My muscles attempted to endure a conditioning class and trying to not go to froyo every night of my life.

You know your child loves you when she gets up on the massage table so that she can feed you Cheerios to make you happy while you are getting a very painful deep tissue massage/scraping. I took some pictures of my leg/hip after this session because they are really bruised up but then I remembered that is probably the last thing that you want to see this morning so I will spare you.

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Pizza for dinner.  Something I could eat every single night of my life.  The sun-dried tomato one spoke to my soul.

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After dinner we had to stop at the grocery store and as you can see… Brooke is my mini-me.  We both have a strange obsession with broccoli.

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I am trying hard to not go out to froyo every night of my life anymore and so I made an at home version with greek yogurt, strawberries and almond butter.  It did the trick.

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After the Brookers went to bed, Jess and I went to Megan’s amazing Conditioning Class!  The class is every Tuesday night (more info here) and the class combines muscular endurance, strength and aerobic endurance.  

She is an incredible instructor and this class was no joke.  Utah peeps—>  come with me next week and let’s get strong together.  Sounds good.

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16 years of friendship.  

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The class was about 55 minutes of strength/endurance and then 20 minutes of really good stretching and we did my new favorite IT Band stretch.  Try this out, it gets the IT Band really good!

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Jess and I decided to get some SoBe in creepy clown cups on the way home. 

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PS Jess did awesome in her trail half-marathon on Saturday and she was rocking the shirt yesterday.  

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I need to hear a fun fact about you this morning!!  Anything at all… something unique about you!

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Had a relaxing 6 mile easy paced run early this morning with a balanced bites podcast! There’s something about having “fun” before anyone else wakes up that makes my day.

Kids are so drawn to broccoli because of the whole “mini tree” thing. She’s adorable :)


That pizza looks delicious! And I think I’m not coordinated enough for that it band stretch but it looks like it feels fantastic…

Hmm, unique fact…I went bungee jumping when I was 15!


I think you and Brooke are the cutest duo!


A unique fact about LOLZ…

I actually didn’t start to enjoy coffee until sophomore year of college!


I didn’t like coffee until I was 30! I decided I needed caffeine while on a short weekend trip to Canada with my sis :) Now I <3 it!


i didnt like coffee till i was 23 years old hahah


I did no miles today, it was a bad air day in china. That class sounds intense though, I always think I’m in shape running until I take a class and realize how not in shape I am


Had a piece of dark chocolate this morning that spoke to my soul… Just like that sun-dried tomato spoke to yours, lol! x


Best froyo substitute… Plain Greek yogurt (8oz) + 1tb peanutbutter + 1tb honey + whatever mix ins you want! I add chocolate chips if it’s for dessert or banana if it’s breakfast! Enjoy!


Sun dried tomato pizza is my favorite! Sun dried tomatoes on anything makes it instantly my favorite :)

I’ll definitely add that IT band stretch to my routine! Thank you!


I could eat pizza every single day, too. I had it for dinner last night and breakfast this morning. It’s just so good!


I haven’t had pizza in over a week…thank you for reminding me to eat some ASAP. :)

Fun (nerdy) fact: I attended every single class during college.


TJ’s salted almond butter has a special place in my heart! Amazing!


Um that is hilarious about the froyo…no joke my husband asked me if I wanted to go last night and I was like “no I really need to be better” so I made the same concoction (sp?) with chobani vanilla yogurt, honey, blueberries, and raspberries! How funny!!


I eat my food one thing at a time ….in alphabetical order. I know, I’m sort of weird.


I’ve gotten better about this. I would always eat one thing at a time. My boyfriend is still the same way.

For example, last night he ate his broccoli and cheese, then his sweet potatoes, then his cornbread muffin, then his steak.

I guess I don’t do this anymore because I’d be full before I get to the best part of the meal.

What I am weird about is eating chips. I have to eat all the tiny chips at the bottom of the bag first before I get to the big chips.


That stretch looks like it would really get you IT bands good but I don’t even think it is possible for me to twist like that… Fun fact- I wasn’t able to touch my toes until junior year of high school – after working really hard on my flexibility!


Broccoli for dayssss! I’ve realized I can’t get up without listening to that peaches song by Presidents of the United States – random I know! You should post your current play list!! I’m dying for some new music (peaches can only be tolerated at 5Am) :)


Running related fact: I used to run with a triple jogger but can’t now because I have four kids ;) talk about a crazy workout… your blog!


Fun fact… the cycling instructor I have every Wednesday looks like you! She is also super enthusiastic and I image you were the same back when you were teaching!


I started rowing this spring and when I cox/steer the boat I always tell the rowers, “your primary responsibility is to protect your cox from bird attack.” Birds, man. They’re mean.


Oh my gosh I’ve been on a HUGE pizza kick too! I almost felt guilty about it…then I had another piece. ;)

I did a strength training class two days ago that was all body weight and I’m STILL sore!

Hope your legs get better soon!


Just have to say, your arms look amazing!


I love good IT band stretches. I don’t realize how tight my hip flexors/hamstrings are until I stretch them out during yoga practice. My body feels so much better after!


Hmm I’m left handed and it was my dream for years to grow up to be a country singer :)


Love Brooke’s face in the picture of the broccoli!! And I remember having to try and do that with froyo, it didn’t work, I ended up just having to quit eating it all together haha.
Fun Fact: I have a very high interest in the ocean, especially everything that lives in it, and the deep depths, but I’m scared to death of the ocean. Like scared to death, I will scream if something touches me when I’m only knee high in the water haha, but at the same time I want to learn how to surf and want to go scuba diving. Even though it’ll probably end me having a heart attack from fear hahaha


I need to try that stretch. I hope your leg feels better soon!

Fun fact: My youngest is 7 today and I’m taking him for froyo after school :)


When my twin and I were 5, we were playing tag in the house and I tripped him. He fall on the metal railing between our stairs and cracked his head open. He got 11 stitches and he still has the scar today when he shaves his head. I promise I do actually love him though :)


My name is Sally and my brothers name is Charlie and growing up kids used to ask if we had a dog named snoopy. My mom swears she never made the connection to the Peanuts. :)


I wish we had a class like that here! I’m in need of a routine change up that’s for sure! Hope your leg gets feeling better after the scraping!

Random, it’s my birthday and I wanted to be one of those cool people that can run their age in miles, but I made it 2+5 instead :) I got birthday cake Oreos when I got to work. ;)


Happy birthday! I like your addition method :) haha


My little one is 7 today! Emotional day for this mama. Happy Birthday!!


I just love the Brooke pics. Never stop!

I told my newish boyfriend the other night that I hate metal spoons, and save all my plastic fro yo spoons so that I can use them at home. Of all the wacky things he’s learned about me over the last couple months, he said that was by far the weirdest. (I disagree).


As much as I love going out for dessert, greek yogurt plus fruit plus peanut butter (and oatmeal mixed in too) always hits the spot.


I have been pulled over 7 times and have yet to get a ticket.


Do you have Double D’s? :)


I’ve worked in shipping/receiving for 4 years & BOTH of my jobs are related to it. One is working for USPS the other is a family business where 90% of our customers orders are mail :).

Oh, the weird part is, I actually love anything to do with shipping. I can’t explain why. haha.


Then you would be instant friends with me because I do 99% of my shopping online. The Fed Ex driver told my husband the other day “man, you guys get something like every day”. Guilty :)


There were 4 kids in our family, 2 left handed. My sister has 4 kids, 2 left handed. Out of my twins, 1 is left handed. We’re 50% left handed…kind of unique!


Something weird about me: I don’t really like cheese on my pizza. It’s okay if there’s not a lot of it, but huge, thick globs of mozzarella make me nauseous. It’s just gross, I don’t know why.


I’m not a huge cheese person either…I have weird texture issues when it comes to a lot of cheese! I usually give most of my cheese to my husband, and order ‘light’ cheese whenever possible.


Fun fact! I can speak in cartoon voices. I am told I sound like Donald Duck!


I make that snack almost every night! I love it with some honey as well, so good! Something unique about me is I never sleep past 7:30 am, it is kinda weird. My internal clock is so weird!


I just started volunteering with big brothers big sisters and today is my first meet up with my little sister :)


I just tried to do the IT band stretch but I can’t reach my foot to hold on… maybe I need to take up yoga instead!


Oooh! Gonna need to try that IT band stretch. Mine feel like they are starting to get tight again from marathon training.

Fun fact – I am going to be doing my first full marathon this fall with Team In Training! So excited!


Good luck!! I am a huge supporter of LLS (my mom died of leukemia). If I had any desire to run a marathon, I would do Team in Training. But instead I do the Light the Night walk in Denver each fall (it’s like a 3 mile walk around Wash Park).


I got in a 10 mile run this morning. Five miles at the track for a track workout and then finished up 5 more, because I felt like I was so close to 10. Ha. That was dumb.

I am tired now.

Fun fact. I grew up living in a funeral home.
Or maybe some people might think that’s not fun at all. :)


In college, I threw a birthday party for a dog. It was attended by 8 other dogs and around 65 humans.


Well, my oatmeal exploded in the work microwave when I wasn’t paying attention. Luckily it was easy to clean up, and it all worked out because one of my coworkers is both crazy and amazing and got us cronuts.


Fun fact about me, my husband and I just bought our first house yesterday!!


Fun fact- I’m going to get a gym membership for the first time in almost 2 years!


My fun fact is that I had frozen yogurt for breakfast this morning… yes, breakfast ;)

I also have a question – I took some time off from running this winter and am starting up again and have been getting TERRIBLE shin splints. I have been stretching and bought some new shoes last week, and went on a few runs with no pain (yay!) but last night I ran on the treadmill and the pain was back. I was wondering if you had any advice? Do compression socks/sleeves help?

Thanks in advance :)


omg I LOVE the picture of Brooke trying to grab broccoli! Goes to show that kids can love their veggies!


Busted. We can see the bruises. Holy smokes Girl. You are one tough cookie.

Now I want cookies.

Never do I want broccoli. You must be doing something right with Brookers.


I just ordered stuff at amazon and needed something to put me into free shipping range. so I found some 4×6 post its to get- and now those are the thing I am most excited about to get! haha. I just love office supplies, I guess ;)


I’m getting pizza tonight for dinner…and really excited about it! My husband and I have been eating it at least once a week…which is totally healthy right?


That pizza looks amazing! I don’t think I can touch my toes right now-much less pull off that IT band stretch!

Random fact-my middle finger is super jammed right now. I can’t bend it all the way or straighten it. It looks pretty bruised up too. Darn flag football!


Mmm, that pizza looks great!


Fun Fact: I kind of enjoy cleaning the bathroom.


Come over! I have 3!


lol, that might just cure me of it ;)


I just tried the oikos frozen yogurt for the first time while watching the bachelorette on Monday- I loved it!!


I’m 55 and I can still do the splits.


Haha I love the pic of Brooke feeding you Cheerios :) I could eat pizza everyday too. Unique fact: I’m kind of obsessed with cooking and if I’m not cooking I’m watching food network or reading food network magazine (interestingly becoming a doctor instead of a chef though)!


I can feel the pain from that IT stretch by just looking at the picture!
fun fact: My older sister got to help name me when I was born, and she picked ‘Karen’ from her favorite movie, Frosty the Snowman.


Ha!! I love when my babe goes for the same foods I do. Pretzels are my favorite and he always wants some. Love it. And Teddy Grahams. I think we need to take a page out of your and Brooke’s book and get on the broccoli train…


Fun fact = woke up at 4:40 and shared a cup of coffee with my 20 year old son… works at a golf course SUPER EARLY!
Intrigued by what “scraping” is???
I am finally being more religious about my foam roller. I am training for Chicago in October and my old legs really struggle with high hamstring tendonitis. Love my foam roller but it hurts!!!


Fun fact: it took me ten years to graduate from college. At times I worked 3 jobs at once eventually landed a full time job and went to school at night. Paid for it myself. First one in entire family to graduate and with honors.


You looked jacked in those pics!! Your strength classes are realyl paying off!! :)


I don’t know if it’s fun or weird but my eyes are two different color browns… one is dark almost black and the other is light brown almost hazel… super annoying when doing make up… I noticed Elle has a similar characteristic… her eyes are hazel.. one is def darker than the other…your welcome ella lol..


Fun fact about me: if I could actually reach my feet with my hands and with my legs stretched out that would probably be an awesome IT band stretch…


Fun fact about me – the first year x-factor was in the states, I auditioned and actually got pretty far into the process. Fun, but not something I ever really feel the need to do again!


Fun fact about me: I am missing one of my frontal sinuses (found out when I had a CT scan to see why I kept getting sinus infections).

Fun fact about my dog: she doesn’t know to bark at the doorbell. She just sits there and looks at the door. LOL.


hmmm….interesting fact……I GOT ENGAGED SUNDAY!!


Ahhhhhhh huge congratulations! So excited for you!


Thank you :)


Mmmm pizza!

That does look like a fab stretch for the IT-band. Way to strength train and stretch! You will be better in no time :)


I sooo have a broccoli obsession as well. I will also add this IT band stretch into my rotation. Keep sharing ideas!


I just completed my first week of a running plan for beginners thanks to your encouraging reply to my email..that’s interesting :-)

Also got my first real pair of running shoes..I kinda love them.


Those clown cups ARE creepy! I wonder who designed them!


Fun Fact: I got a job in the kid zone of the YMCA on Amelia Island this summer! A free membership goes along with the job so cycling classes here I come!!
Have a wonderful day!


I have a question regarding your scraping when you come back from runs. I wonder if “anyone” could do it? I often massage my husbands legs when he comes back from cycling rides (he went for 7 hours on Monday!!) and it kills my hands haha. I guess I shouldn’t complain. I’ve often gotten out a (for him, not for food) wooden rolling pin to roll out his legs.


fun fact: I read all the other comments – because I love weird fun facts :D


I could get myself in position to do that IT band stretch. Anything for a modification?


Feeding Cheerios to someone is the ultimate act of love :) Haha. My son loves to feed me whatever he’s eating… which is cute, but not always good. I don’t need any more temptation to eat his graham crackers and cheerios!

Fun fact for today – I love having a fence around my backyard! While my son is playing outside, I can do body-weight crossfit workouts without looking like a crazy person :)


I just finished reading a non-fiction book for the first time in four years (I read a lot for my job so I don’t always have time). It was amazing!


I mean fiction :) I’m clearly on vacation, too! haha!


Is it weird that I eat your dessert for my breakfast – right now it’s Greek yoghurt, raspberries (thanks Costco!) and honey.

Fun fact: Growing up I was the only person in my house who is right-handed. I still set the table like I’m feeding a bunch of lefties!


fun fact: my family is obssessed with cavalier king charles spaniels. ruby and black&tan. we have had 5 all together now haha


My son is 4 and he and I love broccoli as well.

Fun fact: I am wearing a shirt that says “AS IF” on it. I bought one for my BFF who lives across the country for her birthday. This is aging myself, I suppose, but we were majorly into “Clueless” when it came out, and it’s still her favorite. I liked the shirt so much that I went back a few days later (to the Target clearance rack, yay) and got one for me. :)


What are you doing holding back on us? Show us the bruise!

I’m also attempting to not sustain myself on Fro Yo. It’s tough though. Especially when I’m watching the Pioneer Woman, who makes the yummiest looking unhealthy food.

Also, you need to read The One & Only by Emily Giffin. You will love!


The stretch looks awesome, I’ll have to try it out.

I used to host a kids television show when I was 16! My first show I got to visit an gelato ice cream factory and learn how to make ice cream!! BEST JOB EVER!!


I really need to try that IT band stretch! My IT band is the one thing that just never quits. And it always causes issues with my knees and hips as well. I can’t find a good cupping person here, so I might have to suck it up, buy a set and do it myself (ahhh too scared!)


That stretch looks beyond painful :/ But probably felt amazing…


Haha I would NOT look like that if I did that stretch…I’ll still try it though ;)

Something unique about me is that I had incredibly straight hair until around the 6th grade an then all of a sudden it started to get curly. I hated it at the time and only wore my hair up until college! Yep, college! My mom tried to convince me that people pay to get curls and I said she was a liar…moms are always right.


Fun fact: I hate the feel of cotton balls. like ALOT. I just opened a bottle of ibuprofren and I shiver and cringe just thinking about taking the cotton out. My bf has to do it for me.


Sun dried tomatoes are probably the best pizza topping, ever. Try them with feta omggggg.

p.s. your nails are cute!



My “amen” comment was supposed to go to your OTHER reply,
Whoops! I think you are a terrific blogger, and one of the most interesting ones I’ve ever read-I find you to be tremendously inspiring!


ooh can I pinterest that stretch??

I don’t know if I ever told you, my deal with my son is always he can pick out one veggie and one fruit when we shop. Price doesn’t matter. I know it is probably crazy, but he has never asked for candy/junk/boxed cereal (which was we could pick)


I have never liked soft drinks, actually any sweet drinks. Love froyo, chocolate and ice cream but just can’t tolerate sweet drinks. I go through a zillion bottles of Mineral water.

All the pics of the Brookers are so amazingly cute, she’s really looking like you in her facial expressions :)


You need to get a Yonana’s maker! It’s the best substitution for FroYo and is still supper healthy. All you need is frozen fruit.

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