Are you competitive with yourself? With other people?

We tried really hard to get a good self-timer shot with my iPhone of us running and this is the best that we were able to get.   

A humid run yesterday morning with Jess.  I really don’t understand how you East Coasters run in humidity…  my version of humidity in Utah is probably equivalent to the driest day of the year for you.  I almost sweated to death with our 3% humidity yesterday.  

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Competitiveness.  The topic of the day.  

I was thinking about it yesterday and I really think that over the years I have lost some of my competitive bones.  When I am in a race (except for my last marathon I could barely finish let alone compete) I feel like my competitive side really comes out.  But during training I don’t feel competitive at all anymore.  It used to drive me to push harder if someone was running faster than me outside or next to me on the treadmill but now I just clap in my head for them and go along at whatever pace I feel like going.  I think I am just more competitive with myself over the last little while than anything else if that makes sense… hitting a certain pace or a goal time drives me to run faster than competing with another runner.   When my sister and I used to go running a lot a few years ago we would end up sprinting pretty much for the entire last mile or two because one person would speed up and then the other would catch them and pass the other and do that over and over again until we finished…  that doesn’t happen anymore:)

Is this you:  


I have a love/hate relationship with Ikea.  I love it because I get some killer deals there but I don’t love it when I leave with a headache and sore arms from pushing around 500 lbs of stuff.  If only Ikea would just deliver everything right to me and put it together for me too… all for a cheap price:).

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A date with my parents at Costco for some pizza for dinner #1

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And a late night dinner #2 with Jess and Paige.   Jess had this for dessert and I actually did drool onto the table. 

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Brooke is so over my 21 days of no desserts… anytime we walk past a froyo place she just stands there and points.  

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PS Candice sent me this awesome ab/obliques workout!  Try it, it is great!  I am still sore and I did it two days ago.  

Remember to keep up with the GLUTE EXERCISES from last week… I will have some new ones for you to add later on today.  


Are you pretty competitive or not so much?  Would you rather place well in a race or get a personal record?  Anyone competitive with their siblings?  What about the people next to you on the treadmill?

Are you one of those lucky ones that gets to run in the humidity every day?  HOW do you do it?

Ikea—>  love/hate/somewhere in the middle?

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I used to be a lot more competitive with other runners in a race situation as motivation, but now it’s more about doing the best I can without getting hurt. I think experiencing an injury shows you the bad side of being too competitive with others or yourself, so that has really changed my approach. But, I still get competitive with the treadmill! Which is one reason I hate it – I know I’ll get swept up in trying to go faster or longer than the people around me!

I can’t stand Ikea! It’s too big, too exhausting, just a NO for me!!


I’m the Queen of Competitive, haha! My husband and I try to beat each other at EVERYTHING (and of course he always wins…) – we just can’t help ourselves! I once beat him at a game of miniature golf (on our honeymoon, 7 years ago), and of course I’m still gloating about it to this day… :)


Haha I feel the same way! Isn’t it frustrating?!!


That’s a fun question–I’m interested to see people’s answer hah.

I’m competitive (I bet most will be). I would rather place high in a race (which doesn’t seem the nobler of the two hah). I love running on indoor tracks in the winter bc I finally get to be by other people and fake race them.

I think when I am more mature I will just race myself and feel great about it hah!

I certainly have lost the ‘edge’ though, kinda like you’ve said:)


I am extremely competitive with myself, but not with others. It typically works in my favor but I can be very hard on myself!


I’m THRILLED just to get a personal record in a race; that’s usually my goal. Of course… it doesn’t hurt to place well, too ;)

I am a humidity runner! I originally come from California, so the humidity in Ohio was a bit of a shock at first! As I’ve run more and more I have gotten really used to it though and it’s not so bad. Makes the dry heat feel like a treat!

Can I ask where you got your brown leather purse?? Love it!


Haha Brooke has been trained so well! She knows fro-yo when she sees it!

I’ve never been really competitive with others. I don’t know if that comes from not being involved in sports when I was younger, or if it’s just the way I am. I can get competitive with myself, but that comes and goes too. I think a lot of it just comes with getting older or being in this life stage where just doing something for my health starts to feel like enough. I don’t always feel that pressure to get faster or better.


I’m really competitive, but typically only with myself. I always want to be a little better than the last time. If I set a goal and I don’t make the time, it hits me pretty hard. So, I’m working on looking at the outside factors (ahem, humidity) that can affect my run.


I am very competitive! Mostly with myself but I will speed up if someone is running past me (even if they’re going the other way haha!) I’ve been running in humidity for the last few weeks. Some days I can’t handle it and head inside to the treadmill.

Ikea is a love/hate. They have cute affordable stuff but I don’t like putting it together!


I’ve found that I’m becoming less competitive with others, and more internally competitive, too! I used to try to run faster than my husband or my sister in every run, but then life convinced me that those are the best times to talk and enjoy eachother’s company, not try to out-do them. So I save the racing and competitiveness for the races. :)

PS- if you ever come to Atlanta, I will help you run in our ridiculous humidity. Today’s high is 90 with 45% humidity. Mornings usually are around 70 degrees with 80% humidity. Yuck.


I think if I was fast enough to earn a placement at a race I would get really competitive about it, but I don’t think that is in my future :) Instead I just try to compete with myself (and sometimes I pick one person near me and tell myself I will beat that person)!

I do get to run in the humidity every. single. day. It’s usually between 60 – 90% here! To get through it I just make sure i am constantly drinking water ALL day long because I know I will sweat it all at during a run!


I am crazy kind of competitive but mostly with myself.
I’m not a fan of ikea. I used to be but not so much anymore.
And lastly, I run in Florida! It’s jungle humid. For real. I soaked myself with a hose before running this morning and I still only managed 3 miles before I just couldn’t breathe anymore. Of course in the Winter when everyone else is freezing, I’m smiling! :)


I am competitive with myself and when I first started of course I was competitive with the people around me but I know now that that doesn’t change anything if I am so I just do what I know I can do :)

Yes, I live in Charlotte, NC humidity here is about 100% every day in the Summer.

I HATE IKEA!!!!! :)


Okay, yes, I’ll admit to being super competitive. But! I’m actually a good loser (I’ve had a LOT of practice). I am always happy for other people’s achievements.

Love that Fitness Blender video! Their stuff helped me get my abs back after my c-section.


I have the pace of a slug. As long as I’m not last, I’m happy.

One of the worst things about moving from the West coast back to the Midwest was the humidity. Man, I dreaded it! It’s 7:20 AM here right now and already 90% humidity. 90%!!! And no, it’s not raining. Fun, right?! :-(

I’ve never been to an IKEA store.


It is really humid in Maryland all summer. This summer has been a little bit better that ones in the past, not sure why. But its pretty terrible. Even when the temperature isn’t bad you go out running and wonder why it feels so hard- and then realize its 99% humidity. Ugh.
I am not very competitive I have start to be more competitive with myself and my own times. In races I will push myself but Im not usually focused on beating other people.
I definitely want to try that workout! I am always looking for different core routines.


That meme describes me perfectly haha. I do that all the time so I guess I am a little competitive.


I’m not competitive and never really have been. Our school was not good at sports so we were kind of expected to lose. We definitely didn’t set the bar high enough for ourselves. Now that I’m older, I’m even less competitive. I just like to play/run!


I would consider myself competitive, but it has too shifted. The more I know and like myself the less competitive I became with others and the more I just wanted to be the best version of myself.
I can’t tell if given the right circumstance if I would be competitive with my sister. She is different from me in strengths, interests etc. that we probably both feel we are “winning” at what is important to us individually,


I’m very competitive with myself. Right now it’s hard because I’m no where near where I was a year ago. (But I’m pregnant so it’s for good reason) To be honest, I’ve never been fast enough to be competitive with my friends. One day we will see if that changes.


It was 90 degrees and 100% humidity last night when I started my 6 mile run… at 7pm! I don’t think it evers drops below 50% humidity in Baltimore!


East coasters don’t have anything on South Texas! Currently the Weather Channel’s Outsider ap says my little town (Alice, Texas) has 97% humidity! After a while you get used to it. I just can’t run when it is 100 degrees out after work so the gym/treadmills have been my friend all summer long.


I am very competitive in an exercise sense, but only with the people in my classes. I am not competitive in races since those are team efforts (Tough Mudder). Regarding classes….I am the instructor so I better be the fastest and strongest (female)! My sister lives in a different state and does not exercise, so we are not competitive! Yep….80-100% humidity daily. The nearest IKEA is 6 hours away, so I don’t have a relationship with that store.


This summer hasn’t been nearly as hot as usual but it is still humid…Somehow I have adjusted but I always run early (before 7:00 am) and try to go a bit slower if it is really sticky out there…And, when all else fails, I remind myself that it is better than running with six layers of shirts and dodging ice patches in the winter!


Yep, humidity every day. We’ve actually had a pretty cool summer this year, which has been great, but if the humidity’s really high it still totally saps my energy. I don’t think there’s really a way to deal with it other than just running super slow. :/


Yep. it’s humid here in NYC and dew points are usually around 70 which means the sweat just cannot evaporate.

I’m competitive with my Garmin. If I am running and looking down at my watch and feel like I’m going faster and see the pace is slower I’ll pick up the pace to prove I can do it. But I’m never competitive with other people. I did my first ever triathalon this weekend and it was an all women’s event with lots of first timers and I was so in AWE of the last woman to cross the finish line. This was life changing for her. I know I’ll never place and frankly I’m fine just being somewhere in the middle to back of the pack.

I LOVE IKEA! and I even learned to master it going solo. I am awesome at assembling stuff too. Maybe I should create a post about it lol!

Brooke pointing to the FroYo place….so sweet!


I am super competitive with myself. I sometimes wish I could shut it off because it hinders me in many ways like recovering from my foot injury. I’m sure I’ve pushed myself too much at times.


Late last week I had an am run that at 7am was 80 degrees and 80% humidity. Yay Kansas weather!


I love the photo of Brooke at the fro yo place. I think I do that to my husband every time we pass by one. It’s been pretty humid in Chicagoland lately (close to or at 100% on a lot of my runs) and I just slow down to deal with it. I think I’ve become less competitive as I get older–I realize what I value more and emphasize that instead of being worried about what someone else is doing. Have a great Wednesday!


Oh gosh humidity is the worst. I have to run in it all the time. After a while you get used to it, just like heat acclimatization. It just takes some time, and the days that it’s drastically gets more humid out, you just have to adjust your run based on feel not pace.


The older I get, the less competitive I am with others…but more with myself I think!


Now that you mention it, I do compete with myself as I run a training run. It does push me to do better. I’m sure one day I’ll just run without being so competitive but being a new runner, I’m still in that mode :)


I’m ALWAYS competitive. It’s probably not healthy…haha. I usually just go for personal records instead of trying to place first in races, but only because I know there’s no possible way I could place first unless it’s an incredibly small race.


Since getting injured I am not competitive at all. I am basically afraid of pushing it because I don’t want anything else to break or give out. I have been out of a training cycle since February and decided to start up a small one today for a 5k and 10k back to back in September (same day, double thing). We shall see how hard I push it for either. I haven’t really pushed my body in a while running!

I live in DC and the humidity here is atrocious. I run during the 5am hour or hit the treadmill.


I live in Florida. I run at 4:30 in the morning to beat the 100 degree temps but it is consistently 96-98% humidity every day at this time. My shoes are sloshing with sweat by 7 miles in. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger right???? I’m looking for big pay offs come fall!!! :)


You are my hero! Yes, it will definitely pay off in the fall!


Oh humidity! I start to fall apart at about 80% humidity, haha.

I’m very competitive. I try really hard not to be, but I just cannot help myself!


I can be competitive….both with myself and others, but I feel like there are times when I am not at all competitive and I am totally fine with that! :). I think it is good to have a mix of both. I have at times finished a marathon along side someone and I felt like they were helping me to the finish…I didn’t feel the need to be competitive. I am working a little on the mental side of running because I can get competitive in a race and then if the person I am trying to catch or stay with gets too far ahead I tend to give up in my mind if that makes sense.
I live in MD…this is actually my first summer living here….SO humid. I am a late nighter too so my morning runs tend to be around 8 and a lot of them have been in 75-95% humidity!
I have only been to IKEA once…too big and too much hassle for me.


I’m super competitive with myself when it comes to eating healthy and running. I’m also pretty competitive with my siblings, especially my sister. We are always trying to one up each other hahah!
I’ve never actually shopped at ikea! I hear they sell Swedish meatballs… This intrigues me!
Sooooo cute that Brooke points at the froyo places!!!!


I’m SUPER competitive with my sister when it comes to athletic stuff too. But I’ll never tell her in competing with her because I’m afraid she’ll up her game and train more if she knows we’re competing lol. So basically I’m crazy and the only one actually competing, but it still counts if I win :)


ugh humidity is the worst. I grew up in NY and am super appreciative of the dry air here in Denver now! …the altitude is a whole other beast though…

I am a very competitive person…I can turn pretty much anything into a competition in my head.

I’m with Brooke – its high time for some froyo!!!


I love IKEA but it can be overwhelming sometimes. I have to be in the right mindset and want to drive 2 hours to the closest one. I wish there was one where I live.


Holy moly YES I am competitive! I live for races, and no matter how much I say I’m going to relax and enjoy the race, the minute I step to the start line my intensity goes through the roof. I immediately scout every other person there to see who looks fast, and I spend the whole race doing whatever I can to pass as many people as possible. It has always been an issue for me, but it has also driven me to push myself in training and improve, so I can’t hate it too much. Also, I’ll beat the person next to me on the treadmill if it kills me!

The humidity over here is pretty tough some days, but I think that you adjust to it much like adjusting to cold or altitude or anything else. When I lived out West for a little bit I actually found myself missing the humidity- something I never in a million years thought I would wish for! But I always felt like my skin and lungs were dying for humidity out there, and now they are both much happier being in the Southeast again (though my hair is a completely different story!).

I’m with you on Ikea- love the prices, hate how it will rob me of an entire afternoon when I only planned to be there for 30 minutes.


I’m over competitive in everything I do BUT! This year I’ve started to try and train smarter and plan what pace I’m going to run so while I used to race people whenever I could, I typically try and avoid competing and run what my body needs! I’ve actually switched directions on a trail so I could run in peace & not feel like I needed to run faster to “beat” them. Haha


I used to be more competitive than I am now. My (older) sister is competitive with me. When I do something, she has to do it too. My goal is to do a marathon in all 50 states…now she’s aiming to do it too, and to finish before I can!

I’d rather have a PR than place well.

I live in western KS…we have no humidity here, so like you, when its 2% humidity, it feels like I’m dying! I lived in Washington DC for a summer and about died. You break a sweat just walking out the door!

I have NEVER been to an IKEA. My heart hurts a little just saying that.


i am so competitive; but the most competitive with myself. yesterday i had to make the challenging decision of stopping mid-workout to prevent injury. i have honed in on the advice from you and some of my favorite bloggers on preventing injury before it’s too late. so thank you for that!!

brooke is so cute and stylish. kudos momma!


Brooke = adorable! How are you feeling on your sugar detox? Hope all is good!
I’m also less competitive than I was but it still comes out ;) recently it’s been a silent “ohhhh everyone’s fast and I’m slow and that’s not good enough” which I’m trying to get rid of as it’s rather frustrating!


Anymore, I just compete with myself. I’m hard on myself and am the first one to tell me “you can’t do that” – so then I just try to prove myself wrong. It works 95% of the time. The other 5% of the time it just teaches me that I need to work harder :)

And I live in VA where it’s, like, 100% humidity all the time. Drying ones hair in the summer is pointless. I break a sweat going for a walk with the dog and stroller just because it’s so sticky. I envy your 3% humidity!


i cannnn be competitive but i always run/train by myself, sooo not so much these days. when i took boot camp classes it would get a lil friendly-competitive in there, though. :) races, i’m more concerned with feeling good, enjoying myself, and getting a PR or a decent time IF i can, but not beating myself up about it. and yep, NYC sure gets its fair share of humidity. thankfully, this summer hasn’t been as bad as some of the past, but it’s still a bit sticky at times! never been to Ikea, believe it or not.


I’m not a big Ikea fan. The last couple pieces of furniture I’ve gotten there haven’t been very sturdy. Then again, they didn’t cost very much, so what do I expect?


Ah… humidity! Well, I live and run in NJ. Today I did an easy 6 in what I would consider low-ish summer humidity. 71%. I had an awful experience on my long run Saturday. Was intending to go around 12-13. I knew at 7 that it was actually getting dangerous. I had water at 4 and 8. Only made it to 10.5. Besides feeling horrible, I started to get cold and nauseous. Sure sign to stop. This weekend is supposed to be much better. Your body has to work so much harder in the humidity as sweat does not evaporate and your cooling system just won’t work.


I think in the blogging world, it’s so much easier to be competitive. You can easily compare yourself to anyone and everyone. For instance, I could compare myself to you right now. You are running completely different terrain, different elements and in a different phase of your training…(Considering I’m in no phase LOL). My point is there are so many variables all the time. Great post Janae and chat soon!


Hahaha 3% humidity…I would kill for that!


I use to be so competitive with everything, I mean hell, I probably was competing with the air haha. Now I’m just all about doing better than my last time, or going further than I did last time, and that only happens maybe every other week. I’m all about just enjoying it now :). I have a love relationship with Ikea, but that may change come December when I start getting things for before I move out haha.


I am not nor have I ever been competitive. I do run races, but I am so happy to not, too. Just a run in the evening cool by myself is really all I need or want.

I ran in St.Thomas and the humidity didn’t bother me…strange since I live in Colorado. I usually don’t handle extreme temps well.
But I definitely don’t want it full time. Give me the cool mountain air please.


I don’t even know what 3% humidity feels like. At 5am I am sweating the minute I step out my door to begin my run! (The Florida heat/humidity combo can really be killer!)

I find the older I get the less I desire to compete with others and the more I compete with my younger self! :) Its more fun that way.


I am only competitive with myself. For me, competition with others leads to too much comparison, and it can turn unhealthy quickly.


I’m not a competitive person at all. I like to do things in teams, working together, but not against each other.
I had this dream that I met you and Brooke last night!! I was s0 sad when it I realized it was just a dream. :(


I’m super competitive… It’s funny though bc sometimes I just let women pass me and think eh… That’s not typical, lol. But I have had a few races like that this year. Can’t I have both?! Place well and get a PR?! Lol I can’t decide which is more important, lol. Oh and IF you are on the treadmill next tobme, we are definitely racing!!

Humidity is hell… It literally almost made me want to pull out of the marathon this fall… But I just pushed through it and your body “adapts”… It’s not easy, but it sucks less;)

I love ikea we just don’t have one locally… I ordered a chair that was like 250 and it cost the same to ship!!!! I was like wtf….


I’m with you on the humidity – I can’t STAND it! We’ve recently had some monsoon storms here in AZ, so it’s been unusually humid and I feel like I’m going to die. Haha. And I’m pretty sure it’s nothing compared to what the easteners and southerners deal with!

I am definitely competitive, but it depends what it is and who it’s with. As I’ve gotten older, I don’t think EVERYTHING has to be a competition for me (like it used to). But I can still be pretty competitive when it comes to board games or certain sports. :)


I went to ikea yesterday right by Provo! That would’ve been crazy if we saw each other! Can’t wait to meet you today! Maybe Brooke and I will get froyo ;)


During my younger years, I was super competitive with other people, no matter what we were doing, but that was because I was super-athletic. Now I just run. I am no good at any sports. I don’t run very fast. Not very far.
I DO compete, however, with myself. I often overwork myself, because I get SO freaking competitive with myself! How crazy is that?!
“Ha, Hannah! I just out-sweated you from yesterday! PLUS went another 5 minutes on the spin bike going super-hard!” Whatever that may be.
I am odd. I know.


True Story: I had to quit yoga due to my competitive nature. I thought that spending the entire class making sure I was in the deepest pose, was the most flexible and had the most balance was probably counter productive in my quest for zen. I went back to lifting and running. LOL

Jealous of your Ikea adventures – I’ve never been to one as the closest one to me is in Conneticut. I live in Canada. It’s a bit of a jaunt- is it sad that one of my life goals is to hit an Ikea? Yes? Moving on :)


The humidity in PA can be pretty bad. But I feel like this year it’s not all that bad! We’ve had an unseasonably cool summer (upper 80s instead of above 100 degree days). But a running coworker just moved here from CA and he thinks the humidity right now is absolutely atrocious. I think we just get used to it.


love love love ikea.


I’m competitive with myself mostly. Now I do enjoy passing someone in a race but at the same time I’m not fast so I know I’m not really doing anything. I live in south Louisiana. I ran at 5 am this morning & the humidity was 90%. It’s hard but that’s why I go at 5 am before the sun comes up. It also makes running in cool weather that much more awesome!


I love IKEA but we do not have one in Nova Scotia so I can’t get to indulge. We have had very high humidity all summer long here…like 80-100% every day. It’s YUCKY!!!

I’m on day #5 of clean eating and I have NO idea how you are doing 21 days of no desserts…I’m dying on day #5!!


Ikea – great deals but it’s SO exhausting! And Brooke is looking more and more like Curly every day!!


I am competitive with myself more than anything. Although, if I am in a small race and I know I can place-I will try. I don’t get upset if it doesn’t happen as long as I run my best. I have placed 2nd in a race and been unhappy with my time and placed somewhere in the middle of a bigger race for a PR and been much happier.

Humidity-how to deal? Sweating a lot! :)

Ikea-we are getting on this fall. I’m very excited because I love all things organization and good prices help too!!


Don’t worry Brooke – I would be over the 21 day challenge too. In fact, I am pretty sure in the 21 days of no sugar that you have been doing, I have been eating enough for the both of us. And considering how much we both usually eat…that is a lot. But I have taken it like a champ. I mean, someone brought me delicious peanut butter cookies last night. How could I not eat one for each of us?? ;)

I am mostly competitive with myself. I would rather set a PR because where I ‘place’ totally depends on who came out and ran that day, how big the race was and all those factors. I could get the exact same ‘time’ at another race and do well/not well. But I will admit that when I run a race I usually try and ‘pick’ people off. Not necessarily because I want to beat them, but because it motivates/pushes me and gets my mind off what I am doing/gives me a goal.

Ikea is in the middle for me. I love that it is cheap and my kids love the day care, but still – it’s like they designed that place to confuse the heck out of everyone. And that cinnamon roll smell they blast at you when you check out is just cruel. How in the world did you resist that?!


I am pretty competitive – both with myself (who doesn’t want a new pb?) and in races; if I lace on a pair of running shoes, and someone passes me on a race, I will chase them down if I can). If I think I have a chance of placing well, I will take every opportunity to do so. When I am on the trails though, I tend to enjoy myself more and not care about my time.


I’m not as competitive with others, but I will say that I tend to only run with people I am faster than…. I am super competitive with myself, which is why I never run with a watch or Garmin because it’s bad for my mental health. I am not competitive on the treadmill because I can only go so fast before I am afraid I’m going to trip (and by fast, I mean slow).

It is SUPER humid where I live, in Maryland. Today is a less-humid day and it is 64% humidity. On a regular summer day it’s more like 80%. It doesn’t bother me too much though. You get acclimated as the summer goes on and the humidity increases. Then fall races feel AWESOME because you’ve trained in such miserable conditions and come October there is no humidity or heat and you feel like you could run a million miles.

I’ve only been to Ikea once – it was too big and too crowded and IKEA furniture that I have to put together myself falls apart after a few months.


Aww, the picture of Brooke is too cute haha. Somebody needs to get that girl some froyo:) I’m actually not really competitive with others! I’m used to running with people faster than me, so I know that they could smoke me haha. I definitely compete with myself more:) It’s humid in Virginia alll summer, so I’ve been trying to run at night or just stick to the treadmill.


i can’t ever see what pace the person next to me is running.

And yes, plenty of humidity here in Boston, that’s why i’ve been best buds on the treadmill.


I’m a pretty competitive person, but it’s calmed down quite a bit over the years. Now it’s mostly with myself (getting fitter/stronger/etc). And sometimes it’s all in good fun when it’s with my siblings :)

Hilarious that she points to the fro yo places! haha!


oh my gosh I miss Ikea so much! I used to live 30 mins from one and would seriously go just to wander and get the froyo… now I’m like 3+ hours away :( WAHHHHHH! Seeing your full cart makes me jealous :)


I am super competitive to a fault. I sometimes have a difficult time enjoying things because all I can think about is winning.

I have NEVER been to Ikea! There isn’t one in Alabama!


L. Tom Perry said it best:

“You are not competing with anyone else. You are only competing with yourself to do the best with whatever you have received.”

I love that quote because it describes my (desired) attitude completely. I used to be ridiculously competitive all around, but I learned that no matter how many people I “beat” unless I was satisfied with my performance it didn’t feel like winning. Only when I realized that my competition was with my own self did I learn how to “win” regardless of what the outcome on paper or placings is.


I’ve never ran next to someone on a treadmill because my gym is in my garage but outside on a few different occasions there’s been a female across the street running same direction and well….I want to win! I was never the competitive kind of person til I started running only few years ago. And I love to think this 38 year old can keep up with the high school girl across street. And ya know what? Sometimes I can.


I swear that being competitive is hereditary. Growing up my sister, my cousins and I used to get into it over board games and video games! Everything is a competition. Also, I raced someone on the treadmill the other day. He just didn’t know we were racing. I don’t view it as a bad thing though because it pushes me to be the best me! I’m one of those lucky ones that get to run in ridiculous humidity. Like 80%. I couldn’t run at elevation like you do though!


I am pretty competitive with myself, but not so much other people. During a race, I pick out one person near me and I try to make sure that they don’t pass me.

There is very little humidity where I live, but I ran on a ship and in TX this summer and it was

The closest Ikea is about 1 1/2 hours from us, so we don’t get there too much and the hubs hates putting stuff together.


I am definitely competitive with the person on the treadmill next to me, especially if it is someone I know ha (like my super fit sis). But more than anything, I am definitely competitive for myself. I have never shopped at Ikea, but I have heard of and seen so many amazing things from Ikea :) I need to go and check it out!


I think I am more competitive with myself. I feel that running is my “me” time and that’s when I really get to focus on my personal goals.

I have a love/hate relationship with Ikea! They have so many great things and I tend to buy things that I don’t need!


I probably would be competitive with other people if I was fast enough to actually be a threat! But no. No, I am definitely not. I am just competitive with myself, and am usually trying just to beat my PBs.

I LOVE IKEA and just a couple of days ago figured out a reason why my husband and I *really* need to go, so YAY IKEA TRIP! I can’t remember the reason at the moment, but maybe it will come back to me as we test out the couches and explore the As-Is section!!


I like in Colorado but am from the Midwest. EVERY TIME I go back home I am slammed by the humidity of ST Louis. . . I’ll handle the thin air to stay away from the humidity!


I am so done with this humidity! The most annoying part(s) are when my ponytail sticks to my sweaty back lol, and when sweat drips in my eyes. Ouch! Your posts always make me hungry…like now I really want pizza.


I am mostly competitive with myself. Although when racing I try and pick someone out to run with and try and pass. I am the fastest out of my friends and family no one will run with me-sob- so they can’t count as competition.

I hate humidity! And in the DC area this is the worst time of year. I mostly stick to the treadmill and run outside occasionally and at the beach (when I immediately cool off in the ocean in my running clothes!)


I’m pretty competitive with myself and tend to get a little competitive in a race with others too- I think that’s what spurs me on to get my PRs!! I see someone up ahead and I’m like… “OH! Gotta pass this person!” and keep doing that until I cross the finish line.

I am one of the LUCKIEST runners to be able to run in the ridiculous heat and humidity of South Texas… San Antonio. Yesterday it was a “cool” 97 degrees outside. It’s usually pretty humid here too so within the first 1/2 mile I’m drenched. I try to run in the early morning for my long runs but by 8:00 am it’s already well into the 80s and I’m a weenie with the heat.

However, once I ran in the altitude and dry air of the Rockies and I damaged my lungs over 9.5 miles breathing in and processing that dry air before I was fully adjusted…. then it left me open to sickness on the plane and I came down with a horrendous cough deep in my chest for 2 months… I don’t know what I’d rather have! At least there was more to look at than dead deer on the side of the road and sand piles…


It is currently 100% humidity here and as long as the sun isn’t out and there is a breezy it really doesn’t feel that bad :)

I’ve never been to Ikea. The closest one is over 2 hours away and I just haven’t felt it’s worth the drive.

I think I’m only competitive with my husband – and he still always wins.


Did you run after the giant rainstorm? I did and it was a humidity filled bug fest.

I’m mostly competitive with myself only, which is good because I’m quite slow, but I do love passing people in races….


Humidity is a blessing in disguise for me. I hate it, it kills me, and it makes my runs impossible. However, once the cooler weather arrives, I start running a crazy fast paces without even trying! So it’s worth the suffering IMO.


I am pretty competitive and when I am not being competitive, I am being comparative. The latter is something I am really trying to let go of. The best example of being comparative working against me is taking up running and convincing my boyfriend to run as well. I started couch to 5k training May 4th, I have worked my way up to being halfway through the 10k training and I am running the B.A.A. Half Marathon in October. My bf wanted to be supportive so he signed up as well. But, HE IS SO MUCH BETTER AT RUNNING THAN I AM. I have to WORK it to be running under 10 minute miles right now and the man cruises at like 8. He tells me all the time not to compare because we are built different and, historically, men are faster than women. But, I tell ya, it’s hard not to be like DUDE WTF?!


Love/hate…i like the meatballs =). The sucky part is getting seeing the stuff I want 1/4 through Ikea knowing that I have to go through the entire maze to get to the end. Isn’t costco (and sams) club pizza the best?! You’re essentially getting 2 pieces for 1!


So much more competitive with myself than with others. While running, I know I am not super speedy so don’t have any illusions there but if you are next to me in spin class-I’m working harder than you are! LOL! Yes we have tons of humidity here in DC and I am loving running in it!


Ugh, I’m very frustrated with IKEA right now! They sent me the wrong item on an online order and then said I have to go to the store to get it – which is what I’m trying to avoid in the first place! Good luck with your new purchases!


More competitive with myself. I’m not super fast so I’m not a front of the pack so I figure it doesn’t matter as long as I’m doing my best. However, sometimes a little competitiveness sneaks in and I’ll haul ass to pass some people in the home stretch.
I LOVE Ikea….they suck you in. I could spend hours in that store and come out with stuff I never knew I needed!!
Humidity is a killer, I’m in SC and morning runs pretty much consist of 80-97% humidity most days. I’m slowly adjusting but some days I really have to be happy to have simply put in the miles rather than the speed.


I’m definitely not competitive when it comes to fitness related things. I don’t enjoy the comparison aspect of being competitive — it often takes on a negative tone, you know? I just like to focus on doing my best! Now board games? THAT I’m competitive about :)


Such a great topic janae! Similar to you, I race hard, but training runs with my girlfriends I don’t feel competitive. I do find that some of my friends try to compare themselves during concersation a and I don’t love it..


I lived in Atlanta all my 34 years and just moved to Santa Monica this March. It is SO MUCH cooler and less humid here. I make myself run in long sleeves and pants just so I don’t wimp out and get too use to it.

I’m kind of crazy though. I LOVE the heat and humidity! Not so much the cold though. But I did run in it. We had a pretty cold, snowy winter in Atlanta last year. It was 23 for one of my trail races. This will be my first ever winter that I will be in sunny SoCal. I’m sort of stoked!


Your 3% humidity is cracking me up! It was 97% here in SC this morning at 6am! But, I know I wouldn’t be able to deal with the Utah freezing winters, so I’ll take the humidity :)


I don’t know if I’m competitive with other people, but maybe with myself. I put a lot of pressure on myself to exceed or at a minimum reach my own expectations and the stress and anticipation of that makes me break down sometimes.


I have the same love/hate with Ikea! My daughter is about Brooke’s age, and she is obsessed with crawling all over the display furniture, so it is always hard to go there. Then you find something you love and they’re out of it! Or you get the wrong thing! Or the line is so long you give up! But even so, our house is filled with ikea furniture. ;)

I’m not the least bit competitive. ;) just kidding. I have a hard time keeping my slow runs slow when someone else is running fast. I don’t know why I need to prove myself every day.

Brooke is a doll!


I’m selectively competitive. It is usually just with myself. Usually. I can’t go to IKEA anymore. I just get way too annoyed and confused.


I’m from Pennsylvania, running in the summer is like death! So humid. So hot. I need to suck it up and run, but usually I just slack off a lot, and then get excited when running turns enjoyable again in October :) a silver lining to summer being over, better running weather!


I admit that I am fairly competitive when is comes to cycling and running. I like pushing myself to the limits and challenging myself to new feats, therefore I typically need other people who are just a little stronger or faster than me to get me to that point. If anything, I just want to prove to myself that I am capable and that my hard work pays off. It’s not necessarily about winning, but about being the best version of me.


I love Brooke. I am not in love with Ikea.

I agree with Brooke, she needs froyo.


Haha I’m not very competitive on the treadmill, but it is pretty cool when I am going faster/longer than the person next to me. And placing in a race is not really a possibility for me, so I’m all about pr’s!


I get competitive in short races where I actually have a chance to place… longer ones, the 1/2s and fulls I just run my own race. :)


Enjoyed this post. Pretty humid here in PA…flies and hornets bad companions on trails ~


I am super competitive and when I lose I can be a bit pouty! However with running I am only competitive with myself. I shoot for PR’s not place overall, although I like to see I am in the top 25% of runners in a race, or whatever it is.

I live in the South………..great state of Tennessee………….humidity is just part of daily life. Some days are better than others, but some days you step outside and can’t breathe bc the air is so thick and humid and you sweat while just standing still! I still run though. I am usually a bit slower on those humid days, and 5 miles feels like 15, but it is such a sense of accomplishment to know I ran in the crazy conditions rather than give in to the lazy part of me that wants to sit in the AC on the couch and watch NCIS, Psych, and Friends all day.

I have never been to IKEA…………not sure how I feel about it! Congrats on your apartment though!!

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