Last time I tried, I kept falling but I gotta just keep trying. Maybe I’ll wait until it gets cold outside so I’ll be wearing lots of puffy layers so when I fall, there will be cushioning.


Yay for a girls’ trip coming up! I’m heading to Atlanta for the weekend starting tomorrow and I can’t wait!


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