Don’t eat after 9 o’clock?!? And Abergine & Company

First, some randoms.  

1.  Seeing this made me so so happy.  Isn’t she adorable?  I am so impressed by Harriette and I hope I am doing the same thing when I am 91 years old.  

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2.  Brooke has come up with a new fitness class idea—>  mini trampolines and resistance bands at the same time.  

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3.  My niece just chopped off her hair to donate it to Locks of Love.  She had the idea to do this years ago and has been doing it every year since then. 

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4.  I almost died when I saw these ginormous cases of olives at Costco yesterday.  Who would buy that many olives (ps olives are the one food in the world I can’t stand)?

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Aubergine & Company is the new cool place in Utah County.  Everyone has been talking about how good it is so I finally got a chance to go in for dinner last night.  You can find their instagram here and Facebook page here.

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They offer Mediterranean sandwiches, salads, chopped salads, acai bowls (I really need to try one of these!) and a ton of desserts that are sugar free (sweetened with things like agave instead of white sugar).  

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We split the chicken sandwich (oh, the fresh pita bread was incredible) that was filled with all sorts of veggies and quinoa with a side of sweet potatoes.

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And this would be what a 48 ounce salad looks like.  I almost couldn’t finish it (which is saying a lot because I am quite used to large amounts of produce) because there were so many toppings (chicken, avocado, red peppers, cucumbers, zucchini and their homemade Italian dressing).   We both agreed that we just felt really good after eating this food.  Turns out that really healthy food just makes you feel good for some strange reason;) I love it when everything is so fresh and homemade.

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Any guesses as to how fast I will be going through this 4 lb crate of strawberries?  My greek yogurt bowl right before bed.  

This actually brings up something that I have been meaning to ask you.  Do you follow the idea to not eat past 9 (or any other time) o’clock at night?  I personally don’t because I think that a calorie is a calorie at any time of day/night BUT I do think that it is valid advice in the sense that we tend to eat a lot more junk food late at night compared to any other time of day even if we aren’t hungry. If I am hungry at night, then I am going to eat:)  What do you think?  Have you ever tried not to eat past a certain time of night?  What time of day do you tend to reach for the junk food?  Do you eat right before you go to bed? Favorite late night snack?

-Yes.  I always have to have something right before I go to bed.  

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Foam rolling video will be up in the next post!  Have a great Tuesday.

Who ran RNR San Diego this last weekend?  How did it go for you?  Who has done this race in the past?

Ever tried an acai bowl?

Last place that you went out to eat at?

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Excited for the foam rolling video! I thought the RW story was SO inspiring too! Made me excited to hopefully be doing the same thing when I’m in my 90’s!

I don’t follow that rule to a T, but I try not to eat out of boredom after dinner time, but sometimes, due to a crazy day, dinner time isn’t until 9! I just try to eat balanced no matter what time!


That woman is super impressive! She ran it in 7 hours, too. Crazy.

I have no idea what the last restaurant I ate out at. That’s sad.


That salad looks great the bigger the better for me with salads! I also usually have a “bedtime snack”, usually some fruit with coconut or almond butter. Unless my dinner is unusually huge. Never tried (or hear of) an acai bowl…that place looks cool :)


I usually try not to eat past 8pm, partly for the reasons they tell you not to, and partly because I don’t sleep as well on a full stomach. I try to just drink water between dinner and bed time and it usually does the trick.

That restaurant looks awesome! I love fresh and healthy foods places to eat, you don’t feel heavy and gross for the rest of the day. And I read about that 91 year old lady too, she’s amazing!


I try to go 12 hours between my last food before bed and breakfast, so if I eat later in the evenings I simply have a later breakfast. It usually works out to be 8 PM to 8 AM. I drink water or coffee if I have to wait SUPER late, and it’s a good motivator to stop eating later in the evenings. I tend to eat junk after dinner if I’m not careful (like at Book Club last night)! I have a weakness for late-night sweets!


That salad looks just like the ones on Chop’t! I don’t typically eat late at night (unless I’m going out for milkshakes or something) because I know I don’t sleep as well. That probably has to do with the fact that I’m riding a sugar high since the only thing I eat at night is dessert. As long as I eat enough throughout the day and at dinner, I don’t usually need a late-night snack so it works out.
Brook’s trampoline idea is pure genius ;)


Did you read that Harriette just had radiation on her legs for cancer, too? She said she is still healing from it, but that running was important to her. She was running for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training — Harriette’s captain said she raised over $90,000! Sounds like an incredible woman all around!


My friend recommended reading your blog, and I am SO glad she did. Love it. My late-night snack is definitely Wheat Thins. I can eat them ANY time of day…and I do.


That salad looks delicious. We are huge Chop’t fans but the closest one is 40 minutes away so we don’t go very often. I’m really weird and like to eat a late breakfast and an early dinner so my meals are all super close together, usually all within something like an 8 or 9 hour window. I don’t get it but I naturally gravitated that way when I got to college and I like it so much better than when I force myself to space out my meals and eat “normally.”


I try to follow a no food after 8 pm rule. Like you said, not because I think food after a certain time is more likely to make you gain weight but because it helps me to have a cut off time so I’m not snacking all night long.


I don’t like to eat within a couple of hours of going to bed because I don’t sleep well on a full stomach. If I’m going to eat junk food it will usually be in the afternoon! I believe that the earlier in the day you eat junk food the better because then you’re still active for the rest of the day versus right before bed when you’re going to be sedentary. My last meal out was at a very southern/homestyle restaurant and it was SO good!


Hi Janae! I agree with Brianna. If you are hungry, definitely eat and it is important to eat something in the evening to keep your metabolism running. A nutritionist told me that if you stop eating at a certain time of day, your body will get used to that and just shut your metabolism off at that time. However, you don’t need a bunch of calories to go to sleep so I try to eat more throughout the day when I need energy and light at night. I’ve also heard that protein is better at night (as opposed to carbs) for a similar reason. Many other cultures eat the big meal during lunchtime and have small dinners–this is just foreign to Americans since dinner is SO important culturally and socially.


Your little nieces hair is so cute! What an awesome thing to do! I have never had an acai bowl. I swear everything you eat looks so delicious. I normally don’t eat after 9 o’ clock but only because I am in bed haha! The last place I ate was a local Mexican restaurant. It was yummy and the servings were huge!


That food looks really good! I love places like that. The last place I ate out was Dairy Queen last night, but just for dessert. My parents took us out to celebrate my daughter getting her drivers license yesterday.

I try not to eat late in the evening most of the time, but that doesn’t always happen.


That restaurant sounds awesome, and I’d love to try it. I’ve never tried an acai bowl before, but ti sounds awesome. I tend to eat at whatever time of the day. I’m mostly likely to eat junk food from 3-6 pm or from 8-11 pm.


Do I follow the ‘don’t eat before 9pm rule’? Heck no! When I go to my running club track night, I don’t get in till 9.15 pm so need to eat my dinner then!

Me & hubby went to Pizza Hut last night, only because a) Pizza is my favourite food atm and b) they have the best dessert :)


That restaurant looks and sounds delicious. Yeh….doubt it would open a location in the deep south! ;-) I generally do not eat anything past dinner, which is 7-8pm. If I do stay up late and eat a snack I find myself hungry again first thing in the morning, which makes teaching aerobics at 5am miserable.


Have you heard of Pippit? It’s a new app where you can follow blogs and post pictures and videos and such, I was just wondering if were going to join, I think it seems like a great idea, but not very many of the blogs I read are on it yet. I went to that restaurant while I was in Utah and I got the small salad and could barely finish it because they pack so much into those bowls! It was very healthy!


That woman is amazing for running a marathon at 91 years old…I hope I can run 3 miles when I’m 91!

I usually try not not eat past 7:00pm, but I also go to bed crazy early since I wake up at 5:00am every day. I also try to limit the chocolate/sugar intake in the evenings. I usually sleep better if I cut myself off from food and sugar a few hours before bed.


A while back my brother had put on a few extra pounds, he is a crazy cyclist who rides a TON! He didn’t know why he couldn’t lose the weight so he stopped eating after 8pm with the exception of bell peppers and water. He dropped the weight super fast. So it worked for him.


Why bell peppers??


Bell peppers are supposed to be a natural metabolism booster.


I hope I am still running at age 91 – what an inspiration that lady is!

With my work/class schedule, I rarely get to eat dinner before 9. I try to eat balanced meals and not fill up on fast food, especially when I eat late.

My last meal out to eat was at the Downtown Grill & Brewery in Knoxville. They have pizza pasta and it is one of the best meals I’ve ever had :)


I’m a big proponent of listening to your body. If I’m hungry come 9ish, I’ll eat something. But, it’s usually fruit and nut butter. Only occasionally will it be things like ice cream. I think this ‘food rule’ developed from a mere suggestion, like you said, to help limit the junk. What I have a problem with is when it turns into a rule that people feel bad about ‘breaking’, even if they ate out of true hunger.


I eat dinner late at night usually and then go to bed shortly after. I can’t sleep if I’m hungry, and if I don’t eat enough I often wake up in the middle of the night and have to get a snack, so I always try to go to bed with a full stomach.


Oh I’m dying to try Aubergine & Co.! It’s becoming super popular and a lot of it is because they have lots of Whole 30 options. Their fresh pita bread…oh yum. I’ll have to make the trek down there soon!


I pretty much eat whenever I’m hungry. If I’m running in the morning then I will definitely have something to eat before bed otherwise I’m way too hungry to get in a decent run when i wake up.


I love that your niece does that!! Go her :) I’ve donated twice and growing out my hair (it takes to go for a third. Give her a high-five for me :)


I just read a blog post about eating meals based on when the clock says we should vs when we actually feel hungry. I believe intuitive eating is the way to go. If it’s 9pm and you are really hungry then eat. I sometimes have a piece of fruit or handful of almonds late. But I don’t think I would eat a big meal unless I got home late and didn’t est dinner.


I definitely crave my sweets at night, so what I’ve been doing lately is just brushing my teeth at 9pm so it deters me from eating anything else, other than water, plus it has the added bonus of getting my nightly cleaning routine done. Works for me!


I don’t think there’s anything behind that whole only eat at certain hours of the day… agree that a calorie is a calorie. At least that’s what I tell myself so I don’t feel so guilty for eating ice cream before bed… :)


The full is not a fun course! I live in SD. I PR’d at the half this year! 1:49, finally broke 1:50!!!

I eat at night only if I’m really hungry. What time are you eating dinner?!?


I try not to eat after 8pm because if I do my stomach feels heavy the next morning and my runs tend to be sluggish. I dont know if there is any science to that but that’s always what happens.


I agree with you and that more people eat junk after X time but if your eating a calorie, it is still a calorie at 11:30 at night! I eat your same snack every night before bed and it keeps me full until the morning! I love to add a little peanut butter and honey as well. I would totally love that restaurant!


So I’m not a nutritionist by any means (just a warning) but from what I’ve researched the reason to stop eating a few hours before bed actually has nothing to do with calories. Apparently you should stop eating 3-4 hours before bed and not snack after dinner because doing so puts a huge strain on your liver and body. Leptin, also known as the hunger hormone that tells your brain when you are hungry and full, is also involved. If you’re curious you can check out this article:
With that said, I still snack all the time :)


Pretty close to what I was going to say, but you’re more scientific


I usually go to sleep pretty early so late night snacking usually doesn’t happen simply because I’m asleep! haha, but I do usually have dinner around 6 and dessert/a snack around 8/8:30 because otherwise I wake up STARVING! (sometimes even in the middle of the night)


I just tried Aubergine & Co last week and it blew my mind. Their soup is delicious and those fresh pitas make the best croutons/dipping devices :)
And Harriette is amazing!! I hope I can rock bright purple spandex that well when I’m 91!


Ooh – I am going to try that sandwich place when I visit Utah next month.

I eat dinner at around 7:15 and don’t eat after 8 p.m. I do NOT like eating late at night. But I go to sleep at 9:15 so it’s not hard to not snack – since I just had dinner I’m not hungry before going to sleep!


Girrrrrllllll, you really need to try the acai bowls! I can see them being your new obsession / thing! They are seriously the BEST!! Do it! then come tell me how much you love them :)


First off, I am trying to forgive you for going to aubergine without me. It might take me a while though.

I agree with you. A calorie is a calorie. But if setting a time limit at night helps people from overindulging, then it makes total sense. I just don’t think you HAVE to do it.

I buy the 4lb container of strawberries every week from Costco. Only Evan and I eat them and then are always gone before my next trip to Costco. It is easily both Evan and I’s favorite fruit.

Sometimes I don’t like when little girls cut their hair because it makes them look so much more grown up. (what I mean is, I think their hair IS adorable short, but it makes them look older and I have a hard time with kids growing up….because then it means I am getting older ;) ) Your niece’s looks adorable and that is such a sweet thing to do. Also adorable is Brooke’s little tongue sticking out cause she is concentrating on jumping :)

Last place I ate was at Curry Fried Chicken in SLC with Ross and some friends Saturday night. I had the chicken schwarma and it was delicious!


I typically try not to eat past 8 PM, UNLESS I work out later than that and then I will have a post workout snack. I typically snack the most when I get out of work, only bc I pick up the kids, go home and they get a snack, so clearly so do I, and another and another… lately it’s been these salsa tortilla chips! I can’t get enough of them… I dip them in hummus to make them more “healthy”… not sure if that is actually valid but I feel soooo much better thinking that…lol


Half the time I don’t get to eat dinner until after 9:00 so I definitely don’t subscribe to that theory! I think it works for folks who are likely to mindlessly snack at night to use that rule for a while until the behavior is more manageable.
The last place I went out to eat was at 7th Settlement Brewery. It’s a local community supported brewery (think CSA only with beer) that serves really good fresh local food.


If I eat at night I eat protein like cottage cheese or Greek yogurt with blueberries. Very little carbs just mainly protein but I try not to eat an hour before bed.


Oh I need to see if that restaurant is anywhere near me!! I love places that sell healthy food, and I’m dying to get my hands on that salad, I’m kind of a salad fiend, and love them! I don’t like to eat right before I go to bed, mainly because then I’m wide awake, so I eat an hour or two before.


I agree with you about eating late at night. If I’m hungry, I eat. But I do make sure it’s healthy and not junk which is most peoples tendency. Lately I’ve been making banana froyo before bed. It is desert in itself! Acai bowls are amazeballs! I’ve been making those at home too. You must try ASAP!


I dont eat after 7/8pm not because of calories but because of digestion! Our body heals through sleep and digestion and needs at least 12 hours digestive of rest. Its a period of detox or fasting that is fundemental to growth and regeneration! Try it! it may heal all that ails you ;) I personally “fast” for 15-18 hours a night and wake up with more energy and recover much faster x


I’m with you- calories in/calories out. I like to go more by appetite- if I make too many rules for myself (don’t eat after a certain time), I set myself up for failure. If I take a more intuitive approach, I really do better eating when I’m hungry, stopping when I’m satisfied, and staying at a constant and moderate hum with my hunger scale.


I don’t eat after 6pm. I fast from 6pm (give or take a few minutes) until 9 or 9:30 the next day. I have ulcerative colitis so this is a great way to let my digestive system heal and rest. It’s one of the only things that’s helped me feel better and more energized! There are some days it’s harder than others (especially with non-routine schedules) and I’m not as strict about it if I have a long run the next day, but I personally recommend it! I still consume all of my daily calories (just in an 8-hour window) and I find myself craving less sugary food and drinking more water to take my mind off of the “fast”.


I would love a place like that near me!

I TRY not to eat too late at night, but, if i do, I make sure its just a few pretzels or something!! Nothing too heavy. Unless its the weekend…come saturday/sunday-I find all rules go out the window!!!

I want strawberries, STAT!


My teammates raced the RnR SD! :) They took 6th and 8th for men. Blazing fast :)

Acai bowls are delicious! But, honestly, I’d rather have some tart or vanilla bean frozen yogurt. Or, greek yogurt topped with berries.

The last yesterday I went to was with a sweet friend who has three kids (3, 1, and 1 month old). We went to a restaurant with a sandbox; really clean and right outside on the patio! The boys played the whole time while we enjoyed copious amounts of chips and salsa and delicious food. It was a nice break for her! Every restaurant should have a sandbox :)


I think you can sell vacations in which people come to Utah and you take them to all of the awesome restaurants you post on here. Cafe Rio is on my bucket list. :)


Amazing to hear about Harriette’s marathon finish! What an adorable little lady!

Mmmm that new restaurant in Utah County sounds so good! Why’d they have to open it after I left? Sad!

I agree with you about the eating past 9 pm thing. I used to make all sorts of rules for myself back in the day. Eating past a certain time in the evening was probably one of them, but those are all out the window now. I eat what I want when I want pretty much! Of course, I have to reign it in every once in awhile if the sweets get a little out of control, but other than that, I just try to honor my body. I almost always have something on the sweet side in the evening a couple hours after dinner. Sometimes it’s a bowl of cereal while other times it’s a cookie, piece of chocolate, or small bowl of ice cream.


I definitely agree with calories being “calories” at any time of the day. I know people who have gone on weight loss endeavors that still ate dinner late at night (like even as late as 10 p.m.) but as long as they stuck to their daily plan (whether it be calories, WW points, etc.) they had success!

Personally, I prefer to eat later because I have a tough time falling asleep on an empty stomach. BUT, it’s much easier to wake up in the morning when you’re hungry.

I truly think that this depends on the person and how their body works, as well as what their ultimate goals are. If you want to focus on digestive rest for increased energy, cool. Totally fast. If you’re more worried about weight loss, I think you can rest assured that a calorie is a calorie, even when you eat in the dark and no one can see you…. ;)


I try and eat whenever I’m hungry but also when I have time. Sometimes that means having something AFTER I put my toddler tornado to bed (which is usually after 9!)

Looking forward to the foam rolling video :)


Isn’t Harriet the coolest?! Something tells me she’d be a great running buddy just for all the stories she could share. :)

Acai bowls are one of life’s greatest pleasures. I’ve heard Costco sells the frozen acai mix so you can make your own..??

I eat whenever I’m hungry, but I tend to be hungrier earlier in the day rather than at night.


I have to comment to say how AMAZING your niece is! I don’t know many kids that young who have done that.


mmmmm that restaurant sounds so good!

I eat when I’m hungry–and often I need a snack before bed b/c I can only eat so much at one time at dinner :)


I try to not eat anything a few hours before going to sleep because, when I was a kid, if I did that I would feel sick to my stomach the next morning.

Also, I’ve heard something about poor digestion when laying down?


Okay, I JUST discovered your blog and I absolutely love it. And I have to say — OLIVES ARE THE WORST!!! They are legitimately the ONLY food I will not eat.


Last night I ate at the 99 restaurant with my grandmother and great aunt. I had chicken parmesan and it was fabulous! I can’t wait to eat the leftovers for dinner :)


Aubergine looks amazing! And 100 high fives to your niece for being awesome, thoughtful, generous, and kind.

I usually don’t eat after 9 mainly for sleep reasons–apparently if you eat within 2-3 hours of bedtime, a part of your brain is still ‘turned on’ (even if you think you are asleep) because it needs to be awake to digest your food. I think this probably differs for everyone, but I know that when I eat right before bed I tend to either toss and turn or have horrible dreams….or both! :(


If I am hungry before bed, I absolutely eat. I don’t care for a full meal before laying down but if I feel like I need something before going to sleep, I eat. Otherwise I will just wake up in the middle of the night starving.


Last place I had dinner out was our local Mexican restaurant–yum.
I never follow food rules except what works for me. I eat before I work out (have to, I am starving when I wake up) I always snack, I eat a snack after dinner and if we go out and get home late and I am hungry, I eat before bed (who can sleep when they have a hungry tummy??). I actually have a 4 yr degree in nutrition and had to quit the field because of all the craziness out there. Its really very simple but people make it so complicated. I say keep doing what you are doing! You are an amazing runner Janae!


Ditto what Susan said. (Except I don’t have a 4 year degree in nutrition.)


I’m a registered dietitian and have never abided by (or recommended) that rule! You’re right, a calorie is a calorie. That said, digestion does slow down a bit at night, so you may be more uncomfortable. :/ Also, most of my patients either have a feeding tube or a central line to get their nutrition, so they “eat” pretty much 24-hrs a day!


That restaurant looks SO COOL!! I am going out to Utah this summer and I am going there for sure! I used to follow the no food after 9 oclock rule – not anymore. I would go from eating dinner at 5 to not eating anything until breakfast the next morning! So happy I’m over that time in my life.


I do “intermittent fasting” and most nights I eat no later than 7pm then don’t break this fast for 16 hours. Sometimes it’s 8pm or 9pm when I’ve had my last food for the day, so then I extend my fast for 16 hours from that time. But 7pm is my target for a usual night. I also always work out prior to breaking the fast.


I had acai bowls in Hawaii several years back and they are amazing!! There was a place in Provo called Maui Bowl that had them but they went out of business last summer. Then I also found Aubergine and Co. I have been wanting to try them out so badly because I literally crave acai bowls. And healthy food is always good.


I’m with you, if I’m hungry at night I eat.

We just went on a mini-vacation. The last night we landed in Santa Barbara and tried Backyard Bowls. Ahh, so amazing we have been recreating them at home. Fruit smoothie on the bottom topped with fresh fruit slices, a little granola, goji berries and a drizzle of honey. All different blends acai, hemp seeds, etc., etc., They were insanely good and healthy.

Aubergine & Co. looks delicious!


Don’t be fooled into thinking that something sweetened with agave nectar is good for you or better than something sweetened with pure cane sugar. Agave nectar is very high in fructose and it is no more “healthy” than pure cane sugar. It’s just a marketing ploy to make people think they are eating something healthy.


I personally think the “don’t eat after whatever o’clock” is just a way to get people to stop eating…I think people are more likely to eat junk at night instead of reaching for an apple, so it stops them from eating it. I regularly eat full meals at 2am (hello, night shift), and I haven’t gained weight. A calorie is a calorie, no matter what time of day.


That 91 year old lady is adorable and so inspiring!


I generally try not to eat right before bed if I have to get up early the next day–I feel like whatever I ate didn’t digest correctly and I usually wake up with a stomachache:/


I abide by the rule of Eating When I am Hungry, rather by time of day. Since I rarely make it past 930 pm before I hit the hay, I eat dinner around 7 pm and don’t usually go for another snack. BUT when I do need it (hungry or late day workout) I will snack on a protein-carb mix that is small and easy on the digestive system, like a mini spinach/whey/blueberry/banana shake.

Though my favourite late night ‘snack’ is bowl of truffle oil popcorn. Mmmmmm… serving size and time of day/night don’t matter when this is in front of me!


I know someone who would eat all those olives – my husband! I personal hate them! And I’ll eat any time of the day, if I’m hungry I eat. If I’m not, I don’t. Simple as that. :-)


Acai bowls are extremely delicious you really need to have one :-)


During the week, I’m rarely done with my runs before 9:00 PM, so that “ule” doesn’t apply to me ;)


During the week, I’m rarely done with my runs before 9:00 PM, so that “rule” doesn’t apply to me ;)


That 91 year old woman is such a motivation! :)

I’ve never tried an acai bowl before but I’ve seen recipes online and would like to create my own! It looks delicious!


I eat when I’m hungry, even if it’s 10 at night. :) When ever I get my 1 year old down for a nap or my kids down for the night, I catch myself opening up the fridge. I’ve learned I view food as a reward….like the kids are in bed, and now it it “my” time. Once I recognized this, I started reading books, blogging or calling my mom instead of eating.


I hope I am still running at 91 – especially marathons! She is incredible!

That new place looks amazing – I feel like there are SO many healthy options for eating out on the west coast . . . here in Florida we only have Panera (which turns out is not so healthy because of all the preservatives they use) and Chipotle (which gets old after a while). Enjoy your “healthy fast food” options – I am jealous!


I eat after dinner. I’m trying to not to, but we eat dinner early for the boys. I’m starving again around 8:30ish. I just need to make better choices. I’m growing my hair for Locks for Love as well. It’s getting there, but I’m scared to cut it all off. My hair is really curly.


I am beyond impressed with that woman…I can’t even run 1 yet!

That last place I went out to eat was this delicious restaurant in Detroit called Vinsetta Garage…best burger and cheese curds (????) I’ve ever had!


RNRSD was my very first 1/2 marathon (and my very first DNS from the previous year since I ended up getting a stress fracture, boo). I lived in San Diego for 7 years, so I miss it all the time, especially when San Francisco is grey and cold, and even more so around Rock n Roll time!


I hate olives also! My BS degree was in Dietetics and I also don’t abide by stopping eating at a certain time. If you are hungry then you should feed the body!


The human growth hormone (HGH) that builds muscle, burns fat, protects your bones, etc. is released in the first few hours of sleep. Eating carbs within 3-ish hours of bedtime disrupts the efficiency of that hormone process. If I’m going to eat in the evening, I try to have mostly a protein snack, like your Greek yogurt!

A side note, nutritionally and functionally, agave syrup is similar to high-fructose corn syrup and sucrose (Karo) syrup. The marketers for that stuff are really laughing their booties off all the way to the bank!


Working at the hospital (and mostly night shifts) I can’t make these rules for me but I try not to eat anything super heavy right before going to bed.


Wait, are we really related? How in the world can you NOT like olives?! Junior mints and olives are like two of my favorite foods ever! This isn’t a good sign…maybe we need to hang out more so my awesomeness can rub off on your a little bit more…..just an idea.


I am usually asleep by 9pm so I don’t eat after that:) But I always have something after dinner. I usually eat dinner at like 6:30 and then have a snack/dessert around 7:30 or 8.


No RnR race, but I did run my first ultra marathon on the weekend!

I eat when I’m hungry :) Sometimes that means cheese and crackers at 10pm and sometimes that means I don’t eat past 7pm. I think when we’re running and training, it’s so much better to listen to our hunger and fuel for performance than some silly number on the scale.


I generally don’t eat past 9 – not as a rule, just as a “I’m not hungry”. I always drink tea though!


I have been pretty good at knowing if I am hungry or just bored. So I eat whenever I am hungry…if that’s at 11pm then I will eat a little something that will digest easier than some other things. I LOVE her hair!!!!! I have been contemplating how to cut my hair so that it will grow out better without frequent trims.


Acai bowls are the most amazing thing. If you ever end up on the north shore of Oahu then you have to try Haleiwa Bowls. I still have dreams of their regular acai bowl and look a pictures of it on my phone when I miss it…. that good!!


I tend not to eat after 9pm but if i am hungry i will have something but never junk as it makes me dream weird (often scary) stuff.
You should try the pitta breads from Skiathos in Greece they are amazing. i have never eaten anything like it.


Mmm that salad looks awesome! I love salads with lots of “stuff” in them.


Brother Brandon did the SD Rock n Roll Marathon in about 4 hours. I was up at Camp Pendleton doing the Mud Run (10K) in about an hour and 45.


I’m also in the “a calorie is a calorie” camp. Apparently my nutritionist must be too because she actually has a 9pm snack built into my “recommended guidelines”. This may or may not be because I workout after work and then even after eating dinner will have kind of that “after burn” hunger–but I’ll take it.

My “natural” habit definitely lends itself to late night snacking, so knowing that there is something built into my day helps me keep it healthy and not “binge-y” (i.e. unhealthy) which is something I’ve learned I’ll probably always have to be cognizant of.


COMPLETELY agree with you! I think Calories are Calories any time of day. That being said, I tend to eat crappy things late at night and I’m usually not even hungry. So yes, I do TRY to avoid eating past a certain time :)


I’ve got a little box of Trader Joe’s dark chocolate caramels tucked beside my bed and it’s not time to sleep until one of ’em is gone. :)


How thoughtful of your niece!


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