The Wednesday Randoms.

-What someone’s hand looks like after they spend 100 minutes pool running: 

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-I somehow turned my diet coke addiction into a SoBe lifewater addiction.  I would be fine if the fuiji apple pear SoBe was the only thing I had to drink for the rest of my life (along with hot chocolate).

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-My dishes laziness reached a new level.  I now eat my roasted broccoli straight off of the pan that I cook it on.  Who needs plates?

Sweet Baby Ray’s BBQ sauce is the only BBQ sauce to buy.

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-Taco Rolls.  This what my sister calls the below activity.  She used to roll me up in the blanket (and call it the Taco Roll) when I was a baby too.  Brooke laughs so hard.  

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-We had quite the Uno game today.  Hallelujah that it is summer break so I can spend even more time with these peeps.  

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– Okay, now this is a good idea.  I am going to have to take a picture of Brooke and some donuts to make an awesome pair of shoes for myself.

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-Summer is in full force here.  I keep thinking how I wish I would have been injured during the freezing months of December/January instead of now when it is so beautiful but oh well… maybe next year I will take the really cold months SUPER easy instead of pushing it in my training so that my body has a break when it is 4 degrees outside and then I will be able to go hard in the spring/summer/fall.  

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-Maybe someday I will learn to close the bathroom door.

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Injured, But Not Beaten (How I’m drawing strength from a setback) by Nick Symmond’s… a GREAT read for injured runners.

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-A reader sent me this list that she wrote when she was injured (she tore her groin just a few weeks before Boston):
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-Happy 100th Birthday Brooks!  Thanks for sending on over a cupcake and some great reading to celebrate!   

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And maybe I will get ready for the day because it is only 3 pm and I am still in my pajamas that I got back into after the splash pad this morning.

– I have come to the conclusion that this is actually the best type of almond butter in the world (and that it is also better than peanut butter) but..

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I wanted to hear your opinion too.  What is your favorite brand and type of pb/almond butter?  Let’s keep this debate friendly;)

Let me live through your running and hear about your run today?  Give me the details!

What are your plans for TONIGHT!?!?   Making anything delicious for dinner?

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My run was just 4 easy miles home from the car repair shop where my girlfriend had to drop off her car. It’s always super fun to double friend time with running time!


I agree 100% with that!


What exactly is your injury? I wish you would get into the nitty gritty of your injury rather than just showing us more pictures of pool running. Same with your running once you’re better- it would be interesting to know what your training plan is, and why, and how it’s going, rather than just picture after picture of daily runs and Brooke.


Hey Emily. To be honest, we are not sure what my injury is. I have been to two different doctors and neither of them have an exact answer. I am wondering if it is a stress fracture myself but don’t have the $600 to fork out for a bone scan (what it costs with my insurance). As far as my training plan goes, I was basically just running the same plan that my friends were doing (that they came up with on a weekly basis) because we were at the same speed and had the same goals for this upcoming marathon. I am thinking for St. George I will go back to having a coach and/or just focus on the half-marathon for a while.
If you don’t love the pics of the daily runs and Brooke then don’t feel like you have to visit my blog… It is what I love to post and I post the way that I like to post:)


I appreciate the reply- I do enjoy your blog, including the pictures, but would appreciate a renewed focus on the details of your running. I am a pretty slow runner and would love to know exactly what it takes to be as fast as you are. That will never happen for me, but it would be interesting to see how you train anyway. You’re an impressive athlete and I think you could take advantage of that fact for your blog as well as your real running life.

Either way, I think you’re amazingly resilient, fast, and seem like a good person – I personally would just like to see a little more substance on the blog.


Thank you Emily! I will make sure to do so when I am back running again! Cross your fingers that this right leg of mine figures itself out soon so that I can get back to training and include more details about why I train the way I do:) Have a great Wednesday!




Keep being the inspiration that you are…on a daily basis!!!!! LOVE seeing Brooke…and she may or may not be the reason I visit the blog TWICE A DAY!!!!!……As a single mom of THREE…..going through a divorce… brighten my day EVERYDAY!!!!!


Thank you so much Wendy and I am so so sorry about what you are going through! Hugs!!!!


I agree with Wendy. I too am going through an incredibly rough patch in my marriage – discussing the possibility/probability of separation – and your positive outlook is so encouraging. Knowing what you’re feeling in the dark of night (a sleepless night for me last night) and yet your focus is so positive. Amazing! Thanks for the encouragement! And hang in there – you’ll get past this injury and be on the road again before you know it!!


PS – I used to do the same thing with my son but we always called him the Burrito Boy!!


Oh Susan! I am truly so sorry about what you are going through! I wish I could give you a big hug and take you for froyo! Always here if you need anything!


Long time reader but I don’t really comment…

I also want to chime in that I’m really interested in more details about your running. Realize that this is your blog and what you post if your prerogative, but it gets a bit redundant and the quality of your writing was much better when you provided more depth on your training – both with and without a coach. You are supper fast and dedicated and not many running blogs can post your times and you really put in a lot of work, it would be great to read more about that!

Additionally, if you think it may be a stress fracture – should you be pool running and taking group classes? I like many others are rooting for you to make the start line in a few weeks! Even though $600 seems like a lot, it may be cheaper than the worst case scenario…


Thank you for your comment! I will definitely put more into talking about my training… I guess I don’t normally post too in depth about my own training because I don’t feel like I am an expert and I am experimenting with a lot of different training methods. But I think you are right, that would be interesting to write about.
Both doctors have told me that pool running is great and to just avoid anything that reproduces the pain and luckily pool running and these classes have not… Land running does though.
My doctor also told me that the treatment for a stress fracture would be to wait to run until it doesn’t hurt anymore which is what I am already doing:)


We are having nachos for dinner…super healthy obviously.

I like Reginald’s bourbon pecan peanut butter and monkey butter in coconut or salted caramel :)


This is not the best day for me answer these questions because I have nothing interesting to contribute as you’ll see…
1. I missed my morning run today due to oversleeping. However, I was okay with it. My calves and shins were feeling funny so I should have rested – it was all part of the plan I guess!
2. I am at work till 9pm tonight so no, I will not be making anything interesting for dinner. I’m currently eating a PB&J :)
3. I love Smucker’s Natural PB! I’m not the biggest fan of almond butter just because I always wish it tasted like peanut butter….ha.


I am glad that you slept in… probably the best thing for your body!


Does Trader Joe’s cookie butter count? It’s not technically almond/pb, but it’s delicious!! I also like Skippy peanut butter (creamy, not crunchy).

I got off work a little early today, so I’m planning to run 1.5 miles to a sandwich shop, pick up some yummy goodies, run 1.5 miles back. Will. Run. For. Food. Hopefully it all stays intact

also, that cupcake looks so good… enjoy!


Brooke’s little bathing suit is SO precious!!! Yay for summer! :) Currently, I’m sitting in the sunshine enjoying it so much. Summer is the best. Tonight, my girlfriend’s coming over to see me and my baby and probably have dinner too.



I am giving up commenting on your blog. My phone is not being cooperative ha ha. Anyways today I didn’t run…my body was so exhausted and it said absolutely not. It feels like it’s getting better from this morning thank goodness.

I’m glad you are enjoying cross training. I’m just excited for the new Brooks glycerin to come out…I expect a hookup. ;). Ha just kidding!


You better never give up. Good for you to listen to your body Hollie and have a coffee date this morning instead of running! PS I’ll see what I can do;)


Does Nutella count?


Yes, yes it does.


I like Ogranic Crunchy PB, not a big fan of almond butter, sorry!

No running today. Ran Sun-Tues, so today was the elliptical and a 3.5 mile brisk walk with a friend.

Tonight is whatever you find in the fridge dinner. My husband has a late meeting and my daughter and I are low maintenance! So maybe sweet potato chips, guacamole, and fruit salad.


I always bought Maranatha because that’s what my store carried but we now have a Trader Joe’s & after seeing you talk about their almond butter I bought a jar. I haven’t opened it yet but I’m looking forward to it!


Go try it right this second and report back to me.


So, I tried it – SOOOOO GOOD!!! Thanks for the tip!


This is hilarious!! =]


Are those little anchors on Brooke’s top? So adorable!

I have literally never considered putting Sweet Baby Ray’s on broc … even though I enjoy putting it on most things. Genius :)

The best PB in my opinion is Smart Balance creamy – yum!


Well now I’m probably going to have a PB&J :) My favorite is really creamy Jiff but when I look at the ingredient list I feel guilty and then I’ll get TJ’s creamy almond butter for a while :)
I ran a 15K in March and have not run another step since. I’m not sure what’s going on.
I hope your injury is better soon so you can still do your marathon.
I love love love pictures of Brooke-she is so absolutely adorable!


That’s my favorite almond butter too! :-)


I ran 6 miles of Florida hills today (that means bridges). TJ’s has the best Almond Butter ever and in fact, I may have some tonite on a banana. It’s the best dessert ever.


What about cashew butter? I looooooove Artisana cashew butter! (and their walnut butter, and their macadamia nut butter, and…) But I only buy it as a very special treat every once in a while, since it costs approximately $47 million/jar. Worth it, though–at least occasionally!

Did a tempo run this morning. Had to adjust my pace expectations, but it felt great to get back out there and run a little faster!


I ran a half on 5/18 and now I am lethargic and unmotivated to exercise. It wasnt too terribly taxing on me and I otherwise feel fine. This has never happened to me post-race before.
Any thoughts or suggestions?

Ribs for dinner, yummy!


THIS HAS HAPPENED MANY TIMES TO ME!! I promise, this is completely normal. I am going to post about your question tomorrow! Thanks for asking, I have been wanting to write about this for a while.

PS congrats on your half marathon and enjoy those ribs!


Thank you sooo much for your reply! Excited to hear more :)


I went running with a coworker for the first time ever. We have a school 5k next weekend, and my coworker is almost finished with Couch to 5k. She had to run 20 minutes straight for the first time ever. I came to cheer and run 3 miles myself. She did it, and I ran the fastest mile splits of my entire life!


I don’t really have a preference when it comes to Peanut Butter or Almond Butter as I’ve only recently started using it as a snack type item.

Haven’t had a chance to run yet today, but my plans tonight include a five miler with a friend after work. My first of that distance and my first on something other than a treadmill after my brief time off from shin splints. Got myself some new shoes to run in and I like them so far and I’m just playing it by ear, if I feel pain, I’ll back off etc. I’ve also been foam rolling everyday which is amazing. Crossing my fingers the run goes good tonight.


I love the pear SoBe Water too!! It’s one of my favorite things in the summer!


I’m about to head out for a super short, easy run now. I’m sort of half considering doing the RW Running Streak from Memorial Day to July 4, but I’m also almost 6-months pregnant, so not sure how I’ll feel on a day-to-day basis. So far, so good, but definitely taking it slow and easy.

The best anything-butter ever is Justin’s! Chocolate hazelnut butter, honey almond butter, maple almond butter. YUM. It’s pricey so I only pick up a bottle occasionally, but it’s delicious and low in sugar!

Not sure on dinner for tonight yet but it might be an egg sandwich kind of night around here!


Wild friends nut butters are so good, their chocolate coconut peanut butter is currently sabotaging my weight loss goals. Whatev, just run more right? :-)


The best PB is most definitely PB&Co’s Cinnamon Raisin. It’s not even funny.

I ran two miles today. My right leg has just not been the same since my (similar to yours) unproved stress fracture, so that was all I had in me. Loved it though.

Dinner tonight is steak, sweet potato, and red wine. I can’t wait!


My favorite peanut butter is Peanut Butter and Co. I order Crunch Time by the case and fill in with multiple jars of Mighty Maple. I don’t mess around when it comes to my favorite food!


I’ve tried all sorts of PB. Peter Pan is my favorite, but they don’t have it here in CA. I use Jif. I’ve tried all sorts of smaller brands, but I always come back to Jif.

I ran 2.2 miles a short time ago in about 30 minutes. The first time my physical therapist suggested I run on my own. coming back from a hip injury. It felt great and pain free!

Turkey Tacos for dinner tonight.


My plan for tonight is to watch some tv, spend a ridiculous amount of time on Pinterest and start my report cards. Not fun.


I like Crunchy Almond Butter, not a creamy girl.

Wednesdays are my six mile run. I run over to the lakefront, stop for a minute to look out at the water and run back home. For some reason the run home is always so much faster. I think it is getting that minute at the lake. This is my favorite run all week.

I am making pizza for dinner tonight with Trader Joe’s dough and a salad.


I didn’t run today, but I did bike and swim! Still only able to run every other day as I come back from my extensive injury. I read your comment about your injury above–can you get an MRI with your insurance? I got x-rays first, but they didn’t show anything, so then my doctor ordered an MRI, and it showed a stress reaction (bone bruise). I’m sure you’ve probably talked through your options with your doctor, so don’t mind me if this is useless information. :)


I love TJ’s almond butter! Justin’s is amazing too, with all the different flavors, but a little more pricey!


We’re having chicken/bacon/avocado kind of a modified club?

This might be weird but I always read the comments that you’ve replied to because I figure their comment must have been interesting enough for you to reply. Ha!


No running today- but a 5 mile power walk and double header softball games tonight!!!!! Yippie.

I love any and all peanut butter!!!!! Not picky at all- because it is all AWESOME.

Dinner is nothing, because I can’t play 2 games on a full tummy- but I’ll chow down after.

Kelly in Michigan


Brooke is adorable in the taco “shell” :D


My boyfriend got me a Vitamix for my birthday. I buy the roasted and salted almonds from TJ’s, throw them in , and it makes the BEST almond butter.


The boyfriend just called me and announced that he wanted to bring home fish and chips for dinner…fine by me ;-)
Favourite peanut butter = Skippy Natural, favourite almond butter – Justin’s Vanilla Almond. I’ve never tried the TJ’s almond butter, although I have the coconut almond spread and it’s pretty fabulous!


Okay I’ve tried almond butter, and I wasn’t sold. I still love PB more. Maybe I need to try TJ’s? Right now I’m loving Costco’s natural PB.

My run today was just an easy 7 miles around my neighborhood. Not too exciting!

Tonight I’m making turkey meatloaf, roasted brussel sprouts and baby potatoes. Can’t wait!

Kids get out of school early there! We still have another two and a half weeks to go and then we’re off to disneyland!


8 slow miles this morning.
Trader Joe’s Cookie Butter & Creamy Biscoff Spread are the absolute best! The closest TJ’s to me is 2.5 hrs. away so I had to find a Cookie Butter substitute.
Dinner – jumbo pasta shells stuffed with lean beef, marinara sauce, ricotta, and parm. So healthy ;)


The taco roll is too cute, reminds me of something my sister and I used to do. I love peanut butter but it just doesn’t agree with my stomach. LOVE almond butter and a little partial to Justin’s. Just finished dinner and it was pulled pork with sautéed squash and zucchini. I was so tired of chicken so we switched it up.


Pfth, my hands look like that all the time – no water running needed. #OldLadyHands :(

I think your Diet Coke addiction turned into my regular Coca-Cola addiction. Can’t stop. Drinking one now. 20oz.

Taco Rolls seem so fun! Think my dog would like it?


I waited to run until 9 am. BAD IDEA! By that time, it was 75 outside, the sun was out and HOT here. And I stopped to walk like 3 times. Pathetic. I seriously came home and laid on the grass and wanted to die. And the pouring sweat…oh the sweat! Oh Utah! ha


I’m making homemade coconut chicken fingers tonight and I’m pretty jazzed about it. I may or may not (ahem..) have been looking forward to them all day at work haha.

PS. I think you should post whatever you’re currently going thru and not be affected by people’s requests or expectations of your blog. Fitness routines, priorities, and life changes and since a blog is like an online journal it will obviously reflect those changes. Keep up the posts because no matter what they are, you’ll have an audience bc everyone loves you. Xo


huge ditto to that!! I love the variety :)


Burgers for dinner tonight, quick and easy and no complaints from anyone makes me very happy! Bathtime for the kiddos now :)


I had my first run in my new brook pure flow 2s! 4 miles with the 2 girls in the stroller while the 2 year old screamed that the babies feet touched her.

And dinner tonight is Korean beef with broccoli over rice.

I’m going to have to try almond butter, I am a devout peanut butter worshipper but I might have to branch out a bit.


I’ve only tried nutella… and I think a brand of almond butter called justin’s? I’m not too picky with my PB as long as it’s creamy (NOT crunchy). The hubs in the pb fanatic so I usually get what ever he wants in that regard.

Today was an easy 3 mile run… it was hot out and I was bad and didn’t get my run done this am when it was cool. I’m taking it easy because I’m 16 weeks pregnant!

I heated up mini ravioli and made toast for dinner… but we have some delicious strawberry fruit popsicles for dessert!!

Keep up the positive attitude despite the injury… look at all the injuries you’ve sustained since you started this blog and yet you’re continuing to kick trash and pr like crazy. You’ll come back from this stronger… you always do!! :)


This. Is. Amazing.

That’s all.
PS: Love your blog. I currently have a stress fracture and haven’t been running…I am completely sympathetic. Hang in there.


I have been obsessed with the the Fuji apple pear lately too!!! I also love the acai raspberry… So good! And you are so right with the broccoli and BBQ sauce- I like to dip my roasted brussel sprouts in it too!


I ran 40 minutes steady hills this morning with a small warm up and cool down – total of 6 miles. I did it before heading into work at 7:30 so it was a wonderful start to the morning!


There is only one option of almond butter in my grocery store, so I just go with that (I don’t even know what its called and I’m too lazy to check:))
My run today was an easy 3 miles before body pump. It was good but not great. I went to the chiropractor tonight for some ART and that always helps things.
For dinner tonight I made a recipe from the Runner’s World Cookbook- the chicken mango fajitas! Really good! Other than that I am just laying on the couch tonight reading blogs and watching Modern Family.


I’m pretty partial to Teddy brand PB! But I also love TJs brand for almond butter!

No running for me today- still healing up from a femoral stress fracture! Been the longest 10 weeks of my life! I felt the same about the weather/time of year I was injured. April and May are pretty ideal running weather months here in Boston! But I’m finally starting to get out there again… Haha just in time for the crazy heat to start of course! (;

Last injury I had was a third degree muscle tear and I was out for the worst of the 90-100 degree weather in July and August so i didn’t mind that one so much! (:


I am obsessed with Justin’s Maple Almond Butter – it’s amazing!! Our Target carries full sized jars of it, but I find that I have to limit myself to buying the single serving packets, otherwise I lose control just a little :)

It was a cross-training day for me so I headed to my favorite spin class! Sure hope your leg feels better soon…I’ve had more than my share of injuries (including two foot surgeries in the past 3 years) and know how frustrating it can be (though I’m impressed with how well you seem to be coping! Hang in there!).


haha love the taco roll!!!!

favorite PB: whole foods 365! favorite AB: marantha

ugh! I had a 13 mile long run. and got stuck in a rain storm at 6. 5 miles down. I actually like running in rain but the forecast was calling for thunder and lightening. one of my best friends fathers got struck by lightening last may and died. absolutely tragic and so awful. i hate thinking about it. but im not petrified of lightening. I was running in the woods too with tall trees. i called my mom she picked me up. i dried off at home and later finished the last 6.5

no plans tonight- I have a surgery tomorrow AM so taking it easy :(


The green SoBes taste like green Jolly Ranchers! And I love they are all natural — waaaayy better than diet coke!

Tonight I am making chicken in the crockpot with stuffing mix, sour cream, and cream of chicken. Easy peasy!!

I hope you heal quickly and get back to running. Thanks for all the encouragement and good advice!


I have to admit, I’ve never tried Almond Butter…. With all the endorsements, though I may give it a try. I, too, have not been running. I have a family history of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and my doctor said no exercise until we get the results of my echocardiogram. I have been one cranky, anxious person! Got the happy results today, and am finally cleared to hit the road again. I hope you are back out there soon, too.


I’m on a week or so off now. I just completed the Cabot Trail Relay Race last weekend and I did it! I made my “ultimate best case scenario goal time” so I am on cloud 9. I am giving myself the rest I need because I ran 20km with a 2km climb at anywhere from 8-15% grade with 6km nonstop downhill right after just for good measure. Legs feel good but I know from the past at least a few more days rest is necessary.


Hill repeats in reverse. 2 mile uphill/2mile downhill/2 mile uphill/1.6 miles home downhill.
Running uphill, slow jog downhill due to my awesome case of runners knee (not awesome really).
7.6 miles total
Saw the sunrise so it was awesome
People had sprinklers on so i got to run through them like I was a kid again which was also awesome


2 years ago (from this weekend actually), I broke my foot while on a trail run in Muir Woods by rolling my ankle and breaking my fifth metatarsal. It hurt when it happened but I ran 4.5 miles (through part of the Dipsea course/ stairs) back to my car. A visit to the Urgent Care, several visits to an orthopedic doc, a boot and crutches for 12 weeks I found anything else I could do to keep my athletic gain going. Pilates, core, lots of strength training, even spinning with ONE LEG clipped in the spin bike to get in cardio… I had to drop out of a half ironman I had been training for and was coming off of a PR in the half marathon, so I felt like I was losing a lot. But I came back strong because I continued to work out the little things (there are very little excuses to not get in some sort of activity/ workout- even with a broken foot!). I’ve run several marathons since then, including qualifying for and running Boston 2013 (5 1/2 months pregnant) and that broken foot gave me a perspective to appreciate, respect and fully understand my love for running as well as give me a break to cross train and try out some new forms of exercise that I might have never done before. I’m stronger than before that injury and after having my daughter last August 2013 I’ve become faster/ stronger as well! Isn’t it funny how injuries and babies make women such strong runners and athletes?
Stay strong and upbeat, embrace the new workouts and activity, make something else strong while you can’t run (your glutes, your core, your upper body, your MIND!, learn to cook a certain dish, soak up your sweet daughter, visit a friend, get a tan, whatever!). And you will come back even better!


I’ve only had Justin’s. I will totally take referrals to another brand if anyone has one. But Trader Joe’s is not a convenient drive plus it’s totally new to Denver so the whole freakin’ world is there and I don’t do that crazy. Even for Trader Joe’s.


I love this blog so much and I LOVE the pictures of Brooke and snapshots of your life. I feel like I’m reading a really good novel. :-)

Barney’s AB is my current fave…but I have a feeling TJ’s is in my near future.


I skipped my run yesterday and today since I am still feeling less than great. Fingers crossed that tomorrow I will be out there!


Hi Janae,
This is my first time ever making a comment and just wanted to tell you I love your blog! Keep posting what you love posting! Reading your blog is one of the best parts of my day. Hang in there, you’ll be running in no time pain and injury free, I’m sure of it!


I love TJ’s almond butter too. Fisher crunchy pb too.

I ran before work this morning and I felt amazing. I got a good laugh because I saw this guy walking his dog in his Mickey Mouse PJ pants and a sport jacket.. it made me giggle.

I made tacos for dinner-yummy!


Left my phone at my friend’s house AND I don’t own a Garmin so the next few runs of mine until I get my phone back will be un-tracked… how devastating. Just kidding! I have been learning to just go with the flow and learn to love running instead of pushing myself too hard. I want it to be fun and not just for the exercise/calorie burn/PR part of it. Although it is kinda nice to know how fast/long I am going, “zen-running” (that’s what they called it in the marathon documentary, I don’t remember what the exact name of the movie was) is something I should practice more often so I don’t burn myself out trying to PR all the time and getting frustrated when I don’t.

I don’t really like nut butters but I LOVE pecans and walnuts. I just got butter pecan icecream. It sounds pretty weird but it is the most delicious icecream I have ever tasted.

Breakfast for dinner tonight followed with a few scoops of icecream :)


I absolutely love PB and Company Maple Sleigh!


Haha. Just kidding. It’s called Mighty Maple. Maple Sleigh is one of my favorite coffees.


No running for me today. Crosstraining and running after my toddler instead!

The farm my husband works for delivered a fried chicken special (not healthy but muy deliciouso!). I shared my sweet potato fries with my son, then put him down for bed, and now I’m writing until the hubby gets home!

Pool running sounds fun, as long as I could always touch the ground and maybe even wear floaties for an extra measure :)

P.S. Sweet Baby Ray’s BBQ sauce is the best!!!


I so love your blog! I never miss it! The pics steal my heart every single day! Brooke is too cute! I love that you are real. Don’t change a thing.
I’ve never had anything but peanut butter and now that my son is allergic, I hardly get to have that. You don’t know how much you love something until its gone. :(
And my run today was junk. I lasted 20 minutes on the treadmill. I just didn’t have it in me today.
I hope you get better soon but I think you have the best attitude about your injury! You should be proud if yourself.


Thank you so much Kristine! That is such a hard allergy!


Kristine – Try sunbutter. I too LOVE peanut butter, but when we discovered my daughter was allergic, I stopped eating it. About 3 months ago I bought sunbutter (made from sunflower seeds) and it is the closest thing I have found to peanut butter. It is yummy. I spread it on toast, celery, add it to yogurt and even used it in my favorite peanut butter cookie recipe. It does not taste exactly like peanut butter, but much closer to it than any other substitute I have tried.


I like crazy richards crunchy peanut butter. Just peanuts and salt.
Today is day 18 of not running due to peroneal tendonitis :( I’m going for a bike ride in the morning. Hoping to get 10-15 miles in.
Dinner was some potstickers from Trader Joe’s and a handful of raw almonds and dried cranberries.
I’ve been home from work for almost 2 hours and done nothing really. Can’t find any motivation to do anything productive. #IshouldBeFoamRollingAtLeast


Barney has the best almond butter and NuttZo is hands down the best nut butter ever. No lie!!!


Broccoli and BBQ sauce? I haven’t tried that combo! Sometimes I have broccoli and mustard.
I like all kinds and brands of pb, though I’ve been on a crunchy kick for a while now


my favorite almond butter (which I will ALWAYS choose over pb!!) is definitley the fresh ground kind :) I’ve never actually made it myself but there are several health food stores & grocery stores in my area that grind their own almond butter daily and whenever I run out I pick up more from whichever store I’m closest to! one of these days I’ll attempt some myself…

my run today was just used as my warm up/cool down for my boot camp style circuit workout in between! it was like a run sandwich- 3 miles, 45 minute bootcamp circuit, 3 miles. when I do them like this I increase my speed slightly for each 1/4 mile until I get to the last 1/2, then I increase the incline and run steady until the end! (there is no real science or training to this, it just makes me feel like I am doing some special interval training or something, hahaha…)

lastly, my dinner was LAAAME- a wrap with avocado, spinach, kale, cherry tomatoes, & leftover grilled chicken, with 1/2 bag of previously frozen veggies on the side. I am staying in an apartment currently but tonight is my last night & I had random stuff to use up before I move out! dessert was good though- quite a few squares of 85% dark chocolate with cacao nibs & sea salt…mmmm

ok, done with my super-long comment! not sure why but I just felt like commenting tonight! thanks for being awesome!!


My favorite almond butter is Justin’s maple almond butter, love it!


Today’s Run: 75 degrees and light breeze, great day for a run on the boardwalks and trails of the “wetlands” until I rounded a corner and about stepped on a SNAKE! I screamed, turned on a dime, and ran away. No I did not look back. I would have loved to see that spike on a heart rate monitor.


Hands down favorite almond butter is Trader joes brand. I really LOVE IT. I’m still searching for my favorite pb brand!

Plans tonight: watching The Mindy Project and eating a giant salad with a multitude of items in it.


Have you tried sunbutter yet? If you love sunflower seeds, this is for you. I will never look back!


Tonight I made dinner with my wallet. I had arugula salad with watermelon, feta, and balsamic glaze drizzle. It was topped with salmon, and it was incredible. I also did a 3.3 mile treadmill run today where I worked on speed. It is an absolutely amazing feeling when what was once my “max speed” is now my “feels like I could maintain this for the long haul.” :) I also did 40 minutes of cross training and some strength training, too! I hope you are recovering quickly!


we ran 3 miles tonight, nothing compared to what you do, but hard for me…

flip the TP on the roll so it is facing the other way, so when she hits it, it won’t come undone


I put BBQ sauce on everything too. Latest obsession is BBQ on my salad and creamy cilantro dressing on the side. My husband thinks I’m gross… Resting tonight because I’m doing my final long run tomorrow before starting the dreaded marathon taper!


Costco All Natural PB is a close second to CB’s Nuts PB. I want to love almond butter more but..

5 chatty miles with a friend at 5:30am

Dinner: My favorite – Pizza and salad


J–what about your low back? Could you be out of alignment stressing quad?? Also do you still take Fosamax? That can cause odd bone, muscle pain. Just some thoughts. Oh one more, tendonitis in quad from recent antibiotics?? Just thoughts. Hugs and love– e


That is the best almond butter, no discussion needed! Almost nightly for dessert I drizzle it over chopped strawberries – yum!!

I haven’t run this week because I’m dealing with a sore throat/cold issue, but I’m planning on it tomorrow. Hopefully my body cooperates.

Tonight, I’m going to bed!! Trying to fight off the aforementioned cold ;)



LOVE your blog – pictures of your adorable daughter and food and Utah! keep it going just the way it is-real, fun and inspiring! Hope you feel better soon


Okay, first off, Brooke’s swimsuit is so darling. I love it! I used to just get Maranetha almond butter from Costco but somebody gave me some of that exact trader joes almond butter for my birthday. I ate the jar in like 2 weeks, no lie. I still had the Maranetha in my fridge so I had that one day. Oh my goodness, I couldn’t believe how much I didn’t like it anymore. Trader joes almond butter is hands down the best. I have to scoop it out with my tbsp and eat it out of that b/c I have so self control. Love the blog!


Brooke is too cute!
I use that exact almond butter mixed in my oatmeal sounds weird but good! I buy the oatmeal complete from tjs it’s the maple and brown sugar with that almond butter yum!!
Love your blog.


Doing dishes is totally overrated. Eating right out of the pan/container is where it’s at.

Totally laughing at the taco roll…I used to do that to my stepkids when they were little! They LOVED it! I should try it again with our kids who are still small enough :)

No running today but I did go for three walks, one of which was on my old favorite running loop trail. It was beautiful. And a little sad.


My local running store (Everyday Athlete in Kirkland, WA) hosted a “Ladies’ Night” tonight with a 30-minute run that ended in cupcakes, wine, and friends from Oiselle, Lunachix, Team in Training and a physical therapy office. It was a blast!


I too love your blog just the way it is. No blogger should feel obligated to reveal every detail of their lives just to satisfy a percentage of their audience (and I know that some of that audience can be extremely vicious). I’m sure you’re able to evaluate for yourself what type of content draws readers in.

With that said, I was raised on JIF, and that’s still the only one I really care for. I like the creamy Maranatha almond butter, and I want to try the coconut almond butter I once saw, but I haven’t seen it since.

No run for me today because I got stuck at work later than I was supposed to. Then had kid drama to deal with, followed by a kid soccer game. Then Southwest Chicken Chopped Salad for (late) dinner!


Brooke’s legs!!!!!


I am about to indulge in overnight oats in an empty jar of that amazingness. I feel like when you finish the jar you get a prize: making overnight oats in it!


I ran 5.6 miles yesterday (yes, random number, but that’s one of the routes around work) with one of our running buddies who recently retired. It was a fun run!

Last night I ate pizza and watched the So You Think You Can Dance premier with one of my girlfriends…and it was awesome and relaxing.


My favorite peanut butter is also TJ’s. It is weird because the ingredients are the same as other peanut butter brands, but it’s just so much better.

Today is a swim + weights day. Yesterday I ran 4.3. Was going to do 5 but was feeling tired so just ended with that. Good enough.

How is your quad coming along?


We usually just buy the all natural PB from the grocery store brand. It’s pretty fantastic and cheaper than any of the other kinds.

Our exciting plans for tonight: get a new fridge! Woo, so exciting :)


I love a jar of Nutella but am currently obsessed with TJ’s creamy almond butter!

Today’s run is supposed to be a 6 mile tempo. Not sure how that will go- I did strength training yesterday for the first time in months and am quite sore!! I might have to KT tape my entire lower body!!!

I think dinner is going to be pasta tonight. And some yummy rosemary bread from Costco.

You post whatever you want- it’s your blog!!! I love hearing about Brooke as much as your running. If people want more running and less real life than they can find another blog to read!!! I read your blog, Stuft Mama, Blonde Ponytail, RER and Shut Up and Run because you guys live real lives. It isn’t all about running :) There are issues with kids, careers, marriages, injuries and what fro-yo flavor to get! It is reality and I appreciate the fact that you put it all out there for us.

Haters gonna hate ;)


ummm I am also OBSESSED with TJ’s almond butter. Somtimes I will just grab a spoon and eat it straight from the jar. Have you tried TJ’s Speculoos?! It is very dangerous…


I love reading about ALL the stuff you post, but i have to admit, a big part of it are the pix of brooke!! I think there is plenty of substance in your blog. The food pix etc. are all so, well, yummy!! Like you said – if you don’t like the content of a blog, then don’t visit it. very simple. Why visit it and then complain about it?? Buzz off!!


I 100% agree with you on the almond butter! Have you tried TJ’s sunflower butter? Also crazy delicious.

Hang in there with the injury! I’m also coming back from a long break due to illness/injury and it is incredibly frustrating. What has really helped me is remembering that I can do so much more than run. You seem like an amazing, devoted mother and just by blogging about your experience you are inspiring so many other people! Like me :) Don’t let the injury drag you down!


no running today, just lots of foam rolling for Dam to Dam half marathon saturday!

best almond butter is the fresh ground stuff from my Hy-Vee (midwest grocery chain). Just flip a switch and watch those almonds turn into deliciousness.


Justin’s Maple Almond Butter. So delicious… You should try it! I know they sell it at Whole Foods but it costs a pretty penny but is worth it!


Thank you for the link to “Injured, But Not Beaten.” I needed that.

I love TJ’s Almond butter, too!


I don’t have a favorite almond butter……..I tend to give them all a chance!

My run today was amazing! I waited until 5pm to run (it was my day off, so I slept in!) but it was still humid and 88 degrees. I made it all 13.1 planned miles, my last long run before my half marathon next week……..and I finished it in the same time it took me to run that course last year, so it gives me hope to beat my time in the race (unless it rains or something, which may slow me down a bit). I tried the salted caramel GU……….LOVE.

During my run I start thinking about all the drinks I want…………strawberry lemonade with real strawberries………pineapple juice………..smoothies……..chocolate milk………this goes on until I get home and drink so much juice and milk that I can’t eat dinner bc I am too full of liquids! That is what happened last night. I managed to eat a bowl of cereal but that’s all.

PS………as runners, we are pretty gross………covered in sweat (I was so sweaty that gnats were sticking to me), we blow our nose in our hands or on our shirts, we (or at least me) pass gas whenever and wherever, no matter if folks are in earshot or not……………we’re gross, but we love it!


I LOVE Peanut Butter and Company’s peanut butters – especially their Dark Chocolate Dreams flavor! Give it a try if you come across it!!


my run this am was awesome — crisp and sunny along the Hudson River on the west side of Manhattan! love to start my day on that path. so rejuvenating.


Janae – you keep blogging about the things you love and what brings you joy, as you bring so many of us joy each day. I think you handle extreme opinions with such grace and I admire you! I do not think I could do the same (thus I could never blog ha). I think I would let one negative comment overshadow the hundreds of uplifting ones, but not you you just always keep that chin up. Well done doll! That said, please post as many pictures of that beautiful girl as you like, we have loved watching her grow, my kids even ask to see her and read your blog with me :) Thank you for sharing your super fun life with us!!!


oh and I LOVE beyond LOVE Smuckers natural chunky PB every single precious day!


I would like to add my two cents with a few of the beginning people that commented. I love your blog, your attitude, your very valuable recommendations and helpful hints about running, eating, sweets :), things you buy and like, and where you go out to eat etc. I love hearing about Brooke….maybe because I have three kids of my own so I know how being a mom becomes number one priority. I wouldn’t change a thing about your blog! :)


Thank you so much holly! That means a lot to me!


i read these on my phone but had to come back and comment…keep hanging in there with the injury. i kno u’ve been doing SUCH a rockstar job of keeping things in perspective and not totally freaking out about the upcoming race and i just wanted to say that you need to be proud of yourself for that!! but also that i’m sure u’ve got those moments like Nick write about where every injured runner hits a nasty wave of anxiety. i had a friend who bought a punching bag. i wanted to just say you were CRAZY @$$ fit going into the injury, you were honestly hitting about taper time anyways and if you had to ‘pick’ a best time to need to cross train it’s after all the work’s been done. you did that. so hey, keep doing wat u do and u’ll be amazed how much fitness u can retain with cross training…like u’ve learned. and worst case, even if ur injury’s not gone by this marathon and/or you don’t decide to race if u’re only ‘kinda healed’, you’ll kick ass in the next one. :) on that note…go eat a donut and smile…lol.


Seriously… I NEEDED your comment! Thank you so so much! I sure wish we could run together. Thanks Cait, your opinion means a lot to me!


You got it, Girl. And YES, sheesh, I wish all these pesky States weren’t between us two…lol. But really, hang tough, keep those fingers pruney, you’re doing great!


We did Taco Rolls when I was little, but we called it a Burrito!!! Haha so fun


I love TJ’s almond butter… I often switch between that and their sunflower seed butter (it melts so beautifully!).

Last night was a sprint workout (3.5 miles total).

Keep on keeping on with the cross training! I know it’s rough. I’ve always played soccer but a few years ago, I dislocated my knee cap and wrecked the surrounding cartiladge. Sitting out a season is no fun, but it’s makes you appreciate it that much more! Flash forward to now and I have completed a half marathon pain free! Not to mention, playing in a rec soccer league. Sending a prayer your way! :)


Ha! I read the “this is the best almond butter” lead up and actually hesitated before scrolling to the picture because I thought “what if it isn’t Trader Joe’s creamy almond butter? And if it’s not, how will I feel about someone hawking sub-standard almond butter as the *best*? How can I (anonymous reader) find a way to tell her that she is just wrong if she is currently adoring non-TJs almond butter? Or if she *gasp* prefers crunchy almond butter?”. Then I scrolled down, felt an disproportionately huge sense of relief and then realized what an unabashed dork I am.

Good luck on the race!

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