THE BEST way to keep up your running fitness. And the broccoli thief.

Today’s pool session went by crazy fast.  Usually I am bored to death when I pool run, but not today. 

I always look extremely cool with my head bobbing around above the water as I am gasping for air because pool running is a crazy good workout and it really gets my heart rate way up.  Try it out if you are injured, pool running is by far THE BEST way to keep up your running fitness if you can’t run!  I wrote all about pool running HERE!!!

Candice is kind of my soul mate and we could literally talk for hours straight without any pauses so our conversation this morning made the 65 minutes fly by.  She has a stress fracture in her tibia and so she is sentenced to the pool too.  

Feel free to come join us:)  We won’t bite.

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On the days that I don’t have the Candice I have this waterproof iPod and headphones that will get me through the workouts.  I will write a review on them soon!

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 I can’t stop with these two things for a snack.  Good thing Target was having a sale on them.

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This is what a $40,000 treadmill looks like.  Hey, I would choose to buy a treadmill over a really nice car too.  That is perfectly normal.

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I went in to a sports med doctor today and he is helping me out a lot. I probably won’t be running until next weekend but whatever… perfect time to start running again when I am supposed to be tapering for the marathon.  

It is what it is.  Nothing I can control.  But I can control not injuring it any worse:)

And three random things about Brooke because talking about injuries is kind of boring.  

1.  The broccoli thief caught red-handed.

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2. Brooke searches the house yelling PA-PA until she finds him.  

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3.  Summer attire is here.  I should probably slow down on buying Brooke clothes one of these days.  Maybe.  

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What has been your go-to snack lately?

Ever tried pool running?  Thoughts?

On average—> How long do you work out each day?

Dream car?

-Range Rover.  Mmmmmm.

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Yep, Range Rover is one of mine. The Pagani Zonda is super flashy and insane but I love it anyway too :) it’s my “if I lived in convertible weather year round dream car.”

Typically 80-90 minutes is my total daily time working out :) long run days are different though!


Go to snack: edamame!
I really need a waterproof ipod and headphones! I didn’t know they existed….


Go to snack = apple and peanut butter! I like pool running because I do get a good workout but it is crazy boring when you have to go alone! Between 60 and 120 minutes per day (unless its a crazy long run).


I actually think pool running sounds cool – I would love to try it. I might need to get a gym membership so I can give it a go. I have both a gym and a pool in my condo complex, but no pool running.

Go-to snack lately has been Kind bars – the peanut butter and dark chocolate kind. I didn’t love it at first bite, but it has really grown on me!


Great Attitude!! Stay as healthy as you can and make the best of it :-)


Snacks = too many to count! Today I am in a “I NEED PROTEIN” (shouty) phase. Tomorrow it’ll be carrots. Heh.

Pool running sounds good to me for some reason. I’m not injured but as its suddenly 80 degrees, water seems heavenly.

Most days it’s about an hour, except for the Sunday long run. Glad you’re not injured seriously (it sounds like anyway). I know for me regular strength training has been a huge benefit.


I went to the doctor today too! Officially have a severe case of plantar fasciitis. I’ve been banned to swimming or biking only. I may have to find a pool to try that pool running :)


I have that too and I got a night splint to sleep in. It was like $25 on amazon and it was tough to get used to, but now I LOVE it. It has made such a huge difference and I’m almost completely pain free after having plantar fasciitis for almost 2 years. Good luck!


Can you give the link for the night splint? I saw a bunch and am curious which one you got?
Or email it to me please:)
[email protected]

Thank you!!!!


So funny! I just got one last week too. This is the one I got.


oh – and I really like it. It’s helped a ton with my achilles tendonitis (I don’t have plantar fasciitis).


Thanks SO MUCH Amanda!!


I would love to come pool run with you!

I’m taking a rest week after my marathon = no exercise and too much eating. I just want to give my body a full week of rest and the get back to it. I’m having a knee issue though :(.

Brooke looks adorable as usual!


Don’t stop buying Brooke clothes! She always looks so adorable!!! :)

My dream car is kinda boring, I really want a Subaru Forester. My in-laws call it a grandma car but whatevs. lol


Ha, that is funny bc mine is an Outback! I never even thought about them but got a rental for a 500 mile road trip for work. And I fell in love. It was so comfortable, so stable and smooth ride.
My husband thinks I am nuts (bc my dream car use to be the Range Rover!)


haha, there is just something about Subarus. My first car was a Subaru Legacy and it was such a good/reliable car that I loved driving! My mother-in-law has a Range Rover and the few times I’ve driven it it feels like I’m driving a boat!


Lately my go to snacks have been apples and bananas. Quick and yummy! :) I haven’t ever tried pool running, but I really want to. I first heard about it from you actually. Each day I usually workout for about 45 minutes to an hour. I definitely don’t have as much time now as I did before I had a baby ha. I try to make the most of the time that I do have though. My dream car would probably be an escalade hehe ;) I won’t have one for several years though ha! I hope you recover soon by the way!


Strawberries for a snack .

1.5 hrs a day workout

I need to buy my kids summer clothes.


Go to snack – TJ’s chocolate covered peanut butter pretzels
Never tried pool running but I do love swimming and was on the swim team in school. I’m very jealous of that waterproof ipod
Dream car is constantly changing
I usually work out 45 minutes to an hour

Thank goodness this week is almost over!


So glad to hear you will be able to run again next weekend! Did you just strain the muscle a bit?

I swim 2 x per week so have never done pool running. I love swimming so much, I have no desire to try it. I think if I did I would probably end up just putting my head in the water and swimming away….

My go to snack is carrots + almond butter & a glass of milk.

I work out for about and hour each day (on Saturdays I also do a restorative yoga class but I don’t count that since it’s mostly laying down and stretching) and then one complete rest day!


my go-to snack has been this so easy, so good. yum yum yum


You already inspired me to try rowing and now I’m adding pool running to the mix. Now I just need to find a pool here in NYC…

Hope that pesky injury disappears ASAP!


I usually work out/run for 45 min to an hour. Sometimes less and more on my long run day.. Hope your leg gets better real quick!


You have a really good attitude Janae and that is going to pay out hugely while you recover. Staying consistent with cross training is going to do wonders for you!

Pool running used to kill me in boredom but is what you make of it.

Is that treadmill really 40 grand? Oh my stars.


Dried mango at whole foods. In love.


I’m looking forward to this rewiew of the review of your waterproof gear. The iPod shuffle looks like a normal one. I accidentally took my iPhone into the pool last summer and guess what: It’s not waterproof :-/


This. Made. Me. Happy.
You & C. All smiles


Waterproof ipod is high on my list of “needs” since I spend more time than I’d like to admit in the pool. Can’t wait to hear how much you love it!


I’m so impressed by people’s workout times! I can usually get in about 45-60 minutes a day.

Sending you healing vibes! :)


My normal workouts are about 1 1/4 – 1 1/2 hour. I’ve never tried pool running, but I really wish I had access to a pool so I could try!

My dream car right now is the Tesla Model S… cool. And anything to save money on gas I’m all for!

You didn’t say it had to be a healthy snack….so I’m gonna go with ice cream right now. I’ve had it every night this week to combat these 90+ degree days.


I pool run while on vacation in Floriday (so I can avoid running in some of the heat and humidity)- I enjoy it most of the time. I think they should have specific pool running times at pools and set up a big screen to play movies on- then everyone could watch movies while running to pass the time :)


When I’m not injured, it’s usually about 3 hrs. a day. I commute to work on my bike, so that’s an hour total, then a 1-2 hr. run, then maybe some yoga.

I’ve never tried pool running, but I feel like I’d be too self-conscious to do it by myself. If I had an injured buddy I’d give it a shot!


I can’t wrap my head around pool running!! It looks so cool but I feel like I would rather just swim. I’m so glad you have a buddy, I’m sure that makes it easier! I never work out more than 45 min-1 hour unless I’m training and doing a long run!


Wheat thins and sharp cheddar cheese OR Cheerios/milk/small banana: Favorite healthy snacks:)

Coke Slurpee and Hot Fries: Favorite Guilty Pleasure


I pool run when I’m injured, and I actually really enjoy it! and it’s SUCH a good workout–I think I’m a better pool runner than land runner.
You’ll rock that marathon!


You and candice are the cutest. Time with you guys definitely flies!! I have never been pool running, but I really want to try. Especially given my current situation. I miss running oh so very much. Like i dream about it. Not joking.

I usually work out an hour a day. It used to be at least an hour, usually an hour and a half. Since getting pregnant I just don’t have it in me to go that extra half hour. So fat. So lazy.

I need to know more about this injury/prognosis/etc.

I really like watermelon right now. Also apples and pb/almond butter. It just never gets old.


Workout time is usually an hour + per day but it depends on the type of workout. Hope you heal up quickly!


KRAVE Turkey Jerky @ Costco NOW! Lemon Garlic! Best jerky and all natural!


Hope you are back on your feet soon! Would you share your roasted broccoli recipe?


I’ve been snacking on blackberries and potato chips to scoop up avocado

Never tried pool running. I hate bathing suits and water but right now i should learn to embrace both since i’m injured =)

I basically work out an hour 2 weekdays per week and 2-4 hours on weekends (depending on my long run distance)

Don’t laugh but I have my dream car. it’s a 2002 jeep liberty. But it’s covered in 26.2 magnets and empty water bottles =)


I have been eating tons of popcorn lately – I pop it with coconut oil, which makes it a million times better than normal popcorn.

I’ve never tried pool running, maybe I’ll try it out when our pool opens up for the summer!

On average I probably work out 45-60 minutes at a time

Dream car? A classic, beautiful Mustang, or a Dodge Charger. So pretty!


I always look forward to reading your blog – you are such a positive person! Pool running looks tough. I tried swimming when I couldn’t run last year and it kicked my butt.

The last couple of weeks I’ve been eating fresh pineapple as my go to snack.

I usually work out for 45-60 minutes a day, unless it’s long run day.


Brooke is legitimately TOO cute :)
and usually 1 hour- 1hr15min every day!


Holy Cannoli, a $40, 000 treadmill!?! This is insane!
I have become ADDICTED to Costco’s jerky! For the life of me I cannot figure out why beef jerky must be oh so expensive and oh so delicious! Costco’s is actually semi-cheap and I just adore it!

I’m glad you’ll at least be able to run soon, like ya said, you can only control what you can control :)


I have never tried pool running but it seems like a really great workout. I usually exercise for at least 45 minutes most days, usually about an hour to an hour and a half…obviously on long run days its much longer than that!


I’ve never tried pool running before but I’m sure it’s something that I’ll enjoy since I was on the swim team way back in high school!

I never knew there was such thing as a $40K treadmill!! That’s crazy!


I would love to try pool running! I wish my gym had a water treadmill.
Brooke’s pigtail buns are adorable. Maybe I should rock those for my half marathon this weekend?!
I don’t workout everyday but on avegarge when I do, I’d say 45-60 minutes. My goal is to get into daily workout mode this summer when I’m off (I’m a teacher).

Karen @karenlovestorun


I was talking to someone about pool running the other day and I had never even heard if it before then, so funny it came up now…I would definitely try this if I need to. Broccoli is a popular veggie in my house too. One of the only ones my kids eat :)


Roasted plantain chips = snack of champions! If I get to squeeze in a work out, it’s 30 min or less :( Never done pool running, but I have a crazy marathoner friend that just ran Boston and is already training for her next BQ’er, and she JUST posted an Instagram picture of water running to stay injury free! You should check her out: Teresa at Dream car is also Range Rover – KID FREE so it stays clean ;)


Hey Janae,
I just had to share this with you…so I am a medical student and want to go into sports medicine so I spend a lot of time shadowing the sports med docs when they are at practices with the affiliated university. One day when practice was slow on the injury front, one of the trainers called us over to show us this really neat treadmill thing that a track and field athlete was rehabbing on after what I think was an ACL surgery.
and here’s a video of it…
(I am such a nerd, but I think this is awesome! hahaha)

Basically, it is a treadmill that has this band that comes up around your waist and then you can increase on decrease the pressure inside the chamber from your waist down to alter just how much of your body weight you are running on! It was so cool!! I wished i had access to one of these when I get injured haha…they put me in it just to try it and it felt crazy when I started running on 40% of my body weight and they increased it to 100%….just thought you might find this interesting!!

Hope you recover soon!!


I work out 30-60 minutes a day depending on what I am doing. My dream car is one that comes with a chauffeur because I hate driving.


Lately I’ve been snacking on pita chips and klondike bars. I don’t eat a lot of ice cream but sometimes I crave it!
I’m not a big pool person, but it sounds like pool running would be great for those times when my tendinitis gets the best of me.


I have never tried pool running…sounds like it would be helpful but boring! I am not that much of a pool fan…even though I used to be a lifeguard :).
My snack right now is goldfish…I think it is the salt….but I love them!!!
I work out anywhere from 45 min to 2 hours just depending on the run.


Brooke is just the most adorable little girl ever.

Dream car is a Mercedes C-Class. Classy and elegant.


I can’t wait to hear your review for the waterproof ipod and earphones! I have never done pool running, but I think I will try! My mom swims laps every summer and it always gets her in killer shape! Now that we are living here for a few months…I really think I should be taking advantage of that! Do you have a routine you use?

Dream car…an Infinity QX80…but realistically – I would love a new Honda Pilot!


Apple chips and the wasabi and soy sauce Triscuits have been my favorite snacks lately! Lately more workouts have only been 30 minutes, that’s all I’ve had time for. That will be changing soon though!


Wait… There’s a water proof iPod and headphones! Omg! Can’t wait to hear about it!

Janae, I was with the same doctor you saw yesterday for my ITBS! He is seriously the best in the world! I have been going to see him for various things for 12 years! He is very into all things natural and I have used a lot of electric acupuncture, biopunctures and a patch for my pain. He has helped so much! Good luck with him!

I would love to try out pool running. I love the water and love to swim too. :)


My dream car is my minivan. Seriously. I am a nerdy mom living the minivan dream, toting my four kiddos around the town in an Odyssey. ;-)

I hate it that you’re injured, but I so admire your attitude. It is what is. I need to repeat that to myself a million times. I got injured 7 months ago and have not been able to complete more than 5 miles a stinkin’ week without pain. I’ve strengthened my glutes, gone to PT weekly, worked on my core, done Pilates and strength training up the wazoo, had my gait analyzed two different times (looks fine), had scraping, acupuncture, active release therapy… My poor family has to deal with all of Mom’s doctor appointments. Every time I try to reintroduce running back in to my fitness routine now, the old hamstring injury (I tore my high hamstring) rears its ugly head. Last week I thought it was finally not talking to me as much, but now I have horrible iliac crest pain. Wah-wah. I won’t bore you or anyone else with my litany of problems, but it’s been a very challenging time. Running was my outlet. I’ve had to cancel two races and am just not sure when (and sometimes if???) I’ll get better. Now the docs think I have some minor scoliosis that’s led to a functional leg length difference and my problems. Oh well. It is what it. It is what is. And like you quoted, I can get bitter or better. I choose to get better. Besides, everything could be so much worse. I am living a charmed, blessed life. I just can’t run right now. All will be well.

I’ll stop my Rocky speech now. It is nice to be able ot vent to a bunch of runners who won’t think you’re a total weirdo for mourning over not being able to run. ;-)

Hopefully, you’ll be dusting off your Garmin soon. You’re an amazing runner; more importantly, you’re an amazing mom! Can’t wait to hear about the waterproof iPod as well. I haven’t been able to do much swimming becasue of all the kids, but I’m thinking that may be something I need to start doing.

Blessings to you!


Go to snack: handful of mixed nuts, greek yogurt, or an apple.

I’ve never tried pool running…I don’t have access to a deep enough pool!!

I workout between 30 minutes and an hour. My longer runs are over an hour, but not much else. I like quick and dirty mostly!

Dream Car: range rover for me too!


U have so many sweet friends.
Brooke is adorable searching for her pa pa.
Summer clothes are cute on Brooke.
I work out probably an hour per day/6 days a week. Ive never tried pool running.


Where did you get that iPod?


Janae, I TAPERED FOR FIVE WEEKS before my marathon. FIVE WHOLE WEEKS. Did it make a difference? NO utter way. x


I usually workout 1.5 to 2 hours a day. Spin and running one day, pump and yoga the next and one long run day during the week.
My go to snack is plain Greek yogurt and blueberries . Healthy and yummy. I’m still trying to cut weight since having my baby 5 months ago!


What did the sports doc say?
Favorite snack is my homemade granola bars.
Dream car would be a suburban and a gas card to go with it.
I had a stress fracture in right and left tibia last year so lots of pool running. Sooo boring!


WHAT?! A waterproof ipod?! I can’t wait to read that review! I MUST have one!!!!

Lately my go to snack has been clementines… Me, Brady, and Ella eat them in bulk… I literally have to put them where they can’t reach them or they will eat them all… ps I love beef jerky as well….

In college, as one of my preventative measures to keep me from getting hurt, my coach would send me to aqua jog… holy hannah it’s a work out… I hate swimming and I’m not great at anything to do with water, so it was like pure hell, but it def helps.

I would say I work out btwn 45-130 on avg…. I know huge

My drean car is the range rover sport… winter white with tan leather interior…lol…. I’ve only thought about it a little bit


Even when I was not injured when running in college, I aqua jogged at least once a week and sometimes two for 40-60 min’s. I think it helped a lot to add some extra miles without beating yourself up and to pump the heart. I had my best seasons and ran all my PR’s when I did this! keep it up! I wish I had time to still do it.


I have a pool at my gym and I have thought of pool running, but I would get bored and dont have a waterproof ipod-something to think about (although I do have a tiny little shuffle that I could clip to my headband….hmmm)

I workout at lunch, so only about 40mins a day. On weekends I love my 2 hr long runs!


eh, my mom said that i should enjoy buying my little guy clothes while they are still cheap and he lets me dress him up in what i want. i say, enjoy it!


Go to snack: Belvita (the blueberry kind) SO good. I’ve been dipping them in greek yogurt. Super filling.
Never pool ran before! I’m very interested how you do it?!

Dream car: Mercedes. A red one.


I’m glad you have a pool running buddy!


You and I have the same dream car my friend. However i drove a Kia Soul as a rental today and kind of lived it. I felt like doing the hamster dance. Dont judge. Also I need a pool jogging coach. Last time I tried (the only time) I think I lookedlike an idiot!


How cute is Brooke, with her hand on your Dad, making sure he won’t get away.


I had a foot and back injury just before my tapering period, too, resulting in lots of lost running and one less 20-miler. :-O Rest was just what I needed, as I went out and managed at 10-minute PR and I never felt stronger. I didn’t meet all of my goals, but I couldn’t have been happier with what I accomplished. I know it’s scary, but go into this race with an “I can and I will,” attitude, and you’ll do great!


I’ve been loving popcorn so much lately. It’s so addictive and I always change up the toppings that I put on it.. yum!

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