Speed Work—> Get ‘er done.

Pretty fierce looking if you ask me.   

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(We are flexing if you can’t tell, which let’s be honest… You probably can’t tell)

10 miles done by 6:30 a.m.  I love getting speed work done before I realize what I am asking my body to do.  

Get ‘er done.  I like to just get the hard stuff done and then out of the way so then I can play (aka have a day or two of easy running).  

3 mile warm-up followed by 4 mile repeats.  .5 mile recovery jog after each mile repeat.






1.5 mile cool-down.  We planned this workout to be done on tired legs and boy did I have tired legs from the beginning.  I think it is good to teach your body to run through tired legs because I am pretty sure my legs will be a little fatigued towards the end of my upcoming goal races…  Time to train myself now to push through that feeling and finish strong.

Going to the grocery store before 7 a.m. is amazing.  

No lines and no one there to stare at the girl dressed in too much purple that is extremely sweaty and needs a shower desperately.

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So this meal probably doesn’t look very good but it tasted good.  Layers:  baked potato, black beans, canned sweet corn (you have to admit, canned corn is good), a chicken breast and bbq sauce.  I really have a weird obsession with baked potatoes.  

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Followed by leftover birthday cake.  It is a shame we only have birthdays once a year.  Who made that rule up?!

The other really great parts about today:

1.  Brooke is quite the painter already.  Be impressed.

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2.  My sister and I took Brooke out on a walk (because it is finally warm enough) and we saw Mer while we were out.  

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3.  My sister watched an episode of Parenthood with me once Brooke went down for her nap.  I love that I have hooked her on that show too.

And two birthday presents that I am rather excited about.

1.  A YOLO card game.  Doesn’t get any better than that.

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2.  I am now set for at least 1 month.  

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Random for the day—>  Who is your celebrity crush?

What was your lunch today?  Did you have something sweet after?

When you do a mile repeat workout, how many repeats do you usually do?

What color are your current favorite running shoes?

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My favourite running shoes are also purple and although I brought a salad for lunch, a coworker suggested sushi and I couldn’t say no ;)

Time to get my workout in now!


I usually do 4-5 mile repeats, my current fav shoes are neon pink, and I had a loaded sweet potato and clif bar for lunch :) I literally NEVER have celeb crushes but Chris Hemsworth times a million, however only as he looks in Thor with the extra muscles and the beard and long hair.


I agree! While I have always considered long hair on men a deal breaker, Thor is the exception! I always suggest Thor or The Avengers when I watch a movie with my sons. :)



See, I’m totally all about Tom Hiddleston as Loki in those movies. But I’d still take Thor in a pinch.

My mile repeats are usually four. Come to think, I haven’t done those in a little while. I’ve got rolling hill fartleks on the schedule tomorrow.

My current running shoes are scary neon green/yellow and pink Newton Distance Elites. They are not pretty but they are my favorite running shoes yet.


If you like Chris Hemsworth, check out his movie Rush (Formula One race car driver), he is EPIC!!!!!


That’s so amazing to be done your workout by 6:30am!

I had grilled chix and veggies for lunch. A few hours later I had an orange cream yogurt with a ferrero rocher mixed in. It was so good :-).


Lol all that diet coke!


Favorite running shoes of the moment: pink and black checkerboard mizuno wave elixirs. But really I just like anything that’s obnoxiously bright. Pink, blue, yellow, orange, purple… all of the above? I want to play that YOLO game!!


My favourite running shoes are an illuminous orange colour. Awful really but I love them.

With my repeats I start with 3 early in training and add 1 repeat every week until 8 repeats (normally about 2 weeks before my goal race). I then start the process again after the race, although I only tend to do 800m. Mile repeats might make me cry…


I usually do 3-5 miles when I do mile repeats….I usually walk in between them though and I want to start jogging!!!! I am about to get speed going again so you are inspiring me!
Oh how I love diet coke and have tried to give it up a million times because I actually know water is better and cheaper…but I am un-successfull every time!!!!!!
Lunch was pb sandwich and goldfish :)


Celebrity crush – David Boreanaz (Bones, Angel). I tell my husband every time we watch Bones, lol! As for lunch I made a spicy black bean burger with bread and buyer pickles, yellow mustard and Mac n cheese. Since I was headed to the gym for a run I didn’t add anything sweet but will after dinner!! Your lunches always look amazing, btw!

My favorite shoes are my Wave Riders and they are the red/green pair. I hate that each time they add purple it’s to white because I hate white running shoes!!


OMG that’s a lot of diet coke! lol

I went to a Body Pump class and then got Subway for lunch and it has just been a great day over here.

Celebrity crush = Ryan Gosling….especially in Crazy, Stupid, Love… Swoon!


you are too cute!



That diet coke trunk is AMAZING

My celebrity crush is either Patrick Dempsey or Tom Brady

My favorite shoes right now are my new Brooks- pretty aqua and royal blue!



Usually do 6 mile repeats…(the coach usually schedules 4-6, but since I’m paying him…I figure I should get the most out of the workout). We did mile, 2 mile, mile, 4×200 the other week. 18 times around the track for 2 miles – dizzy! Last week was 20 x 400!

Tonight is 1000s…hoping the roads will be clear by the time I leave the office. Need to make it to the gym safely. Winter weather and marathon training can be tricky.

I had a vegan veggie loaf for lunch with two diet cokes. woops.

Current running shoes are purple NB 1400s V2 and pink Mizuno Wave Sayonaras and Hitogamis!


Do you buy the vegan burger or make from scratch?


Love Parenthood, one of my favorite shows.

Had a salad with lots of chick peas, black peas, tomatoes and more and for dessert a Godiva chocolate. Yummy!


Diet coke for years! Ryan Gosling is definitely my celebrity crush. He’s so pretty I can barely look at him :)


I haven’t done mile repeats in a long time… last time was 4 (I think) but when I run 1200’s I’ve had to do 6. Not sure which is better? The 1200 is such a weird distance to run fast for (but effective, nonetheless)

Lunch- Siggis orange-ginger yogurt (oh goodness, a fav!) with a massive bag of grapes (yay Costco sale!), candy hearts… peppermint patties… a dove heart. woops.

My shoes are PINK! But I wore my neon green flats this morning for 400’s. I love them, too!


Wow that is A LOT of Diet Coke LOL

Celebrity Crush – Selma Hayek
Lunch Today – Chipotle, I sure do love that place
Mile Repeats – What are those, too intense for me…
Color Shoes – Traditional black and white, havent bought any bright colors yet



Stana Katic from the show Castle is mine. (only guy posting)

Salad with grilled chicken on it. I wish I had something sweet but i ate enough valentines cookies for a year this last week at work.

My fav running shoes are currently a very bright orange. adidas adios.


Holy Diet Coke Batman!!! You’re awesome!


It might be weird but I have a celebrity crush on Joseph Gordon Levitt, I just think he would be so much fun to hang out with and dude had some serious muscles in Don Jon even if it was a horrible movie.

I had a couple cherry M&Ms after my lunch, wishing I had an oreo now too.

I love bright pink shoes!

Never have done mile repeats, sounds like something my running buddy would kill me if I suggested, I just finally talked her into hill training.


is all that Diet Coke for real??? and in your trunk?? Someone loves you!

my favorite running shoes are my Newton Gravity at the moment…they’re pink, blue and green.


Celebrity crush? Colin Firth – from the Pride and Prejudice days.

Lunch today was a cinnamon raisin english muffin with peanut butter on it and a granola bar. Nothing sweet after, though I have some chocolate calling my name now.

I can’t say when the last time I did a mile repeat workout, high school? I’m pretty good at not doing speedwork, which is why I’m pretty not fast.

My current favorite running shoes are pink, though purples are a close second!


I have the silliest crush on Michael Cera! I ate mac and cheese for lunch and had a rice krispie treat for a snack (haven’t had a rice krispie treat in far too long!). I just started doing repeats and am building myself up to mile repeats. I love my purple Brooks PureFlow 2s just like you!

Parenthood is an amazing show! Can’t for the current season to return.


I have never heard of the YOLO card game (should I be admitting this?) and am now curious.
My lunch consisted of a chicken curry lentil stew, followed by skittles. So yummy.
P.S. I am seriously impressed with the trunk of Diet Coke – perhaps they should sponsor you ;)


Celeb crush? Ian Somerhalder, for sure!!


I think your lunch looks and sounds good. I love bakes potatoes, but rarely make them. Then every time I eat them I think I should be making them more often. I had left over coconut curry for lunch:) I told Ross to take it to work for his lunch, but he forget it. There is no way I could eat something else when it was calling my name. Then it was followed by a giant chocolate chip cookie that my mom sent home with me yesterday. Twas a delicious lunch indeed.

I love that you guys saw Mer. Seeing her on your blog just makes my day. She is the cutest.

Injury then pregnancy means tt has been a loooooong time since I have done mile repeats. But I usually did 4. It will be such a glorious day when I can do speed work again. Though running just for fun has its definite perks.

I have a lot of celebrity crushes. I think it may give Ross a complex :/ They include, but are not limited to, the following: Jimmy Fallon, John Krasinski, Lee Pace (basically I just love and miss Pushing Daisies), Joseph Gordon Levitt, Ryan Reynolds, and Justin Timberlake


My celebrity crush is Dermot Mulroney, even though he is a lot older than I am. He’s just so sexy.
Lunch was a chicken fajita followed by some cherry m&ms. I always get depressed when the holiday candy runs out. It’s my fave.


that trunk picture is….AMAZING! I want a trunk that looks like that, lol.


My lunch was turkey on a Macrina bakery roll. I did have half of a Whole Foods chocolate and hazelnut biscotti after lunch.
I love bright color running shoes. Currently they are bright blue and purple both with green laces.


SO with you on just getting the hard stuff (like TRAINING) out of the way. Especially because going to the grocery store early in the mornings is my favorite. Have you been to Costco/Sam’s Club early in the morning on a weekday? It’s empty and it’s BLISS!

Also, your potato looks so dang good. Mostly because bbq + chicken sounds amazing right now…plus canned corn. That stuff’s the best.


Awwww, that picture of Mer talking to Brooke is so cute! Made me smile! :)

I love bright colored running shoes (and bright colored running clothes, too!), but I have to have certain shoes for certain things, so I don’t buy based on color. I’m just extra happy when they happen to be nice and bright!


Too bad that’s not Diet Dr. Pepper.


Whoa! You have a Diet Coke enabler! If you keep that up, we are going to stage an intervention =)


Loving my new pink Brooks Transcends!!!!!!!
I usually do 3/4 mile repeats when I run them. Mentally the toughest repeats for me to run.


My current running shoes are black, silver, and purple (Brooks adrenalines) and I feel tough when I look at them:) haha. I REALLY really love canned corn too! YUM!


Going to the grocery store early morning or going on Friday nights if you have nothing else to do. I hate waiting in line and if I’m doing nothing else…might as well.

You better Belieb who my celebrity crush is. Just kidding it’s Ryan Hall.


Ahh Mer! Any post with her just makes me smile!!


I am stuck on the diet coke picture…and thinking I need to raid that trunk…stat!


George Clooney and Matt Damon are my biggest celeb crushes. So dreamy :) All of my running shoes are pink so I guess that makes pink my favorite running shoe color? That diet coke trunk is hilarious!


haha, i was just asking myself this question the other day — JON HAMM!! OMG, so hot!!!


I’m lucky if I can make myself do more than two 1-mile repeats, definitely not my favorite thing to do.


Oh my gosh, that picture of your trunk! Hahahahaha #winning. I did an easy 4 miles this morning and let’s be honest, you ran 4 miles before I even ran 3.


I assume that’s paint with water for Brooke? Where did you find it? Those books are so hard to find nowadays!


I had leftover pad thai (not bad!) and a salad for lunch, and yes, I had something sweet! We had king cake at a work meeting.


I love doing hard runs early in the morning for the very same reason. It’s sometimes better if your body doesn’t know what’s coming. ;) I am loving your giant pile of Diet Coke; how perfect!


I love this…your love and enthusiasm are so cooigatnus. I used to love mile repeats. It is so exciting watching you romp through this training cycle…I can’t wait to see how the race unfolds!


Nooo get frozen corn! So much better for you than canned veggies :)


Wow! That is a ton of Diet Coke :) Haha I have a huge crush on Zac Efron – his eyes omigosh. I love Parenthood too – one of the best shows ever :) My lunch was a salad and a yogurt – but I got home and had a microwave muffin :) I don’t do mile repeats – once I build back up I will. My current shoes are purple Pure Cadences :)


I have the purple shirt you are wearing in pink and it is my favorite shirt EVER! I wear it at least 2-3 times per week.

Today I spun and did some pool running and then worked for the rest of the day. Busy day but now I am enjoying my time to relax with a good movie :)


Celebrity crush –> always and forever Zac Efron.

Lunch –> salad with broccoli, cauliflower, black beans, cottage cheese, and a boiled egg along with homemade tomato basil soup. The sweet part of lunch included a mini Hershey’s bar and part of a cherry blow pop (had to stop before my mouth looked vampire-esque).

Haven’t done mile repeats before, but I did do 4 800’s today with a 400, 300, 200, and 100!

Current fave running shoes –> Saucony Guide 7’s in gray, hot pink, and purple. so girly!!


zac efron forever!!


Yeah….that is a Lot of Diet Coke. Wow.


Also…it looks like you are moderating now. Kind of a bummer, probably people were not being particularly polite in their responses. I hope this helps. And of course, the ratio of love to obnoxious is out of this world. That should help, too. :)


OMG I love baked potatoes too! One of my favorite meals is steak, a baked potato, and green beans or broccoli. My lunch today was teriyaki chicken. And I did not have something sweet right after, which is really sad. But I did have cookie dough oreos after work!!!


Fav running shoe colour: Pink!! or something that looks super girly
Lunch: Kitchen sink bowl: julienned veggies w/ chicken sausage and fried egg over the top.
Something sweet: yep. I hit the Valentine’s clearance sale. My value card said I saved $33 on chocolate this week. I have a problem.


I did 2 mile posts yesterday, but I definitely need to be doing at least 3!

My favorite running shoes are blue :)

And lunch today was pasta, and yup and nice little chocolate (or 3) afterwards!


I posted about speedwork tonight too. Reading your post right before hitting the treadmill was very helpful. Thanks!!


love the diet coke present


Well, I was supposed to do 4 repeats today but I cut it down to three, with some warm-up cool down miles thrown in for a total of 7. I thought I was going to die from how hot the gym was today. I don’t know why I overheat so easily. Its super annoying!


Replace that diet coke with some diet dr. pepper and I’d love that present! I went on a four mile run outside today because the weather was perfect!


I can barely get through a meal without having something sweet after! Today was a Jimmy John’s sandwich delivered because I couldn’t escape the office, and a Larabar for dessert. SO yum.

My current favorite running shoes are any of my Mizuno’s. I just LOVE that shoe!


Brooke looks so grown up with her hair pulled back and that bow!! So cute!! :)
I had a leftover chipotle bowl for lunch. I had a chocolate chip cookie after!
My current fav pair of running shoes are mizuno sayonara.
Celebrity crush : Chris Evans. Have you looked at this photo? http://dbrytpurl09.deviantart.com/art/Chris-Evans-as-Steve-Rogers-Captain-America-308199606


First, I haven’t stopped by here for a while (I’ve been really slacking on reading blogs) and I can’t believe how grown up your daughter is now! Such a cutie!

I for one, think your meal looks delish! I’m a big fan of a healthy loaded potato and also early morning workouts. I’m usually done by 6am so I can get it in before work, but I can’t say that I run 10 miles before 6am. Definitely impressed!


Mer is adorable!!! I love how she’s also sporting purple. Love her.

Leonardo Di Caprio. Purple Brooks Pure Cadence.
And I really want to learn how to wake early. Even with three kids I’m not an early birdie.


Holy moly! That is a serious soda stash! I love hearing about your continual birthday. I think I need to do it your way, multiple days of birthday fun!


how early do you have to go to bed to be up so early?!


Haha love the bday presents! My celebrity crush is josh duhamel..oh my. Your lunch looked delicious! I had chicken and sautéed veggies!


I love finishing my workouts early in the morning too! When I do mile repeats I generally do 4-6… my workout this Thursday is 6 repeats at or under 6 minute pace – YIKES!

My current favorite running shoes are wicked colorful – yellow, orange, blue & green. They make me happy just looking at them! :)


I cracked up at the trunk full of diet coke!
I love getting workouts done early. They make me feel like I’ve accomplished so much that day.


Celebrity crush: Captain hook from once upon a time all the way!!!
I had an oober late breakfast, so my lunch was a mocha and brownie…hehe super healthy. I love sauconys. I bought a pair of brooks, pure cadence 2, hurt my feet! :(


Purple running shoes are the best! That and coral are my go to workout gear colors!


I hope those diet comes aren’t going to stay in the back of the car! That’ll be one fun mess to clean up once they freeze and thaw!


So you asked who my celebrity crush was and the first person who came to mind was Ryan Reynolds (NOT Gosling, unlike half of the running blogosphere, lol). I totally didn’t even know who my celebrity crush was until you asked that question!

I had homemade spinach artichoke pasta bake for lunch, chased by a caramel hot chocolate (semi-homemade). That’s what you get when you’re laid up! If I had a bag of Swedish fish on hand, I would have eaten all of those, too!


I always have something sweet after lunch and dinner and probably would for breakfast to if my breakfasts were savory…but nope, they are sweet.

I need to play YOLO!!!


I did a speed work session this Monday: 800m warm up, 1 mile race pace, 4 x 400m repeats, 2 x 800m then a final mile race pace before 800m cool down.

My favorite running shoes are the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 13’s so neon green and white!


What time do you go to bed?? How do you get up that early to run so often?

My favorite running shoes are bright green. They make me look so fast!

Yesterday, I had grilled cheese with salsa and an apple for lunch. It was pretty fantastic.


I thought of you when I saw this running shirt! Happy Belated Birthday!


Love the trunk of DC!


I love Leo Dicaprio and John Krazinki :)

My favorite running shoes are Mizuno Wave Rider 16s and mine are turqoise, pink, and black and I LOVE THEM!

Hm yesterday I had a Berry Berry smoothie from Just Fresh after my run and then I had greek yogurt with lots of granola in it and almonds!


I have sooo many celebrity crushes it is ridiculous…Ryan Gosling, Channing Tatum, Matt Damon, Jordy Nelson, just to name a few :)

My lunch yesterday was a grilled chicken snack wrap from McD’s. No sweets for me!

My current running shoes are aqua blue and black. I would have preferred pink, but they didn’t have any in stock at the time. Bummer!

Wow, all that diet coke gives me a stomach ache just looking at it. Yikes!


my current fave shoes are white with a reddish pink (brooks pure connect 3) but I see that they have a neon yellow one at Dick’s that will. be. mine.


That picture of Mer and Brooke pointing at her! Oh my goodness, it makes my heart melt!


Omg is that really your trunk with the Diet Cokes?!??!!! haha!


Celebrity crush….Ryan Gosling.

Haven’t had lunch just yet, but chances of something sweet are looking pretty good!!

I’m jealous of your pre-dawn workout. My legs couldn’t get going this morning so I stopped running after 2.2 miles. Somethin’s better than nothin!

My favorite running shoes are white, pink, and turquoise!


My Pureflows are my fave right now and they are purple!!!!!:)
I had a maple an on cupcake after lunch today..yum!!!


Celebrity crush………John Stamos, Kevin Bacon, Keith Urban, Mark Harmon, Michael Weatherly, Hunter Hayes, Chris Evans, Robert Downey, Jr……….this list could go forever!

Same sex celeb crush (everybody has em!)……..Jessica Biel (I feel like I am built like her, athletic and all………plus she has a sense of humor and she has Justin T!)


After running my first sub-2 half-marathon in purple Mizuno Wave Rider 15’s (best shoe ever), I’ve decided that purple makes me run faster and have invested in purple shirt, purple ear buds, and a purple visor.

So I say there’s no such thing as too much purple :-)


Holy diet coke lady~

*Quality performance apparel for men and women-http://expertbrand.com*

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