Skipping Meals… did you ever do that?

A few people have asked about the t-shirt that I have been wearing every day of my life lately.  I bought the same shirt in 3 different colors from HERE, it is by far my favorite summer shirt.  I love wearing extra comfortable clothing (as you have probably noticed I spend a lot of time in workout clothes) and so I love this t-shirt and I love that the back is a little different than my normal t-shirts.  

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What happens when my mom is out of town on a Sunday night?  We don’t know how to function and we just have bowls of cereal for dinner.  

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FINALLY—>  a bag of Raisin Bran with the correct ratio of raisins to bran flakes.  I have been searching for this my entire life.

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And for part 2 of dinner we heated up a pizza and ate it on the porch (those olives were torn off moments later.. they should not be eaten in my opinion).

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While hanging outside with my family my two favorite bosses ever rolled up on their sweet rides.  I used to be a personal assistant for them and it really was the best job ever.  

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And because it is summer and s’mores are just a must in the summer I think you should check out 39 S’mores Hacks That Will Change Your Life.

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On Sunday morning I had to go to the airport to drop someone off and when I got home I tried to keep myself distracted by getting a bunch of stuff done and then by taking a nap.  Somehow I completely forgot about breakfast because I had so much on my mind (I have mastered the talent of distracting myself) and it was lunchtime before I finally got something to eat.  By then I was so unbelievingly cranky and grouchy that I had to inhale food in order to feel like a human again.

It made me remember my high school days.  I was the queen of skipping breakfast.  

(One of the only high school pictures I could find, I was an injured cat for Halloween.. my teachers made me take off the cone that I had around my neck)


I don’t know how I did it. How did I live/function without breakfast?  

As a high school health teacher I would hear (I am also really good at eavesdropping) the girls at the school talk about the ways they were planning on losing weight and a lot of them did the ‘skip a meal’ thing.  

For some reason I think young girls just think that skipping meals is the way to lose weight.  It wasn’t until a college nutrition class that I really learned about how important it is to eat breakfast and that skipping meals has a lot of negative affects (i.e. harder to concentrate, binging..  ending up eating way more junk later on in the day because you are so hungry from skipping meals and slowing down your metabolism).  Maybe it is because I work out more than I did in high school but the skipping meals thing just isn’t in my vocabulary anymore.  

I just wanted to hear about your past with skipping meals… ever a meal skipper?  Do you ever get so busy that you ‘forget’ to eat?  

-I never really forget to eat but I think every now and then my emotions affect my appetite and so it changes my hunger levels maybe?!?

Are you very hungry in the morning?  Is breakfast a big, small or medium meal for you?

Favorite s’more variations?  Share your good ideas with us!!!

Who was your favorite boss—>  at what job (you don’t have to give me a name but just at what job:)?  

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I was just talking to my husband about that yesterday! Skipped breakfast through all of middle school and was always starving by 10am. I can’t make it till 9 now! I am definitely NOT a meal skipper :)

That donut smore looks seriously dangerous, never letting my kids see such a thing!


I never, ever skip breakfast bc I get cranky too if I don’t eat. The only meal that I ever skip (rarely) is dinner if I’ve had a late lunch and I’m just not hungry. I try to remember that food is fuel, so listen to my body when I’m hungry or not.


I usually eat a small breakfast to start (overnight oats and berries) and then eat some fruit about an hour or two later! Also, my morning running workouts really affect my hunger for breakfast! Speed workouts = want to eat everything in the house :)


I never skipped breakfast, but I don’t eat it until I’ve been up for 4-5 hours…..I get up at 3:30am and teach aerobics from 4-7 or 8. I honestly do forget to eat lunch a lot. I never forget dinner because my husband is at home asking questions about what and when we will eat.


I wouldn’t intentionally skip a meal, but I have had to have meetings over my lunch hour at school before and end up not eating lunch until late afternoon. I get super duper cranky when I’m hungry.

For breakfast I usually have cereal/oatmeal with a coffee. :)


I never skip meals, and I think I only do when my schedule gets really crazy. I always need to eat breakfast! If I’m running in the morning I may eat something small before I run and then a regular breakfast after. I don’t like eating a huge breakfast, but I always need something substantial.


I was never able to skip meals. I ran track in high school and seemed like I was ALWAYS hungry, especially when waking up in the morning! Still I felt the pressure when others skipped meals or ate far less than I did. But I needed those calories!! And you’re right, any time I tried to restrict what I was eating to better match my friends, I would just end up downing snacks from the pantry later that evening!


I used to skip meals but I don’t anymore. I can’t imagine doing it now because running makes me pretty hungry most days :D Last night I woke up in the middle of the night hungry, haha! No idea why since I had a normal dinner, etc. I guess sometimes our bodies need a bit extra!


When I worked on a college campus I would hear similar things with regards to eating. Honesty my food and meals are something I put at the top. I know if I’m hungry, I’m not going to get anything accomplished by being cranky and tired. Great thoughts post Janae and something very relevant to today’s world and blogging (sadly).


All through high school I pretty much skipped lunch. I’d have a snapple and call it good. And then I’d go to track practice after school. Not really a great fueling plan and I was way too thin.

Things have definitely changed for the better since then! Now you can catch me pretty much always putting something into my face.


I used to skip meals all the time. I had issues. For instance, I didn’t eat on Fridays so I could look thinner when I went out. Now for once in my life I have a healthy relationship with food! I eat breakfast around 7 then my work lunch is super early at 10:15!


Sara, I am so happy to hear that you have such a great relationship with food now. Early lunch is THE BEST!


The only time I miss a meal is if I wake up too late to be able to call it ‘breakfast’ but then I make up for it with a large afternoon snack! Even if I’m poorly I usually still want to eat. The only time I’ve ever gone off food completely was when I had glandular fever- best diet ever (I joke ;)


I have never missed breakfast. I wake up starving, ever since I am little so I cannot relate to people who don’t eat breakfast! I never miss a meal actually, only when sick with stomach viruses!


I have to admit, as a teenager, I would skip meals as a way to watch my weight. I really wish I would have known a little more about the way metabolism works. I’m so glad I wised up! ;)


I used to skip lunch all the time in high school and dinner if I had to work. I didn’t have very good eating habits when I was younger. Now I rarely skip a meal and if I do, it’s because I’ve been eating all day and one meal has just blended into another. I never skip breakfast though, it’s the easiest meal to eat because I always have the same thing: oatmeal with banana.

I have a pretty amazing boss right now. Actually, I have had pretty great bosses my entire life. I guess I’ve been lucky.

And that donut s’more looks amazing!


In high school I would never eat breakfast. Not because I thought I would lose weight, but because I just wasn’t hungry. Today, I would die without breakfast! It is my favorite meal of the day. I would say it is a medium sized meal for me. It is bigger than lunch but smaller than dinner.


If I ‘forget’ to eat I also ‘forget’ to not want to kill every person I come across. I’m a monster without regular feeding.


I never skip meals unless there are extenuating circumstances. Even if my meal is delayed a little, I get super hangry. I used to skip breakfast in junior high, and all I could do was count down to lunch, so my focus was definitely not on what I was supposed to be learning.


I have definitely skipped meals before in the height of my eating disorders. I had a very unhealthy relationship with food. I truly dont believe I would have recovered if it hadnt been for unexpectedly getting pregnant. It was somewhat of a wake hp call for me and I gained over 10lbs in the first trimester. Unfortunately, I miscarries at 14 weeks. I honestly believe though that my baby saved my life. I know we will meet someday and until then she is my guardian angel!

I do eat breakfast even though I am rarely hungry in the morning. I usually have something small and bland like toast or a bagel.

I wasnt aware there were smores variations?!? Please share!

My fave boss is the woman I work for now. I nanny her two little boys and they treat me like family. Love them.


Wow, you just brought a tear to my eyes! It’s amazing how such a tragic experience can manage to be so life changing for the positive. So sorry you had to go through a miscarriage, especially so far into the pregnancy, but happy to hear you have a guardian angel ;)


Thanks. I find sometimes that the only way to get through seemingly impossible time is to find the good in it. And if you cant seem to find anything good then to try and find a way to use it to help someone else who may be feeling lost too. Hopefully I didnt overshare and someone reading will find something positive in this that can help them.


I have to eat breakfast every morning, but it usually isn’t very big. Neither is my lunch. I don’t really like sitting at my office all day with a super full stomach so my dinner’s are usually the largest meal I have throughout the day…which I know, of course, is not the best for you!


I used to skip breakfast all the time. But get very hangry if I don’t eat something. Usually I will bring my breakfast to school with me and eat it right before class.

There are many students who skip meals – both breakfast and lunch. I’ve been surprised that students go all day without eating anything (or a small meal). Not necessarily because they want to lose weight (but many do that too). At one of the schools we worked at, the students could have breakfast “on the house” because it was such a problem.


Never skip meals or snacks. I wake up super hungry and since I get up so early, I eat 2 breakfasts. One before my workout and one later on around 9 am. I really feel strongly about fueling my body when it asks for food. Everyone is different but this just works for me.


I used to skip breakfast in high school and sometimes in college. I don’t skip meals now, but am never hungry in the morning. I don’t eat until after I run/workout and even then it usually a protein shake, something smallish and easy to digest.

My favorite s’mores are a baked s’more recipe that I found on Pintrest. It is sooo good!

My favorite boss was my boss from my post college Welcome to the Real World job. We are still close and he and his wife are my daughter’s godparents. They are my second family and we are so lucky to have them in our lives.


I could never skip breakfast…. I wake up starvinggggg!

Favorite s’mores = graham cracker, PEANUT BUTTER CUP + marshmallow :)


That s’mores combination sounds wonderful!




You know the chocolate cookies you make from cake mix? Try that, a PC cup, and a marshmallow. Heaven.


and by PC cup I mean PB cup :)


I can’t stomach anything other than coffee first thing in the morning, but I have breakfast later, usually oatmeal or Greek yogurt. I’m exciting.


I try to eat breakfast every morning to jump start my day. Typical breakfasts might be OJ and a banana w/almond butter or OJ with scrambled eggs. This summer, as I’ve had more time in the mornings, I’ve been eating a lot of oatmeal.


I was never a breakfast person even far back as elementary school. I’d even skip lunch in middle school and HS. I made up for not eating all day by… snacking till dinner. I wasn’t skipping meals to lose weight, I just was always too nervous to eat during the school day.. Test anxiety! I still can’t eat if I am anxious about anything. Now I try not to skip meals. I’d rather eat!


I had the opposite problem in high school! I was too skinny, bony and hated it. I ate all the time. No breakfast problem haha.
Being a weight loss coach, I see a huge difference when people eat breakfast and get their metab going. At the same time…I try to wait till I’m hungry and go off that.
All time fav cereal: cinnamin toast crunch!


I’ve skipped meals, usually dinner because I snack too much beforehand and then I’m not hungry. I have a hard time waiting. ;)


I have to say, I know that for a lot of people breakfast is really important, but I absolutely hate breakfast. I’m never hungry that time of day, so if I force myself to eat something, I basically end up consuming ~300 extra calories I didn’t want, and then I feel ravenous for the rest of the day.

I know you’re ‘supposed’ to eat it, but I just can’t, and then I feel guilty for skipping it. Also, depending on what you’re reading, you’re not supposed to eat when you’re not actually hungry, so why choke down a breakfast you don’t really want?


That is really interesting Andria! Thanks for sharing and I think it is awesome that you are doing what is right for you and not just doing what everyone else says you should! You know your body better than anyone else!


I never skipped meals, Last year in fall semester I would put off eating because I wanted to get my homework done, and by that time I was so emotional. I eventually stopped doing that and just paused my homework and ate haha. Omg, that s’more is the best! I don’t think anything else will beat that.


I never skip breakfast and never did in school either, breakfast is my favorite meal! I’m always hungry when I wake up I can’t do anything until i eat


In high school I skipped breakfast all the time. Not because I was trying to lose weight… It was because I would literally roll out of bed 5 minutes before I needed to head out the door. I miss 1st period a lot… Oops!
When I’m really sad or upset I usually don’t have much of an appetite.
Now that I run everyday, I wake up starving. Breakfast is my favorite meal and I savor every moment of it!!!


Haha that’s what happens when my mom is gone for dinner and the rest of the family is together. We can’t really function.

Somehow I’ve never skipped meals or forgotten to eat. I think it’s because I kind of form my entire day around my meals since I 1) love to eat and 2) know how important it is to fuel/refuel before and after my runs (but it took time to figure this out/understand it!) I totally get where you’re coming from though.

I’m usually pretty hungry about 30 mins after waking up!

Have a great day!


I have never been able to skip breakfast, I’m always super hungry when I get up but all through junior high, I used to skip lunch. At the time, it was the easiest thing to do but looking back I don’t know how I wasn’t starving all day, now I eat 3 meals a day, everyday! I used to babysit for a little girl and her parents were just the sweetest people ever and were always so kind to me! Hope you have a good start to the week :)


i was definitely a breakfast skipper back in the day…or a lunch skipper….or both. Basically, I was a horrible eater and I’m glad I know so much better now ;-)


I DO NOT understand how people can forgot to eat? what?! Sad to say my life revolves around what the next meal might be and when I will be eating it….ugh!

Love the pic of your past bosses. I have had a lot in the past all fine but nothing amazing seems to stand out in my mind right now about one in particular. Good or Bad not sure?!


Yes. I skip meals all the time. Not on purpose. I just forget. My whole life, even as a kid. I can’t be bothered to stop and eat. I do love food but it’s just work. Now that I’m Celiac, it’s a new diagnosis and it’s more work so…yeah. I just don’t eat.

I don’t get cranky though. I just forget. Drives my family crazy.


I hate olives! I think my disgust toward olives originated from a bad experience that I had when I was little. It was at a party and there was a few big tubs of toppings to put on sandwiches. I thought one tub of black olives were just really dark grapes, so I popped one into my mouth and ended up immediately spitting it on the ground. I have hated olives ever since.

I don’t really skip breakfast even though a bunch of my friends said that once they got into high school they stopped eating breakfast. However, I don’t really like breakfast food that much, so it’s the worst meal of the day for me. I just force myself to eat it because I know it’s good for me.


a donut instead of graham crackers?! whoooooooa. Best idea I’ve ever heard! I get super cranky if I skip meals; I’ve never been into that. But I do remember in high school I would get a can of soda and a chocolate chip muffin for lunch- what a terrible (sugar filled, haha) combo! Glad I wised up and started eating a real meal!


Smores dip! So good.
I am always hungry in the morning. But sometimes I just want a quick piece of toast or something light. But by mid morning I could eat my biggest meal of the day.
My favorite boss is my current boss. I have been working for him on and off for the last 14 years. He doesn’t take life too seriously and always has my back. Plus he is quite a talented and smart man too.


Use oreos smeared with peanut butter instead of graham crackers. You will not be sorry.


I’ve definitely skipped meals. Now as soon as I finish breakfast I can’t wait for lunch! I have a big breakfast. I think I probably eat more at breakfast than most people eat for breakfast and lunch combined. Always listen to my Dad – breakfast is the most important meal of the day :)


On the weekends, I usually miss breakfast. I don’t skip it, I just get busy doing other things. During the week, I’m in routine enough that i have mapped out time to eat, but it’s always cereal.


My favorite smore variation is to roast a 1/3 of Quest bar for the graham cracker, another 1/3 for the chocolate and then another 1/3 for the marshmallow. That is totally the same thing as a smore!

I used to skip breakfast in jr high and high school. It was never to lose weight. It was more out of laziness and the fact that if I had breakfast it made me MORE hungry. Well duh! It starts your metabolism each day. Once I started exercising in the morning, breakfast happens the minute I get home. I have probably forgotten to eat like 2x in my life. I can never forget food ;) But when I have had anxiety it takes everything I can to make myself eat. I am glad you were able to finally have something. I hope your day is better today and you can distract yourself. Lunch on Thursday can not come soon enough ;)


I skipped breakfast for most of my childhood . My mom worked and I was worried about catching the bus more than eating.
In HS I’m sure I skipped trying to lose weight. One summer, I was so busy at work, I would just make a PBJ and run out the door. That was all I ate until dinner time. Then I’d stalk the candy dish.

We didn’t have a lot of nutrition or exercise talks when I grew up. I hope my kids get a little more of that from me. Just so they can feel healthy and strong when I’m not around to help them.


I definitely went through a few no-breakfast phases in high school, but it was both to lose weight and social pressure. All my friends bragged about skipping breakfast, so I did it too! How ridiculous – it’s the BEST MEAL OF THE DAY!


I’m not a meal skipper at all, but if I were, it definitely wouldn’t be breakfast! That’s my fave, and also, I wake up and have to eat or I will be hangry. I am not a big lunch person, though, so sometimes I just eat a couple small snacks at different times instead of lunch. I never know what to eat for lunch. I don’t particularly like lunch food, if that makes sense. (It probably doesn’t. I’m okay with that.)


I love breakfast because it’s the easiest meal to make! A blender full of fruit, veggies and almond milk and out the door! I try to never skip breakfast. S’mores made with a Reese’s peanut butter cup is awesome! :)


Oh my word!!! Seriously the best halloween costume ever. I don’t know how I ever used to skip meals growing up. Now if I miss a meal I’m ravenous and so crabby! Breakfast is always a must and usually a bigger meal in my day. I have to have protein, carbs (and some caffeine) to get the day going.
And the best s’more is either made with a pb cup OR with dark chocolate with sea salt :)


I’m always famished in the morning. I workout in the morning which contributes to that, but even on my rest days I am starving in the morning. At night, I’m not generally that hungry when it come to dinner though.


I hit submit too soon! A friend of mine is trying to lose weight and asks me for advice all the time. Recently she told me she was drinking juices to lose weight. I told her it won’t last unless she wants to drink juice her entire life. Point is even people in their 30s look for shortcuts.


I actually skipped breakfast from middle school till I got pregnant with my first. Janae, do you remember how big I got when I was pregnant with Sebastian?!!! I gained about 65 pounds. Haha. I know it’s unhealthy to skip meals, but theist I ever weighed before was 123. And I felt good and had tons of energy. Now, I’m stuck at 138. I feel good now, too, but I wonder sometimes if I’d be better off doing away with breakfast? Maybe just coffee (with milk–I don’t like sugar in it) and a serving of fruit? Do I sound insane.

Also: I’m training for a half and when I run 4+ miles, my knees hurt. Like tendonitis. I’ve been icing them, but do you have any other pointers?


I have runner’s knee and have the same problem. Try wearing knee bands-it’s the only way I can run pain free!


Thanks, Kelly!


I used to skip meals in high school all the time; mostly out of laziness towards putting anything together for a lunch. When I still had that habit in college but then had more money to buy my food after the fact, I would end up binging later and I gained 50 lbs. over the past 5 years I have made a complete turn-around: I always make sure to eat breakfast and I prep my lunches on weekends (often slow cooker 1st, freezer 2nd) so that I have them ready as a grab-n-go. Breakfast is now my favourite time of day, and when I get to relax with my food. Love it!

S’mores! I went camping a couple weeks ago and we tried them with Oreos! Very yummy!


I am also so hungry when I wake up so I am a big breakfast person!

My favorite variations on s’mores are to use either a Reese’s or a square of ghiradelli chocolate instead hershey’s! Soooooooo good!


I never skip breakfast. I try not to eat after 6 so I wake up pretty hungry. I am guilty of skipping dinner once and a while if I’ve had a big lunch and lots of snacking. In high school I use to go get a big sugar cookie and a lemonade or something and then I wouldn’t let myself eat dinner (I called that my dinner, terrible). Punishing yourself by deprivation is a slippery slope I’ve found. More than anything my mental health really takes a hit.

So I’m loving the halloween picture! And I’d love to hear the back story there! haha! An injured cat? LOL!

Oh boy, smore’s…a separate food group when we first got married. Yikes. Instead of graham crackers and chocolate, we would “roast” our marshmallows over the stove top in our little kitchen and then sandwich it between two of those chocolate striped shortbread cookies…I forget the name of them, but you know what I’m talking about, right? You’ll never go back. :)

Best boss I ever had was the owner of an awesome dance studio I taught at in St. George in college. She was soo great, we even invited her to our wedding ceremony in Mesa.

Have an awesome day!


I definitely went through phases of meal skipping, and have had my fair share of messed up eating habits! Just within the last year I have developed a much better routine for eating (this is the best way for me to keep myself on track and have a kind of “slow burn” throughout the day instead of eating huge meals and then letting my blood sugar plummet for the next 5 hours). Let me just say that as soon as I accepted that this means I don’t get to eat the whole pantry after 8 p.m., it was a much better and more even keeled solution (and lower calorie in the long run!). Definitely of the opinion to keep my hunger levels at a comfortable hum all day long. When I get hungry it turns into hangry and it’s just not a good combo!


I know they are only on scooters… but where are their helmets?!?!? Protect the noggin!! (Sorry, the nurse in me just had to say that!)

I’ve never been one to skip meals, in fact, I always wake up hungry. My husband is used to it now, but he was definitely shocked in the beginning of our relationship that the first words out of my mouth in the morning would be “I’m hungry”, haha! I go for the medium to large breakfast. I’m up making lunches for the kids at 5am because I’m at work by 06. People are always shocked to hear that I’ve eaten breakfast before work – I usually have eggs, sausage and sweet potatoes while I’m packing lunches! I’m a much better nurse and co-worker if I’m well fed :)

Have a great Monday! I was up all night with sick kids, so I’m hoping to get in a good run and a good nap today to feel a bit more human – wish me luck!


When we vacationed in the Adirondacks earlier this summer, my husband concocted a PB & banana s’more that was to.die.for. The three main components were there, with a layer of peanut butter on each cracker and a few slices of warmed banana on the gooey mallow :) In terms of skipping meals, even when I had an eating disorder, I never forgot to eat; my meals were just teeny-tiny filled with low-cal crap.


My favorite s’mores variation is a s’mores cheese cake that I made for my wedding in the woods. We had a family campfire and sing-along the night before, so the camping theme was prominent at our reception. The cheesecake had a graham cracker crust, a marshmallow and caramel swirl in an marbled vanilla chocolate base. It was delicious!


I never “skip” breakfast, but I just have it late… like 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 6:00 pm… Okay so I’m the queen of skipping and I just don’t wake up hungry. I do binge later so I really need to work on that. I’d say I forget but to be honest, I’m making breakfast for 2 little girls every day, so it’s not really forgetting. I need to try that donut s’mores thing… maybe I’d eat that for breakfast :)


Super cute top! I may just have to go pick up a few myself. ;) I love stripes and I’m all about comfy.

I rarely intentionally skipped a meal, but I definitely tried to eat as little as possible for breakfast or lunch during my disordered eating days. Now I can’t even imagine skipping a meal! I feel like I’m constantly eating every few hours now. I feel so much happier and healthier this way!


I NEVER used to eat breakfast in high school, but I think it was more just because I didn’t have time than a conscious effort to not eat. Now, a lot of times we’ll get too busy on the weekend and forget to eat lunch, so then it will be like 4pm and we’re all HANGRY, and we realize it’s because we haven’t eaten since breakfast.

I’m always hungry for at least something in the mornings. Monday-Friday, I usually eat something pretty light for breakfast–a kind bar, yogurt/fruit/granola, etc. But I always eat big breakfasts on Saturday and Sunday!

My favorite s’more variation is to spread nutella on the inside of both of your graham crackers, and then you just make the rest of the s’more the same. So good!

I have that same t-shirt from the Gap (the gray one). But when I bought it, I was convinced that they had sewn the tag on the wrong side of the shirt because I thought the scoop was supposed to go in the front! I almost even ripped the tag out so I could wear it the “correct” way, and then I looked the shirt up on the website and realized that it was supposed to be that way and I felt pretty dumb :)


I am not a meal skipper. I like food too much, especially breakfast food, it’s my favorite! When we are on vacation I run in the morning (the only time I can get out of bed for a run, I think it is bc there are new places to see) and after the ten miles, the shower, the getting ready……….I am starving! Last week there were no lunch plans made and finally we decided on a restaurant to eat at………….at noon! I finished my run at 1o am so I was already starving and had to eat a granola bar in the car on the way to the restaurant bc I knew I may be snappy and mean without it!

I love smores made in the microwave, but I will try any variation of them………..they are so so good!

I like the boss I have now…………..taking care of penguins is fun!


Curious, what is your opinion on Interval or intermittent fasting. Seem to be hearing about that lately or maybe I am just hearing more. Thanks


I usually don’t have a problem skipping breakfast as long as I keep with my morning routine, but sometimes if work gets crazy (ALWAYS) I will skip lunch. Not necessarily on purpose but sometimes the people I work with don’t understand that lunch is a necessity and will just keep me busy and then by the time I look down it’s 3 o’clock or later. Luckily that doesn’t happen too terribly often, because I get hangry when it does!

LOVE a comfy gap tee!

Best boss I ever had was while I was a receptionist at a salon. They were just really wonderful, godly women, and SO much fun! Plus, free haircuts! Can’t get much better than that right? My boss now is pretty great too, he just hasn’t mastered the “free haircut” part!


I skipped breakfast all the time when I was in high school and college. In college, I considered my daily latte as breakfast because of the calories. It wasn’t until grad school when I realized how important solid food was for me to get my day started. I am on a pretty routine breakfast schedule now and start every day off with a coffee, yogurt, and fruit or eggs. Because I do a lot of training, I am constantly eating throughout the day to get enough calories.

Every once in a while I will forget to eat or go too long without eating, but it’s only when I have a super busy day and feel rushed for time. I don’t intentionally forget, but all of a sudden I will have a quiet moment and hear my stomach rumbling. When my stomach starts speaking to me, I know I’ve gone too long without food.


I would be the meanest person in the world if I skipped a meal. I need my food! haha


I never skip a meal on purpose, but yesterday I forgot to eat lunch. I realized it when I was starving at 4pm and wanted dinner already. :)


I used to NEVER eat breakfast. I just wasn’t hungry in the mornings, or didn’t think I had time. Eating breakfast was actually my new year’s resolution this year. I’ve gotten to the point where I need it or I can’t function!


In hs I ate twox(yes the candy bar) for breakfast… Eek! I’m not typically super hungry in the am but I try to have a little something… No longer twix, lol. It’s not soo much I forget to eat, I just sooo busy and keep bumping it to in a few min…

My favorite s’more was done by using graham cracker goldfish in cracker size and the rest is the same!!! Delish!


I don’t remember eating breakfast as a kid except during weekends. I know that I didn’t really eat it until senior year of high school (and then it was normally S’mores pop-tarts from the school cafeteria… super healthy.) I didn’t start seriously considering my morning fuel until law school. Now, I can’t get more than 2 hours after waking up without eating. I’m so hungry in the morning.


I usually don’t skip breakfast but when I sub teach and have to get 3 kids ready and out the door I eat my go to instant oatmeal add almond butter usually eat in car. Most of the time I stay home and eat a light breakfast with coffee and a big lunch at 11. I love food and snack all day. I’ve never had a food issue luckily.
I worked through college at a theater company and had an amazing boss! I was so sad to quit and do my student teaching.


If I miss a meal it is usually dinner. After a long day of work I rush to pick up kids, get them ready for bed, plan the next day and then get in bed as fast as I can. I have more than once gotten in bed and realized I haven’t had dinner. I hate missing meals.


I rarely ate breakfast in high school. I didn’t have time to eat before I left the house, though sometimes I would get a cheese bagel in the cafeteria if I got there early enough. I think that was only senior year, though, and that was the year I started working out. Before that, I was just never very hungry first thing in the AM, though I would be famished by the time lunch started at 11:00 AM. I would also eat a ton after school and for dinner, which wasn’t the best for me.

Now, I eat a Think Thin bar first thing every morning, because I NEED to eat when I wake up, but still don’t have/make time for a bigger meal. But then I almost always eat my lunch at work at 11:00 AM, because I can’t go too long without food. Guess not much has changed since high school!


The best way to do smores is with TJ’s dark chocolate mini PB cups. They are my favorite candy of all time and really bring a smore to the next level. Reeces just aren’t the same.


Best S’more variation ever? Replace the chocolate bar with a peanut butter cup -insanely rich and yummy!


Ugh, I used to skip breakfast allll the time! I would play this game where I would see how long I could go without eating in the day. It was sick. And I’m SO thankful for the college nutrition class I took, too, that really opened my eyes and showed me how to eat properly, to fuel your body!!! High five for college nutrition classes! Best class I took! :)



I totally buy multiples of my favorite shirt. It’s completely acceptable!

I have a tendency to skip breakfast. I have to be at work before the sun, so unless I have a smoothie or protein bar the odds of me eating breakfast are slim. Horrible habit, I know.


I never skip breakfast. But depending on how late I eat breakfast, I may skip a lunch because dinner time is really close. I don’t skip it because I want to, I skip it because I’m really still full from breakfast at that point.


I was and am I meal skipper started when I was in 4th grade. And still now I struggle with it some days breakfast is very little or if I am real busy it may be mid afternoon before I eat. I ate lunch yesterday had a small snack early evening then nothing until today at noon. Emotions and stress cause me to not want to eat and lose my appetite.


I could never imagine skipping meals now – I look forward to them way too much haha. I still can’t believe what I used to eat in high school for lunch, sometimes 1/2 of a bagel, or a bag of SunChips…crazy!


What I eat for breakfast determines how I eat for the rest of the day. If I make an egg scramble with potatoes and lots of veggies, I am fine until the mid afternoon. If I eat something small, I snack and eat candy and generally feel like I am starving the whole day. Skipping meals is definitely not the way to go. Yeah, I might feel a little lighter for a couple hours but the binging afterwards isn’t worth it.


But… Years ago, I used to eat candy and drink soda for breakfast and lunch. So I don’t judge. I’m just soooo thankful I got a chance to do better now.


I had an unfortunate bout of body issues and disordered eating when I was in my bodybuilding phase, which actually continued into my endurance athlete phase, up until a couple of years ago. It has since been squashed (mmmm…squash), but I really make time for food. I don’t mean that in an unhealthy way (at least now). I used to be obsessive about eating every 2.5-3 hours. TO THE MINUTE OBSESSIVE. I am not that bad anymore, and food isn’t always on my brain (freedom!). That being said, I eat when it’s appropriate, and I eat about five meals a day.

I’m way more hungry in the morning. I can hear my tummy rumble when I’m running, hah.

GRAHAM CRACKER + MALLOW + SNICKERS? omg. Guess what I’m making this weekend?

My favorite boss was my boss Mario when I lived in Germany. :) Disliked the job, but he was the best.


Sometimes I skip a meal… but since I usually eat six meals/day, it’s not usually a big deal. ;)


Ironic that you posted this today. Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment and have to get blood work done. I have to fast for 8 hours and my doctors appointment is not until 11:45. I am already dreading the morning knowing I can not eat breakfast. My favorite meal of the day! I am contemplating waking up in the middle of the night for a snack. We will see!


I try to never skip meals! If I do, it’s because I’m so busy that I forgot…I completely agree with you that it does more harm than good to skip those meals!


I rarely ever skip meals, but if I’m out and about with my son, I really lose track of time! I always have snacks with for him but tend to forget about what I’m supposed to eat. Either A.) I won’t eat anything til we get home or B.) I end up eating his animal crackers or gold fish :)

Breakfast is my favorite meal!!!


Have you heard this song?
Makes me think of you when I hear it.


I never forget to eat. I don’t think I could be a happy camper if I go more than 5 hours without eating. My brother is the type who can get so wrapped up in projects that he forgets to eat for more than a day. Weird!!

Breakfast tends to be “medium”….lately, it’s been a fruit smoothie (peaches or mango with vanilla soy milk, chia seeds, and protein powder).

S’more variations: Cinnamon graham crackers work well. Don’t use dark chocolate – it doesn’t have enough milk-fat in it to melt properly. Also, pretzels can make a gooey, salty-sweet combo (instead of graham crackers). :)


I always eat breakfast, I’m starving when I wake up some days!


I am guilty of skipping breakfast. I’m just not hungry :(. Plus I don’t really like sweets and most breakfast food is centered around sweet.
Best job. Life guarding at a private pool. It’s where I met my husband!


I rarely skip breakfast. I usually wake up hungry, and sometimes by the time I take a shower and get ready I feel extremely sick if I don’t get something in me. I like to eat a decent amount in the mornings (usually 300-500 calories I’m guessing) and then have a morning snack around 10.

Favorite s’more… either cinnamon grahams with dark chocolate caramel, or regular grahams with peanut butter cup. I think bacon would be good. I’ll try it and let you know.

Favorite job/boss was definitely house- and dog-sitting for this awesome family. They lived in a humongous house with a waterfall pool and a gourmet kitchen – it was AMAZING!


I always skipped breakfast in high school! It was terrible, but I just never had any time in the mornings. Even know I don’t get hungry in the mornings much, so I just have something small. The only time that I really had a big appetite in the mornings was when I was pregnant, so I ate big breakfasts :)


Never skipped a meal on purpose, but I do forget to eat all the time when I’m busy, and don’t realize until until I am off the charts grumpy

I’m always STARVING in the morning and usually eat two breakfasts: one small meal when I first get up just to put something in my stomach and then something more substantial once I’ve been up a while and am coherent enough to cook haha


I used to be a breakfast skipper when I was younger! I would get WAY to hungry though. I have forgotten to eat! It was a day when I was SUPER busy, and that’s the only possible way that I could every forget. :)

I’m usually pretty hungry in the morning. I have a medium breakfast, because on workdays it’s about 6 hours until I can eat next.

My favorite s’more variation: two chocolate chip cookies, Reese’s cup, marshmallow. I am definitely going to have to try the donut though.

My favorite boss was my mom! I worked for her parent-child playgym when I was younger, and even though it wasn’t an “official” job, she was still my favorite. ;)


I definitely used to skip breakfast when I was in high school, but not for dieting reasons. It was more that I usually slept through my alarm and was almost late most of the time. I made up for it with my super healthy lunch of nachos and skittles from the snack shack in our cafeteria. Quality nutrition.

I can’t do that anymore, I NEED my food. I saw the best thing on Pinterest the other day, it said, “Hell hath no fury like me when I’m slightly inconvenienced and hungry.” Pretty much.


Oh girl, I never forget to eat or skip it on purpose. I will say, I wake up in the 6 o’clock hour, drink coffee, then don’t really eat breakfast till about 9. My tummy just isn’t ready to eat till then!

I haven’t tried this yet, but saw on Pinterest to dip your ‘mallow in Bailey’s creamer, yum!! Alcoholic or not, Bailey’s is amazing and I must do this.


I always wake up starving! I suppose when I’m working out less I’m not as ravenous in the morning and can put off eating breakfast if I need to, but most days I get out of bed, pour a cup of coffee and immediately start making breakfast.

Best s’mores combo is definitely substituting the Hershey’s with a Reese’s peanut butter cup! It’s the!


I NEVER miss breakfast or skip meals, i am just to hungry and that quickly turns to hangry for me!


I have been overweight all my life and a huge chunk of my first 22 years were spent in the obese category. Ironically, I never ate breakfast, ate a lunch of chips, jolly ranchers and rice crispy treats and then fast food for dinner. I never felt hangry. Now that I run, do trx and other workout classes, if I don’t eat every few hours I am an evil, hangry person who has to apologize after she eats something. I defiantly thought skipping meals was going to make me magically skinny. I will say that if I’m super stressed my stomach does not like food or I have an irrational need to find a new diet but usually its short lived.


I’m really thankful that I never skipped meals (especially breakfast) and as a recent nutrition graduate, it irks me even more now that people do that!! Breakfast is so important! I hope I can teach my little girl the importance of eating the good kinds of foods for her body rather than just not eating! Food is too good to not eat haha


I use to always skip breakfast. I don’t know how I use to do that. That donut thing looks good !


I love food. So forgetting to eat rarely happens. But some days, like today, I had a huge lunch so I ate a yogurt for supper and still feel full. I eat breakfast religiously!


I’ve actually done a 7 day fast before. Found it to be very rewarding when I did it, but doubt I’ll do it again any time soon. In high school I would constantly skip meals to lose weight. In college I would work out like 5 hours a day and eat tiny vegetarian meals. Finally I feel like I have a healthier relationship with both food and exercise. BUT, I work night shifts, so sometimes I miss meals out of exhaustion. Sometimes sleep>eating.

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