No race this weekend.

Missing races is never fun BUT there will always be another race.  Over the last year I have had a lot of great races and PRs and I know I’ll be back at it again.  I have finally realized how important it is to take care of my body and how doing that is way more important than just one race.  I’ll probably be able to start doing some easy running next week but it just wouldn’t be smart for me to race this weekend.  My calves are a lot better but not where they should be. Sub 3 at the UV Marathon is my number one goal this year and I just really don’t want to mess that up by hurting myself worse this weekend.

A few years ago when I would get injured and I was forced to skip a race it made me realllllllly sad. To the point my mom would have to take me for ice cream everyday and listen to me complain.  I am disappointed that I won’t be running Saturday because we have trained hard and I think I could have had a really great race but I am okay with it.  I have gotten to the point that I realize that injuries are kind of part of the game (not that I didn’t make a lot of mistakes in my training but the risk of injuries increases when you are doing higher mileage and lots of speed work ((which is kind of what it takes for me to get faster)) and running isn’t going anywhere.  I will be able to do it again soon.

As Kara Goucher says, “Running isn’t going to tuck you in at night.”

We really can’t let our happiness depend on our running performance.  A lot of running/racing is out of our control and we just have to realize that.  It is something that we love to do but there are a lot more WAY more important things in our lives… 

This girl.   

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PS I moved my Phoenix tickets to go the following weekend so that I will be able to take Brooke with me so that she can play with her cousins and stay for a few days… if I was still to go this weekend I would only see my brother for 24 hours.  Not enough time.  I really want to hear how everyone does at the race this weekend though… I expect detailed reports.  


I learned something important today.  My sister is terrified of deer. She thought that hiding behind the pole would save her from them.  

They were across the street.  

Very scary.

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We went on a walk to go enjoy the 50 degree weather (this NEVER happens in Utah when it is February).

We walked past my old Jr. High and the track where I used to have track practice.  I only did track in 9th grade but it was a good time.

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Brooke’s really into string cheese lately.  The only problem is that she just bites into it and doesn’t pull the cheese apart like you are supposed to.  Does anyone else eat their string cheese like that?

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Sometimes Bangs Friend sends me snapchats like this one.  One of the things I miss the most about California—>  Bangs Friend making at least 6 amazing meals a week for me.  I need to find a way to get her and her husband to move to Utah.  I would even let them live in the our spare bedroom.  I am sure they would be thrilled about that.  

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Did you run track/cross country in jr. high, high school or college?

What sports did you do in school?

-One year track, one year cheer and 3 years of tennis.

What races have you had to miss?

Any animals that you are really afraid of?

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I didn’t run track at all in high school, just cross country in middle school but I really wish I had! I played soccer instead (which does have a lot of running ;)

I debated missing my race this past weekend because it was -30 degrees Celsius but I am so glad I stuck it out because it was a great race. Super proud of you for listening to your body – there will always be another race!


Missing a race is a def bummer, but I hope you are more than back to 100% for your marathon :-).

I started to run a race and made it less than 1/4 mile and had to stop. I cried so much.

That breakfast looks amazing!


I did track and cross country but not until my Junior year in HS and I haven’t stopped running since :)!!! Until then I did everything else. When I was young I did gymnastics for about 4 years…I still LOVE watching it! In 6th grade I tried cheerleading..totally not for me. Then I did volleyball for a few years. I also did basketball from 7-10th grade and loved it and softball 9 and 10th grade :)…like I siad…I kinda did it all. Track and XC were my favorites though…kinda wish I would have found them earlier! Funny thing is that both my kids are into soccer and that is one sport I never did.
I HATE mice!


Sorry to hear you have to miss your race, but I am loving your attitude and optimism about it!

Ahhh, hasn’t it just been incredibly gorgeous the last few days?! I’m totally digging this weather. I hope it keeps up!

I love that you still stay in touch with Bangs Friend. If we end up having to move to AZ, that’s one thing I’m really sad/anxious about…leaving my friends. Friends are friends no matter where we are though, right? That’s what I keep telling myself. ;)


I had to miss the Seaside half marathon this past Sunday because i have a stress fracture in my ankle. i could cry! and it hurts like crazy and i’m sick of it! at 51 i worry about losing my fitness level, how long will it take to build back etc. oh well.

i’m signed up for another half in September and hopefully i’ll be ok by then.

As far as animals i’m afraid of, lets just say i have a very healthy respect for racoons. I keep my distance when i come across them. Oh and coyotes (can you tell i live in L.A.)?


I did soccer, basketball, softball, and swimming in high school. I’ve had to miss three races, only one was I okay with (terrible flooding that weekend). I’m TERRIFIED of spiders, even tiny ones, ever since we found a deadly one in my garge that tried to touch me.


Basketball from 4th-11th grade
Soccer until 6th grade
Softball 7-8th grade

I am afraid of bears when we go camping. So we rent a cabin now.

I was going to do a half last week, but I knew I wasn’t ready, so I skipped.


I eat my string cheese like that! My husband thinks I’m weird. It’s a texture thing.


I had to skip a race a few weeks ago even though i wanted to run REALLY bad. Your sub 3 is the main goal so you made the right choice. Your suppose to pull string cheese a part, no way that is right, I’m with Brooke on this one…

Run track/cross country – No, but i should have
Sports – Golf, Basketball, Soccer, Baseball
Races Missed – Fiance ran the Lost Dutchman 10K a few weekends ago, I wanted to run with her REALLY bad, ITB pain kept me out of that one. It was the right choice.
Animals – Shark, there is something about the teeth that just terify me.


You are wise Janae. Running a race this weekend really wouldn’t do much for you. I mean maybe you would get an awesome time but if you injured yourself further then it would have not made sense. I used to be the same way but now have realized that you it’s better to rest then run through pain.

I swam in high school and 3 years of college. I ran 3 years of cross country (somewhat since I battled so many injuries)…


I was on the basketball team in grade 7.


This is such a great post! I think all of us runners can agree it’s tough to find the positive side to not being able to do what we love, but there ARE positive things like you mentioned. There will be MANY more races, and you will be back stronger than ever! I missed a 5K last summer because I was really sick, it wasn’t a big race or a big deal, but I was still bummed about it.

I HATED to run in high school! I never went out for track, but I played volleyball and basketball all 4 years. Basketball was my passion, and I was never a fan of doing a ton of running for conditioning. Funny how things change! There’s a picture out there that says “Runners, we suck at basketball.” It cracks me up because I can never manage make my water cup into trash can toss during a race! Thanks to all the volunteers who pick up my mess :)


I”m TERRIFIED of lizards. Like, if one were in my house I’d just let it have it. Not worth it to me. They FREAK me out.

I did track one year and was terrible. Tennis two years and was terrible.

Brooke gets cuter and cuter every day. And her tiny little braid is just adorable. She’s got the right idea on the cheese though, I usually take the first bite and then start to pull the cheese apart in strings afterwards. Only way to do it! :)


I did track in 9th and golf all the other years. I was easily the worst girl on the golf team, but the girls out for it were so much fun, so I didn’t really care that I was better at other things back then.

I had to skip a half this weekend because of a twinge. :(

Mice. I used to live above an Italian restaurant, and those little critters love the scent of lasagna during winter months.


My SIL eats string cheese like that and my brother and I tease her mercilessly about it. Drives us crazy! Enjoy the weather–I think we switched, it was -8 this morning in Indiana :(


BF’s snapchat brought just one thing to mind: how much I miss mango!!! The ones we get in Texas (even the organic ones) are NOTHING compared to SoCal mangos.


The only race I couldn’t run wasn’t an injury. It was the NYC marathon that was cancelled after hurricane sandy.
But in 2011 I sprained my ankle the beginning of August and was in the middle of training for my first marathon that November. I had to miss many long runs and 2 solid weeks of no running two separate times and my marathon was tough!! I was about 30 min slower than I had anticipated.

I am afraid of any animal at night but in the day not so much.


I’ve eaten string cheese like that when I’m in a hurry but much prefer to pull apart the strings.
Squirrels freak me out a little, and snakes give me the hebbie-jebbies!


I ONLY eat my string cheese by biting it. Go Brooke!!


I’m so sorry you have to miss your race. I just had foot surgery and it has taught me that we must take care of our bodies!


I missed a Fourth of July race last year. I drove out to the race, but I started feeling bad on the drive over and never got out of my car. It felt so weird to skip, but I wouldn’t have had a good time if I stayed.

Too funny that your sister is scared of deer! But then again, I shouldn’t talk because I have a fish phobia. Their gills just freak me out!


I’ve signed up for 3 races and only had to skip 1 of them due to a stress fracture. I had the same reasoning behind it as you did- I wanted to do well at my half coming up and didn’t want to injure myself any more! Jealous of your weather… it’s -2 in Bozeman today :(


Those pancakes…….good grief! That’s just torture that she sends that to you haha.

I’m weirdly afraid of kangaroos…I’ve never seen one before but I just know if I came face-to-face with one I’d be TERRIFIED!


I am not a fan of deer either! I don’t really like the way they move!
In H.S I played golf all 4 years in middle school it was Volleyball. I never ran track but I really wish I did! I had to miss my first 1/2 that I trained for, I was depressed forever but seen realized it was the best for my body!


I want to eat that french toast!!


Thank you so much for this post. I’m nursing a calf injury also and only 8 weeks out from Boston. I’ve found that lately I’ve counted on running to determine my happiness, and Kara’s right: it doesn’t tuck you in at night. Something I am working on!


I wish I had been able to run track/cc in HS but I was homeschooled and while I didn’t think about it then looking back I wish I had had the opportunity. I have had to miss two races so far this year due to injury and push back my first 1/2 marathon to one that is two weeks later then I was planning. And nope not really scared of any animals.


I don’t know if I could be friends with someone who sent me pictures like that.


I am so sorry about the race! It is so hard to put your body first and not run, I am very proud of you! I was supposed to run Nike Women’s Half, their first in DC, last April and hurt my knee and had to wear a small brace. I knew that I could run it, but I was determined to PR and PR by a lot and I couldn’t do that with a brace. Eat a frozen yogurt on Saturday and know that you made the right decision.

I threw the javelin my senior year of high school and loved it. It was more social than anything, but it was fun!

I’m scared of creepy crawly bugs, spiders and snakes. I basically run through the Reptile House at the zoo when my daughter forces me to go in! :)


I know it was a tough decision, but it was the right one. I think it shows strength and maturity J!

And Bangs needs to just become a chef–and send food all over the world to blog friends. :)


I was training for the Santa Barbara Marathon this past fall and originally downgraded to the half before pulling out of the race all together because I was struggling with the WORST anemia of my life. I was so disappointed because I was hoping to get a faster seed time for Boston but the time off and recovery from that is what prompted me to start blogging! So overall I think it worked out for the better :)


You are so awesome for listening to your body and putting your ultimate goals first. There WILL always be another race. :)

I am beyond terrified of spiders and snakes. I sometimes see snakes in the trail where I run and I literally freeze…sometimes to the point where I forget to pause my Garmin!!! :0


I’ll go with you to get ice cream this weekend if you want ;) But seriously. Hit me up.
I ran 3 years of cross country in high school. It was a love/hate relationship. I always liked it at first but then never wanted to stick it out through the end of the season, but my dad always made me and I was always glad I did.


I am terrified of spiders. Gross gross gross.

I have had to miss a half marathon and two marathons for injury/burnout (usually I get burnt out, wont stop running, and voila!! An injury happens)

I ran track and cross country sophomore year of high school. Then I quit track and just did xc through senior year. I did track and cross country freshman year of college, then I quit track and just did cross country through senior year (and HATED it. I am NOT a racer but I was in love with one of the boys who did cross country so I stuck it out. It didnt work out between us). Then I started to do track during my masters since I had eligibility left, and I quit again. Can you tell track was not my favorite? I can train for about 2 months then I get burnt out and need time (as in months) off running, so track was way to long of a season and I never trained during the summer for cross country so I could make it through the season.


I ran track in high school but I wasn’t very good.

I love the picture of the deer. I love animals and I’ve actually seen deer while running in Florida, I swear. You have no idea how rare that is. I see peacocks, turtles, emus and egrets every single day in my neighborhood but a deer is just epic!


I’m jealous of your weather! I’m sorry you can’t race this weekend but impressed, as always, by your attitude:)


I haven’t ran since Saturday because my hip has been bothering me and I am so depressed over it. I know I need to but it is killing me not going and running


I was on the track team, but I pole vaulted, which was way more fun than running! I played soccer all through high school and college too.

I’m only afraid of deer when they do things like stand on my porch and block the front door… Or run in front of my car. I have a totally irrational crippling fear of mice though!


Track for two years in middle school and then track and cross country for a year and a half in college. I did mostly discus and shot put in middle school though.

I’ve never had to miss a race, but I trained ridiculously hard for my second half marathon and got a serious cold a week before….turns out it was bronchitis. I ran the race anyway and wheezed for HOURS after. Was off from my goal by seven minutes or so. Soo bummed.


I ran track and cross country in high school, definitely got me started as a runner.

I have only missed one 5k, because I was at the beginning of a relationship and I chose to spend time with the dude instead of running. In hindsight I should have chosen the race ;)


I’ve had to miss a half marathon and a 10-miler, and it stung, but I knew it was best. I’m hoping I can run my half a week from Sunday, fingers crossed! I was super into my varsity volleyball team in high school.


I ran cross country and track all four years in high school. Since then (13 years) my running has been hit or miss in consistency but am determined to get back to it. I have signed up for 3 half marathons this year to keep me motivated.

I had to skip the Portland Half Marathon last year due to being sick. Although it was frustrating since I had signed up a year in advance for it, I think it was a good decision. I ended up in the hospital the next day regardless and would hate to think what would have happened if I had pushed myself to run.

In terms of string cheese eating, I use both methods. At home I tend to pull it apart but when I eat it at my desk I keep it together. Tastes great both ways!


First, awe J, that’s a bummer you missing Phx Half. I was positive that with the course and elevation, it was almost a guaranteed PR!. I do wish you get better soon. Positive vibes your way for sure. It takes a lot to realize that you just don’t have it, don’t wanna push it and need to take the time to get better. Props!!! Btw, since you’re still coming to AZ next week, what’s the chance of a tweet up? Or a shake down run for those who are running this weekend? Especially with an awesome, chill, positive vibe running group headed by a laid back hawaiian who is running his first marathon this weekend?! We probably won’t be able to keep up with your olympic pace, but we promise you a great time and some of the most awesome scenery and views that might just rival your Utah ones… Think about it! =) Stay blessed, stay fierce!


Basketball, swimming, tennis, cross country skiing, Downhill skiing.

I missed doing a tri last summer. I spent the money on a tri bike and a GPS watch so I couldn’t justify spending more to enter the race. I just did it on my own.


It’s a good thing your sister doesn’t live here, because we have about six deer that live in our backyard.

Tell Brooke that I eat string cheese the same way she does! :-)


Brooke & I could be string cheese besties – I eat mine the same way!

& I hope you recover fast & are back in your running shoes in no time! I’m sure your smart choices now will pay off when you cross the finish line of that marathon in record time!! :)


I didn’t do any sports in high school. Or really ever. It is my biggest regret about school. I am terrified of most animals in the wild. I just don’t trust them!


Yup! I ran XC and track in high school and I’m hoping to run for college next year!

2 years of cross country (how I fell in love with running) and 1 of track

I had to miss my first ever half marathon last year but I got injured 2 weeks before…

Killer whales! I shake… it’s bad… No Shamu show at Seaworld for me


i ran track in high school, but sometimes i would get disqualified when i ran around the hurdles instead of over them. You know, sometimes i wasnt feeling it.

Brooke is looking like such a little woman! her BRAID!!!!


Yes I eat my string cheese just like Brooke. Sometimes I’m just to hungry to wait;)
Good for you listening to your body. And a few days with your brother and Brooke sounds better than 24 hours.
On a random note, I now have a cafe rio within 30 mins of me! Opening day was today. We went and it was as amazing as I remember.


I ran track for a year but hated running. I only did it for the social aspect at the track meets. I was a cheerleader until my senior year, when I decided not to try out and traveled around the country on a competition dance team (an excellent decision).


I ran track from middle school through college with a failed season of XC hidden in there someplace. I also played volleyball.

I’m terrified of butterflies. They taste with their feet and that is just WRONG.


I cheered all four years :) I love that picture of Brooke and the string cheese, she looks like she’s contemplating big things out the door ahha


Hi Janae–sorry to hear you had to cancel your race this weekend :( You are being smart but I know it’s tough. I am glad you can go next weekend and have some fun/family time!

Do you have some type of injury to your calves or is it just really tight muscles that need to recover?

In HS, I was a cheerleader for 4 years and I am really afraid of birds.


I very rarely eat string cheese in strings. I tend to eat it quickly in my break in between seeing clients, so I eat it in 3 big bites.


I know they’re insects, not animals, but I’m terrified of bees & hornets! Eeek!

Sorry you have to miss your race — take care of yourself! You’ll be back at it in no time :)


I think ALL children eat string cheese like that. SO weird. lol.

Those pancakes from Bangs look AWESOME. I LOVE warm mango on pancakes or in oatmeal.

I’ve had to miss a couple of marathons……my twin sister always steps in and runs them for me. I did a half marathon this past weekend. Not happy w/how it turned out, but it’s a learning lesson.

I hate all animals…..but particularly birds, squirrels and cats. The birds and squirrels in DC come up to you begging for food. SICK.


My husband eats his string cheese like that! Come on!


I eat my string cheese like that too! I thought it was normal!


Basketball/cheerleading in grade school

Volleyball in HS.

I am terrified, TERRIFIED of horses.


I haven’t missed any races so far since I’ve only be running for a year, but I have switched from longer distances to shorter distances. I did that this weekend actually. I switched from the half marathon to the 5k since I was sick this week and it’s been so cold!


So sorry about your race, you are making the wise but very hard decision. I admire you for it. I am also scared of deer when I run, I stop and hope they hurry up and move.
I ran CC in high school. I’ve had to miss MCM last year.


Yes – I ran three years of track in sprints/hurdles. Now I coach that :-)

I also played soccer in high school.

I had to miss one race because of a scheduling conflict, but last year I had to pull out of the Ottawa Race Weekend 10K because of a serious case of DOMS :-(


Cross country runner right here! Also soccer and basketball in high school.

I think that’s the correct way to eat string cheese, saves time :)

And raccoons are super creepy!


I had to miss the marathon I wanted to run in May due to injury. I am on the mend but it would have been smart for what I was looking to do. Looks like you have a great attitude about it and are focusing on what is important! Good for you :)


I’m a middle school cross country and track coach, so I get to help all of those young runners out there (Seriously, we had 90 kids on the cross country team and 150 kids on track). Since I’m a school psych, I am also able to help support my “special friends” so they can participate in a team activity to their hearts content! THey are so proud of themselves when they get to throw on that track sweatshirt!

I also hate spiders, p.s.


smart move woman! praying for the quick recovery. xoxo


I only ran track in elementary school and then hated running all through high school. Then I fell in love with it in my 20s. I had to miss the Seattle Rock n Roll Half last year because I ended up in a teaching contract for the entire training period leading up to it that was at an inner city school and incredibly draining. I just couldn’t keep up with the teaching and the training at the same time. I’m facing the same balancing challenge right now, but my class this year is eons easier to teach so I still have energy at the end of the work day. We go through seasons, right?

And I’m scared of horses. Because I know they want to bite me.


Hang in there HRG, you’re doing the right thing! Keep up your positive thinking. And eat an extra apple fritter.

I’m like Brooke, I just eat the cheese stick straight up. Aint nobody got time to pull n peel (<–speaking of which, pull n peel twirlers I eat like a cheese stick too! I know I know)

Growing up I danced, played soccer, then when high school hit I found my love for volleyball!!! And years later, I'm still playing! Sand and recreational, but still. I love it.


I am just like your sweet little girl I bite right into my string cheese and always have. I loved your part about not letting our happiness be determined by our running success, I struggled with this a lot before and just recently have been able to get back into running feeling no pressure to run certain times, etc. and it feels great! (Best wishes for a speedy recovery from your injury though!) I ran both track and cross country in high school and college, iron anemia kept me out of the state meet my junior year and I was DEVASTATED.. BUT the next year I had the best season, I was more motivated than ever to just run as fast as I could remembering the time when I couldn’t.
Also, I’m terrified of snakes. Ehh. Yuck.


Brooke, I’m with you, you adorable girl! I’m too impatient to eat my string cheese by pulling it apart. I just bite it and close my eyes at how good the processed cheese tastes as a snack :) :)


Haha no! String cheese MUST be shredded before eating. And :( so sorry about the race but you’re doing the right thing!


Hi there!
Thank you so much for your post about missing your race due to injury. I missed the SF Kaiser Half after training too fast and too hard and suffered my first injury ever: Plantar Fasciitis : (
It happened 10 days before the race (of course). Then I was in total denial about taking time off. Ran some and felt so happy then paid for it with more pain. Finally went to PT and she gave me great tips about working on core strength building while taking time off running. I honestly don’t know how much longer I can go without running because I rather run with some pain than not but I am so happy that I am foam rolling, stretching and strength training.
You are AWESOME and my youngest who is 19 months totally reminds me of your little rock star Brooke.


So sorry about your race. I can relate though. I will not be racing this weekend either due to a ankle injury (right foot) and calf injury (left leg) that just crept up the past 2 weeks. This will be the first race where I will have to bow out and it really makes me depressed and sad. But I keep telling myself there will be other races and need to look at things long term.

I am really afraid of bears. I encountered one when hiking in Alaska. Very scary…


sad, I’ll miss seeing you this weekend!! but good for you for listening to your body and remembering your long term goal. I know our paths will cross in phx or cali again soon. heal up xx


In Brooke’s defense, most toddlers don’t have enough dexterity and strength in their fingers to pull apart string cheese!


Needed to hear this post. I tore my calf muscle in September and after four physiotherapy appointments and two sports massages I am only now able to run 5 miles without unusual cramping. Guard those calves with your life!

I felt super low for a long time because I had signed up for a race I really, really wanted to do but now I can’t. Rationally, I know it’s not THAT important but somehow it helps to hear that this disappointment is part of the sport. That you just have to get through it, like speed work ;).


Id never considered running competitively until about 1 year ago and completed my first 10K last June.

Up until then I had only really played soccer at a decent level.

Also, Im on team Brooke. No messing around, just eat that cheese!


I ran track in high school, cheerleading, flag corps, student council…

I am terrified of snakes


I’m also battling one of those not-really-an-injury-but-still-enough-to-keep-us-from-running things. I was in denial for a couple days, but now I have succumbed to the fact that it is what it is. Should we start a support group?

I missed my goal race last year when I was injured… luckily this time around I don’t think its a real injury and I don’t have any races it’ll interfere with.


Great blog here! Also your site so much up very fast! What web host are you the use of? Can I get your affiliate hypnrliek on your host? I desire my website loaded up as quickly as yours lol.


If you are a Nordtroms lover, you NEED to go to Last Chance in Phoenix! It is basically Nordstrom Rack Outlet! The only one in the world! All Nordstrom stuff just waaaaaaaay cheaper! I got designer boots last year there for 15 bucks!


I am really afraid of rats and mice. They skeeve me out BIG TIME.

I am really proud of you for knowing your own self SO WELL that you will not risk hurting yourslef just for a race–Props to you bc that can be a difficult thing to know.

I actually never did track in HS but in hindsight i WISH i would have! :)


I just had to pull out of a half that I was scheduled to run due to a knee/hip injury. It is so frustrating, but I have another race in May that I always look forward to, and am really hoping to be back in the game soon.

I read something (in Runner’s World maybe?) and I forget the exact wording, but it was to the effect of…having to take time off for an injury may cause you to take a little longer to get to the finish line of your next race, but if you keep trying to run through an injury, you may never get to the start line. I keep trying to remind myself of that! Feel better!


So sorry to hear that you had to miss your race, but it sounds like you will be back out there in no time!

I am really afraid of goats (miniature goat drama at a petting zoo when I was really young). And I am not even able to look at a picture of a spider without feeling complete terror.

I always take big bites out of string cheese. I am a big cheese fan and find that little strings just are not satisfying at all. I fully support Brooke’s technique. :)


I played volleyball and track in HS.
I’m afraid of Mt. Lions, not that I have ever seen one outside of a zoo, but I live in Nebraska and there are sightings all the time and they just scare me. Also, bats, don’t really like them either.


That is hilarious that your sister is afraid of deer! What does she think they will do? I’m not particularly afraid of animals unless they are in my house. Like a mouse outside is fine; a mouse in my basement is terrifying.

I ran track and played soccer in high school, but only for Freshman and Sophomore years. Then I was a sports slacker.


I’m skipping my 15-mile cross-country race this Saturday, too. I’m bummed about it, but I’ve had pain in my Achilles for a while and I think I’d ruin my running for the rest of the beautiful Spring here in England if I over-do it this weekend. I’ve got two half marathon in the next two months, so I’ll save up and heal. Good luck– I will try pool running– maybe that will keep my head in the game while my running shoes take a rest!


I ran track for 1 day in High School :) My main sports were tennis and soccer! I used to hate running actually- so crazy!


Aw man! I was looking forward to stalking….I mean finding you at the race. It’s a good one to miss. 100% chance of rain! Yikes! My friend broke her wrist and is still going to run the race. Can you believe that crazy running nut?! I live in Gilbert, AZ, but will be in Las Vegas the next weekend. So, I guess no chance of running into ya! :(


So far I have ran 1 year of cross country and 1 year of basketball. In the spring I will do track then repeat those 3 for the next 3 years! That is too bad you can’t race this weekend but you’re making the right decision. One race isn’t worth putting your body through that when you’re not ready for it!


i’m sorry you have to miss your race this weekend, but you’re definitely making the right decision for your body. you’re going to have a faster and stronger race next time because of this short break from running! :)

i ran a year of track in jr. high, but ironically, i didn’t fall in love with running until after college :)


I’m sorry that you have to miss your race, but I am hopeful that you will be back to 100% sooner because of it!


Yum! That french toast looks awesome!

In high school my main sport was volleyball, but I wish I would have played tennis or done more running, since it’s pretty hard to pull together enough people + a net to play volleyball post-high school.


So sorry you’ll have to miss your race girl :( That was a really smart decision though!

Never ran track, I grew up as a swimmer who despised running! I know, unbelievable.


Listen to this awesome attitude you have lady :) You’re growing, that sub 3 marathon is HAPPENING


I was eating string cheese just the other day, and thinking how weird it would be to eat it just biting it off! Sometimes my mom eats it that way, but not too often!


My 3 year old son eats string cheese the same way and so does my 5 year old. They look at me like I have two heads when I say you are supposed to pull it apart. Oh and in high school I played 4 years of field hockey (fall) and soccer (spring)…no winter sports!


I did a little cross-country in junior high.

I missed a marathon on Superbowl Sunday due to sciatica (couldn’t run for about two months! waaahhh!) , but I’ll be racing in the Hot Chocolate 15K in Seattle this Sunday! Hang in there, Janae! There’s always another race on the horizon! I’ll race in your honor on Sunday. (and eat chocolate for you, too!)

I really do not like mice/rodents….I will run in the opposite direction. Snakes also make me uncomfortable…..


you are rocking your healing! It’s great to have an example of someone who’s taking real stock of their body and not just “pushing through”!


Missing a race isn’t fun I’m sure, but way to go for doing what is best to take care of yourself.

That Brooke is adorable…that is for sure!

* for quality performance apparel!*

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