WOW, thank you so much to those that sent in your finish line photos.  They are all amazing and I absolutely loved reading them all (about 200 entries!!).  I can’t even tell you how many of them made me cry.  I narrowed it down to 15 for the contest today but I will be posting the others throughout the month because they are all so incredible.  You guys are truly amazing.  

Go ahead and vote for your favorite picture/story in the comments pretty please.  

Just vote by telling me which number is your favorite.  THANKS!!!


Race Pic  Universitas Race Without Border  Small Size

This was me and my little girl’s first ever 10 k race with the running stroller (she was 11 months old at the time).  The first 9 kilometers went by without a hitch, and, upon seeing the 9 kilometer marker I thought we were home free, but right as we passed it, Baby Girl announced that she wanted out.  She had had enough.  [My general rule of thumb for running with Baby Girl is that if and when she wants out, we stop.  She very, very rarely fusses in the stroller, so if she fusses, I know that she’s really had enough.]  And we’re a team, so we stopped.  I took her out of the stroller, and we walked and chatted the final kilometer to the finish line.  (A kind gentleman offered to run the stroller to the finish line for us while we walked, which I gladly accepted.)

In the end we still finished in less than an hour (our official finishing time was 58:19), but this race just reminded me again that running with my Girl is not about good finishing times or medals or winning.  It’s about spending time together, and having fun.  Both of us.  Right to the end.  And that’s exactly what we did that day.   


This is the photo from my 2nd half marathon.  I ran my first one after I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years and gained 20+ pounds and decided I needed to do something to turn my health around.  After that first one I was HOOKED.  So, 20 pounds less and two foot surgeries later, I was determined to run another one and get even faster.  My realistic goal was under 2:10 and my stretch goal was 2:08.  I rounded the corner towards the finish line and the clock said 2:04:16.  I was ectastic and could hear my family cheering me on towards a PR I never thought would happen!  Now I am training to run my next one in less than 2 hours.  I am never looking back to the old me..keep moving forward!


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This first one is from my first marathon. I ran a 3:09 first time. I cried tears of pure joy as I approached the finish. This is about 30 ft from the finish shoot. I had just gone through a deep postpartum depression a couple years prior and I just felt on top of the world. I came to know that I could do anything I put my mind to. I was weeping but smiling and yelling out loud “I did it. wooohooo”  -in this picture. :)


Nicole Finish Line Photo

This is a picture of me with my mom at the finish line of the Chicago Marathon (my first marathon) in 2009.  I started running after I became my mom’s primary caregiver when she was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer because I knew I needed an outlet to deal with all of my stress and emotions in a healthy way.  Finishing the marathon was such a bittersweet moment because I finished the longest race I have ever run and worked so hard training for it and was so happy my mom could be there but unfortunately she lost her battle with brain cancer 2 months later.   
I still cherish that I was able to share that moment with her and am also so grateful I have running to get me through the hard times.  So while you never get another first marathon and I’ll never get another marathon finish line with my mom…so glad I have the pictures to remember that day!  
We can do hard things!  


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This is me running towards the finish at my first Ironman. Ironman Mont Tremblant in August 2012. The finish chute is so long and there are SO many people all screaming like you’re the winner. This is the moment I could hear the announcer saying “Mary Minutella from Windsor, Ontario. You. Are. An Ironman!” I trained for this race during one of the toughest years of my life – having separated from my husband, selling our home, etc. So much self doubt was put to rest that day. One of the hardest, most amazing days of my life and this was the the BEST part! I cry like a baby everytime I think about it.


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This came at the Fox Valley Marathon in St. Charles, IL in September of 2012, and will definitely be one I never forget.  It was my very first Boston Qualifying time, and it came in dramatic fashion.  About 10 feet from the finish line, my legs gave out, and I fell hard.  Honestly, it’s all kind of a blur to me now.  But my girlfriend (MARY!!!), who was at the finish line, explained to me that I managed to crawl the last few feet and get across the finish line.  After a short stint in the medical tent to treat the scrapes on my hands and knees, I went to the timing booth to get my official time.  Somehow, it was a 3:05:00, the exact time I needed as a 24-year-old guy.  It was easily one of the most exhausting days of my life, physically, and emotionally.
This experience has given me the confidence to push myself in the latter stages of races, and through difficult training runs. 



This picture was from the finish of my first marathon in March 2013, with my best friend, Erin-Leigh.  I never wanted to do a marathon until she convinced me to do it with her.  We decided to fundraise for an amazing organization called She’s the First ( through our training and running our first marathon.  We raised over $9,000 in support of the education of 26 girls in Nepal through our race.  This picture reminds me to dream big.  It was a life changing experience. 


Dad and Kristen Crossing the Finish Line

On March 23, 2014 my dad ran his first half marathon and I was blessed to have run every step right next to him. My dad was with me when I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis only 6 months prior. I’ll never forget that in the doctor’s office right after being told I had MS and all the physical and mental ways it would likely affect me, my dad told the doctor through a cracking voice and tears in his eyes, “We’re supposed to run a half marathon in March and we’re GOING to run that half marathon.” And we did :) We ran every step together. It was incredibly special and one of the best days of my life!



This is from my first full marathon, May 2013 at the Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon. Somehow I managed to find the time to train alone, work full time with a 75 mile one-way commute, and be a sane single parent to a 3-yr-old, living with my parents. This face is the culmination of all the sacrifice, and mental and physical perseverance I’d accumulated since I found myself alone when my son was 6-months old.


Buffalo Creek Half Marathon

This is a photo from the finish of my very first half marathon (Buffalo Creek Half Marathon – October 2013).  I had only been running for a little over year at this point.  I went from being a completely sedentary obese person at the beginning of 2012, to a half marathon finisher and 80 lbs lighter by the end of 2013.  Needless to say, the finish of this race was very emotional for me.  I was about 100 feet from the finish when I saw a group of people from my running group who waited around to cheer me in.  That’s when I burst into my “ugly cry” you can see in the picture.  Even though it is probably one of the worst photos of me in existence it also is one of my favorites.  


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This is a picture from two years ago back in high school. Thats me on the left with my training partner/mini me on the right. We actually got in a lot of trouble for crossing the finish line together… but we pulled each other through the race taking turns encouraging each other to hang in there and it just seemed right. This race wasn’t a PR or anything but it reminds me the importance of teamwork in running.



This was my very first 1/2 marathon (9-22-13).  I had just turned 50 a few weeks prior to the run.  Anyhow; this was just a BIG accomplishment for me.  I have never been a runner in my entire life.  I was diagnosed asthmatic at age 4 and have never been able to any kind of running.  That said – I started running about 11/2 years before I ran this race.  Early in 2013 I made up my mind to commit to doing a 1/2 by the time I was 50 (I was able to register for the race, but it happened shortly after I turned 50).  I did all of my training on my own (running by myself).  I had a great support group in my husband while doing longer runs..he would come out on the bike to bring me a little snack or drink of some type. Thank You David!  My kids were else great supporters – while not living near me they cheered hard.  And; on the day of the race I had my own little support group.  They came out on their bikes and showed up along the course every few miles.   My silent goal was to finish this race in 2 1/2 hours, and I DID IT!!   I finished in 2:22 and felt terrific during the entire race.  I have continued to run and will again run this 1/2 this coming September.  Every time I look at these pictures it brings tears to my eyes that I can actually run like this and will keep running like this!  I still have my runners high!!!



My sister, Nikki, and I just crossed the finish line of the BAA Half Marathon in Boston in Oct. 2012. About 8 months before the race, we lost our mom to breast cancer. Neither of us were runners but decided to join to the Dana Farber Cancer Research team and train for this race, while raising money for a cause that means a lot to us. The race was hard, but remembering the strength our mom showed during her painful year-long battle with cancer pushed us to the finish line. We know she was watching over us the whole way, and was proud to see us do this for her!



This was the Star Valley Half Marathon that took place on July 13, 2012. This was a very meaningful race because my mom had passed away three months prior and I was struggling with the loss, and the morning of the race I unexpectedly found out I was pregnant. I did not want to run, but my hubby pushed me to do it for my mom and little girl. It was very emotional to cross the finish line!



I decided to run a series of 3 races the same year I lost 50 pounds. I had zero running experience and had no idea of what I was doing. My first 4 mile race I wore slip on tennis shoes. Let’s just say that was not a good idea since my feet were rubbed raw. The next race was a 3 mile and I still didn’t wear shoes that were roomy enough, so my toe nails hurt like crazy. The last race, a fun 4 mile Halloween race I figured out that I needed real running shoes and placed 1st in my age group. I came a long way from that middle aged woman who sat on the couch. I kept telling myself when I was running.. you can do this! I ran as hard as I could to the finish line and collapsed on the grass. 


VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!  The winner gets a bunch of goodies that any runner would love!

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Pure guts.


So hard to vote! I think more than half of them made me tear up!

I love the #5 picture and #6 is so crazy but I think I’m going to vote for #8. I love that her she had the strength (physical and mental) to run the half marathon, and I love that her dad was there supporting her every step of the way!


This was kind of hard. I say #10.


#6 for sure – cant believe he hit the BQ time on the nose!


The picture in #3 is priceless… my vote goes to her :)


Wow, I think I need to come back to vote. Those are some seriously amazing people.

So often I see runners and I think, “they’re amazing, they’ve got it all going on” and it goes to show you just never know what makes a runner a runner. Nor to you have to be “perfect” to be a runner,

Fab post.




Wow, how truly inspirational is this post?!?! What amazing stories – it’s really, really hard to vote for just one!

But if I had to vote for only one, it would go to #4. I also lost my mom to brain cancer and know that that is an extremely painful path to walk down. What an amazing memory with her mom. x


So many favorites. #11 gets my vote though – I could tell as soon as I hit the picture these girls were from the same small town I’m from in NY, and even though I went through the program almost 10 years earlier (ack!) teamwork was always the most important thing our coach taught!






#8! All of the stories are inspiring though.


I got so emotional reading all of these.



Are you kidding me? I’m supposed to be able to pick just one from all of these incredible stories?

Your readers are so darn inspirational it’s crazy.

It’s a super hard pick but I’m going with #5.


So many good stories, but I have to go with #8.


This is amazing! I honestly know how to choose. But if I have to I guess I’ll go with #6.


So hard to pick! But I’m going to go with #8.


This was a hard vote, because so many of these are great stories! But my vote is #8!


#1. Showing that races are more than a time- they are a great way to set an example for healthy living and spend time with those we love.


This is hard! They are all so good. #7. I love that they raised money to help other girls run!


This really does need a disclaimer that you will cry while reading. I vote #8.


#6, that’s sheer determination. I love it!


Golly, these are tearjerkers! So hard to pick one! My vote is #13








Chills… All of these stories are amazing. #8 was really touching. All of these people should be so proud of themselves.


All great photos, great stories, and great athletes – thankful they were willing to share! I’m voting for #9!


Wow! Good entries! But number 8 made me cry! Kudos to everyone, but I vote for #8 :-)


Wow such amazing stories, so hard to choose just one.

I’m going with #4


#6 – any one who collapses and crawls is a champ in my book.


#8! They were all great stories! What inspirational people. Thanks for sharing these :)



10 is a close second!


how do you choose?! so hard! They are all wonderful. I will go with #4


Without a doubt, #8. I cried when I read this one.






#8 made me cry, so that’s my top pick. They are all incredible- I don’t know how you whittled it down to 15!




I was inspired by them all, but #4 is the one I keep thinking back to, so that’s where my vote is going.


This is so tough! They’re all such great and inspiring photos/stories!
My vote goes to #8. So awesome to see that they stuck to it, even through such a scary, emotional and sometimes painful time! :(
I wish her the best through this!


Wow…I totally was tears reading these. They are all incredible stories…But for some reason, I just loved #15. But you can’t go wrong with whomever you pick. These are amazing people!


Definitely #8!


Forever #6!


#8….wow, those were some amazing stories!


Very tough…. #4


#14! stood out to me for some reason!


I love them all, but I’m going with #6!




#1 – there is just something about carrying a baby over the finish line :) so cool :)

but i really did love all of them!


#10 – they’re all incredible! But I love how determined she was to not only run but to lose weight! That is hard stuff!


I love love love #8 and #6- the photos AND the backstories. Are two votes allowed? You picked great photos, Janae!


I teared up reading just about every one of these… but my vote goes to #8! What an incredibly strong person, both physically and mentally. A lot of people would give up after a diagnosis… what a strong person you are to refuse to let it define you. Good Luck! :)


#8! I love this father-daughter duo. Had me crying into my coffee mug.


woah….picking just one is impossible.

I have to vote for #8.
There is just something about dads that get to me.

Although I teared up at almost every single one of these!


#8! So inspiring :)






Wow! Thanks for making me cry at work. haha All of these were so incredible, but I have to go with #8. Now, I need to find a race to run and start running again. Thanks for the inspiration!






Wow–so many touching stories! I vote for #8! :)


I don’t know how you can pick just one. I love them all. 6 & 8 are very inspiring but all of them are awesome!!!!




Wish I could vote for all of them! #8




This was SO hard!! I think I’ll go with 14 because it combines mother, daughter, and baby and the reasons she ran it. however, I loved all of them and think they should all win something!






As a fellow mother runner, I have to go with #1!


They are all very inspiring (so thank you so much for sharing) but I have to go with #8. Her attitude is incredible and I love that she ran with her dad. Beautiful. #1 was my second choice. So cute! I love how she acknowledges that they are a team and respects her little teammate’s emotions :)


#8 way to be determined, positive, and inspiring!!


This was difficult! So many inspirational stories. #8 won me over :)


#9. That’s a whole different kind of challenge to push through. Loved all of these, cheering for each runner.


This was so hard! I started crying when I read #8, though, so my vote is for her!


#8. daddy/daughter stories get me every single time.


Skimmy through the comments your “daddy/daughter stories get me every single time” comment caught my eye. They get me too! Then I saw your name and thought-wow! How odd! :)

I vote for #8 too, though I was tearing up at almost all of them.


haha, well hi! always nice to meet a fellow Shawna runner. :) i’ll have to stop by your blog!




I’m not going to be able to keep my blog reading at work incognito when posts make me cry;-)
I want to vote for all of them but I guess I can’t.
My vote goes to #4.


I loved reading through these, although they brought a tear to my eye, they are also incredibly inspiring!
I choose #8, a very strong lady, with a great attitude!


Wow. ALL of the stories are just incredible.

I have to go with #8, though, for the win.


I love this post so much! I’ve been struggling lately training for my first half because my times aren’t improving as much as I’d like them to and I feel slow. But this reminds me that we run for so much more than the finish time!

These are all incredible, but my vote is for #2! Definitely relate to her story


#8 but wow any one of those could have gotten my vote!






That girl has some serious dedication!!


They are all so awesome! Such an incredibly hard decision! All the stories are so touching and each are amazing, I want to vote for all! I’m voting for #6 tho. Amazing finish!



I am at a toss-up between #4, #5, and #10!

I think ultimately I vote #10


#1 – I like the stoller-running-moms in races – it makes me smile :)


10! So inspiring!!


#10. A perfect example of sheer joy and determination. A day like that will forever change you!


#8! Awesome!




#4, but #1 is a close second!


Number 8 for the meaning behind it. If I was voting on best photo alone I would choose 6




These are all so amazing… #8 is my vote! Her story just spoke to me!


Wow, thanks for the cry first thing in the morning. All amazing stories but I have to go with #8.




8 made me tear up


These are all seriously amazing…#6 just blew me away with how he collapsed yet still made it just in time!

I have to vote for #10 though–I’ve run that same half marathon the past three years and I got my first big PR there, right after the most trying few months of my life. It holds a lot of special memories for me too and seeing her picture just made me cry!!


Wow, the collection truly shows how much running can change in a person’s life. Thank you for sharing. Although it is difficult and all of the runners are heroes to me, # 8 touched my heart.


#6. And, man, was this a hard decision! If I could vote for second place, it would be #1.

Great stories, all of them! Amazing stuff.


But they are all amazing


so many amazing stories! such a great post. my vote is for #8. :)


I can’t tell you how many times I cried reading this post but I am going to have to go with #8.

P.S. I am running a giveaway with Gone For A Run. To enter read here:






#10. I have been in her shoes and went from being sedentary and obese to becoming a runner. I am pretty sure I had a similar face when I finished my first half. I loved reading all these stories though.


Oh gosh I loved this – totally made me tear up at work. :) #4 tugged on my heart in a serious way, so that’s my vote!


Oh wow, I had to dab my eyes more than once on these….but after looking at them several times, gonna go with #8 – love that she and her dad ran it together.


These all made me so emotional and it was so hard to choose! But I think 8 was the most inspiring and touching for me :).




Wow I thought it’d be easy for me to choose one but it’s NOT! All of these made me tear up and/or cry…such touching stories. As a new mom I have to go with #1. She perfectly describes what it means to be a mom…you can have your “things” but sometimes they just have to be put aside for your child. I admire her for looking on the bright side of the situation and still having fun with her daughter!


#6!!! By far!! Now that is dedication.


First I want to say THANK YOU for doing this…I love being a party of the running community for so many reasons…and am inspired by all people out there running and giving it their best. These stories are all incredible and moving, thank you for sharing them. My vote is for #8.




Okay, so I just wrote a post about being a runner and mommy so I have to go with #1! Although these are no doubt all amazing photos/stories!




Just started reading your blog about two weeks ago! I’m currently on the injured list and can’t run, but your blog is motivating me to get back in action when I can! Anyway I pick #8! I have a friend who has MS and to be able to accomplish that race is such a big deal. I wish her all the best and to keep on trucking!!!


Oh dear. All of them made me all weepy. Runners (okay, people in general) are awesome! Can’t everyone win? ;) #6, for getting across the finish line any way he could. These are all amazing. Good luck!




#8.. because..dads <3 and facing MS head on. love to you both!


#8! In a world where so many people like to spread negativity about men it is so nice to hear a story about a great dad. #8! #8!


Number 13 :)


I vote for #8


# 10






I really can’t vote, so please feel free to throw my comment out. All of these are really incredible ones, especially the ones where folks have gotten over those difficult separations or breakups and made something of their anger, sadness, and hurt. GO THEM!




#8!! Way to go!!


All were so great. #8 has my vote!


#8! Daddies are a special kind of angel and this girl’s got one of the best!


#8 gets my vote




14 because new life and fresh loss are such contradictory emotions, just like this race was. congrats to all, though– what amazing accomplishments!

(and good job getting it to just this many, janae! what a challenge that must have been!)


#4! So inspiring!


#8 :)


#8 gets my vote, but they are all so inspiring!


So choked up right now…wonderful stories, each and every one of these runners is amazing. Hard to choose, but I vote #1! I love the relationship she is building with her daughter.


Okay, by number 3, I was crying. Geez. My vote is for #8!




This is making me cry, I should not have read this at the office! #8 for sure.


Like most other people I’m also going with #8. That’s such a special moment for her and her dad to share even without having the MS diagnosis. I hope she is still pushing through with MS. Picture #1 has my heart though because I can completely relate with her!


#10! So inspiring!




What a truly amazing group of inspirational runners. I am overwhelmed.
If I have to choose one, #8. My utmost respect for ALL of the entries.

Thanks for this post!


#9 They are all amazing, but I can relate to #9, and the look on her face just says all the things I feel when I finish a race.


Totally #10!!!! Amazing!


Wih I could vote for them all!! #6!!!


8 for sure!

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