The marathon.  It is kind of a beast:)

What my face looked like for the majority of the second half of the race.  I am glad I am posting this for everyone to see. 

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Turns out that not every race is a good one:)


As you can tell, things went downhill fast (NOT because my quad injury ((I took 5 weeks off from running leading up to the marathon to fix)) was hurting).  I would feel the area a little bit if I tried to speed up throughout the race at some spots but NO pain… just awareness of the spot if that makes sense).  

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Let’s talk about what went wrong first and then let’s talk about what went so so right.  PS I will be writing a more detailed pool running—> road running post soon!

I am proud of myself for pushing through these things:

1.  The headwind for a few miles in the first half and then from miles 12-20 in the canyon.  As you know, wind is my least favorite thing and it nearly killed me off.  It was so strong that everyone I talked to finished about 10 minutes slower than their training predicted.  The wind took a lot of energy out of me during that second half which is a big reason why I slowed down so much and I was exhausted once we got out of the canyon but it’s things like that that make us stronger.   The biker pacers said that they had to pedal hard even on the downhills during that portion because the wind was so strong.  

2.  Mentally I was a mess.  Brooke was being picked up by her dad during the race to go for the weekend and that put me over the edge when I stopped to say goodbye to her along the course.  I always forget how much of running is mental and how I just have to block the really painful things from my brain for the race.  She gives me so much strength when I see her during a race but it is always tough to say goodbye especially when I am all emotional from running and I did not expect for it to be so hard on me.  

3.  Pool running doesn’t prepare you for hills (up or down) and my muscles (or lack thereof) were exhausted.  Strength training here I come.

4.  My feet lost all of their calluses/toughness over the last 5 weeks from only pool running and not road running.  It wasn’t the shoes fault (I have NEVER had blister issues from the Pure Flows except for on Saturday and I have been wearing them for years).  The pool really softened them up.

I knew I was in big trouble at mile 4 when my feet started hurting pretty bad from the blisters.  

This is just one of three large blood blisters.  My feet are thrashed.  It will take a good amount of time to be able to put a pair of shoes back on again.  Sorry the picture is gross but we are runners and we all understand.  

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THE RIGHTS… which were great:

1.  This race is incredible.  The Utah Valley Marathon started right on time, there were SO SO many aid stations fully stocked with amazing things (like the otter pop that I had at mile 24), the finish line area was incredible and so were the medals, the course scenery is breathtaking and the expo was great.  Everything was marked, there was plenty of space to run at all times and the roads were blocked off and police officers all over the place directing traffic so I never had to worry about cars.  I can’t think of one problem.

2.  Seeing my family and friends along the way.  Family/friends > than getting the fastest marathon time ever. 

3.   I killed it with my nutrition.  I ate a bagel/jam/banana before the race and took in 400 calories of gu (almost every 45 minutes I took one) and plenty of water/gatorade along the course.  In previous marathons it is hard for me to even stomach a little bit of fuel so I have come a long way.  My friend had a squeeze bottle of gatorade for me at mile 9 and I drank the whole thing.  That was SOOO nice because I never felt dehydrated or like I hit the wall because I never ran out of calories (as far as muscle weakness goes—> I did hit the wall:).  I am happy about this because staying on top (and ahead) of nutrition and hydration is key for the marathon.

4.  Running with my sister was absolutely amazing.  I really was ready to quit because of the blisters and other factors when I saw her but she is the greatest human being ever and sacrificed having blisters herself from running in flip flops to get me to the finish line.  I walked a little bit each mile (during the last 5.5 miles) until the finish.  She kept me entertained, she was so positive and she was exactly what I needed.  She knew how important it was to me to finish and she did what it took to get me there (I asked her to make sure I got in to BQ and she did that too).   You can read more about her flip-flop running HERE!

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4a).  My nieces, nephew and bro-in-law scootered next to us for a little while too.  It was amazing.  

5.  I went into the race knowing that I would drop out the second I felt pain from my injury.  In 5 weeks I went from not being able to walk up the stairs (I had to crawl up for a few days because it hurt so bad) to Boston Qualifying and I think that is because of taking time off, seeing physical therapists, getting scraped, deep tissue massages, acupuncture, working with my sports medicine doctors, pool running and working hard at cleaning up my nutrition.   I didn’t even attempt to run until the pain was completely gone.  I am really sore after the race but not injured.  Hallelujah.

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Other things:

1.  I probably only listened to music for 10 miles of the race.  I don’t know why but I just didn’t feel like turning it on for a while.

2.  I did not stare at my garmin like I usually do and that was really nice.

3.  It has been a long time (2.5 years) since my last marathon and I am excited to be back in the game and see where I can go.  Although, I really do love the half and might focus on that for a while after the SGM this fall.

4.  The marathon is ridiculously hard but I think that is why people love it, it shows you what you are made of.  


Tell me about you’re experience with the marathon/half-marathon!  

Blisters… ever get them?  What do you do about them?

Hardest race (mentally and physically) that you have ever done?

What is going to be the best part of your Monday!?

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CONGRATS again Janae :) You are such a role model. I’m heading into a marathon training cycle next week and I think you’re a great example to follow, especially about how maturely and wisely you handled that injury. You are my constant running inspiration!


You are amazing. Congratulations on your finish – you pushed through a lot of barriers, mental and physical, and that is nothing short of extraordinary. Well done, Janae :) You really are an inspiration!


I am seriously SO PROUD OF YOU!!! Reading about your sister made me tear up yesterday….you kicked that races butt and I only wish I was in Utah to give you a giant high five! :)


Blisters suck! I had a similar experience running the marine corp marathon after taking some time off for injury…the intense pain from the blisters that developed on my not tough enough feet killed me way more than the injury.

For having taken so much time off you did amazing, and that half was incredible! Congrats!


Way to go! That sounds like such a hard race but you killed it!

My hardest was the first half I ran…………I had just gotten over the flu a day before but insisted on running bc I paid for it! I was slow but since I had never run a half before I knew I would PR no matter what! I ended up winning a free pair of Mizuno shoes, too!

Blisters are (thankfully) not something I have to deal with a lot. The few times I have have been like in the country music marathon where it was pouring rain the whole time………like running thru an inch of water the whole time!

Monday is my Friday, so I am working for the weekend today!!!

Have a good one and congrats again!



That first picture is heartbreaking to see :( But you are a superstar!

Hope your feet recover quickly :) xxx


Way to go girlfriend, those are some major obstacles to overcome during a race, sheesh! And your sister should noooot look that good after running 5.5 miles. You two should go get pedicures to celebrate/take care of those toes! haha. So proud of you :)


Janae I am incredibly proud of you. First and foremost for finishing the marathon after everything that has happened during the last few weeks. A lot of people would have given up when they hit both a mental and physical wall and you pushed through. I honestly cannot even imagine how mentally tough that was.

I know I left you the worlds longest ramble before the race but you are truly a role model for so many people out there.

I also love so much your honesty. Recover well and great job again.


Way to go!!!!! Your poor feet, you need to pamper them this week and only wear really soft slippers :) During my first half marathon I have no idea what happened since I wore my normal shoes and socks but I ended up with a huge blister on the bottom of my left foot at around mile 7 and those last few miles were very painful. I can only imagine what it was like with multiple blisters plus so many more miles to go, but you are a total champion for getting it done!!!! Your sister is awesome for bringing you in for a BQ!


Blisters at mile 4 and you still ran 22 more miles! I haven’t ran more than a 10k, but I really have been wanting to run a marathon. I just don’t know if I can do it, which makes me want to do it more. You have such beautiful people by your side, that shines through this race recap more than anything else.


You are such an inspiration!!!! That is incredible. Those blisters are killer!! Rest up :)


Nice job, Janae:) Congrats on getting through the marathon – it is such a crazy race. Your pictures in the beginning brought me right back to one of my worst marathons ever, that was exactly what I looked like – complete with crying and refusing to finish at mile 16. Thankfully, my husband forced me back out there and I finished and it has 100% made me the runner I am now. Not all races are meant to be the best, and often it’s the worst races that make us the best runner we can be. It only gets better and you only get mentally stronger. I love the marathon.
Never gotten blisters, and I wear the pure flows, too. Those look pretty bad:(
The hardest part of my day will probably be doing my 600’s after I get the kids to school – dreading it!
Rest up!


Great job getting through that marathon!!! You have amazing friends and family, but you already know that. You had no reason/need to complete that marathon, but you did and now you have a BQ! Go you!!! Yes, I am very prone to blisters. I keep them wrapped in blister bandaids. They are kinda pricy, but worth it.


First off…CONGRATS! I ran on Saturday and I was feeling a little off and I kept thinking about how you are running a marathon that morning and it made me get through my run! What an amazing acomplishment and you are truly an inspiration to so many people!

I am so sorry about the blisters, there is absolutely nothing worse…I get them sometimes, but mostly on the back of my ankles if anything.

My most mentally and physically challenging race was my second half marathon. I was not prepared even though I thought I was, and it bit me in the behind badly. I finished so poorly, and felt like I wasn’t going to make it at one point. Once I crossed the finish line my calves cramped so badly that I felt like someone was sticking them with knives. That has never happened to me and I almost couldn’t walk, it was just a really bad experience, but I signed up for another race a month later and rocked it so that was my redemption :)

SO PROUD OF YOU!! Not only for rocking the race, but just being so open about everything whether it comes to life or running, you seem like such a great person, Brooke is very lucky to have a mom like you!


Congrats! Hard races test us in so many ways. You rocked this race and are such an inspiration. Enjoy your recovery :)


Congratulations!!! I am SO happy for you…and by the way you did AWESOME! Issues aside a 3:29 is not only a BQ but an awesome time!!! It is basically my PR. You have some pretty awesome family and friends too.
The marathon is complicated to me :). That is the best way I describe it. It is scary and rewarding….just complicated. I have done 5 and the distance still intimidates me.
I ran my first marathon having only run 15 miles prior to it because I had gotten runners knee and had to take 10 days off during an important part of training. This was also my first race since cross country in high school that had been like 13 years before :). I finished but hit he wall hard…I cried…I threw up…and I did it again. That was probably my hardest race physically. I also did a small trail marathon. It was a flat trail so that wasn’t hard, but I was ALONE from mile 22-26 and that was hard!
I finished my first marathon in 3:51 and I am down to 3:30. I am doing the Richmond one in the fall…but each time I do one I say it will probably be my last for awhile and I want to do more 1/2’s :).
I have only done 3 1/2’s and I LOVE the distance…still hard but not scary.
I have never had a blister and that looks SO painful!!!!!! Soak those poor feel all day today :)


You are seriously increadible! I cannot read any of your race recaps without getting inspired, I love that you lay it all out there good and bad. CONGRATULATIONS. On the BQ!!!!


I am in awe of you. I can’t imagine running a marathon after only pool running for five weeks and having blisters of that size. You are amazing!


Janae, you are one tough woman! Brookers will be so proud of her mom when she is old enough to hear this story. Amazing!

I do halfs. Training for a full is way more than I want to take on.
I did a half last spring 3 weeks after getting bronchitis and I have asthma. My lungs were not cooperating with me. I did a lot of walking and finished, but it was hard.

Monday brings cross-training…woohoo!


Way to go janae!


You did an awesome job despite blisters and everything else. You rock!! (Next time tell Brooke’s dad to suck it up and wait until you finish the race so you can give her a proper send off, haha)


Wow. Seriously, wow! You are amazing. You poor feet, I seriously gasped out loud just now seeing that picture. Thanks for posting all of this, you are so inspiring. It makes me want to get through my hard things with more grace and determination seeing you conquer your hard stuff. Thank you for sharing your life with us, Janae!

PS – is that the new Provo temple behind you guys???


Congrats on finishing and pushing through all that pain. Oh my goodness your poor feet.

I have run one marathon so far and it went pretty well so the slacker in my is like “maybe I will end my marathon career on that one good note”. Your time is so inspiring!

P.S. I am moving to SLC in August and will be harassing you for the secrets on the best places to run :)

A future Utah Runner,
Katie @ Running A Ragnar


Amazing job! I don’t even know you in real life (I’ve been reading your blog for a while though) but I was thinking about you during my run yesterday and felt so proud of you. Those blisters look seriously painful – you must have awesome mental strength to power through that and everything else that was happening.
Great job!!


Oh, your poor feet!!!! I’m impressed that you pushed through the pain! I can only imagine how sore you are today. After taking 9 weeks off for an injury, I was super sore after running just a couple of miles!! The biggest thing that I noticed was that my muscles/joints weren’t used to the impact of running, so I got very sore from that. I also noticed the hills big time. :)


You did a fantastic job, congrats on your race! I can’t even believe you did that well after all that time off running, new faith in pool running over here :) You need to teach me your secrets about consuming fuel without feeling sick, I just cannot master it and obviously that’s a recipe for bad marathons.


WELL DONE for completing such a challenging race!! And your time is amazing – maybe not what you were aiming for, but such a great achievement still.

I always get blisters right where you have them, and they really hurt. My feet have just recovered from a marathon I did three weeks ago. That was my first marathon, and the hardest race I’ve done mentally cos you’re always thinking about everything you feel. I was so surprised at how slowly the last 4 miles felt compared to the rest of the race.

My Monday is going to be awesome because I am taking my beginners running group on their first off-road run. Fingers crossed it doesn’t rain!

Congrats again :)


oh my goodness, what a fantastic race recap. Your feet- OMG. I can’t IMAGINE…recently, i had chafing that was so bad that i do not want to put on a bra/sports bra/shirt…i am fairly certain that walking around topless due to chaf-age is frowned upon though?? it was a hard week. yikes. your poor FEET!!!!!

I am so proud of you-you are an inspiration for anyone recovering from an injury, anyone who runs, and just about anyone PERIOD! I am beyond proud of you and stalked your website allll day saturday for your results bc i was just so excited to see them!!

about Brooke…HUGS. I can’t imagine. THAT had to be harder than the beating your feet took.
xoxo…and i will SEE YOU IN BOSTON!!!! :):):)


What an incredible race experience!! Great job girl!


Congrats, Janae! I’m so happy for you and still amazed that your sister ran that far (and fast) in flip flops!

I got a small blister at my first marathon, and then got a blood blister that covered the entire ball of my foot a month later at the JFK 50-Miler. The following spring at Boston I bought a pair of double layer socks to help prevent blistering and my husband questioned me trying them out for the first time at a marathon. I said that it couldn’t get any worse and tried them. They worked great and I’ve been blister free since!

Who would have thought that your pool running would soften your hard earned calluses, but it makes perfect sense. When I get a pedicure, I ask them not to touch my calluses. They don’t understand why I need them; but then, they’re not runners! :-)


Congrats on finishing!!! You are awesome!!!!

The worst blister I got was during my first 10-miler. It was over an inch long and ended up getting really, really infected. I felt it growing at mile 4 and then it just got worse and worse. It popped and then reblistered three times during the race. My advice for your blister: reattached as much skin as possible rather than pulling the skin off, puts lots of neosporin on it, keep it covered for a while, and keep it clean.

Awesome job on finishing and BQing!!! I am so happy for you!


Wow Janae you are seriously one tough cookie! Big congrats to you for getting it done. So sorry to hear about your feet. I haven’t dealt with any kind of major blister so I can only imagine how much that hurts. I’ll bet it felt so good (probably for a second) when you first took your shoes off.
Hardest race for me was my very first half marathon. I was a brand new runner – had only been running for maybe 6 months – and I somehow decided going from running a 10k as my longest distance, to a half was a good idea. I did train for it but I only ran 10 miles (my longest run before the race) once. About the 11 mile mark I seriously fell apart. I did finish but I don’t think I’ve ever been so tired in my life. I really wanted to sit down for a long time. (Although my sis and brother in law wanted to take me out for pancakes but the place was a 20 minute walk! Actually I think the walk helped but I was a bit cranky during it). Thanks for sharing your race recap and for your honesty. Hoping you have a great day.


Even though this recap shows horrible blisters it makes me want to go run lol?? I have a 7 week old and my running is nonexistent to right now but this post makes me want to get back into marathoning (so far have run 2). Maybe your sister has a future in barefoot running!


SO happy for you Janae!!! I knew you could do it!!

I haven’t ran a marathon yet, only halfs.. but someday I really want to do a marathon! I think I’ll wait until I get out of high school though!


Way to go, girly! Sounds like the positives outweigh the negatives :) You are so blessed with your friends and family, and what a great takeaway. You’ll be so strong both mentally and physically for Fall marathon season! xo


YOU ARE AMAZING SISTER! Such an inspiration. Way to go!!!


I so get the blister problem. After my foot injury, that was a huge problem for me too. I also had two toe nails fall out. I was wearing winter shoes. I have to wear bigger shoes in the summer for the heat and forgot. Hope they grow back. Vid like to wear flip flops.


Yowch! Compeed blister bandaids, but that is going to take some time to heal.


You rock! I just had the same blister thing happen. I took 5 weeks off from running (actually it was more like 7 weeks with just two 4 milers those first couple of weeks. And lost all calluses too! I ran my first miles on Saturday and by the second mile I felt the blister. I walked and went slow running but completed my 10k. I would have wanted to quit too if that happened to me so early on in a full. You and your sis deserve lots of foot pampering. I can’t even imagine the whole brook thing. You are so much stronger than you ever though girl!!

So much more I want to say…congrats!!


Congrats on a very impressive time, especially considering the circumstances! Thank you for summing up Saturday’s race so well. I also ran this marathon on Saturday and had the same thoughts about it – I was exactly 10 minutes slower than what I trained for. If I can manage it, I’m really hoping to get my goal time at St. George this October.


Janae, you are amazing!!! Congrats to you for all your hard work. Love that your sister ran the last few miles with you. Such amazing support!


Congratulations Janae! You are amazing!!


You did amazing! I raced Saturday too and finished much slower than anticipated. I was hoping for a BQ myself and barely eeked out a 3:50. Massive negative splits! The wind was so killer!! I spent most of the second half run/walking myself. I still can’t really walk! Congrats on your BQ and best of luck training for St. George!


Congratulations! Your sister sounds pretty amazing :)

The hardest race I’ve run was definitely the Broad Street Run this past May. Not tough physically (the course is acrually really nice and flat for the most part), but I just wasn’t mentally prepared for it since I was dealing with an injury too.


Blisters are the worst!! It is incredible that you powered through. At Boston one year, I got a blister at mile 13 and for the next 13.2 miles, felt it with every step. It’s quite a mental battle to keep going through pain. And I only had the blister to deal with. Your sister’s hair after 5.5 miles of running in FLIP-FLOPS?? = amazing :)’

My piece of advice (you’ll get lots I’m sure)! I think Balega socks are the #1 prevention against blisters. After yours heal of course (lots of neosporin!!)



The picture of you and bangs friend almost made me burst into tears! It just reminded me how incredibly emotional running/racing can be!

I had a crazy hard run this past Saturday. The distance was actually three miles SHORTER than my long run last week, it was just one of those days where nothing felt right and I just felt SO out of shape that you would’ve thought it was my first run ever. But it was SO encouraging to see your finish post when I got finished with my run. SO excited for you!

My toughest run was the Hottest Half Marathon last year. It’s an August half in Texas and it was just brutal. Not even the kind of brutal that makes you feel tough, just really really terrible in general. Haha, needless to say, I won’t be doing that again. Once was MORE than enough.

I’m dealing with small blisters now just from switching to new shoes after wearing my old ones way too long, but they aren’t too bad.

I’m excited for this new week!


Congratulations Janae! You continually prove that you can do hard things, way to go! I love that your family and friends are so close. I hope your feet heal quickly.


All I can say is that I’m so, so proud of you! You rocked this big time! Your family and friends are such an amazing support system for you and I’m so happy you have them. I’m also super happy that your injury didn’t hurt. Congratulations on a job super well done.


You are truly amazing. As is your sister (still can’t get over running in flip flops)…It’s good to know that your quad is that much better but yeah, the wind is killer and can only imagine running with blisters for so many miles. Totally makes sense that the pool would soften your feet and you lose your tough skin that develops from running. Even with all of my routine pedicures, I always make sure they leave my calluses behind so that my feet can handle the miles.


Congrats Janae! Just finishing is a huge accomplishment and you managed to do it in great time with all kinds of things going against you.

Mole skin for your blisters. Get some. I hope you make a speedy recovery!


Yayayayay you did it! I get blisters on the balls of my feet pretty frequently, so I’ve just decided to let the calluses take over and hope for the best. I do put body glide on my feet now, which helps, but not completely. I hope your feet feel better soon!


your tenacity and drive is so admirable, janae. way to finish it up even after 5 weeks of pool running. you deserve pool time and sandals with those feet :)


I think I saw you around mile 20. Way to push through- I love reading race recaps, and its true-a marathon shows us how strong we are. You are amazing girl!


Janae, this was a very, very inspirational post. I’m training for my first marathon and am experiencing a lot of emotional hurdles. This was a great read (as all of your posts are!). Congratulations on an amazing race. You have one awesome sister. Hope you have a quick recovery!


You’re incredible, Jana! After running the hills in Utah at Blend last week, I can’t even imagine running a full marathon, with wind, coming back from an injury. You’re so incredibly inspiring, so thank you for sharing and being so fabulous :)


You are AMAZING. That’s all there is to it! You should be so proud of yourself.


Janae, first of all congratulations on finishing and BQing! Your race so much reminds me of my Amsterdam marathon experience in 2012 … we were launching our product at work (= wrapping up 2 years of work in impossible time) and I was dreaming of big PR, but did not really believe it = great first half, than could not breath (turns out my ribs were blocked the whole time because of stress!!!). I just wanted to point out that it is so very true that marathon is a beast and it is not easy managing the beast when everything goes smooth, yet when you have big work or private life stress (as you certainly did have!)… I am sure you will rock the autumn race! So proud of you!!!


Love/ hate relationship with the marathon. And I love the half marathon! I never get blisters but always tell the ladies when I get a pedicure not to get rid of my calluses too much, I need them to run! And my most mentally challenging race was this past weekend, my first Ultra distance! A 50k and lots of climbing, took me 5hr53min and I placed 1st in my age group! I think I may be bit by the Ultra bug :) But not before Chicago marathon (and a handful of halfs) this fall!
Congrats on BQ and maybe see you there next year!


Congrats on BQ!! That’s great that you felt hydrated throughout the race. What a wonderful sister to help you get through the tough race.


I have never raced before in my life. I am really competitive and since I am not that speedy I know it would bug me. I also want to keep running something I relieve stress. Maybe I will race someday but not yet. :)

Best thing about my Monday will be either a easy run or rest day. Either way watching hgtv while the kiddos nap :)


Oh and I know I already said it but congrats on an awesome race! That is a huge accomplishment to overcome all the obstacles you did and finish strong. And your sister deserves some kind of medal for running in flip flops and jeans!


Congratulations!! I think the high point of my Monday will be a nap between work and my Girlie coming home from school. I didn’t get nearly enough sleep last night!


oh my gosh, I HATE wind so I give you some major props for making it through that race. You are such a strong person and runner, congrats on finishing!!!!


Great job, Janae! Talk about perseverance! I can only imagine how emotionally and physically draining it was. You gotta be proud of yourself though! And to get a BQ time! Awesome!


Huge congrats to you for finishing!! And what a great sister you have! I could never imagine running a marathon, and that fact that you finished even though everything just wasn’t going right, that is strength!


This is such a helpful post for someone who has never marathoned, but wants to. I have so much anticipation (threaded with fear) for my first (as yet unscheduled) full marathon, and it is really truly a blessing to see that even people who are super fast and focused on training can have hurdles, too. Thank you for your openness, Janae, and congratulations on your BQ!


Wow, congratulations on finishing and you really have the most amazing sister!


Congratulations!!! I truly cannot say enough good things about the love between you and the rest of your family. Its so moving!

Now go eat some snacks and rest those poor feet, girl! :)


Holy cow, your feet!!! Pushing through that is pretty impressive! Awesome job.

Your sister really sounds awesome.


Congrats on finishing it! You are amazing. I had a bad blood blister last month, and I got a staph infection in it. It hurt sooooo bad so keep those blisters clean, clean, clean!


Amazing job on your finish!! Congrats!!!

My hardest marathon was NYC last year. I ran a marathon in early October, went on vacation for two weeks and basically had a six week taper. I was never so happy to see my husband at mile 19. It was emotional, painful, but yet so happy I did it. Even if they are rough, each marathon is a great learning experience – beyond just running. Congrats again!


You got third in your division!? That’s incredible! Way to rock it! Jealous of your big sis for still having perfect hair and makeup after running the last 5/6 miles with you! :) Rest up!


It’s not about us this time =). You are truly amazing J. All that and you still crushed your time. A lot of us would do anything for that kind of results if we had to go through what you did… I would… Stay blessed J!


Janae, with all of those factors going against you, you totally KILLED it. Seriously, Girl. You are amazing. I totally understand the wind thing. There was a major head wind at my half marathon in Moab in March, and it just about killed me. I’m right there with you on it being just about my least favorite thing ever, especially when running. I’m so proud of you, and I hope you’re so proud of yourself. And major props to your sister who pushed you through to the end – so awesome. Hugs!


I`m glad you were able to finish. Sounds like you had lots of support on race day.

Blisters are the worst. Especially when they`re on you`re feet.


What an amazing story!! Congrats!! I’ve definitely shed a few tears while reading your posts the last few days.

I’ve done two marathons, a 50K, and several 1/2 marathons. I love the 1/2 distance, because the training doesn’t slaughter me like the marathon does, and it’s an easy travel distance race. I can sightsee and recreate the day before and still run a decent race. AND I’m not totally dead for the rest of the day.

Blisters… Thankfully I haven’t had to deal with them a lot, but I do seem to have problems with a hot spot in my inner right forefoot. I try and remember to put on body glide before putting my sock on before a long run. Usually it helps, but that area is usually irritated after a run. Good socks help too.

My hardest race was the Market to Market 50K between Omaha and Lincoln, NE in 2012. It killed me. I wasn’t strength training at all that summer (fail), so my left knee was shot, and my nutrition was not up to par. It was in October, but the day of the race was mid-70s, humid, and overcast. The course was deathly boring, flat, and I thought I would lose my mind. I had a friend join me at mile 18 to run with me to the end, and I can easily say that if she had not been with me, I wouldn’t have finished. I was the last female and 6th from the last in the 50K. Just this spring have I gotten into a grove with running again. That race killed running for me for a long, long time.

And Monday, meh. I am studying for my PTA board exam, so life isn’t super fun right now. I did run 10 miles in 100% humidity, so I consider myself accomplished for the day.


You are AMAZING and one tough cookie! This is truly an amazing marathon story:)
My VERY first attempt at a marathon was my hardest physically and mentally… I had the flu the week prior and probably should NOT have run but I thought I was better and could pull through it… First thing was it was was unseasonably hot.. it went from 70s to that day 90s… Second, was that I started out WAY too FAST, and the third thing was that I wasn’t really recovered… by mile 10 I was throwing up, I kept having to stop and even at one point I laid down on the course with a nurse….the volunteers kept asking me to step off the course and by the time I got to mile 22 I was like I’m FINISHING if it kills me… I called Michael and my friend Ashley and they came and found me and Ashley ran the last few miles with me…. I crossed the finish line in 5:12. I was devastated… but I finished…. I lost 10lbs during that race but it certainly taught me a lot…. that was the race that almost made me NEVER run a marathon again…. and then I grew up and realized that marathon was just the stepping stone to many more amazing moments in my life.

I can’t wait to go pick up my kids today… the last few wks of school are always tough and it makes me miss my little munchkins even more…


I am so freaking proud of you! That race was a tough day! You are so strong! I am so glad it’s over! :) my muscles are still so sore in my legs! I guess it just goes to show you that cross training can’t replicate hills right? Lol! But I will say that we were able to finish and you BQed and I PRed! So we must have done something right! ;) I’ve been thinking of you non stop all weekend. Can’t believe we made it through! I am so proud of you again! Hope your feet and legs are recovering well :) we need to go get some fro yo!! This will now be my favorite race as far as the marathon goes but st George will always be my favorite marathon event. Can’t wait for October with you!! Xoxo


You are awesome lady!! Congrats again!!


Ugh! Wind and blisters – two of my least favorite things to deal with when running! And I can’t even imagine what it would feel like to have to say goodbye to Brooke in the MIDDLE of your race. Way to push through everything and still run an amazing time and a BQ!!! Can’t wait for you to come to my hometown next April! :)


This is so inspiring! Congrats to you on pushing through an emotionally and physically hard race.


Way to go Janae! I think you are amazing! How you were able to do a 3:29 after saying goodbye to the Brookster is beyond me.

Oh my goodness – those blood blisters!!! I have only had a few blisters on my toes during my last half, mostly because I was wearing compression socks and not my usual socks. Didn’t bother me too much though. I did take off my socks after and went “whooaa” – so far the only blisters that I’ve had.


So proud of you Janae! You inspire me.


Amazing job Janae, I’m so proud of you!! I hope your feet heal up soon :)


Oh girl. I’m so sorry it wasn’t what you wanted but I’m so proud of you for finishing!!! It really is such a HARD mental game. You’re amazing. Way to BQ!!! You’re seriously my hero. I look up to you so much. Heal up and then show SGM everything you’ve got :) xoxo


I read your blog everyday. You’ve helped me enormously in terms of believing I can do it (get out and run) and positivity. Going through a divorce sucks. I did it too, seven years ago, and it hurts, for whatever reason you’re going through it. But you have remained so positive, so true to yourself and have not resorted to slamming the other side (which would have, and is, easy to do, in any situation). For this, even though I don’t know you, I feel very proud of you.

For your race, I am also proud, silly I know. We’ve never spoken, but your blog makes me (and, I’d wager, many others, feel like they know you) very proud again. Well done. For your grace, and strength and just general good personness. Yes, its a word. It is!!!! I invented it. Why should Shakespeare get to invent words if the rest of us can’t?

Huge hugs from someone who is certain they will never do a marathon (a few halves were enough).


Awesome job!! You are an inspiration to many! :)


Congrats!! That is an amazing time and I can’t wait to read about Boston!


OMG Congrats Janae!!! You simply are amazing and your family and friends are just as awesome! Your sister and Bangs Friend literally made me cry (in a good way). So inspirational!!! And CONGRATS on the BQ!!!!!!!!


Congratulations once again! I cannot believe you kept going despite your blisters! You really deserve Boston. Looking forward to following your training for it. Take it easy now x


Hi Janae! I’ve never posted on here before but I’ve been reading your blog for a while now. I’m a beginning runner – just did my first 5K back at the end of March. My time was much better than I thought it would be, I felt amazing afterwards and was so excited…but for some reason I haven’t signed up for another race since. I think I’ve been too chicken.

But after reading this post this morning, you’ve inspired me to sign up for another race this summer! Even if it’s just another 5K or (dare I say it) a 10K, I’m going to do it!

You’re right — our bodies CAN do hard things. Thanks for being such an inspiration!


Yay Janae! Congrats on the marathon and a BQ!

I ran my first marathon this past March (LA Marathon) and can’t wait to run another. I ran strong through the first half, then the heat rolled in and slowed me down. I was drinking water and dumping water on my head at every aid station from Mile 15 on. It wasn’t easy, but thinking about how far I’ve come with running and knowing my family was waiting for me at the finish line helped me finish strong. I had large blisters afterwards on both feet, but the finisher medal and pride I have in my own strength more than make up for it.

I just found out that I’m expecting my first child (we are so excited!) and I know that I’ll be able to rely on my marathon experience to help me get through the pregnancy and delivery. We can do hard things. :)


Oh my goodness, congratulations! You are seriously one tough lady! And you have an amazing sister too! You worked hard, pushed through, and did AMAZING.


Congratulations Janae! You are truly amazing and such an inspiration. I wish I had the kind of mental toughness you have. I guess I will have to build up to that. And I love that your sister ran with you. So awesome she would help you push through to the end like that!


Congratulations Janae! You are fearless and such an inspiration!


Cngratulations Janae!! You continue to inspire and amaze us with your strength – on – and off the running road!! This marathon was just for your own self, and you did it despite everything, so happy for you. Hope to be running with you in Boston in 2015 – BQ- wow such great news!!! Get the blister bandaids – they are the best at healing quickly.


Dang girl I with I had even a tenth of your mental toughness/focus while racing. I can put in good, fast, impressive training but I balk at the thought of racing and always perform far worse in races than in training.

Toughest race has to be the 10k I ran on a bad fibula stress fracture. That was horrible. College track, I limped the whole time and had to be carried by the guys after the race because even a bump on my leg sent pain shooting up my nerves. It was awful. I told my coach I couldn’t do it but she really pressured me to go ahead and see if I was still injured (After a month of biking instead of running) and said if I couldn’t run a 10k, I couldn’t run a marathon (I’d qualified for nationals).


Congratulations on the BQ but more for running through the pain. A marathon hurts. There is a reason it is hard, it makes us bad a** for completing them.


That is an unbelievable story. You amaze me with your strength.


I showed my husband the picture of your sister running in flip flops, and he said he couldn’t imagine the horrible blisters she probably got. He runs with me during parts of my marathons and so he feels her pain ( I got him proper running shoes for Father’s Day — yay for our running supporters!)

I just ran the Runner’s World Hat Trick last weekend, and my body is more trashed from those 3 races than it was from my marathons. All the up and down hill! It really does have an exponential affect.

Take care of yourself! Your poor feet!


You are amazing girl!! Love your positivity and how you stuck through even in tough circumstances. So glad you were able to finish healthy!


Janae! I am so impressed that you can run a marathon in 3 and a half hours. That is so unfathomable to me. I honestly cannot believe a person can do that. Injuries are so discouraging, and they definitely set you back, but I am still so impressed with your time. Also, it was fun to see you highlighted in the race magazine. You inspire us all to push through hard times with optimism and grace. Congratulations!!!!!!


congrats, janae! you should feel so proud of yourself for finishing strong AND getting a BQ! so excited for you! =)


You did good. Kudos for finishing a difficult race. My last marathon was about as bad so I can relate! :( Redemption at SGM, girl!!


Oh my goodness I just recently got blisters and it literally feels like I got cut by glass. They hurt SO bad. Mine is because I believe I need new shoes they’ve worn out cause I don’t normally get them. I put band aides on them but I haven’t run more than 4 miles in weeks. And lots of neosporin. Can’t even imagine finishing in that pain.
And I cry just seeing my kids on the course but to deal with a goodbye. You are a tough cookie!
Such a moving and inspirational story. You keep it real and raw and thats what life and running is all about. We are at our most raw form while running and it transitions us into the beasts we are:) tackling 26.2 this fall thank you for all your tips and educating us throughout.


Great job Janae!!!! Amazing how you powered through mentally as your feet must have been killing you! And yay to a BQ….you have amazing support from all your family/friends and that feels amazing!!! Now you need to find your river and penguin blanket.


Congrats! This whole story is awesome – BQ, perseverance, your sister, etc.!! Marathons are so hard, but there is no better feeling than crossing the finish line. I haven’t done one for about 4 years and I’m ready to get back on the horse. My favorite race is a half, but I like to throw in a marathon every here and there:)


Go Janae! That is so awesome! Even healthy, I couldn’t run a marathon that fast.

I’ve only done one marathon, and I SO did not train right. I ran through an injury and just made it worse, stressed out beyond belief, and really took the enjoyment out of it for myself. You did so many things right, and I am definitely taking your outlook next time around! :)


First of all – great job, Janae!! The part about Brooke leaving during your marathon… oh, my heart hurts for you, but you have shown us all you can do hard things!

I never thought about feet getting soft after 5 weeks of pool running, but it makes sense. I got blisters during my first marathon. I slathered them with Body Glide for my second marathon and didn’t have any blisters.

Best part of my Monday ~ I PRd my favorite trail run this morning. I set out to do it, it hurt, but in the end I conquered!


I am so happy to read this post, I was wondering how you did all weekend (I worked on Saturday morning and kept checking for your update…I finally went and found the results myself, and was so pleased for you!).

You are tough. You are fit physically and mentally, and you did it.

Your sister is awesome!


I hate wind! Nothing kills a ride or run for me faster than wind.
I decided this weekend I want to train for a marathon. I have a few halfs this year and never wanted to do a full but for some reason I’m feeling a full!


Great attitude girl! You did amazing given the circumstances and I’m so glad that your leg is ok!

I had a less-than-stellar race myself last Saturday but, just like you, I’d rather focus on the good than on the bad: I killed it with my nutrition as well (same exact breakfast as you!), I met Desiree Linden, Deena Kastor and Lauren Fleshman afterwards, I raced in my favorite place in the world (Central Park) and, last but no least, I got to spend an amazing time with my awesome teammates!


Congratulations, Janae!!!
I am truly inspired by all the things you have overcome and how hard you work to accomplish your goals. I teared up when I heard about your sister running the last 5.5 miles with you and her family riding along next to you. You should be very proud of yourself and treat yourself to froyo and apple fritters all week:)


Mental toughness is really hard. On some runs I just lose it completely. If my mind’s not in it, neither is my body.

I am so so so proud of you for pushing through the wall and finishing the race. The strength and encouragement your sister provided, unbelievably amazing. I tear up thinking about it. haha. You left it all out there on the course on a tough day and you got that BQ. On those blood blisters! Holy hell!! O_O!! You are tough as nails, girl. Tough. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Congrats again. <3


Aaahhhh, I think you need to put a warning on some of these posts because I just read the last three and they all made me tear up at work! The post about your sister almost made me start bawling! That is love, she is amazing :)
Despite all the reasons you had to quit, you worked through the physical/emotional pain and finished anyway. Congratulations! You are such a strong woman! And despite the brutal photos of you struggling through the last part of the marathon and your poor feet….you have made me want to go for a run immediately, haha! You inspire me :)


Congratulations Janae!!! You are incredible. Seriously so inspiring that you were able to overcome those challenges and finish with a qualifying time! This post made me tear up.
I’ve never gotten blisters like that before and hopefully never have to experience that. I did switch to a new pair of shoes once that bruised the bottom of my feet so bad on a long run that I could hardly walk for a week.


Oh my, your blisters look wicked! I hope they heal up soon so you can walk semi-comfortably this week!

I completely agree – the marathon is a beast. For me, it is such a mental battle of convincing myself that I CAN run 20+ miles! I ran my 6th marathon last fall and ever time I cross the finish line, I wonder how on earth I just survived that. Then I think “hmm, I’ll never do that again” and a week later I’m looking for my next race :) Pushing yourself to the limits is addicting for some reason.

The hardest race I’ve ever ran was the Boston Marathon 2012. I trained in the cool winter/spring weather and it was crazy hot and humid on race day! The hills were my main concern in training, but they were nothing compared to the heat. My body went in to survival mode and I kept telling myself to just cross the finish line – I would hate to fly back to Minnesota without a Boston medal!

Heat and my body just don’t mix very well…


I think you are incredibly amazing and so inspirational! Congrats again on completing your race! That’s awesome that you had friends and family members there to support you. :)


Hi, maybe this is old news for you but I’d love to hear more about how you got through the injury and how you felt the different types of PT helped/hindered/etc. and what, if anything, you would do different or recommend someone else to do.


You CAN do hard things! So happy for you!


YOU ARE SO INSPIRING! Way to go for finishing! You are going to kick butt at the SGM!!!


You rock Janae!!! So does Sissy, Bangs friend and all the rest of your amazing support staff. Congrats!!!! You inspire me!


Wow Janae……just, wow. What an incredible experience! I don’t know you in real life, but am so proud of you and happy for you! I know what it is like to be in a race where so much is going wrong and you really, really just want to quit. The satisfaction of finishing, and feeling the love & support from friends and family is just……..amazing. It sucks to go through that much pain, and I’m sorry you did, but like they say, it WILL only make you stronger.
And BQ with those crazy blisters? Girl, you are strong! Thanks for the recap and for sharing your life through this blog. Seriously inspiring. :)


My first half marathon was in high school and a spur of the moment sign up with a friend. We had never run over 6 miles before…needless to say at 9 miles we hit a total wall. After we finished we had to were shuttled into the ground floor of the American Airlines center then had to climb all the bleaches to get out the other side. We ended up crawling up the bleachers because we literally could not walk. LOL. My next half I did the right training.


Oh my friend…… you are truly AMAZING! Such a great time after all the time not running and so glad there was no pain. Can’t wait to go to Boston with you. And I must meet your sister someday soon! Take care of your feet lady. So happy and proud of you. Love ya!


Congrats on a very gutsy race!! You went in not knowing how your pool training would pay off and fought to the end. A great check in race for your fall marathon and lots of lessons learned I’m sure! I love following your training and can’t wait to see where you go from here!


I LOVED this recap, so honest but so positive too. I am amazed by your race, it sounds like it was a rough for you yet you finished strong and BQ’ed ! I am so inspired! :-)


Congrats! I’m a baby about blisters and definitely would’ve contemplated dropping out having developed those!

The best part of my Monday will be coming home from work and coking up some fajitas with my husband.


I can’t believe you finished and Boston Qualified with just the blisters ,that alone with the mental and emotional hurdles as well. Way to go, you can look back at this and know you were strong enough to this so your strong enough to make it through the next hard thing. This is just a “marker” in your life. You are incredible and an inspiration. Thanks for being real and not making it look easy all of the time. Congrats!


Congrats!!! The story about you and your sis gives me chills. Sisters are the best. :) Hardest race for me was a half marathon I ran last year that started at 430 pm while it was 85 degrees out! I was miserable the entire time and did terrible. It was a half way point during marathon training so it was kinda a blow to the confidence at the time. But bright side…I got over it and had a great marathon a few weeks later!


You did great! AND you BQ’d. WOW! Gotta say, your blog is one of my favorites because you’re honest about bad stuff as well as good. I have never run a full marathon, but I’ve done several half-marathons. Hardest one was my first. I was exactly 4 months post-partum and my longest run in training had been about 6 miles. I also got surprised by some… female issues… about 4 miles in. So, since it was freezing out and I had my hubby’s pj pants on to keep warm, I decided to keep them on and finish as well as I could. I love to run, but I don’t love to race. I end up putting too much pressure on myself. It was so hard. It was also a terrific race, and something I will never forget. I ran with some supportive friends, my husband and baby were at mile 9 (and like you, I cried), it was runDisney so I got to run through all the parks which was super fun, and instead of Gu I had skittles and something about running with a pack of skittles made me giggle. Oh, and my official race photo is me, running in front of the Epcot ball, in my husband’s flannel pj pants. Awesome.

Best part of my Monday: Playground with my son this afternoon, followed by some dark chocolate.



Well, you proved your mantra to be correct. You CAN do hard things. Congratulations, Janae!


Oh my gosh! Good job, Janae! :) Congrats on finishing :)


I’ve never gotten a blister from running, but I hate it when I get chaffed! Oh, I had some under-arm burn going for a marathon and rubbed myself raw before mile 16. :(

Hardest race I have ever done mentally was the Long Beach marathon, one month to the day after my Mom passed away. I hadn’t run more than a few miles since her passing and physically it was rough (sore calves, porto-potty breaks along the way, everything). Mentally it was tough. I was ready to quit around mile 14, but I thought to myself, “My Mom fought through cancer. She never quit on herself. I can finish this. It will be slow, but I will finish.”

The best part of my Monday will be knowing that I only have to wait until Wednesday before I leave for Seattle! ….and I’m going to have a Drumstick ice cream cone for dessert tonight! :D

Congratulations Janae! You inspire me (and many) with how hard you work, how dedicated you are as a runner (and as a Mom), and your sunny outlook on life. Cheers to you!


You ROCK. Thanks for being so honest with your post. My heart broke a little when you described having to say goodbye to Brooke on the course.

*knock on wood* I have run 13 fulls and 13 halfs and have never had a blister…let’s knock on wood again! ;)

Most challenging race was in 2004 in Edmonton, Alberta. Traveled out there the week leading up to race and the weather was gorgeous with temps in the 80s and then the day of the race it dropped to the 30s and was pelting rain the entire time. And I hadn’t brought ANY appropriate running gear for that. About 2 miles in a volunteer told us to hurry up because he didn’t want to stand there any long. TWO MILES IN? It was the worst race ever.

Spent the weekend in Chicago for a field hockey tourney and flew back yesterday landing at 2am…best thing about today is being HOME!!! :)


Amazing!! You are so inspiring – I can’t even begin to imagine running 26.2 miles through those mental/physical road blocks. Way to kill it!!!


I love everything about this! Especially your sister running with you in flip-flops, your amazing support system, and how incredibly STRONG you are! Congratulations, Janae! You’ve heard it a million times (because it’s true)–> YOU ROCK!


Damn, you are so inspiring! I look up to you in so many different ways! I hope I get a chance to meet you at some point, you seem like pretty much the coolest human ever. :)


Wow you are awesome congratulations!


your poor feet!!! you did an AMAZING job, i can’t even imagine pushing through any of that, nevermind ALL of it! you should be super proud of yourself!!!


I’m so excited for you! I really really wanted you to be able to finish, not caring about the time goal (yay for the BQ anyways), and not realize you were still injured during it all.

The only spot I have ever developed a running blister is along the outside of my big toe on my left foot. I’m changing up shoes now to see if I can get it to stop happening. Otherwise I’ve never blistered. But, I have pretty tough skin on my feet. Between running shoes and my work boots my feet get worked. And living in Florida we spend a lot of time barefoot and sometimes you have to walk on areas with shells and stuff that hurts or rubs.

Hardest race ever for me….my only full marathon. I was plagued by repeated sinus infections during my training that didn’t allow me to stay on my training plan and prepare as I should. I also developed IT band pain in my right hip during marathon training and it was my first downfall on race day. I kept it moving even with the sore hip but did a lot of walking in the later miles and suffered the mental battles as well as physical. But I finished, and I always think that’s the only thing that really matters.


WOW!!!! You are just awesome. Congrats on the BQ and for being such an amazing inspiration. You can do hard things!!!


What an amazingly inspiring race day! I was in tears the moment I read about your sister running with you in her flip flops and jeans the other day and now hearing the whole story, I am seriously impressed by your mental strength. Half of those issues would have put me on the sidelines (not even to mention the quad injury) yet you stuck through and leaned on others that would help carry you through. Congratulations on an amazing race! It may not be your best time but you should be DANG proud of this one.


You’re amazing! So proud of you! Those blisters look so painful!
My most challenging race was a hilly half marathon last Saturday and it was pouring rain the whole time. One hill was over 1.5 miles long and the water made everyone’s shoes wet. It was miserable and cold and so many blisters and chafing!
My time was about 20 minutes off my training!


Way to go Janae! I’m so happy that you did it AND got your BQ! I cannot wait to hear about your Boston 2015 adventures.


First of all, you are amazing! You have been through so much the past year. You came out STRONG in this race and it sounds like you learned a lot! You rock girl and congrats on the BQ!!!

My experiences so far have been with half marathons. I have done 3 so far. The first one was the hardest. It was the Twin Lights Half Marathon and it was north of Boston. Lots of hills. But the great thing was that my hubby volunteered so at mile 7 I got to see him pointing to runners telling them where to go. It was a great experience.

My 2nd Half was the Adirondack Half in Schroon Lake, NY, not too far from where I live. My mother passed away 3 days before it. Of course I considered not doing it but everyone said I should and well, I wasn’t in any mindset to think so I just did it. I’m very glad I did.

The 3rd was last month – The Brooklyn Half. It was great and really, who can beat Brooklyn?

And now… the cherry on top is my first full marathon is coming up. I upgraded from the half to the full today for the RNR New Orleans in January 2015. I’m nervous, excited, all sorts of stuff but I have plenty of time to train. For now, my goal is to lose weight. I have 25 lbs to go before I start training in Sept. so I’m working hard.

I haven’t gotten blisters… yet.

The best part of my Monday will be leaving work soon to go workout with hubby at the gym. We started doing weights together. It’s been nice.


Congratulations Janae! You are one the strongest people I “know” and this race just proved it even more! So proud of you!


those blisters look awful! But your toes are adorable! love the color!
Congrats Janae! You are an inspiration to so many people, especially me!


YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!! Congrats on your BQ!! You CAN do hard things!! You are such a inspiration, not just as a crazy fast runner, but as an incredibly strong and wonderful person! Thanks for sharing your story!! You continue to inspire me!! Rest and recover now and think about Boston 2015!!!!


I’ve had such varied experiences with the full and the half. I find the full distance really gets into the essence of your emotional being. It taps down into that primal, vulnerable place…especially when you really push it and/or things go awry. The highs are super high and the lows are super low…kind of no middle ground. The situation with your sweet girl must have been so hard. That you pulled it off despite all these factors …you are such a warrior.

I’ve gotten blisters :( Both on feet and hands (from rowing). I pop them and use peroxide and alcohol to dry them out. Then I trim whatever skin fails to re-bond with nail clippers. Yours looks pretty grisly, girl.

I’ve had some pretty intense race experiences…mostly rowing. I’ll tell you about them someday :)

The best part of today? It’s the first weekday of my kids’ summer vacations :)


That makes total sense now that you say it – that pool running softens up your feet. I never would have even thought to look out for that! Your poor feet! :(
I ran a half yesterday and have discovered my new race plan: run watch-less (or don’t look at it/worry about splits). I did not think I was that well trained for this race, but I just ran by feel and PR’ed by 3 minutes! So excited!!!

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