My Streak is OVER

I sent out an email to my entire family proposing a brilliant (at least I thought it was) idea for them to all move back to Utah and buy a house on our cul-de-sac so we could all hang out all of the time but so far no one has replied back to me yet.

I guess I will just have to settle for them coming back to visit often.  My SIL (the one that lives in Arizona that I stay with a lot) is here for just a few days with her little one.  

Back in college we were roomies, so many good times together.

I was in an awkward posing mood yesterday, just go with it.

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As if 80 minutes of pool running wasn’t enough pool time for me.  7 Peaks Season Pass holders = we will be living here this summer.

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Headed up north for a wedding reception.

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 And had two plates of this for dinner.  I love wedding food.  

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And then it happened.  I haven’t had a diet coke in almost two months (if you recall I quit cold turkey because I was so addicted to it) but we went to a late movie and I needed some caffeine.  It was delicious and I think I will be able to just have it every once in a while without going overboard now.  

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The movie we saw.  GO SEE IT!! I loved every second and I especially love Angelina in it (although, I love all of her movies).

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Today while I am pool running I will close my eyes and pretend that I am running all over Antelope Island again.   The leg is getting better slowly but surely (been to a few docs and no diagnosis) but there is no way I am going to run on it until it is all of the way better, I do not want to prolong the recovery period.  Thanks JayBird for the pic!

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Have an amazing Saturday!

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I really want to see Maleficient but I very rarely get to go to the movies. Maybe next weekend when I go to my parents and the “boys” are having a boys weekend.

You should make a giant poster of that picture – beautiful!


I must be a kid at heart. 7 peaks looks like a place I want to spend my days too!
Love the running picture at the end! Wow.


I bet you’ll be great in no time! Enjoy the pool running!


Brooke looks so gorgeous in the pool. And you look so gorgeous in the Jaybird pic. Peas in a pod :)


What a fun weekend! Also, your SIL was your roomie? I love that, it’s super cute :)


I really was not interested in that movie, but now I may consider it??? Not a huge Angelina fan :)
That picture of Brooke in the pool is precious-she looks so happy!
You are a stronger woman than I am when it comes to diet cokes, I just can’t seem to kick the habit.
Your pool workout is amazing.
Enjoy your weekend!


I miss going to weddings! I haven’t had diet coke in 7 months and doubt I’d like it anymore anyway. Flavored soda water tastes sweet to me now :)


My daughter wants to see that movie (she’s 11.) I can’t tell if it would be too scary? Would you consider it to be an appropriate older kid movie?


I took my almost 10 year old and I think it was fine for him. I saw small children and think it would be a little scary for them but I think it’s fine for older kids. Loved it!


Thanks Josse, for your input. I allowed my daughter to go to the movie tonight. She said it was good and she wasn’t too scared! :)


That last picture of you is stunning


slow healing injuries teach us patience and perserverence! I can’t wait for your first “I finally got to run on land again” post!!!!!

Have a great weekend =)


Amazing last picture! So beautiful. :)


I really want to see Maleficient- it looks pretty interesting! I need to find a pool for the summer to go to- I love sitting in the water!


BWAHAHA! You have to give in to something like Diet Coke at some point! :P Have a gorgeous day, darlin’!


Wedding food is usually pretty awesome, but I live for the cake too (and the dancing!). I usually need caffeine at movies too, but I’m ‘that girl’ that will bring the extra large purse and sneak in the food/drinks so I don’t have to sell my internal organs to pay for a small drink and candy.


I love wedding food, too. Or any food that someone else cooks!
I haven’t been to a movie in a couple years. Wow, I need to get out!
I have proposed the whole live by each other plan but no one jumped at the chance?! At least we all live within 5 miles of each other anyway!


Hi Janae, what happened to your leg??


Hey Jen! Not quite sure but after my 23 miler 3 weeks ago my quad started to really hurt! Working with the doctors and lots of pool running to get me back in no time. Have a great day!


Oh dear! I’m injured now too but can only handle the pool for an hour – I’m in awe of your long sessions! I hope you’re seeing a good sports Physio to sort out the injury and get to the cause of it. A good strength rehab program can help prevent trouble down the road as well. If you need any help, feel free to email. Good luck!


Nice job on the diet Coke! I, like you, had a bad addiction to Coke Zero. Once I gave it up cold turkey for almost a year, I allowed myself one here and there. These days, I often am treating myself to 1 each weekend. I figure much better than 1 (or 8) each day, right? YOLO.

Have a great weekend!


Sounds like your weekend is off to a great start! Have fun :)


Yay I am going to go see Maleficent today!! I’m so glad it was good! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that your leg is fully recovered soon! Sending good vibes your way :)


A diet coke every once in a while is okay, the key is moderation, something I know absolutely nothing about but Ive heard it’s key. :) Have a great Saturday!


I may be a little obsessive about stuff like that too. Hence why I try not to even buy ice cream or oreos to keep in the house!

My hubby ran the longest distance he’s ever done so far with me this morning. Great start to a weekend!


All your Utah running pictures are GORGEOUS. I would like to know if you could chose anywhere in the world to run where it would be?


My sisters and I had the same idea, to move into the same neighborhood on a cul-de-sac. When we kind of had the chance, one sister moved to Utah.

Guess she didn’t like that idea.


Just a thought, I hurt my leg and received my diagnosis other than aggressive hamstring strain. The strain affected the back of my knee.But I think it happened from running on snow and ice this winter.It took awhile to really get painful and I had to stop running in March. I am still recovering. Do you think the snow could have changed your gait over the winter?


just wanted to come over here & let you know I’ve been thinking about you! you’re being a smart lady by not pushing your body to run even though I know you really really want to. it takes a lot of discipline & motivation to cross-train the way you have been & I admire that about you! keep that chin up, stay positive & like all things this little set back will only propel forward with new vigor!!! nothing will/can stop you from achieving your running/life goals. love you my friend!!!! have a fabulous weekend!! xoxoxo for you & Brookers. :)


That place looks fun!!

I LOVEEEEEE WEDDING FOOD!! I seriously always make sure that I wear a dress that I can “expand” comfortably in bc I end up!


Your Diet Coke = my potato chips. I have decided once a month I can go to town on the crunchy deliciousness. Anything more and it becomes every day.

Glad the leg is starting to feel better. I wonder if a PT with a lot of fancy schmancy tech stuff would also help? (Every single time I go in for something -and I mean every.single.time – it’s always that a surrounding muscle is weak. Sigh.)


I’m having a hard time understanding why you won’t have a bone scan. This is your health and if you want to be the type if runner that goes sub three you need to train like one, eat like one, and get treatment like one. If it is a stress fx you should hsbve been non weight bearing. In this post alone you talked about buying a season pass movies and in the past Marc Jacobs bag Tory Burch eye lash ext. Its time to be an adult and spemnd your money wisely. If you can’t afford health care you might need to get s job.


Thanks doc:) my doctor(S) actually told me that it wasn’t worth it because the treatment would be the same for a muscle issue as well as a bone issue at this point—> don’t run until it doesn’t hurt and don’t do anything that makes it hurt. If my doctor tells me it is a waste to get the bone scan then I definitely am not going to. I can afford it but certainly don’t want to spend 600$ on something my DOCTOR thinks is unnecessary . I actually take their opinions seriously:) As I said in the post it is getting better so I am obviously doing something right. I have also been cleaning up my nutrition a ton. Also, if you understand affiliate links/advertising for major blogs my purchases will make more sense. Don’t act like you know the whole story because you do not.


There are tests such a fulcrum test to r/o stress fx. The Dr should have a preliminary DX for you. Also, the treatment for a stress fx and muscle is not the same. If you feel better you still don’t run for 12 weeks. You should have blood work BC this is stress fx 3 or 4 otr more for you. Is there an underlying vitamin deficiency, etc or just your poor training, eating habits. The bone scan also will tell you is you have osteopenia , something I’d like to know at an early age vs 50 when your fracturing ribs from a sneeze. But, what do I know? I’m just an orthopedic MD, w a husband, not living in my parents basement.


Shame on you! You have no right to criticize her for taking her own Dr’s advice over the advice of a reader. You may very well be what you claim to be, but I would not take your advice without knowing your credentials. I would think any medical professional would want a patient to rely on their own Dr’s advice and not some advice from an anonymous internet post.


Look up the research, sweetie. That will confirm


I could hug you Gretchen.

You, Andrea, not so much.


Wow Andrea! Is your medical liability insurer aware that you practice cybermedicine? Across state lines? I hope you didn’t use your real email address to write those posts. If you did, you should probably send Janae an apology, or at the very least a disclaimer.


You may be an MD with a husband (wait are we giving out awards for this now?), but you’re still a bitch.

It had to be said.


Mwahahahaha. A jealous bitch indeed.


Andrea — that was COMPLETELY rude and uncalled for. Just to think of someone sitting behind a phone or computer typing out horrible things about Janae just makes me sick. The fact that you wrote out ‘But, what do I know? I’m just an orthopedic MD, w a husband, not living in my parents basement’ is just so very horrible. I hope you sincerely apologize to Janae for being so obviously rude and ignorant.

Janae is beautiful and an inspiration to MANY people. Shame on you, Andrea.


I really hope that you realize how horrible those things you said are, Andrea. Janae knows her body and knows how to spend her money. You obviously don’t know her story. She works hard to earn money and you definitely don’t have the right to tell her what to buy with it!

BTW – Thanks for the nice comment, Gretchen! And Candice – ditto.


I love you, Janae. No happy well balanced person would write this. If she really knew, she would have never said this. Her opinion isn’t worth your time. Just keep swimming (or running in the water) ;)


*knew you….if she really knew you ;)


Andrea, bitter much? I can’t tell if you’re most jealous because Janae can afford a Marc Jacobs (Janae’s uncle?) bag, because Janae is going to be a sub 3 marathoner soon in spite of her disgusting Diet Coke habit (Dr. Pepper is much better), or because she is smokin’ hot and you’re not. LMK.

I’m assuming you’re not hot, kind of like we are supposed to assume you’re an orthopedic MD like you claim. ;)


Scott, look at Gretchen’s resin to Andrea’s posts. No where does she make assumptions about Andrea’s looks or hotness or jealousy. Your comments, whether you realize it or not, demean a woman’s statements on the basis of your assumption of her attractiveness to men rather than the quality of the comments. You are now just as in the wrong as Andrea’s harsh comments.


* reaction. (Finicky phone)


Amanda, clearly you missed the sarcastic tone in my post. Let me more clearly state my point. It is sad that some women feel the need to tear down other women for no other reason I can see unless it’s jealousy. Why can’t they build each other up instead? If Andrea truly cared about Janae’s health she could have approached it with genuine concern and offered her “expert” advice. Instead she chose to tear her down in some really shallow ways.

Also, although my “hot” comment was just making a point, you clearly took it to heart. You have no idea what I consider hot, and I didn’t say sexy or anything like that. Hot or attractive is entirely subjective. Don’t worry about what strangers on the internet think of you. Have confidence in yourself! (Confidence is hot by the way) ;)


You so profoundly did not and do not get it.


And clearly you don’t either….


I really don’t think you have the right to criticize like that. Janae is an incredible mother and runner! With running being such a big part of her life I’m sure she wouldn’t jeopardize a medical test if it would help returning. From what I’ve read Janae has seen a few medical professionals and is listening to their advise. Good job Janae and how rude Andrea to write what you did.


Geez louise. Looks like they didn’t teach you manners in med school. I would highly suggest reading “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie, Andrea. Life is going to be a tough road if you choose this way of giving advice. ;-) I can’t tell if you lack social skills (which is why your comments came off so harsh) or if you genuinely were trying to be mean. Either way, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.

You’re the best, Janae. Don’t let snarky people with nothing better to do steal your joy. ;-) I’m rooting for you!


I love the picture from the video of you running on Antelope Island! Great shot!


Oh my goodness what a fun day!!! I love going to the movies at night…makes it more magical. lol


I don’t often write but had to today… I’m getting sick of people who feel that they can come on here and tell you what to do- or critise you about what you should be doing, how you should be spending your money, or what you should be writing about on your blog. I can’t quite believe some of the comments quite frankly. This is Janae’s blog and her life so please stop telling her what to do. I don’t know her, but quite frankly neither do a lot of you, and you should be minding your own business. We have no place to be telling her to spend money on a bone scan rather than a bag- no one does quite frankly. And for all of those who posted here a few days ago asking Janae to change her blog content and stop posting pictures of Brooke I think you were rude and your comments were totally unnecessary. If you don’t like the content no one is forcing you to read.
Rant over!
Have a good day everyone


I second that! Some people are just ignorant I try and teach my kids no point in wasting your breathe over ignorant people.


Thank you so much Mandy and Christina!


Absolutely! Don’t even waste a single sweat drop off those comments gurl leave all the sweating for the pool! And soon races!


I could hug you both Mandy and Christina!


I second this! Seeing those comments really gets my blood boiling.


Agreed! It’s helpful to remember that sometimes people write much meaner things on the internet than they would ever dare to say in person. I think people forget, because the internet is anonymous, that their comments are read by actual flesh and blood human beings who have feelings. It’s also very possible that internet meanness is a symptom of deep unhappiness, or a lack of something fundamental to the commenter’s well being in their personal life. If this is the case here then all we can do is wish her well and move on with our day.


I really want to see that movie! We saw the preview show they have at Disneyland and looked good! I heard her daughter had a cameo because she knew she wouldn’t be scared of her lol…your neice is already that big?? Love the blonde fuzzies!
I PRd today in a 5k I ran!! My time 22:16. I was stoked and was super funny I got first overall female only because there was like 20 people in the race hilarious! I’ll take it!
My youngest son got 2nd for his age. A fun day!


I heard many great things about Maleficient and want to go see it!

I normally don’t crave soda but yesterday I was craving it and had a Mexican Coca Cola for the first time!


whoa… I don’t get leaving harsh commentary. Why not just ask a question if you have one, Janae actually seems to answer questions openly.?

Well, I don’t normally comment, but just thought the picture of you running was outstandingly beautiful!

Have a great day ~ :)


ok, not a frequent commenter to 2 comments back-to-back.

Just had to add, when I was running this morning – a woman blew through a stop sign and almost ran into me. I jumped/ran to the side and put my hands up “what are you doing”. In response, she flipped me off. I laughed, I mean she really couldn’t have been mad at me for almost getting hit by her car – her anger had nothing to do with me.

Everyone has a bad day, but being an a**h*le isn’t going to make you feel any better.


My favorite part of a wedding is the CAKE! I am seeing that movie next week when my daughter is in town. I can’t wait to see it!


So are you still planning on running the Utah Valley marathon, then? I know that pool running helps keep up fitness but I would be nervous about running a race without getting some road miles in! If you are, good luck!


Same I quit all soda for years and now just on occasion. I’m dealing with knee pain again and you inspire my comeback!


Andrea is no MD! And especially not yours, funny I didn’t see Janae ask your advice about health lol. Sorry you had to deal with such negative rants from someone posing as a doctor. Most doctors can spell!


queen of awkwardness right HERE! lol. bwahahaha…i kinda go with the excuse that an injured runner can pretty much fall back on any ‘vice’ they need to in order to fill the void. ;) stay sane! jk. and i’m dying to see that movie!!


I saw this pin and thought of you ( then I read what movie you went to.

I don’t usually go to movies on opening day but I saw an extended trailer (in 3D) at California Adventure and was too excited to wait. IT WAS FABULOUS. I totally want to see it again. Angelina Jolie was perfect! Did you know that the five-year-old is her own daughter? The other kids they tried out for the part were too afraid of her!


You’re inspiring me to get my butt into the pool, especially on days when it gets too hot here to do running outside without getting absolutely nauseated!


Keep doing what you’re doing Janae and ignore medical advice from anonymous commenters. You’ll be out there in no time!



You are such an inspiration to more people than you can ever know. I have followed your blog for two years and look forward to your posts everyday! You’ve been through more experiences than any of us will know or ever fully understand, even though you put a lot out there for us to read!

Take care of yourself and your sweet little one. Best wishes on your improving recovery!!!


Thanks so much Julie! That means a lot to me!


You look killer in this photo!


I want to see that movie SO badly! It looks amazing!


I love the picture of you running! :) And congrats on the Diet Coke <3


Haha, I did the same thing with diet coke this morning, first one in awhile and it was delicious! I’m looking forward to running/trying to run tomorrow!


Your weekend looks pretty awesome! The most excitement I had was leaving the house without the baby for the first time to go to the grocery store. I’m pretty wild.


That wedding food looked totally awesome!
Your blogs have inspired me to just stay positive and strive to be more healthy. I love your positive spirit!!

Be blessed.


OMG- I saw that movie last night and LOVED it!! So good!! And Angelina was amazing in it!


That last running picture is awesome!

I want to see that movie but none of my friends do – they all say they are scared of her, haha!


Hi Janae,
Question for you about pool running – do you wear tennis shoes or water shoes? I’m only 5’2″ and when I’ve tried to run in the water in the past, I can only get about 1/2 way down the lane before the water is up to my face. Any suggestions?

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