One Sentence Per Picture

Did I tell you about how our summer goal for 2014 is to do something water related each and every day and so far we are 5 for 5.  

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DON’T LEAVE ME… my good friend goes back to Hawaii on Sunday and I feel like it is just the right thing for me to be the one that goes and visits her place of residence next, so selfless of me.

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Brooke and I have brinner (bfast for dinner) at least once a week and this week we had whole wheat waffles with red raspberry syrup (from Target) and turkey bacon!

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Loved seeing THIS on instagram.

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Headed up to the Blend Retreat today (please do not make fun of my scrunchie) with Oiselle and I think we can all agree that this is the cutest back of any running tops ever created.  

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LOVE the meaning of Oiselle and the feeling of weightlessness we feel when we run!

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I REALLY love the running underwear that they sent on over too.  

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Please don’t forget to go in to get your FREE doughnut (even though I spell it donut) today!

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Does anyone really like the end pieces of bread because I only eat them when they are the last pieces left of the loaf.  

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Go Fast and Take Chances during your runs/races this weekend:)

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I’ve got a date with Candice today at the pool:)  Don’t be too jealous.  


Since it is National Donut Day I really would appreciate you telling me your favorite type of donut!

-Apple Fritter. 

What time does your weekend start today (aka what time do you get off work etc)?!?

How often do you have brinner and what are your favorite brinner items?

What is the best part of your Friday going to be?

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How come I haven’t seen running underwear? Now I must have it!

Favorite donut is anything with filling
Brinner is whenever my husband is out and usually some sort of hash with eggs over easy :)
Best part of my Friday will the the 3 hours this morning when all my kids are in school…it’s been a tough week!


I love Oiselle gear, so cute and functional. Favorite donut is coconut! No start to my “weekend” because I’m already on vacation :) best part of today will be running along the river in the Alps!


My son’s favorite dinner (brinner) is either whole wheat waffles or French Toast with blueberry syrup or yogurt. Him and I are off for an 8 mile run (him in the Bob) after breakfast. Then splash swim in the afternoon (best part). Tonight I teach bootcamp, they better get ready I’m feeling firey lol


Oops favorite donut- I actually like Tim Bits, the donut holes (not sure of you have Tim Hortons in Utah)


My favorite donut is a blueberry cake from DD! My weekend started when I opened my eyes this morning…and we never have brinner because my husband hates it! Don’t worry this was almost a deal breaker for me! I have breakfast for lunch a lot though to make up for it! The best part of my Friday is going to be a puppy birthday party this evening. Rumor has it there are human cupcakes too! :)


cute top! have fun today!

best part of my friday: getting this chin strap looking thing off my face at my post-op appointment, running for first time since surgery AND birthday dinner for sister!

i dont do breakfast for dinner as often as you but i like it. i usually like to make eggs of some sort with toast and rosemary roasted potatoes with ketchup :)… yum!


I typically don’t eat donuts… HOWEVER, when I went through the line at Dunkin Donuts to get my AM coffee I got a free donut… bc I’m not a seasoned donut eater I panicked and went with Boston Creme.

My weekend starts at 2:45! I swear this has been the longest week ever… It can’t come soon enough!

The BEST part of my friday is going to be sitting on my couch with cocktail in hand… sad but true


AMEN , sista!!!! :) the end of the school year dragggssssssssss and i can’t wait to just BE OUT ALREADY!!! :) :)

I am making a watermelon fizz cocktail tonight…YUM! Enjoy yours!


Seriously, my seniors checked out like 2 weeks ago…. I’m so sad to see them go but they are READY and so am I!

Save one for me… I’ll be over for one.. or two… or ten;)


I jumped out of bed at 6am to go get donuts for my husband to take to work! My absolute favorite are those huge cinnamon rolls but they make me so full!

Also, I actually looove the end pieces of bread, I call it the ‘butt bread’ since it’s the end.

My weekend starts at 2pm and the best part of today is getting ready to go to Dallas tomorrow for my brothers wedding and getting to see my BFF!


The end pieces of bread are my favorite :) They have extra flavor!

My weekend starts around 5:30ish and I cannot wait. I haven’t been getting good sleep this week, and need to rest and recharge this weekend!


Ugh! I’ve had the worst experience with Osielle! I refuse to wear their clothes, plus they have some questionable business practices.

My favorite donut is the icing with sprinkles. Our local donut shop usually has this one for whatever season it is. Yummmmmmm.


The best donut is the blueberry donut from Dunkin Donuts! SO AMAZING!

My weekend starts at 5 PM….boooooo! I think all work Friday’s should be half day’s :)

If I do brinner I will do an egg scramble with a bunch of veggies in it!

The best thing about my Friday is that it is infact Friday, and I am going to the see The Fault in our Stars with the hubs tonight! I finished the book earlier this week so I am excited to see the movie!


I’ve heard pretty mixed things about Oiselle (mostly complaints about their internet presence and that some of the ambassadors are very cliquish at races) BUT I was curious if you run in their shorts and if you like them? I’ve seen several girls in my running group wearing the tops but not the shorts…


I only wear their shorts. Long rogas are the best.


I’m a cinnamon sugar donut kind of girl. Nice and simple :)

The weekend starts at 5 and I’m counting down already!!! A few easy miles to run tonight before the Runner’s World Festival 10K tomorrow morning.

Brinner is becoming a 2-3 day a week habit for me when my husband travels. Last night was pretty weak, but I had a huge bowl of Special K with a ton of blueberries in it.


I’m a simple girl when it comes to donuts – glazed is my favorite and I just got a free one from Dunkin Donuts 5 minutes ago. So yummy. Weekend doesn’t start til 5 unfortunately. I think best part of Friday will be that it’s so sunny out, after several days of rain. Perhaps I will actually get to the beach this weekend. Bought a new bathing suit at Target (so may cute ones there!) ages ago so I am itching to try it out. Have a great time at the retreat.


My weekend starts at 4pm and it can’t come soon enough! I’m not a big donut fan but maybe ill make a sacrifice and get a free donut today ;)


I’ve never met a donut that I didn’t like.
Being a SAHM, it always feels like the weekend, but I guess mine will officially start when I take my son to the circus this afternoon and I’m sure it will be the best part of my Friday.


I have so much love for Oiselle and what they stand for. Also, their strappy bra is da BOMB!

I’m working until 5 today – which is an oddly “normal” hour for my new job. I think my favorite part of today is going to be breakfast at work during our team meeting – I LOVE BREAKFAST.


I love that tank! It is amazing!!

We have briner often in our house! Right now our favorite is to make waffle sandwiches….sounds weird but oh my is it good!!!


So sad I am not at Blend this weekend!…Love those underwear, I need them….My favorite donuts: Chocolate crème filled from Dunkin Donuts and crème filled munchkins from Peter Pan Bakery in Brooklyn. As well as any other donut from that bakery especially the chocolate glazed. Yum…And oh, love end slices of cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread.


I think she totally does! Rock on, Janae! :D!!!


That Oisselle shirt is super cute! I love their clothes!
My favorite type of donut is a simple glazed one. I’m easy to please! I plan on walking down to Dunkin Donuts with my grandmother to get our free donuts.
The best part of today is having an interview for a summer job.


My weekend starts at 330 when I get off from work. Sunday starts a new adventure and I can’t wait!

I’ve always been partial to Boston Kreme donuts.


Love Brooke’s rash guard and bathing suit!

Donut…chocolate honey dipped.

Best part of my Friday, my mom is coming home to visit for the weekend!!!!!

LOVE that top!


As a child of the 90s, I wouldn’t make fun of your scrunchie, I would ask where you got it.


Love the running underwear!!!
I’m off all day, and so is Daniel! We had planned on going camping, but now there’s a 70% chance of rain. Boo. I’m sure we can find other plans!
I rarely eat donuts, but apple fritters are definitely the best.
We haven’t had brinner in awhile, but when we do we have homemade biscuits with homemade strawberry jam.
Best part of my Friday… spending time with sister-in-law that’s in TN for a few weeks!
Have a great time at Blend!


I’ve never owned anything from Oiselle…i think if it was sold in a store around me i would –> with a new to me running company, I like to try it on first bc it doesn’t always run true to size. I am going to have to seek them out bc i looove your tank. i have hearts for eyeballs over any tank that has a fun back to it!

I can’t wait to get out of work, its been a very long week and i just NEED relax time in my LIIIIFEEEE!!!


My first race was the Krispy Kreme Challenge in Raleigh — where you run 2 miles, eat a dozen donuts (I ate 3) and then run 2 miles back. It was very fun, but the whole race smelled of sweat, vomit, and sugar and I honestly haven’t been able to enjoy donuts since then. I don’t know how people eat all the donuts and finish the race!


1. Brooke is the cutest in that little swimsuit!!
2. Doughnuts- always, but since it’s doughnut day, even more YES!
3. I live for the end pieces of bread!!


I love glazed sticks and rasberry jelly donuts
Oh wait but even better are blueberry cake donuts from dunkin donuts.

My weekend starts at 5pm!

Brinners happen pretty frequently at my house. Waffles usually. Sometimes bacon and egg sandwiches

I think the best part of my Friday already happened. My friend slept over since she had to go to a work seminar near my house this morning. So we got up at 5:15 and she went running while I walked with my dog. I jogged a bit here and there to test the ankle. I should be back to running next week!!

Enjoy the blend retreat! Love those rundies :)


I love that running top! Oiselle makes the best running clothes.
My weekend starts at 4pm. The best part of my Friday is going to be watching my 5th graders graduate<3 I've been working with one of them for 4 years, so it will be really hard to say goodbye.


Favorite donut: probably chocolate glazed.

I usually have brinner about once a week, too–usually eggs cause we have chickens. :)


I love love love the end pieces of bread! I’m not even sure what they’re “officially” called in English but I always used to ask my mom for them in Russian back when I was very young. Still my favorite to this day!

Enjoy the Blend retreat! Slightly jealous over here…


My favourite donut is chocolate icing with raspberry jam inside! Can’t beat it.

This weekend I’m catching up with from friends from school on the south coast of England so the best part of my Friday will be our reunion at the airport tonight!!

Our brinner will always be bacon and egg sandwiches.

Have a fab weekend!


Maple bars- they get the kids through the grocery store calmly and I can always beg for a bite from them!

I love the peek a boo cuts in tanks that are trending, though I don’t run in tanks that often b/c of the inevitable post long run sunburn.

My oldest LOVES breakfast…French toast and crust less quiche are a go to in our house. Have a runnderful weekend!


I finally came across some Oiselle items in person. The tops were super soft, but I’m a penny pincher (aka cheapskate) and couldn’t justify spending that kinda money on a top. I’ll just stick to my TJ Maxx specials :-P

Have you ever heard the end piece of bread referred to as a heel? That’s what I grew up calling it, but everyone I say that to thinks I’m nuts.


I totally call it the heel, too!


We also call it the heel… however, growing up I always called it the ‘hoof’ in error and it kind of stuck. So, in our house, it is the hoof of the bread. Random.


I just love that Instagram photo! So true! :) My weekend starts a 3 today!!! We eat brinner about once a week as well. I love it soooo much!!


My favorite donut (yes, I spell it that way also!) is maple frosted raised dough, not the cake type.

I’m working a 24 hour shift so I’ll be here until 7am on saturday morning. Which means there isn’t really anything great about my day. LOL.

We do brinner a lot at my house. My favorite two meals for brinner are sausage cheddar quiche and waffles with bacon.


Oh my Lord the ruffle on the swimsuit. To die.

I love old fashioned doughnuts. Or I did. In the old days. In my gluten days. ::sob::

And I love that top. Very cute.


Please tell me where you got Brooke’s bathing suit! That is so cute. I’d love to see my 3-year old in that one.
I think Hawaii sounds like the perfect place for you to head to next.
My weekend starts at 4:30pm. (That can’t come soon enough!)


Hey Kristine! It is from the Carter’s store! I hope 4:30 comes extra fast for you!


As crazy as I know this is, I’ve never had an apple fritter. Not a huge donut person. I’d rather have a scone or a bagel any day.

Enjoy your time at blend!

I actually love the end of the bread. It’s hard for me to not eat them in the beginning! My daughter did the same thing with the Hawaiian bread. That stuff is delcious and comes in sliced loafs now, not just rolls.


Oh man, I love a cake donut. And I will be jetting out of work and starting my weekend at 5 o’ clock on the DOT.

I’m all alone tonight which means watching girly TV and going to bed unreasonably early because this week has kicked my butt!


My favorite donut is Boston Creme, hands down. Although lemon-filled is really good too. I do brinner quite frequently, cause it’s easy and delicious. I typically make egg sandwiches with cheese and bacon. Yum!


My husband loves the end of the bread ends… ewww… :)


Apple Fritters, especially homemade ones, are the best!

I started my weekend early this morning. ;) And it’s going to be epic…..why?

Two words: Free Doughnuts

I’m going to Krispy Kreme for a free doughnut and then I’m going to Dunkin Donuts for a free doughnut with my iced coffee!


Can’t wait to see you today!! Blend is going to be so fun :)


I can’t wait to see YOU!!!!!


My weekend starts now!! I’m off for my annual Father Daughter Camping Weekend (FDCW) with my dad and sisters :) we’ve been doing since I was a baby and I’m 38 now! So excited to hike, go for runs and drink wine around a campfire all weekend!!

We do German pancakes for dinner every couple of months. I really should work brinner into the dinner rotation more often though – its so easy & yummy ;)

Have a great weekend!!!!


we have a jam packed weekend that will start for me at 4pm on the dot. we have lots of visits planned with friends, can’t beat weekends like that!


Already am one doughnut in.
My favorite is just an plain cake doughnut.

Best part of my Friday is a work best ball golf outing today after school.

I love the philosophy from that company. Gave me chills.


Hope the leg is doing better!


Maple bars allllll day. And old fashioned sour cream donuts. Oh yum. Have a great weekend Janae!


Any donut that is covered in sugar or powdered sugar is my favorite! Bonus points if it is cinnamon sugar and EXTRA bonus points if it is warm!

My weekend starts at 3:45 – I get to leave work early to make it home in time to go to my baby sister’s high school graduation! I can’t wait!


Blueberry glaze! Can’t wait to see you at BLEND.


-Maple buttermilk

-I’m off for the summer (yahoo!) But I’m usually off work at 2:45.

-Our kids would do brinner every single night, but we do it about once a week. There favorite is crepes.

-Best part of my Friday is going to watching my nephew tonight!


Best part of my Friday so far is spending the morning going on a walk with my son before work.


I never understand why there are two different spellings of donut. Although auto correct on my phone and computer always spell it “doughnut”. Best donut out there is an Apple Fritter!! I get homemade ones every October! Best part of today will be when I finish the light pink wrap bracelet!


Favorite donut is a maple old fashioned. Yum!

I like brinner but don’t make it too often (I never think of it!). My favorite would be waffles or pancakes.

Favorite part of today is that it’s now 5 days till my oldest graduates from high school and 7 days till we leave for disneyland. Not that I’m counting or anything.


Weekend starts at 5 pm — date night with the hubs! That will probably be the best part of the weekend; however I am heading to Costco on Sunday (it’s about 40 minutes away so don’t go often). That might come a close second!


Chocolate sugared OR chocolate glazed donuts!

I work until 7 tonight. The best part of my Friday will be 7pm when I’m off work and when I cut up the watermelon we have on our counter :)

I love love love pancakes so that would be my favorite brinner food


I usually only have brinner when I’m home alone and too lazy to cook anything! Best part of my Friday is going to see 22 Jump Street, can’t wait to see it!! Happy Friday :)


Honestly not a huge doughnut or brinner fan. I love eating breakfast but rarely make it for dinner. Dont know why that is but oh well! Im a stay at home mom so you could either say that its always the weekend or never the weekend for me! My answer to that changes daily! Best part of Friday is going to be sewing and a trip to Joann fabric for new project material because its raining here! Happy Friday! Enjoy the pool!


My favorite doughnut it anything with icing! We are having my in laws over this wknd for their joint birthday celebration as their bdays are only a day apart. My weekend starts at 5!


I’m ready for my free doughnut today! I usually something with chocolate. If they have sprinkles – even better! Go Fast Take Chances is one of my fave quotes and helped motivate me to a 5K PR 2 winters ago!


Favorite donut is either a strawberry or blueberry cake donut. Oh. Man.

This morning, I am taking my kids to get their immunizations…and I am getting one as well that I never got that I need for school. So I’m thinking the best part of my Friday will be the free donut we go and get as a “way to go!” to us!

PS – Hawaii this summer sounds like a marvelous idea! I know some great tour guides! ;)


Love, love love, Oiselle and their running philosophy!

Blueberry cake doughnuts are by far my favorite! And I definitely have brinner a couple of times a week. My favorite is scrambles eggs and sweet potato hashbrowns! The best part of today is I officially launched my new blog The Hipster Runner!


OMG Brooke’s swimsuit is the cutest!!


My weekend starts at 5 PM today then hitting the gym again. Learning to train on the TM right now for my 10K 7/12.

Community 5K tomorrow morning then a weekend trip to My Fit Foods!

Brinner is usually what I eat for breakfast when I haven’t eaten breakfast in a while – fried eggs and bacon or sausage!



Love Oiselle and that top!!! So cute! And a nice break for my permanent racerback tan lines ;) We have brinner at least once a week too, usually when I’m feeling uninspired by everything else in the fridge. This week we had scrambled eggs with salsa :)


My weekend will start at 4pm today. I’m counting down the hours!! I coworker brought in donuts and I had a cinnamon apple cake donut. It was delicious!

I’m looking forward to my birthday brunch this weekend! A relaxed brunch with my girlfriends is a great way to celebrate.


My favorite donut is most of a box of munchkins. That way I don’t have to choose and can have all the flavors.
My weekend starts at 12:30. So worth the ridiculously long day I had yesterday.
I can’t wait to go to our local children’s museum tonight. My Girlie’s 2nd grade class made posters to go with an exhibit that’s opening!
We used to have brinner (we call it BFD ’cause I like to sound a little naughty) at least once a week but it’s been a while. I’m thinking it might be time to put it back in rotation.


I don’t know the name of it but my favorite donut is that one that’s like boston cream but instead of a custard filling it’s like a thick whip cream filling. So good!!! but it always puts me in a massive sugar coma.


My weekend starts at 12 today! Not only is this the start of my weekend, but it’s the start of my summer vacation! I am a teacher, and today is the last day of school. :) Oh and I have to go with the classic on my favorite donut, glazed all the way. :)


Haha I love those undies!

Yessssss happy national doughnut day! I’m planning on heading to Krispy Kreme by work this afternoon.


LOVE Olive To Run!
And Janae, I am SO proud of everything you have accomplished. I hope your haters live long enough to see your success. :)


National Donut Day?! Man, I picked the wrong time for my no wheat month!


Love the top and underware. My weekend starts never because….I’m a mom lol.

Hope you and Brooke have a fab weekend! XO, Jessica


Your running top is cute, but I’m not sure I’m on board with it. The tan lines?! That looks like a cute indoor top to me.


I am a HUGE fan of breakfast in general so I naturally LOVE beginner and as a Yankee, I love Boston Creme doughnuts!


Those undies are so cute! Love the bright colors!

I haven’t had brinner in a long time but that sounds so good! I love breakfast foods!


My favorite type of donut is a glazed chocolate cake donut! I went to the Dunkin Donuts drive-thru (greatest thing ever) this morning and ordered it, got to work, and realized he gave me the wrong one (powdered, chocolate filled donut….why me…why me…). It was a horrible experience and I seriously considered going to Krispy Kreme after work to get it there. ;)

I just got home from work!

I don’t have brinner very often. I really should.

The best part of my Friday is going to be the family get-together this evening.

Love that Oiselle shirt. :) The back is adorable!


I took my girls to Krispy Kreme today for a free donut. They mainly just eat the frosting and the sprinkles! But I like the chocolate cake donuts best.

My new fave is banana chocolate chip oatmeal pancakes! Just pour some oatmeal pancake mix into a bowl with a little milk and a mashed ripe banana, add some mini chocolate chips and you have the best pancakes ever! Just add strawberries on top and it’s amazing!

Best part of my Friday was my 5 mile run on the treadmill watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians.( I only let myself watch it at the gym!)
Happy Friday!


Cinnamon nom nom nom crumble. Usually 5, but I think everyone will be comatose by then from all the donuts I brought in. Today I got two of my new friends to become friends with each other. Stay blessed!


Apple fritter, maple bar, and then goodness gracious I love those darn boxes of the circle donuts that include the powder sugar, the plain, and thennn…the chocolate? Just store bought in the bakery next to the donut holes or what not? Ugh. I love those, too.

Meh, who cares if I love more than one.


My favorite donut is a chocolate donut with chocolate frosting! Yum! I have never tried an apple fritter *gasp* I will work on it! I feel like my life is a weekend because I am a stay at home mom haha, but my hubby’s weekend starts tomorrow :) We are going fishing! I love brinners, but I don’t have them as much as I should haha! Those waffles look gooood! The best part of my Friday so far has been blogging my very first giveaway! I love blogging and it is fun to give back to my readers :)


Donuts and Oiselle.


That’s all I have to say and I hope you enjoy your time!


You know, here in Germany, when you buy a loaf of sliced bread it comes WITHOUT the ends! I guess Germans don’t like them either. But what do they do with the millions of bread ends they don’t sell that’s the real question…


I love a cinnamon-sugar twist donut. So good! My weekend starts as soon as I can finish up all the packing for our vacation and random errands. Have so much fun at BLEND!


Always breakfast for dinner at least once a week. I prefer waffles because I like to fill every crevice with butter and syrup!
My week starts tonight because I am a server. Weekends are my work weeks. Bummer!
But-tomorrow morning I have a sprint triathlon I am racing in so that is something to look forward to. Although I have had the flu yesterday and it is kind of lingering today as in no appetitie. So we shall see what tomorrow brings.


I love all donuts but if I had to pick one I would pick the chocolate glazed creme filled…delish!

My weekend started this morning at a 9:45 CrossFit class. It kicked my butt and I loved every sweaty second of it. From there we (3 kids and myself) headed to the pool. Just got home to shower and get ready for dinner out with the fam.

We love brinner but only have it about once a month….not enough!

So, I don’t know if I missed it or not but did you get the go ahead on the marathon?!


Apple fritters are definitely the way to go. Can’t have them anymore, though, with my weird food sensitivities. :(

My weekend started at 9 am. :) I’m a teacher, and today was my last day, so I just had to finish packing up my classroom.

We have brinner once a week, at least. :) My favorite is definitley my mom’s French toast, but the usual is scramled eggs.

The best part of my Friday will be pizza night with the fam. Have a great Friday!


Chocolate Cake Donut is my favorite and I waited in line for an hour today for one! It was worth it though…I love holidays especially gimmicky insignificant ones!


I definitely had a doughnut today – had to properly celebrate the day!

I LOVE that Oiselle top — I actually put the link to it in my blog the other day. It is so cute and can be worn running or out and about. I also love the randies :-)


That’s a lot of Oiselle! Is someone being wooed? I never much understood the running underwear thing. But I don’t really do underwear anyway.

Donuts taste just as good spelled either way! I’ll be hitting up the nearby Krispy Kreme this afternoon with my kids :) and apple fritters were always my favorites.


I have a goal to visit a new splash pad each week! And to have a decent sized ‘trip’ each week (i.e. the zoo, amusement park, etc.)

School ended at 3:30 and then I went shopping!


Good luck tomorrow, Janae! I hope you slept well last night (two nights before the race) :)

I used to like the plain donuts – the crunchy fried goodness. But now I can’t digest them and they sit in my stomach for days so I avoid them like the plague :)


Best part of my Friday was when I finally emailed the article I’ve been working on for a few days. Sense of accomplishment and that feeling of the weight lifted off my shoulder. Kinda like that weightlessness you were talking about.
I am really not a donut connoisseur but you’ve made me want to try an apple fritter.
I make a mean egg and veggie scramble. If I make it for dinner, I’ll chop up chicken and add to it. I made it yesterday for breakfast so a pic is on my blog. Tasted great with Gorgonzola cheese.


FINALLY some cute running underwear!!!!


Personally I like chocolate glazed cream-filled donuts. Sugar sugar sugar! I work all day on Saturdays so my weekend starts tomorrow at 5:30!


haha the running underwear is adorable!! And it was so great to meet you today!


End pieces are my favorite. I prefer them as long as there is something to it. Does hanging out in the rain count as doing something water related for summer? Tried to boat today and got rained out:( buttermilk bars are the bomb dig!


My favorite doughnut is probably jelly filled. Or cinnamon twists.

My weekend started at 6 today!

I probably have brinner once a month or so. I usually go pancakes, or eggs/sausage/hashbrowns. I should have it more often…

The best part of my Friday is eating and getting everything ready for my race tomorrow! 5th half marathon, here I come!


Red velvet donut with cream cheese icing. Can’t be beat.


my favorite brinner is homemade crepes


Wheat, blueberry or pumpkin glazed. They are delicious!
I work 12 hour shifts which are really like 14 hour shifts 3 days a week so my weekends are always mixed up :-)
Best part of my Friday was running 4 miles this am them spending day with my sister and niece. She was sick and had to get checked out at hospital but thank God she’s fine.
Enjoy your day HRG bloggers.


Just got the same items you have on from Oiselle in the mail last night and instantly had to Instagram the autographed card from Kara and Laura! I’m excited about my new goodies!!
Love old fashioned doughnuts! It’s a toss up with the blueberry cake donut though!
Unfortunately a lot of bread went to waste until I had my kids….I never eat the heel of bread. Too much crust, UNLESS, it is my mother in laws homemade sourdough bread and then there won’t be a crumb left uneaten! :)


My husband loves the end pieces of bread. I don’t think I’ll ever understand him. Luckily, that means we never waste them.

I wanted a donut all day, but was too lazy to actually go and get one. My life is so hard.


I love the back of your Oiselle top, too. And thank you for telling me how it’s pronounced!

The best part of my Friday was having my house cleaned while I trained clients (no, I didn’t make my clients clean my house), and having friends stop by after dinner to visit.


The end pieces of bread are actually my favorite! I wait until the rest of the loaf is gone also, but only so I save the best for last :)


Oh you better believe I celebrated National Donut (why are there 2 spellings? It made me very confused when I tried to hashtag it) Day! Old fashioned donuts are my fave!! Brinner is by far the best meal and I don’t have it often enough! My go to is pancakes, but I love all breakfast foods.


Love the undies!!!! Sure to put style to any run!!!
Wouldn’t you LOVE to meet Mr. Trader Joe, himself?!!!!!? I would:-)
Have a blessed weekend!


I love donuts! My summer goal is to be outside everyday for at least an hour with my new little one :)


I hope I’m not the only one that didn’t know how to pronounce Oiselle! Haha. But Janae… the butt of the bread is the BEST part!! And brinner is always a good option. I love omelettes!


I love that top and the underwear

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