Better not Bitter

So this is exciting.  Who else got into the St. George Marathon?  It is going to be quite the party.

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Fun fact—>  Brookers is really enjoying her daily piano lessons.  

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Utah is still pretending that it is supposed to be snowing in the mountains and cold outside even though it is May so soup just felt right last night.  I haven’t made my Chicken Cream Cheese Chili for a very long time and it has now reentered my life.  Once again, the crockpot makes life so easy and delicious.

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After dinner I had a glimpse into what our entire summer is going to look like:

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And I ended the night with the best chocolate chip cookie I have ever had in my life.  I am not messing around when I say that.  The creator of this cookie has spent years perfecting the recipe to produce this perfect cookie.  Recipe will be up soon!

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As I was riding along my spin bike yesterday I was rereading from one of my favorite books.  A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.  This highlighted part is my favorite: 

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I love the idea of having control over hard situations and being able to choose how you will react and what the situation will do to you. 

I met the girls at 5:15 for a workout this morning and made it two miles.  My right quad is really not feeling so great and this morning I just couldn’t run through it.  I will go on in to the doc and see what is up but I am guessing I’ll just need a few days- a week off (fingers crossed) and then I will be right back out there.  The marathon is only a month a way…  silly body.   

I am glad I read that above portion from my book yesterday because it is easy to get really bitter/upset/frustrated when we are injured/almost injured/don’t hit the times we want after working so hard…   BUT I’ll just take the next few days to get BETTER, stronger, get more sleep, hit up the pool and bike and cuddle Brookers.  


Who else got into the St. George Marathon?

Do you have a favorite (or a few) book?  What is it?!?

What did you have for dinner last night?  Are you a crockpot user?

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Oh no I am sorry your quad is acting up :( I am sure it’s just stressed after your long run this past weekend and needs a little break! You will rock this marathon in a month girl!

BTW I shared your Cream Cheese Chicken Chili with a friend a while back and she makes it all the time now for parties and girls nights! It’s sooooo good! :)


I had taco bell for dinner last night. Talk about random.

I have just started the book Gone Girl. Can’t put it down.
Also, liked Shanghi Sisters.


Gone Girl is a crazy good book. Very twisted but I loved it.


Mmmm taco bell, thanks for changing my lunch plans lol


I love making chili in the crockpot! I had pizza last night though ;)

I’ve actually always wanted to run that marathon but it’s super far from home so I’ll be doing Columbus this year again because it’s my favorite :)


The Nationwide Columbus marathon in Ohio?? In October??? I JUST signed up for that one so that I HAVE to train and actually DO it! haha First time. Sorta.


Love the crockpot. I may have to add that chili to my dinner rotation for next week. It sounds so yummy! Good luck at the doctors.


I just finished a book that I bet you would like called Off Script. It is basically about how to handle life when it does not go according to the script that we have written for it.
I also just finished Safely Home and that is a great book and I am starting Unbroken.
I love the crock pot!!! I hate cooking and I am not that good at it….but the crock pot makes me seem like a chef and it is so easy!!!!


I read “Unbroken”– warning it gets VERY intense. I had a hard time sleeping. It is still a good book, but very disturbing, to say the least


Congrats on getting into the St. George Marathon!

My all time favorite book is The Great Gatsby.. I read it in HS and read it every year as an adult….

I am not a cooker of any sort but this summer I pledged to teach myself how to cook. Yup I went for the classic pizza for dinner last night…lol my poor kids…


Me! Me! I got into the St. George marathon! So did my son – we’re so excited! It will be my first marathon.


Congrats on the first marathon


Congrats Sally! I got in too! Hope to see you there :)


You are always inspiring.


I LOVE A Million Miles and a Thousand Years!!!! Have you read Blue Like Jazz?


I hope you get good news at the doctor about your quad and some rest will clear it right up!

My favorite running book is Eat & Run by ultramarathoner Scott Jurek … I’ve read it about a billion times! He details out his best ultra wins, what was going through his mind, how he pushed himself, what his training was like and what he ate during the race (and training).


Amen to getting better, not bitter. I have said it before, but I’ll say it again: Hate is like swallowing poison and expecting someone else to die from it. (Someone else said it first, obviously. I’m not that clever.) Bitterness only hurts yourself.

I think running is a natural antidote to bitterness! How can you be bitter with all those endorphins flowing through you?


Love this quote.


I absolutely love reading, I just finished Gone Girl, and I have to admit that it is the first book where I hate ALL of the characters. One of my favorite books has to be the Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella. I am also a big fan of the GoT series and Harry Potter Books.

I had grilled chicken and broccoli for dinner, on the 21-day fix meal plan, and that is an approved meal. Wasn’t hateful :)


Oh goodness! Good luck with your quad I hope a week of some lovin fixes it right up!

I am insanely jealous of your access to a trampoline ! We aske for a trampoline for every birthday/Christmas you name is for…. How old am I now? Haha
I just don’t buy my parents excuse that it’s too dangerous. No siree :)


We have one and I think the parents have more fun than the kids do lol


Congrats on getting into the marathon! I admire your strength and ability to run like you do!

I love to exercise but do not see myself ever completing a marathon. You’re amazing!! You give me motivation and my motto now is yours- I can do hard things- we have quite a lot in common- I am reminded of this as I read your posts daily. :)

By the way, I would love to see your chocolate chip recipe!


I love St. George! Such a beautiful place. Congrats on getting in!

Dinner last night was spinach and ricotta pasta. It was pretty good.

I love the crockpot. I love cooking in it because it’s really just combining and leaving it. I can do that! Plus I love having leftovers so I don’t have to cook as much. Win, win!


Congrats on getting into the marathon!

I hate cooking but I LOVE my crockpot. So easy! Maybe I’ll have to make that chili this week. :)


Now you’ve got me craving soup! Love my crockpot!


Great attitude! Rest up!


I don’t use my crockpot nearly enough but love it when I do! I have a bunch of favorite books Little Bee, Gone Girl, great Gatsby, midnight in the garden of good and evil, the list goes on…..


Even in the face of this setback you are still SO STRONG! I honestly don’t believe that there is any way you won’t get that sub-3 with your determination. Get better soon. :)


oooh, I look forward to that cookie recipe! I hope your quad gets better :)


Congrats on getting into the marathon!!

Last night I had a sweet potato with black beans, spinach, jalapenos, and sour cream. Yum yum yum!!

I have so many favorite books I can’t even begin! I do love me some Harry Potter :) On a totally different note, Devil in the White City is amazing. Very dark though, but SO interesting!!


1. Congrats on getting into St. George! That’s my goal race for next next fall (2015) so I can’t wait to see how you do and what you think of the course!
2. Can’t wait for that cookie recipe! Looks soooo good!
3. I’m sorry about your calf! I’ll be praying for you and keeping my fingers crossed that a few days of rest will heal it 100%!!


That is such a great quote!


I have a thousand favorite books because I love to read and it’s so hard to pick just one.

I love my crock pot but I don’t use it nearly enough.

Good luck with the doctor, I hope you can find out what’s going on with your quad and get back to 100%.


I thought of you and your love for TJ’s when I read this, this morning!!! I had almost all those items!!!!! How about you??


I LOVE IT!! Thank you so much for sharing this with me and yep… I think I have had almost all of them and I love them!


Thank you for that advice! I am just now approaching the end of a very LONG layoff (8 weeks and counting), and there have been many times when I’ve been tempted to be bitter. It’s been a hard road, but I’ve learned a lot of lessons along the way.

Congrats on getting into the St. George marathon!!! And I hope your quad will feel better ASAP!!


Congrats on getting into St. George! My four running gal pals and I got in too! We are so excited!!!!


Congrats Daniela, I got in to the marathon too! Seems like most everyone does, maybe they just want to make us nervous? Haha. Hope to see you there!


congrats on getting in to st. george! wow those cookies do look awesome… i really want one! haha i cant wait until you put up the recipe!

I recently got back into reading again… I just read the hunger games series… it really does live up to the hype!

i had new orleans style shrimp with rice! very good…made by my momma (i moved home in mid march temporarily)


Congrats on the Marathon! I love Don (Donad Miler). He’s actually good friends with my brothrs back in Portland Oregon. Have you read all of his books?


hang in there! i hate being injured, but taking a week off for a maybe injury is better than taking off 3+ months for a serious injury ;)


Boo quad! I hope it feels better really soon! And YAY for getting into St. George! How cool!
The crock pot rocks. It just doesn’t work for my schedule most days. I’m usually gone for a few hours longer than I would need something to cook.


I will definitely be using my crockpot a lot this summer! When I go back down to South Carolina I’ll be working all day and I am not looking to spend hours cooking at night!


That is a great quote and so important. I try and react to things in the same way I want Evan to react, since I feel like he is learning so much from me. If I’m frustrated and want to throw something, I think about whether I’d want him to react that way and it helps to calm down and deal with a bad situation in a more relaxed manner (not that I would EVER have thrown something in frustration, but I might have gotten snippy with someone or worked up about it). It makes all the difference and actually makes me feel better when I react better.

Also, I LOVE the crockpot. I usually cook a meal in there on Sundays and Wednesdays. I just made sesame chicken in there this week. Last night I had chicken teriyaki and I actually made the teriyaki sauce from scratch – it was super easy!

My all-time favorite book is Pollyanna. I read it as a child and it really shaped my outlook on life – made me always want to look for the good in people and in life.


Kattrina, have you ever seen the Pollyanna movie? I have never read the book but I LOVE the movie. I’ll have to go read the book now!


Love that part you highlighted!! It is so true. We control our happiness, and sometimes we just need a little reminder :). And I’m obsessed with The Hobbit!!


Take care of that quad! Maybe you can use the downtime to do some hamstring strengthening. Whenever I feel a muscle pain coming on, I work on stretching and strengthening the opposing muscle. It really helps, because usually it’s part of the problem!


That is an awesome quote. We CAN control how we react and whether we are bitter or get better! I had the most random dinner last night. A turkey burger (just the burger), half an avocado, and mashed cauliflower. Then I was absolutely starving at 10pm so I had a handful of cereal. :)


Take care of yourself!

Dinner last night was tacos with those homemade tortillas :)


That’s cool that you got into that marathon! I like the better – not bitter quote too!


Let’s talk about the muffins in that picture. Are they corn muffins? I need to know more!

I love that – get bitter or better. It makes perfect sense :)


Fingers crossed for you re: injury!


I love the quote! I write a blog with book reviews. Check it out if you get a chance!

If you’re looking for a little inspiration / strength, I was really moved by Jean-Dominique Bauby’s The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (Review here: For someone who lost so much, he had a beautiful view of the world. An added bonus? It’s very short.

Another read you might find inspiring, though it’s somewhat difficult in terms of content, is Naomi Benaron’s Running the Rift (review here: It’s about a runner in Rwanda around the time of the 1994 genocide. Very sad, but also enlightening. Plus, it’s about running!!

I love your posts Janae! Hope the quad feels better soon!


St. George is definitely on my race bucket list, looks so beautiful! Congrats on another awesome race opportunity!

Last night I did easy chicken teriyaki bowls of basically quinoa, baked chicken teriyaki, and mixed veggies. Delicious, simple, and totally eaten on the couch whilst watching Mindy. Sorta-kinda-perfect.

I have TOO MANY favorite books. I wish I could just read read all day long.


I love Mile Markers! It was a great motivational book for me. I love the crockpot too.


I’ll be at St. George too! 15 year club this year! :). You will absolutely LOVE it!


Wow Angie, 15 years is awesome! So inspiring. I’ll be at the race too for my first year ever. I’m so excited!


Thanks for sharing the better, not bitter quote. I need it! I was diagnosed with a metatarsal stress fracture last week, and while I’m doing my best to stay positive, it hasn’t been easy. I need to keep the big picture – how incredibly blessed I am in so many ways – in mind and realize that this is an opportunity to get stronger in other areas (mentally and physically) while my bone heals.

Good luck at your doc appointment today!


Yay! Congratulations on the St George! Very happy for you.

Glad you’re being “smart” about your quad. I’m sure you’re stressed about taking time off right now — but it I’ll all work out and you’ll be that much stronger for having done the right thing. (not to say it doesnt suck and I wish you didn’t have to deal with it at all!)

I have so many favorite books. Just read The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian. VERY good.

I love my crockpot, but go through phases where I use it constantly and others, like now, where it stares at me forlornly. Your chili looks amazing!

Take care of yourself, Lady!


Congrats on the St. George marathon! Very exciting!

So sorry to hear your quad is still bothering you. Hopefully some R&R will heal it right up! I love your attitude!


I got into St. George too! This will be my first SGM and I’m nervous… It’s only 3 weeks after Big Cottonwood Marathon! Eek!

My latest favorite book is Wild by Cheryl Strayed. It’s one of those books I couldn’t put down!


Congrats on getting in to the marathon Michelle! I got in too. I was also considering Big Cottonwood but that much downhill scares me :) St. George looked more do-able and everyone loves it!


One of my favorite books is ‘Can You Keep a Secret’ by Sophie Kinsella. It’s a fluffy book but oh so funny! I have read it at least 10 times, if not more:)

We had hamburgers leftover from Mother’s Day. Toast the bun and it feels like you are eating a gourmet burger!

We love the crockpot. Of course, in AZ right now we don’t use it as much but love it.

Awesome quote!


That is a great quote!! Thank you for sharing. I hope your quad is okay and will heal up quickly with some rest, scraping, ice, compression…all that good stuff.

Dinner last night for me was bell pepper nachos-I am trying to eat super clean. They are delicious and I didn’t even miss the chips and sour cream…well, maybe I missed the sour cream a little! :)


Janae, rest up girl! You got this! Last year you encouraged me through an injury and it meant the world to me. About a month ago, my knee started its pre-injury twinge and I knew to play it smart… now I’m feeling great. Your body will tell you what you need and right now it sounds like you just need to recover from all of your great feats!!! Even wonderwoman needs to scale back sometimes, right?? :)


Woah, you hit the nail on my head. Saturday, I had my last longest run, before my June 1st marathon, in my hometown of Steamboat Springs. I have been training on the course for a while now and I think have targeted this marathon for too long. I was at mile 11, feeling amazing, hitting all of the paces of the paced run and boom. Like that, I knew a metatarsal was unhappy. Not muscular, a bone. Whether a stress fracture or stress reaction, I have dealt with this before and there is no messing around. After a hip stress fracture 3 years ago, I started to process immediately. I cried on the side of the road, stuck out my thumb until a rancher drove me into town. This was it, no more marathon. Everything I worked for ended in that moment. I can swim, bike, and aqua jog. I can choose to be better or bitter.


Good luck with your injury! I always say ‘focus on what I can do not what I can’t. Good luck at the Steamboat Marathon! I love Steamboat Springs (we live in Loveland). Planning a long weekend up there in late June!


Susan, thank so much. I love Steamboat Springs! I will have to forego this marathon to recover. But I know there is more where this came from.


I do hope your quad feels better super quick…As for books, I love so many but Philipa Gregory’s historical romance series (The Other Boleyn Girl books) were terrific, especially The Queen’s Fool and The Virgin’s Lover…And, you may like Split by Suzanne Finnemore…A divorce story told in such a true yet hysterical way that you almost heal just reading it. A great read, I should probably read it again just because lol.


I really ended this quote today. I am having issues not liking my career/profession anymore. It consumes every minute practically of my time and in tired of spending this much time on something I don’t like doing. I wish I could figure out how to escape it quickly. This quote helped me today.


Wow, this sounds like me lately. Normally I love my job but so busy right now…not so much. Trying to be really positive!!


Just finished reading “Walking on Water” by Richard Paul Evans, the 5th and final book in “The Walk” series. Highly recommended!

LOVE my crock-pot. Actually, I have two and they were both going with Indian food one day last week – Chicken Tikka Masala in one and Aloo Mutter in the other. Dinner last night? Watermelon! I had a huge lunch, so that’s all I wanted.


I love that quote! So true, that you really are about as happy as you make your mind up to be (and not that you have to be happy all the time….it’s important to have those “life kinds sucks right now” days, too).

I hope you can figure out what is going on with that quad! Good luck at the doctor.

Hard to pick a favorite book, but I really enjoyed: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, The Help, Loving Frank, The Fault in Our Stars and Saving Graces.


Mmm that cookie looks delicious! I hope your quad is ok!


I NEED that cookie recipe!

Yay for getting into the St. George marathon! I hope you heal up quickly!

The Daring Ladies of Lowell, These Is My Words, Education of a Wandering Man, My Name is Resolute, My Loving Vigil Keeping, After Hello, Thirteen Reasons Why, The Selection, Shadows of Valor.

I like crockpot food, but I always forget to start it soon enough! Grrr.


Oh no! Sorry about your quad!!! Glad you’re going to the doc though. Last night I had pesto chicken, quinoa, and corn for dinner.


I’ve never heard of the book you referenced, but maybe I’ll check it out this summer! I love the quote :)


The crock pot is my life haha. I moved to Hong Kong a few months ago and I no longer have an oven (no one does here, wah) so I have had to resort to stove-top cooking and the crock pot. it’s already super hot here but I don’t care, I’m makin’ chili! This looks delish and like something I’d heat up and eat all week. winwin :) Thx!!
Really great quote, by the way. Super needed to hear that tonight.
Have a great day, Janae!!


I love this quote and must see if my library has this book! Hope your quad gets better soon!


I’m really sorry to hear about your quad Janae. I hope it’s nothing too serious. Sadly I didn’t get into the marathon…but I didn’t apply either LOL. That being said I should actually sign up for my marathon.


Janae! So glad you got in! Hope to see you there :) I definitely won’t be doing a sub-3 (in my dreams!) but hopefully I’ll be around 3:30-4 hours. Good luck with your injury!


Congrats on getting into the marathon!!! And love that quote!


Congrats on being selected to run the St. George marathon! I’m sure you’ll do fantastic!

I have a crockpot and used it maybe two or three times within the last couple years. I need to use it more often!


Love it, Janae! Be patient with your body, remember, progress and not perfection.
I got into the St. George Marathon, too! I’ll be coming in from Denver, can’t wait! I’m really hoping for a BQ this race.


I looove using the crockpot. It makes it seem like I’m actually a good cook! haha

Congrats on getting in to the St. George marathon!!!


That marathon looks GORGEOUS!


Mmmm crockpot stuff. The best!

LOVE that quote!

I love so so many books. I am reading Labor Day and The Monuments Men right now!


I totally needed to read this today, thank you! I am training for my first full marathon and I have rhuematoid arthritis and it’s been acting up a lot lately. Most of the time I’m good at not letting it get me down but this week has been tough!! Thanks for the reminder that I can choose how I react to challenges, even the ones that just keep coming back!


Congrats for getting in the St. George marathon :) Thanks for sharing that passage from your book. I am going to think that too during my difficult times it can be so easy to be bitter if you don’t think and make a choice to be better :). Hope you and your adorable Brooke have a great day. You are a great Mom!!


Hope your quad checks out okay! Good for you for listening to your body and not pushing through!


Congrats on getting into the marathon. Hope the quad heals fast.

I love my crockpot though only use it probably once a week to cook a meal. Throughout the week though i’ll use it to slow cook beets and sweet potatoes if I won’t have much time to make dinner.


Thanks for some other excellent post. The place else could anyone get that type of information in such an ideal manner of writing?
I have a presentation next week, and I’m on the search for
such info.


Sorry to hear that your leg is still hurting a lot. I’m glad that you are resting up though. Honestly, I think you were doing too many miles. When I read what you have been doing the past 3 weeks, I was pretty concerned. Even if you are training for a marathon, I was thinking in the back of my head “She’s running too much. It’s going to honestly catch-up with her at one point.” I wasn’t hoping that you’d become injured. Definitely not. I never want people to experience pain. But I just had a feeling that with that much pounding it out week after week (what were you doing 60-100 miles/week?)…the body just can’t take it. I sincerely will pray that you feel better and your leg heals soon.

The cookie looks delicious. Looking forward to the recipe.

Brookers is adorable. Glad she likes the trampoline. Great new toy to enjoy this Summer.


Hi Janae,

Hope all is well. :) Yes, love that book. I love all things positive and uplifting so good books are a treasure!! Your Best Life Now is great by Joel Osteen, I also love Joyce Meyers’ books and C.S. Lewis was brilliant! Tons to choose from. I’m all about crock pot cooking. My dad gets crazy in the later part of the day, so starting dinner at four or five doesn’t work well when I’m out being a taxi mom. Having something slowly cooking all day, that family can grab at their convenience (if we can’t sit down together), is where it’s at! Also, because I hate cooking meat, so with a crock pot there’s not a lot of handling involved…lol. I’m looking for a new chocolate chip cookie recipe ASAP. My adorable three year old neighbor Hannah, just broke her shoulder and requested I make her some. I somehow lost my fabulous recipe so….help a sista out. :)

Dinner last night was pathetic and I was lazy. The kids had leftovers so I ate lowfat cottage cheese with chips. Oh and a Hershey’s bar. Amen.

BTW, is the only way to run the St. George by qualifying? I didn’t know that if it is.

My blog address changed from .com (I can’t recover it for some reason), to so I’d love it if you’d drop by and say hello. It’s been awhile. xo, Jess


Yay! Congratulations! I’m sad to report I didn’t get in :( I don’t think I’ll get in until 2016, when they guarantee that I’ll get in on my 3rd attempt! Living in Illinois isn’t working in my favor when it comes to this race but it’s at the very top of my bucket list as I’ve only heard good things about it. In the meantime, I will pick another fall marathon to run. Good luck with your marathon in a few weeks!


Great advice.

My favorite go-to summer time book is “Austenland” by Shannon Hale. I read it when I just want to check out for a day. I also love “Conversations with the Fat Girl” by Liza Palmer. I had to edit my copy (I don’t like reading swear words, personally) but the message of learning that you need to love who you are if you ever hope to reach your own potential is a must for every woman, I think. People flinch at the title but it is one of the sharpest “chick-lit” books out there.

Love my crockpot. Have you tried the tortellini soup recipe all over Pinterest? Oh my word! I exclude the sausage from mine but still… It. Will. Change. Your. Life.


I can’t pick a favorite but I love the same type of books you do so I love all the reco’s.

Dinner last night was BBQ chicken tacos and I HEART my crockpot. It’s a Sunday tradition in the winter/fall. Now that spring/summer is here it’s all about the grill.

I’m on ther verge of a knee injury I know but I can’t make myself stop to rest. Your post helps me realize I’ll be much happier of I just take a de days off!



Hi Janae,

I was worried that you were running too much, too. But you are so young that you should heal quickly. I know how hard it is to try to recover–I had a stress fracture this year that kept me out for three and a half months and it was so trying.

I love the quote about choosing not to be bitter. You are an inspiration.

My favorite books lately are “Wild” by Cheryl Strayed and “The Goldfinch” by Donna Tartt. Good summer reading.

I think I need to get a crockpot!


I love my crock pot too!!! Your chicken soup looked yummy! Will you share your recipe?


Congrats on getting into St. George! I totally use my crock pot all the time! I love to make roasts and whole chickens in it but in winter I always use it for chili’s and stews! Those cookies look bomb and I can’t wait to check out the recipe. My husband is a huge chocolate chip cookie fan so if you’ve perfected it, he will have to try it!


Thank you for sharing that quote!
I am always saying to myself “You can’t change a person or a situation, but you can change how you react to them…” Like your quote and your attitude, I try to make a deliberate effort to react positively in difficult situations. And it makes a world of difference in all aspects of life.

Congrats on getting into STG!!! I ran it last year and it is amazing, you will love it.


That’s very wise! x


I always find that injuries pop up for me right around 1 month before a big race! Its so annoying because I know its probably from all the training but then I hate not running the last few weeks. Good for you for being smart- it can be SO hard! But hopefully by listening to your body immediately it will get better quickly! Have you ever heard of dry needling? I had that for my quad right before my marathon and it helped…along with KT tape.


Sometimes an athlete’s best performances occur on the heels of an injury. The forced rest actually turns out good. They don’t overtrain and they are mentally ready.

Even if you are forced to rest for a week, you did such an awesome 1/2 marathon that you will be more than ready for that full marathon in a month.


Mia your comment made me feel so much better! Thank you so so much!


Hope your quad feels better! Rest up! :)


Ah so sorry to hear about your quad. Hope you’re feeling better soon!!!


Woo Hoo! I got in too! I was totally surprised – I actually exclaimed “holy s—!” at work when I got the email.

I’ll be just 9.5 months post partum, and probably still nursing so training for it is going to be interesting!


Way to listen to your body, it’s hard to not force it when you feel bad. I need to step up my running reading game (so far I’ve read zero running books)


Congratulations on getting into the Marathon, you must be so pleased. I hope your quad problem is nothing major and you get sorted quickly.
Brook is just so cute and at such a fun age.
One of my fav books is the Guernsey Potato Peel Pie and Literary Society. I have read it so many times and just love it. It is set after the second world war and about a group of people live in German Occupied Channel Island of Guernsey ( i am from another channel island so it has a special place in my heart).
Last night we had turkey chilli for dinner and i love using my slow cooker/crock pot.


Such a bummer about your quad:/ Those little injuries that slow me down and stop me from running always threaten to make me bitter. I can be such a grump when I’m injured. But I love that perspective: to become better instead of bitter. Such a better place to be, and it makes room for growth and improvement. We can’t dwell in the past and what was or could have been, we can only move forward.


I’m not sure where you are getting your information, but
great topic. I needs to spend some time learning more or understanding more.
Thanks for great information I was looking for this
information for my mission.

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