1.  Ben & Jerry’s know exactly how to speak to my heart.  Caramel running down the middle of my ice cream pint… I could never say no.  

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2.   Lauren Fleshman is absolutely hilarious.  You have to read her latest article HERE.  Looks like I have mastered injuring myself just like the elites do!  I am very proud of myself.

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#3 and #4 have occurred way too many times in my life.  

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3.  She is still really into giving kisses.  I don’t know what sort of look I was trying to pull off with my bangs today.  

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4.  My computer is broken.  I don’t know how that happened, I am always very careful with my electronics;) So if the formatting on the blog is a little crazy over the next few days it is because I am using my old computer and I don’t remember how to use it.   

5.  Once upon a time I was driving to St. George with Paige and we listened to this song on repeat for an hour straight.  You’d think that I would be sick of it but no… I found myself listening to it on repeat again today in the car.  

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6.  A sore throat + a rainy day calls for chicken tortilla soup.

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7.  I needed some ice cream for my sore throat too.  It heals all wounds.  

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8.  Another Snapchat from Bangs Friend that made me drool.   I suffer from extreme jealousy after I receive these types of snapchats.


9.  I have gone 8 days without running and I miss it dearly.  The shins/calves are feeling better each day and I think I’ll be out there again ASAP!  

 From a previous post that I wrote about how long it takes to lose your running fitness.  

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Looks like I’ll have about 5% of my running fitness to work hard to get back.  I am excited.  

10.  I am feeling so much better than I was last night.  My remedy for a cold= 11 hours of sleep (not even exaggerating) + Cold-EEZE + Watching the Mindy Project.  It works every time.  


What is your FAVORITE type of girl scout cookie?  Your options:



 Tell me about YOUR run today so that I can live through you:)

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I am so upset we have to wait until March for the Ben & Jerry’s! Although I guess technically it is just a couple days ;) I can’t wait to buy at least one of each of those flavors!
No run today, it’s pouring out and I don’t feel like the dreadmill, so I did some Jillian instead.


Peanut butter patties. Hands down.

I wonder if that chart takes into account people who don’t run every day. I only run a few times a week, so would taking a couple runs off have the same affect on me as someone who runs every day? Who knows. That’s for someone much smarter than I am.


Amy, I only run 3-4 days per week (3-5 miles per run) and I just took a 9 day break while on vacation and I came back with no problems. I was a bit sore but nothing a recovery swim didn’t take care of.


Those colds will wreck you, soup always makes me and the kids feel better along with a nice hot steam shower. Taking a break is the best thing, your Sub 3 is your long term goal.

Girl Scout Cookie – Out here in AZ they have something called Somoas.
Running – I have been ramping up milage this week. I have been knocking out 2 mile trail runs (the vert is brutal on my quads but i love the downhill) on my lunch break and 3-4 mile recovery runs at night. After reading this post, I think I’m taking a break this weekend LOL



Samosa are caramel delights! For some reason the Girl Scouts use the original cookie names in some states and then the new names in other states.

I’m a shortbread cookie fan. The buttery deliciousness is too much to resist.


Favorite cookies are either Tagalongs or Thin Mints…can’t decide which is better. Thin Mints must be in the freezer though!!

My run today hasn’t happened yet- in about 20 mins I’m leaving to run 8 miles on the TM. I kind of hate running anything over five mi on the treadmill, so..UGH



Peanut butter sandwiches! However, if I’m in the mood for frozen Thin Mints then nothing else will do!


those are the exact same ones I chose too!


WINDY. That is all I have to say. 7 miles and part of the time I felt like I was not even moving forward!


Hi Janae! You will be great when you come back to running. I just missed 9 days for vacation and when I started back, I was just a bit sore but it was OK and you are gonna come back SO SO strong. I know it.

My favorite(s) are thin mints (kept in the freezer) and the peanut butter sandwiches!

I decided I needed a change of scenery on my run today so I drove about 3 miles to an area of town that is safe and well lit (5 am) and did a nice easy 4.3 mile run.


Peanut butter patties! I didn’t run today, but I have an early morning tempo run scheduled for tomorrow.

I cannot wait to get my hands on that Ben and Jerry’s.


I’m not the biggest cookie fan but if I had to pick, samoas :) my 7 mile run was good to start but it started raining on me halfway through…negative splits while running my butt home!


those new Ben & Jerry’s look AMAZING! I need to get my hands on some!


Peanut Butter Patties are my favorite, but I can eat half a box at a time (did this in high school) so now I only order the Lemonades! I have more self control with them for some reason!


Tagalongs and Thanks a Lot, yummy! But funny, my first grader is a Girl Scout and we sell some slightly different ones out here. I guess it’s regional.

Those ice creams look dangerous!

My run today was 9 miles with a running buddy doing some hills. Felt really good. I’m sure you’ll be back at it soon!


Can’t decide between caramel delites and peanut butter patties. Both SO good!


Hmph. And I was just thinking about getting a quick 3 miler before dinner to meet my X miles this week.


When ever I get sick I am all about the fro-yo –>best excuse to eat frozen yogurt for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The Caramel deLites (or Samoas) are my absolute favorites!! I also like the Thin Mints straight out of the freezer.


Peanut Butter Sandwiches are the best girl scout cookies ever.

I ran 7.2 miles through my neighborhood this morning. It was 60 degrees with a light breeze and just a light drizzle of rain toward the end. It was pretty nice. I hope you feel well enough to run soon but I’m also glad your taking time off to heal and focusing on your long term goals. Thats important. Plus I’m really routing for you to get that sub 3 :)


Thin Mints all the way. I love love love anything mint!

I haven’t been doing my short runs during the week because of IT Band/knee issues, but this weekend is my last long training run (12 miles) before my half marathon in two weeks. Then I will do some shorter runs over the next couple weeks leading up to the race and hope like hell that this plan works! LOL I really don’t know what I’m doing–just trying to listen to my body and take it a day at a time! It’s a bummer you will miss your race this weekend, but I totally understand why you’re skipping it. If I had a bigger race coming up this year, I would do the same!


Thin mints! I think I usually by at least 4 boxes every year. Yum!

I saw the Ben & Jerry’s core ice cream announcement and I almost went to the store to get some. But I had to wait for the restoration guy to come fix my floor. And he never came. Boo! I will be looking for that tomorrow.


Titanium= best song ever, especially while running! I think I did a whole post on this song a few weeks ago- quite motivating. Even if you don’t know you are angry at something (or someone) this song will bring it on out.Perfect for speedwork…And yeah, Ben & Jerry’s have done it again and I cannot wait to try the new flavors.


That is a really hard question…I’d have to say either Samoas or Tagalongs (I guess they’re called Caramel deLites and Peanut Butter Patties there? Who knew?!).

No run today. Still injured. Maybe by Monday. (:




I can never decide between thin mints and peanut butter. Mint + chocolate and PB + chocolate are basically the 2 best combinations ever.


SAMOAS!!! And they will always be Samoas. None of this Caramel deLights nonsense


Peanut Butter Sandwiches!

I know I had to pick one but really all of them except lemon. Lemon in a cookie just doesn’t seem right.

Off to track now – 12 x 400’s with 200 jog plus a short standing rest in between.


I ran 6.5 miles super slow, because of my ITBand. I’m still hurting, but not as bad, and I NEEDED to run. I start PT next week and am hopeful that will help. I can definitely relate to the article, I was running 5 days a week, all long and fast and had to hit X miles (40-45)! Now with the ITBAND, I am lucky to do 10-15. Wonder if I remember this in May….

Frozen thin mints are my favorite. So good! And I’m dying to try the B&J Peanut Butter Fudge!


Peanut butter sandwiches! and today was a rest day…I forced myself to do a little online yoga.


I’m on day 6 of no running due to sciatica that has reared it’s ugly head again… So, not only can I not run, I turned 40 today… ugh! :) I hope you are feeling better soon and back to running! My favorite cookie is the peanut butter one..


I loved that article. It made me laugh! Today I ran 7.5km with my dog. I think she was smiling lol. This is a lower mileage week for me. Did 50km last week (huge for me) so scaling back a bit to about 40 this week. I have a goal race in 11 weeks and it will be a very difficult one (20km in the noon heat with a 2km mountain to run up at the 9km mark) even with a good training cycle and no injuries. I am trying to walk the line between building my max fitness between now and then and getting proper rest. Reading your last few posts really hammers the importance of that to me. Thank you!


When did Samoas become caramel delites? I feel like I missed something.

Samoas are the best though. Those or Tagalongs…wait, that name changed too!


peanut butter patties hands down, but they must be refrigeratorated


Just listened to that song…AMAZING!! Thanks for sharing :)


Easy ten miler from SFSU to Land’s End and back. Faced a super head-wind on the way back. Yikes! But it was a beautiful day to be out and running. Hope you get to go back to running real soon :) (but great job for being smart by listening to your body!).


Peanut butter patties!!

I ran a very slow 2 miles outside this afternoon and I’m still frozen….

Can’t wait to try the new B&J’s ice cream!


I read that article. I think the one I related to the most was the one about how cross training doesn’t count.
My fave girl scout cookies are definetely samoas. Pure perfection!


Aw Brooke is adorable! Thin mints FROM THE FREEZER are the best!


You would not want to live through my run today. I wanted to stop after .1 but I kept with it for another 5.50 miles. Oh the things we do for running!


Wow. . It’s seriously so hard on your psyche to be out on an injury! I feel you. Heal up, girl.

Samoas are my fav.


My favorite type of Girl Scout Cookies is a toss up between Thin Mints and the Savannah Smiles! I don’t think about February as Valentine’s Day- it’s actually National Girl Scout Cookie Month!

I ran 4 miles the other day- I’m a new runner (2 months in) and that’s my longest distance to date! I was really proud of myself for pushing through to get that last mile in. I’ve done a few 5ks but haven’t gone any longer distances yet. Trying to keep pushing myself to continue to do longer distances so I can work up to a 10k!

I hope you feel better! Colds suck.


I LOVE Savannah Smiles, too! I recently moved and was so bummed to find out that they don’t sell them in my area. My family and friends near Chicago have been making sure to stock up for me :)


Caramel delights — for sure!


No running or any exercise for me today, I’m too tired.

You’ll be fine, you’ve cross trained a ton over the last 8 days, that’s got to count for a lot. :)


First, Lauren is absolutely hilarious. I have spent hours reading and loling at her blog. I’m glad I’m not the only one. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better each day. Did you say you were cross training though? I’ve always thought you (anyone not just you) preserve way more fitness then you would think.

You’ll come back so strong, I know it.

Girl scout cookies: Somoas, the tagalong peanut butter and then lemon ones.


Thin mints!
I didn’t run today so I have absolutely nothing exciting to share.


caramel delights! I want to go get some now..


I use to like the peanut butter cookies. What where they called before the name change? Have you read the ingredient list? Not good.. so I don’t buy or eat them any more and I was a girl scout!

I did 6 miles today.. skipping my day 23 of the bikini challenge workout.. Feeling too lazy.. ugh!


Samoas are my favorite, of course! Or.. I guess they’re called Caramel deLites now? Whatever. Also Thin Mints. Mmmmm I still need to get some Girl Scout cookies!



My run was 6 miles. It was 6 miles of medicine. I was so full of anxiety before the run. And so much better after the run. Praying you can get back out there ASAP.

Samoas!! My fave. :)


Is that even a question? Thin Mints IN THE FREEZER. Duh.


I was hooked as well on Titanium by Madilyn Bailey. I am hooked these past few days on All of Me by John Legend.


Samoas. Hands down.


Without a doubt mine has to be thin mints!! One of my readers sent me that article and I loved it! I have done so many of those things sadly :(


Samoas!!! Or, caramel delights, according to your picture. No run today or tomorrow, but a 5k on Saturday that I am hoping to PR in! We will see!! Thanks for sharing that article!!


Tagalongs are my favorite, have always been my favorite and always WILL be my favorite ;)


Thin mints! All day, every day. Must be straight from the freezer though. Samoas are second place. :)


Samoas were 100% my favorite until I was diagnosed with Celiac’s…come on Girl Scouts, make a gluten free version ASAP!


I will back that up!!!! Do I smell a petition? ;)


Seriously? Want to know about my run? I have a bitch of an IT band thing going on right now; yesterday’s 8 miles ended in hobbly butt. But my stubborn butt decided to go try 4 on the treadmill over lunch today, and it felt so fine I went back for 3 more after work. Um, about that #4 on Lauren’s list? Hi, there, you’re in good company. :-)


What is a shout-out? We don’t have that one. Instead our baker makes Savannah Smiles.

GS could clean-up with a good gluten free cookie, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.


Mmmm, thin mint cookie are the best! My niece was selling them but I didn’t get any because I knew I’d have no self control!!

Ran some intervals today. 4.25 miles of running but in between intervals I did lunges and jumping jacks. Good to mix it up while on the Dreadmill ;)


When were the tag a longs renamed?!? Those are the best. I have been really slacking with my running. Hopefullly my cross training will help me maintain some fitness :)


Tag a longs! aka peanut butter patties! :)


What’s up with the cookie names? We call them something different here in DC. Anyway, my favorite depends on my mood. Thin mints (straight from the FREEZER), the lemon cookies, or the peanut butter cookies (tagalongs, we call them).


Thin mints by a landslide! ;)

I had a 8 mile tempo run today and I plan on checking out that song right away.


I like Samoas… what are those caramel delites?! Is it bad that I just found a package of thin mints in the pantry from last year… and started eating them? They still taste good!

Today I went to the track and ran 6 400’s. That is the first time EVER I did speedwork on my own. Then I did some strength for the second time ever!


Oh how I love the mindy project and wish she were my friend.


Still sick? Me too. I went for the french onion tonight, and more soup tomorrow. I desperately need for this cold to go away because I’m still training and it’s making me mizzz. Get well soon J!


Thin mints! And peanut butter patties. I go crazy for GSC season.


You’ll be back to running & doing fast runs in no time! Way to take time to heal <3

THin mints!!!!


Thin mints are by far my favorite but I cannot wait until those ice creams comecout


1. I JUST ate, posted, and blogged about Ben and Jerry’s tonight. ;)
2. LOVED that article by Lauren and could relate.
3. Take 100% advantage of Brooke’s kissing phase! That’s the best.
4. I stopped buying Girl Scout cookies because of all the “crap” in them – but definitely THIN MINTS!!!!


Samoas are the best Girl Scout cookies ever. I can eat a whole box in one sitting, and I am not even exaggerating.


Caramel delites are my FAVORITE. I’m planning on making them at home in a pan so I can cut them into bars. So if I only eat one bar (that’s the size of half the pan…), that’s better than eating five individual cookies, right?? Because 1 is less than 5?! ;)
I hope you are healed and back to running soon!!




I ordered some of those cookies too and I cannot wait for them to get here! There will be alot of running in order, lol


Hey Janae,

Maybe you’re already doing this, but for the achilles/calves, the best exercise you can do are eccentric calf raises (http://running.competitor.com/2013/10/video/monday-minute-eccentric-calf-raise_10512). As far as I know, at least when I researched this several years ago when I had an achilles injury, this was the only treatment proven to be effective. For me calf injuries turn into achilles injuries, because it’s all connected. (if your pain is lower “calf”, there’s a good chance it’s achilles, which extends a few inches above your heel). Achilles injuries takes a LONG time to heal, so as soon as I start feeling any pathologic discomfort in the calf, I start doing these exercises (should do them regularly for prevention).

Heal soon!

Oh, and I really don’t care for any girl scout cookie. I think they’re way overrated and don’t understand the obsession. I’d take a gooey, warm chocolate chip cookie any day over a dry girl scout cookie. Please don’t hate me for saying that : )


Julia! Thank you so much! I will start doing that exercise each day! You are the best and so right about a warm cc cookie!


I didn’t watch the first video carefully until just now…. this video is more like how I do them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sL7kER_jGvA. I do them on the stairs and use both feet to push up part way on my toes, then lift one leg and slowly lower the heel of the other foot. I usually hold one 10-15 pound weight in the same hand as the foot I’m working, but you can certainly do it with just your own body weight. I think when the PT had me doing these, I was doing 3 sets of 15-20 on each leg. The first few times I did them, my calves were more sore the next day, but then got then they got better.


I’m sooooo excited about the new Ben & Jerry’s flavors, especially Hazed and Confused!

My favorite Girl Scout cookie is Samoas, but I don’t eat any of them anymore because they pretty much all have transfer in them (at least last time I checked a couple years ago and that was after they said they had taken it out).


I hope your throat and calves are better soon! I sometime feel like I get sick/injured almost exactly when I need it ton force my body to slow down.

Samoas all of the way!

Whatever happened to maggie the dog? Havent seen her in a while! Dogs make great walking partners when injured :-)


Peanut butter sandwich for the win.

Never come across Madilyn Bailey – will check her out


No run for me yesterday as I was on a 20 hour train ride…interesting. However, I do plan to try and get a run in this morning before a long day at a work conference.


Keebler makes pretty decent knock offs of thin mints, caramel delights, and those peanut butter filled ones covered In chocolate. I actually like the Keebler thin mints better. Now you all know you can enjoy the GS cookies year round :)


I could eat Thin Mints and Samoas all day, every day. And I used to eat pints of Ben&Jerry’s with my bestie in high school all the time. Darn those times when you could eat whatever you wanted and not gain a pound!


1. ThinMints
2. Peanut Butter Sandwiches
3. Peanut Butter Patties

Sadly I can’t eat gluten anymore… Those girl scouts really need to get with the foodie trends and make some GF cookies!


Caramel Delights all the way!!! Anything with coconut and caramel in it is food straight from heaven! Ran 5 miles today- meant to be paced (about 8:15 for me), but was feeling crazy and got 3 of them in at 7:40! I know I won’t be able to hold that for my marathon, but makes me feel hopeful that I’m on target for my goal! Sorry you’re still injured, but congrats for listening to yourself and taking such good care of your body! It’s a hard hard thing to do!!


I tweaked my back a little yesterday demoing an exercise for a client, so I’m on my bike today. It’s just stiff today, but I’m being careful since I have a race on Sunday…

Not a single Girl Scout came to our door this year. :-(


I’m still calling the Girl Scout Cookies by their original names and boycotting the change. Samoas are the absolute best. I have no idea how I managed to not buy any this year. I haven’t seen a single girl scout.


Caramel delights..aka “Samoas” and Thin mints.I can’t even get on board with anything else!!!

My run yday was a treadmill run bc it is soooo cold outside! just 7 miles, nothing extraordinary! I hopefully will get outside today bc i’m going to force myself to do so!


Thin Mints every time. In the refrigerator please!

My run was a short 2 mile “quickie” that I filled with intervals between running 5K pace vs a recovery pace. Working on adding some speed work to my runs – 1st time attempting that!


My run (yesterday) was an easy 3 on the treadmill! I did speed work the day before on the treadmill and I have a 5K this weekend, so I just wanted to run for 30 minutes and then take a day off today!


Tag-a-longs!! Frozen!!! So. Good.


Thin Mints! I ran 1 mile and walked 2 :) Not very exciting, but I did it!


Caramel delites all. the. way! They are so good! I haven’t looked at the nutritional stats, but cookies literally incased in solidified caramel can’t be that good for you so I only eat one every so often. Hope you can be back up and running soon!!! Love the little top knot you gave Brooke in the crazy bangs photo :) Hope I dress my kids as cutely as you do Brooke in the future.


Darling no.5 … Titanium original version from Sia ft. David Guetta is my favorite spinning song just imagine doing hills on that tune! When my spin teacher put it on for the first time Ive downloaded it on my way home from class and now its my staple when going out running angry-aka playlist Angry Run/Speed Work on repeat: Titanium – Sia
Mr. Know it all – Kelly Clarkson
I bet on you – Lissie
Skyscraper – Demi Lovato

Christina Grimme has a good version of Titanium too ;) give it a try.
Never had a girl scout cookies :) Im just one of the “homemade under baked still warm choc.chip cookie” kind of girl but that caramel delites are looking yummy.
Stay strong over weekend and just from someone who couldn’t run for over a year thanks to freak back accident I can honestly say running is not going anywhere. Now Im starting all over again and I truly appreciate every single mile ;)


oh I just checked my run angry playlist and i have to correct myself :)

Run run run – Celeste Buckingham (warm up)
Titanium – Sia
Mr. Know it all – Kelly Clarkson
I bet on you – Lissie
Crushing my fairytale – Celeste Buckingham -perfect for hills on spine bike ;)
Skyscraper – Demi Lovato (cool down)

if i feel extra pissed of just skip first one and last one and crush myself :)


THERE IS NO CONTEST. THIN MINTS ARE THE BEST AND NO OTHER GIRL SCOUT COOKIE COMPARES. And yes, that required being stated in ALL CAPS to convey how strongly I know this to be an indisputable fact.


Have you heard this version of Titanium?

Oh, and to answer your question? SAMOAS.
And yes, S-A-M-O-A-S.
Frozen preferably.
I will have none of this caramel delite ridiculousness or whatever they are calling them now. (0;


Thin mints. best cookie ever. Especially straight from the freezer!


I love Thin Mints & Samoas — so good!

Glad to hear you’re feeling better! Have a great weekend!


1. Lemonades
2. Caramel De Lites
3. Peanut Butter Patties

In that order!


Just had to make a comment about the Mindy Project! Isn’t it the best? I just caught up and you are going to die by the time you get to the end! So good!


Samoas are the best hands-down… but when did they change the name?!?!


I really liked the thanks-a-lot cookies (which were called all abouts) but they no longer sell them in Tennessee :-( I guess I will just have to stick to samoas and thin mints!


I don’t like anything mint flavored except for thin mints. Am I weird?


Those new ice cream flavors look amazing!
Thin mints are my favorite for sure!

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