6 ways to know that your running is IMPROVING!

There are more ways to tell that you are becoming a stronger runner than just judging your improvements off of the amount of time that it takes you to run x amount of miles or the amount of miles that you can run each week.  Setting personal records is a great way to show that you are improving but there are other things to pay attention to also!

Here are a few ways that you can measure to see if your running is improving and that all of your hard work is paying off!

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– Keep a running journal and note how you feel during and right after specific runs.  Over the weeks/months/years look over your notes and compare how you felt then to how you feel now during and after you do the same run.  At the beginning of a training cycle I notice that I just want to lay down on the couch all day after I finish a long run but by the end I feel great and ready to take on the day full force after I finish the long run.

– Your form improves= your running is improving.  As I become a stronger runner I notice that my form naturally improves.  My cadence is better and I am no longer hunched over towards the end of my runs.  Keeping proper form (even when you are tired) will show you that you are getting stronger and that your body is able to withstand more and more training!

You bounce back quicker.  At the beginning of marathon (or any race) training you may notice that after your long run or hard workout your body feels sore for a few days and it takes you a little while to get back into your running groove.  As your running improves you will notice that your body will recover quicker, you won’t be as sore and you will be ready to go out for another run sooner than you used to.  

-Your heart rate.  The more you train, the more efficient your heart will become at circulating more oxygen (by your blood) throughout your body.  Use a heart rate monitor to track your heart rate and notice over the weeks how the number will probably be lower during the same workouts/speeds compared to what it used to be.  You will also notice that you are able to return to your resting heart rate faster after a hard workout than previously—> great sign that your heart is getting stronger and that your body is becoming more efficient at getting the job done.  

-You think about quitting less often.  I love doing the same hard workout (usually a speed or tempo run) once a week for 4-6 weeks in a row and noticing how each time I do it I think about quitting less often.  The 1st time I do it = I think about quitting 4 times a mile and by the last week I realize that I know I can do it and don’t even think about quitting throughout the entire run.

– You are having fewer negative thoughts about yourself and your abilities throughout the run.  You start to visualize yourself achieving your running goals and you are ready mentally and physically to push yourself to the next level!


It is going to be a sad day when we have to return to not having 56 different breakfast options each morning at the hotel to choose from.

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Another ‘run to the pool as quickly as possible’ day.

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The perfect poolside lunch.  Maybe we won’t go home. 

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This doesn’t happen very often but when she does fall asleep on me I take full advantage and soak in every second.


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Split this goodness and couldn’t get over how creamy and delicious it was.

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And now she holds her arm up in the air for me to rub it.  

Tough life being an only child.

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What improvements have you noticed in your running or fitness in general?!?

Who is running a race this weekend? Tell me about it!!!

Would you rather have cheesecake, chocolate cake, pie or ice cream?

Do you ever train with a heart rate monitor?  What has your experience been? 

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I’ll have cheesecake, chocolate cake, Pie AND Ice Cream please and thank you very much. I’m too focused on desserts now to remember the other questions…..


I do crossfit 3xs a week & run but I notice every 4-6 months I hit PRs & my running as improved do much since starting CF!

Leaving for FL today so taking the weekend off from running.

I’m def a chocolate cake girl. Or mousse. :)


how long have you been doing cf? i started last month and i’ve heard numerous people say they’re running times have improved. hoping to see the same results! i started cf about 2 months ago


I started CF last May. I had been working with a personal trainer before that but there is something about all of the HIIT training & heavy weights that really work wonders. About 6 months into CF I really started watching what I are & drop 20ish lbs which really helped me knock off time but I had to start gaining back a few lbs in order to hit PRs. But I would say I knocked off a solid 45 sec-1 min/mile. Before I would do 9:15-9:30 as a good comfy pace but now I can easily do 8:30 & keep it up and when I push myself I can maintain in 7s for a few miles. Also any extra weight I put on affects me. Even 5 lbs makes a huge difference in my time.


Brandy, I am SOO interested in trying Cross Fit!! I am pretty active but upper body is not the greatest – can’t do pullups yet. Is being able to do pullups necessary to start CF training?


I still can’t do pullups, but use bands to help me. I didn’t realize how weak my upper body was until CF, but I can already tell a difference in my strengh. Those times are awesome, Brandy! I run about a 9:15/9:30 mile as well, but would love to be able to do 8:30 and feel comfotable enough to sustain that pace longer than a mile.


Angie, def not a big deal at all about pull-ups! Lots of people, esp girls & including myself, can’t do them at my box. We have different bands to help & no one looks at you any differently for using them. Same goes for push ups. That’s what I love about cf. You can customize just about anything to fit your level.


Great list! I have really found all of those things to be true for me PLUS if I start going the other way even when training hard – higher heartrate, poor form, negative thoughts, thinking about quitting – those things are all red flags that I’m headed toward overtraining.

I use a HRM every once in a while to see where I’m at. I love that it forces you to be aware of your exertion and make adjustments if you need to. It helped me slow down for long and easy runs. I will probably use it to check in with myself as I’m training for a Nov marathon.


I’m finally noticing improvements in my running again. The beginning of the Summer suck pretty bad in Florida, so it take my body a while to get used to the humidity again. Now I’m 3 weeks into marathon training with the Hanson method and I’m noticing huge improvement!


Hey Janae! Fun pics as usual!

I never run w a heart rate monitor–but maybe because I’m not pro enough :)

I HAVE seen an increase in my running—better splits, less knee pain, less leg pain. Doesn’t take much to get back in running shape if you keep at it!

Take care!


I am chocolate cake type of gal with a 2:1 frosting to cake ratio :)


Brooke’s bun is 10x cooler than mine have ever been! She really is a rock star.

OH CHOCOLATE CAKE. I need some now. We are celebrating our 3 month wedding anniversary AND my husbands birthday this weekend so I think I should make time to squeeze some chocolate cake in there. :)


I have started using Sunday as my test day to see if I am faster and stronger. I run 10 miles and compare my time (getting faster each week, 78:36 last week!) and then run 2-4 miles at a slow pace to recover. My recovery has been improving along with my time each week.

I will always choose ice cream over any dessert. Not a fan of pie and my standards for cake (very moist and flavorful) and frosting (sweet, but not too sweet) are almost impossible to meet. :)

Off to do my last run of the week. Trying for 7 miles, which will put me at 41 for the week and the 10th week in a row of 40+ miles. Which means it may be time to cut back, my injury is starting to ache a bit. Saying that I am cutting back is much easier than doing it….


Ahhh Janae why do you make me choose between all my favourite things?! Cheesecake is the best food in the world though so we’ll go with that! But I’m never going to turn down pie, ice cream OR chocolate cake either!

For me the easiest way to see that I’m getting better is that my easy runs are naturally at a faster pace now, even though they feel exactly the same. I think in the past few months I’ve cut nearly a minute off my easy pace! and I’m not even trying to, it’s just where my natural pace is now. It makes me so happy to do a few easy kms and hear my Garmin beep before I expect it to!


I ran in the Deseret News 10k yesterday for Pioneer Day! It was my 1st race post baby (#3) and I had SO much fun! I’ve done that race almost every year since high school so it’s my happy place :)
I will pick pie every time…I even have pie for my bday instead of cake!


Love this! When I’m improving, I definitely notice the negative thoughts subside, and I recover a lot faster. Love that picture of Brooke sleeping on you, so adorable! Hmmmm….Ice cream all the way!!!! Even if it was snowing.


You just boosted my confidence in running! I thought that longer you train for a marathon the more and more burnt out you’re gonna be! There’s not a single thing here I didn’t like about this list.

Ps-did you just do a heel click??


I’m running my first marathon this weekend – the SF marathon! I’ve been nervous all week. I’ve tried a heart rate monitor but the one I have that came with my Garmin is ill-fitting. Even when I tuck it under my sports bra it slides down in the back – wish I could find a way to put new elastic on it


good luck Ashley!!!! :) :)


Aww Brooke is such a cutie!

I’d go with some sort of PB Chocolate cheesecake! :)

I’ve never run with a heart rate monitor… just my beloved Garmin. And no races for me this weekend since I’m 39 weeks pregnant. Can’t wait to race again in the Fall!!


Perfect list! Now that it’s summer I’m sometimes running the same pace as I did in the winter during speedwork which can be frustrating, but I know it’s just the weather that’s holding me back now. The points you brought up — improved cadence, feeling better at the end, being less sore — are all letting me know I’m getting better even if my pace might not always indicate it! :D

Happy Friday!!!!


i think the track is the most honest and best way to compare fitness levels over time. it helps rule out variables like distance and terrain — the only thing that can still get in the way, of course, is weather! i recently did the same track workout this week that i did exactly a year ago in similar weather, and was excited to see that i was a few seconds faster.


I just started training with a HR monitor and it has been really helpful. I find that sometimes my pace doesn’t reflect how hard I have worked, but my HR truly does (aka a hilly run vs a flat run). When I am tired and haven’t fully recovered, my HR is higher than normal, running my regular pace! Also, I notice that my resting HR is super low when I am in training but getting really good recovery!


I started doing track workouts with a running group and noticed my running has improved. I finally broke the 30 minute 5K (29:39) and was told by one of the ladies at the track that I look really strong. I’m only one week into this training plan, but I’m loving it and I’m itching to get out for a run today.
Oh and I’d prefer cheesecake. Just plain New York style cheesecake.


ice cream with sprinkles!!

my running form needs work still, but I can definitely see an improvement in keeping my shoulders back, not letting my hips drop and having a mid-foot strike.


That salad looks really good.

I’d definitely go with the cheesecake!


This was a great post for me. I am just now getting back to running after a short hiatus, and it has been so frustrating that my legs can’t take me as far as they could before. It’s difficult not to compare yourself to your previous abilities (or those of the runners around you for that matter), but I found this post to be extra inspiring. Thank you!


I don’t know how you took that pic of Brooke sleeping on you (you must have stretchy arms) but it is so adorable. Brings back such fond memories of my kids at that age. Enjoy it! Thanks for the list of ways you know you are getting stronger – in between races it can be tough to tell, and my workouts aren’t any faster in the summer although I feel stronger and I’m running more miles.


I have a 10K race tomorrow. It’s my third straight weekend of racing out of four. Not sure how I did that to myself, but I’ll enjoy my month break in between races after next weekend!


I was going to add, you don’t feel like going into cardiac arrest during every run LOL. I have really been enjoying your informative posts lately Janae! Also that salad looks really good. I’ve been craving a big salad lately…maybe I should stop living like a college frat boy.


I wear a heart rate monitor & I’ve noticed my heart rate is a lot lower on runs that it used to be. I don’t get as sore either. Tomorrow is my first ever sprint triathlon! 200 yard swim, 12 mi. ride & 2 mi. run! Those dessert options are TOUGH! It all depends on what kind of pie but generally I go for the cheesecake or chocolate cake. Have a great weekend!


I use a heart rate monitor and I feel like I can see improvement based on how low I can keep my HR during an easy run. My HRM also measures VO2 max which is a good way to see improvements in fitness.
And definitely having less negative thoughts! That is a tough one but I do realize as I am improving I am more confident and willing to push myself during my training runs.


I love this list!


There is nothing more delicious than holding your sleeping baby. Hands down.


Just this last year, I started incorporating speed work and hill repeats into my training routine. The improvements to my speed and endurance have been quite noticeable. I always use a heart rate monitor and have noticed that my heart isn’t working as hard during those long runs, which leaves me with a lot of energy. Speed work has also helped me improve my cadence. This weekend I am running a 10K leg for an Olympic triathlon relay team. This will be my first relay and I’m super excited to contribute my best sport to the team!


Well I’m not sure how you can choose between any of those desserts…but I think I would have to go with ice cream :)


I’m racing my first half marathon this weekend!! Your blog has been so fun and helpful to read as I’ve been training (not to mention inspiring!!). Thank you!


Yes to this list! I can definitely tell now that I am getting stronger from my foot injury that my form is better and I’m recovering much faster. I feel less sore too! I do wear a heart monitor but only at the gym. It was more for curiosity to see how accurate my own heart rate estimations were and calories vs the gym machines.

Take note of my new website name. After much discussion with lawyers yesterday, I decided to rebrand my business.


Highly encourage you to trademark your name if you have not already.


I came back home to Utah to visit family and ran the deseretnews classic half marathon yesterday. The last two miles were brutal! I could see the finish but I just wanted to give up, then I saw my Dad cheering me on and he yelled “finish strong!” It was just what I needed. I improved my time by 9 min! I then celebrated with a very large Diet Coke!


I am running an impulse purchase tomorrow. LOL! It is about 3 hours away in Three Forks, MT to benefit a trail system. I happened across the info on raceit.com and though, “Oh! That will be a nice way to get in a 10K this year.” So we took today and Monday off and planned a camping trip since it is right by Headwaters State Park. Since its a very small event, packet pickup is only on the morning of at 6:30… a bit too early to drive from home. I’m kind of sneaky in the way I get my husband to go camping with me.


I was just thinking about this this morning! I’m trying to get back into running so I’m doing like 20-25 min runs now. I was thinking about how my form is a little sketchy when I’m getting to the end of my runs just because I’m so tired! I’m excited to keep progressing and getting back up to longer runs!


I started running 3 months ago and I couldn’t run for 1 minute and now I can run 40 minutes without stopping!! I was so happy! I’m running my first race next weekend, so excited!

That’s a tough one, how about chocolate cake with ice-cream? ;)


Ice cream – ALWAYS! Especially in a cone with sprinkles!

And I’ve never trained with a heart rate monitor before I just got the Garmin 620 and the heart rate monitor that came with it is a lot sleeker and easier to wear so I’m hoping to start using it more and starting to train based off my HR!


I haven’t been running much lately. I hit a wall with it after my half marathon in March and have been putting a lot of time and energy into BODYPUMP lately. It’s been good for me and so fun! I’ve noticed lots of improvement in my strength and technique, and from that, have seen more toneage happening in my my body! I’m loving it!

Your dessert question is nearly impossible for me to answer! Oh boy. I’d probably go with ice cream, but cheesecake, pie, and chocolate cake are literally RIGHT behind it almost all tying for first place. ;)


Color Run!! Saturday morning with a group of friend! So excited!
Chocolate anything! I can’t select one type of chocolate dessert; I love them all!
Don’t use heart monitor but I do get my heart rate after running.

Note on previous blog: I wanted to let you know your decision on not discussing anything related to your relationship in front of Brooke is a wonderful one. My parents divorced and even though I was already an adult at the time, it is very difficult with them always talking to me about each other! I appreciate your decision, and I know Brooke will too!!


I started incorporating ust a little bit of weights into my workouts and it’s made a HUGE difference in my running. I now run straight up, don’t hunch, and my times have improved. I also feel much better after a run! I’ve never tried a HRM but I’d like to get one.


You’re a great mom Janae.


I love the idea of keeping a running journal. It’s a great idea and I think I might start that. The last two ring totally true for me though. I’ve noticed I have a much more positive attitude towards running, and quitting has kind of stopped being an option for me which is awesome!


There is seriously nothing better than a sleeping baby, especially if it’s on you. I still sneak into my kids’ room to watch them sleep.
Ice cream all the way, baby!!


Did you end up going to Extraordinary Desserts? :)


Running improvements: Sometimes I get too attached to my treadmill because I like doing intervals and being able to adjust my speed/incline when I feel like it. However, I have been getting better about getting outside for my runs. I always feel more challenged and like I accomplished way more when I run outside–and there’s more stuff to look at:)
Dessert choice: definitely chocolate cake!!
Heart rate monitor: never


I think recovering more quickly is my first sign that things are going better, especially during track workouts. It’s great when you actually feel ready to tackle the next repeat as opposed to feeling like you’re still doing to die! I like how this list isn’t based on time. Mostly based on effort/feel, and those are the things that come first.


Ice Cream!! Preferably chocolate with lots of candy/brownie/pb chunks in it.


I wish I could find me a summer race…my improvements I notice I don’t get out of breath. Seems simple but before I started running it be hard to control my breathing now I only pant when I push myself. I love me some chocolate cake.


I love the you don’t want to quit as often one! That is soo true for me! I know I’m improving when it’s easier to hit certain paces. Also the time it takes me to recovery is a very good indication of my fitness. I used to always wear my HRM but found that it made me run slower to stay in a certain range, than I felt like I should be running. Chocolate cake please!!!


Hmmmm tough choice on desserts. I will never turn down ice cream but I also love chocolate cake a whole lot. Especially great wall of chocolate from PF Changs – if you have never had it GO NOW. Chocolate + berry sauce + fresh berries = heaven.

Love this post about improvements! 5 months ago I could barely WALK one mile without my body freaking out since I had just had my baby boy and had lost a lot of blood during childbirth. Now I am training for St. George and I have gone up 14 miles so far and I feel GREAT! Bodies are amazing, aren’t they?


Chocolate cake. Chocolate fudge cake. And never share it. Only way to go!


That’s a good list. It can sometimes be discouraging when for me when I keep getting the same time in races and feel like I’m not improving. But you’re right that it is difficult to judge and that running leaps happen sporadically, so you can only go by having a smart plan and how you’re feeling.


If you are in San Diego you should definitely go to Extraordinary Desserts!! I was just there last night – the “Balboa” cake/choco mousse/amazing thing is worth the trip!


Tracking my progress is the best way I see my improvements. If only I remember to do this more often!


I used to exclusively train with a heart rate monitor and I loved it. I was a competitive racewalker and my coach insisted I try it. I was addicted immediately. I want to get back into it but since I am not competing my fitness level is not as high ( still exercise but not exclusively racewalking). I did find that as far as heart rate monitors go, you get what you pay for. Research them first of course. It was interesting because my training really changed. It was amazing to see the difference in my heart rate during some work outs. I have to worn those of you that are pregnant though, do not heart rate train. It is not reliable while pregnant.


I love all of those desserts. I can’t choose! Although I prefer a gooey brownie to most other desserts!

I can tell my times are improving when I ache to get out and run, and when I am psyched to run a race! I mean, smiling before and after 26.2 miles? Or being ecstatic to run 13.1 in June humidity in Tennessee!! That’s gotta be improvement from my days of easy 3 miles!


– You think about quitting less often
– You are having fewer negative thoughts

Do you think it is possible for those 2 to ever disappear?. I like that you use the words ‘less’ and ‘fewer’ and not the word ‘never’… =). Have a great weekend J! Stay blessed Stay fierce!


San Francisco marathon! Although I am on my way to the expo to drop back to the half. I love this city. Just happy to be here.

I have a long way ahead of me before I see improvements unless you count going from post injury performance improvements back to where I was. Lol.

Happy weekend!


I love HR monitors for getting an idea of how hard I am pushing myself!


I am by no means a fast/seasoned runner. I have only been running really for less than a year. But I am intrigued by running camps and I have been trying to find a few good ones to look into for 2015. Another blogger I follow is a coach at the Craftsbury Running Camps and it looks great! Do you know of any other beginner running camps for adults that would be good to look int?


The focus on form is such a great point! I have noticed the same thing as well, that as I get stronger my form deteriorates less at the end of each run. I used to finish every long run with black marks on the insides of my calves from my legs weakening and allowing my shoes to kick the other leg with each stride. Now I rarely ever see those marks, which I am taking as a good sign for my lateral muscle strength.

Jeez, why do you always ask such tough questions? How on EARTH am I supposed to choose between chocolate cake, cheesecake, pie, or ice cream? How about we compromise and I just order a chocolate cheesecake pie a la mode. Donezo.

Have a great weekend!


Love all of these ideas. Thanks for these! Also…ice cream all the way. I’ve had brownie sundaes the past two years for my birthday and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Happy Friday!


My daughter will take our hands and put them on her leg or arm and says “tickle” which equals rub my arm/leg :)


I can tell my running is improving when I can run at a faster pace and not feel like dying, hahaha! Pretty simple :) Also, when I don’t dread my long runs!

Cheesecake (although those all sound AMAZING!)

Enjoy the rest of your trip :)


It’s really not fair of you to talk about Cheesecake Factory and then talk about cheesecake again so soon! I live waaaay to far from one and now I’m dreaming if it – thanks!! ;)

All the desserts are yummy, but I’ll take cheesecake (from Cheesecake Factory) any day ;)


I haven’t been super motivated lately (so I wasn’t seeing much in terms of improvement) but I’ve started doing circuit workouts and that’s been helping me get better/faster/stronger! :)


Such a great post, Janae!
My running has been improving by leaps and bounds this year thanks to rest days and interval training. I recently went on a trail run where I initially started training expecting hard hills and it was like going back to kindergarden when you are in elementary school. So much fun to see progress!


Great running tips! My favorite desserts are either a chocolate chip cookie dough pie or a brownie with ice cream! Yum!


I would also add that the more I train and the better shape I am in, the more I have been sweating – both during workouts and just in general. I consume way more water because I sweat so much while running. Seemed gross at first, but now I’m proud of it! I’m working hard and my body is an efficient cooling machine!


I really like the idea of looking at these factors for improvement rather than just time/distance (like I always have)! One funny way I noticed fitness improvement last month was doing a Jillian Michael’s DVD that I hadn’t done in at least half a year, and realizing that it seemed much less awful than it used to! All that other training (esp. running and circuits) paid off! :)

Have a fabulous weekend and enjoy all the pool days and beach time before you head back!!


I’ve definitely noticed an improvement in my HR-it hasn’t quite translated to better running yet. There is hope though


I’ve just become stronger… I can run longer and faster and I feel like my running form has improved!

I’d rather have ice cream all the way… I love love love ice cream- chocolate chip cookie dough


Chocolate cake with ice cream, pretty please! Although I do love the Reese’s Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory (the one where it alternates regular cheesecake and chocolate cake layers…oh yeah!).

I’ve never trained with a heart rate monitor, but my Dad has and it’s really helped him improve. My husband brought a heart rate monitor with my Garmin, so I should probably try it out soon (since I’ve had the Garmin for almost two years…oops!).


I can tell when my running is improving when I just feel more positive and strong overall. I also notice my form is better.

I’m going to pretend that you asked me to rank those desserts instead.
It goes like this: ice cream, pie, cheesecake, chocolate cake. Yes please.


If I have to choose, Cheesecake please! But I would much rather a sampler plate with all of the above.
I know my running is improving when I’m not constantly looking at my watch to check the time.


I love a good and decadent piece of chocolate cake!!! Omg! I’m drooling. Portillos has awesome chocolate cake and it also tastes great when they blend it into an epic milkshake called the chocolate cake shake. It’s a must try while visiting chicago!

I’m debating getting a heart rate monitor/gps. Recommendations????


I went out on Thursday and ran 10 miles. Straight through without stopping!!! So I know my fitness is improving. Plus I finally got over that hump since my last race and it felt great!!!! I love running and I am so glad I started last September!! My 10 year old daughter started running with me, too. She has been able to run 2 and then 3 miles non stop after only training for a few weeks!! I am so proud of her!!!


That cake looks amazing. I don’t think I would be able to turn down any type of dessert. I have a major sweet tooth!


Chocolate cake!!! I trained with a heart rate monitor at my husband’s insistence while I was pregnant. It was sync’ed with my garmin forerunner 210, and beeped if it got too high to keep me within safe limits. I haven’t really used it since though I should because it’s an excellent way to gauge your actual exertion and effort!


Ice cream always! In fact, my defunct blog (which I will be getting blogging help on this week) is called Will Run For Ice Cream!

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