Where I REALLLLLLLY want to run.

We are already missing eating snow cones at the park in Arizona with Brooke’s cousins (don’t tell Brooke that snow cones come with different flavors… I really didn’t want red/orange/green/blue syrup all over her shirt and she was quite content with a cup full of plain shaved ice).

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We’ll be back soon Arizona (probably April… seriously).  I am kind of a nomad now and can’t stay in one place for too long so I like going as many places as possible.

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I went out to run later on than normal this morning and paid for it.  By the end of my run I wanted to jump in this duck pond to cool off.  Instead I just went home and took a cold shower.  

8 miles total.  First 4 miles out at an 8:30 pace and then on the way back I did 14 x 1 minute pick-ups with 1 minute recoveries after each pick-up.  For me this morning my pick-up pace = 6:00ish minute mile pace and recovery pace= 8:00ish minute mile pace.  If you are bored with your running you really need to throw some pick-ups in because they make the time fly by.  

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Running in different places is one of my favorite things ever.  In about two weeks I will be running around Thailand (not alone, don’t worry) and I can’t wait.  This morning I was thinking about the top 10 places that I want to run or races that I want to do.  

In no particular order I will run in these different races/places at some point in the next 60 years:

1.  Great Wall Marathon, China (actually this really is my #1, I have been wanting to do this one forever and I will do it)

2.  Boston Marathon 2015 (my runner friends and I are all planning to go together next year)

3.  The Athens Marathon 

4.  The Paris Marathon (I will use croissants as my running fuel throughout the race).

5.  Chicago Marathon… flat, fast course in a new city… yes, please.

6.  Two Oceans Marathon, South Africa

7.  Big Sur International Marathon (I totally should have done this one when I lived right by it but now I’ll just do it one of these times that Brooke goes to California).

8.  I want to run all over Portugal.  I have a friend that just went there (and I have a brother that lived there for 2 years and I was very jealous) and the pictures were incredible.  I would really love to go there for a few weeks and run all over the place.

9.  Maui Oceanfront Marathon

10.  Machu Picchu (the Inca Trail Marathon would be pretty sweet).  A different brother lived in Peru for a little while and so I am sure that he would come with me.  

The one race I really don’t want to do… the North Pole Marathon.  I would freeze to death.

I think we can all agree that runcations are the best type of vacations.  Who needs to save money when you can just spend money traveling and running races!?!?!

Goodbye to my tradition of late night bowls of ice cream with my sis-in-law while talking on the couch. Sure glad she is in my family.

My arteries are probably thanking me that this tradition has come to an end.

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And a cute picture of my niece when she fell asleep on me the other night.

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Tell me the top three races or places that you want to run?

If you aren’t a runner, tell me about the top three places that you REALLY want to visit.

Has anyone done any of the races on my list… tell me about them please!

Favorite late night snack and/or dessert?

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1. Any race HRG is running :)
2. Boston
3. Hawaii
(really anywhere warm ;)

Love cereal as a late-night snack!


haha!! I was going to put your #1 down too!! :)

I also want to run the San Francisco bridge and in Central Park- that one I’m checking off next week when I go to NYC!! woohoo!!


I’m trying to qualify for Boston this May, so I hope to join you gals at Boston 2015!

Hands down, give me ice cream everyday!


I want to do the midnight sun race in Norway, a European one like Prague or Lisbon, and something in the US in a state I’ve never visited :)


I want to run Disney, Boston, and RnR Vegas. I’ve thought about this forever, so this was a quick response!! I’m sure I could make a longer list, but these three are solid bucket listers! I am looking into Phoenix for next year. I have friends and family in Arizona, and would love the getaway and the scenery since it will still be cruddy winter in Nebraska.

Late night snack is almost always cereal, but lately I’ve developed a new addiction to Pop Tarts… right before bed. Gotta store those carbs for running the next day I guess :)


1. Hawaii
2. Chicago
3. Austin
And really, anywhere foreign would be so cool!
Umpqua Chocolate Brownie Thunder is rocking my world right now!


My goal is to race in every US State (I’m Canadian so it’s a little more exciting than you may think – LOL!) and I would love to be able to say I race on every continent. So far I’m at 7 states (one of the was Mass. – Boston…twice!) and 2 continents. Only 42 states and 5 more continents to go! Ha!

Anything with chocolate (preferable with nothing else) and I’m a happy girl!


Top three are you kidding me!!!

1) Boulder, CO – Everyone says its amazing
2) Spain
3) Hawaii

Late night snack – If I’m having a beer its super buttery popcorn. If no beer easily oreos and milk.



I’m a Disney girl through and through. Anywhere in Hawaii would be nice. I’d also like to do a DC monuments run.

Vacation Rome, Italy. I’d run there too.


As someone whose lived in North Pole, Alaska or Honolulu, Hawaii for most of her life I can say the North Pole marathon wouldn’t be as cold as you’d think! Alaska summers can get in the 80-90’s (probably how the weather was in your gorgeous Arizona run picture today) just in July or August and not in March :)
I seriously heart your blog. It’s my must read every day.


I want to run in Paris, Greece and Maui. And my favorite bedtime snack is now those cookies you bake with the vanilla ice cream, I forgot what you call them, cazookies, or something? But thank you for that goodness, except now I have a little addiction I need to break….


I’ve run Chicago 4x and it’s amazing! Great course–you get to run through so many neighborhoods. Each community comes out in full force (dragon dancers in Chinatown, drag queens in Boystown, mariachi bands in Pilsen, etc) and I think Chicago has the best fans! Over 1 million people line the course cheering you on. It’s such a great experience.


I ran last year -it was one of the best days of my life.


Chicago is amazing. I did that one is 2012. My favorite memory was running by an assisted living/nursing home. All of the residents were waving out the wall of windows at us. I thhink this was around mile 7/8. It was adorable and uplifting.


I cannot wait to see your Thailand adventures!! It’s probably the closest I’ll get!
I’m all about any race involving Hawaii.
I love popcorn for a late night snack…I’ll make it salty or sweet depending on my mood :)


My top race is the one I’m doing on SUNDAY… my very first half marathon in Cary, NC!! I’M SO EXCITED!!! (And nervous!!) Other than that, I want to do the Disney one and maybeee Boston/NYC one day (but probably that’s a little optimistic!)

My favorite late night snack is little bites of like a million things… if it’s a little bite, the calories don’t count, right??

Random, but as I’m obsessively looking at half marathon tips, I came across this RW article that I’m sure you’ve read but maybe other people haven’t… hilarious!!

My favorite part: (I died laughing)
The “Run Like a Dog” Workout (Including Warmup and Cooldown) Walk 8 seconds. Trot 4 seconds. Stop. Sniff. Sprint 7 seconds. Freeze. Walk 5 seconds in any direction but forward. Stare 9 seconds. Lunge at rabbit. Double back, walk 3 seconds. Urinate. Repeat six times. Collapse on rug.


I am a very very slow runner, but I wish that I could do the Crater Lake (Oregon) marathon some day. It looks amazing!


I think probably Ireland, Greece, and Italy

For a late night snack I am all about making a smore in the microwave!


Top 3 Races…. so hard to pick!

1. London
2. Paris
3. Portland >>> just because I am excited to do the Portland Marathon this fall!

London and Paris have to be in there because I bet running through those cities would be amazing and not boring at all!

Secretly the Western States 100 is actually race #1 on my list, but I doubt I will ever get in and I doubt I could ever run 100 miles. But if this is a dream list I guess it is my number one :)


The nomad should land in KY for a bit!


I’m going to run the Athens marathon next year! I did Chicago as my first marathon last year, taking this year off of fulls. Chicago is great and flat, tons of people cheering you on.


Machu Picchu would be amazing to visit!


I can’t wait for when I’m older and I can plan my own vacations! Mine will be all about yoga/running :)
1) New Zealand
2) Quebec
3) Montreal


Oh I would love to join you in Boston next year :) NYC Marathon is also on my bucket list, as is Chicago! If you ever want to Runcation to MN, let me know :) I am doing Twin Cities Marathon this October and a very hilly Ragnar in August!! Grandma’s Marathon is in Duluth in June, and I’m also running that this year :) Oh, and Big Sur. Big Sur is a marathon I will do someday!


The Twin Cities marathon is amazing, especially if the weather is nice! I am from MN and running this one makes me very proud of my state!


The Great Wall marathon looks AMAZING, I’m not brave enough to even put it on my list but I’m such a looky loo about it, I really hope you get to do it.
London and Paris someday I hope!


Top on my list is the Jungfrau Marathon in Switzerland. I’d also love to run London and the Nike Women’s Marathon. Or Big Sur. I was actually registered for Big Sur a few years ago, but my heart wasn’t in the training, and running just sucks when my heart isn’t there. So I didn’t run it.


I REALLY want to run the SF Nike Women’s half marathon, a Disney race, Avenue of the Giants Marathon….hmmmm I know there is more but that’s all I can think of right now. I love runcations too! I had a blast travelling for several races last year. This year I am going on a running cruise to the Caribbean (it’s also our honeymoon) and my fiancé is thrilled….LOL. Not really but he will put up with me and my love for running.


I think a Disney race would be so fun!

I would love to visit Greece, Hawaii, the Bahamas, and New Zealand/Australia!


I ran chicago this fall- it was my first marathon and I LOVED it! It was very crowded- but I loved the camaraderie. This spring I’m running the Broad Street 10 miler in Philadelphia and the Nike Women’s half in DC- I’m so excited for both. Broad Street is one of my favorite races ever- it’s also crowded but it’s mostly downhill and flat and fun.

I’d love to run in Ireland or Scotland- their median weather is my favorite kind of weather! And I’ve been eating cinnamon toast crunch with 2% milk at night lately- delicious!


I don’t have very many places on my list of run destinations, but I certainly would love to run in London. I lived there for a year so the city has a special place in my heart. I call DC home so I’d like to do the big ones including Cherry Blossom and Nike Women’s. I would highly rec the Marine Corp Marathon if you havent already, and/or the Army Ten Miler if you are training for NYC and dont want to do MCM.

Great Wall is great, but def be ready for the pollution and that type of race condition. A friend did Beijing and he said he felt like he smoked a pack of cigarettes after. It’s not as bad on the wall, but its def not like conditions you have likely faced in the U.S.




Inca Trail is on my to do list, let’s go!!! Pike’s Peak Marathon and I want to go on the Patagonia Running Adventure offered by Andes Adventures ( I want to do all the runs they offer but they are so pricey).

Lately my favorite late night snack has been Honey Stinger Waffles.


totally random comment but your arm muscles look splendid from that angle. I’d honestly be happy running anywhere out of my own area. I don’t travel much so anywhere different sounds like fun.


Come to Chicago this year, I’ll be there!!!! (oh, and I’m totally in for Boston 2015 too and have several good friends hoping to qualify so it will be the party of the year.)
So for me….
-Big Sur (so gorgeous!)
-Chicago (never done it, pumped to do it this year!)
-London (really can’t wait to do this one!)


Anywhere! I just had foot surgery and can’t do anything!


My #1 is probably the NYC Marathon, but I’m running Boston for the first and probably only time in LESS THAN 6 WEEKS so I’m going with that! Are you sure you can’t come this year? I’m so excited to run it but I’m going alone and I don’t know anyone who lives there, come hang out with me!


Chicago is a great race you will want to run it!

Nike Women’s Marathon
Disney Marathon
Marine Corps Marathon <– I have spectated many times but never ran it myself.


The only two marathons that I’ve run from your list are Boston and Big Sur. Both were so much fun! The crowds cheering the runners on all along the course to Boston were amazing; and let’s face it… it was the Boston Marathon, so what’s not to love about running it? We got lucky and ran Big Sur on a picture perfect day. We talked to some of the other runners and they said that they had run it when it was so foggy that you could barely see the Pacific. The scenery was beautiful and we took a lot of pictures along the way. Hurricane Point was a beast!


Big Sur, Boston, and either Seattle/Portland for me!


1. OKC Memorial Marathon (lived there when then Murrah Building was bombed so this race has a special place in my heart.)
2. Ogden, Utah (Bart Yasso says this one is great!)
3. Portland (would love to see the Pacific NW)

Favorite late night dessert – chocolate chunk, chocolate chip cookies!


Oh my gosh! The Maui marathon looks awesome. I’m graduating this December… maybe I can convince my parents we should go to Maui to celebrate so I can run it ;)

Top marathons:

1) Big Sur
2) A marathon in Europe (Paris, Athens, London… maybe all of them! ;) )
3)Chicago-my SIL loved this one

I agree, one of my favorite parts of traveling is getting to run in new places! I loved running by the ocean when we went to Kauai. I’ve actually been taking into consideration runability (totally a word :P) when I’ve been looking at grad schools. If I’m going to be spending a few years there, it might as well be somewhere pretty I’d like to run!


Janae- Your arms look seriously ripped in the pond picture. I totally have arm envy right now. Glad you had a fun Arizona trip!


Chicago is a blast!


I agree about not wanting to do a marathon where I would freeze to death! But my husband has been saying he wants to do the Antarctica marathon….I’m not so sure about it. (and its sold out until 2017!!)


I just really love running on the beach- it’s my happy place. So. Any beach will do, really. I guess Australia and Hawaii would both be AMAZING and I’ve never been to either! :)



I see Wineglass is not on your list of choices. Let’s see here I really want to run in California, Chicago full, and the BMW full in Germany. I almost planned on Chicao for my next marathon but realized I don’t like big cities and want a smaller full.

I absolutely love Brooke’s anchor outfit. So cute.


My #1 race I want to run someday is the Army 10 Miler in washington DC. Hopefully I’ll do it this year! Go Army, represent! Hooah :)

Unfortunately, I don’t do late night eating. No food after 7:00 p.m. for this chic!


I did the Army 10 Miler a long time ago when I was in Army ROTC and so far it has been my favorite race. I loved the energy and the motivation. I ran the Marine Corps Marathon a few years ago and thought it was going to be similar, but no, the Army 10 Miler was still better.


Paris Marathon is my #1 pick! Seriously. My husband and I are saving up flight and hotel points for 2016. London Marathon is a close 2nd :)


I live in Chicago and the first and oy marathon I have run is the Chicago Marathon. Definitely a flat course with a nice course through the city. There was great crowd support. The roughest part when I ran it was the rare 90 degree day in October! Yikes! Definitely recommend it… Maybe one day I will get the guts to run it again.


1. Paris; 2. Athens; 3. Anywhere in the Caribbean. And also everywhere on your list!


I have ran Chicago twice and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! (also probably because I live here, so my entire family comes out and I know like at least 30 people doing it every year). I’m planning to do it again this year and also going to do Boston in 2015 with a couple friends!! :)


What about running one in Canada? Toronto has a great marathon!!


I’m not a runner, but the great wall marathon sounds amazing! I’m dreaming of visiting Croatia, all of the Scandinavian countries, and back to Switzerland, which I totally fell in love with when I was there.


A trail race in Hawaii… that would be awesome. Also, not quite a run but I REALLY want to do a cycling tour of Europe.


I don’t know that I need to do Chicago, but I need you to do Chicago because I know that will meet up then!

Maybe I need to put Top of Utah marathon on my list for that same reason. :)

Paris marathon, yes please, and I am with you on the fabulous fuel.

We hiked the Inca trail, did not run it, but would run it in a second if that was an option. It was so.incredibly.amazing!


Disney is my place to race. We are a Disney family so I have to do the half in Disney World.

BTW I am hosting a Pro Compression Sock giveaway. To enter go to: http://wp.me/p4fmQC-68


I did be dream race last year, which was the Disney Princess half marathon. It was cool to run at Disney, I was seriously disappointed. WAY too many people, very very slow course as a result.

My new big running dream is to do Hood to Coast.

I just ate an avocado with salt sprinkled on it, and its 9:00ish here so that’s as late night as my snacking gets :)


i think the maui marathon would be amazing. i ran while on vacation in maui a couple years ago and there’s nothing like having a view of the ocean for your entire run :)

i absolutely cannot wait to see your pictures from thailand! i’m DYING to go :)


My first goal is to finish all 17 legs of the Cabot Trail Relay Race in Cape Breton. This year I am running my 7th leg. There is a marathon that goes through the wine region countryside in France, I really want to do that one. I also want to do the “not since Moses” race. It is in New Brunswick and you literally run on the ocean floor when it is low tide in the Bay of Funday. Messy but really cool!
I love and crave salty things and that is always my go to evening snack. Could be anything from popcorn, chips, nachos, grilled cheese, I’m not fussy!


The Marathon du Medoc? Thinking about doing that one this year bc what’s not to like with wine and running.


I have ran the Two Oceans Marathon half distance twice. The course goes right by my in-laws house. You always have a place to stay if you make your way down there!


Great list. I like your style. How about the Sydney Marathon? – you get to run over the Harbour Bridge! I love this idea of writing a marathon list. Enjoy travelling while you can…keep doing what makes you happy :-)


The Athens marathon would be incredible! I really want to run Tunnel to Towers in NYC again because it was the best experience and trip. And there are a few races around here (Sonoma county, CA) that I haven’t run yet.


The Athens marathon would be incredible! I really want to run Tunnel to Towers in NYC again because it was the best experience and trip. And there are a few races around here (Sonoma county, CA) that I haven’t run yet.


The Dingle Marathon along the Western coast of Ireland was amazing – I only did the half but my husband did the whole. The scenery was breathtaking. A sweet grandma was picking berries from her front yard and handing them to the runners. The men sitting outside the pubs would yell “well done lass/lad” and raise their pints to you as you ran by. It was the best.


You can’t beat running in Switzerland, but you do have to embrace the hills there! I think you should add the Jungfrau Marathon to your bucket list. Here’s a link to the course…http://www.jungfrau-marathon.ch/en/course.html…no big deal, just running up a mountain in Switzerland. ;) I’ve been hiking in Grindelwald, so I can at least vouch for how gorgeous it would be. LOL


I just love traveling so I’d go anywhere! I love love love traveling and can’t wait for my next trip- I’m so jealous of Thailand!


Big Sur is definitely on my list. There is also the Marathon du Medoc in France that has wine and fresh fruit at water stations…hello walking wine tour with friends!


I am convinced you and I need to run together…..well in the same place because I am still running slower than you lol. My top places to visit/run–China Wall marathon and Machu Picchu :) These WILL happen.


I would kill to run Big Sur or the Rome Marathon, those both just look SO beautiful! I could die a happy runner after that :)

Girl, you’ve GOT to share how you keep your arms and upper body so tone! You look fantastic!


1. Boston which I’m running 4/21/14
2. Chicago
3. London

Favorite late night snack stale peeps.


I love runcations! I do them as much as I can.

1. Athens
2. Boston
3. Hawaii!


Chicago is awesome!! I ran it in 2011 and hopefully will get in this year (lottery opens March 19th!) and i’m trying to qualify for Boston 2015, if i make it, i hopefully will get the chance to meet you. don’t worry i’ll bring donuts…


Yes please to the Maui Oceanfront Marathon!!! I have been to Maui once on vacation and it is one of the most beautiful places ever. I absolutely loved it.

Also, I totally agree on traveling places to do races. My family does that, for example we traveled to San Francisco and ran the San Fran half marathon across the Golden Gate bridge. We did the race as a family!!

I would like to run a race internationally! That would be awesome.


How do you warm up before running?


I climbed the great wall of China the day before the Great Wall Marathon this past year… the next day in Beijing there were tons of runners that had gotten done with the race and were wearing their race shirts… I was so envious :) Although walking the Great Wall is pretty challenging…. I can’t imagine running it! I got to the top of the part I went on and I think someone counted it as close to 1800 steps. Coming down was harder because the steps aren’t even… everyone’s legs were shaking bc no one wanted to make a wrong step! :) I would love to do any big city marathon and/or any tropical marathon!


You need to add cleveland to the list! One of the country’s hidden treasures and you can stay with me :). Ok I may have lied about that treasure part. I will do chicago one day! My BFF from college lives there and I visit every summer, need to go for the marathon. And the Great Wall one would just be insane!



If you really come to Paris one day – let me know, I live here, am training for my first half marathon ever and ever since I found your blog I just love it, it gives me so much inspiration :)


Let’s go run the Great Wall Mary!!!!! I’ve been dying to a) visit the motherland and b) run that marathon. Puh-leeease let’s go. I’m totally serious!


Oh but on an even more serious note, I am entering the lotteries for NYC and Chicago this year. Let’s REALLY run together in Chi-town! You can pull me in a wagon so I can qualify for Boston :)


My goal is to be at Boston next year too : )
I recently posted on a Runner’s World Sweepstakes to run a marathon in IceLand…it looked really cool.

My favorite night time snack is anything sweet! But recently, icecream with banana and peanut butter.


As a South African runner I’m happy to see the Two Oceans on your list! :) It is a very beautiful race, but it is quite a hard 56km so prepare well if you ever get to do it…and remember to let me know! You need some extra hill training for this one. My 3 want to do races: 1 – Jungle Ultra in Peru, 2 – Rim to Rim to Rim in the Grand Canyon, 3 – Namib Desert Stage Ultra.


You should try the Disney ones! My hubby runs the Marathon or the Goofy every year. I just signed up for my first full – the NYC in support if the Children’s Tumour Foundation November 2!!


1. Disney (The whole Dopey Challenge)
2. London
3. Chicago

I have run Boston and it is probably my favorite marathon ever. 6 weeks until I get to do it again!!

I have also done Paris. I would highly recommend it once. The race is HUGE. I felt overly crowded the whole time. It was only my third marathon and I was 20 and alone in the race. I did have a friend traveling with me, but I didn’t find her again until after I finished. I have toughened up since, so I might handle it better now. I was just overwhelmed. When you run it, definitely carry the water bottle that they hand you with you for awhile. When I ran it, it was kind of hot for what I was expecting and I wasn’t expecting the water stops to only be every 5k. Honestly, just enjoy the sights. The best part is going in and out of the traffic tunnels along the river and all the spectators lining the bridges and the streets. It was definitely a great marathon.


You totes run Chicago, and let me babysit Brooke!!!


That’s a pretty awesome list of places to run. I think Hawaii would be pretty fantastic. Plus, anywhere that you can run and then immediately jump in the ocean is ok with me.

My dessert last night was cadbury mini egg cookies. Holy cow were they good!


I understand the nomadic life and running new places is my favourite part :) I haven’t run the Great Wall but I have walked it and it was definitely worth it!!! I haven’t done the others but I ran a 15k trail run on the island of Waiheke which is in New Zealand and it was breathtaking! you could look out over the ocean, it went through forest, across rock sand beaches, up cliffs!

Enjoy Thailand and be safe. I haven’t run there but I’ve visited and it’s gorgeous and the food is amazing!


Have you ever done Big Cottonwood in Utah? I don’t know if its near you, but i know that its the fastest downhill course and it sounds REALLY COOL…it is totally on my bucket list to run :)

I wish my husband travelled..he doesn’t fly. I will just have to convince a friend to run it with me!

I would also like to do ANY marathon in the winter months in either California or Florida. Or both. This cold is for the birds!


I just qualified for Boston 2015 at Chicago this past October (highly recommend that race, it was amazing). I will see you in Boston! :)


That is too funny – the Great Wall Marathon is my #1 also!! I have never seen other people mention that. I just think it would be amazing! Also on my list are
– Big Sur
– Marathon du Medoc (through wine country in France)
– Quebec City Marathon
– Salt Lake City Marathon
– Australian Outback Marathon
– Swiss Alpine Marathon.

I just did my first Disney Half Marathon and loved it so I might also add the Disney Wine and Dine Marathon to that list.


I’d love to run the Boston marathon, LA marathon and a Disney race. You should add the London Marathon to your list, it is amazing!


Oh, but there are SO MANY awesome looking races available!!! I think as far as US marathons, I really want to do Anchorage, Maui, and Big Sur. For halfs, I want to do Mt. Ashland, Moab, and Key West or Napa. International races? Not sure… My top 3 countries that I want to visit someday are Scotland, New Zealand, and Iceland, so maybe I’ll get to race in those places too.


I ran Chicago a few years ago and it was fabulous. Very different than other marathons I had done, but I loved it!

I want tto run:
1. Any marathon in Europe, Paris or London would be amazing.
2. NYC.
3. Alaska or Hawaii.

Happy Running!

Favorite late night snack…cadbury eggs, I can’t stop.


I would love to run a Disney marathon.


I’ve run the Two Oceans half marathon twice – funnest race ever! I’m not so sure about the full though since it’s actually an ultra – 56km – and literally has you running up mountains! Cape Town is beautiful though so if you get the opportunity – go for it!


Big Sur and Maui are both on my bucket list. #3 I’m not sure of but international would be cool.

Late night snack for me lately is kettle corn! crunchy salty AND sweet!


I want to do the Two Oceans Marathon SOOOO badly!! We’ll actually be in South Africa when it is happening (my in-laws are doing the half) but we land there the 18th and won’t be in Cape Town until the 26th. Really bums me out. My goal is to do a race (any distance) in all 50 states then I’ll tackle the world!


Hummus pie is my favorite a recently new recipe. Today I did spin class, swimming and elliptical now off to physical therapy. My foots feeling good today so I’m hoping to hit the pavement this weekend!


love your marathon list…let’s do the two oceans marathon in south africa and visit my parents on their mission haha!
also– running all over portugal is a fab idea :)


My favorite place to run is Audubon Park in New Orleans. NOLA is my favorite city, not-so-coincidentally (I lived there for 10 years). In DC, my favorite run is around the monuments.

Can’t wait for your trip to Thailand! If I can’t go myself, at least I can live vicariously through you. :)


I am running Chicago this year, and I am so excited! I’ve booked my trip too (I have guarenteed entry so I’m not ahead of myself). I would love to run Athens and Machu Picchu too.


Athens Marathon is my number one. After that, there are about twenty races in second place ;)

Late night snack lately has been black bean brownies. Lots of them.


Love reading your blog but this is my first time commenting :) I live in South Africa and you have to run the Two Oceans marathon one day! I’ve only done the half and it was so beautiful but the route of the ultra goes along the coast line so I’m sure it’s even better! That ice-cream looks amazing by the way!


OMG your list is amazing! For some reason I’ve never come up with a list, which is very not Type-A of me. Right now I would love to run in Hawaii. My parents go every year, so it would be easy to plan around a race :)


I am running the Paris Marathon in 20 days (eek!) and next year my two best running friends and I are going to run the Iceland Marathon. But my DREAM race is the Lewa Marathon in Kenya. You run through an actual wildlife preserve so they have armed guards running with everyone and helicopters keeping watch lest an animal confuse you with dinner. My friends think that sounds insane–I think it sounds insanely awesome :)


I ran around Thailand recently. Alone. At night. I’m not always the smartest. ;)

Yay! You’re running Boston in 2015 — I am hoping to qualify again this year and run it too! :) Maybe we can FINALLY meet!


My husband and I moved to Maui a few years ago – hands down one of the best decisions of our lives. :) Anyway, we have 2 marathons here – the Maui Marathon in September, and the Oceanfront Marathon in January. I’ve done the September one 3 times and it is an awesome race! It’s really well organized, and has great course support. Bad news: September is usually our hottest month here – it’s a hot race! I’ve never done the Oceanfront. It’s a smaller race, and since it’s in January it’s slightly cooler running temps. Both have amazing courses – can’t go wrong with the ocean. :) If you do come over, feel free to hit me up with any questions – I can refer you to some great places to stay that aren’t crazy expensive.


I am from Boston and plan on running in 2015 :)


BOSTON!!!!!! Obviously ;)
When I first started running, I promised to myself that my first marathon ever would have to be the NYC Marathon. I realized that dream last November and, although I missed my goal by 3 seconds (yes, I know…), that’s exactly how I wanted to start my marathon journey! Next year some of my teammates and I are probably gonna run the Rome Marathon in March. I was born and raised there and it would be nice to have my whole family cheering on us for once!


The Chicago marathon was my first marathon last fall and it was AMAZING! If you want a crowd to cheer you on for every second this is the race for you. I had so much fun during this race it didn’t even feel like I ran 26.2. It’s also neat to run through the neighborhoods of Chicago. I highly recommend! If you need any tips on where to sightsee or where to eat all of the great Chicago food please reach out to me. Chicago in October is usually great weather too. I ❤️ Chicago!!


I love the list – they all sound like amazing locations!


I just ran my first ever full marathon last spring in my hometown of Atlanta. After that I decided that if I’m going to be a marathon runner now, I want to go places to run. Both Paris and Big Sur are also on my list!

This is the one I’m doing in May! http://theave.org


I ran the Steamboat Springs half in Colorado last year and it was seriously life changing. Beyond words beautiful!


uuhh your arms are RIPPED girl!! Cross training is really working out for you! Maybe I should start lifting or doing pushups or something…
I want to run out west where you have a beautiful view of the huge mountains!
My favorite late night snack is edamame. I love eating it from the pods (or even frozen it’s good if you’ve been partying hard..)


You can come and stay with me (I live in South Africa) and we’ll do Two Oceans together!! Seriously – just shout! :)


I have done the Two Oceans Half Marathon 5 times, and I ran my first Two Oceans Ultra last year. It was one of the most sublime and special experiences of my life. I don’t think I stopped smiling. :) I 100% recommend it. The Ultra is really worth is for the views from Chapman’s Peak.

By the way- I’ll also be in Thailand in late March! Happy travels! I hope you have a fantastic adventure.


I traveled around Portugal for two weeks last September and had a great time running in Lisbon and Porto. Both cities have running tour companies, and I did a running tour with Lisbon City Runners (http://lisboncityrunners.com/en/). They were awesome! They have many runs to choose from, or you could probably talk to them about customizing a tour. The guide will tell you about the city while you’re running, and I loved getting to know a local. In Porto I ran along the river, which was an easy route since our hotel was right on the path. Tried to run in the Algarve but the town where we stayed was too small so I just ended up running on the gym treadmill and around the hotel grounds. I definitely recommend Portugal for a vacation though – the weather is gorgeous, the people are so friendly, and there is a lot to see!


Just wanted to add that you should not get your expectations too high for Paris, I think the fuel is the most exciting part… The course is not awesome (well, yes, you see the Eiffel tower but you have to run in a tunnel for half a mile too, and a lot of boring woods), the organization is, ahem, very French, ha! (one year it was so hot that there’s wasn’t any water left after mile 22…) The crowds are awful, seriously, they watched you in silence!!
I know I sound very grumpy but if you had to run one marathon in France it should be the Medoc one (in wine country, dressing up is mandatory!)


Top 3 places to run would have to be:
#1 Boston
#2 Machu Piccu
#3 Anywhere with mountains…

My favourite snack would probably be ice cream but I try to avoid it cos the whole tub seems to go missing!!


In Norway they get 24 hours of daylight in June and they have a midnight sun marathon and I will absolutely do it someday!


I really really want to run the London Marathon. I love London and plan on doing it in 2016. That’s it. That’s the goal.

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